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Kunci Jawaban

untuk SMA/MA Semester Gasal
Chapter 1 4. A further special discount of 5%.
Offers and Suggestions 5. The high quality of our products is well known and universally
Task 1 Task 6
Mr. Yahya : Would you like me to (1) help you on your new Natasya : Hello. Book Fair (1) Committee?
project? Customer service : Who is calling? Anything I can (2) do for
Mr. Burhan : I would love the help! Would you (2) prefer helping you?
with the writing part or is programming more your Natasya : I am Natasya. I need some (3) information
thing? about the participants in this book fair.
Mr. Yahya : I would enjoy helping with the (3) writing portion. Customer service : We have (4) a map that you can take a
Mr. Burhan : Perfect! You’ll be working (4) alone on that portion. look at. This map contains some information
Do you like to work alone? about the publishers and their booths. You
Mr. Yahya : That is OK sometimes. must visit the book fair directly.
Mr. Burhan : Our first (5) meeting is next Wednesday. Could Natasya : I see. I will visit there. By the way, can I have
you meet with (6) us at that time? it?
Mr. Yahya : (7) No, I can’t be there. Customer service : Of course. It is (5) free.
Mr. Burhan : Please send me your (8) background information Natasya : Thank you. By the way, do they (6) offer any
before the meeting so I can look at it. discounts?
Mr. Yahya : I can (9) send that information to you. Customer service : Yes. They offer 20–70 percent discounts,
Mr. Burhan : OK. I (10) look forward to working with you. Enjoy especially on the last three days. You can
your weekend, then! go directly to their booths and ask for this
Mr. Yahya : Thank you. information.
Natasya : Wow, that’s very interesting. Besides the (7)
SPEAKING book exhibition, are there any other activities
Task 2 in this fair?
1. The waiter offers to the customer about what the customer Customer service : Yes, we are holding some (8) talks shows
wants to eat and drink. and art performances.
2. The customer wants a hamburger and a large order of Natasya : That sounds nice. Do you have (9) the
chips. schedules?
3. The customer wants a large fresh cake. Customer service : Yes, of course. But if you want to get (10) the
4. Yes, she wants. details, you must be here.
5. In a restaurant. Natasya : OK. I’ll visit it the day before yesterday.
Thanks for your help.
Task 3 Customer service : Your welcome.
Teacher’s Policy
Individual Task
1. They are talking about package tours.
READING 2. At the travel agency.
Task 4 3. Four tickets.
1. Diakui 4. On next Saturday.
2. Keuntungan 5. Here are some of offering help expressions from the dialog
3. Mengizinkan above, as follow.
4. Percaya diri a. What can I do for you?
5. Meyakinkan b. Would you like to see our brochures?
6. Sekarang ini c. We could book your tickets if you like.
7. Potongan harga d. Would you like us to send the tickets to you by post or
8. Sangat baik would you like to collect them?
9. Baik
10. Murah hati
Group Task
Task 5
Teacher’s Policy
1. Mr. Kevin Sonjaya.
2. Mr. Harison Pramana.
3. Plastic handbags.

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HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) 10. d. You should not eat too many snacks every day.
1. Preparing oneself to have a right job. 11. b. (1) and (4)
2. Six Discussion:
Here are suggestions as follow. Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi dialog ditunjukkan
a. You should ask yourself exactly what you want from a pada nomor (1) dan (4).
job. Is it money, interesting work, nice coworkers, or 12. d. To make sure the plumbing installation is safe.
something else? Discussion:
b. Consider which relationships are going well, which ones Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa Roni Sinaga
are not, and most importantly. menawarkan bantuan kepada Ibu Sarah untuk memperbaiki
c. You should make changes before you take a new job. It instalasi ledengnya agar menjadi lebih baik dan aman (To
is too late when you are in the job. make sure the plumbing installation is safe).
d. You had better not work for a company that expects you 13. a. (2), (5), and (6)
to be on call 24 hours in 7 days. Discussion:
e. You should find out about an employer’s business before Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan
your interview. Study the company’s profile or website. pada nomor (2), (5), dan (6) sebagai berikut.
f. You should also call the company. Ask to speak someone a. Many houses suffer from leaking water each year.
about the job. b. Roni Sinaga failed to fix the leakage so the kitchen was
3. This helps you understand how you relate to people you work flooded.
with. c. Roni Sinaga is a plumber.
Daily Assessment Chapter 1 14. b. (1), (3), and (4)
A. Multiple Choice
Ungkapan menawarkan bantuan atau barang yang tepat
1. a. What else can I do for you? ditunjukkan pada nomor (1), (3), dan (4) sebagai berikut.
Discussion: a. Why don’t you have some cakes?
Dialog ini merupakan dialog antara seorang pelayan hotel b. Shall I get you a bottle of softdrink?
dengan tamunya. Setelah pelayan hotel menunjukkan kamar
c. Can I get you something to eat?
untuk tamunya, lalu ia menawarkan bantuan. Maka ungkapan
15. e. (3), (4), and (6)
pilihan jawaban menawarkan bantuan yang tepat berdasarkan
respons yang ada pada soal (I’d be glad of softdrink and Discussion:
snack) adalah “What else can I do for you” (Ada lagi yang Ungkapan menawarkan bantuan atau barang yang tepat
saya bantu Pak?) ditunjukkan pada nomor (3), (4), and (6) sebagai berikut.
2. a. accepting an offer a. Could I offer you a glass of lemonade?
Discussion: b. What can I do for you, Sir?
Ungkapan “Oh, yes please, that would be lovely.” (Oh c. Do you want me to join us?
ya silakan, akan menyenangkan) merupakan ungkapan 16. a. (2), (3), and (4)
menerima tawaran dari seseorang. Discussion:
3. d. refusing an offer Ungkapan menerima tawaran bantuan atau barang yang tepat
Discussion: ditunjukkan pada nomor (2), (3), and (4) sebagai berikut.
Ungkapan “Hmmm. Don’t bother yourself, thanks. (Jangan a. I’d like it very much.
repot- repot, terima kasih) merupakan ekspresi menolak b. That’s very kind of you.
tawaran bantuan. c. Thanks, I’d love to.
4. e. suggestion 17. c. (3), (4), and (5)
5. d. giving suggestion Discussion:
Discussion: Ungkapan menolak tawaran bantuan atau barang yang tepat
Ungkapan “I suggest that you leave it over there, near the gate." ditunjukkan pada nomor (3), (4), and (5) sebagai berikut.
merupakan ungkapan memberika saran tentang sesuatu hal. a. Oh, I’d love to, but I don’t.
6. a. asks the man for a suggestion b. That’s very kind of you but I can do it myself. Thank’s
7. b. offers to help the woman anyway.
Discussion: c. I'd like to, but I have to go.
Berdasarkan dialog pada soal tersebut, diketahui bahwa lelaki 18. b. Yes, please.
tersebut menawarkan bantuan ke wanita (offers to help the Discussion:
woman). Pada dialog tersebut, Dany menawarkan kepada Jessie
8. a. Carrying the woman's bag. sebuah es krim, Lalu Jessie pun menerima tawaran tersebut.
Discussion: Hal ini dapat diketahui dari ungkapan yang ia utarakan “I'd love
Berdasarkan dialog pada soal nomor 7, diketahui bahwa lelaki one.” Maka, pillihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi
tersebut akan membawakan tas yang berat tadi (carrying the ungkapan menerima tawaran adalah “Yes, please”.
woman's bag). 19. d. You should lie down and have some rest
9. b. Do you have any advice for me? Discussion:
Discussion: Pada dialog tersebut, Rifan merasa sangat lelah dan
Lihat kutipan dialog pada soal “l can't handle this problem pusing. Maka Galuh pun menyarankan kepada Rifan untuk
alone ..." Jadi, pada soal menginginkan ungkapan meminta beristirahat. Ungkapan saran yang tepat untuk melengkapi
saran kepada orang lain. Jadi, kalimat selengkapnya menjadi dialog adalah “you should lie down and have some rest”
“l can't handle this problem alone. Do you have any advice (Kamu harus berbaring sejenak dan istirahat).
for me?”.

86 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

20. e. Would you like me to help you? Andhika : In my (7) opinion human being’s way of life change will
Discussion: give effect on the war on global warming.
Pada dialog tersebut, Indra melihat bahwa kotak yang dibawa Duta : I am standing in a position to (8) support your idea.
oleh Putri nampak berat “The box you brought looks very Andhika : So, would you be a vegetarian?
heavy. ....” Maka, pilihan ungkapan menawarkan bantuan Duta : Well, I must say I will (9) consider that.
yang tepat adalah “Would you like me to help you?” (Bolehkah Andhika : Yeah, it is not easy to (10) change the way we live.
aku membantumu?)
B. Essay Task 2
1. He suggests to Afgan to wear a formal uniform. Teacher’s Policy
2. A black pajamas. Task 3
3. Searching an English song. 1. She thinks it′s amazing.
4. One Direction song in “Made in the A.M." album. 2. Informal.
5. Candra and Bagas. 3. They still have to make some improvements.
6. Mia and Nita. 4. Mr. Aldi′s opinion.
7. In the school canteen. 5. Yes, it is.
8. An orange juice.
9. Here are the expression of offering as follow. READING
a. Would you like something to drink? Task 4
b. What would you like? Teacher’s Policy
c. Would you like orange juice, pineapple juice, or
grapefruit juice? WRITING
Here are the expression of accepting offering as follow. Task 5
a Yes, thank you. Theme: Is Cell Phone Dangerous?
b. Water or juice would be fine, thank you. Speaker 1 contra team:
c. Well, if it's not too much trouble, orange juice would be I believe that the use of cell phone is very dangerous because the
good. cell phone can cause some problems and threats (1) human life.
d. Thank you very much. One of those threats is cell phones are harmful for the safety of
e. Thank you. This is really good. I am so thirsty. its users and social and family life.
f. Thank you so much. You’re very kind. I want to refill Speaker 1 pro team:
my juice. I do not agree that the use of cell phone is very useful (2). But
10. Good, find, gentlemen, and honest. instead the cell phone is very useful for human life. I think cell
phone users who do not have responsibility that causes the phone
Remedial can endanger their own lives and others.
1. Because he lost his wallet. Speaker 2 contra team:
2. I the park. No, I don’t agree with you. I think cell phone that endangers (3)
3. That Anton should look his things more carefully. the users. We can see nowadays, cell phone is not only used
by adults but almost every age have been using cell phones.
4. Telling the securities.
Even children who are still in school in kindergarten were already
5. You would better tell the securities to help you to find it and
using the phone. These under age users are the one that is very
also announce it to the visitors.
vulnerable to accept the impact of hazards from mobile phones.
We can see lot accidents (4) happening in highway caused by
Project Task cell phone are from teenager. They are as if addicted to checking
Teacher’s Policy their phones anywhere, including on the highway while they’re
driving. This is what causes them lose concentration and result
the accident. That is why we must ban (5) driver bring the cell
Chapter 2 phone while driving. So it will reduce the number of deaths on the
Opinions and Thoughts highway because of the phone.
Speaker 2 pro team:
LISTENING If you say that cell phone endanger the users. This is not fair
Task 1 because there are still many people out there who can use it
responsibly. Users who do not take responsibility are the trouble
Duta : I think being vegetarian to (1) reduce global warming
maker because cell phone will not operate itself; it needs someone
is useless effort.
to operate it. In the case of the car accident, the users who do not
Andhika : Why do you think so?
take responsibility are guilty because they operate it in the wrong
Duta : I don’t think that being (2) vegetarian doesn’t give great time. Responding to your idea about banning the driver for carrying
effect on greenhouse gas amount. a cell phone is not appropriate. Precisely phones can be beneficial
Andhika : I (3) disagree with your opinion. I think every little effort (6). For example when see accident happen on the high way, other
(4) contributes on global warming reduction. Anyway, drivers can call the police or ambulance to help him. The study also
some scientists (5) viewed that farming industry causes shows that cell phone (7) is not the cause of the accident on the
more carbon than transportation industry. highway. However, activities that disrupts the concentration which
Duta : Is that so? caused the accident. This means not only using mobile phones,
Andhika : Yeah, I believe that you should (6) consider your but also doing other things like make up, combing hair, or talking
previous opinion. while driving is also dangerous.
Duta : I have never known that fact before.

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Speaker 3 pro team: 8. a. asking for
Based on the arguments which we have stated, once again we Discussion:
strongly disagree (8) with the statement that cell phone is very Kalimat "What do you think of Dieng, Wonosobo, Roy?” merupakan
dangerous to human life. Cell phone can help (9) by providing or ungkapan menanyakan pendapat (asking for opinion).
informing information quickly, helping users interact with each other 9. d. asking for an opinion
and controlling their family members wherever and whenever. Discussion:
Speaker 3 contra team: Lihat kutipan dialog pada soal “Can you give me an opinion
Considering the arguments which we have expressed, we remain about my sculpture?", jadi diketahui bahwa Dirk menanyakan
stand on our opinion (10) that the cell phone is very dangerous suatu pendapat (asking for opinion).
to human life. Cell phones can cause accidents on the highway, 10. a. asking for an opinion
disrupt social relationships and family of its users.
Lihat kutipan dialog pada soal "Roxy, what do you think of the
Individual Task cake I bake?" jadi diketahui bahwa Jane meminta pendapat
1. Bookshelf in this library. (asking for opinion).
2. Complaint about the bookshelf. 11. d. (2), (3), and (5)
3. A short survey about bookshelf for the library. 12. c. (1), (2), and (3)
4. To add bookshelf for library. Discussion:
5. In the classroom. Pernyataan yang bukan termasuk meminta pendapat
ditunjukkan pada nomor (1), (2), dan (3) sebagai berikut.
Group Task a. I believe it is good for you.
Teacher’s Policy b. I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
c. I don’t agree with you.
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) 13. b. (2), (4), and (6)
1. The ability of TV shows helps Indonesian culture to be Discussion:
famous. Pernyataan yang termasuk kalimat memberikan pendapat
2. Gossip, soap operas, talk shows, advertising raids, and so ditunjukkan pada nomor (2), (4), and (6) sebagai berikut.
forth. a. I think our cosy it overpopulated.
3. Indonesian culture will be famous. b. In my opinion, economy is growing well because of high
consumption on fuel.
Daily Assessment Chapter 2 c. I reckon that your team played better with our rival.
A. Multiple Choice 14. a. (3), (4), and (5)
1. a. asking for opinion Discussion:
Discussion: Pernyataan yang termasuk kalimat ketidaksetujuan
Pada soal terdapat ungkapan “What do you think about my ditunjukkan pada nomor (3), (4), dan (5) sebagai berikut.
new hairstyle” (Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang gaya rambut a. I think you are wrong.
baruku?). Ungkapan ini merupakan ungkapan menanyakan b. I am not convinced that ....
pendapat seesorang (asking for opinion). c. I don’t have the same opinion with you.
2. b. giving opinion 15. d. (3)-(4)-(6)-(1)-(2)-(5)
Discussion: Discussion:
Lihat ungkapan pada soal “I think you are beautiful.” (Saya Susunannya yang tepat adalah (3)-(4)-(6)-(1)-(2)-(5),
pikir kamu cantik). Kalimat ini merupakan sebuah ungkapan sehingga membentuk dialog sebagai berikut.
menyatakan pendapat. A: So, what do you think about a good friend?
3. c. The man agrees with the woman’s opinion. B: Well, I personally believe that a friend is someone who is
Discussion: fun to be with.
Berdasarkan isi dialog diketahui bahwa lelaki tersebut A: Hmmm…fun to be with? Can you give me an example?
menyetujui pendapat wanita terkait dengan ajakan makan B: I like friends who like to go out and have fun together such
burger (the man agrees with the woman’s opinion). as go down town, go to the beach, see a movie, something
4. c. Budy is expressing displeasure like that.
5. b. asking for Bayu's opinion A: So…does that mean a friend has to like the same things
Discussion: you do?
Berdasarkan isi dialog diketahui bahwa Mita meminta B: No…not really, just that they have a fun personality. You know,
pendapat Bayu terkait dengan pesta karnaval. fun to be with whatever we do.
6. d. opinion 16. d. Andhita's complaints about TV programs.
Discussion: Discussion:
Lihat kutipan dialog pada soal "l like to stay in a village. I Teks atau bacaan tersebut berkenaan dengan keluhan-
think, the air is still fresh." merupakan ungkapan menyatakan keluhan Andhita terkait dengan beberapa acara yang
pendapat. ditayangkan di televisi.
7. b. asking for an opinion 17. e. It is difficult to satisfy all people.
Discussion: Discussion:
Kalimat "Do you think we should advertise it?" merupakan Alasannya adalah karena program TV tersebut sangat sulit
ungkapan menanyakan pendapat kepada seseorang (asking untuk memuaskan para penggemarnya.
for opinion).

88 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

18. c. (2), (4), and (5) 3. d. have joined
Discussion: Discussion:
Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi titik- titik pada
pada nomor (2), (4), and (5) sebagai berikut. soal nomor 3 adalah “have joined”.
a. A few TV channels give us good programs and the rest 4. c. have accustomed
of them just broadcast rubbish commercial program. Discussion:
b. Because there are too many channels on TV, it is really Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi titik- titik pada
difficult for us to really get excited by TV. soal nomor 4 adalah “have accustomed”.
c. Andhita Wardoyo thinks that meeting people is more 5. d. dance
exciting. Discussion:
19. e. Giving opinion to choose good programs on television. Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi titik- titik pada
Discussion: soal nomor 5 adalah “dance”.
Tujuan dari teks atau bacaan ini adalah untuk memberikan 6. c. Would you like me to help you
sebuah opini atau pendapat tentang beberapa tayangan acara Discussion:
televisi yang baik. Pada dialog tersebut, Bu Yuni menanyakan kepada Harry
20. e. (2), (5), and (6) apakah sudah menyelesaikan laporannya, lalu Harry pun
Discussion: menjawabnya belum. Kemudian, Bu Yuni pun menawarkan
Pernyataaan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan bantuan kepada Harry perihal laporan tersebut. Harry dengan
pada nomor (2), (5), dan (6) sebagai berikut. senang hati merespons tawaran bantuan oleh Bu Yuni. Jadi,
a. The most attractive programs on television are sports ungkapan menawarkan bantuan yang tepat berdasarkan
matches. pilihan yang ada adalah ‘Would you like me to help you.’
b. We have to be selective in watching TV. 7. a. How about the library?
c. A live football match on TV is almost special in the writer’s Discussion:
family. Pada dialog tersebut, Daniel merasa ingin mencari tempat
yang sunyi untuk menyelesaikan tugasnya. Respons Sinta
B. Essay menunjukkan dia memberikan saran kepada Daniel untuk
1. Student union organization election. pergi ke "library" (perpustakaan). Hal tersebut ditunjukkan
2. The student’s participation decreases this year. dengan kata "many references". sehingga yang berhubungan
dengan kata tersebut adalah "library'.
3. He thinks nothing is quite interesting on this year’s election.
8. e. (1), (2), and (3)
4. Prayogi.
5. He thinks he is capable for leading the student union
organization. Ungkapan meminta saran yang tepat ditunjukkan pada nomor
(1), (2), dan (3) sebagai berikut.
6. They are talking about new teacher at their school.
a. Will you give me some suggestion, please?
7. He is a new English teacher.
b. Where do you think I can get something nice?
8. Tina thinks that he is very friendly and kind.
c. Please tell me what should I do?
9. She is a new Math teacher.
9. d. offering help and assistance
10. She is friendly and energetic. She is also very funny.
Kalimat “Do you need any help, Sir?" (Apakah Anda
membutuhkan bantuan, Tuan?) merupakan ungkapan
1. How to reduce global warming.
menawarkan bantuan dan pertolongan kepada seseorang
2. We have to start to do what we can, to help reducing global (offering help and assistance).
10. b. A: Here is your room and this is your suitcase, Sir!
3. Saving electricity, recycling things, using public transportation,
B: Thank you.
buying and consuming as much as people need only.
11. a. Some suggestions for success in a job interview.
Basically, just save anything that people can.
4. Tina, what do you think is the best action to reduce global
warming? Teks atau bacaan tersebut menginformasikan kepada kita
tentang saran agar diterima kerja saat mengikuti wawancara
5. I think everyone should start changing their life styles.
12. a. (1), (2), and (3)
Project Task
Teacher’s Policy
Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan
pada nomor (1), (2), dan (3) sebagai berikut.
Mid Semester Assessment a. You should practice the interview in advance.
A. Multiple Choice b. Dania Rahmawati is the sender of the text.
1. b. suggestion c. You should tell the interviewer all your weaknesses.
Discussion: 13. c. asking for opinion
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi titik- titik pada Discussion:
soal nomor 1 adalah “suggestion”. Pada dialog tersebut Leo menanyakan pendapat kepada
2. a. received Mac terkait dengan kaos yang ada di situ “What do you think
Discussion: of this t-shirt?" Ungkapan tersebut merupakan ungkapan
Pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi titik- titik pada menanyakan pendapat kepada seseorang (asking for
soal nomor 2 adalah “received”. opinion).

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14. c. Gina is asking Mila's opinion.
In addition, please accept (8) the enclosed $10 gift
Discussion: certificate to use with your purchase of $75 or more.
Pada dialog tersebut diketahui bahwa Gina menanyakan We (9) look forward to seeing you at PJ’s on Saturday.
pendapat Mila tentang isi cerita dari novel tersebut. Maka, Mila Please bring this invitation with you and present it (10) at the
pun meresponsnya bahwa ia begitu menyukai novel tersebut door.
karena begitu menarik. Ungkapan “What's your opinion about Sincerely,
the novel?" merupakan ungkapan menanyakan pendapat
(asking for opinion).
Linda Lane
15. c. What is your opinion about it?
Store Manager
Lihat respons Amelia “Well, in my opinion, the place is
quite interesting." (Baiklah, menurut pendapat saya, tempat
*All sales are final. No exchanges.
tersebut cukup menarik.) Jadi, kalimat yang tepat untuk
Enclosure: Gift Certificate #345 (not redeemable for cash)
melengkapi dialog berdasarkan respons tersebut adalah
terkait dengan ungkapan menanyakan pendapat terkait
sebuah tempat “What is your opinion about it?” SPEAKING
16. d. In my opinion
Task 2
17. b. giving an opinion
Teacher’s Policy
18. c. giving an opinion
19. d. TV helps her relax after a tiring day. Task 3
20. c. The way to control watching TV. 1. Tyo and Adi.
21. d. (2), (3), and (6) 2. He is at home only. He is not going anywhere.
22. d. (2), (3), and (5) 3. Fajar, Surya, Lintang, Dhimas, and Tyo.
23. c. (3), (5), and (6) 4. They are going to watch Pelangi Band Concert tonight.
24. e. The responsible of rich countries for helping poor 5. After 9 o’clock.
25. b. (2), (4), and (6) READING
Task 4
B. Essay
Teacher’s Policy
1. Housekeeping.
2. How can I be of assistance.
3. Blankets.
Task 5
4. The room number is 152.
Teacher’s Policy
5. Six minutes.
6. Friendship.
Individual Task
7. A friend is someone who is fun to be with.
1 Anita and Dyah.
8. Friends who like to go out and have fun together go down
town, go to the beach, see a movie, something like that. 2 They are going to go to Nadya’s surprise birthday party.
9. What do you think makes a good friend? 3 Anita.
10. Well, I personally believe that a friend is someone who is fun 4 The party is at 7.30 p.m.
to be with. 5 Nadya.

Chapter 3 Group Task

Party Time Teacher’s Policy
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills)
Task 1 1. Celebrating school anniversary.
PJ Party 2. Coming to the school as a guest of honour.
22 Yew Street, Cambridge, Ontario 3. We shall consider it a great honor if you could grace the
Tel: 416-223-8900 occasion as our guest of honor, preside over the function,
and give away the prizes.
March 7, 2021 Daily Assessment 3
Dear valued customer,
A. Multiple Choice
Our records show that you have been (1) a customer of PJ 1 c. An invitation to a party.
Party Inc. since our (2) grand opening last year. We would like to Discussion:
thank you for your business by inviting you to our (3) preferred Teks atau bacaan tersebut tentang sebuah ajakan ke sebuah
customer Spring Extravaganza this Saturday. pesta, khususnya undangan pesta makan malam (an
Saturday’s sales event is by (4) invitation only. All of invitation to a party.)
our stock, including pajamas and bedding (5) will be marked 2. e. (4), (5), and (6)
down from 50–80% off.* Doors open at 9:00 a.m. sharp. Discussion:
Complimentary coffee and donuts (6) will be served. Public Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan bacaan ditunjukkan pada
admission (7) will commence at noon. nomor (4), (5), dan (6) sebagai berikut.

90 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

a. Mr. And Mrs Komang will welcome each of the guest 13. e. (4), (5), and (6)
personally. 14. c. To all teachers and staffs,
b. The guests will receive the program of the party upon Discussion:
their arrival. Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa undangan tersebut
c. They will celebrate 3rd anniversary of Persada Group. ditujukan kepada seluruh guru dan staf pegawai di sekolah
3. b. Sending an RSVP before December 5, 2020. tersebut.
Discussion: 15. e. In the afternoon.
Jika Paolo Santos ingin datang ke pesta, hal yang harus dia Discussion:
lakukan adalah mengirim RSVP sebelum tanggal 5 Desember Waktu acara yang tertera dalam undangan adalah At 01.30
2020. p.m. – 02.30 p.m. Dengan demikian, rapat diadakan siang
4. d. Inviting people to attend a school activity hari (in the afternoon).
Discussion: 16. d. (3), (4), and (6)
Teks tersebut berkenaan dengan undangan untuk menghadiri 17. a. Mr. D. Jones.
sebuah aktivitas atau kegiatan di suatu sekolah tertentu. 18. d. Montgomery Hall.
Hal ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan kutipan pada paragraf 19. a. To invite Dr. Kurniadi to deliver a presentation at the
pertama “We would like to invite you and your staff to visit conference.
our school SMA Merah Putih, where we are engaged in an 20. c. Experts in telecommunication.
exciting service learning project”.
5. c. (2), (3), and (4) B. Essay
Discussion: 1. A birthday party.
Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan 2. Diana.
pada nomor (2), (3), dan (4) sebagai berikut. 3. In the afternoon.
a. Mr. Ridwan Santoso invites Dr. Budiman Sanjaya and 4. 17 years old.
his staff to visit SMA Merah Putih 5. Brown and black.
b. Service-learning is a teaching method that engages 6. It’s about invitation letter.
our students in solving problems within their school and 7. Patricia Samantha.
communities as an integral part of their academic studies.
8. A representative of the Chamber of Commerce.
c. If Dr. Budiman Sanjaya and his staff visiting SMA Merah
9. A special parody drama entitled “Mali Odang”, based on an
Putih on December 14, 2020 at 9 o’clock, they will have
Indonesian Folktale "the Legend of Malin Kundang".
opportunity to see the program in action.
10. The drama will be held on Monday January 4, 2021 at 7.30
6. c. (1), (3), and (5)
p.m. and Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at 7.00 p.m.
Pernyataan yang tepat berdasarkan isi bacaan ditunjukkan Remedial
pada nomor (1), (3), dan (5) sebagai berikut. 1. Steven McCartney.
a. There will be 50% discount in the event. 2. She is Steven McCartney’s bride.
b. The recipient of the invitation is Charles Parker. 3. Yes, she is.
c. The event is held to celebrate the success of the 4. Last November 10, 2020.
company. 5. December 19, 2020 at 4:00 o’clock p.m. at Mr. and Mrs. John
7. a. Charles Parker is the customer of Morris Mobile. Paul Ivan’s home.
Berdasarkan isi bacaan dapat kita simpulkan bahwa Charles Project Task
Parker merupakan seorang pelanggan setia Morris Mobile. Teacher’s Policy
Lihat kutipan bacaan “You have been our customer since Chapter 4
we opened our business last year. It’s in our records and we National Disaster an Exposition
would like to thank you for your patronage”. LISTENING
8. c. invitation Task 1
Teks tersebut merupakan sebuah teks undangan resmi Recycling
terhadap seseorang untuk menghadiri acara tertentu. Much of what we throw away could be used again.
9. d. Founder’s Day celebrations. Recycling puts "garbage" to good use. Recycling helps (1)
preserve precious resources because it saves on the use of raw
materials and energy. It also (2) reduces the pollution caused
Teks tersebut meruipakan sebuah teks undangan perayaan
when the waste is dumped.
pendiri sekolah (Founder’s Day Celebrations).
Glass can be (3) remelted. This is better than making fresh
10. e. Shri Shahreer.
glass from (4) raw materials, but it is even better to reuse the
Discussion: bottle whole. Metals can be (5) recycled by being remelted and
Berdasarkan isi bacaan tersevut diketahui bahwa yang then used to make other new items. The metals to recycle from
menjadi tamu kehormatan pada acara tersebut adalah Shri an ordinary (6) household are aluminium and steel from cans.
Shahreer selaku Chief Minister of Delhi (Kepala Menteri Scrap from cars gives several different metals for recycling.
Delhi). Paper is (7) easy to recycle. Every home and office should
11. e. (3), (5) and (6) have a paper reclining routine. Plastics are the (8) worst problem
12. d. In the teachers room because they do not biodegrade (breakdown) easily. They
Discussion: are also hard to recycle and cause (9) harmful pollution when
Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa rapat akan burned. It is important to use as little plastics as possible, and
diselenggarakan di ruang guru (In the teachers room). then only ones that are recyclable or (10) biodegradable.

Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 91

SPEAKING the most of pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gas
Task 2 causes illnesses such as bronchitis, lung cancer, and trigger
Teacher’s Policy of asthma.”
2. a.   To persuade reader about the cars should be banned in
the city.
Task 3 Discussion:
1. The text entitled “The Importance of Library" is an analytical Teks analitik eksposisi ini bertujuan untuk mengajak atau
exposition text. membujuk para pembaca tentang kendaraan yang dilarang
2. The text tells us about how the library is so important for beroperasi di dalam kota.
people. 3. c. (2), (3), and (4)
3. We can find libraries in many places like school, institution, 4. e. It is easily changed into any forms.
college, university, et cetera. 5. c. In uncertain condition.
4. Analytical exposition text has three parts, namely thesis, Discussion:
argument, and reiteration. Here are the explanation of those Lihat pada “In uncertain situations, many people are turning
structure, as follow. to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded
a. Thesis: We believe that libraries are among humanity’s as currency without limitation assets.” Maka jawaban yang
most important institutions. We can find them in many tepat adalah opsi c.
places like school, institution, college, university, et 6. a. Because gold has a more stable value.
cetera. Libraries are important for several reasons. Discussion:
b. Argument: Firstly, most of humanity’s collective Lihat pada “Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In
knowledge is stored in libraries. Secondly, libraries uncertain situations, many people are turning to gold because
protect and preserve this knowledge. They also classify gold has a more stable value and regarded as currency
or group the materials into logical and easily available without limitation assets.” Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah
divisions. Furthermore, libraries make the materials opsi a.
available to everyone and even provide librarians to help
7. d. It needs less cost in production and manufacturing.
us find what we need. Finally, libraries are our link to the
past and our gift to the future.
Lihat pada “Besides that, gold coins need less cost in
c. Reiteration: Based on the fact above, we conclude that
production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than
libraries are important institutions for humanity.
investing gold in the form of jewelry.” Maka jawaban yang
5. To persuade the reader or the speaker by presenting
tepat adalah opsi d.
arguments about the importance of a library so they will agree
8 b. (1), (3), and (4)
and follow the writer's wish.
9. c. Things to consider before buying a mobile phone.
WRITING Teks tersebut membujuk para pembacanya agar berpikir yang
Task 4 matang sebelum membeli sebuah telepon pintar (Things to
Teacher’s Policy consider before buying a mobile phone).
10. b. Its use.
Individual Task Discussion:
1. Because rainforests cover only about six percent of the Earth's Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui salah satu hal yang paling
land surface. mendasar dan penting sebelum membeli telepon genggam
2. Rainforest widespread destruction. adalah mempertimbangkan penggunaannya (its use). Hal ini
3. By absorbing over 90 percent of the rainfall in their leaves dapat diketahui berdasarkan kutipan bacaan pada paragraf
and mosses. kedua “First, you can start by asking yourself the usefulness
4. The Earth's ‘lungs'. of the equipment.”
5. Carbon dioxide which is released into the Earth's 11. a. persuade the reader or listener that something is the
atmosphere. case
Group Task Teks yang berjudul “mobile phone” ini merupakan jenis teks
Teacher’s Policy eksposisi analitik. Adapun tujuan komunikatif dari teks analitik
ialah untuk mengajak para pembaca yang berkenaan dengan
kiat sebelum membeli telepon pintar.
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) 12. b. (2), (4), and (5)
Teacher’s Policy 13. e. the result of the research showed that house-husbands
tend to have heart attacks
Daily Assessment Chapter 4 Discussion:
Soal ini menanyakan tentang ide pokok paragraf 1. Paragraf
A. Multiple Choice
pertama berisi tentang hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan
1.    b.  Bronchitis. bahwa para bapak rumah tangga cenderung menderita
Discussion: serangan jantung. Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang
Pada bacaan tersebut, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa penyakit tepat adalah opsi e.
yang disebabkan oleh polusi udara adalah bronchitis. Lihat
pada penggalan teks “Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute

92 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

14. c.       Dr. Elaine Eaker B. Essay
Discussion: 1. As for your mental health, laughter enables you to sift your
Soal tersebut menanyakan tentang penelitian yang perspective toward the world. Constant laughter allows you to
menghasilkan pendapat sebagai berikut ini. “Some men see situations in a less threatening as well as a more realistic
became stressed about performing a role not traditionally way, and it creates a humorous perspective. This humorous
assigm to them by society.” (paragraf 2) Pernyataan tersebut perspective creates psychological distance from a difficult
merupakan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Dr. Elaine situation, so it prevents you from feeling overwhelmed. As
Eaker yang menyebutkan bahwa “According to Dr. Elaine laughter reduces stress, it also improves your energy. As a
Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became consequence, you will be more focused and accomplished.
stressed about ....” (Menurut Dr. Elaine Eaker, masalah 2. The chemical allows us to relieve stress, pain, and physical
utamanya adalah bahwa beberapa laki- laki menjadi stres tension. Consequently, it relaxes our entire body as well as our
tentang ....). Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat muscles. The release of endorphins also promotes a sense
adalah opsi c. of well being. Thus, it makes us feel good.
15. b. persuade readers not to become a house husband 3. Laughter boosts our immune system. As laughter reduces
Discussion: stress, it improves the immune system. It leads to the
Soal ini menanyakan tentang tujuan dari teks ini. Teks improvement of the antibodies that fight infections in our
tersebut merupakan jenis teks analytical exposition yang bodies. Thus, it makes us more resistant to diseases.
bertujuan untuk membujuk para pembacanya untuk tidak 4, Thesis of the text : Laughing is actually very important for your
menjadi seorang bapak rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu, pilihan overall health. There are several benefits of laughing for your
jawaban yang tepat adalah opsi b. physical and mental health.
16. c. most people do not respect them 5. Reiteration of the text: In conclusion, laughter is very beneficial
Discussion: for your body as it improves your health by triggering the
Soal ini menanyakan tentang alasan beberapa bapak rumah release of endorphin and boosting our immune system.
tangga menjadi stres. Jawaban untuk soal ini terdapat pada Laughter also has a positive impact on our mental health, as
kutipan bacaan “Men who stays at home tend not to have the it allows you to change your view of the world around you.
same levels of support from friends and family as women do 6. The functions of the formalin are usually used as a disinfectant
the same.” (Laki-laki yang tinggal di rumah cenderung tidak or to preserve biological specimens.
memiliki tingkat dukungan yang sama dari teman- teman 7. Because it is cheap.
maupun keluarga sebagaimana perempuan). Maka, para 8. The word “they” in the sentence refers to the producers of
bapak menjadi stres karena sebagian besar orang tidak food.
menghargai mereka. Jadi pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah 9. It can damage their health.
opsi c. 10. The government should make a tight rule.
17. b. How to advance a career
Discussion: Remedial
Ide utama bacaan ialah bagaimana meningkatkan karier. Hal 1. Overweight or obesity.
ini diketahui berdasarkan isi bacaan paragraf pertama “People 2. Too much body fat inside.
who have career exactly want to advance their career.” 3. Due to the overweight, the heart will work harder.
18. d. making a careful decision before accepting a job is 4. Young women.
5. Becoming too fat will bother their physical appearance.
Ide pokok paragraf kedua adalah berkenaan dengan membuat
Project Task
suatu keputusan sebelum menerima sebuah pekerjaan adalah
Teacher’s Policy
suatu hal yang penting. Hal ini dapat diketahui berdasarkan
penggalan teks “If you want to advance your career, you will
have to make some careful decisions about which jobs you Final Semester Assessment
take.”. A. Multiple Choice
19. c. think carefully before accepting position in a job 1. d. giving suggestion
Discussion: Discussion:
Berdasarkan isi bacaan tersebut diketahui bahwa penulis Kalimat “I suggest that you leave it over there, near the gate."
menyarankan agar berpikir cermat, hati-hati sebelum (Saya menyarankan agar kamu memarkirkan sepeda di dekat
menerima jabatan sebuah pekerjaan. Hal ini diketahui gerbang) merupakan sebuah ungkapan memberikan saran
berdasarkan isi bacaan “The best advice is to think carefully kepada seseorang (giving suggestion).
before accepting any position and make sure that the job is 2. a. suggesting
one you to have.”. Discussion:
20. e. Improve. Pada dialog tersebut, ibunya Susan memberikan saran
Discussion: kepada Susan agar mencari pekerjaan paruh waktu untuk
Kata “advance” bermakna memperbaiki, memajukan atau mendapatkan uang lebih agar dapat menonton sebuah
mempercepat. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk pertunjukan musik. Ungkapan “You should try to find a
padanan katanya adalah “improve”. freelance job to get extra money." merupakan ungkapan
sebuah saran kepada seseorang (suggesting).

Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013) 93

3. d. You should exercise more in order to loose your tinggi kepada Ibu Barbara Buton untuk menghadiri undangan
weight. tersebut dan berkenan sebagai pembicara pada penutupan
Discussion: acara “3 days Harmony Day". Adapun tujuan dari teks tersebut
Pada gambar tersebut nampak seseorang yang memiliki tentu saja untuk mengundang wali kota menghadiri acara
tubuh yang gemuk. Maka saran yang tepat agar ia mempunyai tersebut.
tubuh yang proporsional dan tidak gemuk lagi adalah dengan 14. e. Country music show.
menyatakan “You should exercise more in order to loose your Discussion:
weight.”. Berdasarkan isi bacaan tersebut diketahui bahwa pada akhir
4. d. Offering herbal medicine acara akan ada sebuah pertunjukan musik.
Discussion: 15. a. Because they have better preparation.
Percakapan tersebut membicarakan tentang Sindhu yang Discussion:
sedang terserang pilek yang parah dan mendapatkan obat Berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa Gareth Tucson
dari dokter. Kemudian Angga menawarkan obat herbal percaya bahwa acara yang diselenggarakan pada saat
kepada Sindhu dengan mengatakan, “... try this herbal one!” ini akan lebih sukses dibandingkan tahun lalu. Hal ini
Oleh karena itu, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah pilihan dikarenakan adanya persiapan yang lebih baik.
d. 16. d. To invite the Principal of Surya Kencana Elementary
5. d. offering something School to the opening ceremony.
Discussion: 17. d. Children who have registered.
Pada soal terdapat ungkapan “What do you want to drink, 18.   e. persuade
Fajar? Milk or coffee?” (Apa yang ingin kamu minum, Fajar? Discussion:
Susu atau kopi?). Ungkapan ini merupakan sebuah ungkapan Teks tersebut merupakan sebuah teks eksposisi analitik yang
menawarkan sesuatu (minuman). berjudul tempat sampah “Dust Bin”. Tujuan teks eksposisi
6. c. (3), (5), and (6) analitik adalah untuk membujuk para pembaca melakukan
7. a. What a great idea! sesuatu hal yang baik.
Discussion: 19.  c. should be placed
Pada dialog tersebut, Andri dan teman-temannya akan Discussion:
menyaksikan pertunjukan atau konser. Andri pun ingin Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf ketiga “Probably one dust
mengajak Sinta. Ia meminta pendapat Sinta mengenai ajakan bin should be in every ten meters. So when students want
tersebut. Maka Sinta pun dengan senang hati menerima to throw away their litters, they can find the dust bins easily.”
ajakan tersebut. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat untuk Jadi berdasarkan isi bacaan diketahui bahwa tempat sampah
melengkapi dialog adalah “What a great idea!” seharusnya ada ada setiap jarak sepuluh meter.
9. d. The importance of healthy food and exercise for 20.  e.  Students can throw garbage away easily.
children. Discussion:
Discussion: Berdasarkan isi bacaan tersebut diketahui penulis berpendapat
Teks atau bacaan tersebut berkenaan dengan pentingnya atau berargumentasi bahwa dengan jumlah tempat sampah
makanan sehat dan olahraga bagi anak-anak. Hal ini dapat yang memadai maka dapat membantu para siswa membuang
diketahui berdasarkan kutipan bacaan pada kalimat pertama sampah pada tempatnya dengan mudah.
paragraf tersebut “From my point of view, enough exercise 21.  a.  To buy more dustbins.
and healthy food are very important to children.”. Discussion:
10. c. Because children have less physical exercise. Lihat kutipan bacaan pada paragraf pertama “To improve
Discussion: comfort and cleanliness at our school, a number of dust bins
Alasan bermain video game dan menonton televisi sepanjang should be increased.” (Guna meningkatkan kenyamanan dan
hari dapat menyebabkan kelebihan berat badan pada anak- kebersihan di sekolah kami, sejumlah tempat sampah harus
anak adalah karena anak- anak kurang melakukan aktivitas ditambah" maka secara tidak langsung penulis menyarankan
fisik. agar membeli tong sampah atau tempat sampah yang
11. b. Asking for Bayu’s opinion baru.
Discussion: 22. c. (1), (3), and (4)
Pada dialog tersebut, Mita bertanya terkait dengan cerita 23. e. The advantages of exercise.
dongeng tersebut kepada Bayu (What do you think about Discussion:
the fairy? Ungkapan tersebut merupakan sebuah ungkapan Paragraf kedua berisi tentang bermacam- macam manfaat,
menanyakan pendapat kepada seesorang (asking for baik secara fisik dan mental yang bisa kita dapat dari
opinion). berolahraga.
12. d. According to my opinion, this smartphone is so 24. a. stress level decrease
beneficial. Discussion:
Discussion: Manfaat berolahraga, seperti yang disebutkan pada paragraf
Pernyataaan yang tepat berdasarkan gambar tersebut pada kedua, adalah tubuh yang lebih sehat, mengurangi risiko
soal terkait dengan ungkapan menyatakan pendapat adalah penyakit jantung, diabetes, dan beberapa jenis kanker.
“According to my opinion, this smartphone is so beneficial". 25. d. (2), (3), and (5)
13. b. To invite the mayor to speak at the closing ceremony.
Teks tersebut merupakan sebuah undangan resmi dari
sebuah perkumpulan para insinyur muda suatu perguruan

94 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

B. Essay
1. To rearrange the room .
2. The room is so boring.
3. Trying to rearrange the club’s room.
4. Because she has to meet David at 3.
5. The following day.
6. The illegal logging has threatened the people who live in the
countryside around or under the area.
7. The rainy seasons come. The great quantity of water can
create landslides since there are no enough trees to hold the
water and land.
8. No, the local government has not.
9. Illegal logging can destroy the natural ecosystem. When the
forest trees are continuously cut and the rein forestation is not
done as the rule, the natural ecosystem is in a terrible danger.
The system which is formed by the interaction between a
community of organisms, including humans and animals, and
their physical environment will be threatened.
10. Based on the given reasons, uncontrolled illegal logging is a
serious problem that needs to be solved immediately by both
the government and citizens as the owners of the forest.

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96 Pegangan Guru Bahasa Inggris XI SMA/MA Semester Gasal (Kurikulum 2013)

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