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Trade and investment as parts of international economic law. Pointing to some differences between the
two legal regimes. Conclusion of PTAs with investment chapters has become quite common. Statistics
about PTAs with investment chapters (WTO report)

II. Reasons for Incorporating Investment Chapters in PTAs

WTO law does not cover the whole issues of international investment+ Miroudot chapter in the PTA
policies book, Section I.B of the UNCTAD report, Alford paper

III. Areas of Convergence

1. Policy and Structure
Investment liberalization (Miroudot chapter, UNCTAD section IV(B)(2)(a), WTO Report p.13 ,
Structure: More regulatory chill for states, inclusion of exceptions like WTO (Kurtz, p.115)

Structural, Interpretation of standards, cross-usage of jurisprudence (Investment Chapters in PTAs)

IV. Conclusion: A True Convergence?

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