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4th Grading Examination


Name: ______________ Grade& Section: ___________

Subject Teacher: _____________ Date:_______

TEST I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Read each item carefully. Choose the correct answer and encircle the letter of
your chosen answer. (2 points each)

1. A list of all the different sources that you used for support of your topic.
a. Paragraph b. Bibliography c. News Headline d. Introduction
2. What words used by the writers or speakers in sentences that give their reads or
listeners a signal about the ideas?
a. Grammatical signals b. paragraph c. effect d. cause
3. A type of concept map that shows the order of something.
a. Flowchart b. Venn diagram c. hierarchy map d. concept map
4. It is the manner, pattern or method by which a writer or speaker explains his/her
main topic in a paragraph.
a. Idea development b. conclusion c. introduction d. news
5. It is the closing statement or the final sentence.
a. Introduction b. conclusion c. bibliography d. plot
6. Also known as deductive method.
a. inductive b. general-specific c. diorama d. introduction
7. it describes or refers to a situation that is common and occurs in a number of
different cases.
a. General statement b. specific statement c. deductive d. concept
8. It describes or refers to only one case or occurrence.
a. General statement b. specific statement c. deductive d. concept
9. It is something causes or makes something to happen.
a. Cause b. effect c. all of the above
10. It is something happens after a decision, event or conditions.
a. Cause b. effect c. all of the above
11. It refers to the events that happen within the story.
a. Plot b. introduction c. setting d. character
12. The issue involves people in the society.
a. Moral issues b. social issue c. economic issue d. issue
13. It is broad term for the world the story takes place.
a. Introduction b. setting c. conclusion d. plot
14. A situations or actions that do not conform to the shared norms, and values,
culture, and beliefs distinguished by a certain community or social setting.
A. Social issues b. moral issues c. issue d. economic issue
15. It is situations that reflects the scarcity of resources which are deemed
insufficient to satisfy human wants and needs.
a. Issue b. economic issue c. moral issue d. social issue

TEST II. Enumeration

Direction: Enumerate the following in any order.

1-4 four most commonly used patterns of idea development.

5-7 three examples of primary resources.

8-10 three examples of secondary resources.

11-15 advantage of using secondary sources of information.

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