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A position paper is a formal essay that presents an opinion on a socially

significant issue, supported by arguments and evidence. It's a formal declaration of
stance, requiring meticulous planning and research. Unlike opinion papers, its
primary goal isn't to persuade others to the writer's side. Instead, it declares the
writer's stance on an issue as a basis for proposing unique solutions or approaches to
the problem at hand.


A. Values Communicated
a. Logical Thinking. This is a process of using a rational, systematic series
of steps based on sound mathematical procedures and given statements
to arrive at a conclusion. A logical thinker:
i. Observes,
ii. Analyzes phenomena, reactions, and feedback,
iii. Draws conclusions based on input, and
iv. Justifies strategies, actions, and decisions based on facts gathered

b. Objective Expression of Idea. This means expressing or dealing with

facts or conditions as perceived without distortion, personal feelings,
prejudices, and interpretations.
c. Balanced Assignments of Conflicting Ideas. This refers to the use of
language, shifting from the opposing argument to the supporting
argument, and expressing both the arguments and the

B. Modes of Reasoning
a. Inductive Reasoning. Inductive reasoning derives a generalization from
specific examples and situations. Through an organized presentation of
factual evidence and proof, the reader is convinced of the soundness of
the arguments that lead to a well-founded general conclusion.
b. Deductive Reasoning. Deductive reasoning proceeds from a general
statement that leads to particular or specific references.

C. Qualities of a Convincing Position Paper

a. Contains a clear proposition or statement that must be defended.
b. Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views on the issue.
c. Takes a firm stand on the issue
d. Lists arguments in an organized manner to defend the stand
e. Presents factual evidence of proof to support the argument


A. Use simple language
B. Give each separate idea its own paragraph
C. Make sure each paragraph starts with a topic sentence
D. Constantly proofread for mistakes
E. Cite your sources
I. Social Issues. An issue that has been recognized by society as a problem that
is preventing society from functioning at an optimal level. Below are some
factors to consider when identifying social issues:
a. The public must recognize the situation as a problem.
b. The situation is against the general values accepted by society.
c. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid
d. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of
citizens and/or community resources.

Example: Deprivation of basic services from the government is the prime

cause of poverty.

II. Educational Issues. Ideas, thoughts, and debates centered on educational

policy and practices. Also, new, up-and-coming, and popular educational

Example: Adding two years in high school really improves learning.

III. Technology. The means by which people can adapt, control, and even change
the environment.

Example: Textbooks and other printed materials should be replaced by

computers and other online resources.

IV. Media. Media can be used in every subject area to demonstrate concepts, show
people having real-life experiences, and connect learners to faraway places.

Example: Pages, channels, and other social media accounts that promote
untruthful information should be terminated.

V. Relationships. The way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are
connected, or the state of being connected.

Example: Couples who are getting married must be financially secure

and need to pass the examination and attend marriage counseling.

VI. War and Peace. Throughout history, wars have erupted due to various reasons.
When diplomatic negotiations fail to resolve disputes peacefully, alternative
actions are pursued. Regrettably, these alternatives often lead to violent
conflicts known as wars, where leaders deploy their armed forces, resulting in
devastating casualties.

Example: War is not the solution to achieve peace.

VII. Environmental Issues. The quality of a society's environment
significantly impacts its well-being. Today, global environmental issues like
waste overproduction, habitat destruction, and pollution of air, water, and
resources pose threats to Earth's quality of life, stemming from human activity.

Example: Companies that have been proven guilty of breaching

environmental laws should not be given the liberty to operate.

VIII. Politics. Politics involves governmental activities such as creating

policies, holding public office, making decisions and laws, and enforcing them
for societal benefit. It is primarily practiced by government officials like the
president and lawmakers.

Example: Government officials who have been proven guilty of illegal

actions should not be allowed to run in the next elections.


1. A Well-Defined Controversial Issue. The position paper highlights the

importance of carefully defining complex issues for readers and choosing topics
that are both controversial and open to argumentation. While some issues can
be settled by facts or are deeply rooted in personal beliefs, the best topics for
position papers are those open to interpretation and opinion-based arguments.
This ensures a productive discourse where facts and beliefs intersect but
cannot conclusively resolve the issue.

2. A Clear Position on the Issue. The position paper stresses the need for a clear
and direct thesis statement that articulates the advocated opinion, which can
be reiterated in longer essays. While the thesis should be stated firmly, it can
evolve during the argument. Adjusting the position to address objections or
limit its scope strengthens the argument. However, writers should avoid
equivocation, ensuring the thesis remains clear and unambiguous to the

3. A Convincing Argument. A position paper persuades readers of the validity of

its opinion through well-constructed arguments. While the goal is to completely
change readers' viewpoints, it's more realistic to expect them to recognize the
legitimacy of the writer's position and adjust their own opinions accordingly.

4. A Reasonable Tone. Writers of position papers navigate controversial topics by

expecting readers to disagree and be skeptical. They foster trust through a tone
of reasonableness and reliability, even when challenging entrenched beliefs. By
anticipating objections and occasionally adjusting their stance, they show
goodwill and understanding. Even when unable to fully agree with objections,
they acknowledge their legitimacy and provide a rationale for their
1. Introduction
a. Briefly introduce the topic and catch the audience’s attention.
b. Give some background information explaining why the topic is essential
to your country or target audience.
c. Declare your thesis statement.
2. Body
a. Summarize the counterclaims.
b. Provide supporting information for counterclaims.
c. Refute the counterclaims.
d. Give evidence of your arguments.
3. Conclusion
a. Summarize the main concepts, and ideas and reinforce them without
repeating the introduction or the body of the paper.
b. Emphasize your position.
c. Include suggested courses of action and possible solutions.
I. Introduction
a. Hook
b. Introductory Statement/Background Information
c. Thesis Statement
II. Body
a. First Supporting Idea (Main Idea 1)
i. Supporting Detail 1
ii. Supporting Detail 2
iii. Supporting Detail 3
b. Second Supporting Idea (Main Idea 2)
i. Supporting Detail 1
ii. Supporting Detail 2
iii. Supporting Detail 3
c. Third Supporting Idea (Main Idea 3)
i. Supporting Detail 1
ii. Supporting Detail 2
iii. Supporting Detail 3
III. Conclusion
a. Tie your conclusion to your introduction.
b. Re-state your position.
c. Include Recommendations
d. Closing attention-getter
A survey report makes recommendations based on a careful analysis of data
tallied and organized from survey findings. A good survey report requires you to
systematically move from a big-picture summary down to your specific
recommendations. The goal of writing a survey report is to convince others to follow
your advice.


1. Break the report up into different sections. Survey reports usually use
headings for each section. There may be slight differences between survey
reports depending on what the academic community deems acceptable, but the
standard headings are:
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Part I: Executive Summary
d. Part II: Objectives and Background
e. Part III: Methodology
f. Part IV: Results
g. Part V: Conclusion and Recommendations
h. Appendices

2. Write an executive summary (Part I). This comes at the very beginning of the
report, after the table of contents. An executive summary paraphrases and
condenses the main points of the report. It should include:
a. Methodology of the survey
b. Key results of the survey.
c. Conclusions drawn from the results of the survey.
d. Recommendations based on the results of the survey.

3. State the objectives of the survey (Part II). Introduce the section by stating
the survey's purpose, hypothesis, and goals. Cover:
a. Study population: Define the demographics or characteristics of those
being studied.
b. Study variables: Explain the survey's focus, such as exploring
associations or relationships between factors.
c. Study purpose: Describe the intended application of the collected
information and any potential insights it may provide.

4. Provide background information by explaining similar research and

studies. (Part II). To evaluate whether your survey aligns with prevailing beliefs
on the topic, follow these steps:
a. Review surveys in peer-reviewed academic journals and reports from
similar entities like companies, organizations, newspapers, or think
b. b. Compare your results with theirs. Identify any support or conflicts
with their findings and highlight the new insights your report offers.
c. Offer a brief overview of the issue supported by peer-reviewed evidence.
Define the research aim and discuss why previous studies may have
overlooked this information.
5. Explain the methodology or how the study was conducted (Part III). This
section details the survey methodology, including:
a. Participant demographics, such as gender and age.
b. Survey administration methods, like email, telephone, website, or 1-on-1
c. Participant selection criteria, whether random or specific.
d. Sample size, indicating the number of respondents.
e. Incentives offered to participants for survey completion.

6. Describe what type of questions were asked (Part III). This section outlines
the types of questions used, including multiple choice, interviews, and Likert
scales. Provide a brief overview of the questions' general theme, such as
participants being asked about their daily routine and dietary practices.
Detailed questions can be found in the questionnaire included in the first
appendix (e.g., Appendix A).

7. Report on the results of the survey (Part IV). After detailing the survey
methodology, create a new section presenting the survey results. If necessary,
use bullet points for clarity. Include relevant responses if the survey involved
interviews and refer readers to the full questionnaire in the appendix. If the
survey had multiple sections, report the results separately under subheadings.
Avoid making claims about the results; instead, present the data using
statistics, sample answers, and quantitative data. Incorporate graphs, charts,
and other visual aids to enhance understanding.

8. Point out any interesting trends (Part IV). To emphasize the survey's
significance, highlight notable patterns or trends observed, such as similar
responses among individuals of the same age group to specific questions.
Identify questions with the highest frequency of similar responses, indicating
widespread agreement. Consider the implications of these findings.

9. State the implications of your survey at the beginning of the conclusion

(Part V). Summarize the survey's key points, considering what readers should
glean from it. This is an opportunity to depart from the paper's objective tone,
potentially evoking emotions such as alarm, concern, or intrigue in the readers.

10. Make recommendations about what needs to be done about this

issue (Part V). Summarize the survey's implications for readers. What does the
data suggest, and what actions should be taken based on the results?
Recommendations might include the need for further research, revising current
policies, or prompting action by relevant institutions.

11. Include graphs, charts, surveys, and testimonies in the appendices.

The initial appendix, labeled Appendix A, should contain the survey
questionnaire. Appendices, labeled with letters (e.g., Appendix B, Appendix C),
can include statistical data, interview results, data graphs, and a technical term
glossary. Throughout the paper, you can refer to these appendices. For
instance, "Refer to Appendix A for the questionnaire."

12. Add a title page and table of contents to the first 2 pages. These
should come at the front of the report. The first page should state the title of the
report, your name, and your school. The second page should be a table of
contents. The table of contents should list the page numbers for each section
(or heading) of the report.

13. Cite your research according to the style required for the survey
report. You may be asked by your teacher to format the report according to a
specific style guideline. Common ones used for survey reports include the
American Psychological Association (APA) and Chicago styles.

14. Adopt a clear, objective voice throughout the paper. Focus on

reporting the survey results without passing judgment on participants or the
findings. Reserve recommendations for the final section of the paper and refrain
from editorializing the results. For instance, state "The results indicate an
increase in drug use" rather than "The study reveals an alarming trend of
increasing drug use that must be stopped."

15. Write in concise, simple sentences. Keep your writing straightforward

and easy to understand, especially since surveys can be complex. Opt for
simple language over-complicated terms. For instance, say "1 out of 10 people
report drinking alcohol 3 times a day" instead of "1 out of 10 civilians testify to
imbibing alcoholic drinks thrice daily." Remove unnecessary phrases or words
to streamline sentences. For example, say "To determine the frequency of dog
adoption" instead of "In order to determine the frequency of the adoption of

16. Revise your paper thoroughly before submitting it. Ensure the paper
is free of grammatical errors, misspellings, and typos before submission. Verify
correct formatting, including page numbers at the bottom of each page and
accurate entries in the table of contents. Although spell check on word
processors may miss some mistakes, having someone else proofread can help
catch errors.
A field report is a form of academic writing that centers on observation and
analysis. It informs readers about the outcomes and significance of observed
individuals, locations, or events. Like other academic writing, field reports should
adhere to principles of effective writing and incorporate key components to elucidate
an event or phenomenon. However, writers must first adopt a systematic approach to
observing their subjects.

 Systematically observe and accurately record various aspects of the situation.

Enter your field study with a detailed plan outlining what, where, and how you
will observe and collect data.
 Regularly analyze your observations to uncover underlying meanings. Ask
yourself questions like "What's happening here?" and "What do these actions
 Maintain focus on the report's objectives during observation. Record
observations purposefully, paying attention to details while remaining
adaptable to any changes.
 Consciously observe, record, and analyze within a theoretical framework. Let
the theoretical framework guide your observations and interpretations, building
upon your previous research subjects.

 Note Taking. Prepare shorthand symbols in advance to swiftly record basic or

repetitive actions, avoiding delays in observation. Employ brief paragraphs to
denote activity changes. Allocate space on the page for capturing additional
thoughts and ideas related to the observation.
 Photography. Utilize a camera or smartphone to capture significant moments
and document observation spaces efficiently. Photography can streamline
documentation, saving time on detailed notetaking.
 Video and Audio Recordings. Recording observations via video or audio
provides an unfiltered record of the event, facilitating review for gathering
additional insights during research.
 Illustrations/Drawings. You don't have to be skilled at drawing to accomplish
this. You can create a map of the observation setting or sketch objects relative
to people's behavior. Alternatively, use rough tables, charts, or graphs to
document observed activities and their frequency.

 Physical setting. Take note of the place where the observation is being
 Objects and material culture. This refers to the presence, placement, and
arrangement of objects that impact the behavior or actions of those being
observed. These objects could be the cultural artifacts or clothing that represent
the beliefs, values, ideas, attitudes, and assumptions of the individuals you are
 Use of language. Observe the use of language and the tone of conversations
among participants.
 Behavior cycles. This refers to documenting when and who performs what
behavior or task and how often they occur.
 The order in which events unfold. Note patterns of behavior or the moment
when actions or events take place and their significance. Also, be prepared to
note moments that arise that seem different from these sequential patterns of
behavior or actions.
 Physical characteristics of subjects. Note the personal characteristics of the
individuals being observed. Note that you should only focus on characteristics
that can be clearly observed.
 Expressive body movements. This includes body posture or facial
expressions. It may be relevant to also assess whether body movements support
or contradict the language used in conversation.


A field report usually has the following parts:
1. Introduction. Provide a concise overview of your field study's objective, key
theories, and concepts. Describe the observation setting, types of observations,
focus, timing, and data collection methods used. Optionally, include a brief
review of related literature.
2. Description of Activities. The description section provides essential context
for readers to understand the observed situation, people, or events. It's vital to
include sufficient details to contextualize the analysis that follows. Utilize the
Five W's framework:
a. What - Describe your observations and general impressions of the
b. Where - Provide background information on the observation setting,
including the physical arrangement of relevant objects.
c. When - Record the day, start, and end times of each observation, noting
any relevant background information.
d. Who - Document participants' demographics and actions, including age,
gender, and ethnicity.
e. Why - Explain the reasons for observing specific situations and events,
as well as why certain information was included or excluded.
3. Interpretation and Analysis. Ensure that your analysis and interpretations of
field observations align with the theories and issues outlined in the
introduction. Your role in analyzing the data involves determining which
observations merit commentary and interpretation, guided by your theoretical
framework. When analyzing observations, consider the following questions:
a. What is the meaning of your observations?
b. Why do you think these events occurred, and what evidence supports
your reasoning?
c. Which events or behaviors were common or unusual, and how were they
distributed among different groups?
d. Are there any discernible connections or patterns?
e. Why did observed actions unfold as they did, and what are the
f. Did observed outcomes align with intended objectives?
g. Assess the relative merits of observed behaviors.
h. Identify strengths and weaknesses in your recorded observations.
i. Explore connections between your observations and findings from similar
studies in literature.
j. Consider how your observations contribute to the broader context of
professional practice and if they have altered your perceptions.
k. Reflect on any lessons learned from your observations
4. Conclusion and Recommendations. In conclusion, summarize the entire
study and underscore the significance of your observations. Avoid introducing
new information. Additionally, provide recommendations, address any
unforeseen issues encountered, and acknowledge the study's limitations. Limit
the conclusion to two or three concise paragraphs.
5. Appendix. In the appendix, include supplementary information that bolsters
your analysis and validates conclusions. This may comprise figures, tables,
charts, graphs, statistics, pictures, maps, drawings, or interview transcripts.
Arrange these items in the order they were initially mentioned in the report text.
6. References. List all sources that you consulted and obtained information from
while writing your field report. Be sure to write them in the preferred citation
style of your strand/discipline. You may ask your teacher about it.

A technical report, also known as a scientific report, outlines the results of a
project and is typically submitted to the project sponsor. While technical reports may
encompass research processes, progress, results, recommendations, and conclusions,
they are generally not peer-reviewed unless subsequently published in a peer-reviewed
journal. Unlike scientific journals and academic conference proceedings, technical
reports seldom undergo thorough independent peer review before publication, making
them a form of grey literature. Review processes, when present, are often limited to the
originating organization, and there are no formal publishing procedures except locally.
Technical reports serve as a vital source of scientific and technical information, often
prepared for internal or broader distribution by organizations lacking extensive editing
and printing resources. They may also supplement academic papers by providing
additional details, results, or models, and can be published early to establish novelty
before academic journal production schedules allow. Technical reports are non-
archival publications, allowing them to be freely published elsewhere in peer-reviewed
venues with or without modification.
Technical writing covers a range of materials like design documentation, user
guides, manuals, tutorials, and online documentation. As user bases become more
diverse, the roles of technical writers evolve, requiring them to focus on creating
precise, compelling, and concise technical content.
1. Understanding Format Requirements: With the digital era and the rise of
consumer electronics and Web 2.0, technical content now spans various
formats and mediums. Familiarity with these formats and the tools needed to
create content for specific mediums is crucial.
2. Gleaning Information Intelligently: Collaborating with subject matter experts,
developers, and engineers is essential for developing effective technical writing
across different formats and mediums.
3. Structuring Information: Organizing original content from experts and
research material from various sources is essential for maintaining a logical
flow in the final material.
4. Conveying Message to Audiences: Technical writing must effectively
communicate with customers, end-users, and other audiences, ensuring clarity
and comprehension.
5. Articulating Subject Matter Lucidly: Clear and accurate explanations of
subject matter or product descriptions demonstrate the expertise of a skilled
technical writer.
Reports should be structured for easy comprehension, employing headings to
divide information into sections. These headings aid readers in quickly locating
relevant information. Guidelines for structuring reports include:
1. Title page: Includes report title, summary word count, and main text word
count for assessment reports.
2. Summary: Provides an overview of the report, highlighting key features, results,
and conclusions.
3. Contents: Lists section and subsection headings with page numbers.
4. Introduction: Sets report objectives and approach, leading into the main text.
5. Body: Divided into numbered sections presenting main ideas logically.
6. Conclusions: Briefly summarize the main themes developed in the report.
7. References: Lists published sources cited in the text, including URLs and
lecture notes.
8. Bibliography: Includes additional published sources not cited but useful for
further reading.
9. Acknowledgments: Recognizes individuals who assisted in research or
10.Appendices: Contains essential supplemental material, such as diagrams or
raw data, for full report comprehension.
Graphs and charts are effective tools for condensing large amounts of
information into easily understandable formats. When choosing how to present data,
consider the purpose and variables involved, deciding whether frequencies,
percentages, or categories best convey your message. Different types of data, such as
categorical and continuous, require specific graph types. Categorical data, like grade
or race, are suited for bar graphs, line graphs, and pie charts, while continuous data,
like weight or test scores, are best represented with histograms. These graphs typically
feature an x- and y-axis, with the x-axis horizontal and the y-axis vertical.


1. Bar graph. A bar graph utilizes bars of differing lengths or heights to visually
depict discrete categories of data. Each bar corresponds to a distinct category,
with its length or height representing the quantity associated with that
category. Bar graphs are particularly effective for comparing values across
different categories.

2. Pie chart. A pie chart is a circular illustration divided into segments, with each
segment representing a portion or percentage of the total. The size of each
segment corresponds to the quantity it represents in relation to the whole. Pie
charts are frequently employed to depict the distribution of components within
a complete set.
3. Line graph. A line graph illustrates the connection between two variables,
typically across a continuous timeframe, like time. It employs lines to link data
points, revealing trends or patterns over time. Line graphs are beneficial for
visualizing shifts and trends in data throughout a defined period.

4. Histogram. A histogram comprises connected bars indicating the frequency or

proportion of occurrences within predefined intervals or categories. In contrast
to bar graphs, histograms usually depict continuous data and may feature bars
of differing widths. They offer a visual depiction of data distribution and are
valuable for examining the frequency distribution within a dataset.
Prepared by:

Mr. Paulo B. Placido

Teacher II

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