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Cadet at the US Military Academies

The United States Military

Academies are among the best
universities in the country. Applying for the
academic is more complicated and difficult comes with rank. First, they learn how to
than applying at other universities. The carry out orders from superiors and later
five academies are very selective. Many how to manage subordinate personnel.
people compete for the honor of attending They also learn that it’s important to
one, but few are choosen. Every person operate as a group and not to go against
who wants to attend must have good high the regulations and beliefs of the military
school grades and be in great physical or the country. This sense of loyalty helps
shape. Another difference is that university them in their future military careers.
students pay money for their education, After graduating, cadets become
but cadets at the academies don’t. They commisioned officers and are assigned to
pay with campulsory military service after military installation around the world.
graduation. They have got to agree to Graduates of these honorable academies
serve in one of the military services for five are highly
years. respected
In addition to their academic studies, because
the cadets learn about the resposibilities, they are among
or duties, of being officers. Cadet in their the best-
third and fourth year have seniority, and trained and most
they can behave like loyal
A West Point Cadet
senior officers. The officers in the services.
newer cadets are their Colonel Josephus A. Bowman enlisted in
the Army in 1933. He want to West
subordinates, so they Point, the US Army’s military academy,
must obey the orders in 1935 and graduated in 1939. During
his service in World War II, he joined the
of the senior cadets.
Air Force. He retired with the rank of
By taking these colonel in 1969.
position, cadets learn
the importance of the chain of command.
They are taught how to respect and
exercise the authority that

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