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Monday, November 20th, 2023

Unit 2: Humour
Focus: Writing Narrative Paragraph (funny story)
Definition: a narrative paragraph tells a story. The story could be true or imaginary, and it describes an
event that happened in the past.
Example of funny story

I will never forget that funny incident. Once upon a time, while I was walking in the street, I
suddenly noticed a £ 10 note under a car. I felt happy and I tried to get it. I tried using my umbrella and
then my hand, but it was stuck. So I tried to move the car; but I couldn’t. I had to wait the car owner to
go away, so I pretended as if I was reading a newspaper. Few moments later, I noticed a café and I went
there to wait. While at the café, I saw a street sweeper. I thought he might have found it, but luckily he
didn’t. Then, a woman came out of the house next to the car, and dropped her wallet just behind the car!
This time I felt sure she would get the money, but she didn’t notice it; so I breathed a sigh of relief. At
the end, when the car owner appeared, all the people in the café rushed towards the car. I felt
embarrassed and discovered that everybody was waiting for that note!

Outline of funny story:

Time and place

1. Setting
Characters involved in the story

First event
2. Evolution of a story second event respect the chronological evolution of the story

3. What was funny in the story?

Tenses used in the Simple past and past continuous

Expressions used to One day, …… last (year/month/ Friday/), …..
introduce a story Two/Three/… years ago, ……. Once upon a time, …..
Expressions used to - First, …. ; at first, …… next, ….. then, ………
link events in the - After that, …….. afterwards, ……… later, ……… meanwhile, …
story - When, ……… while, ………
- Finally, ………. Eventually, ………

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