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Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Grade: __________________________________________

● For both parts I and II the total maximum points is 90. Students are given 10 points for free.
● Timing: 35 minutes
PART ONE _ (65 points)

A. Choose from the missing sentences A-H the one which best fits each gap 1-7. There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use. 35p

A. These build up during the day, eventually reaching levels that make us tired.
B. There are all sorts of theories about why we dream.
C. Going without it can have some very strange effects.
D. Dreams can have very frightening results indeed.
E. Injured animals certainly spend more time asleep than usual while their wounds are healing.
F. That way they are more alert for the tricky business of landing.
G. They have discovered that when we first drop off everything slows down.
H. Yet nobody knows why we do it.

Kip, nap, doze, forty winks, shut-eye and snooze are all expressions we use to describe that
mysterious state, sleep. We all do it, we can’t get by without it and by the time we reach old age most of
us have spent 20 years sleeping.
1) ………
Most scientists reckon that by resting our bodies, we allow time for essential maintenance work
to be done. Any damage that there is can be put right more quickly if energy isn’t being used up doing
other things. 2) ……. And quite a few illnesses make us feel drowsy so our body can get on with curing us.
Sleep is controlled by certain chemicals. 3)……. We can control the effects of these chemicals to some
extent. Caffeine helps to keep us awake while alcohol and some medicines make us sleepy.
By using electrodes, scientists are able to study what goes on in people’s heads while they sleep.
4) …… The heart beats more slowly and our breathing becomes shallow. After about 90 minutes our eyes
start to twitch and we go into what is called REM sleep. REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement, and it is a
sign that we’ve started to dream.
You have dreams every night, even if you don’t remember them. 5)…… One is that it gives the
brain a chance to sort out the day’s activities, filing everything away in the right place. Another is that
the brain gets bored while we’ve asleep and organizes its own entertainment – a sort of late-night
A lot of people say they have to eight hours’ sleep every night while others seem to manage on
a lot less. One thing’s for sure, we all need some sleep. 6)……….. An American disc-jockey, who stayed
awake for 200 hours to raise money to charity, thought things were bursting into flames all around him
after 120 hours without sleep. He survived the ordeal but was depressed for three months afterwards.
Humans are unusual in the way they sleep. Most animals have a sleep during the day and tests
have shown that a siesta can be beneficial for us too. It’s even been recommended that airline pilots
should have a nap during long flights. 7)…….
So next time you nod off after Sunday lunch in front of the telly, don’t feel embarrassed about it.
Science, after all, is on your side.

B. Read the text and decide which word A, B, C or D best fits each space. An example (0) is given at
the beginning. 30p
0 A domestic B public C government D state

Australia Day which is a national (0) public holiday, is 1) ________________ on January 26th in
the middle of the Australian summer. It commemorates the 2) _____________________ of Sydney in
Australia Day is a 3) _____________________ day, and many families go out for a picnic. Some
people go to the beach where they go surfing or sunbathe, but the 4) _____________________ of
Sydney 5) ____________ for The Rocks, the oldest 6) ___________________ of Sydney and the site of
the first colonial settlement. The Rocks, which 7) _________________ Sydney Harbour is packed on this
way. Parades with brass 8) _________________ march through the narrow 9) ____________ and
hundreds of small boats 10) ________________ part in races in the harbor.
Whenever people go, it is 11) _____________________ to have a barbeque and drink beer. The
traditional 12) _______________ is Pavlova, a sweet cake made of meringue with fruit on the top, and
damper, a bread made of flour, water and sugar and cooked in the fire.
The festivities in Sydney 13) ______________ with a huge firework 14) _______________. The
yellows, blues and greens light up the night sky and fall like shooting stars into the water 15)
____________. It is a memorable sight.

1. A performed B enjoyed C held D celebrated

2. A achievement B foundation C beginning D creation
3. A family B household C domestic D familiar
4. A tenants B neighbours C visitors D residents
5. A go B start C head D aim
6. A part B place C region D section
7. A glimpses B views C overlooks D observes
8. A groups B bands C orchestras D musicians
9. A avenues B ways C roads D streets
10. A take B make C play D have
11. A ordinary B regular C general D usual
12. A course B food C meal D plate
13. A stop B complete C end D halt
14. A exhibition B demonstration C show D display
15. A below B under C down D underneath
PART TWO____________________________________________________________________ 25 points

C. Do you remember a particular dream? What makes it memorable? Is it a recurring dream or a

nightmare? Write the story of your dream (200-250 words).

BAREM de corectare


PARTEA I………………………………………………………………………………………… 60 p
I……………………………………………………………………………………………. 30p (7x4.3)

1H, 2E, 3A, 4G, 5B, 6C, 7F

II……………………………………………………………………………………………...30p (15x2)

1D, 2B, 3A, 4D, 5A, 6C, 7C, 8C, 9D, 10A, 11D, 12C, 13C, 14C, 15A

PARTEA II…………………………………………………………………………………………….30p

III. ………………………………………………………..………………………………………………30p

Corectitudine gramaticala (10p)

- folosirea timpului trecut simplu/ continuu; perfect simplu (5)

- folosirea corespunzatoare a adverbelor de timp (5)
Adecvarea vocabularului (5- folosirea vocabularului din sfera tematica
sleeping and night’s dreams (5)

Coerenta si coeziunea textului (5p)

- succesiunea logica a ideilor (2.5)

- folosirea conjunctiilor si complexitatea enunturilor (2.5)

Realizarea sarcinii (10p)

- argumentarea ideilor/ optiunilor facute (7.5)

- respectarea subiectului (2.5)

Nota: se acorda 10 puncte din oficiu

CompetenŃe 3.2.
corespunzătoa Selectarea, 3.4. Deducerea, 4.1. Să scrie
re din mai multe pe baza relatări simple
nivelurilo 3.1 Recunoașterea texte citite, a contextului, a ale unor
r legăturii logice (de tip unor semnificaţiei
taxonomi cauză-efect) între informaţii
ce secvenţele unui text relevante, ntelor trecute şi
citit necesare necunoscute experienŃe
pentru dintr-un text citit personale
Teme/ realizarea
ConŃinuturi/ unei sarcini
Concepte- de lucru
cheie/ UnităŃi
Universul 10 10
personal: gusturi
si preferinte 20

timpuri verbale 20
(trecut simplu,
prezent perfect,
trecut perfect)
Vocabular 20
- Pluralul
Functii 10
-A exprima o
personalitate, un

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