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II. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. Smoking during pregnancy can ___________________ harm the baby’s health. (danger)
2. ______________and overpopulation are the two big problems in the developing countries. (forest)
3. Many small towns in our country have been _________________ in the past few years. (urban)
4. ________________ in different climates is not the test of intelligence. (survive)
5. There are only two _____________ in the air crash. All the other passengers were killed. (survive)
6. Governments have enacted laws to protect wildlife from _____________ trade. (commerce)
7. The red list has been introduced to raise people’s ________________ of conservation needs. (aware)
8. They take the science and couple it with their engineers to _____________ the process. (commerce)
. Rewrite the sentences so that they have similar meaning to the previous ones, using Modals.
1. It isn’t necessary to leave early. We have plenty of time.
 We .
4. It’s essential that you make a decision as soon as possible.
 You had better .
6. Perhaps you didn’t understand something in this exercise. (MAY)
 You .
7. I can imagine how nervous Anna was when she flew for the first time. (MUST)
 Anna .
8. I guess Peter is waiting for us at the airport. (MAY)
 Peter .
9. Smoking is not allowed in the museum. (MUST)
 You .
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
1. If we don’t look after our environment, zebras could become a(n) ________ species.
A. enclosed B. endangered C. weak D. little
2. Toxic chemicals from factories are one of the serious factors that leads wildlife to the _______ of
A. wall B. fence C. verge D. bridge
3. It is reported that humans are the main reason for most species' declines and habitat _______ and
degradation are the leading threats.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destructor D. destruction
4. “Write to me when you get home.” “______________”
A. I must B. I should C. I can D. I will
5. You ____ forget to pay the rent tomorrow. The landlord is very strict about paying on time.
A. needn't B. mustn't C. do not have to D. may not
6. _______ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you _______ keep it if you
want to.
A. May / can B. Must / might C. Will / should D. Might / needn’t
7. It’s no use a language if you don’t try to use it.
A. to learn B. learned C. learning D. learn
8. Species become extinct or endangered for _____ number of reasons, but _____ primary cause is the
destruction of habitat by human activities.
A. Ø / a B. a / the C. the / a D. Ø / Ø
9. If the sea biodiversity were not maintained, marine life at stake.
A. would be B. shall be C. wouldn’t have been D. will be
10. People should green lifestyle to help conserve the natural resources.
A. adapt B. adopt C. adjoin D. adjust
11. ______ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.
A. a/ Ø B. an/ Ø C. Ø /the D. the/ Ø
12. No one died of Corona Virus in Vietnam, ________?
A. did he B. didn’t he C. did they D. didn’t they
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13. The students don’t know how to do the exercises by the teacher yesterday.
A. is giving B. who given C. which given D. given
14. I haven’t met him since we ________ school ten years ago.
A. have left B. left C. leave D. had left
15. I knew they were talking about me they stopped when I entered the room.
A. because of B. so that C. because D. therefore
16. 15,589 species (7,266 animal species and 8,323 plant species) are now considered _______ risk
_______ extinction.
A. at / of B. on / in C. for / with D. in / at
17. The world's biodiversity is declining at an unprecedented rate, which makes wildlife ____.
A. prosperous B. prefect C. remained D. vulnerable
18. An endangered species is a species _____ population is so small that it is in danger of
becoming extinct.
A. which B. whose C. what D. who
19. She was listening to the radio________.
A. when her mother came home at 9.00 B. while her mother came home at 9.00
C. when her mother comes home at 9.00 D. before her mother came home at 9.00
20. Local authorities see that there is a need to make ________ for disabled people in their housing
A. assistance B. conditions C. admission D. provision
21. I always ________ just before an exam.
A. make a real pig of myself B. have butterflies in my stomach
C. chase my tail D. start the ball rolling
1. _______. We got there far too early.
A. We needn't have hurried B. We should hurry up
C. Hurry up or we will be late D. We must have walked hurriedly
2. You are not allowed to take photographs here.
A. You needn’t take photographs here. B. You can’t take photographs here.
C. You don’t have to take photographs here. D. You mustn’t take photographs here.
3. I can't find my book anywhere. I _______ have left it on the train. I am not sure.
A. must B. needn't C. should D. might
4. I’m going to retire soon. Then I won’t _______ work anymore.
A. must B. have to C. can D. may
5. Will you please speak louder? I _______ hear you.
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. can’t
6. I _______ arrive on time, so please start dinner without me.
A. could B. may C. may not D. should
7. "______ you hand that book, please?" "Sure. Here it is."
A. Could B. Should C. Must D. May
8. Hiking the trail to the peak _______ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather
changes. You _______ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent.
A. might / can B. may / mustn't C. can / should D. must / needn't
9. When you have a small child in the house, you _______ leave small objects lying around. Such objects
_______ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
A. should / must B. should not / might C. needn't / may D. mustn't / can't
10. I’ll lend you the money and you ________ pay me back by next month.
A. must B. mustn’t C. need D. needn’t
11. The television isn't working. It _______ during the move.
A. should have been damaged B. needn't be damaged
C. must have been damaged D. ought not be damaged
12. John failed again. He _______ harder.
A. must have tried B. should have tried C. can tried D. may have tried
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13. ____ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem. Actually, you ___ keep it if you want to.
A. May / can B. Must / might C. Will / should D. Might / needn’t
14. You _____ take your umbrella along with you today. It _____ rain later this afternoon.
A. ought to / mustn't B. needn't / will C. will / must D. should / might
15. _______ I be here by 6 o'clock? - No, you _______.
A. Shall/mightn't B. Must / needn't C. Will / mayn't D. Might / won't
1. It’s possible that your teacher is unable to come today.
 I’m afraid that your teacher
1. I'm sure it wasn't Mrs. Elton you saw because she was in Bristol.
 It can't
2. I didn't realize who he was until later.
 Only later
Caroline isn’t allowed to touch the wire.
 Caroline
I’m sure this isn’t the right road.
 This
3. It was a mistake not to bring your umbrella.
 You should

Exercise 4: Give the correct form of the words in the brackets

1. The teacher was pleased with Tom’s (image) ______________ presentation.
2. Readers were shocked by the (reveal) ___________________ about the film star.
3. Patience is (character) __________________ of the new boss.
4. The giraffe is (character) _______________________ by its long neck.
5. I can’t help asking for the second helping because the soup was so (taste) ____________
6. Mary spoke with (delicate) ________________ of our recent loss.
7. The teacher gave us a detailed (describe) _________________ of the trip.
8. Education is (admit) __________ one of the most important concerns of every country.
9. I really appreciate your (recommend) __________________
10. Newspapers reflect (fact) _____________life.
1. You should open the wine about three hours before you use it.
 The wine should be opened about three hours before being used (by you).
2. Passengers shouldn’t throw away tickets as inspectors may check these during the journey.
 Tickets
3. We shall have to tow the car to the garage.
 The car
4. Visitors must leave umbrellas and sticks in the cloakroom.
 Umbrellas
5. You should have taken those books back to the library.
 Those
They ought to have reported the accident to the police.
 The
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
1. We all seem to have a different opinion, so let's let Joey decide, _______?
A. will we B. do we C. shall we D. are we
2. On our trip to Spain, we crossed ________ Atlantic Ocean.
A. the B. a C. an D. Ø
3. She likes reading books ________ the library.
A. in B. at C. on D. from
4. The government suggests ________ robots to access remote areas that are dangerous to the lives of militants.
A. design B. designed C. to design D. designing
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5. If the bride's father _____ the car, she would be at the Church now.
A. had B. would have C. will have D. has
6. Since Helen ______10 years old, she has mastered Braille as well as the manual alphabet and even learned to
use the typewriter.
A. were B. will be C. has been D. was UNIT
7. People should stop smoking _____ it is extremely detrimental to health. 11
A. although B. despite C. because D. because of
8. She will take management training course _______.
A. right after the epidemic has been controlled B. as soon as the epidemic was controlled
C. when the epidemic had been controlled D. until the epidemic will be controlled
9. The palace _____ many centuries ago remains practically intact.
A. building B. to build C. built D. people built
10. If you ____ a book, you have a brief look at it without reading or studying it seriously.
A. dip into B. put away C. pick up D. put down
11. When a reader reads an interesting book slowly and carefully, he ____ it.
A. reviews B. chews and digests C. swallows D. dips into
12. Theresa walked past me without saying a word. She ________ me.
A. can't have seen B. can't see C. can't have been seen D. can be seen
13. We found the exam extremely easy. We ________ so hard.
A. needn't study B. needn't be studying
C. needn't have studied D. needn't have been studied
14. It is not __________ to be drunk in the street.
A. respecting B. respectably C. respectful D. respectable
15. A ________ is a story long enough to fill a complete book, in which the characters and events are usually
A. pleasure B. novel C. page D. review
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part.
16. Thousands are going starving because of the failure of this year’s harvest.
A. hungry B. poor C. rich D. full
17. Tom was too wet behind the ears to be in charge of such a difficult task.
A. without money B. lack of responsibility C. full of experience D. full of sincerity
Identify the word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct:
18. A large (A) number of entries has updated (B) in the latest edition of (C) the encyclopedia recently. (D)
19. Many places of history, (A) scientific, cultural, (B) or scenic importance have (C) been designated
(D) national monuments.
20. Just as (A) the performance ended, (B) all the concertgoers raised (C) to their feet (D) and applauded.

1. It was wrong of you to leave the door open last night.

 The door should .
1. It is possible that everyone, has forgotten the date of the meeting.
 The date of the meeting might .
2. I am sure that Peter stayed at that hotel when he was on holiday.
 Peter .
3. It wasn’t necessary for you to do all this work. (needn’t)
 You .
4. I don’t think Sally enjoyed her holiday. (can’t)
 Sally .
5. It was the driver’s fault. He didn’t stop at the red light. (should)
 The driver
6. Perhaps he spent all his money when he was young. (might)
 He
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Exercise 2: WORD FORM

1. You should not drive under the __________________influence. (alcohol)
2. Here is my office phone number, the ________________ number is 08. (extend)
3. Don’t touch that wire, or you will be ___________________. (electricity)
4. _____________ examination is quite necessary before you learn scuba diving. (Medicine)
5. This small road is exclusive for pedestrians and _______________ (cycle)
6. No player except the ________________ can hold the ball with two hands. (goal)
7. You are not allowed to interfere with your opponent’s _______________in some sports. (move)
8. Mr. Brown defeated his __________ in the election. (oppose)
9. He was paid for the overtime he worked. (time)
10.Curtis’s water ballet club attracted both national and international ______________. (public)
Choose the one best answer to complete each sentence.
5. We were _____ a penalty after a late tackle.
A. brought B. got C. reserved D. awarded reserved
6. In recent years, fouls have been severely ____ in football matches.
A. forgiven B. ejected C. penalized D. scored
7. She finally finished ______ the room at 8.30 p.m.
A. cleaning up B. to clean up C. clean up D. cleaned up
8. This old businessman is said _____ school at the age of thirteen.
A. that left B. to leave C. to have left D. that having left
9. ___ being given a teaching place at the University of Paris, Dr. Albert volunteered to work in Africa.
A. Instead of B. In spite of C. In addition to D. Because of
10. Handball games are divided _______ two 30-minute periods.
A. in B. into C. among D. between
11. Do you know the woman ________ over there?
A. who sit B. sat C. sitting D. sits UNIT
12. Wild animals are ________almost everywhere. 12
A. serious threatened B. serious threaten C. seriously threaten D. seriously threatened
13. If I were you, I _________ him as my nephew.
A. will have treated B. am treating C. would treat D. will treat
14. “_____ about the eight o’clock flight to Chicago?” - “Not yet.”
A. Has been an announcement made B. Has an announcement made
C. Has an announcement been made D. Has been an announcement made
15. Last night a tornado swept through Rockville. It _________ everything in its path.
A. destroyed B. was destroyed C. was being destroyed D. had been destroyed
16. Wait a minute! The table ___________.
A. is being laid B. had been laid C. is laid D. has been laid
17. Their children are used to ______ after school every day. They don’t have to walk home.
A. picking up B. being picked up C. be picked up D. pick up
18. Last week I met Mr. Lam, _________.
A. who’s oldest son is studying abroad B. the oldest son of who is studying abroad
C. whose oldest son is studying abroad D. of whom the oldest son is studying abroad
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part.
19. He sank into deep despair when he lost his job.
A. became very enjoyable B. became very unhappy K
C. was delighted D. burst into tears E
20. The African rhino is an endangered species and needs protecting. Y
A. unstable B. dangerous C. insecure :
D. independent
Choose the word(s) or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part. M
21. Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next meeting of the city council. s
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A. clever B. time-consuming C. vague D. minor

22. Scientists believe that it is possible for waves to reach the heights described when they come into contact
with strong ocean currents.
A. touch B. avoid C. enter D. meet
Choose the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.
23: Two friends are talking to each other at a class reunion.
Jimmy: “___________” Jack: "I work at the bank."
A. How do you do, Jack? B. What do you do for a living Jack?
C. How are you doing, Jack? D. Where did you work, Jack?
24: Two students are chatting in the corridor after class.
- Tim: “Geography is certainly one of the most interesting subjects.” - Laura: “_________”
A. I don't think so. You can say that again. B. I'm afraid I'm not with you. It gives me a headache.
C. That's OK. As long as you like it. D. That's not true. I can't understand how you feel.
Exercise 1: WORD FORM UIT 13
1. There are many _____________________ for the golf championship. (compete)
2. We would like to see closer ____________________between parents and schools. (cooperate)
3. An ___________ effort of all members will ensure the success of our plan. (energy)
4. ____________________ includes exercises of physical strength, speed and skill. (athlete)
5. The champion deserves high praise as he has performed _________________. (excel)
6. The books are written so __________________ that they are liked by the public. (success)
7. New discoveries in physics and biology are __________________________ welcomed. (enthusiast)
8. ________________________, the athlete broke the world’s record with two attempts. (surprise)
9. The o__________wanted to reduce the breadth of the games, with many events currently having small
fields and weak competition. (organize)
10. He is a great sport _________________. He rarely misses any sport games although he was busy.
11. The success of the 22nd SEA Games had a great contribution of many _______________volunteers.
12. Athletes from 11 _____________ countries competed in 32 sports and 444 gold medals were won.

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