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of, Py nd PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION Functions of Two or more Variables Limits Partial Derivatives Homogeneous Function Euler's Theorem Differentiability (Derivability) of Function Partial Differentiation of Composite Functions Total Derivative Partial Differentiation of implicit Functions Change of Variables ‘Schwartz's Theorem Young's theorem Published By :WBBHARNT Mathematiog yy examples of quanyt! vetriable, We eau however, think of any number of examples of Quang! vahtefsaniy Ate dante? Sie he idseafeantn qo depends on the tree vet: oF 905) ie areal function of thre variables. Cheibe) length, see mbsatany peda) ate dependan | sintary te yeR force ese advent epee pre he pret). |, Simian fo ¥€R, Hetents)-»y Ch. 8 : Partial Differentiation a2) oF 9 f(s%;) na real function of two variables, For example, the area ofrectat Iisa funciona arable xandy, wewte =f). His ation p OF ¥= MG 25po-nn) i880 function of n variables. three variables. y and s, we write u=/(s,», 2) ' Neighborhood of a point (a, b) : BS Festyuematmeaseteestatoeniss acai ace coe oem (ME Wiel ang Vbaay ea eas ecto (og, ec | Sand, iscaled a function ofto independent vari eee wsie | that e~ale sya called theaquareg-naighborbectofeceint 7 Gs 2)or gs.) @o. ‘We may interpret athe cordinate ofa point inthe »y-plane and zg Similarly, If, 6)¢ Rand 5> any real number then the set of point the heightof the surface == f(s.) ( Ne Risuch that (-a)'+(y-b)' <6? is called the circular ‘Tho set R of points») such that any two points P, and P, of R can be 46 - neighborhood ofa point (a, 8. / ‘Joined that any arc F P wholly ies in R, is called as region in the XV-plane, © zion is sid be «closed region, if includes all the points oti | 3-2 LIMITS boundary otherwise itis called an open region LU Limit of a fanetion of two variables : ‘set of pit bing within cle having centre at, 6) and radius 5» Definition : Tho function fx») is said tobe tonds tothe limit Yas <-> 4s suid tobe neghboushood off, 6) inthe circular region and y->6 if and only ifthe limit lis independent of the path followed Rie 0) +(y-B et the point ( ») a8 x—>a and yb and we write Weistroiuc the notation oft arabes by considering example, Eafte)=t ‘Let us consider the elation «= fog? od Jn terms ofa circular neighborhood, we have the following definition of between. y todetermines value of Shalini oo Definition : The function f(s, defined ina region , is said to be tends ers 2) which are auch that 492 <9 tothelimit tas xr and >> ifand only ifeorresponding to a positive ly by apointon a plane. We see ‘umber ether exists another postive number 5 such ha 3) I\<¢ lieon or within the circle of radius 3 | ‘ a — that the point (x9) or which #458 3¢ and the centre atthe origin, for 0 <(x—a) +(y-0)* <3" atevery point (s 9) in R. The repon determine sa eran by the pin») ie cale the Domain of the point I ve>0 there exists a real pues 350 eh hat Odix-ak5,0dy-ble 5 alfle9)-Ilee on wee that the eaton ; ian lation () determines asa function, oftwo variable x,y ‘Then wo say that f(x,y) 1 as (x,y) — (a,b)andit is denoted by r "domain bounded by the circle Peyag : Tim fey) 4 Domsino nation ¢ dim ft WEF blsa:sreRetesten Pabedan Sn a Limit ofa function of n-variables 1 eso there exists areal number 5 >0 such that | 3, ~9, be whore i= 1,2, oun | Peeters) -lfce 18) OO rnngy Then we say, (5% 2 | and it is denoted ky ne Ba Continuity of a function of two variables ited thse acaie fsa Ix~ak6ly-bk 5 ifle,9)-fab)ice | ‘Then function /(c,y)is said tobe continuous at point (2, 2). | Definition: A function fl») isl tobe continuous at the point (a,b ¢ lity /(x9) exist and lim fs,9)= fa, 6) | 8) Has waa | {fa function is continuous at all points ofa region, then itis said to | 0 theo exists real number 4. 0, such that, 1,-9,166, where 5 232,.u0m | Wep5n on) HO yy a) 0dets)-g(ayicg Ex. 1 Using the definition ofthe limit, show that lim Sol. Let 6, 9)=s*-2y, (a, b)=(@, 8) andi=.2 Ex. 2 Using the definition ofthe limit, show that Sol Ch, 9: Partial Differentiation Now, ifwe take 6, = in (6,4) then, Oe-aled, = 0de—ales Ode-akd s0d2-ak6 Oate)~ glace 3 0d-2k 5,04 42) 15 = lig heto)=1 le-akd-sl~2ies 2 -bex-2e5 Br bcr 245 0-H cs casey AAS +8 ca cats est ly-bles1y-3105 S-8| 2" -2y42lee By definition ofimit, we have (at =2y)=-2 For ¢> otaking Bat Let (x, 9) = 629, (a, 6)= (2, 8) and 1=30 Ix-akd=|x-21e5 ly-bleSs1y-3kes Published By :RBEHARNT Dy (it) os from ti) @ ti) si) Mathomatiog 36 So Now 1A)=H o1S9~301 wfte~ 249-8) 015(2-2)+109-9) cepuans erin igor alee wim |e icd and ip-2ied | 7 By definition of limit we have ai. 87=90 » Ex 8 Prove that, lim," doesnot exit Sol: Letustake y, 5.9) #(00) =0 i te=0.0) sind, Sol. : Let us take x=rcosd, Also (x,9) (0,0) => r>0 ag fe pees ec wot Sty MP reosO rain)” cade aind Also ,, din, fa.9) = 0= f(0,0) 1,9) is continuous at (0,0) Published @y -RBBHARNT Mathemutio ay as Be 8 Discus the cootinlty of /e.7)at (0 if sings +9) e. F t=) Ned EE i =a e020 Sob: Latustake x=roond, y=rsind, =2*+y Also (2,9) (0,0) = 7-40 ‘eB /90= lim Bain (r72) sinr? ria PF” Bain'(r/2) P14 ven 0.=2 Hany, Bi /)2=100) egheontinouset 00 © tales] o tal] Note: Ta a may exist 3) ithyeait th vals ny (ray nod b ea 8) they a nega ten eee adit 2.9) does not exit 4s) Ithey exist and are ual in valu even theni that | it may happen od y/9) may not exist, Min! eit anda vali then both repeated | Jimits exists and their values, are equal to /. | Ex. DY with ae nia dc th exten of Jim 2==89 oto ery thal Differ Yan te ‘nf =) img 22 Sa ay aL [ig ==] Salers, |*g|ue ee rated Limite are not gual, 2=3y By Sa 5 does not exist. sist gy doesnot + EXERCISE - 1: Define the limit and contimsty of funtion of two variables Define a limit ofa funtion of two and nvasiablon 1. Using the definition ofthe limit, show that, Oe BBW *2N918 i) im 2429-5 Gap , lim ay =6 Using the iterated limits discuss the existence of, Yim, —--* 2 ere rere 5. Evaluate the following limits Be try 29+ lim 2-0 Far Ree 8 Bea Prove that , lim =" 29, ony 1 IE Jim, f(e,9)=1 and funetion ¢(% is continuous at x= and g(o) = b oF {hen prove that ling /(s,4() exits andit vale is also 1. Discuss the continuity of f(x,9) at (0,0) if Hey) =P) 62,9) 20,0) bad 56,9) = (0,0) I flxy)=ay (2 Gp) 20400) Gay =0 5,9) = (0,0) then show that /(z,) is continuous at (0,0). Published By :RBBHARNT then dc he continu ff.) 88 (2 ay Ceo) .Stow thatthe fant () m2" +2y 90 #.2) 0 :2)=0.2) isdcotinnous (2. ea een teat ini 2), Alto show tat heft iisontnuous a th origin, war fe): 3.3 PARTIAL DERIVATIVES {a difeentaton, we have concrned with function af single indepen ariable, We can however, think of any number af exampl ‘that depend upon two or more independent variables, (heats fneton oftwo variable sandy, we write =f; 9). It is. fan three variables x yand =, we write ls, +) Dae les of quanti ion a finaion two variables xandy Ie ky, aly aloo, then zis function of xonly, ? tng y a8 a constant, is called hy Shrepecttoxand denoted by one ofthe sym | & or For has)or DF | 2 M+55) fiz) ueeaeaeraaa (ttiniveisy) | Similarly, jin e+) fp) | oe, titties, ton itn said tobe partial derivative of with respect tox at embols Punt (5) and is denoted by one of tie | ein fm vai isa nt he ith pe to ea Parl dering vende les randy. Ifwe keops | n of yonly | constant, is called the | bone ofthe symbol, ED 6 timit exist) sin 2, ti nt ten isdn ei derivative of: with reapect oy a point (08) and is denoted by one af he Srna. (=) (2) =] f(a.0), ran ee 8 fenetion of three variables s,y ands Ifwe keep yand as constant nol vaty zonly alone, th w iva funcdon tech, saad tty derivative ofu with respect to zor yor zis defined as under, or denoted by the symbol respectively [os 52.92)- Hay, Hay & y+ 52) ~ fle y.2) Jim M22 62)-fox.2) 23 3 > PARTIAL DERIVATIVE OF HIGHER ORDER: ffainf and fate also function of sand 20 these can be differentiated farther partiy with respect toxand O(a) oe oy tim LEE +8x.9)~ fey) me 7 Him Ox Jim SOY + 88) ~ f(x,y) Es) ay sm LE+98.9)~L(0,9) a Hore f, and f, is called mixed partial derivative of Similarly, i= is «function of theo or more variables ¥,.24.44.o0 and Partial derivative of with respect tos, is abtained by differentiating + with respect to x, keeping all other variables constant and is written as Gel ax, Published By :BEHARNT Mathematiog Ta proeal [and fro also functions of and y and 80 they ierentited further partially ith reepect to andy. Incxtinary cases itcan be easily verified that, ne ty “Byte ‘Bx 10 Find he fret oder patil derivatives at (0, 0) for fx) ==) (9400) 1 6.99=(0,0) Sol: Lot (03) = im Non 10.0) in £(0*550)-F(0.0) (fey) ==) (5,0) = 88-053 (x? +0) Similarly, (3) im £09*89)~f(s.9) + 410.0)» jn H00+6y)~f(0.0) mr ay im 10.49+0)~0 Bye +8)-14 7 Sol.: [flx,y) = 2G" ~ 9") ay 10,8) = 2-8H0~dy') Exlgitw Lat £.6,9) = fim ME + 62.9) — fey) ig 4,(0,0)= iy £0+ 45.0) -f00,0) Beg Sef) Similarly, = Tim — 0-69 _ a (0+ by \by by Lot w= aly dy gf waE Qe wy ve de Te Differentiate given function u with respect tox keeping y as constant So a(*)g()-2(2) eel) ty 2 p(t! ipestyt tty =p ton with respec 7 Feng 8 ony, Ditentiate given in ca rospe a Zoro oto") =H aerlay)es@y) = sh 2ely early? ae Igy thon ind © and Sol : et ==log (as + by) ifrentiate given function = with respect tox kee 08 a8 conta, (ie (a+b) Dificrentato given funetion wit ent epg sco + I0g (ax? + by) ce . Slee sty) Ch. 8: Partial Differentiation BxAA I aso ten ng OM Sol : Let us em aaamgrentiate given function w with respect to x keeping y and = a constant, HeOD=e Oe) Ditferentiae, stove fneton with rempecta keping rand asconstan Ba eon Fedyag OF +20" Y09) + Bye 41) eu par YH +9241) as as BeIS If z=? y*—Sanythenfind & and F. Also verify hat aoe aay Sol: Given, 22° +9 —goxy Differentiate given function = with respect tox keeping y as constant, Sats! 40-2090) «3 Say “A Published By ‘BBHARKT Mathematic, a6 coping Diferetiate equation () with ospect 0k (yar) == From i) andi), mebave 5 x16 Find frst order partial derivative of f(y) Sob: tet fs) -stnd iat gins con vito aspen fle) =tan2. 8 ean 2f, 22 tn A ') Levee? 2 Hler)oun teamed 82) ch, 3: Partial Differentiation Hoon flan) see(4).. ay Bx.AT I= lg( tans stony stone) then prove that 2x SH sing «ginae dH On ae RY oy tin ds = 2. OR Seman Toe-Tostans, tans, +tans,)then show that nds, 2 + Hee w=log(tanz+tany tans) Ditferentiate given function u with respect to x keeping y and = as constant &. 12 tans) ae" nz vtan yaar pete a“ tanvvtany Fane Mlplying both these by sn 2, wo got 2ainscons- see te tans tang tan? 0 Differentiate given function w with respect to y keeping x and = as constant, i ay tanz+tanystane ‘Multiplying both the sides by sin 2y, we got sin2y secty ___Qsin yeoay sect y sin dy 5% a Sint ec ___Bsin yoosy sec! y Voy “Tanx+tany-tanz "tanz+ tany stone 2tany tone tanystanz Ai) Differentiate given function u with respect to 2 keoping x and y as constant, tang tans Published By ‘RBEHARNT Mathematiog AUER sina rape? ane rlanystanz stan a amrvtany ane Byraiog (), (i) and (i, we have 26 cinty Mein sina sinty sine Baserreesttan' stan, show tt Zien 2 Sok: Dining con ith ety keep og con Bat Yen2) fr? 2494 (tant2)] s(n) SB a} ig eee -faxtan2syt = 3 ilps tar nen 3] Ch. 8: Partial Ditorenti 319 Divan ven fneon ih wage oy eng FOv Coon Bags y=» Zaerore} irate toe fncton wihrupet i seeping yas constant a a Dirt shove fnetin with repeat tox heeping a constant. phase ec a EP legs +0) 0 oe Nopzex Lae"\ylogs +1) Again differentiate given fonction « with respect to x keeping y as constant, de Ditfrntiat above function 1 with respect toy keeping a8 constant Bes arto Larges lear Be os 4(Lertogs) aerators gue e(t Togs )= "40+ vlog) Differentiate above function with respect keeping ya constant. ou Roses From (and (i itisprove Zeta) | Ke=et), prove that 22 nc 2, Bua0It 2 (2.0) eco, prow that ZE ne Sol: Given, 2= r-rel 62-1) Dilfforentist given function = with reapect to rkeeping as constant. & a perme 2 Erevan 2ernepeadena (ened g'e-et) Agnin differentiating with respect to rkeeping fas constant, we get FE 2 ptesctys permed 0 Fer eed egenet) “ Differentiate givon function z with respect to keoping x as constant. ‘ern (erene gee) Arma Geren arte eds pe-e S(0-ct) f (eet) ep (eet) efter seed cytes ptenall on From and in, Bat Ss ' ‘This i am iportant petal iret] 69¥ation, kno equation, Sok: Given anit Dittrnsatgrn fio With mse 1 ein ase, Atnindiferentiate above function with respect to din fanction with respect to Keeping, +90 then show that (f,~f)* =40.-f,-/,) Set: Gen fina) 8222 Ditferentiate given function f with respect to x keeping y as constant. sy ® Differentiate given function with respect to keeping xas constant. Gry Now from () and (i), we have tt esa a 1 “ey (at -2y%% = Mem From (i) and (iv), we have fy =40-f-f) OSE 1 Det put dervatins of8.) wh Find theirs err patil Hag) 2 22; when (59400) =o 5 when (5.2) =(0.0 8 Fld frat onder pari drivatve of f(s) 4 Find st onder partial drirativesof f(x) =2"9 +e" at poine 5. Fi era ay rte ling toss lxsyeznlege i s!49 + lets*+y') ab, », @eee'y-ssinay, thn ind th val of 2 “Saxby, prove that b d/2e+.a dey = Babe 8 Muze" then show that du/txdye = Bye Sole By manta figs ‘show that at Gedy 7 ORY show th axdy may an(y+az)—(y-ax)", show that. Geféx* ma* dz/ay* Mt) tan ah ta 2 ate =loe(2* 5 y2) a3 ft Ultwsege's A) tan 2) tenner op 2 Ul us /0) and xo reced, yor sind then prove that 1 Prove ta 68/00 « 60.0 tthe fnetion Mey) 2-7) “hen nd yat0 0 simutanou (Gh. : Partial Differentiation 3.4 HOMOGENEOUS FUNCTION Ordinarily, / (9 8 anid to bea homogeneous function of degree m, ifthe degree ofeach of its terme in sand yee ‘Thus an expression of the form ay? sq2™4y! saxty nt a" i rich every term is of the n™ depres, is called a homogeneous function of ogres ‘Me then sty that f(s ») isa homogeneous fanction of degree m if it is expressible as we(t ‘Thican be rosin ag Han=aa 2 602") 4096. saey =# ao? +0,(9/2} +0,(y12)'+...4 0,127) -=7(2) 3 homogeneous funetion of degree n acoding othe definition Wecan ls define te homogeneous faneon ar under 1 5 ffs.9)isaronl valued funtion oftwo variables and fes.0) = 0s, 9) then 8 « homogeneous function of degree n. Forevample:Let 2st 45y4392 Thiscan be rwriton ag == 25(+4(3/2)4.9(y/! ‘Thus function» which nn be expreteed inthe form of x1F(y/) i ale omogensous function af degre 2 in and. Wecan alan fin the degre of homogeneous function as under Let x,y) =x Any 439? and y= ty and solve as. (tx)? + 4(tzx)(0y) + 3(ty)* (2? + day 43y") fey) {iss funtion = which can be expressed inthe form of 1/(x,3), i called homogeneous function of degree 2 in x and y Published By RBBHARKT Mathemntig = ose homogeneous Faneiog Perera “ or = ty and solve as: ae ered Sok: Given fi. 9)= ‘Now pts: Now puts= tend y=1y and eave ag tsp) = WP opr Msg Peat ae Aes) le- 94) ear (Ch. a: Partial Differentiation 3.25 Bx4 Verily chat, given fa ction is homogeneous or nal Ives, then Bnd ta degree, @ fe) © z=tang/e) cs s(t) _ (2 Baa Hh a4(2) isa homogeneous fnetion of dagre 2 ¥E0-Jy7z) » =a Tea ony (2) isa homogeneous function of dynes tanto) = tan(y/s) 20/3) + ta homogencous funtion of degre 0 3.5 EULER'S THEOREM (5.0 be homogeneous function of degree min x andy. Since wis homogeneous function of degree n in x and y s( FD = 029 10279 403094 gam ( © Partalyditforentiating (with oapec tox, wo got 1. 2{ #2 alg] Published By ‘RBEMARNT ‘atime euefer() eo (Ch. : Partial Differentiation n Proof: Proof: rem 9 Tein a homoge Beer dt Domogencous function of» and y of degree n then by Euler's Theorem: we have a ae Ber B ane Also 2=(u) Differentiate (ip with respect tox, wo get a Now dierent (i wth respecta yw got Sp (yy™ e-rom ubattutng the values of equation (id) and (js) in equation (0, vwoget ae | ae By Balers theorem, #5 +yZ nz Differentiate (with respect to x, we got -¢i Published By :RBEHARNT Mathems Atieg 4 a wating ath pee We get 7 3 (ee ‘Maltlyng (i) by rand) by yand adding, we got re AF oles) cnn By (oy Besse } ify lors thvorem for bomagencous function =x" (2 ‘Sol: Sine wise homogeneous fnction of degree 8 in sandy. Pir tig by ig mallet nj (Gh. 8: Partial Differentiation Mulilying both sides withy, wo get 2425/2) ry (3) By adding Gana i, Berke oP (2)sser(2) eye (2 ars se(2)- 7 2 i8 homogencous of equation of degree 9, x26 IE fix, »)= a af iat — ty + 2y$ then prove that 22. rove that 22 Sol Lat fos.9)= 825x429 ts 9) = 8s)" 503)°4y) + 205) Ris, 1) = PQ? ~5x%y + 299) Hts, 9) = # fe.) (fee, 9 = 32-85 4 295) fls,»)i8 a homogeneous function of degree Hence by Euler's theorem, we have a why! fte9) fle). pestis) =o sors te soe ex) =2) isn kemogentous fenton of deroe Honooby Baler there, we have Hy ants, pherZantny Mabini ith weg sBents en oes @ et ye (ch, 8: Partial Differentiation By adding (1) and (2) we got, Myo Bet Ree tae eyes 2eyt nike este tae tet pesoitwnig( 222" By ‘Now, vis homogeneous function of degree 2 By Euler's theorem, bu, 284% ony, 2 Putabove value in (, we gt ae Be yet ay au, de sHeyBan Beso fu= JEM then prove that PE 4 2 2H, poe ana Sol: Lot uex\i=yle uss fly/x) wis homogeneous unstion of degre n=1 Published By ‘RBRMARNT fey? By yoo, (22 ens tnt So ina bomogeneous function of degree n=, By Euler coor, 4 QL omnes, Fara then show that 224 yO D9, 52 . Differontiation ‘Subsite these value in equation Gh wo wt ST PMNS Hones proved, EXERCISE - 3 © and prove Euler's theorem fortwo variables homogenous function. 2% Mis homogeneous function of nth degree in xy, , than prove that 2M a 8 Show that f(x,0.2)= (4x! +292) (2425-82) i homogeneous fancton, 44 Verify Bul theorem, when 9 Ke)nar stayed) fly eee YE +Y?. © fen)=Betyer based!) un(taytse) rr 6 ttuntog( 222) tan prove that = 7 1, Wats? sty? a's! =0 then ind the value of 3,23 wo [om2-stan2 +0 en ton t 22e 8 resto 282 5 hon sow that au, 2 22 op Du a @ sere esinge Gy PE ay 6H nts ainta ay 0 Oak aay" gp Ht da 2H 90, Ot th Gin = SE ony MH 4 ye (1 dsinte)sin2 C8 a ay age “(Aina aah au a a oF 220 oy OM dtu ae 20a ty Sr sin using 10.1 u=x tan"(y/x)~y*tan“(e/>), evaluate x ULIf w= tan*(y*/), prove that 2° Pubiished 8 iran f=] ae sau) [Ef am tert f tu sir"(x4y") thea show that 2 Ebony Bh p Btu unfatina-d) sot 2, 2 stan, ssw sie Drow that 295 stipe: yO, 5 eee" SSS, ad han of 2549S SE Stand, ae, du rrare~sio"Zstan"*2, pov that #24 yao ‘a reteset nwt? say ABE w= cos" F pro that 4 y HL oe SA wn Ey Petia eye} eeu where logue (2*+9)/ (e+ 4y) 2Lte aes, pom that staf 2, Ou Ou) lat gta) Te) Ott reg gy Bye (FS) em sesyeaye 2 eeopy Fag then show thay 2. yy then show thay a OL 9 (ch. 9: Partial Differentiation 3.6 DIFFERENTIABILITY (DERIVABILITY) OF FONCTION Thootem § If =~ f(s,yhndiferentiable at (e,9),then ge) aeand 22a (59) alto oxiatand also ca be express as under: 52=fle+553489) flaw) = Borah s Fo Soy reseonsy, where 5,-0.6, +08 (52,53) (0.0) ‘Lat == a.3) ts dilfrentiable at (s,3) eo that there exist real ‘number A and B sch that SIM ABEA BOs 6624689 69) here, $0, £,->0, a8 64,83)» (0,0) Now, keeping y constant. taking y= Oanddividing both sides of Oby bx, we gt, Ate, & Hage ha(a+a) ae a Similarly keeping sconstant io taking be ~0, and dividing both sides equation (by by and aking iit as 5) » 0, we get 4 Substituting the value of A, Bin (), we got 829 fle+b29+89)-F(s9) a 5, = Bore Z ay econ redy atta where 40, £, 0,08 (63,53) (0,0) ‘Thon ito called Total Differential ofz andi is denoted by den Eons Z ey aay Published 8y RBBHARNT Theorems Ie ADs 9 tn bea ftesde.y+69) flo) Proof! Lat + Bayoaseeaby ® 5 shee 60.5 0, a0 (8, M695 7 dy da bial S485 1-08 Jug ali 469)-Hla) <0 2g fin fe+8.7649))=F(,9) fas) ‘is continuous at (x,y) E590 Show that 222'+a74y i diferentiable a ( ») ang fi Alieretia deat 9). el Sol : Sines (9) a2" say¢y $= /(r+55,3+43)-f(2,9) Slat) o(2888N 9463) o(ys4yp (= +9454) Tbe 758435 bnby 49° + 296 y 4 8y8— 93 OMe ets oceénecslnny Ales BE satesséy Ulta), Thuis dierent ate a Bey try, 8 & te) 42-2 em (oh. 9: Partial Differentiation : (_s meron stanly). Let em stanly is) a TGR S ‘otal Differential of Substitute the value of) and iin i, we get, deftanigtay— 37 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF COMPOSITE FUNCTIONS ‘Tacorem 7 I the functions ts, 9) possesses the fst order darwvatives in fhe domein D then prove that =i iferencable stench eee ofDand V(x,3)¢D. Proof: Since = fx.» B2= f(5.9+53)-f(29) [rss 459)-F ees) e+859)=f (09)] onl prnconsider + dx asaconstan then f(=+.9) function a yoy, By Langrange’s moan value theorem, we got Met6noba)ef(e46s,9) 46x (085,940,59)uhere <6 ct Met8s. 9989) (s¥68,9) 54h (2082,94863) By raensider» a8 a constant then ls; 3) is fanction of x only By Langrange's mean value theorem, we get, H(e¥0.2)=1( 4.9) 4, (248.5s,) where 08,1 Me+48,9)-1(s,9)= df (240.589) Substituting the value of i) and (iin equation () we get 5e= Boh (2+ 58,9 +859) +5, (2 +88x,3) Mathes fh leeds BENG (59) *L(9)] wiles) lcsPo (29) : asf (8899489) L (9) +80 (2,9) Alsr\be+b (a)8y +68 edy whee 691 (208869) (29) and sh (065.469)~,(x,9) Keer Lay sgbeseiy tee ay 6 a, +d eysgdetady we is iferentible Panction at ovry point of D and henge (5904, 30.08 (62,85) +(0,9)) 3.8 TOTAL DERIVATIVE Ue=655) where 2 710 then we can expose zane, of alone by substitut a Aoi ting the values fx and yin 9) de de dy eae Taking = (becomes, Be de, ae ty EEA wy Note ite (ch. 8: Partial Differentiation — ‘Theorem 8 Let 2 f(,3) possess continuous rt order partial dervative= sea EEO 2d Yeh) possess contiquous fist or derivatives, then ede de 20 ay aoe a a 0) = bem t+ 8) 40) Y= NO=y=Ht+60) m4) (6.9) b= fle 82,989) ~fle.y) Now, = fs.) diferentiabe at ,3) then ee f2 Sayre bevesy where, 6,-0.5, +0 as (5,89) (0.0) Be Hoe Bay BET FO (a5 402(65.69)-2(00)) wd at Beab lunsinGe->), <8 and y= 40%, Find du/dt asa function of Sol: Given w asin du 8 a ee du _ oa) a h-e-F Published By ‘RBBHARNT au, 50-1") ae so-u') Tena Resse; (eahene tad yo Fd u/d 08 fact, | esl youre ty diet austin S0L: Given wine!) 2s aafe/9N/3) cts 9-2/9") sini) ing 18) 4 fe d,/e) heed aan ee that df= 9012-0 na find u/s, pint asa total der foe «Dena Pron rey re substitution, the tina miata, F HRs ie dterntaie ae (oh, 8: Partial Differentiation 3.9 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIATION OF IMPLICIT FUNCTIONS 2am Suni relation between x and 3 which deinen 84 Uidsretiate ancion oe duu ud becomes 1, % dy 4 ae ae By de yaa % 40) pratt He fe) wa. ee Bona HY hen find 2 ana Re %, a ay ae & ntiting () with respects, we get dy gl4)-£2 (6) oy Published By -RBRHARNT tion fs.) = 0, nd ‘Theorem 10 Wins sling the equation 2 Proof: Suppose that by solving the equation sangre fea) Disereatiatng equation () wth respectto x, we got ® 1004004290 af ah Starting uation with empty we get h Yt BxSTICy—Gast+<0 then prove that Sol Here fes.y)ey?-dant gs a Cee eT ayer ay *eabore raisin lowing egtatin, oe eet LB spgy Ht Peat 8 RB EHARE b. 3: Partial Differenttation “fee ote ao ea Bx. 38 Find © when y caine Sol: Given ying Taking log on both sides, we have 2 logy 1og(sinz) Let H(x9)=2"19g9-logsins) 6) Difeentating @)patally with respect tox we get fon ye logy 1 cos = 32" logy cote ‘Now Diflerentiating () pastially with repect to, wo get (de) =e toca) 22 logs logy +22 fae logerlogy set foe lpyate aa loes-toge2) Bx. 39 If = log sy where = 49° «Say <1, find dud, Sol: Let /(x,9)=2° +)? +ny-1 we have ay fh asay astey ae" On dy 8yF 48a Fe Published By ‘RBBHARNT Machemaci cay ee joa, Screoeivergos) = Babes hater. Loe) @ 2 saggy 22 ane Gather FS Ss EKBROISB 5 1 a et ving acon (9 (eons) =(sins)* @ ay! obey © Se yed0 © siol)=e" ey © fF oy lies ty 2 Myer sine, then ind © and 2 gp Maer sine find Band 2 at 0,0) 4% Brusing partial derivatives nd the valucat © fp Brung Miterntueot 2 +4in()+.-og2 0 at (0 og), ‘4 Bywsing partial derivatives, ing © vs nd £2 O26 360 0) 00 2hy tye che 22 ote & Pewee eee iHe9)02 2 ya9 & Given that 25, 2-35 =6, obtain termeets be ees tbtessions for oy 2x26 ae in pind thivales at th pons (0 2, . [116,9.2)-0,10n.% 07 BOHRA (oh. 8: Partial Ditferentiaios 30 CHANGE OF VaRiantzs en) @ it moon necessary to change expratons involving sy, 2e/ de, 8/87 ste toexpressons involving «4 de/ds ocroy en ‘The nossssary formulae forthe change of variables are easily obtained, tis regnrded asa constant, then y, willbe fanetions of tlone ‘Therefore, hy Total Derivative Frmularwe have ves in torms of 2/25, 12,5 1. Bek derivative scan be founiby repeated application ofthe formulae Gand), ‘Theorem 11 Let = /(2,3) possess continuous partial derivatives of frst Grier. Let x = g(u,v) and >= hu») possess continuous partial Aerivatives of rst order then, Hu 6u,0+ 50) elu) Aaa) = By = Nu +80 + 0) ~Mue) 15,9) Be» fl2+65,9+89)~fhs,y) Now, == f(x,y) is differentiable, B54 5y4 6Se4e,by 0 where 6, -+0,5, 0 as (62,89) (0,0) Dividing equation by gu and dv respectively, wo get SoBe StS By Bu Oe bu By Bu ay Gy a Published By ‘RBEHARNT

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