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Unit 2 : Job interview Reading

That’s the job!

What part-time jobs are there for teenagers?

when their owners can’t. Or do cat sitting: visit the

animal, give it food and play with it when the
owners are on holiday.

Of course teenage professional football players

make lots of money, but it’s not exactly a part-
time job. And it’s reserved for a very small
number of players. If you aren’t chosen as a
player, why not a referee? Daniel Smith, 15, from
London is paid £25 (28 euros) a match. There is a
lots of work for referees because thousands of
kids want to play matches.

 Delivering newspaper I’ve Got Talent

A classic job for teenagers in English-speaking If you don’t want to work for a company, why not

countries is delivering newspapers to houses. use your talents? If you’re good at art, maybe you

This job is normally early in the morning, so the can make jewellery or birthday cards and sell

customer gets the newspaper to read at them at a market or on a website like Etsy.

breakfast. It is physical work, walking or cycling a Propose to work at children’s birthday parties –

distance in sun or rain. put on a clown, princess or pirate costume and

organise themed games.
If you prefer working inside, babysitting could be
the job for you. If you want to get experience, you Can you help younger kids study maths, English,

could propose being a parent’s helper: you play science, or the piano? If you like gardening, ask

with the children when the parents are at home. neighbours if they want help in their garden. Or
why not try to become the next Youtube
Working in a shop, restaurant or fast-food place
sensation? You only need a video camera or
can be a good option as you can often choose the
phone, a computer and a good idea!
number of hours you want to work. There if often
a minimum age.

If you like animals, there are a lot of possible jobs.

You can be a dog walker: take dogs for walks
Unit 2 : Job interview Reading

 Dog walker

Speakeasy News.

Compréhension écrite

1. Find the words corresponding to the definitions.

a. Taking a product to a client = _______________________________

b. A client = _______________________________

c. The person who possesses an animal = _______________________________

d. The person who tells the payers about the rules = _______________________________

e. A business = _______________________________

f. Bracelets, rings, necklaces = _______________________________

g. The person who lives near you = _______________________________

2. List all the jobs mentioned in the text.

Unit 2 : Job interview Reading

3. Rédige deux phrases pour dire quels petits boulots tu as déjà fait. Pense à utiliser le bon




4. Demande à tes parents (ou à d’autres membres de ton entourage) quels petits boulots ils ont
déjà fait. Rédige un compte-rendu.

Ex. : My father has …




5. Traduis le premier paragraphe en français (de « A classic job » jusqu’à « rain »).



Unit 2 : Job interview Reading

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