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Slide 1: Title Slide

Good Morning everyone. We are Group 12 and today, we'll be presenting our analysis on case study
on how SLB, is disrupting the traditional energy industry with its innovations using AI.

Slide 2: Agenda
Overview of Agenda
This will the agenda for our presentation today. Starting with SLB’s history we will analyze the case
with DFM Framework, Porter’s 5 Forces analysis, ISMAC & DTs, AS-IS To-BE, Comparison with
North Sars & TDP Framework. Moving forward we will be discussing the Key-Takeaways, Pitfalls
and Way Forward for SLB. We will be concluding with small video.
1. Understanding Oil & Sector
2. History of SLB
3. W’s and H of the Case Study
4. Strategic Framework
5. Porter’s 5 Forces analysis
6. Disruptive Technologies used.
7. SLB’s AS-IS and TO-BE state.
8. Comparing SLB with our North Stars
9. Key Takeaway, Pitfalls and Way Forward

Slide 3: About Oil & Gas Industry


Slide 4: About SLB

SLB, founded as Schulmberger in 1926, by Schlumberger Brother which expanded globally by 1930s.
In the 1970s, SLB witnessed significant technological improvements through several strategic
By 2010, it had started implementing digital solutions into its services.
2017 was a major milestone with Introduction of DELFI Platform
2021 SLB introduced ADD, disrupting oil drilling market.
By 2022 SLB became world’s biggest offshore drilling company.

Slide 5: W’s and H

What-SLB’s Market Disruption
Where-In major oil producing nations.
Why-To drill fast and reduce carbon footprint.
How-With SLB’s ADD and other DTs

Slide 6: DFM Framework

Vision & Mission
to be Global Technology company
is to create technology that unlocks access to energy for the benefit of all
Business Goal
To be leader in Upstream Oil & Gas sector with sustainable and efficient operations
Business Strategy

Unlock business value through digital innovation in exploration and production.

Digital Strategy

Speeding up decisions by linking data, people, and ideas with the latest digital tech
from project to enterprise.

Digital Architecture

Providing Data management and integration, cloud computing, SaaS

Digital Infrastructure

Development of DELFI cloud platform, Geosphere, A.D.D.

Slide 7: Porter’s 5 Forces

Industry Analysis
Threat of New Entrants
Bargain power of Buyer
We see that Threat of New Entrant and Bargaining Power of Suppliers remains LOW pre and post
transformation, due to industry being capex intensive with domain expertise. Also, SLB buys generic
products to build its proprietary machinery.
Industry Rivalry
Threat of substitution
Bargain power of Buyer
However, we see other 3 parameter, Industry Rivalry, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Threat of
Substitute Products reduces from High to Moderate.
The reason is quite intuitive as proprietary tech such as ADD, DELFI are making SLB’s proposition
more efficient and unique.

Slide 8: ISMAC & DTs

Technological Innovations
From the case we see SLB utilises
IoT and AI/ML for its ADD Technology
Social media for its Media Campaigns
Mobile to provide Data Capturing app for users
Analytics for NeoSteer ABBS Tech
Cloud for NAS and DELFI Platform
AR/VR in GeoSphere 360

Analytics and Cloud in addition to AI/ML and 3D Modelling for its ADD, GeoSphere 360 and DELFI
Platform. Further, SLB has been extensively utilizing social media for its media Campaigns. It has a
mobile offering called Avocet App for data capturing.

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