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(This question paper contains 8 printed pages.] Sr.No. of Question Paper : 2101 : F Unique Paper Code : 2181001001 Name of the Paper “: Environmental Science : Theory into Practice (1) Name of the Course + AbilityEnhancement Course Semester : ol For students of regular courses Duration 1h 45 min (Part A: Ih; Part B: 45 min) Maximum marks 50 (Part A: 30; Part B: 20) For students from SOL - Duration 2h 30 min (Part A: 1h; Part B: 45 min; Part C: 45 min) ~ for SOL students only Maximum marks : 70 (Part A: 30; Part B: 20; Part C: 20) Instructions for Candidates 1. Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper, 2. For regular students, the question paper is divided into two sections, Part A (30 marks) and B/(20 marks). Attempt three questions from Part A and ay two from Part B. 3. . For SOL students, the question paper is divided into three sections, Part A (30 marks), Part B (20 marks), and Part C (20 marks). Attempt three questions from Part A, any two questions from Part B and any two questions Part C. 4. Question number 1 from Part A is compulsory. 5. Answers may be written either in English or Hindi; but the same medium should be used throughout the paper. Bed fe fin Lo ga yer—aa S Pea A ae Re ay ties IT Te sre STH Fae 1 PTO. 2101 A 2 a 4 5. ‘rar ora grea a aH arf, wary (30 akan) she wrt (20 sian) 1 ea Me rere woah 8 NED eT TRY ‘waste rit fag, wer wa es wt Poe B, wer (30 er), sear et (20 afer), a ‘ser aft (20 sen) vse & at er, ora AE A eer eA RE A TE wary a werden | sad 2 Hr Tee A rt WT ey, AAR ST ao Uw A aT afte (er eer 1 #1 ee ee! # AHAB eH Ge) + Define and explain the following in not more than 25 words : (Sx2=10) ‘reefers rron 25 met ¥ Abate we ee wt: OR Aer aah ieee woe ren HBB ree BH Be we wT ize Seftor wr we s of the pollution in rural ecosystem? Suggest ) er ote gg rT RC HHT TAT ge Peer Re A wnomic effects of mining operations and how they affect ao, ind, and water resources. eerie 2 nf saties waa ote 8 ent ag, 9 ke we tenet A eet 8 wats we 8, BRT wl we PARTB Aitempt any two out of three questions. (der Fa IER wer vA) from different areas in one of the Indian states are summarized em s 2101 s Be anfiee war ey Sore oe, Paha eT Tae: SSeS Waste | Coie Treated Lanited ENS came (i) weiter onfine sere at WR er A ToT BE (i) eats A ate ae ott wie Bake we TT AE A rT (i) wed aX fe ee aga ee eT oA art ste Petts we SR ES wer (i) de anne ee Star atte SF oT GAN control the same. Gv) Suggest measures alternate methods of wacdia Usat FB ww S fier BH Yate ower or ami HT fear wet! | (aaa ser aR Ra) : ms ae i we [ee [Saone [eee porate ets] | 1 [a pater 03 paser —f137T 2 (B_ [ross wae ane 3 Cc 1650 7p pare TF 7 i stein in the Wester Ghats requires immediate 3a pee z ar cons _| pact of climate change on the Tundra ecosystem in inthe ROA nk eo er AA wee ART wae AT ep FAA ate ae eat we er wee CB [= eat Taeray Soar [Ftd | A Say Rs atte ete, am | ag was, Prt bid wes [Sache [etter ere on” ‘afoum wiaiwat Rae fo a (Seece eaae rae oe Raga uate, Wren fentien, ota pRa ETAT, a bi | | Sree [See TE i rari we.wraiiea de [meee f [ « [quteetaets [ea [es ae eee serarg ofa, Hg, f et og my He er Sa TE, SG, eH ke AS a A = Sean dere a Bea & Fate wr atv we SE ee BE, eT aH eT Serco BR eet we Far TA WR A Me Ae sal, os aa, we AGH, TE sof, yet orf, wate Sof, wer sot Stew A sek Se er rer og wy Ree Fou we, RR ue Soe e: ‘ watts eh 1 () wee ay alte a ate yecer Fae ARR ae erat ort S Sue er bas Sea | aR | aie [satanic eres | Consort & {(LCOE) (INRKWH) | (FRA ETE (8) Tet BH WR re Fer Re ae ‘ ZeOET = wae ‘wear Hee we one 8 onaEIEAT Bet Ea . $004.00 = (i) ee AR we a eT 3503.50 =i5 (i) wee Fo we Shae ee a Ree wey TRE re (i) sR we rt a = Vata aes . elit wa rere att om Seat 2 fect & Oo os wer TS Se 2101 8 PART C (For SOL students only: Attempt any two out of three questions.) (@ae wastes wrai B ferg: ctr F a af A wer wife) 8. With the help of relevant cas¢ studies discuss how development projects has affected the ecological balance.of the ecosystem? (10) wrafttes Sa reer A ware Bae ae Pr Rene ations At afeeakadt aa reese 1 gaa @t Sa waka frat 27 9. Discuss the problems and challenges of hazardous waste management in India. (10) wea F eracrey seiner wear wt es ste Gea We aah we is sustainable development conceivable in emerging 10. From an Indian perspective, (10) markets? Elaborate. sedtr eestor BAH HA AA A meet eet Sr #7 ee FTE

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