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VSTEP Speaking Part 3


Nowadays/In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about ….. (chèn
chủ đề) I totally agree with the statement that + topic (chủ đề đã cho) for the following reasons
B2: In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about online learning. I
totally agree with the statement that studying on the Internet has some benefits to students for the
following reasons (B2: phải paraphrase topic đề bài cho 1 chut thi moi duoc diem cao)
Firstly (gợi ý số 1), Secondly (gợi ý số 2), Finally (gợi ý số 3); In my opinion (giới thiệu thêm quan
điểm của mình về chủ đề đã cho);
In short, đọc lại câu chủ đề đã cho; đọc lại 3 gợi í và đưa ra lời khuyên nếu có
Ví dụ: In short, online learning is good for students. / has a lot of positive effects on students. I
believe that online learning is becoming more and more popular in the future.

1: Online learning is beneficial to students (benefit: lợi ích; beneficial: có lợi)

- Flexible (linh hoạt)
- Affordable (giá cả phải chăng)
- Convenient (thuận tiện)
- Your own ideas (thí sinh tự thêm ý tưởng của mình vào)
Follow up questions:
1. Who may benefit from e-learning the most?
2. What are disadvantages of e-learning compared to traditional learning?
3. Do you think online learning will be more popular? Why/why not?
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about online learning. I totally
agree with the statement that online learning/learning on the Internet brings a lot of benefits to
students for the following reasons.
- Firstly, online learning is very convenient and flexible. You know, students can study whenever and
wherever they want. They just need a smart phone, a tablet or a computer connected to the Internet,
they can get access to a rich source of information on any subject and attend any online courses.
- Secondly, it is very affordable to study online. Students can search for information using online
sources at very low cost (chi phí thấp) or even for free. Many websites provide free access to
information, some others offer online courses at a cheap cost.
- In my opinion studying on the Internet can save time/ online learning is time saving. Students can
study at their place/ study at home, they do not have to travel to the classrooms, which saves them a
lot of time.
- Finally, In my opinion online courses are more interesting thanks to the use of technology. It is a
good way to engage students, make students more interested in the lessons by using sounds, images,
games, videos.
- In short, studying online is beneficial to students/ studying on the Internet is good for students. I
believe that online learning is becoming more and more popular in the future.
Follow up questions:

1. Who may benefit from E-learning the most? Students, teachers (students can study online and
broaden their knowledge; the teachers use Internet in their teaching)
2. What are disadvantages of E-learning compared to traditional learning? Lack of face-to-face
communication/ direct communication between teachers and students; students and students;
sometimes there is the power cut/ Internet disconnectivity; cheating prevention is complicated; it is
hard to control the students, teachers don’t know whether students are studying or playing games.
3. Do you think online learning will be more popular? Why/why not? Yes, because in the future
information technology is more and more developed/ more advanced; people use Internet more.
Moreover, online learning has a lot of benefits to students and teachers.

2: Living in the countryside has many advantages

- Fresh air
- Friendly neighbours
- Cheap cost
- Your own ideas
- I totally agree with the statement that country life has some benefits for the following reasons.
- Firstly, people living in the countryside are very friendly and hospitable (mến khách). They are
helpful, they often get on well with each other. They often help each other in life. Sometimes, they
hold parties in each other’s house.
- Secondly, it is cheap to live in the countryside. They can grow their own food such as fresh
vegetables, fruits. They also raise chicken or pigs for food. They pay lower fees for all products and
- Finally, people in the countryside can enjoy the fresh air. In the countryside there are not many
factories, not much traffic. There are more green trees, lakes and rice fields which make the air
- I think there are beautiful landscapes, people visit the countryside to relax, reduce stress after hard
working hours. Children can play a lot of interesting games. They have more knowledge about
nature and environment.
- In short, it is good to live in the countryside.
3: There are some benefits of living in the city
- More chances for good jobs
- Better education
- Higher quality of health care services
- Your own ideas
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about the Internet.
- I totally agree with the statement that city life has a lot of advantages for the following reasons.
- Firstly, the cities offer higher quality of health care services/ good healthcare services because the
central hospitals with modern technologies and good doctors are located in the big cities. /the cities
have high quality healthcare services, good hospitals, good doctors and modern technologies.

- Secondly, people living in the city can have more chances for good jobs/ more employment
opportunities with higher salaries because more factories and big companies which offer well-paid
jobs are located in the big cities. People find it easier to find work. / = City life has more good jobs
because there are more factories and big companies located in the city. It is easier to find a good job
with high salary.
- Finally, people living in the city can benefit from better education. The education system from
kindergartens to universities in cities are good because a lot of money is invested in facilities and
excellent teachers. There are more top universities located in big cities. (with good quality)
- In my opinion, there are more entertainment facilities in big cities for example/ such as cinemas,
theme parks, shopping centers, games center. This makes city life more attractive and comfortable.
- In short, living in the city brings a lot of benefits to people.

4: Internet is a good source to collect information

- Easy access
- Rich information
- Low cost
- Your own ideas
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about the Internet
- I totally agree with the statement that the Internet is a good source to collect information for the
following reasons.
- Firstly, people can easily get access to the Internet because nowadays every family can have Internet
connection. Therefore, they find it easy to collect information on the Internet.
- Secondly, the Internet is a rich source of information. It gives us instant access to information on
any subject. For example, you can use Google to search for some benefits of the Internet, the results
can be available just after seconds. / It takes a few seconds to get the results.
- Finally, the Internet provides information at a low cost or even for free. You just have to pay
monthly fee for Internet connection. Moreover, some websites offer sources of information with low
cost or even free sources of information.
- In short, the Internet is a great tool to get information because of its easy access, rich information
and cheap cost.

5: A healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health

- Healthy body
- Good work/ study concentration
- Disease prevention
- Your own ideas
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about a healthy breakfast.
- I totally agree that a healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health because of the following
reasons/ I agree with the statement that a healthy breakfast is the best meal for your health.

- Firstly, it helps us to have a healthy body. I mean a balanced breakfast provides us with enough
energy and nutrients for the morning to work and study. It contains a lot of calories.
- Secondly, a healthy breakfast helps us to concentrate on our work or study better. Many studies
show that breakfast can improve memory and concentration levels. A breakfast with high calories
keeps our mind active throughout a day. So we will work more effectively than when we skip
- Finally, good breakfast helps us prevent diseases. A proper breakfast helps us to have a healthy
body. So it can help improve our immune system (hệ miễn dịch). There is a saying that “prevention
is better than cure”, by eating healthy breakfast everyday, we can stay away from diseases.
- In conclusion, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Appetite: su ngon mieng

6: Traditional music has many values

- Cultural values
- Historical values
- Educational values
- Your own ideas
Sample 1:
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about traditional music
- I totally agree that traditional music offers various values for the following reasons.
- Firstly, it has cultural values. Music is a symbol of a nation’s culture. Different countries have
different kinds of music. Based on the rhythms, we can say where a song comes from. Traditional
music can help people understand a country better. It represents the history, traditions and thoughts
of a community. For example Vietnamese folk music is extremely diverse and it expresses the
cultural identity of Vietnamese people.
- Secondly, it has historical values. It teaches us about the history of the country because many songs
were composed to describe the real situations in the past. The songs can remind us of what our
ancestors did and how they lived in the past. For example, some songs in the revolutionary period
encouraged people to live and fight against invaders during the war.
- Finally, it has educational values. I would say that they were the first songs we hear in our early
days in life. The music that our mothers sing help us to develop speech and language. Repeating the
sounds, rhythm and melody in songs helps to improve speaking skills.
- Your own ideas: In my opinion, traditional music is important because it is a part of human
expressions we can not separate from our life in spite of the development of modern music.
Traditional music helps connect people with each other in festivals, in community activities.
- In conclusion, traditional music plays an important role in our life.

6 Traditional music should be kept


historical Traditional your own

values music idea.


Follow up questions
1. What kind of traditional music is popular in your country? Folk music, ca trù; chèo; quan họ folk
songs; tuồng; Xẩm; Hue Royal Court Music; Đờn ca tài tử (Southern Amateur Music); cải lương;
2. What are some ways to encourage people to listen to traditional music? (broadcast on TV or radio
or on the Internet, organize traditional music festivals; music competitions; teach traditional music at
3. What are the benefits of traditional music to children?
I totally agree with the statement that traditional music has a lot of values for many people.
Firstly, it has cultural values. It means traditional music is a symbol of each nation’s culture.
Different countries have different kinds of music. Thank to rhyme and words in song, people can
know about culture, history and community of that country. For example, in Vietnam, ca tru, cheo,
cai luong are famous traditional music that show Vietnammese values about mother’s love, brace,
love the country.
Secondly, it has historical values because it was be written by ancestor. Many traditional songs told
us about history.
Bedsides, it has educational values. We can learn more about family love, relationship from people
to their country and relatives.
In my opinion, traditional music is important. People proud of their country. Music helps people
connect to each others and community.
In conclusion, traditional music has many values.

7: Helping other people is the key to happiness

- Inner peace
- Stronger relationships
- Stress reduction
Sample 2
Nowadays, an increasing number of people have been concerned about helping other people.
I totally agree with the statement that helping other people is the key to happiness for the following reasons.

First and foremost, helping others provides a sense of happiness and inner peace. When we help others, we
feel good about ourselves, and this feeling is contagious. According to research, helping others activates the
same areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure and reward, such as the release of dopamine and
endorphins. These "feel-good" chemicals produce a sense of euphoria, which creates a positive feedback
loop that motivates us to continue helping others.

Moreover, helping others also strengthens our relationships with them. When we help others, we create a
sense of community and belonging, which is crucial for building strong relationships. Helping others fosters
empathy and understanding, which helps to develop deeper connections with others. When we help others,
we are essentially saying, "I care about you, and I am here for you." This message resonates with others and
creates a bond that is difficult to break.

Lastly, helping others can also reduce stress. When we help others, we take the focus off of ourselves and
our own problems. This shift in focus can be incredibly therapeutic and helps to reduce stress levels.
Additionally, helping others can give us a sense of purpose and meaning, which can help us to feel more
fulfilled and satisfied with our lives.

8: Childhood is the most important time of a person’s life. (Thời thơ ấu)
- Developing physical health (phát triển thể chất)
- Forming personalities (hình thành tính cách)
- Learning things fast (học nhanh)
- Your own ideas
Sample 1:
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about childhood. I totally agree that
childhood is the most important time in the life of a person for the following reasons.
- Firstly, it is an important period for children to form personalities. In these early years of life,
children get a lot of information from different sources. From this, they create habits which will
have great influence on their life. Parents need to pay much attention to them and tell them what is
wrong, what is right.
- Secondly, children can learn things fast during childhood. At this time, children tend to be very
curious (tò mò) about things around them. They want to explore the world around them. Children
imitate (bắt chước) and remember quickly the things around them. By doing this, they can get a lot
of knowledge and skills.
- Finally, children develop their physical health in childhood. It is believed that a person’s height is
twice as much as his height at the age of two. Besides, if children are brought up well in their early
years, they will achieve their optimal physical growth.
- In short, childhood is the most significant time in the life of a person.
9: Studying abroad has many benefits
- Have better education (giáo dục tốt hơn)
- Become more independent (tự lập)
- Find a better job (có công việc tốt hơn)
- Your own ideas
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about studying abroad.
- I totally agree with the statement that there are many advantages/merits of studying abroad for the
following reasons.
- Firstly, students can have better education. It is true that foreign countries offer better courses
because they employ excellent/good teachers who are experts in different fields. Universities are
often equipped with modern facilities which support learning.
- Secondly, students can become more independent. Students have to live far from their family, they
have to live on their own, they have to do everything by themselves: doing housework; cooking;
managing time and money. They also have opportunities to improve social skills when living far
away from home.
- Finally, with a degree from a well-known university in a foreign country, students can find a better
job with higher salary. When studying abroad, they learn a foreign language, so it is easy for them
to look for jobs in a foreign company.
- In conclusion, studying overseas offers a lot of benefits such as better education, more independence
and better job opportunities.
11: There are some benefits of learning foreign languages
+ create job opportunities
+ Cultural understanding
+ Global citizens
+ Your own ideas

Sample 2
Everyone should learn at least one foreign language, for example like English because it
helps them to get a good job.
Secondly, Learning English helps to understand different
cultures; like English, American,….
Thirdly, it helps us to become Global citizens. When we know foreign language, we can
work in any countries in the world and we can talk with many people in the world.
In my opinion, when we know a foreign language we can travel many places in the
+ create job opportunities =>learning a foreign language helps to create job opportunities. This means that
learning a foreign language can help to find a high-paying job and gives an opportunity to work abroad or in
an international corporation company
+ understand cultures=> Learning a foreign language helps to better understand cultures of other countries.
You don’t have any cultures shocks when travelling.
+ become global citizens => it helps learners easily become global citizens because knowing the language of
a country feels more comfortable abroad, talk with people around the world easily.
+ your own ideas: People should learn a new language for better life.

12 Parents are the best teachers

- Be closer to the children
- Teach them with love and responsibility
- Understand the strengths and weaknesses
- Your own ideas
- In recent years, an increasing number of people have been concerned about the role of parents.
- I totally agree that parents are the best teachers for the following reasons.
- Firstly, parents are closer to the children. They are the first teachers teaching us to walk, speak and
behave well. Everyday parents take care of the children.
- Secondly, parents can understand their children’s strengths = good points and weaknesses = bad
points because they are close to them. They know what they are good at, what they are bad at and
what is suitable for their kids.
- Finally, they teach their kids with love and responsibility. They feel responsible for protecting the
children no matter what happens. Besides, parents always love their children so much that they have
great patience when teaching knowledge to their kids.
- In my opinion, parents are the ones who know their children best, they always listen to their
children, they give their children useful advice in life.
In short, parents are the best teachers because of their closeness, love, responsibility and their deep
understanding of their children.

13. Topic: Playing a musical instrument has a lot of benefits (Lợi ích chơi nhạc cụ)
- reduce stress
- manage time better
- improve concentration
- your own ideas
Well, I would like to tell the topic playing a musical instrument has a lot of benefits.
In this topic, I will support my opinion with examples and reasons.
- Firstly, I agree that playing a musical instruments helps us to reduce stress so that we can feel more
- Secondly, I support that playing a musical instruments helps us to manage time better
because we have to manage time to play music.
- Thirdly, I think that it improves concentration. Playing a musical instrument helps us to
remember key, tone, melody so that we can focus more and practise our concentration.
- In my opinion, playing a musical instrument helps us to sleep well/ know more about the
culture, tradition, habits, customs of many countries in the world.
- In short, playing a musical instrument has a lot of benefits

13. Topic: It is important to have a healthy diet (chế độ ăn tốt cho sức khỏe có lợi gì)
A healthy diet : 1. keep fit /
2. prevent diseases/
3. refresh your mind/
4. your own ideas
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about a healthy diet.
I totally agree that… It is important to have a healthy diet ….. for the following reasons
Firstly, a healthy diet helps people keep fit: people can feel confident and put on beautiful costume/clothes
especially for women who want to wear beautiful clothes.
Secondly, it helps to prevent diseases: It improves a good immune system to fight against diseases.

Thirdly, it helps to refresh your mind - we feel relaxed/ comfortable to work better
In my opinion, it helps us to stay strong/ healthy and keep the long life
In short, It is important to have a healthy diet.
14. Long Tet holidays (kỳ nghỉ dài) (activites/ benefits of long Tet holidays)
- gathering
- relaxing time
- traveling
- your own ideas
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about Long Tet holidays.
I totally agree with the statement that there are some benefits of long Tet holiday for the following reasons.
Gathering: firstly, it is a chance of gathering (reunion). People who live or work far from home
can come back to join with family.
Relaxing time. Secondly, it is a relaxing time. People can reduce stress after hard working time and they can
enjoy a lot of activities with their family such as decorating their house, preparing some traditional food,
visiting their relatives and friends and giving the best wishes for them, going to
temples or pagodas to pray the best things for family all around the year.
Traveling: finally, Tet holiday is a good time for travelling to enjoy good time and explore new
In my opinion, tet holiday is a good chance to teach children about the tradition, habits
and customs of our country.
In short, Tet holiday is a good time for family
15. There are some benefits of mobile phones
- computer functions (có chức năng giống của máy tính)
- search engines (công cụ tìm kiếm)
- means of communication (phương tiện giao tiếp)
- your own ideas
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about mobile phones.
I totally agree with the statement that there are many benefits of mobile phones.
Firstly, It is a computer function. (people can get or send email, they can type the
documents on mobile phones)
Secondly, it is a search engine. People can find out all the information on mobile phones.
Thirdly, It is a means of communication (people can use mobile phone to contact with
other people by calling, sending messages, chatting..)
In my opinion, mobile phone is a means of entertainment such as listening to music,
watching TV, playing games, taking photos…
In short, there are some benefits of mobile phones
16. Topic: A great teacher can change a student’s life (1 giáo viên tốt có thể thay đổi cuộc sống của 1
học sinh)
- Motivation (động lực)
- Inspiration (khơi nguồn cảm hứng)
- Useful advice (đưa lời khuyên hữu ích)
- Your own ideas
Sample 2:
I agree with the statement that A great teacher can change a student’s life for the following reasons.
First and foremost, a great teacher can be a source of motivation for their students. A teacher who is
passionate about their subject matter can inspire their students to become more engaged and enthusiastic
about learning. They can ignite a spark in their students that can lead to a lifelong love of learning. A great
teacher can also provide encouragement and support to their students, which can help to boost their
confidence and self-esteem.
Furthermore, a great teacher can inspire their students to achieve their goals. By setting high expectations
and providing challenging assignments, they can push their students to strive for excellence. A great teacher
can also serve as a role model for their students, demonstrating the values of hard work, dedication, and
perseverance. This can help to instill a sense of discipline and a strong work ethic in their students, which
can be invaluable in all areas of life.
In addition to motivation and inspiration, a great teacher can provide their students with useful advice. They
have a wealth of knowledge and experience, which they can share with their students to help them navigate
the challenges of life. They can offer guidance on everything from academic pursuits to personal and social
issues, providing a valuable sounding board for their students.
Finally, a great teacher can create a positive and supportive learning environment for their students. They
can foster a sense of community within their classroom, encouraging collaboration and teamwork among
their students. This can help to create a sense of belonging and can lead to greater engagement and
participation in class.
In short, …..

17. There’s too much pressure on school students these days (học sinh chịu nhiều áp lực)
- Parents’ expectations (mong đợi của bố mẹ)
- Peer competition (cạnh tranh với bạn bè)
- Heavy workload (bài tập nhiều)
- your own ideas: teachers’ requirements; compete with brothers or sisters in the family
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about pressure on school students.
I totally agree with the statement that There’s too much pressure on school students these days for the
following reasons.
Firstly, I agree that school pressure comes from parents’ expectation. The parents always want their children
to have high scores. Students feel very stressful about the achievement at school to make parents happy, and
they don’t want their children to be disappointed.
Secondly, peer competition also brings the school pressure. Children have high pressure
to get the good results when their parents often compare them with others in the same
class. (to compete with their classmates, they always want to have higher results than their classmates)
Thirdly, heavy workload at school also becomes a pressure for children. Children have to
learn a lot of subjects at school and do a lot of exercises, go to extra classes in the evening and at the
weekends so they have no enough time to relax or take part in some outside activities.
In my opinion, school regulations also become pressure for children. For example they
can be punished by teachers or school if they come to school late or have bad behaviors to teachers or
In short, there’s too much pressure on school students these days.
18. Nowadays internet has a lot of bad points (bất lợi của Internet)
-unreal life (cuộc sống ảo)
-less face-to-face talk/ interaction/communication (thiếu sự tương tác trực tiếp)
-less privacy (thiếu sự riêng tư)
- Your own ideas

Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about the Internet
I totally agree with the statement that the Internet has a lot of bad points for the following reasons.
- Firstly, internet creates the unreal life (talk online but no meeting in real life). The things we see on internet
may be quite different from the real life and the information on internet is sometimes not
-Secondly, there is less face to face talk. It means that we will lack the interaction in real life with our
friends. People, especially young people nowadays spend too much time in front of the computers and are
lack of outdoor activities or get together with family and friends. Therefore, they are easy to become
isolated/ autism and addicted to the Internet.
- Thirdly, there is less privacy: it is very easy to get personal information on the internet, so people don’t
have much the privacy/ Internet easily leaks personal information because all our profiles and our privacy
are revealed
- Finally, Internet has a lot of black websites which are not good for children.
- In my opinion: The government should have policies to protect the right of Internet users
In short, the Internet has a lot of bad points.

19. There are many causes of telling lies (lý do nói dối)
+ to get out of troubles : it helps to protect yourself from problems/
+ to protect privacy : In some cases people tell lies to keep secret or keep the
information in safe. For example, when we access social networks like zalo or facebook,
we have to provide the wrong information about address, name, mobile phone,.., to keep
privacy and safe.
+ to avoid embarrassment: sometimes, the truth is not good and it can have bad effect on our
life , so telling lies is a good choice.
+Your own idea : to make others happy, (white lies) to reassure people (trấn an)
In short, there are different reasons why people tell lies

20. University is a memorable time of our life (đại học là quãng thời gian đáng nhớ)
+ Independence
+ knowledge achievement
+ Social networks
+ Your own ideas
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about university education.
I totally agree with the statement that University is a memorable time of our life for the following reasons.
Firstly, it helps us to have independence at university. It means that we can live without parents, have to
cook and take care of ourselves. We have to take responsibility of our behavior.
Secondly it helps us to gain much knowledge. (academic knowledge and living skills/ social skills:
communication; presentation; teamwork; time management; public speaking… which can be applied in your
future career )
Thirdly, it helps us to open our social networks (open relationship, make friends..).
Finally, I think it helps us to feel confident and learn different skills which are useful in our life.; take part in
volunteer activities;

21. Nowadays people have to live more stressfully (con người ngày nay chịu nhiều căng thẳng hơn) =
đề về stressful things in life

I agree with the statement that people have to live more stressfully nowadays because of the following
Firstly, people have heavy workload.

+ Heavy workload: they have to work hard / busy; they have to spend a lot of time at work; Nowadays,
people have to work at least eight hours per day and six days per week. they have no time to relax.
+ Relationship conflicts: Have a row with friends/ colleagues/ Sometimes, I have an argument with my
family members
Finally, people have financial difficulties
+ Financial difficulties: have difficulties in work and get little money- can’t support the
family life / failure in business….
+ Your own idea ( break up the relationship, unemployment, working environment…)
In my opinion Stress comes from…..
In short, there are many causes of stress nowadays.

22. Learning a new skill is important (học 1 kỹ năng mới)

I totally agree that Learning a new skill is important ….. for the following reasons
+ Challenge yourself: Firstly, it helps to challenge ourselves, when we learn new skills, we can know more
about ourselves and see the strong points and weak points. From that, we can improve the strong and reduce
the weak points.
+Improve our brain functions: Secondly, it improves our brain function. Learning a new skill is a good way
to improve the knowledge and enrich our mind and it’s useful to make our brain perform effectively.
+Have a more meaningful life: Finally, it helps us have a more meaningful life. Learning a new skill is
necessary to our life and it will make us more perfect and feel positive in our life.
+ Your own opinion: it helps us live better / feel more confident in working and living

In short, learning a new skill is important.

23. Students are encouraged to go to the art galleries (lợi ích của việc đi đến phòng triển lãm tranh)
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about art galleries. I totally agree with the
statement that Students are encouraged to go to the art galleries for the following reasons.
+ Relax : reduce stress/ feel comfortable after hard study
+ Learn more knowledge : improve the knowledge about history, culture, tradition… many art galleries can
be a teaching tool which gives students a direct way to get involved with arts communities, and learn
about art from experts who have a deep understanding of the topic.
+ Talk with other people : make friends and open the relationship; taking students to art galleries will help
them engage with people in the arts community, and let them see the value of creative work
+ Your own opinion : In my opinion, Students feel proud of the culture and tradition of the country and have
a deep love for the country / have awareness of responsibility to preserve the culture of the country.
In short, …….
Students are encouraged to go to art galleries.


learn galleries

with others

Relax: reduce stress after hard working time

Learn about the history, culture, tradition, habits and customs of many places in the world
Communicate with others: make friends and open the relationship.
In my opinion, we go to art galleries to see the view and meet the people who have the same hobby.
Besides, going to an art gallery helps to improve the deep love for the country and raise awareness of
responsibility for protecting the culture of the country.
1. How important are art galleries in education?
2. What should be done to encourage people to visit art galleries ?

3. Are art galleries popular in the future?

25. Study at university/university education is beneficial in a number of ways (lợi ích của giáo dục đại
+ Academic knowledge
+ Job opportunities
+ Social skills
+ Your own opinion
I agree with the statement that study university has a lot of advantages for the following reasons.
Firstly, it helps us to get academic knowledge. It means that we master the knowledge of social and natural
Secondly, it provides job opportunities/ chances. It means that we can have chance to get a good job with
high salary.
Thirdly, it helps us to open social communication. It means that we can make friends and
open the relationship with many people.
Finally, we can learn a lot of skills at university such as: teamwork skills, communication skills,
presentation; time-management; public-speaking; …
In short, studying at university has a lot of benefits.
Follow up questions:

26. Facebook is a useful learning tool for students (Facebook là công cụ học tập hữu ích)
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about Facebook
I totally agree with the statement that facebook is a useful learning tool for students for the following

- Be means of entertainment=> Fb is a means of entertainment which helps people to reduce stress after hard
working by listening to some songs, watching funny videos. People tend to use fb to search for latest news
to see what is happening around the world. It’s also a means of communication which connects people in
the long distance.
- Be a different way to learn=> Facebook seems to be one of the most effective tools because it is used for
discussion, sharing video and document links. Students generally respond to discussions quickly and are
comfortable enough in their own world to share their information and opinion. Furthermore, interactions
with teachers can be instant because teachers tend to respond students quickly through FB
- Be a rich source of information=>Fb is a rich source of information in which contains a lot useful
knowledge and the latest news around the world
-Your own ideas=> In my opinion, People should support this trend however the parents should control their
children in using fb for good purposes
General statement: In short, Facebook is becoming more and more popular in the society.

27. There are several disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos (bất lợi của việc giữ động vật trong
vườn thú)
Keeping animals in zoos
1. loss of freedom
2. lack of space
3. lack of survival skills
Keeping animals in zoos can lead to ….
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about keeping animals in the zoos…..
I totally agree that There are several disadvantages of keeping animals in zoos.
Firstly, keeping animals in zoos can make them lose freedom / can lead
to loss of their freedom. It means that their activities are kept in cage and
controlled by human beings so that they feel very uncomfortable with their life. They have no more
opportunities to live in the real world, instead they stay in restricted enclosures in the zoos.
Secondly, I must say that keeping animals in zoos can bring lack of space. It means
that animals have to live in small, isolated and limited space instead of natural
living environment. As a result, some of them can die at the early age. they tend to be habituated (get
familiar with) on human activities, accordingly they become dependent on human, therefore they will be
definitely lack of survival skills.
Thirdly, keeping animals in zoos can make them lack survival skills. It means that
it’s difficult for them to adapt to the living environment now and easy to get some
kinds of diseases to lose their life.
Finally, one more point I want to add here is that because of keeping in the zoos
for a long time and deal with unnatural living environment, some animals can
become extinct.
It is suggested the Government should have policies to protect in the national park/ forest/ jungle and set
them free to live in their natural life
In short, ….

28. There are several causes of youth violence (lý do bạo lực ở tuổi vị thành niên)
- media influence (ảnh hưởng của truyền thông)
- lack of parents’ supervision (thiếu sự giám sát của bố mẹ)
- peer pressure (áp lực từ phía bạn bè)
- Your own idea
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about youth violence.
I totally agree with the statement that there are several causes of youth violence for the following reasons.
media influence: Media affects children in behavior and thinking through
movies, music, games… Children tend to imitate (bắt chước) the violent actions on films or
games and become out of control
- lack of parents’ supervision: people are busy with work, don’t have enough time
to take care of children, / not keep an eye to them, learn bad things from the society and their friends
- peer pressure: they can be affected by friends’ behaviors or they are the victims of
bullying (bắt nạt)
- own idea: In my opinion, heavy workload makes young people stressful and causes violence./ violence
among young people.
In short, …….
Sample 1:
- Get media influence => the young people spend to much time in front of the computers, they get
influenced on violent video games which cause them to act aggressively not just in mind but also in their
- Be lack of parents’ supervision => Working parents are quite busy to earn money for living, therefore they
have no time to take care of their children. When children do not get sufficient supervision from parents,
they are prone to participate in criminal activities
- Have peer pressure => Children are likely to engage in violent behaviors when they act as a group because
they want to show off their power or have a sense of stylish or feel empowered to maintain their position in
the group
- Your own idea=> Limit their Internet time, watching habit, get them involved in different household
chores/ work/ routines tasks such as do the cleaning, do the cooking and so on

29. There are some benefits of eco-tourism (du lịch sinh thái)
+ Preserve the culture (gìn giữ văn hóa)
+ Conserve environment (bảo tồn môi trường)
+ Reduce poverty (giảm đói nghèo)
+ Your own ideas
Sample 2: I totally agree with the statement that ecotourism brings a lot of benefits to the community for the
following reasons.
Firstly, eco-tourism preserves the culture because the purpose of tourists is to explore cultural values. For
example, ancient villages, ancient temples and pagodas /pə'gəudə/, historic sites. So if we want to attract
tourists coming to those places. we have to protect and preserve them.
Secondly, eco-tourism conserves the environment. First, conserving the environment is the way to attract
tourists. Besides the culture, the tourists also want to explore the beautiful places, such as mountains, forests,
caves, rivers,... Second, if we want to develop eco-tourism we have to protect and keep them.
Thirdly, eco-tourism reduces poverty /'pɒvəti/ because eco-tourism brings jobs and income for local people.
They can make and buy souvenirs, local goods or they can open restaurant, homestay to serve tourists.
Besides, they can do transport, performing local dances and songs,... Those jobs help local people reduce
In short, there are many benefits of ecotourism. In my own ideas the Government should care and invest in
developing eco-tourism. Besides, it is necessary to encourage local people to protect the environment.

30. Museums and art galleries should be free of charge for students (miễn phí vé vào cửa cho sinh viên
khi thăm viện bảo tàng hoặc phòng tranh)
- Widen knowledge (learn about history, culture which is useful for their study)
- Reduce stress (feel happy, relaxed after class hours)
- Meet people with the same interests (make friends)

Sample 1:
- Widen knowledge=> many museums and art galleries can be a teaching tool which gives students a direct
way to get involved with historical and arts communities, ask questions, and learn about art from experts
who have a deep understanding of the topic
- Reduce stress=> Going to the art galleries helps students to relax after lessons
- Meet people in the same interests= >taking students to art galleries will help them engage with people in
the arts community, and let them see the value of creative work and understand about our history.
+ Your own ideas=> The teachers should bring students to art galleries frequently to open their eyes and
improve their knowledge
General statement: Visiting the museum and art galleries plays an important role in our life

31. Lunch in school canteen has some benefits (Lợi ích ăn trưa ở căng tin trường)
Lunch in school canteen:
- cheap/ (it doesn’t cost much money, about 25,000 Vietnamdong, it is cheaper than eating at the food stores
or restaurants) food while is sold for students always has a reasonable price and good nutrient for full
- convenient/ (they don’t have cook the food, they just go the canteen and choose any food and drinks they
like for their lunch)
- time-saving (students don’t have to travel to the food stores, they are far from their schools. They just walk
to the canteen and enjoy their lunch)
- Your own ideas: make new friends with other students in the school

32.Printed books should be used in class instead of e-books (sách bản in nên được sử dụng thay vì bản
-improve attention => Printed books are often soft to touch, nice view with colourful cover and pages which
make use feel pleasing on eyes as well as make reading physically pleasurable
-increase love with reading => Printed book helps us to remain the traditional reading habit which increase
the love with reading between young generations
-enhance imagination => Reading printed book will help us to foster our imagination in which we can
generate new ideas and deeply understanding new things, easily feel the love the meaning that the writer
wants to convey to the readers. More importantly while reading the reader can manipulate/ switch coding the
word into the picture in their mind
-Your own ideas: It is suggested that people should remain reading habit everyday

33. There are some drawbacks for college students who live far from home (Bất lợi cho sinh viên đại
học sống xa nhà, khó khăn gì)
I totally agree with the statement that there are some drawbacks of students living far from home.
- dangers (mối nguy hiểm) they can be cheated; their things can be stolen;
- homesickness (nhớ nhà) they miss their family
- high living cost (chi phí sống cao) they have to pay for renting a house; electricity bill; water bill; Internet
bill; pay for food;
In short, students living far from home have to deal with some problems (dangers; homesickness; high living

34. Some several qualities to make a good teacher (phẩm chất của người giáo viên tốt)
Sample 1:
- Broad knowledge => Firstly, broad knowledge; When it comes to good and effective teaching, broaden
knowledge is a must because if the teachers want to have good communication skills and knowledge
transferring to their students, they need to widen their outlook and develop their creative thinking

- Love to teaching =>Secondly, love to teaching; Love to teaching is the requirement of their job because
this will bring them the feeling of satisfaction knowing that they are contributing positively to the next
- Good teaching methods=>Finally, good teaching methods; Many teachers feel unconfident when
teaching because they do not have good and appropriate teaching methods which play crucial roles in the
classroom. Good teach methods will help them to transfer knowledge effectively and get fully participated
and motivated from students in the class.
- Your own idea => In my opinion, teacher should Join the training courses every year to improve their
knowledge and teaching methods.
In short, there are some qualities to make a good teacher
35. Family should spend more time cooking together (bố mẹ dành thời gian nấu ăn cùng nhau)
Sample 2
save money=> Cooking at home helps to save money and be more economic than eating in the restaurants
because you don’t have to take a taxi or drive their car to get to the closest restaurant. Furthermore, buying
food from the supermarket is cheaper and fresher and can cook meals for the whole family member in
several days
- strengthen (Streng-thần) love for family=> Cooking at home helps to strengthen love for the family
because eating at home gives the whole family time to talk to share about their daily life
- increase food safety: Cooking at home also helps to increase food safety because home cooked food
consumes less sugar which can provide higher energy levels and better mental health, the foods they cook at
home feel safer and suitable for family's taste
- Your own ideas=> People should cook at home frequently to remain the cozy of family and increase the
food safety
General statement: Homemade cooking plays an important role in the society nowadays

36. There are several ways to overcome sadness (có vài cách để vượt qua nỗi buồn)
- Share with someone else (share with friends or my mother because they can give me useful advice; help
you easily forget the sadness and become happy)
- Listen to music (listening to a favorite song is a good way to forget your sadness)
- Do exercise
- Your own ideas: In my opinion; go shopping; eat your favorite food; go to your favorite place where you
have a lot of good memories
In short, …..
Sample 1:
- Share with someone else => when you feel depression, you should share with someone else such as
relatives and friends who always stay at your side, encourage you and help you think positive
- Listen to music => Music is a kind of therapy which will help people to reduce stress after hard working
day as well as when people are not in good mood. You probably listen to some upbeat music or rock and
rolls which help to change the atmosphere immediately and easily forget their sorrow
- Do exercise=> Doing exercise regularly will help us to refresh our mind and then easily forget our sorrow
- Your own ideas=> It is suggested that we should make our life more meaningful to get out of sadness

37. Games are useful in the classroom (trò chơi rất hữu ích trong lớp học)
Classroom games:
- Fun
- creativity
- interaction
Sample 1:
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about games.
I totally agree with the statement that games are ……………………….
- Be fun => Games are very useful in the classroom because of its fun. Playing games in
the classroom increases overall motivation.
-Be creativity => Games helps to develop their creativity ( cờ-ri-ây-ti-vi-ti) because by playing games,
students become more motivated to learn, pay attention and participate in set tasks
- Have interaction => Games help students to become a part of a team as well as take responsibility for
their own learning. Also Games become competitive in the classroom which will increase their interactions
with their peers
- Your own ideas=> It’s suggested that the teacher should employ more games which are effective
educational tools in teaching in order to gain more knowledge, get motivated and increase interactions
between students

38.There are some fun ways to learn English

- games
- English clubs
- songs
- your own ideas.
Games: students have fun in English learning through games. They can join some interesting games to
improve the E skills effectively.
E club; Students can take part in E club to speak English and make friends and improve communication
Songs; English songs are very useful for students to learn English vocabulary and develop listening skills
Moreover, talking to native speakers is also a good way to lean E naturally, which helps students feel
confident to speak E.
1. What is some advice to give the learners of English?
There are many ways to learn English depending on learner’s conditions, interests and proficiency. The best
way is that you put yourself in an English speaking environment. You can listen to English songs, see
English films. Furthermore, communicating with a native speaker, participating in an English speaking club
are very good to improve your English as well.

39. There are some benefits of cycling

- Relax: after hard-working hours, cycling makes me feel relaxed, help to reduce stress, relieve pressure
- Keep fit: cycling is a form of exercise, it is a physical activity which is good for health
- Protect environment: it produces no fumes, no smoke; friendly with the environment; ride bicycles instead
of riding motorbikes or driving cars
- Your own ideas: have a lot of energy
Sample 1:
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about cycling.
I totally agree with the statement that …….
Firstly, cycling is an excellent way to relax and reduce stress. Riding a bike can be a meditative experience
that allows you to clear your mind and focus on the present moment. Cycling also helps release endorphins,
which are the body's natural mood enhancers. This means that cycling can help reduce stress, anxiety, and
Secondly, cycling is an effective way to keep fit and healthy. Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can help
strengthen muscles, improve cardiovascular health, and increase lung capacity. It is also a great way to burn
calories and lose weight. Cycling regularly can help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as
diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Thirdly, cycling is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Unlike cars and other motor
vehicles, bicycles do not produce harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution and climate change.
Cycling also reduces traffic congestion and the demand for fossil fuels, which can help protect the
In addition to these benefits, cycling has other advantages. For example, cycling can be a cost-effective
mode of transportation. Bicycles are relatively inexpensive compared to other vehicles, and they do not
require expensive fuel or maintenance costs. Cycling also allows you to explore your surroundings and
experience nature up close, which can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience.
Moreover, cycling can be a social activity that allows you to meet new people and connect with others who
share your passion for cycling.

40. Over population damages environment (dân số quá đông ảnh hưởng đến môi trường như nào)
- natural resources (make use of too much natural resources so it will run out
of. Deforestation for building house/ factory …..
- wastes : rubbish from daily life – make environment polluted
- global warming : smoke and waste from factories, means of transport come
to the air and make it polluted - …..

41. Equal partnership has some features (sự bình đẳng nam nữ trong gia đình)
- share some routines & household tasks
- childcare responsibility
- work as a team
- your own idea.

In my opinion, I agree that Equal partnership shares some routines & household tasks:: it means that both
men and women should support each other in their daily activities and doing housework such as cooking,
Equal partnership takes childcare responsibility: Both of them have to be responsible to look after and
educate the children and become a good example for children to follow.
Equal partnership works as a team: They also work hard to earn money and support for their family.
Moreover, equal partnership shares the feelings and emotions in their work and their life and it is considered
as the best way to improve the relationship.

42. Waking up early has a lot of benefits

- Keep a healthy diet
- Feel fresher
- Increase work productivity
- Your own idea.
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about waking up early
I agree that waking up early has a lot of benefits
Firstly, Keep a healthy diet: When we get up early, we have time to prepare a good breakfast with a lot of
energy for a whole day.
Secondly, Feel fresher: When we get up early, our mind is very relaxing and feels so comfortable and ready
to work for a whole day.
Finally, Increase work productivity: When we wake up early, we feel so fresher after a healthy breakfast and
we can work more effectively.
Moreover, in my opinion waking up early makes me feel happy/ spends much more time to work in a day.
In short, waking up early has a lot of benefits

43. Working from home has a lot of benefits (teleworking = telecommuting)

- Save time
- Increase productivity
- Reduce working stress
- Your own idea.
Save time: When we work at home we don’t have to spend time going to work, so we can save a lot of time.
Increase productivity: We can have a private and quiet space for working and we can develop our
creativeness/creativity and abilities for work
Reduce working stress: When we feel tired, we can stop the work a little bit for relaxing or sleeping. (doing
exercise, listening to music)
Your own idea: In my opinion, We have much more time to look after family and children.
In short, ……

44. Topic: There are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees
- increase arrogance
- cause more conflicts
- break company rules
- your own ideas

Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about setting freedom for employees. I
totally agree with the statement that there are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees for the
following reasons.
Firstly, it increases arrogance. People become overconfident about themselves. One of the most common
negative effects of excessive freedom is an increase in employee arrogance. When employees are given too
much freedom, they may begin to feel entitled and overconfident. This can lead to a lack of respect for their
colleagues, as well as an unwillingness to listen to feedback or suggestions. Arrogance can also lead to
employees overestimating their abilities, which can result in mistakes or even accidents.

Secondly, it causes more conflicts. They have freedom at work, they can do what they want; When
employees are given too much freedom, they may begin to operate independently, without considering the
needs or perspectives of their colleagues. This can lead to conflicts when employees clash over resources,
responsibilities, or even just ideas. In extreme cases, conflicts can escalate into more serious issues, such as
bullying or harassment.

Finally, it breaks company rules. They can do what they want, they may not follow the rule of the company.
When employees are given too much freedom, they may begin to disregard established policies and
procedures. This can create a culture of non-compliance, where employees feel justified in breaking the
rules because they feel they know better. This can lead to serious consequences for the company, including
legal liabilities and reputational damage.

In my opinion, other effects are lack of experience; lack of clear direction.

In short, there are some negative effects of setting freedom for employees. To prevent these negative
outcomes, companies should strive to strike a balance between freedom and structure, providing employees
with the necessary guidance and support to thrive in their roles.

45. There are some Causes of overpopulation (lý do dân số đông)
- Decline in death rate = mortality rate (tỷ lệ tử vong)
- Lack of family planning
- Better health care system
- Your own idea.
- Decline in death rate: It means that when the society is more developed, the standard of living as
well as the medical system are much more improved, so when the children are born, they are looked after
very well.
- Lack of family planning: In some country sides or mountainous areas in the developing countries, a
lot of people don’t understand how to take family planning. As a result, the population is more and more
- Better health care system: it means that when the healthcare system is improved, the people are taken
care of very well and they are helped to have a healthy lifestyle so they can live longer.
Your own idea: In some developing countries, a lot of people want to have a lot of children who can look
after the parents when they are old.
In short, there are several cause of …./ overpopulation results from decline in death rate, family planning
and better heath care system

46. Personal Privacy & the Internet (sự riêng tư và Internet)

- Spam
- Personal information hacking
- Computer viruses
- Your own idea.
I totally agree that there are some disadvantages of the internet on personal privacy.
Spam: it happens when you send or get email through internet, which can make you feel annoyed and it can
have a bad effects on the work.
Personal information hacking: When people use some software or social network on Internet, they have to
supply their information such as name, phone number, address, account number and their personal
information can be stolen by hackers for bad purposes.
Computer viruses; When we assess Internet or set up some software for computer. It’s easier to get virus in
our computers, which damages all the information and documents in the computer.
Your own idea: Internet brings unreal life for people because all the things people show on Internet are not
real. Sometimes the information on Internet is not true.
In short, there are some disadvantages of the internet on personal privacy.

47. Self-study skill (kỹ năng tự học) is important/ there are some benefits of self-study
- More independence
- Better time management
- Better academic performance
I totally agree with the statement that …….
More independence: self study skill helps us to feel confident and independent because we can study by
ourselves without the help of other people.
Better time management; We have to arrange the suitable time to study, so it helps us to arrange the time

Better academic performance: When we study by ourselves, we can find the best way to learn well and then
we can improve the academic performance.
Your own idea: In my opinion, We have much more freedom with flexible time to study any time or
anywhere we like. Besides we can improve the knowledge from different fields around the world through
different media such as Internet, radio, TV……
In short, ….

48. Group work helps students learn better at schools (Lợi ích của làm việc theo nhóm ở bối cảnh
trường học; giúp học sinh học tốt hơn )
- Learn from others
- Develop common skills
- Be more active
- Your own idea:
- Learn from others: When ss work in groups, they can share knowledge with their friends and learn
from each other.
- Develop common skills: groupwork is useful to develop communication skills, teamwork skills,
time-management skills; presentation skills; …..
- Be more active: When students work in group, they feel more confident to present in front of the
others and then they become more active.
- Your own idea: make more friends and open the relationships

49. Visiting foreign country is valuable experience for students (đi nước ngoài là 1 trải nghiệm quý
- Increase knowledge
- Good memories
- Make friends
- Increase knowledge: improve knowledge about culture, habits and customs of the foreign country.
- Good memories: When students visit foreign country, they can discover new places and experience
new things with a lot of photos and videos and they can keep them as good memories.
- Make friends: meet a lot of people- make friends, open the relationship
- Your own idea: In my opinion, students can have chance to relax, learn the new language (practise
English) have a lot of new experiences in their life.
In short, visiting a foreign country is good for students.

50. Trees are essential for the existence of human beings

a good
source of

better Trees own
environment idea.


Trees are a good source of food. It means that trees supply human being with fresh nutrition which is good
for health such as ; rice, fruits, vegetables.
Trees bring better environment because it is a good source of oxygen which makes people feel fresh and
planting trees is a good way to protect our environment.
Trees are considered as a kind of utility. It means that people can use trees for building and designing the
houses. Moreover, we can utilize trees for wood industry development
Trees are very useful to keep away from natural disasters such as flood, drought….
They can make a good view or sightseeing for people to enjoy and explore.

51. There are some drawbacks of online shopping

delay in

quality of good your

is not as good own
as expected it idea.

lack of

Online shopping can make the delay in delivery because of some reasons. Firstly, the products haven’t come
back on time. Secondly, the shippers are busy delivering to many places so it can make the delivery late.
When we have shopping online, the quality of good is not as good as expected it. It means that some
products advertise online look more colorful and beautiful than as usual because of photo shop technology.
Besides the stuff people get is sometimes may be broken or damaged during delivery
When people have online shopping, because of lack of shopping experience, people can be cheated or have
to buy the bad quality products which are much more expensive than the real cost.
When we shop online and pay online we can become a victims of cheating and the personal account be

52. Camping is good for students

fresh air

Camping your own


net working

Camping brings a lot of fresh air. When we go camping, we often choose the country side with many trees
and beautiful view to relax and organize a lot of outside activities. Thus, we can enjoy the fresh air and live
with the nature.
Camping is a good chance of discovery. Some people choose the mountains to set up their tent and it’s also
a good place for them to take part in some extreme sports or risky activities such as climbing, sky diving, go
hiking to experience the strong feelings and challenge themselves. It is considered a good activity to explore
new places and enjoy themselves
Camping is a good way to improve a net working because through activity people can join different outside
activities together, which is considered a chance to improve the solidarity, community strength and open the
social network
Finally, Camping is a good opportunity for people to develop communication skills, teamwork kills and

53. Private cars should be banned in big cities

pollute the

cause traffic private your own

jams cars idea.

waste money

When a lot of people use private cars, it will emit/ release a lot of dust and waste into the air and make the
environment polluted.
If The private cars are used by many people, it can cause the traffic jams because a lot of vehicles are
running on the street at the same time and make the street become crowded and noisy.
It is a waste of money to use private cars because we have to spend a lot of money buying petrol and
expensive vehicle.
When people use a lot of private cars in big cities, it’s difficult to find the car park and it’s expensive to pay
for maintaining the car.

54. Cohabitation (sống thử)

higher rate of

more financial your own

issues idea.

more tension

Cohabitation is that man and woman live together before getting married.
There are many drawbacks of cohabitation/ those who live together before getting married.
Firstly, cohabitation is the reason for higher rate of separation because when they live together, they can
identify the weak points of their partners and lead to some conflicts or the boring feelings when living
together is also the reason for breaking the relationship.
Secondly, cohabitation brings more financial issues because when we live together we have to pay the
double for the service, which can become a financial burden for men or women.
Thirdly, cohabitation can cause more tension when they have some conflicts in relationship such as lifestyle,
opinion, housing……
Finally, it can cause unexpected pregnancy
Sample 1:
-higher rate of separation: => cohabitation before marriage has higher rate of separation because young
people do not think carefully, have a deep understanding and sympathize each other, Moreover they are still
young and lack of life experience and have no marriage commitment and responsibity
-more financial issues: Youngsters normally are students who have no jobs, no plan for future jobs, they
may not get enough salary for living, accordingly they have more and more financial issues in paying bills
when living together
-more tension: they tend to have more tension because there are no marriage commiments, responsibilty, no
jobs, no future plans and have more financial difficulties thus they do not have a better life, accordingly they
tend to have relationship conflicts
General statement: cohabitation before marriage is a great concern in the society nowadays
Your own ideas: The Government, parents and teachers should work in hands in order to educate young
generation about the disadvantages about the cohabitation marriage

55. Higher education should be free for everyone.

chance for

A safer Higher
world education

Solution to

Equal chance for everyone: It means that everyone has the same opportunities to do everything

It is true to say that education is the most important aspect in our life. Some people believe that Higher
education should be free for everyone while others disagree with this view. From my point of view, I totally
agree that higher education should be free for every one because of some following reasons.

The first reason I would mention is that when universities are offered for free, it will create equal chance for
every one in which everyone can gain access. For example, poor students can enter university to achieve
knowledge for better future. The second reason could be explained that free higher education will open the
world. This means that it can provide global higher education coverage. The third reason is that non-
payment higher education helps to find solutions for the unemployed which are serious problems nowadays.
Free education will ensure that everyone can get a better job with skillful knowledge that they have learned
at university. From the reasons above, it can be concluded that higher education should be free for everyone.
Therefore, it is suggested that the Government should support this trend and encourage young people to
enter university for better future.

56. After school activities are beneficial for students


sense of your own
commitment idea.


-Firstly, develop communication skills=> due to tight schedules at school, students have to do a lot of
assignments, therefore, they might not have more opportunities to develop their communication skills at
school. Thus it can be interestingly said that extra activities after lesson will help them to have more time to
talk, to share everything with their classmates and teachers. Accordingly, their communication skills will be
improved effectively.
-Secondly, sense of commitment=> extra-activities after school always foster a sense of commitment in
which they are fully responsible for their tasks they are committed to.
-Finally, time-management: Students who attend extra programs after school tend to have a greater
understanding of time management than those who don’t because they have to learn how to give priority their
work and in short time they manage to complete the task they are committed to.
-In my opinion, Parents and teachers should encourage students to attend extra class activities after school
=> General statement: In short, After school activities are very crucial for students nowadays.

57. There are ways to maintain good workplace relationship

-build effective communication skills=> Because we have to communicate all day, whether we're sending
emails and sms, or meeting face to face. The better and more effectively you communicate with those
around you, the richer your relationships will be. Therefore, the more you are good at communication skills,
the better results in work you can get
-Keep good co-operation=> Maintaining good workplace relationship will keep good co-opertation which is
very crucial factor to teach us work in team or in groups in order to achieve the best results at work
-Avoid criticism and gossips=> A bad relationship at work also makes low productivity, and leads to the
different conflicts. Therefore, it is better to maintain a workplace happiness which helps to reduce criticism
and gossips

58. Topic: Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.

- Increase knowledge=> Reading habit helps teenagers to increase their knowledge because books contain a
huge source of necessary information, therefore young people can broaden their knowledge and open the
- Reduce stress => Reading is also a kind of entertainment which helps us to reduce stress after hard
working and reading 30’ before bedtime always makes people have a good sleep
- Improve memory=> Reading regularly helps people improve their mind and memory and also heighten
their brain functions and boost up their mental performance
- Your own ideas=> The parents should encourage their children to keep their reading habit day by day
General statement: reading habit plays a crucial role in the life today.

59. Topic: There are some drawbacks of online shopping

delay in -delay in delivery => Online shopping always

delivery delays in delivery. Even though it hardly takes
10-15 minutes to buy the product online, by the
time it reaches your hands, it would be more
than 4-5 days. During the big sales, e-commerce
quality of portals may take too long to deliver the product.
-quality of course is not as good as expected=>
course is Online your own Online shopping always leads to the fact that the
not as good shopping ideas quality of the products is not as good as expected.
as expected Since people are unable to touch or to see the
products they want to buy in reality, it is always
hard for them to examine the quality of these
products. As a result, they might purchase the
lack of items with poor quality
experience -lack of shopping experience => onsite shopping,
sales assistants show personal attention on
customers and give complete details on the
product. However, this does not happen in the
case of online shopping. All you can do is to see
27 the picture and read the description only.
Therefore, it is true to say that online shopping
makes customers be lack of shopping
experien ce.
Sample 2: Online shopping is a convenient way for people to buy things

Topic: Online shopping is a convenient way for people to buy things.

1. Have you ever bought something online? Which?

2. Do you think that online shopping will be more popular in the future?
Why?/ Why not?
3. Are there any disadvantages of online shopping?
It’s my pleasure to be here and talk to you about the topic: online shopping – a convenient way to buy
things. My talk will be divided into four parts according to four reasons why people like online shopping.
People like to buy things through online shops for some reasons. Firstly, online shopping helps people save
time. Instead of walking along the street and going to the many shops to choose the satisfying things, we
now just stay at home and select products very fast through online shopping. Moreover, there are thousands
of products available in the online shops. We just go to the website, type key words, then we can see the
images and information of products we need. Another reason that makes online shopping more popular is
competitive price. Because of the availability of products in the Internet, shoppers set their prices in the most
reasonable way to gain most profit and catch much attention of customers. Based on the price set, customers
can easily compare the prices of each product and choose the one they prefer. Finally, online shop’s owners
don’t need to charge rent so the price of products in online shops tend to be cheaper than that of products
bought in the other shop.
That’s all of my talk. Thank you for listening.

60. Topic: Technology supports students’ learning

-improve knowledge => Advanced technology helps students to improve their knowledge through quickest
way that is Internet. With a good Internet connectivity, we can get global education and make friends
throughout the nation and the world
-provide learning sources => Through Internet inventions, students can search a huge information of related
materials which are useful for students’ learning. Furthermore, we can take the advantages of Internet to
attend online courses, thus parents don’t have to take their time to fetch their kids from extra classes, hence
students can get flexible time to study on the Internet.
-reduce the cost of study=> traditional learning fees are more expensive than online learning, because You
don’t have to worry about paying the costs of accommodation and transportation when studying at home
through Internet.
-Your own ideas=> The educators should apply different advanced technological inventions for learners at
institutional levels
General statement: Technology plays a crucial in learning process nowadays

61. Topic: Music has certain positive effects on babies

- Support language development=> music helps to Support language development because music
helps us retain words and expressions much more effectively. The rhythm of the music, as well as
the repetitive patterns within the song, help us memorize words
- Help to develop senses=> five senses — sound, sight, touch, smell, and taste
- Increase creativity=> A study conducted in Hungary found that 3-4-year-olds who were given music
and signing lessons obtained higher grades in creativity than children of the same age who did not
receive any musical training.
- Your own ideas
The positive effect music has on babies and children is surprisingly diverse, encouraging babies'
development in both the mental and physical health

62: Topic: Punishment by teachers at school is good for students (giáo viên phạt thì tốt cho học sinh)
- Obey teachers: nghe lời
- Minimise misbehaviours: giảm hành vi hư
- Concentrate better on study: tập trung hơn vào việc học
- Your own ideas
I totally agree with the statement that punishing students are good for them for the following reasons.
Some people say punishment by teachers at school is necessary, others think that it may cause emotional
and mental suffering in children’s heart. In my opinion,
- Firstly, punishment makes students obey teachers. Teachers deal with 30 or more students in each class,
so students surely misbehave sometimes. It is the teacher’s job to make them obey the discipline. If the
teachers do nothing, then the children see no consequences for bad behaviours. As a result, the
classroom will be in disorder and confusion.
- Secondly,
- Fnally,
- Your own ideas: However, punishment should always be fair and suitable so as students can see their
mistakes and correct themselves. There are many ways to punish a child: writing an essay, doing more
exercises, cleaning the classroom. The purpose is to educate students with acceptable behaviours.

Follow up questions:
1) Do you think punishment by teachers to students at school should be encouraged?
- No, in any case, being punished is a negative experience for a child. It’s the reason why punishment
should be fair and in a suitable way. It is better if teachers inform parents about their children’s
misbehaviours and co-operate with the parents to educate their children. Stubborn
2) Do all students obey their teachers whenever they receive punishment?
- No, it depends on each student’s character. There are many students who obey teachers, because
they are afraid of teachers and punishment. However, there are some students who are stubborn and
difficult to control. Teachers should know their students well enough to apply different ways to educate
3) What are the downsides of overuse of punishment at school?
- Overuse of punishment can lead to negative feelings and emotions in children. It may make them
more stubborn and restive. On the other hand, they can be afraid of going to school or keep doing bad

63. Topic: Smoking should be banned in public places

- Smoker’s health
- Second-hand smoker’s health
- Financial burden
- Your own ideas
I totally agree that smoking should be banned in public places
a) Firstly, it affects Smoker’s health: Cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems for
smokers. It is a major cause of respiratory diseases such as asthma, lung cancer and bronchitis. It also
leads to heart disease.
b) Secondly, it affects Second-hand smoker’s health: Smoking also affects the health of non-smokers
and unborn babies. Non-smokers soften suffer from eye and nose irritations, allergies and headaches as a
result of inhaling second-hand smoke. There is also evidence to suggest that passive smoking may cause
lung cancer. Smoking during pregnancy can hinder to growth of the foetus and may even result in death.

c) Finally, smoking causes Financial burden: Smoking is also a financial burden for smokers and non-
smokers. Firstly, cigarettes are addictive because of nicotine they contain, so smokers have to pay a lot
of money to buy them; Secondly, the cost of medical treatment for the diseases caused by smoking is
very high. As a consequence, non-smoking taxpayers have to pay for the health costs of smokers, which
is unfair.
d) Your own ideas: Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to our health. However, we live in a
democratic country where everyone has the right to do whatever he likes within the laws, so we cannot
ban smoking completely. We are able to raise awareness about health problems when smoking, and
prohibit smokers from smoking in public places. We should have warnings and raise the price of all
smoking products. This will help to decrease smoking.

64. Topic: Airplane is the best transport means to travel long distance
- Time-saving
- Safe
- Comfortable
- Your own ideas
- Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about airplane
- I agree that airplane is the best means of transport to travel long distance for some reasons.
- Firstly, it is the quickest way to travel. It takes you only 2 hours to travel from Hanoi capital to
HCM city.
- Secondly, traveling by airplane is safe and comfortable. You will not be stuck into the traffic jam
like traveling by cars, you just need to sit and enjoy your journey.
- Finally, travelling by plane is comfortable. You don’t feel tired when travelling by plane, you can
relax by listening to music, reading newspapers and magazines.
- In short, travelling by plane is the best means of transport.

65. There are some benefits of doing yoga

- good for concentration
- good for health
- reduce stress

Sample 2:
Benefit of yoga with children and old people: keepfit- improve confidence - keep healthy
About keep fit, that is because, yoga helps people consume excess energy. We can do yoga in the yoga
studio, the park, studium, and at home. We can lose weigh and have beautiful body
About improving confident, that is because old people often feed tired and boring. They are not connfident
about their body. They think it isn’t as good as when they were young. Doing yoga helps them keep fit and
have a beatiful body. It’s suitable for olf people
About keep healthy, that is because it helps the heart work better and prevent many serious diseases such as
high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, heart disease, cancer, and so on. Besides, it helps children avoid passive
activities such as playing game, surfing internet, watching film, and so on.
In my opinion, doing yoga can also have one more benefit is that when we do yoga, we feel more
comfortable and happier. It helps me relax and reduce stress after study and work. It is very good.
To sum up, đề can bring more many advantages to people’s lives. It is very necessary
Now, I will answer 3 questions below
The first question (bạn có tập? Khi nào?) yes, with my mother, when I have free time and at night. It helps
me easy to sleep and feel more comfortable
The second question (phổ biến?) yes, people more care their health, they can find ways to have better health.
Doing yoga will helps them
The finaly question (lợi ích/ tác hại) lợi-> như trên
Hại: If we practice wrong way, it will be very dangerous. It can lead to injuries and affect people’s health

66. Topic: Crimes are increasing in modern society? Crimes are on the rise (tội phạm ngày càng gia
tăng: lý do)
- Unemployment: tỉ lệ thất nghiệp
- DVD/ the Internet
- TV programmes
- Your own ideas
In the modern society, there are more and more crimes. Unemployment, DVD, TV programme and the
lack of education are the causes of crime. We can see crimes everyday on TV, on newspaper and they
are increasing seriously. Moreover, the crime is younger than before. They are not aware of their
behavior and have no responsibility for what they do. So the government should have better rules to
reduce crimes.
The unemployed: thief, pickpocket; steal money
People who are out of work

67. There are negative effects of fastfood

There are many negative effects of fastfood. First, we may lack of family gathering when we do not spend
enough time eating at home but fastfood restaurant. Second, if we eat a lot of fastfood, we may loose our
appetite because it has a lot of oil and artificial spices. Last, we may have irregular eating time, so it’s not
good for our health. In conclusion, eating too much fastfood can have some bad effects, so we should avoid
eating lots of fastfood.

Cau 1: C1: Nowadays, People eat fast food because of some reasons. Firstly, it’s very convenient because
they can save time make dinner after a hard working day. Secondly, fast food is usually much cheaper than
homemade meals and have a meal in restaurants. Moreover, Fastfood is decorated very colorfully and its
flavour is very attractive and delicious.
C2: People eat fastfood because it’s fast and convenient. It’s suitable for busy people in our busy modern
Cau 2: However, fastfood menu items are high not only in fat but also in sugar. Most fastfood are cooked in
fat like French Fries and Donuts… Moreover, it takes in large amounts of sugar. It leads to undesirable
weight gain and many other health issues. Last but not least, fast food is often stored for a long time with a
lot of presevation so that it can have a bad effect on people’s health.
Cau 3: I think people should be aware of the disadvantages of eating from fast food. We should be careful
before considering fast food as a best choice for their menu. Fast food is convenient in modern society but it
also contains a lot of negative sides that damage people’s health if we use it regularly.

68. There are some ways to stay healthy

There are many ways to stay healthy. Firstly people can do physical exercises at home or go to the gyms to
practice with different equipment. People should also pay attention to their diets. Having good diets help
them get enough nutrition for their daily work and therefore feel energetic and never be distracted by
hunger. Another contribution to healthy lifestyle is sufficient relaxation which helps people release stress
and feel happy all the time. So, having good diets, doing physical exercises frequently and having enough
relaxation play important roles in keeping our life healthy.

69. Too much TV can harm children

Topic: Too much TV can harm children.

Affect children’s behaviour

1. How much TV is enough for children?
2. Do you think that governments should limit the programs for children? Why?/ Why
3. How can parents control what their children watch on TV?

There are some negative sides of watching TV a lot among children. The first point I want to say here is
that watching TV can affect children’s behavior. Nowadays, TV programs show a lot of violent scenes that
make children tend to imitate their actions and become more aggressive. This is very dangerous because the
children’s behavior becomes out of control and they can break the laws. Moreover, watching TV a lot can
make the chidren’s eyes tired because they have to look at the screen for a long time in a short distance. This
thing can cause some problems to their eyes. Next, the children who spend much time sitting in front of TV
become more passive and lazier. They rarely move their body parts and they become a coach potato that is
one of the main reasons for over weight problems. Besides some disadvantages of watching TV such as
affecting children’s behavior, causing eye-diseases or overweight problems, I think watching TV too much
result in poor social development. Children who watched excessive television as less cooperative, less
imaginative, less enthusiastic about learning, and less happy than those who watched little or no TV.

70. Marking by teachers at school is good for students

Topic: Marking by teachers at school is good for students.

students to learn

Teachers’ Your ownideas

Create a Marking
Facilitate students
with better teaching
- Do you think marking
by teachers to students at school should be encouraged
- - Do you think teachers’ marking at school always work ?
- What are the downsides of overuse of punishment at school?

Marking by teachers at school is good for students. In my opinion, this is true in four aspects.

First, marking motivates students to learn. Students always want their efforts to be recognized and marking
is an effective method to do so. If s student gets a good grade, which means their achievement is recorded,
he will try his best to have good results again and again.

Second, marking creates a competitive learning environment. When a student in class gets good grades and
is praised before the class, others definitely want the same. And they will make continuous efforts to have
good results, too.

Third, marking facilitates students with better teaching methods. Traditional teaching methods do not always
work and there are needs for better ones. And marking makes it easy for students in learning.

Finally, my own opinion is that marking is a mirror of student’s capabilities. Though this is not absolute, to
some extent marking reflects a student’s efforts and is a measure to evaluate their abilities.

71. There are some disadvantages of owning a car

Topic: Disadvantages of owning a car.


Cars Your ideas

Not green

Stuck (traffic jam)

- What are advantages of having a car?

Do you think it is better to use a bicycle than a car?
How do you think traffic jam can be solved with the increased number of cars ?

In our lives, we travel from one place to another for a great variety of reasons and while traveling we greatly
depend on cars, whether it is a private car or a public bus. The number of car-owners increasing everyday
because every person expects the freedom to travel and comfort while traveling. And that is why most of us
want to own a car. However, owning a car has many disadvantages.
Firstly, owning a car is very expensive. The price of the car, the cost of the tax, insurance cost, fuel-cost,
driver' salary, car repairing etc. all must be considered before buying a car and that is why it is out of reach
of the middle class people. Not all families can afford it. Private car is more expensive than the public
transportation, people have to pay more for using of car.
Moreover, private cars can not carry many passengers at a time yet occupy spaces in the street. As the
number of car is increasing in the road so does the traffic jams. City travellers have to spend longer hours on
traffic jams. Using more private car, the density of traffic has been increased phenomenally and citizens
have had to stay longer time on traffic load.
Perhaps the major disadvantage of cars in general is the huge damage they do to the human health and to
the environment. More cars mean more pollution. The consumption of fuels to run the car is contributing to
the rise if global warming and affecting the ozone layer. The environment pollution is a serious issue today
and in any cost we must reduce the amount of pollution. And if we consider it, then owning a car is never a
good idea.
To sum up, having a car gives someone freedom but if public transportation system is easily accessible, safe
and efficient, then the idea of buying and owning a car should be abandoned. Cars have increased the level
of air and noise pollution in cities, causing more humans to suffer from respiratory, heart diseases, or

72. There are some disadvantages of being famous

Topic: Being famous?

1. Which qualities should a famous person have?

2. Why does the young generation copy them?

3. If you had a chance to become famous, who would you like to become?
Being famous, in fact, is not always advantageous. Famous people usually feel stressful as they need to meet
people’s expectations. Sometimes they need to try their best to keep their image good and therefore do not
dare to show their real feelings. Being famous means being followed by many people. This naturally put
pressure on famed people, they need to perform well every time, everywhere and are easy to be depressed
once they cannot do their job perfectly. The biggest problem is that famous people normally lose their
privacy. Nearly every thing that they do can be released on newspaper. Thus, not only famous people but
also their family members are irritated sometimes. So, I think, being famous is, in fact, not always good.

72. There are some disadvantages of tourist development

Topic: Disadvantages of tourist developments

- 1. Why do you think people like to travel to different places in their free time?
- 2. Should your government invest more money in attracting tourists?
- 3. How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?

Tourist development has a lot of disadvantages. First, there are a number of ugly hotels complexes because
of their degradations. Second, another problem due to tourist development is destruction of natural habitat.
Finally, it also destroys traditional ways of life. For example an peaceful environment nowadays is replaced
by noisy resorts, so the way of life has to change too. In conclusion, Tourist development has cause a lot of
troubles such as ugly hotels complexes, destruction of natural habitat and destruction of traditional ways of

73. There are solutions to transport problems

Topic: Solutions to transport problems
There are a
lot of

1. What forms of transport do you use?

2. Do you think that transport problems are worse in urban or rural areas?
3. Has the way people travel changed much in the last few decades?

solutions to transport problems. Firstly, we need to widen roads in order not to have traffic jams. Secondly,
we need to use more public means of transport instead of private transportation. Thirdly, Maybe the local
government should be introduce flexible working hours to solve transport problems. In conclusion, solutions
to transport problems include widen roads, use more public means of transport and introducing flexible
working hours.

74. Let’s talk about how important good sleep= sleep enough= have a sound sleep= a lack of sleep= tend to
not get enough sleep.
- have an effect on people’s physical health 2. After all day to take part in many activities…sleeping is the time
for the body to relax and recover.
- help people’s brain work well 2. That means the brain needs to refreshed after a long day to work effectively for
the next day.
- help people to reduce weight gain. Sleepy people tend to be hungry and eat junk food at late night. Therefore,
people should take a sleep early to avoid obesity.
- IDEA: wonderful way to release tension and boost gain. It means that, people stop thinking and forget
something while sleeping.

75. spring: activities- traditional festival-climate

About activities: I can come back home to gather with my family, relatives, friends. I will go to the market
to buy things with my mother. I will take park in the year-end party with friends. I will go to the beauty
salon to take care of myself.
About traditional festival: is Tet, it is the biggest festival of the year. It means a lot to Vietnamese people. , I
will go with my family to visit relatives and return to my hometown (về quê ngoại). I will cook together
traditional dishes, talk, ask about health, work, family, and give each other good wishes (lời chúc tốt đẹp). I
will receive lucky money from grandparents. Tet is really wonderful.
About climate: is often fresh and cool. It often do not has suny and rainy. It is suitable to take part in
outdoor activities.
In my opinion: spring helps we enjoy more life, relax and reduce strees after hardwork, it gives us time to
come back home, gather with family, relatives, friends.

76. parents: understand children’strength- play with them- teach

About understand children’s strength: Parents raise children from a young age so they know what their
child's strengths are. Parents will give their kids advice when their kids are struggling, and help them find
their strengths.
About play with them: Parents talking, taking care of their children become close friends of their children.
Share with them about school, friends, love, hobbies, upcoming plans. problem solving with children
About teach: parent can teach many things to their children such as life skills, right behaviors, patience, and
so on. It help children become a good person
In my opinion: Parents should spend more time sharing with their children. encourage their children to
follow their dreams
77. living alone: free – independent- mature
In my opinion: Although it's good to live alone, I will feel lonely and homesick
Sample 2:
Living alone (independence, freedom, peace)

One of the biggest benefits of living alone is independence. When you live alone, you are responsible for
everything, from cooking and cleaning to paying bills and managing your finances. While this may seem
daunting at first, it provides a sense of control and empowerment that can be incredibly fulfilling. You can
create your own routines, follow your own schedules, and make your own decisions without having to
consult anyone else.

Another major benefit of living alone is freedom. You have the freedom to decorate your space however you
want, to play your music as loud as you want, and to come and go as you please. You don't have to worry
about anyone else's preferences or schedules, and you can truly make your space your own. This kind of
freedom can be incredibly liberating, and can help you feel more comfortable and confident in your own

Living alone can also provide a sense of peace and quiet that can be hard to come by in other living
arrangements. You don't have to worry about roommates or family members interrupting your thoughts or
activities, and you can create a space that is truly your own. This can be especially important for introverts
or those who need a lot of alone time to recharge.
About mature: when I live alone I have to do many things and learn more new things like life skills,
communication skills, teamwork skills, leadership skills, how to grow up, more relationships. These things
help me grow more and more

78: Raising pets (release stress, have an exercise partner, increase social interaction, your own ideas)

One of the most significant benefits of raising pets is the release of stress. Studies have shown that
interacting with pets can lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety, and decrease depression symptoms. The
mere act of petting an animal can release endorphins, which are natural chemicals in the brain that promote
relaxation and a sense of well-being. Having a pet can also give people a sense of purpose and
responsibility, which can help reduce stress levels and increase feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
Pets can also make great exercise partners. Dogs, in particular, require daily exercise, which can encourage
their owners to stay active and get outside. Walking or running with a dog can be a fun and rewarding way
to stay in shape, and it can also be a great way to meet other people who are out walking their dogs.
Additionally, playing with pets, whether it's tossing a ball or playing with a toy, can be a fun and effective
way to get some exercise and release pent-up energy.

Another benefit of raising pets is the increase in social interaction that they can provide. Pets can serve as a
social lubricant, helping people to connect with others who share their love of animals. Joining a pet club or
attending events like dog shows or adoption fairs can be a great way to meet new people and make friends.
Additionally, taking a pet out for a walk or to a pet-friendly event can be a great conversation starter,
helping people to break the ice and connect with others in their community.

78. Gap year (thuận lợi của Gap year, là ko đi học đại học luôn mà đi làm hoặc đi du lịch 1 năm)
There are some benefits of having a gap year
- work experience
- money
- life skills
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about gap year. I totally agree with the
statement that there are some benefits of having a gap year for the following reasons.
One of the primary benefits of taking a gap year is the opportunity to gain valuable work experience. Many
students enter college without any real-world work experience, and a gap year can provide them with an
opportunity to work in different fields and explore their interests. By working during their gap year, students
can learn new skills and gain practical experience that will be valuable to them throughout their lives.
Additionally, work experience can help students build their resume and develop professional connections
that may be helpful in securing future employment opportunities.
Another benefit of taking a gap year is the opportunity to save money. College tuition and living expenses
can be expensive, and taking a gap year can provide students with a chance to work and save money for
their education. During this time, students can work full-time or part-time jobs to earn money to cover their
expenses. By saving money before starting college, students can reduce their financial burden and focus on
their education without worrying about money.
Finally, a gap year can help students develop valuable life skills. During their time off, students have the
opportunity to explore new cultures, develop new hobbies, and build new relationships. They can also learn
how to manage their time effectively, take responsibility for their own lives, and develop a sense of
independence and self-confidence. These life skills can be invaluable in college and throughout their lives,
as they navigate new challenges and opportunities.

79. Google is a very fast search engine

- informative
- fast
- user friendly
Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about Google. I totally agree with the
statement that Google is a very fast search engine for the following reasons.

Firstly, Google's search engine is incredibly informative. It has indexed billions of web pages, providing
users with a wealth of information on just about any topic imaginable. With a simple search query, users can
access relevant and accurate information on a wide range of subjects, from historical events to scientific
research, to cooking recipes. Google is also continually being updated to provide users with the most
relevant and up-to-date information available.

Secondly, Google's search engine is incredibly fast. It is designed to provide users with search results in a
matter of milliseconds, making it the fastest search engine available. This speed is particularly useful for
people who are looking for quick answers to their queries. Whether you're searching for a restaurant in your
area, looking for directions to a particular location, or trying to find the answer to a trivia question, Google's
fast search results will provide you with the information you need in no time.

Finally, Google's search engine is user-friendly. The search interface is simple and intuitive, making it easy
for users to enter search queries and navigate the search results. The search results themselves are also
presented in a clear and concise format, with relevant information highlighted for easy viewing.
Additionally, Google's search engine is available in numerous languages, making it accessible to people
around the world.

In addition to its search engine, Google has also developed numerous other products and services that
benefit users. Google Maps, for example, provides users with accurate and up-to-date information on
locations around the world, including driving directions, transit routes, and business information. Google
Docs allows users to create and collaborate on documents online, while Google Translate makes it easy for
people to communicate with others who speak different languages.

In short Google is a very useful search engine.

80. There are some benefits of living on campus

- convenience
- independence
- networking
- your own ideas

Nowadays an increasing number of people have been concerned about living on campus. I totally agree with
the statement that living on campus offers several benefits for the following reasons.

One of the primary benefits of living on campus is the convenience and accessibility it provides. When you
live on campus, you are just a few steps away from your classes, the library, and other academic resources.
This means that you can easily attend study sessions, group projects, and other academic activities without
worrying about transportation or finding a place to study. Additionally, living on campus can save you time
and money that would otherwise be spent commuting to and from campus.

Living on campus also provides students with a sense of community and belonging. When you live in a
dorm or residence hall, you are surrounded by other students who are going through the same experiences as
you. This creates a sense of camaraderie and can lead to lifelong friendships. Living on campus also
provides opportunities to participate in social and cultural activities, such as student organizations, sports
teams, and cultural events. These experiences can help you develop new skills, explore new interests, and
build your network.

Another benefit of living on campus is the support and resources that are available to students. On-campus
housing typically comes with access to support services such as counseling, academic advising, and health
services. These resources can help you navigate the challenges of college life and provide a safety net when
you need it most. Additionally, living on campus can provide access to career services, internships, and job
opportunities that can help you prepare for your future after graduation.
Living on campus can also provide a safe and secure environment for students. Most colleges and
universities have security measures in place to protect their students, such as 24-hour security patrols, secure
entrances, and surveillance cameras. This can provide peace of mind for students and their families,
knowing that they are living in a safe and secure environment.
Finally, living on campus can provide a sense of independence and responsibility that is essential for
personal growth and development. When you live on campus, you are responsible for managing your time,

budgeting your expenses, and making decisions about your lifestyle. This can help you develop important
life skills that will serve you well beyond college.
In short, living on campus has some benefits for students.


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