Lesson 1

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VERBE She,He,It +V+S

A. Aff : S+be+( adj, noun ,place)+O
Ex : She is beautiful today G. Aff : S+V+O
Ex : I go to the Market
B. Neg : S+be+not+( adj,noun , place) Ex : He drinks water
Ex : You are in France H. Neg : S+don’t/doesn’t(she,he,it)
C. Inter : Be+S+( adj ,noun, place) Ex : I don’t have money
+O+ ? Ex : She doesn’t cook food everyday
Ex : Am i a teacher ?
I. Inter : DO/DOES(She,He,It)
D. Noun : A/AN +V+O+ ?
Ex : A phone
Ex : An orange Ex Do you get up earlier every morning ?
Ex Does he study at university ?
E. Place : AT/IN and HERE#THERE
Ex : I’m here/there in Tana J. Adverbs of time
Ex : I’m at Memorial school Every day/week/Month/time
F. Adjectives : K. Adverbes of frequency
To be sad#happy S+Adv of frequ+V+O
To be ugly Ex : I always stay at home
To be hungry
To be angry • Sometimes
To be tired • Often
To be lazy • Usually
To be greedy • Always
To be shy
To be satisfied He,She,It
To be embarrassed L. Tous les verbes qui se termine par
To be thirsty « O,SH,CH,X,S,Y » plus « es »
To be afraid of =To be scared of Ex : She goes to AMERICA
To be crazy=To be foolish Y

Ex: To cry
She cries
If Vow+Vow= S
Ex: To play
He plays

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