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Tugas 3

Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Pustakawan PUST2228

Nama : Harry Febby Barokha

NIM : 043248465
Jurusan : Ilmu Perpustakaan

1. Buatlah dialog yang berisi ‘Greeting, Introducing yourself, and Introducing people, Describing
things, and Giving opinion’, dengan tema perpustakaan.
Jawaban :
a. Greeting (informal greeting)
A user greets a librarian in reference desk.
Andrew : Hi……. How’s doing?
Nancy : Fine, thanks. And You?
Andrew : Fine too. What are you looking for, Nancy?
Nancy : I’m looking for encyclopedia of library and information science
Andrew : you can go to reference section. You might ask librarian to the need of your

b. Introducing yourself
Librarian : Good morning! My name is Harry. I’m reference librarian. What can I do for
User : Morning! I am line. I’m a medical student in this university. I want to find
Medical dictionary. Could you help me?
Librarian : Of course. I’m glad to help you

c. Introducing people
Dinar : George, please allow me to introduce you to Mrs. Nancy?
She is our teacher librarian for biology project.
George : I would be happy to meet her.
Dinar : this is George, Mrs. Nancy. He is a member of our team for Biology project.

d. Describing things
Paul : James, This is Miss Marisa
Maria : Hello Mr. James. I am a reference librarian in this library.
James : Oh… I see. How long have you been working here as a reference Librarian?
Maria : It’s around ten years.
James : ten years? It’s surprising me. What have you done during that time?
Maria : I do many things. I could help the users how to use information in reference
collections. I also helm them answering specific information to their
information need. What about you Mr. James, where do you work?
James : I work as a computer programmer
Maria : Oh I see. I think you are a writer. O yeah, Miss Maria I forget to introduce you
to my partner.
Carla : good evening. I’m Carla. I’m James secretary.

e. Giving opinion
User : I’m absolutely convinced that library instruction will give us skills in searching
information in the OPAC
Librarian : of course. You’ll get online information searching on the library instruction
User : I hope we’ll be more skill full after getting the library instruction.
2. Buatlah satu dialog tentang ‘Describing Things’ dan satu dialog tentang ‘Asking and Giving
Advice and Opinion’ dengan tema Perpustakaan Nasional.
a. Describing things
Librarian : Hi. Welcome to our library, how are you doing today?
User : Good. Thanks for asking.
Librarian : What may I do for you?
User : I need help with something.
Librarian : What do you need help with?
User : I am looking for a newspaper article.
Librarian : Have you looked in the periodicals?
User : I didn't even think about that.
Librarian : I can show you where they are.
User : That would be a lot of help.
Librarian : Follow me, please.
User : Thank you so much.

b. Asking and giving advice and opinion

Kamila : “What do you think about service in this library?”
Kaffin : I think they don’t give us good service
Kamila : How can you evaluate?
Kaffin : they didn’t help me when I got difficulties in finding some books and when I
asked them they said that they didn’t know where the books were, besides I never got
their smile


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