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It is with regret that I am writing to inform you of the termination of our virtual assistant services

contract effective [1/3/2024], in accordance with the terms outlined in our agreement.

Over the past 1 month of our collaboration, we have appreciated your efforts and contributions
to AmaXonia. Unfortunately, recent events have led us to reevaluate our partnership. Our
Amazon account has been deactivated due to non-compliance with Amazon's policies, and after
careful investigation, it has become apparent that certain actions or oversights may have
contributed to this situation.

Maintaining compliance with Amazon's policies is of utmost importance to the success and
sustainability of our business on the platform. Despite our previous discussions and guidance
on adhering to these policies, it seems that the necessary adjustments were not implemented,
resulting in the deactivation of our account.

As a result, we find it necessary to terminate our contract for virtual assistant services. We
understand that this decision may come as a disappointment, and we genuinely appreciate the
effort you have put into supporting our Amazon operations.

Please consider this letter as formal notice of contract termination, and we kindly request you to
return any company-related materials, data, or information promptly. Additionally, any
outstanding payments for services rendered up to the termination date will be processed
according to the terms of our agreement.

We wish you the best in your future endeavors, and we hope that you can apply the experience
gained during our collaboration positively in your future professional pursuits.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards,

etro mar
Dated This: 1/3/2024

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