Pidato Retel 2024

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Among Technology, God and Me

Let us give thanks to God Almighty for His blessings and grace. Today, I
would like to speak about "Among Technology, God and Me.”
Technology has brought many changes to our lives, providing
convenience and broad access to information. However, there is a dark
side we often overlook—how technology can distance us from God.
One main issue is addiction. May I ask the audience, is there anyone here
who doesn’t have social media? How often do we use social media
platforms like Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, and others? Many of us
spend hours in front of screens, whether playing games, on social media,
or watching videos. The time that should be spent praying, reading the
Bible, or worshipping is instead used for these activities. Without
realizing it, we become more focused on the virtual world than on our
relationship with God. Let’s be honest, which one do we hold more
often, our phone or the Bible? Which do we read more frequently, our
phone or the Bible?
Social media also often traps us in comparisons, making us feel
inadequate or envious when we see others' seemingly perfect lives. We
forget to be grateful for the blessings God has given us.
Therefore, let us use technology wisely. Utilize it for positive things, like
learning or spreading kindness. Give enough time to pray and read the
Bible, so technology does not distance us from God.
As youth who are rooted, growing, and bearing fruits for Christ, let us
use technology wisely so that we do not fall into its dark side. Let our
faith guide every step we take
Thank you, and may God always guide us. God bless.

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