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Name : Yuni Turwidhia Lestari

NPM : 2214050027
Essay Writing (Evaluation)

A. Introduction

In today's digital era, digital technology such as social media has become an important part of

everyday life. Social media can connect us with people around the world, provide various

information, and expand social reach between people. So social media has become an important

platform for Indonesian youth to participate in political discussions and obtain information

about the latest political issues. However, social media use can also strengthen confirmation

bias and exacerbate political polarization among Indonesian youth. Social media has changed

the political landscape significantly, with political campaigns increasingly relying on multiple

platforms to reach the masses and influence public opinion. Social media has changed the level

of participation among voters and the public (Boulianne, 2009). People use the internet in high

quantities, and thus the use of the internet as a medium can influence participation in the

political process. In the situation in Indonesia, the young generation in cities participates in

many political activities. The Internet has become the most important part of participation in

student politics in demonstrations (Woodly, 2008). Online media has many positive effects and

makes it easy to spread information or knowledge to other people (Gil de Zú ñ iga et al., 2010). In

Indonesia, social media use is stated to be persistent in activism and political engagement (Ida

et al., 2020a). The huge influence that social media has on public opinion in the context of

political campaigns. It's so easy to share and disseminate information today, that voters can

quickly access a wide range of political views, breaking news, and campaign updates from a

variety of sources. This allows voters to be actively involved, form their own opinions, and

discuss with others. However, social media's influence on public opinion is also susceptible to

bias and the influence of certain groups. Social media algorithms tend to amplify existing views

and form "information bubbles," meaning voters are exposed primarily to content that aligns

with their views. This can cause polarization and limit a holistic understanding of political
issues. On the one hand, social media has enabled the younger generation to participate in

political discussions and obtain information about current political issues. A study found that

social media and social networking sites (SNS) have provided a unique platform for discussing

political issues and 'taking apart' political discussions. Apart from that, social media also allows

the younger generation to obtain information about the latest political issues quickly and easily.

However, the use of social media can also cause polarization and limit a holistic understanding

of political issues. Social media algorithms tend to amplify existing views and form "information

bubbles," meaning voters will be exposed primarily to content that aligns with their views. This

can cause polarization and limit a holistic understanding of political issues. Additionally, filter

bubbles and polarization of political opinions also frequently occur on social media, where users

tend to be exposed to opinions and information that align with their views, reducing the

diversity of political views and inhibiting healthy dialogue between groups. So social media use

has a complex impact on political participation, access to political information, and diversity of

political views. Therefore, the younger generation needs to understand the impact of social

media use on their political views and obtain information from a variety of different sources to

gain a holistic understanding of political issues. Therefore, Indonesian youth need to develop

critical skills in consuming political information on social media.

B. Contents

Social media can play an important role in youth political participation. According to a study,

social media and social networking sites (SNS) have provided a unique platform for discussing

political issues and 'taking apart' political discussions. Apart from that, social media can also

facilitate discussion and interaction between the millennial generation, thereby expanding the

space for their political participation. However, it is important to remember that filter bubbles

and polarization of political opinion can influence youth's political views. A filter bubble is a

situation in which individuals are only exposed to information, news, or views that align with
their political views or preferences. This occurs when social media algorithms automatically

select and display content that they believe users will like, based on their previous behavior and

interactions. When filter bubbles dominate our experience of using social media, we become

susceptible to confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek and accept information that only

confirms our own beliefs and tends to prevent us from exploring points of view that are diverse

or contrary to what we believe. The impact is that voters tend to become increasingly polarized,

find it difficult to accept different views, and are exposed to disinformation circulating within

their circles. Political polarization is a phenomenon where society is divided into different

understandings and views due to politics. These divisions or divisions can occur due to

conflicting opinions regarding issues, ideology, policy, and identity. Then, the development of

information and communication technology, such as social media, further strengthens this


The influence of social media on youth political views

The influence of social media on youth political views is very significant in this digital era.

Through social media, young people can quickly access political information, obtain the latest

news, and engage in direct political discussions. Exposure to various viewpoints and ideologies

through this platform shapes youth's mindsets toward contemporary political issues. However,

social media also presents the risk of filter bubbles, where users are only exposed to viewpoints

that align with their own beliefs. Constant interaction with political content on social media can

also fuel the polarization of opinion, forming groups with uniform attitudes and less tolerance

for differing views. In addition, the influence of political figures or influencers on social media

can play an important role in shaping youth political preferences. By motivating political

participation and supporting social movements, social media becomes a powerful tool in

shaping political identity and youth involvement in the political life of society. Therefore, youth
need to develop critical skills and media literacy to filter information, understand context, and

maintain an open attitude toward various political perspectives.

Social media allows youth to participate in political discussions and expand their social


Social media has enabled the younger generation to participate in political discussions and

expand their social networks. According to a study conducted by Airlangga University, social

media and social networking sites (SNS) have provided a unique platform for discussing

political issues and 'taking apart' political discussions. People choose to participate in politics

for various reasons, and social media has changed young people's preferences for the right to

vote. Additionally, social media increases political participation by providing a platform for

people to discuss, share information, and voice their opinions on political issues. So social media

allows people to engage in political discussions, organize social movements, and influence

public policy.

Filter bubbles and polarization of political opinion can influence youth's political views.

A filter bubble is a situation in which individuals are only exposed to information, news, or

views that align with their political views or preferences. This occurs when social media

algorithms automatically select and display content that they believe users will like, based on

their previous behavior and interactions. When filter bubbles dominate our experience of using

social media, we become susceptible to confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek and

accept information that only confirms our own beliefs and tends to prevent us from exploring

points of view that are diverse or contrary to what we believe. The impact is that voters tend to

become increasingly polarized, find it difficult to accept different views, and are exposed to

disinformation circulating within their circles. Political polarization is a phenomenon where

society is divided into different understandings and views due to politics. These divisions or

divisions can occur due to conflicting opinions regarding issues, ideology, policy, and identity.

Then, the development of information and communication technology, such as social media,

further strengthens this polarization. Aggressive and unethical political campaigns can influence

youth political views. Aggressive political campaigns can fuel social divisions and undermine

public trust in the political process and political parties as a whole. In addition, unethical

political campaigns can cause voters to feel disappointed, lose interest, or feel like there are no

good options, which can reduce voter participation. The impact is that voters tend to become

increasingly polarized, find it difficult to accept different views, and are exposed to

disinformation circulating within their circles. Support Indonesian writers to continue working.

Social media can fuel more aggressive and unethical campaigns.

Social media can fuel more aggressive and unethical campaigns. Smear campaigns, for example,

often involve using social media as a platform to spread negative information, personal attacks,

or memes that denigrate political opponents. Social media allows negative messages to spread

quickly and widely, so they can have a big impact on public perception. However, social media

can also increase political participation by providing a platform for people to discuss, share

information, and voice their opinions on political issues. So social media allows people to

engage in political discussions, organize social movements, and influence public policy.

C. Conclusions

Social media can play an important role in youth political participation. According to a study,

social media and social networking sites (SNS) have provided a unique platform for discussing

political issues and 'taking apart political discussions. Apart from that, social media can also

facilitate discussion and interaction between the millennial generation, thereby expanding the
space for their political participation. However, it is important to remember that filter bubbles

and polarization of political opinion can influence youth's political views. A filter bubble is a

situation in which individuals are only exposed to information, news, or views that align with

their political views or preferences. This occurs when social media algorithms automatically

select and display content that they believe users will like, based on their previous behavior and

interactions. When filter bubbles dominate our experience of using social media, we become

susceptible to confirmation bias, which is the tendency to seek and accept information that only

confirms our own beliefs and tends to prevent us from exploring points of view that are diverse

or contrary to what we believe. The impact is that voters tend to become increasingly polarized,

find it difficult to accept different views, and are exposed to disinformation circulating within

their circles. Political polarization is a phenomenon where society is divided into different

understandings and views due to politics. These divisions or divisions can occur due to

conflicting opinions regarding issues, ideology, policy, and identity. Then, the development of

information and communication technology, such as social media, further strengthens this

polarization. To avoid filter bubbles and polarization of political opinion, young people can

follow the following tips:

1. Follow various social media accounts.

By following diverse social media accounts, youth can be exposed to different points of view.

This is done because it can help young people broaden their horizons and understand different

points of view. However, it is recommended not to follow many social media accounts so that it

does not interfere with productivity.

2. Read news from different sources.

Youth can read news from different sources to gain a broader perspective and obtain a more

accurate evaluation. So it can help young people to broaden their horizons and understand

different points of view.

3. Avoid sharing unverified news or information.

Before sharing news or information, young people should first ensure the truth of the

information. Make sure to verify it by looking for additional information from different sources.

Don't just rely on one source of information. To anticipate misunderstandings, it is better if the

information cannot be verified, it should not be shared. This can help young people avoid the

spread of disinformation or hoaxes.

4. Avoid sharing news or information that is provocative.

Youth should avoid sharing news or information that is provocative or causes division. This is

because sharing news or information that is provocative can trigger division, hatred, and

distrust in society. Provocative news often has no clear source and confuses readers. Therefore,

it is necessary to check the correctness of information before sharing it. Ensure that the source

of the information is trustworthy.

5. Avoid bullying or insulting other people.

Youth should avoid bullying or insulting other people who have political views that differ from

their own. This is because it can help young people to avoid polarization of political opinion

which can create divisions in the unity of Indonesian youth.

By following the things above, young people can use social media wisely broaden their horizons,

and understand points of view from various directions. Youth's political views will not be

influenced by things that are not true or based on existing facts and data. The role of social

media can help the public and young people in accessing information about politics if used well
and wisely. So that in the future political opinions in society and youth will be based on actual

data and facts.

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