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Seeking a pharmacy career path?

Here are nearly two dozen of them.
Any place there are medicines, there are pharmacists. This means
that the pool of opportunities for pharmacy graduates is large and
diverse. Monash pharmacy graduates are found all over the world
working to increase access and improve use of medicines.
01 Community
Others are able to make a full-time occupation
out of being a consultant pharmacist, focusing
on areas they enjoy. In Monash alumnus
It may involve liaising with hospital staff,
counselling participants and carers, and
educating medical and nursing staff.
Neil Petrie’s case, that includes education,
Community Pharmacy is one of the For some pharmacists, like Monash grad
counselling and helping to solve drug-related
most common and most visible options Grammy Ngai, it can lead to upskilling in other
problems. Neil enjoys the flexibility his career
for new Pharmacy graduates, with retail areas. Working for a Melbourne-based
brings and, after 18 years running his own
pharmacies all across the country. It’s pharmaceutical company, Grammy has
consulting business, the sense of self
a great option for anyone who enjoys extended her skills into strategic planning,
determination it offers.
providing advice one-on-one to people business development and corporate marketing.
in their community. “It gives me the flexibility to choose when
I work and to spend as much time as

Community pharmacy gives you many Locum
I like on a particular project,” he says,
options for specialisation and upskilling,
in areas such as vaccination services,

mental health first aid, or health care tailored Primary care
specifically for people of Aboriginal and Locum pharmacy is an interesting career
pharmacist option for those who enjoy flexibility and
Torres Strait Islander background.
travel. A locum pharmacist works for
It can also lead to business ownership. A relatively new career path short periods of time in a range of
Monash alumna Jane Mitchell started is that of the practice pharmacist. pharmacy settings when they are busy,
out in a community pharmacy and other pharmacists are on leave, or some
became a part owner soon after. A practice pharmacist doesn’t dispense other circumstances have temporarily
medicines. Instead, they work within a general increased the workload.
“It was a really steep learning curve for me,” medical practice to deliver direct support
Jane says, “becoming a pharmacist and to doctors and their patients. They can often Working as a locum can provide real variety
business owner at just 24!”. give more time and attention to individual and, for a young pharmacist, it can be a great
cases than a busy community pharmacist way to see more of Australia and build your life
Jane took time out to travel overseas and
can, providing quality care and specialised skills and experience of the world.
investigate other pharmacy career paths,
services such as smoking cessation.
but returned to owning her own in

community pharmacy in 2007. This career option provides a great option for Aged
pharmacists who want the opportunity to work Care
closely with doctors and provide more in-depth

02 Hospital
care to their patients, in a non-hospital setting.
Older people often have complex needs
when it comes to medications. They are

05 Researcher / frequently taking a number of different

Hospital pharmacy is a very team-
Academic medications and can be more susceptible
focused option, as you find yourself
to side effects. They may also need
working closely with a team of other
adjustments to their medications to
healthcare professionals, including Many students find their passion for accommodate difficulties with vision,
doctors and nurses, to provide the research while studying and go on to hearing, memory or cognitive function.
best care for patients. make a career of exploring and developing
ideas in pharmacy. Through research This makes aged care a stimulating and
According to the Society of Hospital
and evaluation, pharmacists can make rewarding career option for graduates who
Pharmacists of Australia (SHPA), “…it offers
a huge practical difference to health enjoy the challenge of dealing with complex
variety, both in the roles you can have,
policy and services. medicines regimes and carefully preparing
such as clinical [ie direct patient care] or
and dispensing medicines.
management, and in the types of hospitals Monash graduate Edwin Tan has chosen the
you can work in – city or country, small path of research and academia. He enjoys the You can deliver aged care pharmacy as part
or large, general or specialist.” opportunities it gives him to collaborate with of a healthcare team, or as an independent
researchers from around the world, working accredited pharmacist. It is also a growing
Hospital pharmacy requires no additional
together for a common cause. He also enjoys area for clinical researchers like Monash
qualifications and teaches valuable skills that
the problem solving involved in research and University’s Rohan Elliot.
are highly sought after in other pharmacy
the fact that he learns something new every day.
settings. Many pharmacists will spend some “With an ageing population and increasing
part of their career in a hospital environment. Edwin finds working with students rewarding complexity of drug therapy, the risk of
too, whether that be in supervising their medication errors and adverse events is
Others make it their career focus, like Monash
research or coaching their skills development. increasing. Pharmacists have much to
alumna and PhD candidate Erica Tong. She
contribute to the safe and effective
has held a number of positions with Victoria’s Common research areas for pharmacy management of medicines in older people,”
Alfred Health hospital group over the last 15 graduates include pharmacy practice, says Rohan, who is also a Clinical Senior
years, including Deputy Director of Pharmacy. pharmacotherapy, drug discovery, toxicology, Lecturer in the Monash Centre for
clinical sciences, public health and much more. Medicine Use and Safety.

03 Consultant

06 Pharmaceutical
Pharmacy Government and
Industry / Clinical Trials nongovernmental
Accredited consultant pharmacists can organisations
conduct home medicines reviews and Pharmacists in this area support the
residential medication management reviews. management and delivery of clinical
trials of new medicines. Pharmacists have knowledge, skills and
For some people it is part-time role, which they experience that can feed into advisory
combine with other roles such as working at a The role involves coordinating studies from roles, both for the government as well
community health centre, working with chronic a medicinal perspective, ensuring that drugs as non-government institutions, such
disease management groups, or providing used in the trials are imported, stored, as health funds and private hospitals.
nurse education. accounted for, compounded, dispensed
and used in accordance to strict protocols. The range of possible roles in this area is
extensive, including medicines access, public
health, developing eHealth services and more.
Monash alumna Erin Nunan has used her
pharmacy training to improve health in various
lower resource countries. She says she never
13 Regulatory
Affairs Associate 16 Military
planned to work in these settings, “but the
Working in regulation involves ensuring It might not seem like an obvious path,
opportunity came up and it was a wonderful
the appropriate licensing of and legal but the Australian Defence Force (ADF)
chance to do something different”.
compliance by pharmaceutical and employs registered pharmacists to work
In the Solomon Islands Erin worked with the medical products. Following this career in the army, navy and air force. For a
World Health Organisation on the country’s path, you are involved in ensuring that pharmacist, this adventurous role can
National Medicines Policy. Her work with a company’s products comply with involve being posted with other allied
resource-poor and remote communities has regulations and legislation. health personnel to work on board navy
had a valuable impact on the advancement ships, or be deployed with their unit into
Monash alumnus Mounir Mina now works remote areas of Australia and overseas.
of global health practices.
for pharmaceutical company Novartis, but
previously spent a number of years working for “As pharmacists in the Australian Army

10 Complex Care the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). we face challenges which are quite unique
to the military setting and can involve the
Coordinator He found the role brought together the practice of pharmacy in some unusual
clinical, legal and regulatory aspects of settings – somewhere hot and dusty in the
Another relatively new career path, his pharmacy studies. Middle East, on the snowy slopes of the
complex care coordination involves Himalayas, on board an enormous ship, from
“The TGA is responsible for regulating
working with a hospital healthcare team a field hospital in an exercise area or just at
therapeutic goods, including medicines,
and is often combined with consultant home here in Australia in one of the many
medical devices, blood and blood products,”
pharmacy work. pharmacies located on military bases,”
says Mounir. “My role involved preparing
The job involves providing early post-discharge reports that examined the chemistry, quality says Monash alumna Major Wendy Lang,
medication review and follow-up plans for control, bioequivalence and clinical data “On a day-to-day basis military pharmacists
patients identified as being ‘high risk’ by hospital supplied by pharmaceutical companies.” are involved with the management of
clinicians. Often, these are patients who do pharmaceuticals, pathology agents, medical
Mounir enjoyed how the constantly changing
not have ready access to usual medication gases, medical consumables and equipment
nature of regulations added to the excitement
management services in the community. and are expected to have a thorough
of the job, requiring him to stay up-to-date
with global changes in science, research understanding of medical logistics as we

and regulation. can be faced with long lines of communication,
Drug Safety
and manage the transportation of thermolabile
Officer health materiel into unknown areas, be involved

Pharmacovigilance is an impressive
sounding area that involves monitoring
14 Management
and Mentorship
with rapid or long deployments whilst also
performing the duties of a military officer.”

drug safety. A pharmacist working as a “It’s tough”, says Major Lang, “but it helps
This comprises a variety of roles. You can equip you for life. I love the fact my work
drug safety officer liaises regularly with
become a pharmacist in charge, managing is so varied and challenging.”
government and industry bodies,
pharmacist, or a representative at a
consumers and other healthcare
pharmacy organisation. Some roles can
Their responsibilities include receiving and
processing reports of adverse drug events
also merge pharmacy with another area,
such as business or technology. 17 Mental Health
One common area where pharmacists find
and conducting regular conciliation with Mental health pharmacists in hospitals
themselves in a management role is public
health authorities. They use their skills are responsible for providing clinical
health. For example, Nick Jones is a graduate
and qualifications to ensure the public has pharmacy services to the adult mental
of Monash University and the Director of
access to safe and reliable medications. health in-patient wards, and psychiatric
Pharmacy at Peninsula Health, the public
healthcare provider for the Mornington assessment and planning units.

Peninsula, Victoria. It is a highly specialised career path that
Peninsula Health provides 900 hospital beds requires strong teamwork skills and current
and operates a teaching hospital, so Nick’s drug knowledge in psychotropic drug therapy.
Pharmacy students with a drive to role carries a great deal of responsibility
innovate and create can build a career The focus of this work includes managing
across a range of areas, from patient the supply of antipsychotic medications to
out of turning their ideas into successful care to medical education.
businesses. This might mean creating mental health patients in government units,
a new product or service to meet outpatient clinics, community centres and

a public or industry need. specialist hospitals.
For Monash alumnus Paul Naismith, that
entrepreneurial drive gave birth to the FRED IT
Some pharmacists decide to move into
Group, Australia’s largest supplier of technology
politics before, during or after working
solutions and services to the pharmacy industry.
in pharmacy. Perhaps the same drive that
As CEO and co-founder, Paul credits his leads students to cater to the wellbeing
success to his enthusiasm and curiosity. of community through pharmacy can
translate later in life into a desire to
“When I left university,” Paul says, “I didn’t have it take on a larger role in society.
all figured out. But I was armed with enthusiasm,
lots of ideas and I was keen to continue learning. In fact one Monash pharmacy graduate,
My advice is to take as many opportunities to Oscar Ling, in now a Member of Parliament
broaden your horizons as possible, take risks in Malaysia, representing his home electorate
while you are young but, most importantly, of Sibu since 2013. Oscar describes himself
build strong relationships with people who as a low-profile MP, wanting no publicity
share your values and your vision.” for his work. Instead, he says, it is important
to stay grounded and be humble as the
people’s representative.
18 Women’s and Newborns’
Pharmacist 20 Emergency and Acute
Medicine Pharmacist 22 Pain Educator, Program
Director or Consultant

At the other end of the spectrum to aged One of the most intense but rewarding Chronic and acute pain are fascinating
care is the field of women’s and newborns’ career options a pharmacist can areas to work in. Pain management
pharmacy, providing clinical pharmacy pursue is to work in Emergency or is a constantly evolving field that
services to maternity and neonatal patients. Acute Medicine – often literally a life encompasses many areas of treatment,
Most pharmacists come to this career path and death situation for your patients. not just pharmacy and pain medications.
with a grounding in hospital pharmacy. Pharmacists work with pain sufferers to
It’s a field that Monash grad Sheridan Roth manage their medications and coordinate
Providing safe and effective dosing and found herself drawn to early in her career. other forms of treatment.
administration of medications during pregnancy
and for infants is the focus of the role. One of “During my university studies,” says That makes it an interesting choice for
the biggest challenges can be assisting in the Sheridan, “I worked in a community a pharmacist looking to develop their
care of babies born prematurely. But it is also pharmacy, but I completed my internship in knowledge across a range of disciplines
a highly rewarding area to work in; a skilled a hospital and enjoyed it so much I stayed.” but in a very specific direction. A great example
pharmacist can play a crucial role in giving “It’s my responsibility to record a medication of this is Monash graduate Kyrillos Guirguis.
a baby a better chance at a healthy life. history of emergency department patients. His years of experience include being a pain
I advise patients on the best use of medicines specialist pharmacist, and he has become
and counsel them about new or changed an in demand speaker, author and mentor

19 Drug Information
medicines, working as part of a team that
includes medical, nursing and allied
health staff.”
in the field of pain management.

As a Drug Information or Medicines

Information specialist, you play a really The part of the role she finds most
important role in sharing accurate and challenging? Looking after paediatric
useful information around different kinds patients, as children and new babies
of medicines, including prescription require different treatment to adults.
and non-prescription drugs, vitamins,

supplements and more.
A great example of someone working to Stewardship
share their knowledge is Monash grad Jane
Booth. Jane has worked as a Senior Medicines Antimicrobial stewardship is a vital role
Information Pharmacist and is now Formulary in any hospital and health facility, with
and Business Development Pharmacist at responsibilities that include promoting
Monash Health. She has a strong interest the appropriate use of antimicrobials
in the role of social media in healthcare and (including antibiotics), reducing microbial
together with Dan Guidone, she co-hosts resistance, and decreasing the spread
and co-produces the Purple Pen Podcast, of drug resistant infections.
a fortnightly discussion about clinical
pharmacy in Australia. As a role, it’s a great fit for pharmacists,
like Monash grad Dhineli Perera. A Clinical
Anyone interested in Medicines Information Pharmacist at Austin Health in Victoria,
as a career path should consider working in a Dhineli’s role includes ensuring adherence
hospital setting to gain experience, alongside to national accreditation standards; research
people with strong experience. The key to and quality improvement activities relating
success? Being crystal clear on what the to antimicrobials; and the education of
question you are being asked is, so you can clinicians about antimicrobial prescribing
provide the most accurate and detailed answer. and appropriate use.

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