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Ladies and gentlemen,

Imagine this: if the current rate of plastic pollution continues, by 2050, there could be
more plastic in the ocean than fish. Now, let that sink in. Today, we come together to
address this urgent issue on International Plastic-Free Day, observed every 3rd of July.

Plastic pollution is in every corner of our planet, from the deepest trenches of the oceans to
the highest peaks of our mountains. It chokes our waterways, entangles marine life and
contaminates our food and water supplies. It is a global crisis that demands immediate and
concerted action.

Firstly, let's reflect on the impact of plastic pollution. Picture a sea turtle entangled in a
plastic bag, struggling for its life. This heartbreaking scene is all too common, as marine
animals suffer from our plastic addiction. We must recognize the urgency of this issue
and the dire need for change.

Secondly, let's acknowledge our individual power to make a difference. Consider the
simple act of refusing a plastic straw or bringing your own reusable water bottle. These
small actions may seem insignificant, but collectively, they have the power to drive
meaningful change. Every refusal of single-use plastic is a step towards a cleaner,
healthier planet.

Finally, International Plastic-Free Day is not just about individual efforts; it's about
coming together as a global community to tackle this issue head-on. Whether it's
advocating for policy changes, supporting businesses that prioritize sustainability, or
participating in beach cleanups, we must work together to combat plastic pollution.

In conclusion, let us remember the urgency of the plastic pollution crisis and the power
we hold to make a difference. As Margaret Mead once said, "Never doubt that a small
group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only
thing that ever has." So let us join forces, today and every day, to create a world free
from plastic pollution.

Thank you.

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