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Honorable the juries of speech contest

Honorable the committees of speech contest

Honorable the participants of speech contest

Standing over here, I would like to give my greatest thanks to

Alloh the

almighty, who has been giving me and you all his mercies and
blessing. So we

can gather in this nice occassion in a good health.

Sholawat and salam may be upon our beloved prophet

Muhammad SAW, who

has brought a lightness through Islamic religion in this earth.

Thanks for the opportunity, so I can deliver my speech in front

of you all today.

The tittle of my speech today is “THROW THE RUBBISH IN ITS


We are students of junior high school and as next generation

for our parents,

teachers, society and country, we are expected to be better

and to bring
brighter future.

Young people in the future will be the offspring of their parents, that's for sure,

but what kind of youth?

Well, before I hope, I want to ask if you?

put your trash in the trash.

If you look at it briefly, it is a trivial matter and means nothing.

For example, someone throws banana peels on the garbage road,

they are just banana peels, they will rot later. and can break quickly.

At first glance it is trivial, but if someone steps on a banana peel and

causes injury, it is not trivial, but very harmful to other people and hurts that

How will a nation change in the hands of youth if rubbish is not

thrown away the right place

How can it play of role in the future if now, throwing away

rubbish is something that is considered trivial

So come on all friends

Throw rubbish in the trash because it becomes a good habit, so

we can keep the environment even cleaner

Because what we do that is considered small will have a big

impact on the environment and our lives in the future

Let us pray to alloh swt, so that we will always be protected

and given the strength to become young people who benefit
the people around us and as young people who care more
anout the environment.
That’s my short speech

I hope it will be a motivation to make changes from the

smallest things first.if we get used the in future we can do big
things,throw rubbish the rubbish bin.

Thank you

Wasssallamuallaikum wr wb

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