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Have you changed contact inus at with your new information! formation recently? If so, e-mail

Dear WorldMUN Community,

WorldMUNs 20th anniversary has come and gone, and our team is happy to say that our 20th annual conference was one of the best yet! Held in the beautiful city of Singapore, WorldMUN 2011 was both a great conference and a great way for WorldMUN for in Vancouver, Canada much closer to home for the Harvard Team and many of our

turn twenty. Were currently preparing for our next conference, which will take place alumni! Our team is extremely excited to be co-hosting WorldMUN 2012 with the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and more information about both the 2011 and the 2012 conferences can be found in the following pages.

If you know someone who should be

receiving The WorldMUN Spirit, but isnt, forward us his or her contact information at! Comments, concerns, and suggestions are always welcome!

Of particular importance, in this edition of The WorldMUN Spirit, the WorldMUN

2012 team is eager to invite WorldMUN alumni to this years conference. As it is so

close to home, WorldMUN 2012 will be a great time for alumni to come see how much WorldMUN has grown over the years. It also will be an opportunity to introduce families and significant others to the extraordinary experience that is WorldMUN.


WorldMUN Returns to North America: Alumni Invitation A Note from Geraldine Recap: Singapore 2011 Resolution Projection Updates

Finally, as always, we are looking for more ways to establishing contacts within the WorldMUN alumni network. While our conference in Vancouver will serve as the largest meeting point of WorldMUN members, both past and present, we would love to best connect with and engage our incredible pool of alumni outside of the conference! Thank you for your support throughout the years! The WorldMUN 2012 Team

arrange more alumni gatherings. Please share with us your suggestions for how we can

Looking forward: Vancouver 2012



Dear friends of WorldMUN, Every year, WorldMUN takes the standard of international Model United Nations conferences even higher. We have brought the WorldMUN Spirit to many corners of the globe, and delegations from all around the world cross oceans and continents to attend this amazing conference. WorldMUN has grown steadily over the years, bringing in a wealth of new delegates with a passion for international debate and learning. This year, we want to continue attracting bright young minds while also bringing back alumni like you who have taken skills and lessons learned from WorldMUN to the outside world. Last year marked the celebration of the 20th WorldMUN conference and also the return of several alumni, including the founder of WorldMUN, Geraldine Acuna. We hope that this year, due to our North American location in beautiful Vancouver, Canada, many of you will be able to join us at the 21st conference. It is our pleasure to formally invite you, the alumni of WorldMUN, to attend the 21st session in Vancouver, Canada on March 11-15, 2012. Please RSVP to with interest by January 15th. If you have any questions or need help with planning logistics, please email us and we will help you to the best of our abilities. More details about alumni-specific events will be unveiled as we receive more interest in conference attendance! WorldMUN is a conference that is very much shaped by the people who invest in it. Thank you for helping to make WorldMUN the professional, dynamic, and incredibly enjoyable conference that it is today. I hope that you will join us in March to enjoy what is now the highest standard of international Model United Nations conferences. Best, Kathleen Tang Secretary-General, WorldMUN 2012


The Resolution Project was founded in 2006 by a group of WorldMUN alumni with the goal of introducing a real-life aspect to a delegates WorldMUN experience. Its initiatives include the Social Venture Challenge and the Career Panel, both of which have become a vital part of our conference experience. You can find out more about the Resolution Project at If you are interested in getting involved, please visit or email

FALL 2011


WorldMUN Singapore 2011 was an amazing experience especially for me, as it was my first conference since the first WorldMUN. The complexity and high level of debates (some conducted in foreign languages) and the representation of students from all parts of the globe were remarkable and heart-warming. My deepest thanks to the leadership and staff of WorldMUN XX for inviting me on this journey, giving me the opportunity to personally witness how WorldMUN has transformed from its humble beginnings in Miedzyzdroje into the powerhouse conference it is today. I eagerly urge all WorldMUN alumni to reconnect and re-experience the conference in Vancouver in March 2012. No words can express what it is like to be there. I am sure I speak for myself as well as the other 1992 founders that it is truly an honor to have been part of WorldMUNs inception and history. Geraldine Acuna Secretary-General, WorldMUN 1992


Singapore 2011 was one of our most successful WorldMUN conferences to date. Roughly 2,300 delegates, from all corners of the globe, journeyed to Singapore, Singapore this March to attend the 20th annual conference. The week started off with opening ceremonies, for which the thousands of delegates all converged for the first time on the campus of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The conference continued into a week of intense and productive debate, spread out across 23 committees. Committees ranged in size from the largest GA (DISEC, with roughly 360 delegates) to the smallest SA (Conseil dEtat, with roughly 17 delegates), but regardless of committee size, chairs did a great job to keep delegates interested, and our committees had some of the best approval ratings ever. Our host team, from NUS, also put together amazing social events each night that were hugely popular among the delegates. From Global Village at the base of the Singapore Flyer (the largest Ferris Wheel in the world), to a night at one of the highest ranked clubs in the world, to Cabaret adjacent to Fort Canning, every night was unforgettable. The conference was capped by an amazing closing ceremony. In celebration of WorldMUNs 20th anniversary, closing ceremonies were held at Sentosa Beach, as the sun set. Great speeches were given by Geraldine Acuna, the founder of WorldMUN, as well as George Tsiatis and Oliver Libby, founders of the Resolution Project. The beautiful beach/sunset closing ceremonies were followed by a celebration of the 20th anniversary, again at Sentosa Beach. What a way to end an amazing conference!


Our conference this coming March will take place in Vancouver, Canada. Host of the 21st Winter Olympics in 2008, Vancouver is the perfect place for the 21st WorldMUN conference. We are extremely excited to collaborate with the incredibly hard-working and resourceful host team from the University of British Columbia. We plan on continuing to provide WorldMUNs excellent academic, cultural, and social experiences. In addition, we are working to further increase the delegate experience by providing committees that deal with issues directly relevant to the lives of delegates. Again, we encourage all of our alumni to come to Vancouver for the conference. This is the closest conference since Puebla, Mexico in 2008, and it is only the second ever conference in North America. Visiting the conference will be a great way to see how WorldMUN has expanded over the years and learn about our new projects, and it will also be a cool way to let family and loved ones experience WorldMUN for themselves. If we have enough returning alumni, we will be able to plan more alumni-specific events, and proper arrangements will be made for younger family members so feel free to bring your kids! If you are interested in coming, please RSVP soon or email with questions at! We look forward to seeing you again! Student Organization Center at Hilles 59 Shepard St. Box# 292 Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Tel: +1-617-418-1139
the worldmun spirit is a publication of Harvard World Model United Nations at Harvard College. All rights reserved.

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