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s$c-: qrodd;rotf 8;deo io;":- ae-oooe

odtffir+raftq qqt {TBRiB{rq :*qF * 57 ooo6

An Autonornous body under the Ministry of Heatth and Family Welfare,
Covt. of lndia, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570 oo6
Phone: o8:r,:.5olooo/ z5ozroo, www.aiishmysore.in

E-$q-{ri@rl A DyE RTI s EM E NT No. 0 J/2 02 4 ktiaJoatea: February 26, 2024

Allsh, Mysore invites online applieation for the foll*wing post to be filled on Deputatlon basis
through Samarth portal (https:llaiishmysorent.samarth.edu.in/index.php/sitellogin) at the
lnstitute as detailed below:

Post Name of the Post f,fo ot
Code Post
Level I0 of pay matrix under
, Stores & Purchase Officer 0l Below 56 years
Vll pay commission & other
(Group A) (on deputation) usual Deputation allowances

l. Education Qualification and Experience

For Post Cod,e r: Stores & Purchase Officer (Croup A)

Sl. No. Method of Recruitment: Deputation

Number of post 0l
2 Age limit Not exceeding 56 years as in the last date of receipt of the advertisement
lnitially for a period of 0l year likely to be extended on
on yearly basis
Period of of Competent
(subiect to maximum of 03 years) based on approval of
n' Level l0 of pay matrix under Vll pay commission & other usual
Scale of Pay
allowances for deputation as per the Central 6ow, norms.
Officers of Central Govemment I Autonomous bodies / State
Covernment I PSUs fulfilling the following;
5. 6rade(s) from a) Graduate from a recognized University.
which the post b) Officers holding analogous post or officers with 0l years service
can be filled on in the grade pay of Rs.zt800/- OR 03 years service in the 6rade pay
deputation of Rs..16001, or in the grade pay of Rs.;tl00l with 08 years of

6. a) 6ood knowledge of material management and experience in

Desirable: handling stores & purchase matters.
b) Post 6raduate diploma in rnaterialmanagement.

Page L of 7
lt. Following are the important dates in this notification:

t. Date of commencement of online application : 0l.U-i'l0l'l

2. Last date for submission of online application : 30.(l{.102'l
3. Last date of receipt of hard copy of duly : 15.05'202'l
submitted online applications along with all
self-attested copies. (compulsory) at this
e lnterested candidatas who meet the requirement, may fill the online
application through Samarth portal. The link for online application is given
h ttp s:/| aiish m y so r e nt. s am arth, e d u. i n / i n d e x,phpJ si tefi o gi n

r Further, after submission of online application, candidates are advised to

-- - -ra ksap rffi our o'f

along with the all-necessary documents with self-attested copies to l.he

Office of the Chief Administrative Officer, All lndia lnstitute of Speech and
Hearing, Manasagangothri, Mysore - 570006 on or before 15.05.2024 At 5"30
PM or 45 days from th'e date of publication in the Employment news
whichever is later. i


AJ Cadre Authorities / Head of the Department are requested to forward the

applications of eligible and willing candidates duly signed by the candidate and
countersigned by tlre Head of Office or an officer authorized to sign on his behall in
the pro forma along with the following documents whose services can be spared ''or
taking up the assignment within one month from the date of intimation about their

1. Cadreldepartment Clearance/Specific No Objection Certificate.

2. Photocopies of the Annual Confidential Reports/ Annual Performance
Appraisal Reports of the candidate for the last five years duly attested by an
Officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the 6ovt. of lndia;
lntegrity Certificate (lC) to be signed by an Officer not below the rank of
Deputy Secretary to the Covt. of lndia (format enclospd);
4. Vigilance Clearance (VC) indicating that no disciplinary proceedings or criminal
proceedings are either pending or contemplated against the Officer concenBd
(format enclosed);
5. Documents for Age proof, proof for essential qualification (SSLC, PUC, Degree
certificates, all semester mark sheets, last pay certificate, Experie;nce
certificate indicating scale of pay, roles and responsibilities etc.,).
?age2 of 7
A 6. List of maior/ minor penalties, if any, imposed on the candidate during the last
ro years OR No Penalty Certificate, as the case rnay be. (Format enclosed).

B] Ihe terms of deputation including pay and shall be governed by the

provisions laid down in DoPT OM No.6/8/: lated r7.o5.:oto and other
oi'ders I guidelirres issued in this regard from time to time.

C] Age Iimit for deputation post mentioned above, the candidates should be below 56
years of age as on the closing date of application.

D] ln case, candidates are not drawing pay under the Vll CPC (Central Covernment
pay level), they are advised to enclose the "documentary proof" co*firming
equivalency of the pay drawn on par with 7th CPC pay matrix for fulfilment of
qualifying service criteria as stipulated under Sl. No. 05 (b). Pg. No. I of this

E] Being deputation posts, private candidates are not eligible to apply. AIISH
reserves the right not to fill all or any of the vacancies or to withdraw the
advertisement at any time without

lnterested candidates who meet the requirement are informed to take a printout
of the same and send their application thro' proper channel along with the all'
necessary documents with self-attested copies to the Office of the Chief
Administrative officer, All lndia lnstitute of speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri,
Mysore - 5?0006 on or before 15.05.202,1 At 5.40 PM (or) 45 days from the date of
publication in the Employment news whichever is later-

Advt No. 03/2024

Page 3 of 7

Annexure *I

the Annual Performance

who has applied for

in the All India Inshure

is cc*ificd that hisihcr intcgrity is lrcyond doubt.

(To be signted by an Ollic,er rl'the

rank aJ'Delsuty Sec,y. or aboye)
Name & Oflice Seal:


Page 4 of 7

.4nnexure - 2

be sought

L i.


Atlministratir,e i Front Roles and

;'Notlal Rcsponsibilitics
M inistry': I)eptt.
( oncerned (]n
case of ofltccrs

(Namt: & Signature)

Page 5 of 7
1To be lurnished and signed by rhe CVO or HOD)

t{, Whcther the officcr has becn placcd un tt . ,g**A

list Or "List of Ollccrs olDoubtf!l lntegrityi..,{lf
-vcs dctails tei be giren)

9. Whether any allegation of miscondu"t inrolvin[

vigilance angle was exanined against the officer
during the last l0 ycars and if sq the date of
imposition and detaits of penhlty? (N)

10. Whether any punishment \\,as arvardedlolhe offiGr-

during rhc lit;t l0 ycars and il, so, * ith rvhar result..)

ll I s any disciplinary ;cn minat pr,rcJ"ii-i

n-rrs oiG@
s.hcct pcnding against thc officers. as on
datc {if io.
details to be fumished -including
rcf'erencc no.. if any of thc ctxnrnission)

t2. rs any acrron contemplsled against the

officers as on
datc? (lf so, dctails to the t'urnished) (*)
13. \t'hetherony"o@
officcr? (lf so. details to be 1ir-,.n";,

(Name and Signature)

*) if vigilance clearance
hatl been obtained from the c.ommission in the pmt, the
infbrmation nray, bc. providccl fbr the pcrioel rhcrcatlcr

Page 6 of 7
,Anne-vurc - 3

major penalry has been imposcd or

who has applied lbr lhe pst of <n$m€ af post


All lndia

riztd s itrprttto r.v )

( Aulho

Name & O{fice Seal:


PageT of7

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