Syllabus Summer Textbook Reading 2024

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MUHS Summer School Textbook Reading

Course Syllabus 2024


Mr. Jackson (weeks 1 & 2) Mr. Meuler (weeks 3 & 4)

Theology Teacher Social Studies Teacher

Course Description

Welcome to MUHS! We are excited to meet you and work with you this summer. This course is
designed to support literacy skills for students in transition to the rigorous college-preparatory environment at
MUHS. Students will read excerpts from textbooks used in freshman Theology, Biology and World History
classes. Students will engage in discussions and learning activities during class. Students will have the
opportunity to reinforce foundational skills that were developed prior to attending high school and they will be
challenged to extend those skills to prepare for classes at MUHS.

Course Materials

MUHS will provide:

● Textbook excerpts from Biology, Theology, and World History (on moodle)
● A binder with paper and dividers
● Handouts for assignments and note-taking (all organized in the binder)
● Writing utensils
● Laptop that meets standards established by MUHS

Students are expected to bring all materials to class every day.

Course Outcomes

Students will:
● Organize and maintain an academic binder with relevant course materials.
● Read assigned excerpts from Biology, Theology, and World History textbooks.
● Develop reading comprehension strategies for high school textbooks.
● Analyze reading assignments for both literal and figurative meaning.
● Develop high orders of thinking.
● Identify and describe the purpose of basic parts of high school textbooks.
● Discuss literacy skills and apply them through multiple modes of communication (reading, writing,
listening, speaking, and viewing).
● Develop a work ethic and learner engagement skills appropriate for a high school classroom.
● Reflect on work habits and contributions to a positive social learning environment.

Students will be graded on a total point system. Points will be evenly divided between the first and second two
weeks. The total number of points a student earns will be divided by the total number of points possible to
determine a percentage. Percentages translate to a letter grade (see MUHS grading scale below). Late work will
receive, at most, half of the points available for the assignment.
Grading Scale

Percentage Letter Quality Qualitative Description

Grade Points

100-98 A+ 4.1 Student demonstrates comprehensive knowledge, application,

understanding of the course content and skills. Learning outcomes
97-93 A 4.0
are met. The student has shown a consistent commitment to
92-90 A- 3.7 academic excellence and is well prepared for the next level.

89-87 B+ 3.3 Student demonstrates a thorough knowledge and application of

course content and skills, and is growing in understanding. Most of
86-83 B 3.0
the course outcomes are met. The student is well prepared for the
83-80 B- 2.7 next level.

79-77 C+ 2.3 Student demonstrates a mostly complete knowledge and application

of the course content and skills, but may not yet have a full
76-73 C 2.0
understanding of the broader concepts of the discipline. More than
72-70 C- 1.7 half of the learning outcomes are met and all are in progress. The
student is mostly prepared for the next level.

69-67 D+ 1.3 Student demonstrates a limited knowledge and application of the

course content and skills with little understanding. Few of the
66-63 D 1.0
learning outcomes are met. There is a concern for the readiness at the
63-60 D- 0.7 next level.

59 F 0.0 Student demonstrates unacceptable knowledge and/or application of

the course content and skills. Learning outcomes are not met or not
attempted. The student is not prepared for the next level.

Course Outline

Week 1: Theology
Week 2: Biology
No classes for the week of July 4th - Happy Independence Day!

Week 3: World History

Week 4: World History & Textbook Skills for Freshman Year

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