For My Girl

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder

1. Constantly worry but unable to pinpoint why.

2. Difficulty sleeping
3. Trembling (can’t control it)
4. Repeating thoughts over again
5. Feeling defeated mentally and emotionally
6. Relapsing even when u think u are getting better just because u see or hear (thoughts)
something that triggers you.
7. Constantly on edge.
8. Feeling like something bad is gonna happen
9. Feeling of impending doom
10. Shortness on breath.
11. Difficulty concentrating
12. Headaches, muscle aches. Stomachaches.
13. Obsessing over things that some people don’t even notice
14. Getting concumed in your mistakes.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder can affect children and adults. The condition often begins in childhood
but it can begin at any age. More likely to get GAD if you have biological relative with it.

Factors that can cause GAD:

1. Experiencing a traumatic event.

2. Being in a stressful environment.
3. Experiencing child abuse.
4. Low serotonin.
5. Low testosterone.

Anxiety is one of the most defining symptoms of narcissistic abuse.

People with anxiety dislike hearing „hey can we talk later“ because it triggers their anxiety by
creating uncertainty and leaving them with unanswered questions which leads them to overthink
about the topic or potential issues.

1. Have you had anxiety on and off throughout your lifetime?

2. Can you point to the specific trigger that causes it?

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