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As a teacher, what extra-curricular activities you engaged so that you can learned more and have
more knowledge about diversity.

As a teacher, I am committed to continuous learning and professional development, and I

recognize the value of extracurricular activities in expanding my knowledge and understanding
of diversity.

One extracurricular activity that I engage in is attending conferences and workshops that
focus on diversity and inclusion. These events provide opportunities to learn from experts in the
field, explore new perspectives and strategies, and network with other educators who share my
interest in promoting diversity and equity.

I also make an effort to seek out diverse perspectives in my own reading and research. I
read books and articles that explore different cultures, experiences, and identities, and I make
sure to include materials from a range of authors and voices. This helps me to broaden my
understanding of diversity and to develop more inclusive teaching practices.

Another way that I engage in extracurricular activities related to diversity is by

participating in community events and organizations that promote multiculturalism and social
justice. This includes attending cultural festivals, volunteering with local advocacy groups, and
connecting with community leaders who are working to create a more equitable society.

By engaging in these extracurricular activities, I am able to deepen my knowledge and

understanding of diversity, as well as to develop more effective strategies for promoting
inclusivity and equity in my teaching practice. This ultimately benefits my learners by creating a
more inclusive and culturally responsive learning environment that celebrates diversity and
empowers all students to succeed.

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