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Engineering Fracture Mechanics 279 (2023) 109065 ‘Contents lists avallable at ScienceDirect Engineering Fracture Mechanics journal homepage: voww.elsevior com/locate/enatraemech Dynamic fracture behaviour of AA7475-17351 alloy at different 3") strain rates and temperatures Purnashis Chakraborty , Vikrant Tiwari Lagoon of Apps Mecham, tn i of Tenaya Nw De 110010, ns ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT ‘omens The facture behaviour of the aluminium alley AA7475-T7351 at different loading rates and Intation fotze toughness temperatures (-150 °C to 200 °C) is investigated here. The three point bend experiments are Proamtion aca ehese oman conducted st Zwiek/Roel-50 UTM (crosshead speed up to 100 mm/min), MS-250 machine ‘ext ed (criead sped upto 1000 m/min) and modified Hopkinson pressure bar (rtr velocly Sear nd heed vais 11-19 m/s) to understand the nation and propagation ractre toughves of AA7#75:77351 ere ania oe aluminium alloy along the rolling (Le) and transvene (TL) directions. The digital image cor: fekaton (D1 teciniue wed Yo obtain te load pont dloplacement (0) and eack mouth peng daplacement (CMD) andthe same ted To caste the test nent facto (IF) “he face surface i sudledwsinga cial stereo microcope (DVMO) and scanning electron tuleroncope (SEM). The facture toughness of AK7475-17351 I found to depend onthe loading fats and temperatures and found (ovary belween 50 and 66 Mm’ along the LT arection, whereas the corresponding value sng the TL eeton i comparatively Tes. 1. Introduetion ‘The high-strength aluminium alloys are extensively used inthe fighaweight structural components of aerospace, defence andl space structures, Over the last few decades, many experimental studies have been conducted to substitute the heavy nickel-nased super= alloys with 2XXX and 7XXX series aliminium alloys as an aerospace candidate (2). However, the stiffness (moduls) and thermal resistance (melting temperature) of aluminium alloys are much lower than structural steels (3,4). Hence, understanding the strength of sch aluminium alloys during severe plastic deformation is very important for the design of important lightweight structures. The effect of strain rate on the yield stress, flow stress and ductility of AA7O39-16S1 [5], AA7075-T651 [6] and AA7075-16 (7) are Investigated inthe literature. Similarly, the combined effects of loading rate and temperature on the mechanical behaviour of A701? [s], A7050-T3451 [9] and AA7075-T6 [10] are also reported inthe literature In addition to the strength of structural materials, the resistance (toughness) ofthe material to fracture intiation/propagation is ‘equally important for the safety of the structures. Different researchers used different setups (one bar or two bar setup) and techniques (One point, two-point strain gauge method and high-speed optical meastrement) to study the fracture toughness of engineering ‘materials. Bacon et a. (71| employed the modified Hopkinson pressure bar to investigate the fracture behaviour of glass and Poly- ‘methyl methacrylate (PMMA) under different loading rates and temperatures. The author expressed the stress intensity factor (SIF in terms of the specimen’ load point displacement. Galvez et al (12) investigated the dynamic fracture toughness of high-strength * Corresponding author. mail addres Purashis Chakraborty @ansitd ain (P, Chakraborty). hps/dl.ong/10.1016/engfracmech 2023.109065 Received & September 2022; Received in revised frm 6 January 2023; Accepted 11 January 2023 Available online 14 Janvary 2023 (0013-79440 2025 Elsevier Lx A righ reserved

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