Tugas 1 Bahasa Dan Terminologi Hukum Chairani

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NIM : 045372862
Fakultas : FHISIP
Jurusan : Ilmu Hukum (S1)
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum Tugas : 1 (satu)

1. Presumption of Innocence
- One laudable change in the new draft is its omission of what was article 28 in the January 2002 draft,
which explicitly denied those detained under the bill a variety of rights-such as a right to counsel and a
presumption of innocence
- The principle of presumption of innocence ensures that individuals are considered innocent until proven
- In accordance with the law, all defendants are entitled to the presumption of innocence
- The defense attorney emphasized the importance of upholding the presumption of innocence during the
- It is the duty of the prosecution to overcome the presumption of innocence with convincing evidence

2. Justice Collaborator
- She is someone who they defined as a Justice Collaborator because she has helped the main
perpetrator in volating the laws
- The justice collaborator provided crucial evidence leading to the conviction of the main suspect
- The success of the investigation relied heavily on the cooperation of the justice collaborator
- As a justice collaborator, he played a pivotal role in dismantling the criminal network
- The prosecutor commended the bravery of the justice collaborator for coming forward with vital

3. Contempt of court
- Engaging in contempt of court can result in serious legal consequences
- The defendant's repeated disruptions in court led to a charge of contempt of court
- The judge issued a warning about the consequences of showing contempt of court
- The attorney's disrespectful behavior towards the judge resulted in a finding of contempt of court
- Contempt of court can undermine the integrity of the legal process and disrupt proceedings

4. Legal Standing
- The plaintiff's legal standing was questioned by the defense during the court proceedings
- Without legal standing, the plaintiff's case was dismissed by the court
- The attorney argued that his client had legal standing to challenge the new zoning regulations
- Legal standing is essential for individuals to bring forth a lawsuit in the court of law
- The judge carefully considered the petitioner's legal standing before allowing the case to proceed

5. Shifting burden of proof

- In some cases, the shifting burden of proof requires the defendant to demonstrate innocence rather than the plaintiff
proving guilt.
- In Civil Law, the burden of proof typically lies with the person making back to the plaintiff to show that the proffered
“legitimate” reasons were pretextual
- The introduction of new evidence can sometimes lead to a shifting burden of proof from one party to another
- In civil cases, the shifting burden of proof may occur when the defendant raises affirmative defenses

Tugas 1 : Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum

- During the trial, the defense attempted to argue for a shifting burden of proof by questioning the credibility of the
plaintiff's witnesses

Tugas 1 : Bahasa dan Terminologi Hukum

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