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Topic 1: Describe the person you admire the most. What does he look like ?

What is he like ? What do you admire the most about him ? Do you want to
be successful like him ? How to ?

I have admired many people all my life, but Dang Le Nguyen Vu is the
person I admire the most. Mr.Vu is is a succesful Vietnamese businessman, he
is the co-founder, president and general director of one of the leading famous
brands in Vietnam, Trung Nguyen Group. His point of view in business is that
"only by competing with the leaders will we have the opportunity to take the
lead", with the goal of making Trung Nguyen company a leading coffee
producer in the world. He is my inspiration, not only by his achievements, but
also by his life philosophies and business philosophies. I once had the
opportunity to participate in a conference with Mr. Vu's presence, at that time, I
was extremely impressed with his interpretation of issues in life and business. I
remember at that time Mr. Vu said this: " What's so much money for? What's so
much money for to sit like this today?", it was that statement that helped me
realize the need to balance work and happiness. I hope that one day, I can also
become "great" like Mr. Vu, in fact, I am still working hard to make it happen,
through improving myself every day, acquire new knowledge in many fields,
and learn from the experiences of other successful people.

Topic 2: What are the pros and cons of living away from home ?

When I was in high school, I always wondered what it would be like

if I got into a university in another city, or even in another country... I’m
glad that didn't happen. But, I have some friends who, for various reasons,
have to live alone in this city, far from their home. Through what they told
me, I realized that living away from home also has certain advantages, as
well as some problems.
The first benefit to mention is that will bring you new experiences,
new insights about the real world, especially when you live in a big city like
Hanoi, DaNang, Ho Chi Minh city, … Next, I think when living away from
home, people can live their own way on life. It means, you can decorate the
house however you want, you can keep any pet you like, you can try out
new hairstyles, new styles of dress, or you can spend the night at a friend's
house, ... I believe this unlikely to happen when you live under the
supervision of your parent, especially in the average Asian familly (0_< ).
On the other hand, living away from home obviously also brings a lot
of inconveniences. The first is that you have to calculate all expenses in life
yourself, from electricity and water, to food, to entertainment needs, even if
you receive a subsidy from your family, you still have to make sure
everything is covered if you don't want to eat instant noodles at the end of
the month ( T_T). Next, the more "free" you live, the easier it is for you to
fall into depraved pleasures, not good for your health, for life. Some of my
friends, after living away from home, they become more and more
distracted from their studies, just want to hang out all day.

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