Year 10 English - Practice Exam - Sem 1 2024

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Full Name: ________________________________

Teacher’s Name: _________________________________


Semester 1, 2024 – COMPREHENDING AND


Time allowed for this paper

Reading time: 10 minutes
Working time on paper: 90 minutes (1 hour and 30 minutes)
Total time: 100 minutes (I hour and 40 minutes)

To be provided by the candidate

Standard items: Pens, pencils, eraser or correction fluid, ruler, highlighter

Important note to candidates:

No other items can be taken into the classroom. It is your responsibility to ensure
that you do not have any unauthorised notes or other items of a non-personal nature
in the classroom. If you have any unauthorised material with you, hand it to the
supervisor before reading any further.


Section TOTAL
One: Text 1/ Q1:
Two: Circle choice of question below
Responding (Essay) 1 2 3


Structure of this paper

Section No. To Be Suggested Marks Percentage of

Questions Attempted Working Available Exam
Section One: 1 1 30 mins 20 40%

Section Two: 3 1 60 mins 30 60%


Instructions to candidates

1. Write your answers to each section in the spaces provided in this

question booklet.
2. You must be careful to confine your responses to the specific questions
asked and to follow any instructions that are provided.
3. It is requested you write in blue or black pen, not pencil.


 Understand that people’s evaluations of texts are influenced by their value systems,
the context and the purpose and mode of communication (ACELA1565)
 Evaluate the impact on audiences of different choices in the representation of still
and moving images (ACELA1572)

 Analyse and evaluate how people, cultures, places, events, objects and concepts are
represented in texts, including media texts, through language, structural and/or
visual choices (ACELY1749)
 Identify and analyse implicit or explicit values, beliefs and assumptions in texts and
how these are influenced by purposes and likely audiences (ACELY1752)

 Analyse and explain how text structures, language features and visual features of
texts and the context in which texts are experienced may influence audience
response (ACELT1641)
 Evaluate the social, moral and ethical positions represented in texts (ACELT1812)
SECTION ONE: COMPREHENDING 20 marks in total/40% of exam

Time Allocation: 30 minutes for comprehending

Allow approximately 30 minutes for the reading and response to question one
(worth 20 marks)


Respond to the question.

Your response should demonstrate the following:

1. An ability to answer the question asked.

 An ability to structure a clear and coherent response to the question.
 A range of metalanguage appropriate to the text and question.
 A range of evidence to support your points.


Aim for about 250 to 300 words.

Text One is an advertisement from the American Lung Association published in 2022.

Body language: stiff,

ignorant, serious

Symbolism: ignorance

Colour dull:blank
Question One: Discuss how visual and/or written conventions have been used to
communicate an idea to a specific audience.
SECTION TWO: RESPONDING 30 marks in total/60% of

Time Allocation: 60 minutes for responding.

Allow approximately 60 minutes for the reading and response to your chosen
question from section two (worth 30 marks)


There are three questions from which to choose.


Please write the question number at the top of your response.

Your response should demonstrate the following:

2. An ability to answer the question asked.

 A range of metalanguage appropriate to the text and question.
 A range of evidence to support your points.
 A proper introduction, at least 2 body paragraphs and conclusion

Vaping and the knowledge surrounding it is a serious problem witch many parents and young
people still don’t know the affects of the unfixable harm the vape can do is usually unknown
by the user recently many health companies and doctors have now released anti vaping ads
witch show the harmful effects of vapes, The ad above depicts a older man behind a vape
cloud with the main idea of get you head out the cloud, this is an example of
Essay structure reminders

Hook • A broad statement that engages with the concepts of the question

Outline of text • State the title (underlined) and author's name.

• Provide a brief overview/summary of the plot.
Thesis • Provide a specific understanding of how the text relates to the
Statement question.
• Outline key points to be discussed in your body paragraphs and
which elements of construction relate to them.

Topic • State what this paragraph will be about (which issue/value/group?)
sentence and what element of construction you will focus one.

1st piece of • Introduce your first piece of evidence.

evidence • Try to provide some context from where it comes from in the text/who
says it.
Explanation/ • Explain what some of the key words/phrases mean in your evidence
analysis using specific metalanguage related to construction.
• Connect your explanation to the words in your topic
sentence (attitude/idea/purpose etc... ).
Transition • Introduce your second piece of evidence with an appropriate transition.
with 2nd • Try to provide some context from where it comes from in the text/who
piece of says it.
Explanation/ • Explain what some of the key words/phrases mean in your evidence
analysis using specific metalanguage related to construction.
• Connect your explanation to the words in your topic sentence
(attitude/idea/purpose etc... ).
Link to • Link to question
Restate thesis/ • Re-state/ reiterate your thesis.
outline main • Outline your main points discussed in the essay.
points • Provide a final thoughtful statement that relates to the concepts
addressed in the question.


“Throughout Long Way Down, Will grapples with following The Rules, the set
of expectations that guide men in his community, and pushes himself to abide
them and seek revenge for his brother’s death”

1. Discuss how Reynold’s constructs his text to address the ideas mentioned in
the above quote.


2. Explain how Long Way Down is uses a combination of elements to represent

characters and/or ideas.


3. Explain how Long Way Down uses language and/or structural devices for a
particular purpose.



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