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DEPARTMENT OF PAEDIATRICS Inflammation of mucosal lining of antrum
TOPIC: MASTOIDITIS and mastoid air cell system is an invariable
accompaniment of acute otitis media and forms a
part of it.1
DATE: 2-05-2024, THRUSDAY The term “mastoiditis” is used when
infection spreads from the mucosa, lining the
mastoid air cells, to involve bony walls of the
PRESENTER: mastoid air cell system.1,2
MD-PART-II  Acute mastoiditis represents the most common
complication of an AOM, affecting 1 in 400
cases (0.24%).3
MODERATOR:  Its incidence is variously reported in different
DR. M RAMYA KRISHNA countries, varying in pediatric age from 1.2 to
ASST. PROF DEPT OF PAEDIATRICS 6.1 per 100,000 children aged 0-14 years, per
JIMSHMCH year. 3
 Dramatically decreased in the antibiotic era,
the incidence of Acute mastoiditis in pediatric
age has consistently increased in the last two
decades even in developed countries. 3
 Pediatric age is undoubtedly the most prone to
mastoid involvement in middle ear infections,
due to particular anatomical, immunological
and infectious conditions.
 Above all in the first years of life: In children,
the mastoid bone is more pneumatized with
thin bone trabeculae and the aditus and antrum
is smaller than in adult’s: so, there is a greater
predisposition to the accumulation of secretion
and osteitic infection. 3
 Pediatric age is often characterized by
physiological immaturity of the immune
system with a peak incidence between the
second and third year of life. 3
 Most children (27 observed from 2003 to It follows the stage of suppuration in acute
2017) were < 3 years old; just one case was > suppurative otitis media. In this stage, there is
10 years old.3 congestion of the mucosa of the mastoid, which
AETIOLOGY: leads to aggravation of symptoms. 2
Acute mastoiditis is often seen in mastoids (B) COALESCENT MASTOIDITIS
with well-developed air cell system. Children are Due to the spread of infection,
affected more. 1 granulations and oedema develop, and they block
Factors leading to acute mastoiditis: partially or totally the aditus to the antrum. The
(i) Inadequate drainage: If the exudate is not pus collects in the mastoid cavity under pressure
draining well, infection may spread to the with the break-down of the septa between the air
mastoid.1,2 cells. The air cells in the mastoid coalesce and the
(ii) Virulence of organisms: The infection may mastoid cavity becomes converted into a bag of
spread if the organisms are virulent. 1,2 pus (empyema).
(iii) Lowered resistance of the patient because of PATHOLOGY:
diseases like exanthemata, dehydration and Two main pathological processes are responsible:
diabetes may also be responsible. 1,2 1. Production of pus under tension.
(iv) Cellular mastoids are more likely to be 2.Hyperaemic decalcification and osteoclastic
involved. 2 resorption of bony walls.
(v) Poor nutrition.1  Extension of inflammatory process to
(vi) Associated systemic disease such as diabetes. mucoperiosteal lining of air cell system
(vii) Inadequate or improper treatment of acute increases the amount of pus produced due to
otitis media fail to control the infection, and the large surface area involved.1
infection may spread or become masked. 2  Drainage of this pus, through a small
 Beta-haemolytic streptococcus is the most perforation of tympanic membrane and/or
common causative organism though other eustachian tube, cannot keep pace with the
organisms responsible for acute otitis media amount being produced. 1
may also be seen. 1  Swollen mucosa of the antrum and attic also
 Cellular mastoid when affected by otitis media impede the drainage system resulting in
may lead to 2 stages of mastoiditis: accumulation of pus under tension. 1
(a) Catarrhal mastoiditis.  Hyperaemia and engorgement of mucosa
(b) Coalescent mastoiditis. causes dissolution of calcium from the bony
 These usually occur in the second or third walls of the mastoid air cells (hyperaemic
week. 2 decalcification). 1
 Chronic otitis media produces chronic  Both these processes combine to cause
mastoiditis, usually in a sclerotic bone.2 destruction and coalescence of mastoid air
(A) CATARRHAL MASTOIDITIS cells, converting them into a single irregular
cavity filled with pus (empyema of mastoid). 1
 Pus may break through mastoid cortex leading  General findings. Patient appears ill and toxic
to subperiosteal abscess which may even burst with low-grade fever. In children, fever is high
on surface leading to a discharging fistula. 1 with a rise in pulse rate.
Symptoms: This occurs with chronic suppurative otitis
They are similar to that of acute media. While benign chronic otitis media may
suppurative otitis media. In a case of acute middle produce scanty granulations in the mastoid,
ear infection, it is the change in the character of dangerous chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma
these symptoms which is significant and a pointer may erode the mastoid bone gradually, and the
to the development of acute mastoiditis. mastoid becomes filled with cholesteatoma and
1. Pain behind the ear. Pain is seen in acute otitis granulations. This happens usually in acellular
media but it subsides with establishment of mastoids. 1
perforation or treatment with antibiotics. It is the Acute mastoiditis may be superimposed on
persistence of pain, increase in its intensity or chronic mastoiditis. Features of chronic
recurrence of pain, once it had subsided. These are suppurative otitis media are also present. 1
significant pointers of pain. Severe and boring in Investigations
character.1,2 1.Blood Counts show polymorphonuclear
2. Fever. It is the persistence or recurrence of leucocytosis. 1
fever in a case of acute otitis media, in spite of 2.Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate is usually
adequate treatment that points to the development raised.
of mastoiditis. 3.X-Ray Mastoid. CT scan temporal bone. There
3. Ear discharge. In mastoiditis, discharge is clouding of air cells due to collection of exudate
becomes profuse and increases in purulence. In in them. Bony partitions between air cells become
some cases, discharge may cease due to indistinct, but the sinus plate is seen as a distinct
obstruction to its drainage but other symptoms outline. In later stages, a cavity may be seen in the
would worsen. Any persistence of discharge mastoid.
beyond 3 weeks, in a case of acute otitis media, 4. Ear Swab. for culture and sensitivity.
points to mastoiditis.
Signs Differential Diagnosis
 Mastoid tenderness. 1.Suppuration of Mastoid Lymph Nodes.
 Ear discharge. Scalp infection may cause mastoid lymph
 Sagging of posterosuperior meatal wall node enlargement an then suppuration leading to
 Perforation of tympanic membrane. abscess formation, but in such cases there is no
 Swelling over the mastoid. history of preceding otitis media, ear discharge or
 Hearing loss. Conductive type of hearing loss deafness. Abscess is usually superficial.
is always present. 2. Furunculosis of Meatus.
It is differentiated from acute mastoiditis
(a) Absence of preceding acute otitis media.
(b) Painful movements of pinna; pressure over the Abscesses in Relation to Mastoid Infection
tragus or below the cartilaginous part of meatus Postauricular Abscess:
causes excruciating pain. This is the commonest abscess that forms
(c) Swelling of meatus is confined to the over the mastoid. Pinna is displaced forwards,
cartilaginous part only. outwards and downwards. In infants and children,
(d) Discharge is never mucoid or mucopurulent. abscess forms over the MacEwen’s triangle; pus
Mucoid element in discharge can only come from in these cases travels along the vascular channels
the middle ear and not from the external ear which of lamina cribrosa.
is devoid of mucus-secreting glands. Zygomatic Abscess:
(e) Enlargement of pre- or postauricular lymph It occurs due to infection of zygomatic air
nodes. cells situated at the posterior root of zygoma.
(f) Conductive hearing loss is usually mild and is Swelling appears in front of and above the. There
due to the occlusion of meatus. is associated oedema of the upper eyelid. In these
(g) An absolutely normal looking tympanic cases, pus collects either superficial or deep to the
membrane excludes possibility of acute temporalis muscle.
mastoiditis. Bezold Abscess.
(h) X-ray mastoid with clear air-cell system It can occur following acute coalescent
excludes acute mastoiditis. Sometimes, difficulty mastoiditis when pus breaks through the thin
arises when air-cell system appears hazy due to medial side of the tip of the mastoid and presents
superimposed soft tissue swelling in cases of as a swelling in the upper part of neck. The
furunculosis. abscess may
3. Infected Sebaceous Cyst (i) lie deep to sternocleidomastoid, pushing the
muscle outwards,
Complications of Acute Mastoiditis (ii) follow the posterior belly of digastric and
1. Subperiosteal abscess present as a swelling between the tip of mastoid
2. Labyrinthitis and angle of jaw,
3. Facial paralysis (iii) be present in upper part of posterior triangle,
4. Petrositis (iv) reach the parapharyngeal space or
5. Extradural abscess (v) track down along the carotid vessels.
6. Subdural abscess Clinical features.
7. Meningitis Onset is sudden. There is pain, fever, a
8. Brain abscess tender swelling in the neck and torticollis. Patient
9. Lateral sinus thrombophlebitis gives history of purulent otorrhoea.
10. Otitic hydrocephalous. A Bezold abscess should be differentiated from:
(a) acute upper jugular lymphadenitis. Aetiology:
(b) abscess or a mass in the lower part of the The condition often results from inadequate
parotid gland. antibiotic therapy in terms of dose, frequency and
(c) an infected branchial cyst. duration of administration.
(d) parapharyngeal abscess. Most often it results from use of oral penicillin
(e) jugular vein thrombosis. given in cases of acute otitis media when acute
A computed tomography (CT) scan of the symptoms subside but smouldering infection
mastoid and swelling of the neck may establish continues in the mastoid.
the diagnosis. Clinical Features:
Meatal Abscess (Luc Abscess):  Patient is often a child, not entirely feeling
In this case, pus breaks through the bony well, with mild pain behind the ear but with
wall between the antrum and external osseous persistent hearing loss.
meatus. Swelling is seen in deep part of bony  Tympanic membrane appears thick with loss
meatus. Abscess may burst into the meatus. of translucency.
Behind the Mastoid (Citelli’s Abscess):  Slight tenderness may be elicited over the
Abscess is formed behind the mastoid mastoid.
more towards the occipital bone (compare  Audiometry shows conductive hearing loss of
postauricular mastoid abscess which forms over variable degree.
the mastoid). Some authors consider abscess of  X-ray of mastoid will reveal clouding of air
the digastric triangle, which is formed by tracking cells with loss of cell outline.
of pus from the mastoid tip, as the Citelli’s HAHNEMANNIAN CLASSIFICATION OF
abscess. DISEASES:
Parapharyngeal or Retropharyngeal Abscess. Dynamic chronic
This results from infection of the peri tubal
cells due to acute coalescent mastoiditis. REPERTORY:
It is a condition of slow destruction of Inflammation (mastoiditis) -- Am. picr., Asaf.,
mastoid air cells but without the acute signs and Aur., Bell., Benz. ac., Canth., Caps., Hep., Kali
symptoms often seen in acute mastoiditis. 1 m., Mag. p., Menthol, Onosm., Oniscus., Tellur.5
There is no pain, no discharge, no fever and no Kent:
mastoid swelling but mastoidectomy may show EAR
extensive destruction of the air cells with PAIN, cramp in, evening
granulation tissue and dark gelatinous material cutting in
filling the mastoid. mastoid process: Caust., con., mur-ac.6
It is not surprising to find erosion of the tegmen The Essential SYNTHESIS:
tympani and sinus plate with an extradural or EAR, Inflammation, Mastoid (= mastoiditis): Am-
perisinus abscess. pic, Ars, asaf, aur, aur-I, Bell, benz-ac, calc-p,
canth, caps, ferr-p, hep, kali-m, lach, mag-p, humming noises in are may be present. High fever
mentho, Onos, pert, phos, pyrog, sil, streptoc, tell, may attend above symptoms.
thuj, tub-a, Capsicum:
right side: mag-p This medicine is very useful when area behind ear
chronic: streptoc. 7 is painful and it is highly sore and tender to touch.
THERAPEUTICS: This area is also swollen. Discharges from ear
Belladonna: appear with this. Burning and stinging sensation in
It is an effective medicine to reduce inflammation ear sometimes accompany this.
of mastoid bone and relieve pain in ear. Merc Sol:
Indications– ear pain that can be throbbing, Ear pain at night time. The pain for using it can be
tearing, stitching or shooting type. The ear is also drawing, tearing or shooting in nature, presence of
hot and sensitive to touch, hardness of hearing. thick yellow, green ear discharge having offensive
They may also complain of noises in the ear.5 smell or pus discharge and sometimes blood
Kali Mur: stained discharge from ear. Whistling or ringing
Reduce the chance of mastoiditis, discharge from noise in ears is another prominent feature
ear, hearing difficulty and snapping or popping appearing with this.
noises in ear. Hepar Sulph:
Silicea: Pain in ear and there is sensitivity to touch ear.
It is considered when there is pus discharge from Persons requiring it also have an offensive pus
ear either from infection in ear or mastoiditis. The discharge from ear in addition to above. They also
discharge has an offensive smell. Along with this complain of roaring noises in ear and have
there is pain in mastoid bone behind the ear. Fever problems with hearing.
may also be present. Persons needing it also Tellurium: chronic cases of Mastoiditis
complain of boring or throbbing pain in ear. Constant pain in ear. The pain is mostly throbbing
Additionally they may have hissing or ringing type and continues day and night where it is
noises in ear and hearing loss. It is indicated for required. Another prominent symptom is thin,
cases where the mastoid bone is inflamed as well watery, yellowish discharge from ear. The
as in cases where the decay of mastoid bone has discharge may be seen to continuously ooze from
started. ear. Sometimes with these symptoms hearing may
Pulsatilla: be impaired and noises of buzzing, ringing nature
ear infection and mastoiditis. Its use is indicated in ear are present.
when there are yellow or yellowish green Ferrum Phos:
discharges from ear. The discharge is profuse and Soreness and swelling behind ear is marked.
thick. With this there is pain and swelling behind Throbbing earache attends it. There are ringing
the ear. The pain is usually sharp or shooting in noises in ear and difficulty with hearing too with
nature. Sometimes pain in head appears along above complaints. Discharge of mucus and pus
with ear pain. Apart from above roaring or from ear also appears with these.
Aurum Met: INFECTION, 1Oth edition, 2014, Usha
for offensive ear discharge of pus. Along with Publications, Mumbai, 57,58
discharge, burning and prickling in ear arises. 3-Cassano, Pasquale & Ciprandi, Giorgio &
Difficulty in hearing attends to this. Lastly there Passali, Desiderio. (2020). Acute mastoiditis in
can be noises in ear of varying character like children. Acta bio-medica : Atenei Parmensis. 91.
buzzing, roaring, humming or rushing type. The 54-59. 10.23750/abm.v91i1-S.9259.
mastoid bone is inflamed or may also have even 4- Manche Santoshi Kumari, Jangla Madhavi,
started to decay in cases where it is indicated. Nagalla Bala Krishna, Koralla Raja Meghanadh,
Asafoetida: Akka Jyothy, Prevalence and associated risk
Asafoetida is beneficial when pain is in the side of factors of otitis media and its subtypes in South
head i.e. temporal region is marked with a Indian population, Egyptian Journal of Ear, Nose,
pushing out sensation. Boring type of pain is also Throat and Allied Sciences, Volume 17, Issue 2,
present behind the ear. Ear discharges having 2016, Pages 57-62,
offensive smell. The discharge is mostly thin and ISSN 2090-0740,
contains pus. Hardness of hearing is another
symptom that accompanies it. (
Carbo Animalis: pii/S2090074016300019)
Carbo Animalis is used when a case present is 5-Boericke W, BOERICKE’S MANUAL OF
with sharp, stitching pain and swelling behind the HOMOEOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA WITH
ear. buzzing noises in ear and discharge of pus REPERTORY: Ear.
from ear. 6-Kent repertory
Phosphorus: 7-Shroyens Fredrick, THE ESSENTIAL
This medicine is indicated when there is pain in SYNTHESIS, Ear.
ear and marked noises in ear. The pain for using it
may be throbbing, tearing or shooting type. The
shooting pain may also occur in head. When it
comes to noises in ear they can be ringing, roaring
or buzzing nature. Yellow coloured fluid
discharge from ear may be present too.
1-Dhingra PL, Dhingra Shruthi, DISEASES OF
SURGERY: Complications of otitis media, 7th
edition, Elsevier, Copyright © 2018 by RELX
India Pvt. Ltd.
2- K.B. Bhargava, S.K Bhatgava, T.M. Shah, A

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