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“\SEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY Accurate soil moisture determination is possible with pore a) TensiometerGeil moistwe. densionp) Gypsum block(Conductance of electyveity ) eof Gravimetric method ¢) Neutron moisture meter Grn oishure- conterf! ° . in soit) Q2 Which non-monetary input decides the plant standin the field ? @) Germinatios’ percentage a) Sowing depth ©) Seed size d) Variety ‘Which ofthe following sowing method is commonly followed in field crops ? a) Bosidcasting bY Line sowing ©) Dibbting 6) Transplanting Succeeding crop in relay cropping is called as _ __ a) Relay erop b) Cash exop c) Ratoon crop et) Catch crop Q5.__ In which cropping system maximum utilization of space is possible ? 2) Intercropping b) Relay cropping \-JMultisiaried cropping d) Mixed cropping ret Besant) 26. Which isthe ideal stucture'of sol aggregate, when sil is used as a medium for crop growth. ' a) Platy b) Blocky J ve) Crumb @) Columnar 7. Cation exchange capacity of soil depends'on content of. a) Sand b) silt ©) Gravel d} Clay if Q8. Movement of soil water"under unsaturated condition takes place through a) Outer Capillary Ceweu\able. to plams)b) Mactopores Wore Sy lnner Capillary 4) External porosity i Q9. OF the following, which field crop is used as best guard efop and sown around the main crop. * a) Wheat b) Sunflower AF Safflower @) Gram Q:10. Which of the sequence is followed to carryout tillage operations a) Ploughing - harrowing ~ clod crushing - weeding b) Ploughing ~planking - harrowing lod crushing ©)--Ploughing - leveling ~ clod crushing — gap filling SF Ploughing - clod crushing ~ harrowing ~ planking QuIl. Which hoe is used to carryout interculture operation infield crops upto 15 days after sowing. a) Bitire blade b) Akola oF Slit blade 4) Spring teeth ¥ Q.12. Moisture % in grain should be reduced to___% before storage. . a) 20% ) 16% Cereals = 12-14 b v6) 11% d) 8% Pulses = 10-127, 7 oilseeds = 3‘, Q.L3. The failure of viable seed to germinate under favoutable condition is called as a) In viability b) In ability (2) Dorinaney ) Compatjbility Q.14. To increase yield cowpea seed is treated which __ culture. A) Rhizobium: b) Azotobactor ¢) Azosprillum d) PSB QS. Actual coming out of seedling above soil surface is called as a) Germination _ »)Grow out £) Emergence 4) Elongation Qu6. instrument is used for in-situ soil moisture dete a) Monometer b) Rainguage my ©) Infiltrometer Al) Tensiometer (0.@) ~ (0-88 ) Q.17.. For convenience in sowing ___ seed treatment is used in cotton. : “> a) Thimate ) Soaking in water ff ©) Carbofuron A) Sulphuric acid. ( 2304 ) > Q.18. Which seed is commonly used by the Farmers for commercial erop production. +a} Certified seed b) Breeder seed c) Nucleus seed 4) Foundation seed Q.19. Arrangement of soil particles is referred as va) Soil structure : by Soil texture ©) Soil organization d) None of above Q.20 A veiticle sectioi cut downward through the soil is called as. 2) Soil profile 6) Soil colamn ¢) Soil horizon 4) Soil sample gerifiealion proeess: itrossmons Q.21. Nitrogen is taken by the plants in the form of ___ : : pan = H a) Elemental nitrogen Py Nitrate manera mre Noe) ©) Nitrite @None ofthese — itvite "SNipeate ¢ Nos) Q.22, Tillage operations carried out before sowing to develop thesoil condition arecalledas__- 4) Preparatory tillage b) Presowing tillage ¢) Inter cultivation 4) None of these Q23. The size of clay particle is. Fi 9 0.002 mm 0.1 mm 902 mmCoarse sand’) 0.05 mine. sand) Ootmns Sit ! Gravel = Q24. Most of the plant nutrients become available to plant, when soil pH is___. 2) 6.0-7.0 065-80 , 4) 6.5-7.0 CNewthral) d)7.0-8.0 8 &25, The soil manipulation necessary to meet the sringum requirements for crop production is called as Minimum tillage 0) Zero tillage ) No tillage ) None of these 0.26. is used as a multipunpose implement 2) Hoe +) Plough = VS Harow 4) Rider mV: Q.27. Which implement is used for interculture in sugarcane 2) Akola hoe ) Karjat hoe 6) Japanese hoe (A Wooden plough +-Q28. Implement developed by ICRISAT Hyderabad for dryland agriculture is___. : 2) Wheel chaic Dy Tropicultar ©) Multiple device 4) Mould boatd plough 29. Any material added to soil for supply of nutrients is called as _ a) Fentilizer ») Amendment c) Filler d) None of these Q30. Cuttivation of erp plans in water is termed as__ 4) Sea culture b) Hydroculture Hydroponics €) None ofthese Q31. Plant makes use of, ____ water very easily. a) Hygroscopic -b) Outer capillary . ) Inner capillary 4) Gravitational Q52, Thickening of waterfilms take place due to the force of . a) Gravity b) Adhesion caltssiesiin g rey 4 se Cohesion CsSrfilax pnsticle> — d) Os ou Fes weTCoesion ¢5 sehlox patil 1) Osmosis Q.33. Water is held on surface of soil paticles by the force of 8) Osmosis b) Gravity se) Adhesion 4) Cohesion Hyqro ~- tovosaty 34. Capillary water is held between tensions of _i 0 6-2 atmospheres canitl Lap itary a)1000t031 4)31 1015 _ w531003,, Rot BHP 151003 Grattary Yn 35. ‘The mioisture present in between _ ——— is called as available soil moisture. a) Hygroscopic and wilting coefficients /) Field capacity and wilting point ©) Field capacity and maximum water holding capacity 4) Wilting point and MWHC 9:36, Tensiometer is useful for measuring a) Water +b) Moisture. x&) Soil moisture tension d) Resistance 9 37. Tensiometer works ipto the limit of. atmosphere a) 80 vi08 ©) 0.08 4) 0.098 Q38. One atmosphere is equivalent to omofmercuryeolima, — 4-4rop= ]634 Cm AY 1639 0) 7.639 ©) 0.7639 @) None of these ° Q.59. Blectrical resistance-gives higher valies of resistance due «6 moisture in the soil. a) High eee) Loa) ©) Equivalent 4) None of these Q-40. Cuseeis the unit to measure : 4) Pressure ) Soil moisture tension ©) Evaporation va} Discharge of water Q4l. One is equivatent to 1m? of water, 9) 100 ) 1000 ©) 10000 ©) 100000 Q42. ____isahigh water requiring crop. a) Sorghum b) Wheat c) Safflower ved)Paddy cand Sugarcane. Q43, Tensiometer is useful for scheduling of irigation in____soils a) Black cotton ) Clayey » Sandy Clay loam Q44. The salty watercan be used forirgation by _-_method. = * *” a) Sprinkler (A) Trickle Microlerigaton , Drip: ©) Ridges and furrows 4) Sub surface 4s, — is used as indicator plant for scheduling of irrigation. Safflower b) Wheat wef Sunflower 4) Groundnut Q46, Highest irrigation efficiency can be achieved by ___method of irrigation, vt) Drip b) Raingun ©) Sprinkler 4) Sub surface QA7. Most ofthe field crops extract about _A}0__ % moisture from the first quarter of the root zone. 2) 60 a) 50 ve) 40 4) 30 QU8. Transpiration is the loss of moisture from ; ‘ a) Soil ) Water A) Vegetation 4) Soil & vegetation QM. The moisture tension at field capacity is atmosphere. ald O13 oA aus 10 ) DOE Boe. pe IK BS 6 b ROR Q.50. “Which of the following is in-situ method of soil moisture determination ? a) Tensiometer b) Electrical résistance method \) Neutron probe method 4) Gravimetric method Q.51. The movement of water from the surface into the soil is called as ai 2) Percolation eb) Infiltration ©) Seepage ) Drainage Q.52. For which ofthe following purpose lyst a) Determination of crop growth ~ Partial R-P . cxabanche-fomplete: R.A : Podder = compl Q.62. The parasitic weed found in Lucerne crop is, “a = Partial SP. a)StrigaCroo} parasite) =>)Dodder’ (Stern parasite) ©) Orobanche spp. 4) Wild oat 6.03, Name the weed used as antidote to snake bite a) Argemone mexicana —Rec a2. ot b) Cyperus rotundus 01 ©) Partheniam A) Lewcas aspera Q.64. Which of the following is a bio-herbicide a 2) MCPA >) Devine GSI erycoherbicide) ©) TCA @ Dicamba Q.65. 2,4-D is used for the control of ______in stand erops. a) Grassy weeds LbyDicat weeds C@road leaved weeds) ©) Monocot weeds ) Sedges * 2.66. Which ofthe following weed is used for zeclamation of alkali lands 8) Bermuda grass +) Portulaca oleracea wFSatyanashi CP Fala dhotya \ d) Wild mustard PArgemone meucang Q.67 ___“s used asa pollution indicator, a) Wild castor ) Pendimethalin ¢) Fluchloralin C Basan) ) Propanit ' Titer —> Heir: oF 5 Q73. is called as heart of sprayer Fitter a Eee hem xg a) Pump 0) Nozale @) ) Spray lance ) Agitator a (td) Q74, The active ingredient in $4-D Na saltis a SS 2) 50% rer & 41% ) 30% : 12 Q.75. Which of the following method is suitable for application of her ) Blanket application ) Spot application ©) Broad cast < Band application Q.76. Mexican beetle is used for the control of _ _weed, : 2) Opuntia spp. by Parthenium §— C2YGOGTATA TN sep ©) Lantana camara 4) Mexican poppy Q.77. Perennial weeds can be effectively controlled by_____ 2) Cutting before flowering ») Flaming \ 2) Deep ploughing 4) Intercultivation Q.78. Which of the following is non selective contact herbicide? ) Goal ») Paraquat , quodt e @yphosote ©) 24D . a) Simazin Q.79. Which of the following is not a smother erop ? a) Sannhemp ») Soybean ©) Luceme 4) Onion Q80. __isan example of Biennial weed a) Doob gr sGvariyali ) Parthenium ¢} Calotropis tl) Daucus carota Q.81. The critical period of weed competition is around __ days for most of the crops. a)15 A) 30, 045 60 Q.82. The short lived annual weeds are called as __. a) Seasonal weeds ») Hydrila c) Water hyacinth d) Water lily 13 A i> 8 Q88. The efficacy of an herbicide. ‘can-be assessed by using following method. a) Weed prevention / +b) Weed eradication 2 -) Weed index ) Weed epntrol 7 3 289. To avoid herbicide drift itis recommended to stop spraying when wind Velocity is more than D w/t. 3 aS v4) 10 i o) 15 420 ! A 2:99. The complete elimination of all live plant parts and seeds of a weed ffotn @ site is called Aa 7 3 3 a) Weed control ) Weed management oO ) Baliram plough / Deshi plough 7 ¢) Harrow d) Hoe Deshi plough =v ; mB. 4° “0! Qu14 Which of the followings fertilizer is applied in split doses? a) Phosphatic b) Potassic 2) Nitrogenous —_d) None of these } QILS ‘U" shaped furrow is opened by . 7 a) Baliram plough 05) Iron mould boaril plough ©) Ridger 4) Deshi plough QuUL6 Which of the following is used for Pulse and oil purpose’? 4)Groundnut 4) Soybean 6) Linseed 4) Castor Q117 Which of the following is called as ‘Miracle Crop’ ? a) Sorghum vt) Maize c)Peat! millet’ ——_d) Rive : QUI8. Which ofthe following crop is called as great millet? ~ D) Sorghum b) Wheat c) Finger millet d) Kodo millet - 15 A119 Which ofthe following is called as queen of forage crops ? a) Berseem _-b) Lacera ©) Cowpea @) Gajaj ' ~~ Q120 Which of te following is called as good famine reserve frain? 8) Pearl millet b)Kodo millet e)Foxtalmillet—_d) Finger millet Qu2i isthe poor man's substitute for ghee. ) Groundnut +) Soybean ©) Sesarmum 4) Sunflower Q.122 Which of the following is called as natural plous a) Soybean b) Greengram’ €) Horse gram _d) Pigeon pea Q123 The seeds of ——£r0p are mixed With sol atthe time of sowing. a) Kidney bean -b) Sesamam c) Niger d) Maize Q.124 African tall isa variety of fodder. _ a) Para grass b) Guinea . ¢) Gajraj -d) Maize Q125 is called as ‘White Gold’, a) Agave 4) Cotton o) Jute ) Deccan hemp Q.126 Seeds of _“ crop are kidney shaped. a) Sannhemp b) Jute c) Dhaineha. d) Tobacco Q.127 In which of the following rhizomes are used for sowing /planting ? a) Castor b) Cowpea ~~ <-€) Tureric d) Rice Q128 ___is used for green manuring purpose, | a) Niger ) Ginger ) Bajra® 4) Glyricidia Q129 In Crop a special sound in pods with wind blow is generated at the time of maturity. a) Sorghum b) Maize . ) Sannhemp d) Niger 2130 “The metallic sound’ is a matutity sign of crop. a) Cotton = b) Sugarcane ©) Tobacco ) Groundnut LIBL_ The under developed pod of groundnut is called es a) Bulb b) Rhizome -) Pop d) Cob fos 132 ——— top is known as unpredictable legume. +) Groundnut b) Greengram 6) Pigeonpea 6) Soybean 133, _ __ is the shy nodulating crop . #)Rajma_—— b) Soybean ) Groundnut 4) Pigeon pea “154 Under late sowing of wheat fo higher yield farmer should a) Increase seedrate and reduce spacing. b) Increase spacitig and reduce seedrate ©) Increase fertilizer dose and reduce spacing W@) Increase seedrate and reduce fertilizer dose. 16 SRB 2 BBS 2 BBd Qiy } Q.135 Harvesting of is calledas priming. ( TOPP!O9, desuckring ,patming |) Vf Tobacco ) Tea ©) Coffee +d) None of these Q.136 Luvern can be grown as forage crop. a) Annual 'b) Perennial c) Annual and Perennial STALL of the above Q.137 Sugatcane setts are dipped in hot water having temperature of. A7S0C fortwo hours b) 52°C for ovo hours ©) 54°C forhalf hours. d) 48°C for one hours Q.138 ‘The more scientific method to judge maturity of sugarcane is___. Brix saccharometerreading _) Duration of crop ) Hand refractometer reading ——_d) Arrowing Q.139 Mexican dwacf wheats sown at shallow depth due to small a) Plumule 4) Coleoptile Length “» ©) Radical 4) Endosperm Q.140 Nipping of Gram is done (30 ~ 35 days) after sowing a) To promote more branching ») To collect mallic acid 5} To promote more branching and there by increasing the yield 4) To induce flowering Q.141 For groundnut crop the suitable land layout in heavy soll is a) Flat bed +) Broad Bed Puro (BBP) c) Ridges and furrow d) Raised beds Q.142 The most important disease of mustard which reduce crop yield is -¥ Powdery mildew b) Rust c) Downy mildew 4) Alterneria Q.143 The area and production of safflower is maximum in the state of -#) Maharashtra b) Karnataka ©) Andhia Pradesh 4) Bihar Q.144 Sunflowers cultivated in ali the three seasons because itis __. a) Thermo insensitive b) Photoinsensitive 7 Photo and thermo insensitive __d) None of above Q.145. Rabi castor belongs to family ~ a) Pedaliaceae ) Legumineace _s) Buphorbiaceze 4) Crucifereae Q146 Gram crop require__seedbed. Cand lie fer G'nut) ) Loose and Porous b) Fine and Compact S) Rough and clouded d) None of the above Q.147 Fodder sorghum is not fed to cattle before flowering because. Fi a) Itcontain saponin. alkaloid b) It contains more water and less crude fibre. «5» It contain hydro cynic acid (HCN). 4) It contains sulphuric acid v7 Q.148 The most critica! stage fr ieigation in wheat crop is a) Tillering >) Crown root init ©) Flowering @) Flgiaf QL49 Kufti Lavkar variety of potato belongs to arly maturing group (70-90 days) b) Mid duration group (90~ 110 days) ¢) Late duration group (110~ 130 days) ) Bxtraeadly group (60-70 days) Q.150 is a cool season crop rich in starch and: Provides low cost energy and called as poor main’s — food, Gram —PYPotato —_¢) Wheat) Soxghum Q.151 On an average oil content in sunflower is , 8) 46 to 52 per cent ri] 38 to 42 per cent 6) 24 t0 36 per cent 8/22 10.32 percent” Q.152 A famous oilseed crop of north India ised for pickles and as condiment is__ 2) Sesamum ) Sunflower s o- Mustard d) Safflower 2153. Bihar hairy caterpillars an important pestof_____erop, ) Soybean A Sunilower ©) Castor 4) Safflower 1154 An important cereal used for malting and brewing, rawa and baby food is__.# a) Wheat ) Sorghum ei Barley 4) Pearimitet \ouelr- 6e,008-70,200 Rf suntlow 1 -155 Optimum plant population for rainfed rabi sorghum i —___ Rices 3-5-4 lakhfhy «9 1.35 lakh plants sha ») 1.80 lak plants fna G.nut = 3:33 lakh/ha ©) 1.00 lakh plants/ ha 4) 2.00 lakh plants/ha Whéal = 22-25 lelkeh/h ore a 156 Howard (1924) pointed out that wheat growing in Indi is )a gamble of monsoon 6) a gamble in temperature ©) a gamble of sunlight 4) a gamble of hailstorm 157 Animportant castor hybrid developed in Gujrat for rabi season is _——_ 00). GCH-4 b) DCH-32 arnt c) DCHA9 d) GCH-L 58 The recommended fertilizer dose for French bean is . - re) a) 25:50:25 NPK kg/ha 8) 100:50:50 NPK kg/ha ¢) 30:60:30 NPK kg/ha d) 150:75:75 NPK kg/ha’ 59 Early maturing varieties of pea are sown with A) Closer spacing and higher seed rate b) Wider spacing and low seed rate ©) More fertilizer and low seed rate for optimum yietd ) More spacing and more more fertilizer 18 Q.160 A new pest became major one on sugarcane is a) Shootfly b) Pyrialla 9) Wooly Aphids CHP 4) Sem borer Q.161 The firstrice hybrid developed in Maharashtra is AIRE >) Sahyadtri ) IR-20 &) Sakoli-6 Q162 Dormancy can be broken by treating the potatoes with _ = 4) 0.5% Dithane M-45 5} 19 Thio urea +1 PPM gibberelic acid ©) 0.25% Aretan © 0.1% Bavistin Case 10 TWious Q163 Rabi groundnut is sown in . A) last fortnight of September ») first fortnight of December . ©) fics fortnight of Novemberd) last fortnight of October Q.164 Moisture deficit Index (MDI) = A) P-PET/PET b) PePETPET c) P-PETT d) DET-PPET Q.165 In Rainfed Agriculture, exop failure is due to - — a) Late onset of monsoon b) Dry spell ©) Low moisture retention 4) Inadequate and uneven distribution of rainfall Q.166 Development of plasticity is due to, mechanism. 2) Drought avoidance») Drought escape ) Drought Tolerance 4) Drought resistance Q.167 Drought resistant varieties open their stomata more rapidly during. a) Evening -b) Early morning i: ©) Late afternoon 4) Night Q.168 The most drought resistant crops called as, aC, HC, -e) CAM ©) All above Q.169 PMA is classified as i” a) Film farming ~b) Stomata closing ©) Reflectant type 4) growth retardant Q.170_In semi arid region, the practical method of water harvesting is a) Dug wells ») Tanks ©) Runoff farming _ d) Farm ponds Q.171 Silvi pastoral system includes the components of __ — a) Crop + trees 2) Trees + pasture + animal ©) Crop + trees + Pasture + animals ~ d) Crop + treest + pasture Q.172. Which of the following isthe nitrogen fixing tree ? A) Glyricidia b) Acacia albida ©) Azardirachta indica) Albizia amera 19 Q.173. The annual rainfall is worked out as excess when the rainfall exceeds mote than_____of average rainfall, 18% — A)I9% —) 20% 4) 25% QuU74 The area under dryland farming is 9) 34.5 mha, b) 39.0 mba. ©) 40.0 mha. #415 nha, Q.175 ‘The sustainable cropping system under rainfed farming is a) Mix cropping ) Broad casting £) Drilling @) Band placement 180 The secondary tillage operatiofs are restrcted'in - a) Zero tillage 4) Minimum tillage ©) Conventional tillage) None of above 181 Which technique is suitable when dry spell ocoures during seedling stage of crop? A) Thinning ) Muiching ©) Spray of antitranspirants _d) Spraying of K. 182 Which crop is most suitable for pre-monsoon dry seeding? a) Soybean b) Jowar ©) Bajra A) Greengram 83 Watershed development programme includes the component of __. 2) Command area b) Catchment area ©) Water harvesting 4) All ofthese 34 Among the following, select the agro-climatic zone in which most of Kharif crops are cultivated. SYCMP zone b) Western ghat zone ¢) Eastern vidharbha 4) None of these 5S Cultivation of crop is restricted after in land capacity classification a) Class 1 ) Class It 6) Class 4d) Class V 20 Loa) 2 Se 5050 = Q.186 A day is considered as the rainy days when rainfall exceeds )2.0 mm P) 25mm 935mm. “4)5.0mm Q.187 Select the drought tolerant crop from the following a) Sunflower ) Groundnut ©) Soybean —#) Athar Q.188. Which crop is used as indicator plant for moisture stress? (a) Arhar b) Greengram ©) Castor A) Sunflower Q.189 Stomata is regulated by nutrient ; a)N oP aK a)Ca Q.190 The word system refers to amongst set of elements/ components. ) Constitution and reaction b) Look and arrangement ‘P) Inter-relations and interactions 4) Quantity and turnover Q.191 Crops and cropping systems, dary, poultry, shees etc. individually are the ___in farming systems. 4) Enterprises b) Concepts ©) Principles 0) Practices Q.192 The enterprises which help each other in production mutually and do not compete for resources are termed as 2) Supplementary ) Independent *) Complementary 4) Competitive Q193 The enterprise which do not compete for resourees but help in increase of income ofthe farmer are calied as : 2) Supplementary b) Independent ©) Complementary 4) Competitive Q.194 By scarfying certain proportion of population of one crop, another component crop is introduced and such intercropping is referred as a) Multistoried b) Additive series ©) Ley cropping \-d) Replacement series Q.195 Annedation refers to interaction which occurs both in ‘space and time. 4) Synergetic ) Supplementary ©) Antagonistic \d} Complementary Q.196 Linear strip plantation is the example of 5 2) Agro-forestry b) Farm forestry ©) Social Extension forestry €) Forestry Q.197 Cropping scheme is the ‘ a) List of crops 6) Crops plan ©) Plan of enterprises 4) Plan of operations. Q.198 Any subsidiary crop grown in association with a main crop is called as ) Supplementary crop ) Intererop ©) Mixed crop 4) Companion crop a Q.199 Rotation system, which includes a pasture for grazing and conservation is called as ) Alley cropping -b) Ley farming ©) Tree farming 4) Agto-forestry 2.200 In additive series of mereropping system plant population of main crop is_Same-as compared to its recommended population insole crop. a) Less b) Double ©) More ye-arSame t Q201 Atpresent main objective of intereropping is . a) Sustainability \-b} Maximum production ©) Insurance 4) Early installment 202 __is main objet of mixed farming ) Sustainability b) Commercial ) Diversification * ar Subsistence Q.203 Cropping intensity index indicates the of times afield is grown with crops in a year. a) Volume } Number ©) Weight 4) Mass 2.204 Shelter belis are more_than the wind breaks covering larger than single farm area and some times whole region, . ear Extensive b) Cheaper ©) Unsafe @) Risky Cy 5S», Q205 Gypsum used for agriculture Purpose should be_6S %o_% pure, al vty 65 c) 100 “10 2.206. Hydrated calcium sulphate is called as a) Miurate of potash ) Sulphate of potash ©) Calcium carbonate V4) Gypsum 2207 Tropical and subtropical soils of India are generally deficitin onganic miter and plant nutrients due to rapid loss of these components by _. a) Leaching, . bt) Biodegradation ©) Volatilization 4d) Seepage "is recommended ‘208 Abook written by Michael Haines during 1982 entitled —__ for the study of the course of farming system and sustainable Agriclture. 12) Anintrodnction to farming system) Principles of Agronomy <) Cropping system-theory and practices) Cropping systems in the tropics 209 INPV is used in _ . : a) IPM b)INM ©)BGA @) MPTS 210 Salinity stress in plantis often called ) Climatological drought ) Biological drought ) Physiological drought 4) Nutrient drought 2 Q22 Quis Q214 Qais eB Q.28 Apes a ¢ °) ‘© 219 W ef) am o) ugh) ; ) Q.220 writ a. Cro!) boN OT) Lc. ExhG,- 4 Nong?» Q221 In wey? aw ret @ re Q211 Soil permeability is reduced due to effect of sodium. a) Expansion ) Contraction» c) Flocculation A)Peflocculation Q.212 High concentration of Magnesium induces calcium deficiency in plant due to_effect of poor quality of irigation water. 4) Nutritional b) Toxicity )Anatomical and Physiological 4) Other Q.213 Gypsum is used for reclamation of ___ soils a) Saline - Pyette b) Acidic, ~ Lime. Alkali 6) Lateratic Q.214 In high rainfall regions _ soils are observed. . a) Calcarious b) Saline ¢) Black 79) Acidic in same jand in Q215 A practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously without row patte same season is called as __ a a) Intercropping b) Sequence cropping ©) Monocropping <8) Mixed cropping Q.216 Planning of growing crops in response to vagaries of rainfall or weather aberrations is called as a) Crop rotation b) Farm planning _P Contingency cop planning d) Crop planning Q217 Which of the following is correct example of cotton based intercropping ? ay Cotton + black gram b) Cotton + Safflower ©) Cotton + gram 4) Cotton + Mustard Q.218 A practice of growing the samecrop year after year on a particular piece of land is called as a) Sole cropping —b) Monoculture ©) Raton Cropping 4) Relay cropping. Q.219. Which of following option is most correct, when land is limited resource ? _A) Intensive cropping system b) Capital intensive cropping system ¢) Inclusion of vegetable crop in cropping system 4) Integrated Farming system Q.220 Which of the following is nota principle of good crop rotation ? ‘a. Crops with tap roots should be followed by those with fibrous root system, b. Non-leguminous crop should be followed by legume crop? 22. Exhaustive crop should be followed by cereal crop. 4. None of these Q.221 In which of the following crop, ratoon cropping is most popular ? a) Wheat b) Rice 78) Sugarcane 4) Sugarbeet B 2.222 During’a period of two years eight crops are grown on same piece bf land in rotation. What is rotational intensity ? a), 100% __ b) 200% we) 400%, 4) 800% Q.223)0%i a particular farm’ of 10 i of 10 hectares, 8 hectare is,cultivated in kharf season and 7 hectare is Qe culiivated in rabi season Calculate tie cropping intensity ? a) 100% _b) 150% c) 170% d) 120% -2. (Q.224 A plist according to which crops are grown on individual plots ofa farm during a gi time is called as. ) Crop production <+) Cropping scheme ) Farm planning 4) Cropping system Q.225 Which of the following isnot an example of relay cropping 2 a) Paddy ~ Lathyrus Seb) Paddy ~ Luceme ) Paddy ~ Gram = Lt Paddy — Wheat Q.226 What does land equivalent ratio (LIER) indicates, when jt is more than one? a) No grain or no loss <6) Yield advantage c) Yield loss d) None of these Q.227, The direct or indirect harmful effect of one plant on another plant through the release of chemical substance into the root environment is called as_ oe a) Annidation in time ) Annidation in sp » 2) Allelopathy 4) None ofthese Qn Q.228. Which of the following if correct. one 8) “Invadditive series base crop is sown with 50 per cent ofits recommended population, b) In replacement series by seaifying certain proportion of population of one component another component in introduced. ©). In replicement seties, both the crops are called component ctops. 8) Both 2 and 3 are coréect. Q.229 Which of the following is most difficult operation in intereropping ? a) Interculture operations ) Water Management 5) Chemical weed conttol 4d) Nutrient Management Q.230 The practice of growing different crops of varying height, rooting pattem and duration is called as -4) Malti-location cropping ‘by Muli-tier cropping ©) Sequence cropping d) Relay croppitig Q.231 Rice-wheat sequence cropping is most popular in partof___— a South India b) Bast India ‘c) Coastal Regions 2d} North India 7 0.232 Annidation refers to 7 cts Bel arA yg a) Contpetitive interaction both ini space and time Cad ivarteol qreq -b)- Complimentary interaction both in space and time ©) Neutral interaction both in space and time ) None of these Q.233 Which ofthe following is major sik producing state in India ? 2) Maharashtra 1) Gujrat ) Madya Pradesh e-4)Karnatake 0.234 Cltivation of mulberry plant sealed as 2) Sercuture 8) Silviculture 2) Moricultare €) Molbicaltore dof 235 af returns per rupee invested is 2.5, then whats cost-benefit ratio ? 5 2225 W275 ASSL © Q.236 In which ofthe following cropping system there is improvement in soi fertility ? 2) Rice - Wheat 7p Rice Rive 1.0) Blackgram - Rabi Jowar 6) Bajra—rabi Jowar Q.237 Which of the following crops should be involved in cropping system for restoration of fertility ? 2) Cereal crops 1) Oilseeds ©) Fibre crops A) Leguminous crops Seay 0238 Which othe following breed of cat is ot Milh purpose breed? “ a) Sahiwal \-b) Khillari c) Sindhi d)Gir Q239 ___is system in which legume or grass is introduced in crop rotation with @ view to improve soil structure and fertility 2 ~ aa} Lay farming b) Silviculture ©) Alley cropping 4) Relay cropping } seother Q240 The practice of growing arable crops between two subsequent rows of leguminous shrubs is called a 5 senine a) Lay fafming ~ eb) Alley cropping es, i ©) Relay cropping i) Alternate land use system » Q241 Which of the following is correct above diversified cropping ? ) There are only two crop components. tee b) Bvery component has equal share, O c) Single component contributes more than 50 per cent in-total crop production 4) No single component contributes to 50% or more toward total crop production, 242 When in a farming system single component contributes more than 50 per cent in total production. Itis called as, ~~ a) Diversified farmitg 7) Specialized farming 4 c) Mixed farming d) None of these Q243 The practice of maintaining cattles along with crops together on a farm which are supplementary to each other is called as 8 b>10 Ve) >12 d) >14. Q.270 When randomization is done throughout the experimental units is termed___. a) Randomized block design b) Partially randomized block design ©) Incomplete randomized block design, 4yComplete randomized block design Q271 By sprinkler irrigation method Water saving is upto____percent. a) 20 730 40 50. Q272 When three crops are grown in sequence one after the other on the same piece of land in a year is termed as___ = 4) Double cropping +) Triple cropping c) Intereropping d) Mixed cropping. Q.273 For irtigating fruit crops the suitable icrigation method is 4) Sara b) Sprinkler _@Ring basin 4) flooding 2274 Itotal erdpped area is 10a, cultivated areas Sha then the cropping intensity will be a) 50% b) 100% xe) 200% —— d) 150%. : Q275 Barbed wire fencing is a permanent type of fencing and is less costlier than___ a) Live fencing ) Stonewall fencing ©) Dead stamps of thoy bushes _-é‘Oven wire fencing Q.276 For cultivation purpose generally preferred farm shape is a) Triangular . Staple ¢. Fleece Kemp 20. | ssssssenubteed is termed as Jersey of Goat breeds. a Saanen—. b, Angora ©. Alpine — d. AngloNebian 21. Origin of Osmanabadi goat brééd is... a. Nanded b.Saugamner —c. Osmanabad 4. Solapur 22. is the origin of Metino sheep breed. a France _b. Spain c. Switzerland UK. 1 i 23. Act of parturition in sheep is called as :.-..... E = a. Lambing Ying Walowing 4. Whelping f E 24, Act of parturition in Goat is called as .. : _a Kidding b. Lambing c.A¥allowing 4. Foaling : 25. — Colostrum is fed to newly born kid at the rate . « & _a. 1/0 bMS 120 t E 26. The P,, of normal fresh cow milk varies from oe Weeeee t 2.64 (0.6.6 b.66t068 .6.8t07,0 4.70072 f 27. Fat % in standardized milkis..... E 45 b.3.5 £50 « d55 . « f Toned 3h Double tymned= \S'/, \élgeo -roilke= 0-6, i 28. The milk powder contains ..... % moisture 5 ald b34 -c45 45-6 i F 29. Emulsifiers are used in the manufacture of ...... product. i ~A. Ice-cream, Shrikhand ©. Chana d. Paneer b 30. Alkaline solution of Annatto is used if... For color . oa. Butter b.Cheese ' c, Ghee 4. Shrikhand ‘ Annadlo= Bixin corolensid Found 31. Cow milk channa contains ....... % moisture, 053% 43% ©. 63% 4.33% 32, According to PFA standard (1976) toned milk should contain ...... 9 SNE. B.S b75 95 465 32 i =) ee 33, Buffalo milk on an average contains... % fa. er a 8. 6.0% b.5.0% 55% 445% x Low FJemp Long Time + 34, In LELT pasteurization milk is heated to 63 °c for .......minutes. = 10 min, 6.20 min -c30 min 4.40 min 35. Chhana is used for preparation of . a.Kalkand ——, Petha ¢. Sandesh . Burfi seeps short Time. a Wi 36. HTST pasteurization is carried out at .....2 temperature and a2 6.62 “682 492 oe 37. Freshly drawn milk of cow contains... % of avidity : 2013-014 6.014.015 €0.15-0.16 €.0.16-0.17 38. Specific gravity of cow milk is... =a, 1.028 b.1,030, ogy oel025 41035 CBaeHtaloss mitt) Gskie milk) f 39. Freshly drawn milk of buffalo contains ...... per cent acidity [ 2 0,14-0.15 b.0.15-0.16 .0.17-0.18 4.0.18-0.20 : 40. The HTST pasteurization microorganism ace Killed at the temperature of... % oe a. 63% b. 72% ©. 65% 75% Df an 41. Average water content of green grass is ....... % oO ft a, 50-60 b. 60-70 —c.70-80 4, 80-90 PF ad. Ths breeds of cil, the ears are long pendulous just like curled Ieaf. a) a. Dangi b.RedSindhi Le. Gir 4, Gaolao I 43. sssssises Breed of cattle is extensively used in India for cross breeding. ‘ a. Jersey b. Brown Swiss _0. HF 4. Gureney f 44, Carbohydrate content in animal body is less than... % vi - al b.2 a a4 7 45. Gir cattles are famous for ..... i =a. Milkb. Draft ©. Dual purpose . Transportation 46. Roughage generally content more than % crude fiber Q a4 b.80 «90 asiembrye) 2 Oe Brake down process of food in the body is called as .... Q a. Digestion b. Absorption ¢, Rumination d. Regurgitation | f 79. gy Ruminant animals have.......,. compartments of stomach f A al b2 3 “a4 } 80 ---Vitamins are synthesized by the ruminant in their body. aA&D DBER .E&D 4C&D i Probein—s Aining acid End product of protein digestion is . =a. Amino acid b. Faty acid ©, Glycerol 4, Glucose a) a f 2 ; & End product of fat digestionis .... i a, Fatty acid >. Glycerol c, Glucose. d. Glycogen E 34 ‘ k @eS998 82008 : ( Larbobydrajes Hac > 67, End product of carbohydrate is... Conbehydr ey a. Glucose b, Fructose ©. Glycogen d. Sucrose NCOSE. 68, The bulls of......, Breed of buffalo are extensively used for upgrading inferior stock. a. Ravi b.Bhadawari o, Musa 4. Jaffarabadi ighes mollis “— os eldey’ 69. There ae abou... breed of cate in Inala besides hybrids ald b.20 £6 432 ate 70. There ate... beds of buffaloes in India, in addition to a large number of nondescrips, & ad bg 10 4.12 2B 1 --:+0I8 a breed of cattle, a. Bhadawari _b. Tharparkar c. Kashmiri d. Landrace 72... i8, a breed of buffalo, a. Yorkshire b Beetal tt Jaffarabadi d. Sindhi 73. ++ 18 a breed of Goat —* Betarj b. Latge white Yorkshire c.Sahiwal — d. Nili 74. Jamunapari and Barabari are breeds of a, Cattle b. Buffalo ©. Swine —_deGoat, 75. Sutti and Beetal are breeds of a. Swine ©. Goat c.cattle 4, Buffalo 76. The ovary can be examined up to:3, months of regency after which it sinks deeper into abdominal cavity, a. One b. Two ee Thre d, Four 77. The milk exudes from....... separate gland tubes that open atthe base of the “mammary hairs” 450-95 7100-150 ¢.40-80 4. 155-195 78. ‘The udder usually increase about. V4, in size between mitking, depending upon the quality of the udder and the amount of milk secreted, a. One-fourth b. Half ~€: One-third d, Two-thirds Joes Clemale goad) 79. How many kids per dose ate prefered reac ene sic al 2 3 a4 | $0. Roughages are feeds embodying more than... Per cent of crude fibers k 24 b.22 e205 ig! 81. Heat period in goat, galer a. 28 hrs Ab.38 his e48 hrs 4.58 hrs 82. Ruminations is a long process and occupies about hours out of 24 hours, : a6 7 08 a9 ~* 35 83. Ovulation takes place in goat on... days of osterus a lst 2b." a3 aa to, 84, The rate of gas producti in the rumen is most rapid immediately after meal and in the-cow 25 4.30 85. The central walk of a cow stall should have a width of 5-6 feet exclusive of gutters when Sows face out, and ...... feet when they face in. a23 b34 Le. 45 415-2 85. The manure gutter should have a gradient of one inch for every ...... feet length, als 4 12 4.10 86." A calving box should have an area of about.... square feet with ample of soft bedding. a. 100-50 b. 75-95 ¢.60-75 al, 45-55 87. _Anarea of 100 square feet per head for an young stock of .... calves and an increase of 50 square feet for every additional calf makes a good paddock. K AlD EP oil0) .8 a6 88. The best time for castration of calves, lambs and pigs is between...... 2 and 1 weeks respectively. ye ted AST c. 810 4.11-13 89. Oestrus cycle in goat is... days ‘ 2.10 bIs eal 430 91. Cows come in heat regutarly at intervals of 16-24 days and heat lasts... hours. a8-12 BBS -6e16-20 4. 21-24 92. _Inmost of the cows ovulation occurs....... hours after the end of heat. a5-9 b, 10-14 ©. 15-17 A 18-20 93. In goats oestrus is usually 24-48 hours, but in certain breeds like Indian Beetal may be as 7 short as. . hours on an average. Ab 6.16 eld lz 94. The average life of a goat is usually ....... Years and should give milk for about ten lactation’ a8 bl e012 ald 95. Most of goat are bred in... month a, January-February P-May-June c. August-September d, Novemter-December! 96. In poultry fiber is digested in...... part of digestive systems. a. True stomach , Gizzard prcaeca 4, Cloaca 97. Inbirds . is a end product of protein catabolism.” a. Urea b. Amino acids #. Uticacid 4, Amonia 36 98. Softening of bone in adult animal is also known as 2, Osteoporosis b. Decaleification ©. Osteomalacia 4d. Decaleificatian 99. In birds coccidiosis occurs due to infectio a. Viral b. Bacterial oe Potocal d. Fungus ye? 100. Do most people who like cow milk will lo tke the flavour of goats mill a a. Yes b.No: Probably not d. Probably yes a? 101. Whatis the heat period in goats. . a. 28 hours 38 houis c-48 hours 4.58 hours ae 102, Generally weaning stars at the age of ..... months al pe 4 4.6 103. Shearing is done before... season ‘ a. Winter b.Rainy Summer — 4, Breeding _ 104. Wool contains ....... Chief mineral : % Calcium (Po Solfar ©. Magnesium . Zink ue 105. Growth of grafian follicle takes place due to... Hormone 5 aH, 26. BSH. c.Prolatin d, Progesterone Follicle stimuleding Hormone 106. Amount of contribution of goat milk in tot milk production is 22% 63% Ah 4.5% 107. Goat meat is known as ..... a.Mutton — b, Beef Capon Af Chevon Cattle) 108. Cost return ratio in goats is abo Aa ells das 109. Central Institute of Research on goat is located at. @. Chitrakoot . Izatnagar c.Agra yd, Makdoom 110. For leting down of milk... hormone is responsible, a. Estrogen b, Progesterone 7. Oxytocin d, Thyroxine TLL. One buck is sufficient for... Does, 30 650 70. 480 112. 47. Heatin goat may be induced by ... a. Insuline b. Thyoxin A Prostaglandin 4. Bstrogen 113. The famous small goat for meat i. a, Assara hill , Angora ©. Chegu AA. Black Bengal 0 114. Trukish breed of milk goat is A Alpine b. Saanen . Angora 4. Nubian 115. Productive life of goatis....... Years. 223 b.34 AS 4.56 116. Average numberof kidding in two years from a milk goat is, a2 3 od as 117. What type of ewes are to be recommended on farm. a. Bxotic pute bred AS Crossbted ¢.Indigenous Deshi d, Graded 118. Development of Corpus luteum starts in... phase of oestrus eycle. a. Proestrus Pe Metestras . Estrus 4. Diestrus 119. Feitilization takes place in ........ pit of reproductive organs. a. Uterus b. Cervix ‘2Fallopian tube d. Overy aay (120. } Goat is having ........ number of chromosomes 2.58 b. 46 Zen 38 121. Cervix is remained closed during ...... perio. a. Lactation b. Oestras Ae Pregnaney 4. Dry period 122. - What characforistic of a lamb changes within its few hours ofits life. a.Intelligence . A Appetite c. Colour . Size. 123. Cereal straws contain ....... % CP 10 bs e.15 ANil 124, Hors contain ....... protein. a. Albumin b. Globulin ep ketaiin Casein In male reproductive organ...... cleans urethra before ejaculation. ulbourethral gland —_b, Prostrate gland c, Seminal vesicle 4. Vas deems 126. Shedding of ove takes place due to ....... hormone . a, Oxytocin Estrogen c. Testosterone _. Progesterone 127. What is amount of semen for A.L in sheep. : ‘ F005 002ml b.0.4 ml €.0.6 mi 4.0.8 mi 128. In male animals aggressive nature is due to ...... hormone. a. Progesterone. ——_b, Thyroxin ‘péTestostérone d, Growth hormone 129. Number of sperms per ejaculate of ram is abott...... billion. 623 4-5 5-6 47-8 38 136. 137, 138, 139, 140, 141. 142, 43, 144, Ms, 146, 130, Heat cycle in sheep sof... «days, “ald 16 20 21 131. Heat period in sheep of... hours. , 426 Ps 6 456 132, In sheep chromosome numbers are e pa beocgocd) "cas 38 133. Ram is fit for mating at... age. Pil year b2 year 3 year 4 year 2 134, Productive life ofa sheep is... yeas. a a3 bs “7 a9 135. One ram is enough for...... ewes ~ ald 730 c.50 4.70 136. --- hormone is responsible for synthesis of milk. aThyroxin b. Epinephrine —_¢. Prolactin Estrogen 137. Antibiotics are fed to increase .. in animals. a. Milk yield b. Growth c. Bone development d, Breeding efficiency { | 138. Pulse rate in goatis recorded from ....... part. 2 | a. Pulmonary artery 4b. Femoral artery. Neck d. Stomach 139. De worming is done to remove. A. Internal parasides b. Extemal parasides c, Bacteria, Protozoa 140, Normal body temperature of sheep is ce | | I } 0302 4.391 32 434 i 141. Proper age of docking is .. Leelass* A 10days b. 2-3 week eI month - d, Above { month | 142. Respiration in goatis........ per minute } A 1230 640-50 ©.60-65 470-80 vf . » 143. A lamb not claimed by its mother is called... eal A Orphan . Weaned c.Nursing — d, Gimmer © | M4. Sheep manure contain... % Nitrogen ' | 28 b4-5 6-8 4. Less than one “~~. | 145. Normal pulse rate in goat... 4.2030 40-50 £.60-65 4.70.80 ~ | 146. Normal body temperature of goats... Fe® a. 70-80 ».90-100 \rl02-104 6.105-106 = 39 + 147. Oily skin is characteristic of... cattle breed. a.Git 4, Dangi c. Kangayan 4. Therparkar 148. Total breeds of goat in India are ..... ‘ + a.16 20 30 dao Csheep> 149. Number of sperms in semen for AI for effective fetilization should be... million, 90-100 6, 100-125 €.125-150 4.150200 150. Dipping is essential in sheep for....... a. Cleaning of wool Removal of etoparsides _, To remove the dirtd. To clean before breeding. 151, sheep breed is famous for pelt production, a. Decamni 4, Karakul cc. Muzzafarnagari d. Rambuoilet. 152. Roman nose is a characteristic of ....... goat breed. a. Beetal b. Osmanabadi Barberi 4: Jamunapari 153. Dry fodder contain ......% moisture green ~ 70-80 /, 2.0 10 6.20 4.25 154. Scientific name of goatis Capra hivcus a. Bos indicus, \, Bos Bos faurus *. Boss oh Ee hircus Gow) i) Geary breed of goat is most prolific a, Jamanapari b.Serohi c.Alpine yaeBtack bengal 155, 156. Horns of goat species are . a. Homonymous Spiral c.Flat. \grHeteronymous 157. Render pestis Mell. pisease: a. Bacterial Viral c. Fungus 4. Protozoal 158. Mohair is obtained from... breed of gost. a. Beetal b. Kashmiri c.Toggenburg sak” Angora 159. Act of mating in sheep is called ..... | a. Service . Breeding 4 Topping d. Dipping 160. The wool contain ....... % Nitrogen FIGHT 58-10 25 4.20-25 \ 16t. - disease is common in lactating animal. a. Brucellosis, DHS. ve Mastitis d, Pneumonia 162. ......u type of goat housing is essential in high rain fall area. a, Ground level housing \ 4%. Raised housing ©. Loose housing 4. Stanchion barn 40 S DED VEY 1% € 175, 176, 177, 178, RD 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. Im, 173, 174, 175. 176. 7. 178, Gimmer isa female sheep aged from... a. 1-2 year b.2:3 year c. After 1* lambing A¢6 months (0 Ist lambing Removal of short fiber from longer one is known as .....- a, Dagging b. Felting 2. Combing 4, Bleaching According to PFA. rule cream should contain not less than .48. % milk fat. yl v.15 6.20 4.25 Butter oil contain ....., moisture 7 0.1-03 b.0.3-05 0.05-0.7 4.0.7-0.9 Ice cream should contain not less than ..a.. % milk fat. as B10 oS 450 Dahi contain ....... % of water a. 55-58 b. 65-68 75-18 1485-88 In panner preparation co-agulant is added at. J? 0c temperature of milk. 60 we70 ©.80 4.90 According to PRA. rules milk fat content in Khoa is should not be less than. 22% 2.10 bls 20 425 In protein nitrogen content is ...1€.. percent a10 b-16 ©20 a2 Fat gives ........ times more energy than carbohydrates. als b22s 035 a4 According to PF.A, channa should not contain more than .92.. % moisture 50 60 ow) 480 Specific gravity of colostrum is LOSE a. 1.037 b. 1.047 L057 pe l.067 ‘The Casein in milk in the form of ........ 12. colloidal suspension b. Emulsion ¢.Truesolution _ d, Liquid Milk has freezing point as... 0c yr 055 b. £0.60 ©. +045 4.40.55 a. wy ce ‘The alooho testis usefl as an milk MEO balan Mineral balance __b. Developed acidity c. Bacterial quality, Visible insoluble matter . is a male copulatory organ at Testis 44° Penis ¢, Scrotum Urethra 4h 179. 180. AB. 182. 183. 184, 185, 186. 187, 188. 189. 190, 191. 192. 193, 194. 195. --oeis female copulatory organ. Vulva Vagina c.Fallopian tube d. Uteris « - - 4 Y «sss. hormone is prominent during pregnancy. ? + aBstrogen b.ESH. ¢4 Progesterone 4. Oxytocin A castrated male in sheep is called. aRam | bWer ¢. Gimmer 4. Hog i Ailekger Loose hors are generally found in females of ......-breed a, Gaolao b. Kankraej_ 6, Sahiwal Gir ‘Almond shaped eyes are found in ... breed of cattle. a. Kankraej b.Haryana .'c.Redsindhi A. Gir Long axis of housing should be in... direction. a.South-North East-West e, North-East 4. South-West Bullocks of ....,.. cattle breed are suitable in heavy rain fall area. a. Tharparkar b Killar = ‘¢- Dangi 4. Ongole Lotus shaped eyes are found in... breed of cattle. a. Kankraej b, Haryana, - ¢, Ongole d. Killar i is the draft purpose breed of Marathwadi region. a. Deoni b.Kankraej ¢.Rediandhari d. Red singhi is a tallest Indian goat breed. a. Beetal b. Barberi —_¢. Jamunapati 4. Black bafigal é . serves as a'reserve source of energy during germination of seed. I _ Be Canbotydrates D. Starch - —¢. Protein d, Fat i «-sss1. are known as building block of animal body. [ a Starch b.Protein —c. Fat 4. Caibohydrates 7 Water content in embry6, shortly after conception is ..1.. % 2.85 b.90 595 499 Carbohydrates present in the body is mainly in liver and blood in-the form of... a, Starch, b.Protein 5. Glycogen 4. Amino acid Lucem is called as ...... fodder. a Queen of fodder b. King of fodder, Bnergy supply fodder d. Non ofthese Maize is called as ...... fodder. } a. Queen offodder - p. King of fodder. Energy supply fodder d. Non of these I Hay contain .....% moisture. | aS % b. 10% - 15% d, 20% i 42 i 197. 198. 199. 200, 7 201 196. ‘Water is composed of hydrogen and Oxygen in the ratio of add bad al 42:2 Haemoglobin is composed of ..... mineral. a. Copper 2b. fron MG MN ++i the ratio of Nitrogenous constituent to Non nitrogenous constituent present in the field LENRb.SE ©.GE NE The term vitamin was first used Dy... A.Polish funk b, Mandel. Spallanzai d. Maynard end loosti From 1 kg buffalo milk... gram of basundi is obtained. 4.250 435050 450 According to PFA rules as creation of Ice creatn should not contain less than 36 % total solids. ° 2.25 2.30 v2.36 446 3 Key Answers . & QNo. ‘Answer Q.No. Ansver QNo | Answer s - £0 L b SL. b 101 OQ 2 a 52 a 102 6f 3 a 53 a 103 cS 4, b 54 a los 5. b 55 c 105 0 6 e 56 a 106 > 7. e 37 b 107 8 © 58 a 108 & 9. a 59 a 109 rs) 10. a 60. a 110 ML. b 6r a ML SD 2. a 62 a 2 a= 13. b 6 a u3 2 14, c 6 b 14 3) 15, b 65 a us : 16, b 66 b 116 “ed 17. b 67 a MT . 18, a 8 © ue 2) 1D. b o « 119 20. a 70 b 120 2 © Tt b 121 2, b nD © 12 23. a B a 123 24, a " 4 14 2s. a 5 b 25 26. a 6 © 126 2. a 1 b 127 28, © 78 © 128 29. a 0 b 129 30. a 80 a 130 31. a 81 b ‘31 32. a 82 © 132 33. a 83 b 133 34. c e4 d 134 35, c 85 © 135 36. a 86 a 136 37. a 87 a 137 38. a 88 b 138 39. a 89 c 139 40. b 90 © 140 41 c 91 c 141 42. e 92 a 142 43. e 93 a 143 44, a 94 € 144 45, a 95 b 145 go 46. a 96 c 146 41. b 7 € 147 48. a 98 © 148 9, b 99 e 149 50, d 100 € 150 © 44 Q.No. Answer 151 192 a 153 154 155 156 a 157 158 159 160 . 161 2 162 163 164 165 a 16 a 167 b 168 a 169 » 170 c m > in b 1B © 174 a 175 a a 176 a : 17 a 2) 178 b 179 bd c b e a » c care br aceeacas ) 180 } 181 182 183 184 y 185 186 é 187 ¢ 188 ¢ 189 a os 190 b 191 © 192 c 193 a ‘ 194 b © e b a a b c F 195 196 197 198 J 199 at 200 201 45 3. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL BOTANY QL. Origin of species by means of natural selec wbs given by a) Lamarck ‘) Linnaeus \odLharles Darwin ) Weismann 7 Q2. “Experiments in plant hybridization” a Paper of G. Mendel was first published in the year a) 1905 b) 1787 \eHt866 d) 1896 Q3. A criss. cross inheritance is observed in a) Sex influenced character +) Sex limited character 9)-8€x linked character d) None of the above ‘ In complementary gene action phenotypic ratio in is 99374, 3 8) 3 Cdonolnforid vedio voor” supplementary = 2%) ae OSL gayestrin 4) 133 ~tmhibitory 23:1 Epistasis An organism having the Zameti¢ chromosome number is called LC a) Triploid ~~ b) Aneuptoid c) Diploid X Ld Haploid Go) Q6. An organism with one extra chromosome isknown ae a) Monoploid b) Monosomic €219~1') \rTrisomic Cn 1) 4) Tetrasomic Co. n+22) 7, Balduess in human being is a a) Sex linked character ) Sex- limited character \WFSex- influenced character d) None of the above Q8. Development and formation of pollen grain in ather is known ce a) Microgametogenesis b) Megagametogenesis. TA crosporogenesisCSperey. 49x?) 4) Mepasy rogenesis, Jy Q9 “Double helical structure of DNA was proposed by bntemele. a) Willian fatson and Crick €) Bateson Cgenehies tere) Oh Memming Ore m@fesis) QUO. Genes are made up of a) RNA only L4DNA only c) RNA and DNA ) Proteins QUI. The cross of, hybrid with an individual having recessive phenotype for concerned trait is called weRest cross ) Multiple cross ©) Top cross@ 4) Polly cross Q2. Presence of an additional chromosome segment a¢ compared to that normally resefit in a nucleus is.enown as a) Inversion b) Translocation ¢) Deletion 2Duplication QB. Meiosis occurs in Gen; aT b) Meristematic cell ©) Vegetative cell 4) None of the above 314. Concept of germplasm theory was given by 2) Mendel Weismann \ ©) Darwin, 4) Louis Pastre CRermenterh'on) ) Qu15, Science which deals with heredity and variation is knows as a) Plant breeding 4) Biotechnology vey Genetics 4) Molecular biology 46 © yy Q16. In atypical monohybrid cross, genotypic ratio in F, is sa) 12:1 b) 2ct:1 7 oi + 3CPhenehypic yett3): uel} QI. Genetic constitution of organism is called Genotype b) Phenotype ed ) Gene ¢) Allele QU8. Who is credited with the discovery of mitosis . a) Bateson, >) Flemming - pai dsis ” ©) Leeuwenhoek @) Land steiner QU9. DNA does not contain eared b) Adenine ¥ ©) Guanine 4) Cytosine Q.20. Genetic code has been reported by *y ) Beadle and Tatum. r= ' © b) Watson and Crick <) Nivenbere: teat d) Fisher Q21. Chromosome without centromere is called ver Acentric ») Dicentric c) Polycentric 4) Holocentric Q.22. Cross of F, with dominant parent is eTBagk cross ) Single cross ©) Top cross ) Test cross Q.23. The degree of intensity with which independent genes are linked together is called a) Crossing over b) Linkage group ©) Linkage value 4) None of the above Q.24._ In the case of dihybrid cross, how many types of gametes will be produced by F, As, by) 16 02 a9 Q.25. One dominant gene which inhibits or suppresses expression of other dominant gene but does not have visible effect ofits own is called a) Additive factor +b) Lethal factor ©) Complementary factor --d) Inhibitory factor Q.26. Blood groups in human being are reported by 2A) Landsteiner ) Darwin ) Shut) 4) East Q21. Tissue system responsible for conduction of water is a) Phloem by) Xylem _ ©) Cambium @) None of these Q.28. Cohesion tension theory was proposed by a) Godlewski b) Priestley -€) Dixon and Jolly d) Stephanhals CF. 04 physi ‘ol 294) 28. Maximum oss of water osu through ; a) Cuticolar transpiration b) Lenticular transpiration -€) Stomatal transpiration (961s) 4) None of these Q.30. Photorespiration losses aré more in A) C, plants 8) C, plants ©) CAM plants a}None of these Q.31. The first stable product in C, pathway of carbon fixation is a) Oxaloacetic acid C4) b) Malic acid 2) Phosphoglyceric acid 4) None of these ® Leo a Red > Yellow > Blue 7 Green Q.32. The tate of photosynthesis is highest under ~)Red light b) Blue light 6) Yellow light 4) Green tight (Lowest) Q.33. Stomata are open duting night in 4) C, plants =) C, plants 7-2) CAM plants ; ) None of these -Q.34. Kranz type anatomy is present in 2), plants 4), plants ©) CAM plants oH None of these Q.35. NADPH + H* is formed in a) Cyclic photophosphorylation +-bLNon cyclic photophosphorylation ©) Pseudocyclic photophosphorylation. “ . “d) None of these Q.36. Power house of cell is 4) Mitochondi b) Nucleus ‘c) Chloroplast d) Peroxisome Q37. Gutiation occurs through a) Stomata v6) Hydathodes ¢) Lenticular cells d)Outicle—— Q.38. - Rate of respiration is high in 4) Getminating seeds b) Leaves c) Dry seed, d) None of these Q.39. Respiratory quotient (RQ) value of caibohydrates is a) Less than one ~~~ b) More than one 0) One. 4) None of these Q.40. - Fruitripening hormone is a) Vernalin >) Ethylene ©) Gibberetlin 4) Auxin Q4L. The growth regulator used to increase berry size in grape is +a) Auxin A) Gibberellin— ©) Cytokinin 4) None of these 242. The hormone responsible for apical dominance is a) Cytokinin ~b)Auxin © Gibberellin @) None of these 243. Plants growing in saline soil are called ) Xerophytes Crnatsteire Shrees) by Hydrophytes ~e} Halophytes. @) Mesophytes 144. The hormone which is responsible for cell division is 7?) Cytokinin ) Auxin Gibberellin d) None of these. 45. . Whiptail disease in cauliflower is caused due to deficiency of Mo »B o)Cul > ' d) Mg 46. In vernalization process the germinated seed is given a) Hot water treatment >) Cold treatment ©) Oven dry treatment 4) None of these 47. Kihara disease of paddy is ciused due to deficiency of @)Mn oa o)Fe a) Mg 48 Q48. Premature fall of flowers and fruits occurs due to . a) Senescence \4))Abscission_ : c) Dormancy d) None of these Q49. The end productoof glycolysisis Glycose—> Pryruvic- acid se) Pymuvic acid | b) Abscisic acid ©) Phosphoglyceric acid <) Malic acid Q.50. Net gain of ATP molecules in the process of glycolysis is a)4 ATP wh) ATP ©) 6 ATP dB ATP Q51. Passive absorption of water takes place due to activity of . a) Root and root hairs +) Shoot and leaves ) Xylem parenchyma 4) None of these Q52._ * Artificial hybrid was produced by a) Knight +) Kolreuter a“ or Thomas fairchild 6) Shui Q53._ Progeny testis given by a) Shull b) Johannsen 2) Nilmorin a) Lute Q.54. Wheat improvement in India was brought by a) DeBS.Kadam “0. DiM.S Swaminathan — ©) Dr. NGP. Rao A) DrTS. Venkatraman Y Q.55. ‘The process of bringing wild species under human management is called a) Introduction s+ Domestication y ©) Acclimatization 4) Hybridization g Q.56. Which agency is involved in introduction and maintenance of germplasma aTARI \b) NBPGR - 2 c)ICAR a) CICR - Q.57. By which phenomenon high genetic variatich is created ) a) Apomixis yb) Sexual reproduction 5 ) Vegetative propagation d) Self pollination Q58._ In often cxoss pollinated crops, cross pollination ranges in between ) (20-60%) ) (70-80%) 4 {5308 4) 90-100% Q.59. Which of the following phenomenon leads to more cross pollination y a) Autogamy NAAAllogamy ©) Apogamy 4) Homogamy m4 Q.60. In some crops self pollination does not set the seed due to i 2) Geitonogamy vs Incompatibility ¢) Compatibility ¢) Apomixis| ey Q651. Incompatibility due to distyly is observed in a) pythrum + sho) Primula ©) Brassica 6d) Phatatis cS Q.62. Which type of male sterility is exploited on large scale in hybrid seed production a) Genetic b) Cytoplasmic 2?) Cytoplasmic genetic d) None of the above ¥ Q.63. Which of the following links are isogenic A) Aang B b) AandR » o)BandR a) None of the above = Azmale fertile line s B= Maintainer ne cl R= Restorer Line - Q, Restoration of fetilty in male sterile ine takes place by 3)R line )B line Aline 4) Note 6f the above 2-6. The determination of genotype or Benolypic value ofa plant by studying the Progeny produced by itis called a) Inbred testing ) Line evaluation Progen; 4) Plant testing 2-66. The concept of pure tne theory was proposed by a) Johanson 1906 A) fohannsen 1903 ©) Fisher 1911 ) Jonson 1908 Q.67. The hybridization may be defined a cross betwemn a) TWo similar plants 46) Two dissimilar plants ©) Two isogenic lines 4) None of the above Q-68. The production of plans in F, geneation that ye Superior to both the patents for one or more characters is called 4) Superior progeny b) Recombinant . ey Transgressive se; regant d)Super, Progeny 2.69. Heiosis estimated over te supetoe parent is cated \A) Heterobeltiosis b) Standared Heterosis oJ Economic Heterosis 4) Relative Heterosis 70. Deveiopment of embryo either from synergids or by antipodal cells is called A A) Apogamy b) Apospory Hl oSAdeventive embryony 4) Parthenogenesis ~Q.71. The use of single seed descent 1 5thod for advancing segregating generation of self pollinated crops was sugeedst by S58" a) Hull RH. b) Jensen NE. ) Goulden CH. @) Fast EM, Q72. hich type. of selection method ‘maintains variability a) Pureline selection ~b) Lite Section election 4) Progeny selection Q73. Which breeding method utilizes the vaiation but does not ereate variability a) Mutation ») Polyploidy c) Hybridization Ad Selection Q74.. Inbreeding depression is not observed in 4) Cross pollinated crops ) Often cross pollinated ©) Incompatible crops Al) Self pollinated crops 75. In which breeding method there is scope for aro selection ») Bulk method — ) Pedigree method ©) Pure line selection 4) Mass selection Q76. The hybridization method used to improve one or two specific defects is called a) Wide hybridization A) Back cross breed 6) Test cross breeding " 4) None of the above Q77. Back cross method of hybridization is used to produce a) Hybrid b) Vacities A) Maltin 4) Composites 2.78. ” Single seed descent method of selection is a modification of 2) Mass selection ) Pure line selection ©) Pedigree method 24) Bulk method So Q79. ‘The method of recurent selection used to improve two populations simultaneously is called 4) Simple recurrent selection vb) Reciprocal recurrent selection ©) Divergentrecurrent selection 4) Recurrent selection for testing goa Q.80. General combining ability is tested for development of © Ad Synthetics b) Composite ©) Maltitine 4) None ofthe above ~/Q81. A.ctoss between an inbred and a variety of known performance is called 4) Double cross b) Inbred cross 0) Top cx 4) Sibmating Q82. The plants capable of growing in acidic soils are called a) Halophytes (Solin é. Soil) b) Psammophytes 4) Oxylophytes d) Chasmiophytes - Q83. The plants growing in saline soils are called a) Psammophytes >) Halophytes ©) Lithophytes «) Calciphytes Q84, Suntoving plants are termed as, 8) SciophytesCoyade loving) b) Mesophytes 1 Helignhytes 4) Psychrophytes Q85._ Plants growing on other plants or taking support of other plants for their growth are known as YELEpiphyies ) Parasites c) Saprophytes ) Therophytes Q.86. Plants which can grow under xeric condition or sustain at low moistre level inthe soil are termed as, : a) Hygrophytes b) Hydrophytes | c) Mesophytes \AiXerophytes ” Q81. CO, percentage is more in * x \e8) Hydrosphere - by Atmosphere ©) Lithosphere _ 4) None of these Q.88. The gastro intestinal diseases are caused by ta} Water pollution ») Air pollution ©) Soil pollution 4) Noise pollution Q.89. Lungs disorder is caused by a) Radio active pollution WeTAir pollution _ c) Water pollution) Noise pollation Q.90. Nervous system of living organism is affected by a) Air pollution ) Water poltaton we) Noise pollution 4) Radio active pollution Q.91. The relations in which organisms are mutually benefited and neither of them is harmed are termed as 4) Antagonism b) Commensalism se} Symbioism 4) Parasitism Q.92. The environmental conditions which are prevalent around the root zorle of th'> plants are collectively called a) Atmosphere ) Lithosphere ye) Rizosphere - Hiltmes 4@) Biosphere Q.93. The Tiving Organisms dependent on others for their day to day nourishment are called a) AutottophisCProchecs own toed) Af) Heteroirophs c) Osmotrophs d) None of these 3 .94, ‘The plants which grow at very high atiude (above 12000 ft) and survive at very low temperature are termed as, a) Megatherms b) Microtherms ©) Mesotherms 1) Hekistétherms Q95. The stay of rot systems of plants in their natural environment is called a) Hexicology 4 Rhizology ©) Pedology ) Taxonomy (G36 Veria Uprising of huge areas of earth's crust i called ‘ax Distrophism * 0) Gradation ©) Decentigration @) None of these 2.97. Which rays are prevented by ozone to reach onthe earth surface a) X-rays ) Gamma rays 6) Ultra violet rays * d) Cosmic rays 98. The plents which can tolerate high temperature during summer and low temperature during winter are called a) Megatherms +b) Microtherms ©) Hekistotherms * WA) Mesotherms Q.99. ‘The term gcosysteni was coined by WA) AG Lansley b) BOdum c) Colin Vaux d) CElton -¢ Q.100. The energy flow at trophic Level is alivays a) Multidirectional 4b) Unidirectional ©) Cyclic 4) None of these” -101. The annual plants found in semi aid region which escape drought by completing their life eyele before the prevalence of drought are called A). \erals b) Drought evading c) Drought resident @ None ofthese Q.102. Noise pollution is expressed in terms of 2) PPM Bop ©) VPM. w)\Decibel 2-103, The organisms which feed both upon plant as well animal ae known as a) Carnivores b) Herbivores $<) Omnivores @) None of these Q104, Wind velocity is measured with 2) Wind vane \eb) Cup anemometer ) Barometer 4) Tensiometers 105. Atmoshperic humidity is measured withthe help of a, huni a) Hydrometer 4) Hygrometer — Atmospheric : 4 ©) Lux: meter 4) none ofthese 106, The stomata are closed during daytime and open at night in $4) CAM plants )C, Plants ©) C, plants 4) None of these 107. Phytoplanktons can grow dep in sea upto 4) 30 metres )50 metres 7°) 70 mettes 4) 90 metres 108. Number of new individuals produced per unit ime is called 2) Fidelity, ) Mortality /) Natality €) None of these 2 a) WRU OK Ba BS 7) Q.109. The two way movement of individuals involving petiodic departure and return is called vA) Migration CaematersD b) Emigration ©) Immigration @) None of these Q.110. Visible spectrum of sunlight ranges from a) 300 nm to 800 nm ‘ 1b) 390 nm to 760 nm ©) 200 nm to 800 nm 4) 0nmto 1000 nm ~Q.LLL. The study of individual planvspecies in relation to the environment is called erAutecology b) Synecology ©) Production ecology 4) Space ecology Q.112. Department of Biotechnology, Government of India was created in the year 2) 198 ) 1984 ) 1986 a) 1976 Q.113" The father of plant tissue culture is 4) G. Haberlandt b) PR.White ©) EC.Cocking ) RU.Gautheret Q.114. The first plant from a mature plant cell was regenerated by Braun in a) 1969 b) 1956 c) 1948 "wh 1958 Q.115. Among the given auains, which one is the most frequently used in plant tissue culture? 4a) 2,4-D b)IAA c)IBA d) NAA Q.16. In general, callus cultures are subcultured after every a) 2-3 weeks Ay 46 weeks ©) 810 weeks 4) 6-8 weeks Q.L17. In general, suspension cultures are subcultured after every a) 1-2days 7b) 2-10 days D ©) 10-15 days 4) 12-18 days QU18. Embryo culture technique can be used t0 a) Obtain interspecific hybrids b) Overcome dormancy nd to shorten breeding cycle. ©) Propagate orchids _-4) None of the above Q.119. Distant crossés may fail due to 4) Inability of potlen to germinate b) Failure of the pollen tubes to grow ©) Degeneration of endosperm tt) None of the above Q.120. Meristem culture can be used for (1) clonal propagation (If) recovery of virus-free stocks (UD germplasm exchange and consevation a) Tand If by Land I ©) Land I 4) 1 Mand TL QU21, Anther culture is ordinarily used for production of a) Diploid plants 6) Haploid plants ©) Polyploid plants 4) None of the above

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