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The Baddest

Chapter 1


I lean against the cold steel bars as my eyes wander around the room. Two bunk beds a toilet in the
middle and blood on the floor. Meiki is sitting on one of the bunk beds trying to stop her bleeding
nose I wish I could tell her that it gets better; it doesn‟t!
Sigh! What is that weird feeling in my stomach? I should be happy the day I have been fervently
waiting for has finally come.

“I‟m going to miss you!”

I look at her for a moment she looks great in that orange coverall. Abigail is a very beautiful woman
with melanin skin a well-built body and very stubborn hair that refuses to grow but that doesn‟t stop
her from braiding it.
“I wish I could go with you!”

She has been like this since I told her that I‟m leaving. I wish I could tell her that I‟m going to miss
her too but I‟m not! I‟m going to forget about her the moment I step out of these high barbed wired
“Are you going to visit?” she asks sullenly as hugs me. Again I don‟t respond instead I hold on to the
steel bars as she clings on to me. I have only known her for eighteen months yet it feels as if I have
known her my whole life.

“Cathrine say something!”

Funny when it comes to me she‟s a softie. To everyone she is the tough hardcore girl whom
everyone fears. But when she's around me she throws down her guard and shows me her fragile
side which I‟m glad she did because I wouldn‟t have made it „inside‟ without her.
When I first met her I was the new-bee but found favour in her eyes. She walked in on me while I
was showering. “I like you!” she had said before winking and licking her lips seductively.
“If you value your life then stay away from me!” I had boldly answered her. Just like any leader or
should I say king of the jungle or queen in her case she had tried to show me my place - one thing
she didn‟t know was that Cathrine never bows down to no one. Long story short we vowed never to
speak of that day but became the best of friends. Abigail kept me safe and protected although I
didn‟t know that she was going to fall in love with me.

“Cathrine Keller!” the warden on duty calls out while unlocking the door of the cell. She‟s my
favourite! Her name is Aphiwe she‟s on the day shift today. Tall and has a flat ass that she is proud
of. “Time to go white girl!” she announces. I wish everyone can understand that I‟m not white I‟m

I take a deep breath and turn to Abigail who is choking on her tears “I‟ll get you out I promise!”
She nods and throws herself in my arms. I hold her for some time as I feel my face starting to heat
up. Maybe I am going to miss her too! “Be good okay!”

I hold her hand and assure her that I‟m going to get her out which is a lie. I‟m going to forget about
her the moment I step out of this hell hole. The warden leads me to a changing room where I change
into the old clothes that I now barely fit in. Eighteen months inside the Krugersdorp Correctional
Centre and I gained weight. After changing she shows me to the front desk where I sign my release

“Live your life well kid” Aphiwe pats my shoulder before disappearing back to the cells.

I take a deep breath as I step out of the high barbed fence. I turn around to look at the place one last
time I‟m free eighteen months in jail time flies! I was shocked when the news about my unexpected
release was announced to me. Honestly I loved it inside. I was living rent-free and with Abigail by
my side no one dared to breathe next to me.

“Catt!” a sharp and piercing voice calls. I dart my eyes to the direction of the voice and they land on
a white golf GTI. A chubby dark-skinned woman climbs out and runs towards me wearing a huge
smile. When she gets to me she lifts me and spins me around. “You have no idea how much I
missed you. Look at you! You gained weight in prison.” That‟s my best-friend Minenhle or should I
say my ride or die. We met 5 years ago when I first moved to South Africa. I was waiting for my
boyfriend to pick me up at the airport but he never showed up that son of a bitch. Anyway Minenhle
was very kind to let me crash at her place and we have been living together ever since.

“Thank you! I can never repay you for what you did for me” she starts to get emotional and I‟m
allergic to tears.

“You‟re wetting my shirt with your tears. Can we not talk about the past? I got my freedom and that‟s
what matters. Right now I need three things

” she starts to get emotional and I‟m allergic to tears.

“You‟re wetting my shirt with your tears. Can we not talk about the past? I got my freedom and that‟s
what matters. Right now I need three things a hot shower some fries from that Indian shop and an
She crackers into laugher “Do you want me to call Bayanda?” she asks with a naughty smirk on her
“Who is Bayanda?”
“Your boyfriend Bayanda” she opens the passenger's door for me and closes it once I get in.
“I didn‟t know I have a boyfriend!”

Bayanda is not my boyfriend he‟s just someone I get with whenever I feel itchy. We agreed that it‟s a
strictly no strings attached relationship but the moment one says that they always get attached. It‟s
funny how they love you when you don‟t love them love is a scam!

Minenhle drives us to her house our house! We rent a two bedroomed apartment in Krugersdorp
West Rand. The white girl is back from prison I‟m sure that‟s what the neighbours are saying behind
my back. They should watch theirs mouths because I might go back after I kill someone again!

“Welcome home Aunty Catt!” Denise screams when I walk into the apartment “How was Canada…
what did you bring for me?”
I look at Minenhle who pretends she didn‟t hear anything and I'm left with no choice but to play
along. “Canada was great I missed you” I hug little Denise. She‟s Minenhle‟s daughter and only God
knows who the father is because Minenhle claims she doesn‟t.

It‟s great to be home! It still smells the same the fridge is still empty with just alcohol and water as I
left it. Minenhle is still messy and the dishes are not done take me back to prison!

I take a nice relaxing bath letting the hot water massage my skin. When I'm done I wrap a towel
around my body and head to my room only to find Bayanda waiting for me.

“You look great for someone who was in prison” he stands up from the bed and hugs me tight.

“Why am I finding out today that you were in prison?” he sits on the bed watching me moisturise my
“I didn‟t want anyone to know I didn‟t want anyone to feel sorry for me.”
He scoffs “Same old Catt! What did you do to get yourself arrested?”
I roll my eyes “I just came out of prison can you give me a break or an orgasm.”
“About that… I met someone and we kind of have a thing going on.”
“Good then you have seen that I am fine you may leave ” I snap.
He exhales heavily “See that? The very reason why we didn‟t work.”
“Leave before I throw you out the window and go back to jail!”

He stands up and leaves. I get dressed and join Minenhle in her room. “Did a package come in for
“Surprisingly yes…this morning!” she walks to the fitted wardrobe and takes out a yellow envelope
then hands it to me. “You getting packages while in prison?”
“Long story where are my fries?” I say dismissively.
“Denise went to buy them and she‟ll be back in about fifteen minutes” she answers but her eyes are
glued on the envelope in my hand “What is that?”
“I can‟t tell you and you know it.”
She sighs “I forgot you live a private life. Anyways I was going to take you out to celebrate your
freedom but my boss has been giving us half-pay for the past six months. I can barely buy
“Why didn‟t you tell me? I could have arranged something for you.”
“You were in prison and I didn‟t want to bother you " she sighs.


The uber driver drops me off at Silverstar Casino at exactly ten pm. I walk into the casino after the
security check of course. Their machines not working so it's looking into my bag.

I make myself comfortable at the Col-Cacchiol it‟s an Italian restaurant and they serve the best
wine. I order a bottle of Rietvallei Estate.

'Where are you?' A text message from Minenhle pops up on my phone. I switch off my phone and
toss it in my bag.

“Miss Keller?” a gentleman towers over me.

“Who wants to know?” I ask him.
He chuckles “Mr Monkoe is ready to see you.”

My wine! I smile at the gentleman and quietly follow behind me as he leads me to the hotel side. I
don‟t even bother looking around because I have been in this place countless times.
“He‟s inside!” the sweet gentleman leaves me by the door where I assume Mr Monkoe is. I take a
deep breath and knock once then let myself in.

“Katalina!” he looks happy to see me.

“It‟s Cathrine!”
“I thought you had bailed out on me” he hands me a glass of wine. I just look at it and place it on a
small table in the middle of the room “Jason said you have something for me?”

I smile and walk up to him then undo my coat letting it drop on the floor. I‟m wearing a leather crop
top and a short flared leather skirt “Your package is here.”
He licks his lips “And I love my package.”
“Jason sends his greeting!” I hastily pull out a knife underneath my shirt and slash his throat.

Buckle up my lovies it's about to go down. Invite your family and friends. Share the post and share
the page�

We have hard copies in the house:


CONTACT: 0814035864


Whoever invented alarms must be of the devil! The morning alarm is the most irritating sound ever. I
grab my phone and switch off the alarm before tossing it under my pillow. Why do I smell bacon and
eggs? I hastily get out of bed- crossing my fingers that my mother did show up unannounced again!

“You‟re awake!”
A dark-skinned woman I don‟t recognise is cooking in my kitchen. She‟s wearing my shirt my white
shirt. I don‟t know why girls think that‟s sweet- it‟s not. We deal with oil stains after they leave.
“I made breakfast. Have a seat and I will dish out for you.”
Deep breath “Look…uhm…”
“Yes I knew that! Look you have to leave. Last night was great but I have to get ready for work” I try
to sound polite. Disappointed she leaves the cooking and goes to change into her clothes. I call an
Uber for her that‟s the least I can do. I show her out then shower. Thank God my clothes are all
clean and ironed- thanks to my mother‟s random visits. I settle for a formal black trousers with a
black shirt and a black leather jacket.
Traffic and Mondays are best friends- I‟m late as always. I‟m the last to get to the office and the first
to leave- not that I hate my job but I prefer watching Wrong Turn to being at work.
“Some tea Mr Evans! Black as you like your women.”
“You are a lifesaver!” I hug Nadia. Nadia is my partner and the only reason I still have a job. I work
as a detective- I‟m in the special crimes department where the real work gets done. Besides being a
mother of two Nadia is the best detective in Gauteng she even won a certificate that states so.
“Did you see my email about the new case?”
“I never open my emails. What are we dealing with?” I ask as we make our way to the car. According
to Nadia a man was reported dead at Silverstar Casino - we are on our way there. The man is
identified as Nicholas Monkoe and he‟s forty years old.

“Looks like he‟s been dead for days” Nadia says inspecting the dead body. She‟s now wearing a
face mask and gloves. “What do you think happened?”
“Looks like he was killed by a woman to me.”
Nadia rolls her eyes “Or by a man!”
“He‟s in a robe men do not meet each other wearing robes. It has to be a woman but how come no
one heard anything? According to the Hotel history no one visited Mr Monkoe.”
Nadia sighs “Maybe he killed himself.”

“The cut on his neck is deep there‟s no way one can cut themselves that deep.” I take a seat on the
single couch opposite the bed.
“Are you going to help?”
“No I‟m good.” I sip on my tea.
“How can you eat in a situation like this?”
“I‟m not eating. I‟m drinking tea” I answer.
“Are you going to help me or something?”
“Or something!”

She groans in annoyance and mumbles “I‟m going to file a complaint to Mr Ngcobo you are
impossible to work with sometimes.”
“Please do so he suspends me I could use a mini holiday. Don‟t you think?”
“Randy come on I need your intelligence on this one” I stand up only because she said I‟m intelligent
and that she needs me.
“People listen to me!” I announce and they all shift their attention to me. “I need the Hotel‟s record
from last week along with the customer‟s information. Guys in the Information Technology
department please search through Mr Monkoe‟s phone to see if there's any information that might be
useful to us. Somebody get me the Hotel manager I need their security footage for the past week.
Nadia stop smiling…”

She chuckles “You should see how good you look when you‟re serious.”
“I always look good sweetie.”
She rolls her eyes “Please! You‟re the ugliest person I have ever seen.”
“You say that because you‟ve never seen me naked.”
“That is too much information and I do not wish to see you naked. There‟s the manager - I‟ll go talk
to him.”
“Somebody get me some more tea!” I sit back on the couch then notice a black nail on the carpet. I
wear gloves and pick it up.

“Dube!” he comes rushing “Run some tests on this nail and see if we can find some fingerprints.”

We spend the whole day inspecting the hotel stuff and looking for clues but everything is leading us
to a dead end. The only tangible evidence we had is the nail and we are waiting for the lab results.
Mr Monkoe‟s phone history has been erased the phone isn‟t even registered.

“This was a day wasted” Nadia sighs.

We are on our way back to the office. It must have been a day wasted for her – I won five hundred
rands at the casino “Let‟s wait for the lab results.”
“If a woman did this then I salute her she did a good clean up job. I have never seen a crime scene
so clean. If the hotel had not found the body no one would believe that he‟s dead” she leans back on
the seat I‟m driving this time.

Nadia and I get to the office around half past four just a few minutes left to leave for home.
“Mr Ngcobo wants to see you

” a lady announces passing by.

“It‟s minutes to five and I hope he has no last-minute assignment for me.”
Nadia laughs “It‟s not like you have anything to go home to. Why the rush?”
“I have a life!”
“You mean changing girls like socks?” she retorts.
“I have four pairs of socks and I hardly change them.”
She shakes her head “Go see Mr Ngcobo remember you have to give me a lift home.”
“How come your husband never picks you up?”
“For the hundredth time he doesn‟t have a car” she answers looking annoyed.

I make my way to Mr Ngcobo‟s office. I hope this has nothing to do with me sleeping with the lady at
the reception –there‟s no proof to that so I will deny and swear on my mother if necessary.

“Mr Evans! Please have a seat.”

“Am I in trouble?” I sit opposite Mr Ngcobo.
“No we… I mean I have an assignment for you. I got a call from the New York City Police
Department and they have been trying to catch someone for years. According to them the suspect is
here in the Republic of South Africa. Long story short I want you to go undercover and catch this
I sit upright “Does this mean I don‟t have to come to work every day?”
“So out of everything I said that‟s what you picked up?”
“Yes go undercover but does this mean I no longer have to wake up in the morning?” I ask and he
“You‟ll be undercover meaning no one can know that you‟re a police officer and yes you don‟t have
to come to work… but you have to report to me daily.”
“For the record my email doesn‟t work and I will be sending voice notes only” I answer with a grin.
“I already regret this but fine.”
“Good then when do I start?” it wasn‟t a wasted day after all.
“As soon as possible. I‟m afraid you‟re going to have to relocate to Krugersdorp.”
“May I ask why?” I love staying in Florida; Johannesburg and it‟s close to my mother‟s place- who is
going to iron my shirts now?
“We need to make sure you‟re safe we are dealing with a dangerous person here.”
“It‟s a woman!” I laugh but quickly compose myself when I notice that he‟s not joking “I would love to
explore Krugersdorp!”
I don‟t want to move to Krugersdorp- there are crazy white people on that side. There was this one
time when we were doing a „Stop and Search‟ operation in the shops -we found a white man crying
his eyes out and scratching himself outside Spar Supermarket- high on drugs.

Mr Ngcobo did not waste any time in a week he had found a place for me to stay in Krugersdorp
West by Stegman Street. I love the place! I rent a cottage owned by some white lady Mrs M - I can‟t
pronounce her second name so I just call her Mrs M.


I‟m in the queue at President Square when someone coughs behind me and for some reason I turn
to look. A tall white woman with brunet hair stands before me. She‟s wearing baggy grey sweat
pains with a white vest. She‟s also wearing a face mask- we all are with this Corona Virus.

“Relax it‟s just Aids” I assume she‟s referring to the coughing.

“It‟s your turn” I follow her eyes and notice the Cashier who looks annoyed under her face mask. I
don‟t know what President Hyper does to their employees but they are not happy. I pay for the
utensils I bought- I packed everything but forgot spoons and pretty much everything one needs when
cooking or eating. On my way out I wheel my trolley as slow as I can hoping to get the white lady‟s

“Hello!” I greet her as she walks past me.

“Hi.” She continues walking.
“You can put your stuff in my trolley.”
“No thanks.”
“It looks heavy” I grab the plastic bags from her hands and toss them in my trolley.
“I don‟t like being touched!”
Feisty! “My apologies. Where are you going?”
“Look I‟m not interested in talking to you.”
I nodded lightly “Is it because I‟m black?”
Man I have always wanted to say that.
“I‟m half black and no it‟s not because of that. I just don‟t want to talk to you.”
“Why do we have to explain our No(s)?” I show her to my car. I like my women black but this one is
different. I don‟t want a relationship but I would love to get with a white girl.
“What‟s your name?”
She rolls her eyes “Call me Blue!”
“Call me Red!”
She smiles “I‟ll stick to Blue!”
“And I‟ll stick to Red. Do you want to hang out later?”
“Would it kill you to tell me that you‟re just horny and want someone to sleep with? It would save us
a lot of trouble” she retorts.
“I‟m horny and I want someone to sleep with then I can kick you out in the morning.”
She giggles “No need to kick me out – I‟ll probably sneak out before you wake up.”
“Are we on tonight?”


“Cremora Mrs Gould!”

She looks at me and passes by. This is why I never greet people. They are very rude!
“Why are you like this?” Minenhle hands me a mug with whiskey. It‟s eight in the morning but it‟s
never too early for whiskey- plus it is the weekend.
“I just greeted her!”
“We both know it‟s goeie more (good morning) not cremora” Minenhle corrects. “What kind of a white
person doesn‟t know how to speak Afrikaans?”
“One that wasn‟t born and raised in South Africa!”
She lightly shakes her head “Then stick to English!”
“And miss seeing Miss Gould‟s angry face when I say cremora -never! And if you say it faster its
sounds like goeie more.”
She chuckles “It does!”
Minenhle and I are outside the house getting some sun and making fun of everyone that passes by.
The flat is a little cold in the morning – it‟s Saturday and we have no plans so sitting in the sun is our
best option.
“You went out last night!” Minenhle looks at me curiously “Did you sleep at a man‟s house?”
She smiles and holds on to my arm “Details! Details!”
“He was not bad – the best I‟ve ever had!”
She screams- I have a very dramatic friend “I said details girl. I want to know everything- did he take
your number? Are you going to see him again? Is he black?”
“I snuck out before he woke up and no I did not leave my number because I will never see him
again. He‟s black and very handsome but I don‟t do relationships. Are all your questions answered
Detective Minenhle?”
“Well you still know where he lives and never say never!” she snatches the cup from my hand and
drinks from it.

We stay quiet enjoying the sun- it always makes us lazy but it‟s not like we have anything to do. We
have someone helping us clean our flat. I hate dirt and at the same time I hate cleaning so I asked
Jason to get us someone to help. Jason is someone I work with- a story for another day.

The gate opens and a man in his late fifties walks in. He‟s our neighbour Mr Herbert he lives alone-
his wife left him for a younger man. According to rumours and by that I mean Minenhle- he used to
be super rich until he married a woman half his age and she robbed him of all his riches.
“Cremora Mr Herbert!” Minenhle and I chant in unison.
“Goeie more (good morning) ladies!”

Minenhle is the first to burst into laughter after Mr Herbert disappears into the building “You‟re crazy
Catt and I‟ll never say goeie more again.”
“Can you please call my phone? I can‟t find it.”
“I didn‟t see you holding it today” she retorts.
“Please don‟t tell me I left it at that man‟s house.”
“Maybe the universe just wants you to go back there” she winks- I hate her!

I first look for my phone at the house – it‟s not there! I walk to Red‟s house it‟s a walkable distance
from my place. Luckily their gate is this not locked when I get there. Their dog is all over me and I
hate dogs. I make my way to the back- Red‟s cottage. I knock once then let myself in. I find him
watching the news he‟s wearing a white t-shirt with grey sweat pants.

“Blue!” he looks happy to see me “Can back for this?”

He waves my phone. I try to snatch it from his hand but he shifts away before I can touch it.
“I came to get my phone and I‟ll be out of your hair- not that you have any hair.”
He chuckles “Last night was fun!”
“I know but I‟m not here for that.”
“You are already here. There‟s the kitchen make yourself some breakfast and stick around” he
“I‟m the guest here!”
“If you‟re not hungry then suit yourself” he picks up the remote and switches to one of those
channels where they play murder documentaries. I love watching them so I join him on the couch. I
love how the police are always stupid and the bad guys always win.

We watch in silence the television is the only sound we can hear. I lay my head on his shoulder and
he lets me.
“Is Blue your real name?” he asks after a decade of breathing and awkward silence.
“It‟s a made-up name just like Red and I‟d like to keep it like that.”
“You and I are going to get along just fine. As long as you don‟t ask about my life and what I do then
you‟re free to visit anytime you want” he permits.
“I steal things are you sure you want me in your house?”
“You didn‟t steal anything last night” he answers.
“I stole your headphones.”
He quickly goes to check “I just bought those.”
“Well they are mine now.”
“How old are you Blue?” he sits on a single couch opposite me.
“How old do I look?”
He looks at me for a moment “Twenty-five?”
“Twenty-eight and how old are you?”
“Thirty!” he answers without hesitating.
“That‟s not bad meaning if you piss me off I can always kick your ass.”
He laughs “Help me make breakfast!”
“I‟ve already eaten.”
“I said help me make breakfast. I did not ask whether you‟ve eaten.” He does not wait for my
response he helps me get off the couch. His house is very neat- Minenhle should come to see how
other people keep their houses clean – she might learn a thing or two.

I help Red cook- more like pass things to him. By the time he finishes cooking

I‟m also hungry. We have breakfast then play Chess- I beat him. Afterwards we watch some boring
movie that he only seems to be enjoying then get intimate. I have never been with the same man
twice except Bayanda.

„I need you to take care of something.‟ A text message from Jason.

I say my goodbyes to Red then leave after he forces me to give him my number. At first I gave him
the wrong digits but he dialled them in front of me. I ended up giving him my original phone number.

“Another package for you” Minenhle tosses a yellow envelope at me.


I take a deep breath as I stare at my reflection in the mirror “It‟ll all be over soon.”
That‟s my self-pep talk; that‟s if I can call it that. I zip up my boots and put a coat over my black jeans
and blacktop. Jason always complements how good I look in black. I check the time and it‟s just after
five pm.

I take one last look at myself in the mirror before heading out “Don‟t wait up” I kiss Minenhle on the
cheek and head out. She never questions my whereabouts- after all I‟m a grown woman. I find a
black SUV van waiting for me outside the house.
“Catt!” the driver greets as soon as I climb in. I nod my head in courtesy then put on headphones.
The music helps me calm down. After about an hour the car comes to a halt. I say my goodbye to
the driver before climbing out.

I‟m in Sunnyside Pretoria visiting an adversary. I search for the location Jason sent me.
“Who are you looking for?” the security man blocks my way before I can enter the building.
“I‟m visiting a friend.”
He looks at me suspiciously before handing me a book where I have to sign in my name and contact
“You don‟t look like a Emihle” he mumbles talking his book.
“Well I‟m half black and half white!”
“Doesn‟t look like that to me but you may go in” a part of me wishes to punch him in the face but I
will just let this one pass.

I make my way to apartment twenty- why don‟t they have an elevator?

“Who is it?” the person yells after I knocked on their door.
I hear the person talking and footsteps approaching the door. The door yawns open and a woman in
her thirties stands before me. She seems to recognise me by how she‟s quick to shut the door in my
face and run back into the house. I block the door with my foot before it can shut and walk into her
apartment closing the door behind me – locking it.
I start looking for her which is not hard since it‟s a two bedroomed apartment. I find her in her
bedroom grab her by the hair and drag her to the sitting room tossing her on the couch.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want the necklace” I sit on the table in front of her.
“I don‟t know what you‟re talking about.”
I exhale and cross my legs “Give me the necklace while I‟m still asking nicely.”
She spits in my face. I shampooed my hair for Christ‟s sake. I‟m not the violent type but for some
reason my palm lends on her cheek- maybe I am a little violent “Don‟t piss me off Mrs Pillsbury
where is the necklace?”
She laughs “I called the police they are on their way.”

We hear police sirens “You shouldn‟t have called the police because now I‟m forced to kill you.”
“Do it!”
I scoff and pull out a gun “Where is the necklace before I blow your brains out.”
“Either way you‟re going to kill me might as well do it.”
I shot her in the leg “Where is the necklace?"
“I don‟t have it” she screams out holding her leg.
“Where is it?”
“I don‟t know! I swear I don‟t know where it is” she groans in pain.
“If you do more like scream I will kill you” I make my way to her bedroom and grab the nearest cloth I
get and then go to the kitchen. Luckily she has whiskey. I also grab a knife.
“What are you doing?”
“I need my bullet back sweetie” I pour the whiskey on her cut and pull it out as she screams her
lungs out. The police are outside preparing to raid the building. I take the bullet out and throw it in my
jean pocket then wash my hands and give her a blow to the face that knocks her out.

„Jason she doesn‟t know where it is and the police are here‟ I send the text message.

„Apartment nineteen ask for Jimmy.‟

I head out and knock on apartment nineteen. A male that looks like he‟s in his late teens opens for
me “Hi!”
“Can I help you?” he looks confused.
“I‟m here for Jimmy.”
He makes way for me to walk in “He told me someone is coming. Please come in.”

He shows me to Jimmy‟s room. I find a backpack on the bed and inside is a police uniform so I put it
on then heard out. The police don‟t ask anything since I‟m dressed as one of them so I make it out



I get home around eleven pm there's traffic in the N4 road but luckily my driver knows all the
shortcuts. Funny he never says anything besides greet me- he's always silent that‟s why I settle for
headphones. Minenhle is already sleeping and Denise is watching cartoons on her mother‟s laptop. I
don‟t know how she manages to sleep late and wake up early.
I make it my way to the kitchen to get myself something to eat making sure I make less noise as
possible- Minenhle hates it when I disturb her beauty sleep as she likes to call it. After helping myself
to some leftover spaghetti I head to my room and change into my pajamas. I take my sleeping pills
then get under the covers.

For the first time in my life I hesitated! I wasn‟t supposed to let Mrs Pillsbury live. I never leave
witnesses but for some reason I couldn‟t pull the trigger. Luckily I was wearing a face mask meaning
she cannot properly describe me- one point for Corona Virus. I close my eyes and drift to sleep.


He knocks on my bedroom door “Catt!” he whispers. I don‟t hesitate I get out of bed and open it for
“What is it?”
He sighs heavily “I can‟t sleep! May I come in?”
“ Mum specifically told you not to be in the same room with me.”
He flashes his killer smile “What can I possibly do to you?”

I fasten my nightgown and let him in. He walks into the room carrying his laptop “Let‟s watch a
movie!” he makes himself comfortable on my bed. I smile and join him on the bed. It‟s William
harmless William - my mind tells me. We watch Friends with Benefits: the movie. Things get
awkward when the sex scenes come on. I look aside and pretend not to be looking trying to ignore
the foreign feeling I‟m getting in the deepest darkest parts of the body. It is as if all the blood in my
body is rushing to my lower abdomen.

He touches my chin making me look a him “Are you okay?”

“Tell me what you‟re feeling” he shifts his attentions to me. I chuckle waiting for the punch line but
he‟s serious. I clear my throat trying to find the correct word but nothing comes to mind “Horny?” he
says it as if he read my mind...
“It‟s late… you should go to bed.” I stand up from the bed and open the door for him to leave. He
gets off the bed and walks towards me- leaving his laptop behind. He stands in front of me and
stares straight into my eyes- mind you William is my half-brother.
“William you should…” I pause and shift back as he tries to kiss me “What was that?”
“Come on Catt we both know you want me.”
I chuckle in disbelief “I want you - why the hell would I want you? You‟re my brother.”
“I have seen how you look at me and don‟t worry Mum and Dad won‟t have to know.”

He does not wait for me to respond he grabs me by my waist and shoves his tongue in my mouth. I
push his back and slap him so hard that it leaves my hand stinging.
“Oh you want to play hard to get!” he slams the door shut and locks it tossing the key in his pocket.
The whiteness in me leaves my body when he unbuckles his trousers.
“William what are you doing?”
He smirks “You have no idea how much I have wanted to do this. Do you think the world revolves
around you? Well you‟re not a princess- daddy lied to you.”

It‟s a very tiny room and William is twice my size which made it easier for him to catch me and pin
me down on the bed. He tears off my gown with one hand while his other hand is pinning down mine
on the headboard.
“William please!” I beg and he yells that I shut up. The walls are soundproof. My parents made sure
they got a house with soundproof rooms since I love loud music.

I take a deep breath and accept my fate when he spreads my legs open. My eyes land on the
scissors next to the reading light. Without hesitating I grab it and aim for the throat. He gets off me
and curses holding on to his neck trying to stop the blood from oozing out. Instead of calling my
parents like any normal child I grab it and aim for the throat. He gets off me and curses holding on to
his neck trying to stop the blood from oozing out. Instead of calling my parents like any normal child I
get on top of him and stab him until he takes his last breath. That was my first kill- at nineteen years
old but until this day I don‟t know what he meant by “You think the world revolves around you. You‟re
not a princess- daddy lied to you.”


“Hey…hey it‟s just a dream!”

I rub my eyes and sit up. It‟s still dark outside and Minenhle is sitting next to me- she looks very
“Are you okay?” she tries to touch my hand but I shift away “It‟s just me Catt.”
“I‟m fine it was just a nightmare.”
“Is everything okay? You never have nightmares” she questions.
“It was just a random dream nothing to worry about. You can go back to sleep.”
I get out of bed and put on my jeans and a simple vest. I wash my face brush my teeth then put on
my shoes and grab my phone “Where are you going?” Minenhle asks.
“For a walk!”
“It‟s three in the morning you could get robbed” she snatches the gate key from my hands.
“Minenhle I‟m not in the mood. I will be back in the morning.”
She quietly hands me the keys and exits the room. She knocks better than to question my
whereabouts. I walk to Red‟s place- for reasons I don‟t know of. One of these days their dog is going
to wake up dead- I swear. I knock and Red opens for me. He looks like he‟s been awake and he‟s
still fully dressed.

“Blue! Is everything okay?” he checks his wristwatch. “It‟s three in the morning.”
“Shut up and kiss me!”
“Do you have daddy issues white girl?” he laughs.
“Are you going to kiss me or should I?”

He grabs me by my hoodie and pulls me inside the house “I‟m not your booty call white girl!”
I get on my toes and kiss him- surprisingly he doesn‟t push me off. The kisses are rushed I‟m not
here for the foreplay- I just want him to screw the brains out of me. He helps me take off my vest and
undoes my bra. He unbuckles my jeans and the next thing his finger is massaging my clit.

“For the record I‟m doing this because I want to” he murmurs in between the kisses.
“Whatever makes you sleep at night Red.”

He turns me around and pulls down my jeans taking me from behind funny he‟s still fully dressed. I
let out a gasp as I feel him inside me. His one hand is holding on to my hair while the other is on my
waist as he pounds into me hard and rough- exactly what I need. His strokes and thrusts are rough
as if he wants to prove a point at the same time giving me the mind-blowing pleasure I need.

For a moment I forget everything and just get lost in the moment as I feel it building up from the
deepest darkest places of my body- spreading throughout my body like a wildfire. I can feel my legs
vibrating and my body surrender. Can Santa get me a black man that will say nothing but just screw
the brains out of me.

I clean myself up and then join Red in his sitting room “I‟ll be leaving!”
“You‟re kidding right?”
I shrug “I needed to blow off some steam and I did just that so goodbye.”
He pulls me back before I can open the door “Leave in the morning!”
“I don‟t want to.”
He tucks my hair behind my ear and stares into my eyes “I‟m not asking you.”
“I‟m not asking you either.”
“Leave. In. The. Morning” he utters firmly. I don‟t know how he‟s used to doing things but I‟m not the
one. I lift my knee and it lands right on his balls “Damn it Blue!”

“Do you still want me to stay?” I ask watching him groan in pain. I head towards the door and open it
but for some reason I cannot bring myself to leave. I close the door and head to the kitchen to get
him some frozen veggies “I‟m sorry!”



They say everyone has that one person that knows how to handle them – I think Blue is that one
person for me. She kicked me in the private parts and I didn‟t do anything - that‟s not like me. I never
let women walk over me I always make sure I dominate and show them their place. And the fact that
I still haven‟t kicked Blue out is all foreign.
We have been sitting in silence for about half an hour. Blue got me another pack of frozen veggies.
Instead of being angry that she kicked me in the private part I feel sorry for her. White girls always
have issues and for her to leave her house and come see me at three in the morning means
something is bothering her. Wait! Why do I even care? Why is she still in my house?

I should kick her out and go back to reading the email Mr Ngcobo sent me. Yes I agreed to the
whole undercover agent bull-crap but they are asking me for the impossible. I‟m looking for a
faceless person- no one has ever seen this Quinn Keller that I‟m looking for. She is not in the system
it‟s like looking for a ghost – well at least ghosts have some sort of identification. No one has ever
seen this Quinn Keller and she has no family.

“Stop staring at me- my face might fall off” Blue disturbs me from my thoughts.
“Blue why are you here?”
She answers without hesitating “I told you needed to blow off some steam. And I don‟t have issues!”
“I never said you do.”
She stares at me with those blue big eyes that I can‟t stop looking at “You said I have daddy issues.”
“Don‟t you?”
She takes a deep breath “I‟m sorry for what happened just don‟t threaten me or try to touch me
without my consent because next time it will be a knife not my knee.”

I sit up “Okay white girl what exactly is this between us. Not that there‟s an „us‟ but you can‟t just
show up at my house whenever you please.”
“You said I‟m free to come here.”
“Not at three in the morning and definitely not to harass me. You seem like great company but we
need to set some ground rules. What exactly do you want from me?” I ask her.
“Nothing much. I just need someone to help me blow off some steam.”
“Why me?” I question.
“You‟re the one who approached me first.”
“Yes but I wanted a one-off thing. I didn‟t think I‟d see you again” I opt for honesty.

She stands up “I also thought it was a once-off thing. I‟ll get going.”
I stop myself from touching her- I don‟t trust her she might kick me again “I didn‟t say leave.”
“Red its‟ no big deal you don‟t have to feel bad. We are using colours as names trust me there‟s no
way you and I can get along. You like being dominant and so do I - trust me we might end up killing
each other if we hang out more.”
I take a deep breath “You‟re the only person I know here in Krugersdorp and I would like us to hang
out more- as friends.”
“We are past being friends don‟t you think?”
“Friends with benefits?” I propose.
“Your dick game is on point – I might sleep on that.”

I can‟t help but laugh. I have never met a woman that behaves like Blue. She‟s acting like a lady but
thinks like a man. She sits down and crosses her arms “I have rules.”
“I guess that means you accept my proposal.”
She looks at me wearing what I assume is her serious face “Never ask about my personal life or
what I do when I‟m not with you. I don‟t care that we are not in a relationship but you have to treat
me like a lady. I‟m not saying take me to dinner but I need you to respect me and my body.”
I nod “One missed call is enough. Don‟t call me as if I ran away with your kidney.”
“The first one to catch feelings pays the other an amount of hundred thousand rands.”
“Now that‟s a pretty good deal” I extend my hand towards her for a handshake.
“What were you doing up at three?”
“Working! I will finish later I don‟t know if you want to sleep over but if you do you‟re taking the
couch. That‟s for kicking me.” I stand up stretching myself.
“No thanks I‟m leaving.”

For a moment I think she‟s joking but she‟s leaving. I don‟t see this ending well- Blue seems like
trouble. I switch off the lights and go to sleep. I wake up around eleven am and visit Mr Ngcobo. I
don‟t know how he thinks I can get the job done when looking for a spook.

“Good afternoon Mrs Khoza!” I greet Nadia sitting on her desk. She looks like she‟s carrying the
whole of South Africa on her shoulders.
“I miss you!” she sulks “The new partner is driving me crazy. You are the laziest person I have ever
met but at least you get the job done. Rachel only knows how to gossip Randy please come back.”
“Sorry sweetheart but I‟m enjoying waking up at ten in the morning.”
“I hate you! Anyways what did we do for you to grace us with your presence today?” she asks.
“I‟m here to see your boss he‟s asking for the impossible and I‟m no Jesus.”
“Nothing is impossible when it comes to you. So besides work how is Krugersdorp? Have you found
a white woman to shag?”
“You know I don‟t kiss and tell.” I wink. "How‟s Mr Monkoe‟s case going?”
“We don‟t have enough evidence to keep investigating.”
“What about the nail from the crime scene” I ask and she shakes her head “I gave it to Dube!”
“There‟s no one by the name Dube that we work with.”
“Nadia I‟m not good with names but I swear there was a Dube with us at Silverstar Casino that day. I
picked up a black artificial nail from the crime scene and gave it to him to run tests.” I retort and she
shrugs. That‟s weird!

You know when I looked into It Mr Monkoe is part of the list of names Mr Ngcobo gave me. These
are the names of the potential suspects that our spook lady is after. She‟s not just killing random
people but there‟s a pattern to her killings. That nail I picked up must have belonged to her because
why would the evidence just disappear and that confirms there‟s an inside man in the police station.

“Nadia I have to go!”

“Aren‟t you going to see Mr Ngcobo first?” she asks as I‟m halfway towards the door. I just wave at
her and rush out. I drive back to my house and go through the email Mr Ngcobo sent me. Mrs
Pillsbury was attacked the previous day her report is in the system. I have access to all the
information all thanks to Mr Ngcobo. Mrs Pillsbury is also on the list and the next victim could be Mr
Nkomo he stays in Thohoyandou Limpopo.

„Nadia please tell Mr Ngcobo I need backup ASAP.‟ I send the text message and quickly change into
something comfortable then get my gun and badge. I drive to Thohoyandou- it‟s about six and a half
hours drive. I get there around seven pm. Nadia did some research for me and I got Mr Nkomo‟s
house address. The moment I park my car outside his house I hear a scream and quickly rush in.

“She killed him” a woman screams hugging her lifeless husband. Damn I was late but the woman
just screamed meaning the person who did this is nearby. I take out my communication radio
“Suspect is on the run! I repeat suspect is on the run! Block all roads and search every car and
everyone within a distance of fifty miles from the victim‟s house. Leave no stone unturned.”

Even with all the roads blocked and the whole squad unit searching door by door we still cannot find
our girl. It‟s no surprise after all we are looking for a person we don't even know. After five hours I
throw in the towel and call it a day but the other team stays behind. On my way back home a white
lady stops my car hitch-hiking it‟s past midnight.

“Where are you coming from?” she asks.
“Where are you coming from and why are you walking all by yourself at twelve?”
She sighs “Long story.”
“Get in I‟ll drop you off at home.”
She gets into the car. I try talking to her but she‟s sleeping. This girl is weird! Why the hell would she
walk to Krugersdorp at midnight.

Since she‟s sleeping I drive to my place then carry her inside the house and put her in bed. I take off
her shoes and notice she has a dragon tattoo on her leg. Her dress seems tight on the waist so I
decide to let it loose by unzipping it but she quickly grabs my hand as soon as I touch the zipper.

“I just wanted to loosen the dress.”

She looks at me for a moment then utters “I should go home.”
“Blue it is late and dangerous you could get robbed. Sleepover and I will take you home first thing in
the morning.”

My eyes rush to her thighs and she‟s wearing a thigh holster but she quickly shifts done her dress
and gets out of bed. I hold her before she could leave the room.
“Blue! Blue wait… I won‟t ask about the thigh holster. ”
“It‟s not what you think. See I just have a knife only for self-defence” she lifts her dress showing me
the holster.
“I‟m not thinking anything. You were walking alone at twelve trust me you need it especially with
killers on the run.”
“Yeah it‟s not safe out there” she answers.
“Take off the holster and take any of my t-shirts. You can sleep in that.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” she asks.
“Because I‟m a gentleman.”
She smiles and pecks me on the cheek “Thanks Red!”



I‟m watching Blue sleep. A lot does not add up with this girl – the fact that she was wearing a thigh
holster and walking alone at midnight raises a lot of questions. Maybe I‟m just used to investigating
things but still I think something is up with her.

I get out of bed and pick up her thigh holster – aren‟t girls supposed to carry bags? Blue never
carries a bag – I noticed that in the few weeks I have known her. I check if she‟s still sleeping then
pull out the knife getting a better look at it. It‟s a Z-Hunter ZB-020 killer machete! I put it back and
throw the holster back where it was.

A part of me is tempted to take her fingerprints and do a little background check. If I‟m going to be
shagging a psychopath then I have to know. What if she‟s just a normal girl? I head to the bathroom
and shower then get started on work. I need to know who our spook lady is targeting next that way I
can be a step ahead. With Mr Nkomo it was a close one – if I had been an hour earlier I would have
caught her.

Something also doesn‟t add up with this Quinn Keller- how do they know it‟s a woman if no one has
ever seen her? There has to be a reason behind her killing right? In times like these I wish I had
Nadia by my side. With our brains combined we would get the job done in no time. Mr Ngcobo
specifically mentioned that no one is to know about the case I‟m working on.

“Good morning!” Blue walks into the sitting room. She‟s carrying her shoes and still looks sleepy. I
don‟t know why she‟s leaving it‟s not five am yet and it‟s still dark outside. I always wake up at three
am then go back to sleep around five – my mind works better around that time.

“Sneaking out I see!”

She yawns “Morning! I didn‟t know you were here.”
“Of course you didn‟t.”
“Thanks for last night – I will be leaving” she utters. She looks so cute rubbing her eyes and looking
“So tell me about your thigh holster. Where did you get it?”

She doesn‟t answer but tries opening the door it‟s locked. “Red I have to go!”
“Wait until the sun comes out. If something was to happen to you it‟ll be on me.”
She sighs and throws herself on the couch “I got the holster from a friend who used to be a cop.”
“Why were you wearing it? Normally people who wear them are professionally trained to carry
weapons or they are the police.”
“What if I‟m a policewoman?” she folds her arms.
“You could have just said so last night.”
She exhales “I‟m not a policewoman and I think the holster is cool to wear no one dares to mess with
me. It makes me feel like a villain in a movie.”
“If you‟re done interrogating me Detective may I leave?” she speaks firmly.
“And who said I‟m a Detective?”
She rolls her eyes “I‟m being sarcastic!”
“Go shower and have some breakfast then I will drive you home. I have an unused toothbrush in my
bathroom cupboard – you can use that.”
“I don‟t like being ordered around” she stands up from the couch and exits the room.
“Good girl!” I yell.

„I want to see you in my office today! At one pm not a minute later.‟ An email from Mr Ngcobo. Who
sends an email before five am? This is my time - I start work at eight am. I get back to looking at the
suspect list. Surprisingly everyone on the list is an entrepreneur yet no one knows what kind of
businesses they run.

“Red!” Blue calls from the bedroom and I close my laptop before checking what she needs. “I
accidentally broke the zipper on my dress can you please help me with something to wear?”
I walk to my wardrobe. I have an Adidas tracksuit that I bought but unfortunately I got the wrong size
– I‟m sure Blue will fit.
“Don‟t you think it‟s about time we told each other our names?” I sit on the bed facing elsewhere
other than at Blue. I have seen her naked but for some reason I feel the need to look away.
“I love the name Blue!”
“If we are going to be sleeping together then don‟t you think it‟s appropriate that we introduce
ourselves?” I ask as she stands in front of me. The tracksuit is a little baggy on her.
She sits on my lap and whispers in my ear “My name is Cathrine!”
“Nice to meet you Cathrine – I‟m Randall.”
“That‟s one ugly name. Red sounded better

” she answers.

“My friends call me Randy and since we are friends you can call me that too.”
She glares into my eyes “Randall open the door for me so I can leave.”
“Are going to come back?”

She chuckles “Don‟t get attached sweetheart. It will end in tears!”

“I should be worried about you catching feelings.”
“I have to get going Randy” she wraps her hands at the back of my neck and pecks me on the lips. I
take out the key from my pocket and hand it to her.

I place my hand at the back of her neck and pull her closer kissing her. She kisses me back but this
time she starts grinding on me. She‟s sending signals that she wants more than just my mouth on
“Can‟t get enough of me white girl?” I murmur.
She undoes my trouser button and sneaks her hand inside then starts massaging my manhood.
She squeezes a little causing me to flinch “Ouch Blue!”
“Call me white girl one more time and you might never have kids ever!”
I pull her hand out “You are weird.”
“I warned you not to insult me!” she gets off me and leaves.


I walk into Mr Ngcobo‟s office and I‟m welcomed by a very beautiful sight. In front of me stands a
well-built lady wearing black leather tights with a black leather jacket. I haven‟t seen her face by I‟ve
already been hypnotized by her fat behind. I clear my throat and she turns to face me. The pillows
on her chest catch my attention first – seems I‟m attracted to white girls now.
“My eyes are up here!”
I extend my hand to her “Good afternoon pretty lady!”
“You must be Detective Randy – Nadia said I‟ll recognise you right away.”
I bite my lower lip “I see she told you about my good looks.”
“More like your womanizer side!”
I‟m going to kill Nadia! I take a seat and the white girl who refused to tell me her name opts for

“Oh both of you are here” Mr Ngcobo finally decides to show up. White girl sits next to me crossing
her legs. “Randy this is Detective Forbs- Heather Forbs and she‟s from the NYPD (New York Police
Department) she‟s going to be helping you on the case I assigned you to.” Mr Ngcobo announces.
“You could have just given me Nadia. We were going to get the job done in no time.” I answer.

“Heather is the best Detective from the NYPD.”

“If she is the best then why didn‟t they catch this girl while she was still in their country?” I question.
“You two are the best we have - can you please try to work together.”

“I would have preferred Nadia but I can work with the white girl.”
“I‟m not white - I‟m mixed!”
Now she sounds like Catt. I don‟t understand why they don‟t want to be white because I heard it is
great being white – comes with a lot of advantages.

“So how are you liking South Africa?” I ask Heather as we drive to my place - I have to fill her in on
the information I have so far.
“I landed this morning!”
“You must be tired don‟t you need to rest? We can start working tomorrow” I park the car inside the
yard then open the door for Heather – I can be a gentleman. I show her to my cottage.

“Would you like something to drink?” I propose after offering her a seat.
“Water would be fine.”
I get Heather some water then fill her in on what I know about Miss Quinn Keller. She also tells me
what she knows. Turns out the people on the list are the people who know about the necklace our
lady is after. She‟s after Cleopatra‟s coin necklace. Not just a replica but the original necklace that
belonged to Cleopatra VII Philopator who was the queen of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC. And turns out
it‟s not just a necklace but a key of some sort.

“Since you say the necklace is a key what do you think it‟s for?” I ask Heather and she shrugs “It has
to be important because this person has been doing this for more than five years and if you noticed
she does a very cleanup job. I swear if Mr Monkoe and Mr Nkomo were not on the list I wouldn‟t
have suspected her.”
“We have to catch her and soon before more people lose their lives.”
I shake my head “I think we are doing exactly what she wants and that is to chase her. This girl is
always a step ahead but we can lure her to us.”
“We get the news to announce that we found the necklace and let her come to us” I suggest.
“That‟s a great idea.”
“We have to plan everything and make sure it looks real even if it means having the President
announce it” I respond.
“You work on the plan and I‟ll try and talk to Mr President.”
“But we have to be careful this girl is hiding in plain sight. She might be closer than we can imagine.”
I say checking a message that just pinged. It‟s a text message from Blue asking if she can bring
back my tracksuit.



„Are you busy? We need to talk.‟

Jason has no timing! I try to turn him down but he insists on meeting up with me. I call Red or should
I say Randy telling him that I will bring his tracksuit some other day. I change into a black dress
adding black boot-heels.

“Hey Mami!” I greet Minenhle who is painting Denise‟s nails – I don‟t know why she‟s bothering
herself because she‟s going to ruin the nail polish in no time.
“Let me guess. You have to go?”
I nod “I have something I need to take care of.”
“Ever since you got out of prison you hardy spend time with me. I get that you went to prison
because of me but Catt we live together and I think you owe me some explanation on your

Yes I went to prison because of her. She fought with one of her many boyfriends and she stabbed
him with a knife. We thought she had killed him but the lucky bustard made it and laid charges.
Since the event happened when they were drunk I took the blame for Minenhle. I couldn‟t do that to
Denise – let her watch her mother go to prison. I took the fall – plus I had some business in there.

I walk into the room and sit on the bed next to Minenhle “Fine I‟ll tell you everything. Remember that
man I met at President Hyper?”
“I know about a black man but you never told me where you meet him.”
“That guy! I have been spending time with him that‟s why I‟m hardly home” I retort hoping she does
not interrogate me further.
“But you don‟t do relationships and you don‟t get with one person twice.”
“I know but I decided why not keep my body count low and just have a friend with benefits just like I
did with Bayanda” I open her wardrobe and take out her black leather jacket and wear it. She buys
the cutest jackets! Funny I can fit in some of her clothes but she cannot fit mine.
“But Catt what if he likes you? You know very well that there‟s no such thing such as friends with
benefits one of you is bound to catch feelings.”

I shake my head “He‟s also not looking for a relationship and if he catches feelings I will break things
off immediately.”
“Or date him – there‟s nothing wrong with catching feelings and falling in love.”
“Love makes people weak and you know I can‟t be with him even if I wanted to” I answer forcing out
a smile.
“Again why can‟t you be in a relationship with anyone?”
“It‟s a long story and I have to go” I kiss her on the cheek and do the same with Denise.

She stops me just as I‟m about to walk out of the room “Do you love him?”
“Love is a strong word Minenhle and I don‟t love him!”
“What is loving someone?” Denise asks “What does love feel like?”
I close the door and walk back to the bed “Please keep it clean” Minenhle warns.
“Relax!” I sit on the bed and hold Denise‟s tiny hands “Remember when you went to the mall and
your mother lost you?” I ask her looking at Minenhle who probably wants to strangle me “Remember
how you felt when you couldn‟t find her? Crying and looking for her everywhere! And most
importantly do you remember how you felt when you saw her. How you ran up to her and hugged
her feeling safe and happy but then you looked up and noticed it wasn‟t her? That‟s how love feels
like. You feel happy that you found the one person you have been looking for but turns out you‟re
wrong and it's the wrong person.”

“You are the worst!” Minenhle hits me with a pillow.

“I broke it down for her!”

I say my goodbyes once more then head out. This time I find a Mini-Copper waiting for me outside
the house. I can‟t drive so Jason handles my transport. As usual the driver greets me then goes
back to being mute. He drives me to Jason‟s place – he stays in Sandton. How do I know Jason? It‟s

“Good evening!” I announce my presence walking into Jason‟s bedroom. He looks fresh from the
shower and looks amazing in that towel. Jason is Asian- he‟s tall muscular and we all know Korean
and Asian men are very handsome. He‟s thirty-four years old and I have known him for seven years
now. He lives alone in a six-bedroomed double story house – I‟m supposed to be living with him but I
just need some space. Again it‟s complicated!

“Hey baby!” he winks.

“Why did you call me here?”
“I didn‟t think you would show up” he drops the towel and I look aside. “Come on you‟ve seen it all.”
“Why did you call me? I was busy.”
He disappears for a while then comes back dressed “I missed you that‟s why I called you.”
“If you miss me like you claim then you would have picked me up yourself.” I lie on the bed facing
the ceiling and he towers over me. “Jason I will kick you if you don‟t stop hovering over me.”
“When are you coming home?”
“I‟m not ready” I look aside avoiding eye contact but he shifts my chin so I can look at him. I push
him off and get off the bed.
“Catt come on I have given you the space you needed. It‟s one thing that you don‟t want to leave
that shitty place now I…”

I interrupt him

“Any leads on the necklace?”

“I love living with Minenhle and if you want me to leave that „shitty‟ place as you call it then get that
necklace so we can go back home” I answer.
“The police are on your tail- you should lay low for a while.”
“So then why am I here if you have no information about the necklace?”

He frowns “Do I need an excuse to see you now?”

“Of course not!”
He holds me by my shoulders and glares into my eyes “Something is distracting you these days.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You‟ve been careless lately – like that nail you dropped at the hotel and letting Mrs Pillsbury see
your face.”
I sigh heavily “I‟m just tired! The killing is messing with my head.”
“I can get someone to do all this and you can go on a trip. Say the word and I‟ll book a flight to
wherever you want to go.”
“No I have to do it. We can‟t let them get their hands on that necklace. If they do then all these
killings would have been for nothing” I retort.

“You need a break. Let me cook for you then we have dinner. I promise I won‟t try to sleep with you
– unless you want me to” he kisses me on the forehead.
“I don‟t want to sleep with you Jason.”
He leads me to the kitchen then makes us some Lasagne- my favourite. I won‟t lie Jason always
makes sure I‟m happy but for some reason I can‟t bring myself to…

“Hey!” Jason snaps his fingers in my face “Are you okay?”

“Yeah sorry...what were you saying?”
“I just received a text message that the President is making some sort of announcement.”

We carry our bottle of wine to the lounge then switch on to the news. The President is talking about
the vaccine and some bunch of stuff that I forget soon after he mentions them. One thing catches
our attention- the necklace! Someone who asked to remain anonymous found it. They are going to
be putting it along with the national treasure since it‟s something that is discovered in South Africa.
It‟s going to be in the national museum where everyone can see it.

Jason switches off the television “What do you think?”

“There‟s a ninety- five percent chance it could be a trap.”
He shifts his attention to me “Must we risk it for the five percent?”
“Well it‟s a risk not to take a risk.”
“I wouldn‟t want you getting hurt” he tucks a thread of hair behind my ear. “If it‟s a trap you could be
caught and I can‟t risk that.”
“I‟ll be careful I promise.”
He shakes his head “No!”
“Then come with me it‟ll be like the old times.”
He exhales sharply “No it‟s a trap.”



Heather and I underestimated Miss Keller. We thought she was going to jump to the opportunity that
the necklace is now within her reach. I guess she‟s smarter than I imagined. It‟s been a very tough
week because we made sure the security at the museum is tight. We made sure every corner has a
“Let me help you with that” I say helping some pregnant lady with her bag she‟s running it through
the security check machine (x-ray baggage scanner) “Damn this is heavy are you carrying a
She giggles and walks into the museum. I look at her for a moment getting a better look at her. She
has this aura around her as if I‟ve been around her before. She‟s wearing a face mask and her hair
goes all the way to her face- what ladies call fringe. She‟s white – reminds me of Catt but this one
has black hair and she‟s pregnant.

I wonder if I should tell Catt that I‟m a cop. Speaking of Catt I haven‟t seen her in a week and she‟s
been avoiding my calls and I miss her.
“Hey!” Heather stands next to me. I‟m outside the museum entrance. I‟m tired of staring at the
security cameras
“This is not fun at all.”
She chuckles “Tell me about it. Do you want to grab drinks later today?”
“I could use some alcohol.”

The museum alarm goes off. Heather and I quickly rush in “Tell them to seal the building. No one
goes in or out!”


“You owe me a thousand rands!” Jason whispers. We are communicating through an earpiece. We
are at the museum- we had to view the necklace up close and I hate to admit that Jason was right. It
is a trap! And the necklace is fake. They might have made a replica but I know the difference
between fake and real gold without having to touch it.

If they thought that I was going to walk into their trap then they don‟t know me very well. I just
wanted to see how much security they have in the museum - that also gave Jason and me the
chance to look around. There are very expensive things at the museum that could make us a lot of
What set the alarm off? Well our pregnant lady might have accidentally have touched the glass
around the necklace. “You‟re doing great Martha! Just apologise for touching the glass” I utter
looking around. The police are everywhere like ants most of them are in uniforms. They were
prepared for this.

“As much as I‟m enjoying this – we have to get you out of here” Jason reminds me “They are going
to want to see everyone‟s IDs and take fingerprints because they are sure that was you trying to
steal the necklace.”
“Do we have to go? I‟m enjoying the show.”
“You won‟t be enjoying it when you get caught and get locked up Catt. Stop messing around!” Jason
can be a party pooper.

I take a deep breath then hold my chest and start breathing heavily “Are you okay?” some lady next
to me asks.
“I can‟t breathe!”
“She can‟t breathe please help” the lady screams. And I put on a show as if my life depended on it
because it does.
“Okay ma‟am relax – we are going to get you help” my prince charming stands in front of me wearing
the police uniform “Take a deep breath!”
“I… I… can‟t... breathe!”
“Help is on the way! Can you stand?” he asks and I shake my head.
Some police lady joins our little party “You‟re going to be fine just take deep breaths.”

She holds my hand passing me a key “The ambulance is on the way!”

I nod and Jason holds my arm balancing me as we head to some door that we open using the key.
There‟s a passage in the museum a secret passage. It‟s not in the building plan – it couldn‟t be a
secret passage if it was. The passage leads us outside where we find the ambulance waiting for us
since there are police cars everywhere.

“This was fun!” I lie on the single bed – the one for patients.
“You just have to look for trouble we could have easily gone in and out of the museum without
causing a scene.”
“And miss getting the police‟s hopes up?” I laugh.
“Let‟s hope Martha will be fine.”
“She‟ll be fine what could they possibly do to a pregnant lady” I sit up and take off the wig. I never go
out with my real hair unless I‟m back in Krugersdorp.
“I meant what I said last week- you need to lay low for a while.”
I sigh “You‟re right! Minenhle was complaining about me not spending time with her anymore.”
“I still don‟t like that friend of yours.”
I roll my eyes “Please don‟t start!”


“Am I in trouble?” Miss Martha asks. Heather and I looked at the CCTV footage and she accidentally
touched the glass surrounding the necklace. The poor lady looks traumatised! Even though it was an
honest mistake we check her ID and do a quick digging about everything she does. She‟s just a
pregnant woman who works as an accountant at an insurance company.

“You‟re not in trouble it‟s just procedure!”

She flashes a smile “I‟m sorry once more. I didn‟t know that I wasn‟t supposed to touch the glass it‟s
just that the necklace looks beautiful and I wanted to get a closer look.”
“It‟s okay you don‟t have to explain. Let me show you out.”
I help her stand up from the chair and lead her out “Wait! Didn‟t you have a bag?”
“You did! I helped you with your heavy bag when you walked into the museum.” I say and she
chuckles nervously.
“You must be mistaking me for someone.”

I watch her walk away. This lady was carrying a bag when she entered the museum and that was
about ten minutes before the alarm went off.
“Heather come here

” I call her and she rolls her eyes first then walks up to me.

“Randy I‟m tired! It‟s been a long week.”

“I know but he have to check the footage again” I tell her and she groans in annoyance.
“But we did!”
“Something doesn‟t add up” I dismiss the team by the security cameras and playback the tape
starting from when the pregnant lady walked into the museum “Look at that lady! She walked in with
a bag. Then surprisingly she walks straight to where the necklace is.”

“Wait play the video back” – Heather “Look closely – she‟s carrying the bag on her way towards the
necklace but when she reaches there she no longer has it. Where did it go?”
“The video has been tampered with.”
“No way! No one was here except us and the team” she looks at the video closely.
“Look at the seconds on the clock we have exactly 30 seconds missing. See her from behind that
white statue. She has the bag before she passes it but no longer has it after she passes it.”
“And why don‟t we have a camera covering that area?” she asks.
“I don‟t know but whoever we are dealing with also knew that and whatever was in that bag must not
be good.”
“What happened to the bag? We have to look for the bag?” she rewinds the footage and we look

“There!” I pause the video “What was going on here?” There‟s a group of five people as if they are
watching something. Two people are wearing the police uniform then they exit the room. “I thought I
told them not to let anyone out.”
“And the officer is carrying the bag!” Heather screams.
“What if they took something from the museum?”
“I don‟t understand!”
“I don‟t think Martha touching the glass is what triggered the alarm. These people took something
and that‟s what triggered the alarm.”

We quickly rush out to call the caretaker to check if nothing is missing. He looks annoyed he‟s
looking at us as if we are the ones who killed Jesus. We check all around the museum and nothing
is missing then we go and check on the national treasure.

“See everything is here!” The caretaker announces looking rather happy that he‟s right.
“Can we please get a better look? Please open the glass container.”
He shakes his and opens the glass it‟s a freaking picture projector! They took the treasure and left a
picture projector so everyone was just looking at a picture in a glass. And they did it right under our
“This is messed up!” Heather holds her head.
“If we don‟t get fired today it‟ll be a miracle!”

Heather and I explain to Mr Ngcobo everything that took place at the museum and he is very
disappointed. I would too if I was in his situation. We are supposed to be the best but we cannot do a
simple thing as guard the national museum. After work I drive home – I just want to sleep and never
wake up. I park the car in my yard and send Catt a text message I would use her company today. I
leave my gun and badge in the car along with my laptop I‟m too tired tocarry anything.

I find the house door open and Catt is sitting on the couch drinking my beer. “How did you get in
“I picked the lock!”
“You know that‟s breaking and entering right?” I sit next to her on the couch.
“Well the matt on the door said welcome.”
“Where have you been hiding? I tried calling and you were ignoring my text messages.” I take the
beer from her hand and take a sip.
“I had some business I needed to take care of.”
I nodded lightly “It‟s nice to see you again. I missed you.”

“I didn‟t miss you at all!”

I chuckle “As if you‟d admit it even if you did.”
“You seem distracted – are you okay?”
I sigh “I had a very rough day at work. It‟s a miracle that I still have a job.”
“I‟m sorry what can I do to cheer you up?”
“You could buy us some condoms because I don‟t think I have any left from last time” I say and she
“I came prepared!”
“I was just kidding but I‟m glad you came prepared!” I lean over and kiss her lips. I glare into her
eyes and for some reason Mrs Pillsbury‟s words cross my mind.

“She had icy-blue eyes!”

“Randy!” Catt snaps her fingers in my face “Where did you go?”
“Sorry I‟m a little tired!”
“Do you want me to run a bath for you?” she asks and I nod. I wait for her to exit the room then pick
up the bottle that we way drinking from. It‟s now empty. I need to run her fingerprints in the system
just to know what I‟m dealing with. I pick up the bottle but quickly put it down when she walks back
into the room.

“Let me take this!” she takes the bottle and exits the room again. I wait until she goes back to the
bathroom and look for the bottle but I can‟t find it anywhere.


“Do you feel better?” Catt asks. My stereotype of white women has been ruined –maybe it‟s because
this one is mixed her words not mine.
“I feel a lot better. Are you sleeping over?”
She gets out of bed and starts getting dressed. I noticed she has another tattoo on her back – by the
dimples on her back to be precise. She has her full name tattooed in Italics.

“What is it with you and walking at night?” I pull her back in bed before she can put on her jeans.
“Randy I will fight you in this bed if you don‟t let go of me in the next second.”
“Okay so you like walking at night and you‟re violent” I hold her in my arms.
“I am not violent.”
“Says the girl who kicked me in the private part. If I fail to have children in the future – it‟s on you” I
“Let‟s just say I attack when I feel threatened.”

I make her look at me “Do you feel threatened right now?”

“A little.”
“I won‟t do anything that you don‟t want me to do” I assure her “Please sleepover?”
“Just don‟t try to touch me when I‟m sleeping. I‟m good with cuddling but don‟t touch my tattoos.”
“You mean like the one I‟m touching right now” I gently caress her back.
“Don‟t do that.”
“What‟s your second name?” I ask her.
“Forbs and what‟s yours?”
“Evans! And how many tattoos do you have Miss Forbs?”
“I‟ve only seen two – may I see the other three?” I request and she shakes her head “Why not?”

“If I show you my tattoos you‟re going to want to know the meaning behind every one of them.”
“I also have a tattoo. I‟ll tell you about mine and you tell me about yours. I promise to forget about
the conversation as if it never took place.” I promise her.
“I‟ve never talked about my tattoos but I trust you” she stands up from the bed and takes off her top
leaving her in a matching black lacy lingerie. “My first tattoo is the one on my leg – the dragon. I got
it when I was nineteen after I ran away from home.”

I want to ask why she ran away from home but I promised not to ask any questions.
“The second one is the one on my lower back. My name – everyone in the team has it. They got us
to tattoo our names as a mark of being part of the sisterhood.”
“Then I have Jason‟s name tattooed on my wrist – he‟s my everything! The fourth tattoo on my
lower stomach brother‟s name his name was William. He was my first…” she pauses and sighs

“The last one is on my inner arm and the words define me - The Baddest!” she adds.
“Well I only have one tattoo and you‟ve seen it. There‟s not much to explain. I got it because I
wanted to.”
“It‟s very tiny!” she points out. I was waiting for her to say that.
“My job doesn‟t allow me to have tattoos that are visible while in uniform!”
“You wear a uniform to work?” she looks at me suspiciously “What do you?”
“If I tell you are you also going to tell me what you do?”
“I don‟t have a job so there‟s nothing to tell” she retorts.

I get out of bed and get dressed. It‟s eleven pm but Catt and I go to the kitchen to make something
to eat. I noted that she avoids touching things around the house. She always visits wearing clothes
with long sleeves that she can pull to her hands. It is as if she knows I want her fingerprints.
“Tell me where were you coming from that day at night?” I ask Catt.
“I was coming from Pretoria. I fought with a friend and they kicked me out.”
“Couldn‟t you hire an uber?” I question.
“I didn‟t have the money.”
“And you thought walking to Krugersdorp was better?” it doesn‟t add up.
“Sounded better in my head.”
“You had a phone couldn‟t you call someone to send you money or pick you up” I interrogate her.
“Everyone I called turned me down so I had no choice but to walk – I knew a car was going to pick
me up.”
“You were wearing a holster meaning you knew what was going to happen where you were going

” I put down the spoon and shift all my attention to her.

“What if I knew – so what I was wearing a holster with a knife in it?” she folded her arms.
“Did you hurt someone with that knife?”
She scoff “Did I hurt someone? I killed someone with it!”
“You did what?”
She burst into laughter “You should have seen your face!”
“You‟re messing with me.”
“Of course I‟m messing with you. Do you seriously think I‟d kill a person?” she looks at me with those
blue eyes. I don‟t know what to think. When it comes to Cathrine my mind just fails me. I think I‟m
falling in love with her. I don‟t do relationships but we men love the chase. The more one draws
further from us and rejects us- the more we want them.

Catt has never shown any interest in wanting to be with me. The girl kicked me in the private parts -
not forgetting how rude she is but for some reason she makes my heart warm. I smile a lot when
she‟s around. Usually sexual intercourse is about ejaculating to me but with Catt I find myself
sleeping with her with all of me. Every time I get with her it‟s as if I share a piece of my soul with her.

Blue clears her throat “You‟re glaring at me again.”

“Do you want to go on a trip to Cape Town with me?”
She shakes her head “Randy no! We agreed that we are just friends and it‟s just sex please do not
catch feelings.”
“I‟m not catching feelings!”
“You are and maybe we should stop hanging out for a while. The last thing you need is to fall in love
with me trust me!” she answers.
“What is wrong with falling in love with you?”
“Everything! I don‟t want you getting involved in my messed up life and we can‟t be together” she
stands up and exits the room. I follow her to the bedroom and watch her as she grabs her phone and
jacket “I‟m leaving and we should stop seeing each other. It‟s for your good.”

I hold her hand stopping her from leaving “I‟m sorry if I came in too strong but please don‟t leave.”
“Randy you‟re catching feelings and I don‟t want that.”
“I understand but don‟t leave! Can we talk?” I beg her.
“Randy we cannot be together – why is that hard to understand. Do you know how stupid you look
begging me right now?” she pushes my hand off her and leaves.


I request an uber that picks me up from Randy‟s house and drops me off at my place. This is why I
normally sneak out before they wake up because I‟ll be avoiding situations like these. I can‟t be with
Randy even if I wanted to and we had agreed to not catch feelings. He owes me a thousand rands!

I get to the house and the lights are still on – Minenhle normally goes to bed early. I walk into the
sitting room and find Minenhle watching television yet she looks sleepy.

“Why are you torturing yourself instead of going to bed?” I ask her.
“I‟m waiting for you.”
She switches off the television and stands up fastening her gown. “You have a visitor and he‟s in
your room. I tried calling you but your phone wasn‟t reachable.”
“Male or Female?”
She yawns stretching herself “A very handsome man.”
“Please tell me he‟s not Asian?”
“They all look the same to me” she shrugs and walks to her room.
I take a deep breath and walk to my room – after saying a short prayer “Jason!”
“Close the door!”
I close the door but I don‟t lock it in case there‟ll be any need to run out “You didn‟t tell me you were
“How was I going to tell you with your phone off?”
I swallow hard “I went for a walk.”
“For five hours?”
“I had a lot on my mind” I reply.
“It‟s one thing that you were with another man – now you‟re lying to me.”
I nervously chuckle “Another man?”

He hastily shifts from the bed to pinning me against the wall with his hand on my throat “What‟s his
“There‟s no other man!”
“Stop lying to me! Have you forgotten that you‟re a married woman?”

You heard that right- I am a Keller by marriage. My birth name is Cathrine Quinn Forbs.



“You are bold you are beautiful and you‟re the Baddest!” my inner voice chants as I stare at myself
in the mirror. I wipe the tears that have just fallen on my face. I have always been the toughest – I
never show emotions. But when it comes to Jason – he knows which buttons to push. Funny I
misbehave knowing very well the kind of psychopath I‟m married to.

Don‟t get me wrong I love Jason – that‟s why I married him but sometimes I feel like he doesn‟t love
me the way I want to be loved. He‟s my first love and my first boyfriend. I think one of the reasons
why I‟m still with him is because I‟m scared no one will love me as he does. Jason understands me –
he‟s the one who helped me get over the William trauma.
I met Jason seven years ago and that was two years after I ran away from home. I ran away from
home because I couldn‟t face my mother knowing that I had killed her favourite son. I had always
been the black sheep of the family and my stepfather always accused me of being possessed by the
devil‟s spirit. I wasn‟t ready to be taken to church and judged my whole life for something I did to
protect myself.

Not forgetting how everyone in my family thought I was mentally disturbed. I feel like they all
misunderstood me. I acted out because I needed my mother‟s attention – my mother and I became
distant after her separation from my father. The situation worsened when she remarried it is as if I no
longer existed to her. She only cared about her new family and to her I was now the devil‟s child-
especially with my nose ring dark makeup and always wearing black.

I never felt beautiful or wanted until I met Jason. He made me feel loved and wanted. He would treat
me like a queen and constantly remind me how beautiful I am – he‟s the one who introduced me to
this messed up life. Well the sisterhood did and Jason taught me how to survive in this cruel world.

“Are you okay?” Jason startles me for a second I got lost in my head. I nod and start brushing my
teeth “I‟m sorry about last night.”
“It‟s okay.”
He hugs me from behind “It‟s not okay… I hurt you and I apologise.”
“I‟ve been through worse!”
“And I promised never to cause you any pain. That‟s why I gave you space when you said you
needed some time out. The thought of another man touching you… I‟m sorry I couldn‟t control my
anger” he holds me tighter.
“It‟s okay.”

“Aren‟t you also going to apologise?” he questions.

“I let you shag me all you want so that should count as my apology” I push him off me and leave the
“Catt I just apologised!”
“And I have forgiven you” I reply.
“I am trying to fix things here!”
“Can we just get the necklace and go back home?” I snap.
“What is up with you today?”
I am mad! I am mad that I might never see Randy and last night when he was having his way with
me I closed my eyes and pictured I was with Randy instead. I‟ve always been a fan of rough sex and
Randy knows exactly how to give it to me.

“Does this mean you‟re coming back home?” Jason asks as if he‟s not watching me pack.
“No I‟m just packing so I can unpack again.”
“You can stay with your friend if you want to” he says and I know he doesn‟t mean that. He feels
sorry for punishing me sexually.
“It‟s about time we tried for a kid don‟t you think?”
He quickly walks up to me “Are you serious?”
“Of course not! I‟m saying let‟s get the necklace and get out of here.”

Jason is infertile! We have been having unprotected sex since we got married and I‟ve never fallen
pregnant. Maybe I‟m the infertile one – I‟ve never checked since I‟m too busy killing people for a
necklace. The sooner we get the necklace the better because I fear I might get Randy killed if I stick
around. I noticed he's catching feelings and I know he‟s going to try to look for me. If Jason finds out
– he won‟t hesitate to kill him.

“Hey Mimi!” I walk into her room “I brought you breakfast in bed!”
“You owe me more than breakfast – I couldn‟t sleep with your headboard banging against the wall all
night. Have you forgotten that I‟m single?”
“Sorry about that!” I place the tray on her lap and sit on the bed next to Denise who is still sleeping
“Babe I have bad news!”
“Please don‟t tell me you‟re pregnant!”
“No of course not.” This is going to break her heart “Love I am moving out. I‟m going to be staying
with Jason in Sandton.”
“Is Jason that Asian man from last night?”
I nod “Yes and he‟s also my husband.”

She laughs “Catt it‟s too early for your stupid jokes.”
“It‟s not a joke Minenhle. I have been married to that man for six years now. We have fought and
made up countless times and I think it‟s about time I go home”
Her face goes from happy to sad in a second “You‟re not joking?”
“I‟m not and I‟m leaving but I promise I will send you rent money every month and we will video call
every night.”
“Video call? Does this mean you won‟t be coming back Catt when did you get married and how
come I‟m only finding out now?” she looks worried.
“I was already married when I met you.”
“Wow! I don‟t even know what to say. Is there anything I can do to change your mind?” she looks
sad it breaks my heart.
She hugs me

“I‟m very confused right now but if he‟s your husband and you want to stay with him then I won‟t stop
you. I‟m going to miss you though.”

“I‟m going to miss you too.”

“Are you crying?” she chuckles wiping the tears off my face “All five years I‟ve known you I have
never seen you cry or get emotional.”
“I‟ve never had friends before and you‟ve treated me like a sister. I enjoyed staying with you.”

I hate goodbyes and the fact that I might never see Minenhle again pains me – she‟s the first person
I let loose around excluding Jason. She treats me like a normal person when the world just sees a
white troubled girl. I get back to packing listening to Jason‟s lame jokes. Well they say if he doesn‟t
annoy the heck out of you then he‟s not the one.

“Catt cheer up it‟s not as if you‟re not going to see her again” I wish I can mute Jason for a few hours
– he‟s starting to be a pain. Can‟t he see that I‟m sad?

“I hope everyone is dressed!” Minenhle walks into the room. She‟s still in her pajama shorts
revealing her thick thighs “Hi Mr Jason!”
“So you‟re the one who has decided to steal my friend from me?” she interrogates him.
“I also miss her you know” he hugs me from behind and pecks me on the cheek “As much as I hate
taking her away from you – I need her home.”
“How come I‟m only finding out about you today?”
“I‟ll let Mrs Keller answer that” he tells her.
“Minenhle I have already explained and I promised to call all the time. You know what why don‟t you
go buy us some alcohol so we can have fun one last time before I leave” I look at Jason wearing a
huge grin. He gets the message and hands Minenhle his bank card and tells her the password.


“You don‟t look good are you okay?” Heather asks.

“I‟m not okay!” I close the door to Mr Ngcobo‟s office – more like slam shut. I have had it with this
Keller woman playing us like we are her puppets. It‟s about time we upped our game- To catch a
criminal we have to think like one.

“I have been thinking and it‟s about time we stopped playing nice. Quinn kills people brutally yet all
we do is just sit and wait for her to kill again” I utter sullenly. “I say we play it dirty too.”
“I‟m not following” – Heather.
“This girl has killed many people and it‟s about time the world knows what she is. Let‟s take this to
the media and put a bounty on her head – hundred thousand rands!”
“But we don‟t have that kind of money” Mr Ngcobo points out.

“We don‟t have Quinn either so we have nothing to lose. The moment she‟s in the spotlight it‟s going
to be hard for her to hide. Heather dig up every dirt there is on her and release it to the media. Mr
Ngcobo with your permission I need to search deeper on this girl – from her childhood up until she
started with the killings. We need to use every little detail we know about her. I would also like to talk
to the NYPD and ask a few questions. If we go down that road trust me in a week we‟ll have our girl.”
I state.

“I don‟t know who pissed you off but I like the direction you‟re taking and I will get that information
you need within an hour” Heather exits the room.
“Do you realise that if this doesn‟t work we could be the ones in hot soup” Mr Ngcobo reminds me.
“It will work – I am very sure.”
He nods “Fine do whatever it takes to get her and I will help wherever I can.”
“I need you to link me up with the country‟s information technology team and I mean the top dogs.
I‟m talking facial recognition her ID and her fingerprints – I need us to get a report if she gets
scanned anywhere in the country.”
He smiles looking impressed “That‟s why I chose you - I knew you‟d get the job done."
“Praise me when I hand over Quinn Keller!”

I schedule a meet with the head of the NYPD department then get on with searching for our mystery
lady. She can run but she can‟t hide at some moment she will use her ID or bank card. I stop myself
from calling Cathrine – I don‟t know what I did wrong because she‟s been ignoring my calls since
she left my house.


“Randy! Randy!”
“Calm down white girl no need to yell” I answer Heather who looks out of breath “What‟s up?”
“She used her card in Krugersdorp and we tracked it down to Krugersdorp West Rand. I think we
might have a lead on our girl.”
“What are you waiting for? Gather the team and put the police on every stop in Krugersdorp. I want
her surrounded that she won‟t have anywhere to hide. I want two helicopters flying above
Krugersdorp. Gear up!”


I wish I can pause time and freeze this moment. Watching Jason and Minenhle laugh together is the
best sight ever.
“I‟m going to go relieve myself” Minenhle stands up from the couch and stumbles a little “I‟m fine! I‟m
“Don‟t fall!”
She laughs “I‟m not that drunk.”

Jason pulls me closer as soon as Minenhle exits the room. He plants a kiss on my lips and glares
into my eyes “I think now I understand why you love staying here. You‟re happy when around
“I‟m happy when in your arms.”
He smiles “We should go home so I can make love to you.”
“You know I have a room here right?”
He cups my face “What about your friend?”
“She‟s drunk!”
He carries me to his bedroom. He‟s ignoring his ringing phone “Jason your phone is ringing.”
“I‟ll get it later!”




He gently lays me on the bed and gets in between my legs “I love you!” he murmurs looking at me
with those grey sexy eyes. He goes for the top lip and gently sucks as his hand unbuttons my
blouse. He helps me take it off without breaking the kisses then buries his head on my neck and
gently bites and sucks – I bite my lower lips trying to suppress my moans and he reaches my weak
spot. Knowing Minenhle she‟s probably standing by the door trying to figure out what‟s going on.

He leaves a trail of wet kisses from my neck to my breasts then I feel his tongue on my nipples. I
shut my eyes and hold on to the bed-spread as his tongue swirls on my nipples and his finger
massages my clit.
“Your skin is very beautiful” he plants kisses on my stomach going downwards. I feel my stomach
turn a little when he blows air to my exposed cookie. This time I‟m unable to suppress my moans as
he devours me like I‟m his favourite meal – he knows how to put his tongue to good use.

He inserts his fingers - I rock my hips to his rhythm as he fingers me. I‟m not the type that usually
engages in foreplay – I love to get straight to it but with Jason it‟s different. He knows my body and
he knows how to worship it perfectly – maybe it‟s because I let down my guard when it comes to
him. I cover my face with a pillow when I feel it building up but Jason pulls it off – I don‟t want to get
another scold from Minenhle. I feel my legs tremble followed by a toe-curling orgasm. He lies next to
me as I breathe heavily catching my breath. Funny he knows how to cause me the most excruciating
pain and also knows how to please me in ways that words cannot even describe.

“My turn!” I get on top of him. He‟s still dressed. Jason loves being in control so he flips me over
making me lay on my stomach.
“What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I‟m doing” he binds my hands behind my back with his belt and lifts my hips
leaving me expose so he can have me from behind.

Jason and I have never tried being freaky in the bedroom. It‟s new and fun. The way he‟s grabbing
onto my hair and how he‟s constantly spanking my buttocks. It‟s both painful and mind-blowing. I
lose my mind when he increases his pace shagging me like it‟s the last time he‟d get to bury himself
in me. He keeps his pace until he collapses on my back. He undoes the belt and lies on the bed next
to me.
“I love you!” he kisses me on the forehead.
“I love you too but can you please answer your irritating phone?”

He gets out of bed and grabs his phone. His face loses all expression “We have to go!”
“Go where?”
“Get dressed! The police are on their way here. Shit!” he curses.
“Jason what‟s going on?”
“I might have accidentally given Minenhle your card. That‟s where I keep all the money and you
know all my passwords are the same” he starts getting dressed and I also do the same. The moment
we finish getting dressed we hear police sirens. I take out the big suitcase where I keep all the guns
and we gear up. We put on bulletproofs and the holsters.

Minenhle is passed out on the couch – thank God. Denise is with her grandmother – Minenhle‟s
mother. We rush out and get into the car but we are too late because the police cars are around the
corner so they follow the speeding car.

“Why the hell did you not deactivate my account?” I ask Jason.
“That‟s where I keep the money. I never use it!”
“Look now the police are on our tail because of your carelessness. Why the hell…” we get down
when the back screen of the car shatters. They are shooting at us! "Any guns in your car?”
“I have an M25 under the back seat!”
I unbuckle my seat belt and try to get to the back but quickly duck down. These people are shooting
to kill. Eventually I get hold of the gun and fire back but the cars are too many and it‟s hard to shoot
with the car moving so fast.

“Can‟t you call for help?” I ask Jason who seems rather too quiet in a chaotic situation like this.
“I don‟t know how much information the police knows meaning we cannot use any of our gadgets.”
“So in other words we are doomed?” I continue firing at the cars behind us “Please tell me that
helicopter is giving out Christmas presents? Get off the main road because the last thing we need is
being stuck in traffic.”

He‟s just driving and we don‟t know where we are driving to. We are almost out of bullets and the
police are not retreating. The car halts and I look ahead of us and police cars are blocking the road.
He takes the opposite direction but there are also cars but it‟s only two.
“Hold on tight!”
I sit back at the front and put on my seat belt. He drives toward the police cars at full speed “Jason
you‟re going to kill us!” I scream he accelerates but luckily the cars move out of the way. The
helicopter starts firing at us and that‟s a machine gun - it‟s drilling holes to the car. Other police cars
come from our right on Jason‟s side and they open fire.

They shoot at the car causing one of the car tires to burst and the car swerves out of the road down
some bushes crashing onto a tree- the airbags come in handy. Ignoring my throbbing and bleeding
head I undo the seatbelt and get out of the car. I make my way to Jason‟s side and open his door.

“Jason oh my God!” he‟s been shot in the neck and I think he hit his head hard when the car crashed
because his head is also bleeding “Are you okay? Can you walk? We have to get moving!”
“I can‟t!” he groans in pain “You have to go I will only slow you down.”

I will only slow you down.”

“No I‟m not going anywhere without you.”

“Catt you have to go. If they catch you I won‟t be able to get you out. We have worked hard to let
them catch you just like that” he inhales and exhales heavily “Take my phone and the bank cards.
No one knows me so I will make up a story on how you were in my car. There‟s a satchel in the car
boot – there‟s an untraceable phone some money and the plan in writing in case I don‟t make it.”

I wipe the tears off my face “I‟m not leaving you behind and you will make it.”
I undo his seat belt and try to help him out of the car but it seems I‟m hurting him more. He cups my
face and utters “The helicopter is already looking for us - you have to go.”
I open the car boot and take out the satchel. I then change the car plates stashing them somewhere
hidden in the bushes and take more bullets.
“Please don‟t die! I can‟t do this without you” I kiss Jason on the lips.
“You can do anything you set your mind to.”
“I want you by my side – I promise if you hold on a little longer for me I‟ll be a good wife if we
manage to get out of this mess” I say with my head pressed against his.
“You have to go.”
“I love you and I mean it. You‟re my everything” I kiss him again before running off. As much as I
want to stay positive I don‟t think he‟s going to make it. The helicopter is still searching around – I
think Jason‟s car will keep the police busy for a while. I fix myself and walk out of the bushes trying
to stay calm ignoring the helicopter hovering over me.

There are police officers on every corner. I keep changing my directing because I know they will
want to see some identification and maybe search me. I don‟t know where I am and I‟m scared to
use Jason‟s phone. What if they are tracking it? I hold on to my necklace playing with it – I do that
when I‟m nervous. It belonged to Jacob – William‟s older brother. He gave it to me as a birthday
present when I was eighteen – we used to call it the communication necklace. Whenever I‟d get
hungry at night I‟d just squeeze it and ten minutes later he‟d show up in my room with something to

“Excuse me ma‟am? You can‟t go that way” someone calls from behind me. I don‟t turn to look – I
continue walking and make sure I increase my pace. I take a left when I see two policewomen
walking toward me. I use that opportunity to sprint away which is the stupidest decision I have ever
taken – aside from sleeping with a girl in prison.

Within fifteen minutes I have the helicopter hovering over me and police cars surrounding me
“Hands where we can see them!”
My eyes do a quick scan of my surrounding as I raise my hands in surrender. Shooting is not an
option – I‟m outnumbered!
“Throw the satchel on the ground!” I don‟t know where the command is coming from but it‟s very loud
and clear as if God himself is giving out the instructions. I slowly reach for the satchel and throw it on
the ground and put my hands behind my back as I‟ve just been instructed.

I get on my knees and look down. It‟s over! I take a deep breath and accept my fate. I look up and
notice five policemen walking towards me carrying guns. They have their facemasks on and have
their guns pointed at me.
“I didn‟t do anything!”
“Then why were you running?” a male voice responds but I don‟t dare to look up. “You‟re going
answer that at the station” they cuff me and drag me with the car. If they take my fingerprints it is
game over. Without Jason they will lock me up for life.



In moments like this I wish I knew to pray because only God can save me today. I‟ve gotten used to
depending on Jason that I‟m having trouble thinking of an escape plan on my own. Who am I
kidding? There‟s no escaping today – especially with the police on every corner of South Africa. I
guess I‟ll be joining Abigail in jail.

The police officers escorting me seem to be having a wonderful day. They are playing Beyonce and
one of them is singing along to the lyrics. The car stops moving and the door opens – a black man
wearing a grey suit helps me out of the car. Again I cannot see his face properly because of the face
mask. This is not the police station!

One of the police officers gets out of the car and the grey-suited man hands him a brown envelope.
The officer takes it hands the man a key along with my satchel and gets back into the car without
breathing a word.
“Miss Forbs!” the grey-suited man undoes the cuffs and opens the door to a car that I‟m only noticing
now. I quietly get into the car – on the passenger‟s side and this time I‟m welcomed by a white man
also wearing a mask.

Without greeting me he roars the engine to life and drives us away. They must be part of the special
intelligence team. According to the police I am dangerous so I doubt they will take me straight to the
police station. I think they assume I might try to escape. I rub my wrists massaging them – the cuffs
were a little tight. The driver hands me bottled water. I take it and thank him although I‟m tempted to
throw it on his face and try to escape since no other cars are escorting us like when I was in the
police car.

I look at the man driving when he parks the car at some house. He takes out his phone and utters
“I‟m outside!”
The gate opens and he drives in. He gets out of the car and goes around to open the door for me.
He gives me his hand and helps me out of the car then leads me to the front door. The door is not
locked so he leads me inside the house and offers me a seat. I‟m very confused!

He disappears for a while and comes back with a glass of juice that I turn down. Without saying
anything he leaves. My eyes do a quick scan of the room admiring its beauty. Their tiles and wall
colour are very nice the leather couches are beautiful and the curtains match the mahogany

I stand up from the couch when I hear footsteps and I‟m welcomed by a familiar face. A little different
but I know those eyes. A tall man with broad shoulders stands before me. He smiles revelling his
dimples “Still getting in trouble I see!”
I throw myself in his arms "How did you find me?”
“Well you squeezed the necklace” he answers still wearing a smile.
“How the hell are you in South Africa and how did you find me that quickly?”
“Your husband is not the only one that knows how to get things done” he takes a seat.
“You know about Jason?”
He scoffs “I know everything little one.”
“No Jacob you need to break it down for me because I‟m very confused right now.”
Jacob is my step-brother and William‟s blood brother. So this is what went down. My mother had my
sister then four years later she cheated on my father with Jacob‟s father and had William. I don‟t
know how she managed to hide William from my father but three years later she had me. Sixteen
years later my father found out about William and filed for divorce - when my parents divorced
mother took me with her leaving my sister with my father.

“What do you want to know?” Jacob asks as I sit next to him.


He exhales heavily “Jason and I are friends!”

“The thing is that I got worried when you ran away from home so I tracked you down using the
necklace of course. I assumed you didn‟t want to come back home with what went down between
you and William” he explains.
“I was just defending myself.”
He nods lightly “I know William told me.”

“Yeah the bastard made it and he‟s the one who told me what happened- after I beat the heck out of
him of course. Long story short I asked Jason to keep an eye on you but I didn‟t know that he was
going to end up falling in love with you. You two got married and I found out so I tried to separate
you two by getting somebody to catfish you- your South African boyfriend. You didn‟t fall for it so I
made sure you and Jason were fighting that way you‟d have a reason to leave him. I paid some
random girl to tell you that she slept with Jason causing you two to fight

” he narrates.

“I knew you‟d leave Jason if you found out that he cheated after all cheating was a deal-breaker for
you back then. Months later you joined the sisterhood – I had to take you out of that group so I had
your fake boyfriend ask you to move to South Africa where you had Minenhle waiting for you at the
airport” he adds.
“Minenhle? You paid her to be my friend?”
“At first I did – the plan was that she stays with you for four months then I come to get you. After
three months Minenhle asked me to stop paying her because she was enjoying staying with you.
Then Jason followed you this side and the necklace happened – five years later here we are” he

“My life is a lie!”

“I‟m sorry but trust me when I realized how much Jason loves you I backed off” he assures me. “You
were never supposed to be part of the „find the necklace‟ plan but we both know how stubborn you
are and that Jason can‟t say no to you.”
“Speaking of Jason do you know what happened today?”
He nods “My men are on it.”
“Thanks for saving me today.”
“I will always show up for you even if it‟s the last thing I get to do” he hugs me “I got married!”
“What! You vowed with your life never to get married.”
He chuckles “Let‟s say I grew up. My wife and the kids went out but they know you are here.”
“You told her that I‟m here?”
“She‟s the boss of this house and don‟t worry she knows what kind of man she's married to" he


“They lost her!” Heather whispers to me. I think I‟m losing my mind. One moment we have Quinn the
next they lost her. How do they lose a woman with a helicopter flying over her? I think now I
understand why Mr Ngcobo wanted this to be a solo investigation because I no longer trust the
people I‟m working with.

We received an update that they caught Quinn and they are escorting her to the police station – now
they can‟t find her. No one even knows who was escorting her. Again the joke is on us. Our only
lead is the unconscious man that we found in the crashed car. The team claims the car now has a
different number plate.
“What now?” Heather asks
“Our only lead is the unconscious man. Let‟s go check on him at the hospital.”
“I‟ll get the car!” she leaves.

I take a deep breath and call Cathrine – her voice is the only thing that would make my day right
now. Surprisingly this time she answers her phone.

Catt: Hi Randy.

Me: Please stop ignoring me!

Catt: I told you I can‟t see you anymore and this is the last time you get to talk to me.

Me: Is it because I invited you to come with me to Cape Town?

Catt: It‟s not you trust me you do not want to be around someone like me.

Me: But I do!

Catt: I leave a trail of dead bodies wherever I go and trust me you don‟t want to be part of such a life.

She hangs up and I try calling her back but her phone number no longer exists.
“Get in!” – Heather. I sigh and get into the car “Are you okay?”
“I‟m fine.”

We drive to the hospital to check for our man in hopes to get some identification because he had no
license or an ID on him. We did take prints on the car and I pray we get something tangible from the
lab results.

“Good evening ma‟am. I‟m Detective Evans” I show her my badge. “With me is my partner Detective
Forbs and we are here for the patient that came in about half an hour ago. He‟s Asian and was
involved in a car crash and has a bullet wound on his neck.”
She types something on the computer “He‟s in room 12B.”
“Thank you!”

Heather and I make out way to room twelve passing by other patients – I hate hospitals. We also
pass by two nurses pushing a bed - the person‟s head is covered. I assume they are dead. We get
to room 12B and the room is empty. We ask the nurse on duty and she tells us that they are
performing surgery on the patient.

Heather and I decide to wait. Three hours later the doctor joins us “How‟s the patient?” Heather asks
“Everything went well. She‟s stable and we…”
I interjected him “She?”
“Yes Mrs Berry.”
“No we are waiting for a man that came in today” – Heather.
“I have no idea what you‟re talking about but Mrs Berry was having a heart transplant.”

I think I‟m going to need some serious counselling after this case. So a man just disappeared in a
hospital and no one happened to see anything?


Also available on these following platforms

Facebook: Cathrine Phiri

Instagram: cathrinephiri4
Twitter: cathrinephiri 10



“Breakfast is ready!” I walk into the bedroom with a tray of food for Jason. The bullet wound on his
neck wasn‟t bad as I thought it was. The bullet just switched him on the neck and turns out the blood
that was on his neck was from hitting his head hard. He got four stitches on his head but he‟s
healing now.

Jason and I are back at our house in Sandton. Jason kicked us out of his house a couple of days
ago – we are very loud and we fight a lot. They say you only miss the sun when it starts to snow and
I never realised how much I love Jason until I almost lost him. He means the world to me and I
cannot imagine my life without him.

We have been laying low for the past weeks since the police were still searching for me – I also got
time to reconnect with my husband. I think every couple needs that once in a while.

Jason found Minenhle another house in Midrand. We had to take her out of Krugersdorp. If the
police found her they were going to interrogate her and keep her hostage until she provides them
with the answers they seek. I still haven‟t talked to Minenhle since that day when I left her passed
out on the couch. I am still going to scold her for lying to me. I always asked myself why she never
questioned my outings – she knew everything!

“I made your favourites!” I place the tray on Jason‟s lap and kiss him on the lips.
“I should get shot at more often don‟t you think?”
I shake my head “This was the first and last time you get shot at on my watch.”

We have breakfast over light conversation. I wish our life was this simple – but it‟s not! We have no
choice but to get back to looking for the necklace. Jason and I take turns in bathing – we would have
saved water and bathed together but Jacob wants to see us. It never ends well when Jason and I
bathe together – we take forever to get out of the shower.

Around ten am we drive to Jacob‟s house in Roodepoort – Johannesburg. His family is very nice but
I have questions about his wife. I‟m going to hit the pin in the head – I hate her. I feel like there‟s
more to Sandiswa (Jacob‟s wife and yes she‟s black) than it meets the eyes. Jacob is just blinded by
love but I‟m going to find out what it is.
“Can you please try to push away whatever feeling you have towards Jacob‟s wife and try to be
happy for him” Jason tells as we drive to Jacob‟s house.
“I am happy for him but we both know my instincts are never wrong.”
“Well your in sucks because that woman loves your brother. Please don‟t ruin this for him at least do
it for your nephews” he requests.
“Fine I will let it go.”

Luckily when we get to Jacob‟s house his family is not around. I feel like that woman also doesn‟t
like me that‟s why she disappears every time I show up. I‟m glad Jacob did not let her in on the
necklace plan.

“Okay let‟s get down to business” Jacob switches on the picture projector and a photo of a woman
pops up on the white screen. “This Mrs Camilla Campbell – married to billionaire and business
mogul Mr Bruno Campbell. Originally they are from Mexico.”

Jason shows us another photo of Mr and Mrs Campbell. He zooms in on Camilla “As you can see
Mrs Campbell is wearing the necklace.”
“Hold up the necklace was in Mexico all along?” I ask.
“Please let me finish?” I nodded permitting him to proceed. “According to my source Mr and Mrs
Campbell are together just as a front. Camilla stays here in South Africa and her husband stays in
Mexico but they get together for important functions or anything that might end up in the media.”

“Why would they stay so far from each other? I mean she has to fly to Mexico just to spend one night
and come back – that doesn‟t make sense at all.” I roll my eyes lightly shaking my head.
“I don‟t care what they do with their lives what we want is Camilla and she‟s in South Africa with the
necklace. And take it as you and Jason. You two were sleeping with other people while married.” –
“I wasn‟t sleeping with anyone besides her” Jason answers and I look at him. He‟s not joking! I
thought we had an open marriage.
“Moving on! So Mrs Campbell throws a costume and mask party once a year and she always wears
the necklace” Jacob adds.
“Are we invited to the party?” I question and he shakes his head “Then how are we going to get in
because if she‟s wearing Cleopatra‟s necklace and with me on the loose they are going to tighten
the security.”

Jacob smiles “Mr and Mrs Lyon are invited but I‟m not sure if they are going to make it due to some
personal reasons. You and I are going to the party as them.”
“But how do we get the necklace?”
“We are going to swap it with this one” he waves a replica.
“When is the party? I wouldn‟t want to go there looking like Cinderella‟s step-sister – you two have a
bad taste when it comes to picking out clothes.”
“Minenhle is on the way with our clothes and I assume she has better taste” Jacob retorts. “I‟m going
to make a few phone calls and get plan B in motion in case something happens there. Jason can
you please handle the cameras outside the hotel the elevators and the parking area?”

Jason nods

the elevators and the parking area?”

Jason nods “I will handle that but why am I not the one going with my wife?”
“You and Catt don‟t work well together – you always end up fighting and we cannot afford to screw
our only chance at getting the necklace” Jacob switches the picture projector off “I‟m going out for a
while. Please no shagging on my couches.”
“We can‟t promise that” I reply.


It has been the longest two weeks of my life. The Asian man just disappeared into thin air and not
even a single camera at the hospital caught him. Quinn has been laying low the past two weeks – at
least no one died. We viewed the security footage at the automated teller machine and the person
who withdrew the money does not match Quinn‟s description. Some of the street cameras do not
work in Krugersdorp so everything led to a dead end.
I have never had a stressful case like this one – I feel like I‟m going crazy. Nothing is adding up. One
moment I think I‟m on the right track – then everything just scatters. There‟s a reason why Quinn has
never been caught. I must as well just accept defeat and throw in the towel.

Work is not going well and so is my personal life. Cathrine disappeared on me. I don‟t know why I‟m
failing to get over her because we were not dating.

I sigh heavily when someone knocks on my door. I place my beer on the table then open the door.
“Hey come in.” I make way for Heather to walk in then close the door “Do you want a beer?”
“No and why do you look like you‟re tired of life?”
I throw myself on the couch “Why are you here Heather.”
“You‟re not answering your phone and…”
I stop her before she explains “If it involves Quinn then I don‟t want to hear it.”
“Why not?”
“Let‟s just accept that we have lost” I swallow my pride. It‟s a miracle that I haven‟t choked yet. I
never give up! “We are never catching this girl.”

“We are” Heather takes out a laptop from her satchel. “This is Mrs Camilla Campbell and look what
she‟s wearing.”
“The necklace!”
“I am a hundred percent sure Quinn is going to try to get that necklace” she answers “We can beat
her to her game if we get there first. Camilla is hosting a party tonight and she will be wearing that
necklace. Quinn will try to steal it at the party. I say we go before the party and tighten the security.
She has no idea we know her plan so let‟s let her think she‟s winning and catch her in the act” she
utters wearing a smile.

She has a plan and if we play our cards well we will have our lady. We drive to Mrs Campbell‟s
house and keep the plan to ourselves because there seems to be a mole at the station. We tell
Camilla our plan and how we are going to play it out and she agrees. We tighten the security at the
hotel and make sure Camilla will have bodyguards by her side and Heather will be one of them.

I get Nadia to join me as my plus one at the party since Heather will be by Camilla‟s side.


“It‟s hard to tell who is who with these costumes” Nadia states. We are at the party and I thought a
costume party is stupid but people took it seriously. I saw a woman dressed as a Cinderella – the
theme is Royalty.
“Just keep your eyes on Camilla. If anything was to happen to her it‟s on us.”

The party goes very well and Quinn is playing it clean as expected. I notice that Heather is no longer
by Camilla‟s side so I go to check on her.
“Mrs Campbell!”
“Detective!” she smiles. She looks a little drunk.
“Please call me Randy. Did you by any chance see where Heather went?”
“She said she was going to talk to you about something” she answers “Dance with me Randy?”
“In a second – let me check on Heather first.”
She throws herself in my arms and I get a better look at the necklace. It looks a little different “Like
what you see?” Camilla giggles.

“No. Oh my God no I wasn‟t staring at your breasts” I quickly shift away from her.
“I don‟t mind and if you want we can have a little fun away from these people.”
“I can‟t ma‟am I‟m on duty.” I excuse myself and walk to Nadia. “Where‟s Heather?”
She shrugs “Isn‟t she with Camilla?”
“She‟s not and I think Camilla is wearing a replica. I saw the necklace earlier and now it looks
different. I‟ll find Heather - please keep an eye on Camilla.”

I look for Heather but I cannot find her. I check the room Camilla is using and find her there fighting
some woman.
“Police!” I point the gun at the woman. My voice distracts the woman causing Heather to kick her to
the ground. Heather also takes out her gun and points it at the woman. She snatches a small bag
from the woman that I assume has the necklace. I can‟t see her face because she‟s wearing a
costume mask. Heather kicks her in the face knocking her unconscious.

“We caught Quinn Keller.” Heather smiles



In August 1990 in New York a group of scientists gathered together to create a secret formula for
their troops. They needed to strengthen their solders and prepare them for war – with the
government‟s approval. The goal was to make them stronger and braver.

Amongst the five chosen and best Scientists was Mr David Forbs. For months and months they tried
to make the remedy - tried it on different mammals but failed dismally. After a year of wasting the
government resources they decided to throw in the towel but Mr Forbs didn‟t!

Mr Forbs gathered all his notes and took them home with him. He spent months trying to make the
formula but still something was missing and the animals he ran tests on ended up dying. Eventually
he got obsessed he spent hours and hours locked in his basement trying to come up with a formula
that would strengthen the mammal‟s genes at the same time not corrupting the deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA).

David‟s obsession was accompanied by neglecting his family – probably why his wife cheated on
him. Even after the birth of his second daughter all he cared about was making sure his formula
works. He hardly left the basement - he only went out when taking a bath or when nature called. He
ran tests on different kinds of animals but they all ended up dying less than two hours after taking
the dose.

“Hey Dad!” his not so little anymore girl had stood by the door of his basement wearing a smile that
warmed his heart and made his lips willingly curve into a smile.
“Hey Heather! How was school?”
“It‟s Catt” she had innocently answered. “You promised that we‟ll go out for ice cream since you
forgot my birthday again!”
“Sweetie I can‟t but I promise next year I won‟t forget.”

She had quietly nodded and exited the room but came back in again fuming. “Do you even know
how old I am?” she had asked him.
“Heather I am busy!”
“It‟s Cathrine and I‟m fourteen! You have been working on your stupid formula for more than sixteen
years now. Give up already – we need our father and mum needs her husband” she had uttered
sullenly and slammed the door behind her but came back minutes after. She walked up to him put
on the gloves and goggles. Picked up four liquids and mixed them – took off the goggles and gloves
then uttered “There! Done in less than two minutes – something that took you more than sixteen

Instead of running after her daughter David had looked at the mixture and examined it testing what
her daughter mixed. She had done it in less than two minutes. David gave the dose to a rat and
waited for two hours – the rat was still alive. He tried it on a rabbit and still it did not die.

He upped the dose and tried it on a horse. The horse got hyper – exactly the reaction he needed.
For the first time in sixteen years he walked into his living room wearing a smile kissed his two
daughters and told his wife how beautiful she was after handing her flowers.

They were a happy family again! They had dinner as a happy family David even helped his wife with
the dishes that night but the damage had already been done. Betty had already gotten with another
man – worse had a child with him.

That night David went to Cathrine‟s room and found her writing something in her diary “Hey princess!
May I come in?”
She nodded and closed her diary giving him her full attention.
“How did you do it?” David asked her.
“I read your notes and tried creating the remedy myself and it worked.”
“How do you know it worked?” David asked curiously.
“I tried it on my friend Gabriel and he‟s super strong now. He can carry me to school without getting
“How long has it been since he took the dose?” he questioned very impressed.
“2 years!”
“Why don‟t you bring Gabriel here so we can run some tests on him I promise I won‟t hurt him” he
smirked seeing dollar bills in his eyes. That was going to be his ticket to a better life.
David stole his daughter‟s diary and created the remedy. He planned to sell it to the government and
he did. He made him a lot of money but at the end of the day the formula was not his and there were
some things little Cathrine did not write down in her diary. The first year the dose worked very well
and David became one of the billionaires in the State but after another year the solders started
having side effects and some had corrupted DNA and they started behaving like animals.

“You said Gabriel is fine!” David had harshly grabbed his daughter by her jacket.
“He is fine!”
“You‟re lying! You know something that I don‟t… you have to fix this” he snapped.

He lost it and started drinking then he found out his wife cheated which cost him his wife and
daughter. To him

Heather was Cathrine that‟s why he wouldn‟t let Betty take both the girls.

Before leaving Cathrine snuck into his father‟s laboratory and opened a secret passage where she
stashed all of his father‟s experiments and remedies along with the cure – he had forced her to make
it and was going to sell it to the government. The key to opening the secret passage was a necklace
– Cleopra‟s necklace but at the time it was just a simple necklace to Cathrine so she threw it out of
the car when her mother and her were driving to their new home.


“I can‟t believe we caught her” I say to Heather. Quinn is still on the floor and I haven‟t gotten a
better look at her face. “We should hand her over to Mr Ngcobo.”
Heather rolls her eyes “Cut the crap Randy – you know Quinn and you‟ve been just putting up a
“What are you talking about?”

She walks up to Quinn and takes off her mask “Recognise this face? You've been screwing the most
wanted woman on the planet.”
Oh my God it‟s Cathrine! How? Was she using me this whole time? Which explains the holster and
that night she was coming from Thohoyandou. How did I miss that?
“Don‟t even act surprised – anyways I got what I wanted” she takes out the necklace from the tiny
bag and stares at it wearing a smirk “I knew where Quinn or should I say Cathrine was I just needed
her to lead me to the necklace.”

“So you don‟t work for the NYPD?”

She scoffs “For the best detective in your province you sure are slow Randy. Did any of you ever
think about running a background check on me? I‟m not even a cop. All I needed was to pay
someone to contact you guys and you were so desperate that you believed me.”
“I‟m not letting you leave with that necklace” I point the gun at her.
“You want Quinn not the necklace!”
“The necklace belongs to Camilla” I answer following her movements with my eyes.
“The same Camilla that doesn‟t even notice that she‟s wearing a replica?”

“Why are you guys so obsessed with this necklace anyways?” I question.
“Don‟t worry my sister will explain everything to you.” She‟s lighting candles and Cathrine is her
“Heather what‟s going on – why are you switching sides all of a sudden?”
“Keep up Randy – I told you I knew you guys will lead me to Cathrine and Cathrine will lead me to
the necklace. What I am going to do with it is none of your business” she shoots the gun off my
hands “Hand‟s where I can see them.”

I lift my hands – Quinn or Cathrine is waking up. “I can‟t leave any witnesses Randy. I know Cathrine
won‟t do anything but it‟s you I‟m worried about.”
“I have Quinn – I won‟t say anything.”
She shakes her head “I don‟t trust you.”

Cathrine trips her with her feet causing her to mids when she shoots at me. When Heather hits the
floor the gun falls a little further away from her. Catt gets on top of her and starts loading punches on
her face. Each punch is accompanied by a word “I… have… always… respected…you… but…
you… don‟t… deserve…my… respect!”

Heather flips her over and this time it‟s her turn to punch her “You… ruined… my…life… by…
being… born!”
I pick up my gun and point it at them “Stop it you two!”
Then ignore me and continue punching each other. I fire at the roof hoping to get their attention but
they ignore me – luckily I have the silencer on. I shoot next to them but they don‟t even flinch so I
pull them apart. Heather uses that opportunity to pick up her and point it at me. I also point at her
with my gun.

“We both know your gun is now empty” she chuckles “It is police protocol that you put two bullets on
your pistol and leave the other three chambers empty.”
“Heather it‟s me you want.” – Cathrine
“Shut up! You took everything from me so I‟m going to kill your boyfriend” Heather threatens.
“He‟s not my boyfriend – I‟m not even with him.”
“I don‟t care. You‟re going to watch him die!” Heather pulls the trigger but Cathrine pushes me out of
the way and the bullet hits her instead.

“Don‟t even move!” Heather warns as I try to check on Cathrine. “I guess you two will die together!”
She sets the curtains on fire along with the bed – I guess that‟s what the candles were for. He hits
me with the gun on the head and it was lights out.



I wake up coughing and gasping for air – I hastily loosen the dress and take off the bulletproof. I use
the dress to cover my mouth and nose as my eyes get blinded by the smoke that has filled the room.

“Catt! Cathrine do you copy” a voice shouts in my ear that‟s when I realise that I still have the
earpiece on and that the room is on fire. “God damnit Quinn will you answer”
Judging by the impatience – he might have been trying to get hold of me for some time now. With
the little strength I have left I press the earpiece in my ear and cough out my response “Jason! Jason
“Where are you?”
My body is sweating and very sore “I‟m in… in Camilla‟s room. Jason help!”
“I‟ll on my way – hang in there!”
I crawl to the door and bump into a figure – it‟s Randy. I shake him still coughing. “Randy wake up!”

When I notice that I‟m failing to wake him up I crawl to the door and try to open it but it‟s locked. My
clothes are soaked with my sweat and I‟m suffocating. I crawl back to Randy and drag him to the
door where the fire hasn‟t reached – I should thank Camilla for getting a big room.

I notice his head is bleeding! I tear off my dress and apply firm pressure on his wound which is a
struggle while couching. I lay him on his side and lie on my back. I have never pictured the way I
would die but I always wished it would be somewhere peaceful.

“Think happy thoughts!” the voice in my head repeatedly murmurs. The hand holding my dress close
to my mouth voluntarily let's go - I close my eyes and drift to sleep. I wake up coughing with a couple
of faces hovering over me.
“That‟s it breathe!” a male voice instructs.

My eyes scan my surroundings and it seems I‟m in the ambulance and these strangers must be
doctors. I look next to me and Randy is sitting on a single bed holding an ice pack to his head. How
did I miss it? I always do a little background check on the people I get with. I judged him by his looks
and now I was sleeping with a cop.

I hear tires screeching followed by the car coming to a halt. The doors open - three men wearing
balaclavas and carrying guns climb in. They order the doctors to exit the van – they must be Jason‟s
men. I stop them when they also tell Randy to get out “He‟s a friend! He‟s with us.”
He has seen my face and I can‟t let him go just like that. The car starts moving again and they take
us to some house but they carry me in since I‟m too weak to do so myself.

I‟m woken up by gentle strokes on my face and when I open my eyes they land on my sexy Asian
husband “Can I have some water?”
He helps me sit up and gives me water to drink. He looks worried! Jason is this gently and sweet
person – he just happened to marry a crazy woman who is the opposite of him. Well they say
opposites attract each other.

“How are you feeling?” he plants a kiss on my forehead.

“My body is a little sore but I‟m fine.” I exhale heavily “I lost the necklace!”
“Your life matters more Catt! For a moment you weren‟t breathing and it made me realise how much
I always put you in danger. I think you should leave finding the necklace to Jacob and me. I wouldn‟t
want to lose you.”

I smile and give him a peck on the lips “I love you Jason but we both know I have nine lives and it
would take Khaleesi‟s unsullied army (from Game of Thrones) to kill me.”
“You almost died!”
“This is not the first time I almost died. Plus I still have a score to settle with Heather. She kicked my
ass and that is not something I‟m willing to accept” I retort.
“Heather is here?”
I nod “Turns out she was pretending to work with the police yet she was just after the necklace.”
“We can‟t afford her talking the necklace back to New York. We need to tell Jacob and act fast. If
she has already left the country then I‟m afraid we might be forced to move back to New York.”
I sigh “I don‟t think I‟m ready to go back home – if we happened to have to move.”
“You can stay with Minenhle here if you want.”
I shake my head “I want to be wherever you are.”

He kisses my lips “I love how we are going back to how we used to love each other before this
“I almost lost you – that was a wake-up call for me and I want to make the best of this time I‟m with
“Now you making me want to strip you naked” he gently kisses me “Before I forget who is that man
who came with you?”

Randy! I forgot about him. I get out of bed and ask Jason to show me where Randy is – I‟m sure
Jacob already did a background check on him. Jason leaves the safe house to dig for information on
Heather since there‟s no network where we are.

“Are you sure we are still in South Africa?” I ask Jacob whom I find in the sitting room “Jason said
there‟s no network here and how come your gadgets are working?”
“I have a family. Do you think I can afford not having internet access?”
I sit next to him “So I lost the necklace.”
“I heard! I also heard that Heather kicked your ass.”
“Heather is way older than me and she is a professionally trained assassin” I defend myself.
“That doesn‟t change the fact that she kicked your ass. And you don‟t have to worry – we will find
I look at him suspiciously “How?”
He strokes my chin with his thumb “I will find the necklace little one. First we need to know who
Heather is working with or for. And most importantly we need to know why she wants it.”
“Okay so what can I do in the meantime?” I stand up and gulp down the water that is on the table.
“You can go make out with your lover – I won‟t snitch!”

I swallow hard “You know about Randy?”

“Sweetie I had eyes on you the whole time meaning I knew all your whereabouts.”
“Does Jason know?” I whisper.
“I won‟t tell him if that‟s what you asking.”
“But he‟s your friend” I sit back down “So you knew that I was getting with Randy and you didn‟t try
to stop me?”
“You are a grown woman Quinn. I never liked your relationship with Jason but you‟re old enough to
make your own decisions.”

Jacob is being very weird – Jason is his friend and as my brother he should be warning me to get
stay away from Randy. After my little chat with Jason I join Randy in one of the bedrooms.
“I brought you food!” I announce wearing a plastic smile.
“I‟m good thanks.”
“Do you need some air? Do you want to maybe talk a walk – stretch your leg?” I ask and he shakes
his head. “Randy I didn‟t know!”

He scoffs “Do you expect me to believe that it was a coincidence that we met?”
“It was Randy – I found out last night that you‟re a cop” I answer sincerely.
“Whatever! So am I your prisoner now?”
“You‟re no one‟s prisoner” I answer lowly. He looks angry and I know he feels betrayed but I didn‟t
know that he was investigating me.
“If I‟m not a prisoner then why am I here? It‟s not like I‟m going to turn you in because I know you
guys will be long gone before I even get to the nearest police. Plus I‟m sure you have connections
everywhere Quinn. I can‟t believe you even told me a fake name.”
“My first name is Cathrine!”
He chuckles shaking his head “You said Cathrine Forbs and not Keller.”
“Randy I wasn‟t playing you I swear!”
“You know I‟m surprised you didn‟t slash my throat Miss Throat Slasher. How do you sleep at night
knowing that you killed all those people?” he questions.
“Randy I know you‟re angry but you have no right to judge me or call me names.”
“Damn right I do!” he shouts. “You let me fall in love with you Quinn. I‟m sure you were going through
my things when I wasn‟t around – you were sleeping with me messing with my head so that I lose
focus. No wonder you were always a step ahead of me.”

“Please hear me out first - let me tell you the whole truth.”
He shakes his head “So you can lie to me? You want to tell me that you have a reason for killing
innocent people trying to justify yourself.”
“I‟m going to leave in you‟re going to insult me.”
He pulls me back before I can walk away “Am I lying though? Tell me you didn‟t know that I was
“I swear on my mother I didn‟t!”
He clicks his tongue “I‟m sure swearing and sleeping with people is a very easy thing for you.”
“Fuck you Randall – you are the one who approached me first. I wanted nothing to do with you and
it‟s not my fault that you are a terrible Detective.”

“And how was I going to do my job with you distracting me – you‟re all I could think about” he yells.
“How is that my fault?”
“You made me fall in love with you damn-it.” He‟s in too deep “I‟m in love with the most wanted
woman on the planet. I could lose my job if they find out that I knew you all along. I was searching
for something that was right in front of me.”
“I‟m sorry Randy and I hope one day you‟ll understand that I also don‟t have a choice!” I attempt to
walk towards the door but he pulls me back.

“You don‟t have a choice! Do you know how many kids are orphans now because of you?” he yells.
“I‟m not going to try and explain myself to you because you already see me as the bad guy.”
He glares into my eyes ““Was it all a lie? Please don‟t lie to me.”
“It wasn‟t a lie Randy!”
“Do you mean that or you‟re saying this to make me feel better?” he asks.
“I had feelings for you – I still do!”
“I don‟t believe you” he replies. I get on my toes and kiss him. He returns the kiss – Jason is going to
kill me!



How did I get here? How and when did all these feelings for Cathrine brew? I‟m in love with the most
wanted woman on the planet. She‟s a killer yet even after finding out my feelings for her still haven‟t
changed. Why couldn‟t she be a normal woman?

How am I going to continue with the investigation knowing that it‟s her that I‟m looking for? I saw the
red flags as ladies like to call it. She was dropping hints but for some reason I was too blinded by
love to see. The girl was wearing a holster and walking alone at midnight – that was the first hint.

I don‟t know if I still have a job or what is going to happen when I get back home – that is if Miss
Throat Slasher here doesn‟t kill me first. I noticed she‟s very good and killing people and covering
her tracks.

Funny even after finding out who she is I still want her close and here I am yearning to bury myself in
her. Did she have to be Quinn of all people? So this is what she meant when she said we cannot be
together even if she wanted to or that she leaves a trail of dead bodies wherever she goes.

Then there‟s Heather and the necklace. Maybe Quinn is right I am a bad detective. Everything and
everyone I was looking for was right in front of me yet I could not see. The joke is on me!

I draw away from the kiss catching my breath and glaring into Quinn‟s icy blue eyes that get me
hypnotised every time I stare at them. I have never been this weak around a woman in my life. I
guess she‟s that one woman that knows how to handle me.

“It wasn‟t a lie Randy! I didn‟t know” she murmurs.

“What now -I‟m I being held hostage?”
“They were going to kill you along with those doctors if I hadn‟t brought you here” she answers “I
cannot let you go either because you‟ve seen my face. I prefer being a faceless killer.”
I can‟t help but chuckle “This all still feels surreal. It is as if I‟m going to wake up any moment.”

She breaks loose from my embrace “You should eat. I will check on you later.”
I pull her back pressing my body against hers. She‟s wearing a shirt dress her thighs exposed and
she doesn‟t have a bra on – I can tell. “Why am I failing to hate you even after finding out who you
are?” I ask her with my head pressed against hers.
“I‟m lovable!”
“I could lose my job you know!” I utter.
“You can go back to chasing after me if you want. It‟s not like you‟ll catch me anyways.”
I chuckle “Is that a challenge?”

I attempt to kiss her but she shifts back “Randy listen you‟re a great person and I do have feelings
for you but this cannot happen again. We can‟t be together.”
“I‟m already risking it all by being her and not calling the police. Plus you kissed me first.”
“I know and I can‟t control myself sometimes but I will talk to Jacob and figure out the way forward”
she says and walks towards the door but I pull her back kissing her this time.

“Enough with the fornicating – you two lounge!” a male announces standing by the door then
disappears back to wherever he was.
“That‟s my brother Jacob – let‟s go!” Quinn also exits the room.
Look at me taking instructions from the bad guys. I follow behind Quinn – I'm now failing to call her
Cathrine. We get to the lounge and some lady in the helper uniforms serves us drinks alcohol to be
specific. Is this where these people stay? There is no safe house that has a helper.

“Before I blurt out the plan are we killing the detective?” Jacob asks. Kill me? I look at Quinn who
chuckles and assures me that Jacob is joking but he does not look like he‟s joking to me. Jacob
shifts his attention to me “We are not the bad guys' detective at the same time we eliminate threats
and everyone who stands in our way.”
I nodded lightly “I understand.”
Honestly I don‟t! If they are the good guys then why are they hiding and why is the world after them?
For my life‟s sake I‟m just going to nod to everything they say.
The door yawns open and two kids run into the house followed by two black women wheeling
suitcases. An Asian man follows behind them closing the door. I bet he‟s that Asian man who
disappeared from the hospital. The two kids are now on Jacob‟s lap and the two women
disappeared to other rooms in the house.

“Any updates?” Jacobs asks.

“Heather hasn‟t left the country which is good news to us but Catt made the news for kidnapping a
police officer” Jason tells and he looks like he wants to strangle Quinn.
“I did not kidnap anyone Heather is the one who wanted to assassinate her partner” Quinn mumbles.
“We are going to have to release him – the last thing we need are the police on every part of town.
Let‟s hope he doesn‟t sell us out.” – Jacob
Jason shrugs “We can always kill him!”

After talking about me as if I‟m not in the same room as them they conclude that Quinn will be the
one to drive me home. More like driving myself home since the Miss cannot drive. I take a bath and
they give me clothes to change to then Quinn and I get on the road.

The drive is awkward because I don‟t know if I have listening devices on me or the car. On the other
hand Quinn seems to be enjoying the drive. She is singing along to the song playing on the radio.
When I pictured Quinn Keller

I assumed she was this serious woman who does not even smile and has a lot of tattoos all over her

“I‟m surprised you haven‟t tried to escape” Quinn turns down the radio volume.
“Let‟s say I‟m still in shock – I mean you‟re Quinn Keller the baddest woman on the planet. I did my
research on you and it‟s a miracle that I don‟t get nightmares. ”
She laughs “I won‟t kill you Randy.”
“Trust me I‟m more worried about how I‟m going to continue with this case.”
“You can turn me in if you want. It will make you a legend – you‟ll be the man that caught Quinn
Keller” she offers.
“Your friends would probably rescue you before you reach prison and kill me afterwards” I park the
car on the side of the road. “You said you‟re not the bad guy – why are you killing all these people
She gets out of the car and goes to sit on the bonnet – I do the same. She lies on her back facing
the sky “Have you ever heard about Professor David Forbs – he‟s one of the best scientists in the
United States of America.”
“I have never heard of him but he has the same second name as you.”
“He‟s my father and fourteen years ago he created a venom that is very dangerous to mankind. It
wasn‟t his intention to create it but it was a science project gone wrong” she goes on to explain.
“What is it with you white people and creating things that are harmful to mankind?”
“Anyways turns out people react differently to medicine and on some it worked and others it messed
up their DNA. Well if I‟m being honest my dad is the one who messed up the mixture” she adds.
“What do the killings and necklace have to do with all this?”
She exhales heavily “I locked my father‟s old notes and the cure in a secret room the necklace is the
“But if the necklace belongs to your family then how did Camilla end up with it?”
“I lost it when I was fourteen. I threw it away to be precise. I didn‟t want anyone getting their hands
on that cure because they were also going to find the virus and my father had already tried to
blackmail the country with it” she says.
“What do you mean blackmail the country with a virus?”

“Scientists tend to create a curable yet contagious virus that usually shakes the country – to them
that‟s how they make money. As soon as the news gets to the government that people are getting
sick they are going to look for a cure. At first they are going to give it to the government for free to
test it on a couple of people. When they are sure that it works then they sell it” she states.
“That is very disturbing – why would anyone in the right state of my mind create a virus?”
She sighs “People will do anything for money. That‟s is why I have to get my hands on that necklace
and fix all this mess since I‟m the one who started it to begin with.”

“I still don‟t understand why you didn‟t just go to the authorities and let them handle all this. They
were going to do it cleanly and no one was going to die.”
She scoffs sitting up “Do you think I will be here risking my life if the authorities had my back? These
people do not care about the affected people – they only care about those people whom the dose
worked on. They are making experiments on people and it‟s not right.”
“I am still confused but if you‟re doing a good thing then I‟m sure a few people are routing for you –
people who can help you clear your name.”
She rests her face on her knees “It‟s complicated Randy and my father is a very rich and respected
man he could have easily cleared my name but he doesn‟t care about me. He made the virus so
now all he needs is the cure.”
“Then give it to him – don‟t you care about your name being tarnished?”
“I don‟t care about my name. People will always talk I am more worried about those solders who go
affected – their families!” she utters
“You can‟t always fix everything Quinn!”

She nods lightly “I know but have to try. I owe it to those people.”
“I take back everything I said about you – you‟re a good person and even you didn‟t create this mess
I‟m glad you‟re trying to fix things. Let me talk to my boss and maybe we might help…”
She interrupts me “It‟s dangerous! They will eliminate anyone who knows about this and I wouldn‟t
want you dying because of me.”
“She cares about me.”
She rolls her eyes “Don‟t flatter yourself – let‟s get going.”
“I was enjoying our conversation. Tell me am I going to see you again?”
She gets off the bonnet “I doubt but I will make sure to say goodbye if we happened to decide to
move back to New York.”
I cup her face “I like you Blue! Not Quinn but I like the woman I met that day at President square.”
“That woman is Quinn and I told you this can never happen.”
“Why…” she interrupts me telling me to shut up. “What is it?”
“Do you hear that?”
“I can‟t hear anything” I answer watching her search the car. “What are you looking for?”
“Something is beeping!” she kneels looking under the car giving me fat behind. “Uh-oh!”
“What is it?”
“Get away from the car!” she screams and we move further away from the car. Just as I‟m about to
question her the car goes in flames. So they eliminate anyone that finds out about their plan.


Quinn and I have been sitting on the side of the road for the past hour. We moved further away from
the car. The police showed up about half an hour ago and we pretended not to know the car and
acted surprised as everyone who saw it go in flames. Quinn hasn‟t said a word since the car went in
flames – I don‟t know what‟s on her mind but I‟m very sure it has something to do with the car

They knew she was also going to be car meaning we were both targets or maybe I‟m wrong I was
the target and Quinn just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I saw her taking off
her necklace and throwing it away – she never takes it off.

“Quinn!” I place my hand on her shoulder but she pushes me off. "We need to get moving."
“Where are we?”
“Honeydew!” I reply and she stands up and starts walking. “Where are we going?”
“To Randpark Ridge and try not to talk to me because I might take out my frustrations on you.”

I quietly follow behind – I can‟t go home at this moment because I don‟t know if these people will be
waiting for me when I get there and Quinn looks furious she might kill anyone she bumps into. I have
to keep an eye on her. We hitch-hike for a taxi that takes us to where we are headed. Luckily Quinn
has some cash on her. After a while the taxi drops us off and we walk for about fifteen minutes until
we reach our destination. The gate is locked but Quinn kicks it open and from the look of it the chain
is rusty and the house hasn‟t been used in some time. The key to the house is in the flower pot next
to the door.

The furniture is covered in cloths to show that the house is not being used. Quinn takes off the cloth
from one of the couches and rests herself there.
“Whose house is this?” I ask her and she shoots a stare at me I raise my hands backing off. We stay
quiet for some time then she just explodes.

She stands up and starts pacing up and down “I try Randy I try to be the good guy but people just
have to screw me over.”
“Are you talking about the car exploding?”
“Of course I‟m talking about the car these people just tried to kill me!” she pushes the table out of her
“Maybe I was the target after all they didn‟t expect us to stop on our way back.”
She shakes her head “If the plan was to kill you they were going to tell me. Plus if I want to kill you I
can just slit your throat I don‟t need us to drive somewhere for me to do it.”
“Thank you for the details and why would your brother try to kill you?”
“Well blood is thicker than water” she exits the room. I follow behind her “It‟s my house Randy I‟m
not breaking – make yourself comfortable.”

“Why does the house look like it hasn‟t been used in decades?”
She opens the door to the pantry and guns are hanging on the wall “I bought the house three years
ago – in case Jason turns on me.”
“But why would your brother turn on you?”
“Jacob is my brother and Jason is my husband. Their names rhyme” she answers blankly.
“Your… your husband?”
She nods “You‟ve been sleeping with a married woman and I‟m not in the mood to answer your
questions. Let‟s go to the mall we need to buy a few things but first please check if you don‟t have
any listening devices on you.”

“I checked before we left I had one but I took it off.”

“This way!” she leads the way to some bedroom. Everything is covered in cloths or plastic for dust.
She walks into the walk-in closet. She takes off her jeans and wears a skirt and crop top.
“That‟s a wig?” I ask her
“My hair is blonde and there are male clothes here too. You can change into anything.”
“Do they belong to your husband? I can‟t believe you never told me you‟re married. What if I also
wanted to marry you?”
“You‟re the one who said we should not talk about personal things and that‟s why I told you that we
can never be together” she picks out clothes for me taking them out of the plastics “You‟re the same
shoe size as Jason – weird!”

“Is it a good idea to go out after your family tried to kill you?”
She scoffs “I can take care of myself how do you think I have been surviving all along? Jason might
have been my handler but I know how to survive on my own. You should be worried about me killing
She hands me a ring and tells me to wear it. We are going out as a married couple. I cannot even
recognise myself dressed in leather pants – who still wears leather pants? According to Catt we
can‟t dress as we normally dress. She even made me wear a very itchy fake mouth stash.

“So what now? Where to from here because from the looks of it going back home is not an option

going back home is not an option” I ask Quinn and she ignores me. She‟s focused on eating her
burger. We are at McDonald's – according to Quinn we have to use places with lesser cameras.
She‟s turning me into her. “Quinn!”

“My name is Natasha honey!” she kicks me under the table.

“What now? I have a life to get back to - my friends and family are going to start looking for me.”
She chuckles “Sweetie your life ended when that car exploded and if you still want to have friends
and family then I‟m your only option.”
“How are you my only option?”
“You are going to help me rip Jacob‟s head off then you‟ll be able to live freely” she answers coldly.

“What if he‟s not the one who tried to kill us? He‟s your brother and maybe it‟s Heather.”
She shakes her head “It‟s him and I don‟t know how I missed it but I think it‟s because I killed William
- if William was alive then Jason would have told me.”
“Unless Jason is also lying to you – you may never know!”
“No Jason would never…” she pauses and thinks about it for a moment “You know what I don‟t know
who did what but I am going to find out and someone will end up without a penis that is a promise.”
“Or we can resolve this without anyone losing their penis?”
“Never! I chose violence all the way so if you also have any intentions of backstabbing me in the
future then you better walk away now” she takes my drink. I don‟t know where she‟s getting the
appetite to eat. I failed to even bite my burger.

JACOB (At the safe house)

It‟s past six pm and still no sign of Cathrine – she left with that Detective lover of hers but she still
isn‟t back. Her phone is not reachable. If the police have her it would be on the news and one of our
people at the police station would have informed us by now. There‟s still no sign of Heather – that‟s
why we had to move everyone under one roof because at this moment anyone can be used as bait.

I‟m not much worried about Catt she takes care of herself. Maybe she‟s somewhere fornicating with
her lover.
“Have you heard from Cathrine?” Jason asks standing by the door of my study.
“Jason you were just here five minutes ago and Cathrine is a big girl she will come back when she
wants to.”
He walks in “I‟m just worried it‟s not like her to just disappear. Her phone isn‟t going through. Did you
try tracking her?”

I sigh and switch on my laptop and try tracking down the necklace Cathrine always wears but it‟s
offline “I can‟t find her!”
“What about the car they were using? Did it have any devices?”
“Not that I know of! Let‟s check the news and see if any headlines might give us a clue where she is”
I hand him the other laptop.
“What if that detective took her? He knows that we will find her maybe they are keeping her
somewhere hidden?”
“I don‟t know Jason – I‟m also as worried as you are” I continue looking.

After an hour of searching the street cameras we give up. Now I‟m also starting to get worried
because it is as if they took a road with no cameras because one moment we see their car but the
next we don‟t.

“Let‟s search for accidents that happened today?” Jason suggests that we go with that lead.
Surprisingly fifteen accidents happened today around the time Catt and Randy were on the road.

“Look at this” I tell Jason “A car exploded today they think maybe there was a leak in the fuel tank
but they are still investigating. I can‟t tell what kind of a car it is especially when it‟s in this state but
let‟s look into that.”
“You shouldn‟t have let her go out without backup – if anything happens to her it‟s on you!”
“How is it my fault that Catt is nowhere to be found? Do you think I‟d intentionally let anything
happen to my sister?”
He shrugs “At this moment anyone is capable of anything – even you Jacob and if she loses a
strand of hair you‟re dead!”
“Are you threatening me?”
“I am and you better pray she‟s fine – I never wanted her in this mess in the first place” he heads out
slamming the door behind him.



“Red wake up!” Quinn lays on top of me – I like her better when she was less annoying. Anyways we
survived our first day of hiding. We managed to buy a few things avoiding open spaces and
cameras. Quinn is loaded! We bought stuff worth over eight thousand rands cash!

I have to give her this one she is very organized. We were not prepared for the explosion meaning
Mrs Keller always has a backup plan.
“I know you‟re not sleeping!” Quinn continuously shakes me. We slept in separate rooms – I wanted
us to share the same bed but Quinn refused. She claims that if we start sharing a bed it is going to
lead to one of us catching feelings and that love makes people weak. I caught feelings a long time
ago and I know she also feels the same. She‟s just confused because she‟s married.

“Wake up! You made the news” Quinn pulls the blanket off me. I drag myself out of bed to the sitting
room. I made the headlines – Detective Randall Evans reported missing after being last seen at Mrs
Camilla Campbell‟s costume and mask party. The same Camilla who also happens to own
Cleopatra‟s necklace that Miss Quinn Keller has been trying to get hold of for five years now.
“It hasn‟t been 48hours how were they able to get the news out and why is Heather excluded?”
“She‟s excluded because she‟s the one who reported it remember only you know the truth about her.
It‟s nice being in South Africa hey – you can now kill or kidnap a person then blame it on Quinn.”
“We will fix this and I promise I will help you clear your name.”
“That‟s if you don‟t die” she answers eating her cereal. It‟s past six yet she‟s already bathed. “Do you
want some cereal?”
I turn down the proposal – I fail to eat before nine am. I shower then join Quinn in her room she is
playing games on her phone – it‟s on flight mode. We cannot afford anyone tracking us because at
this moment everyone is the enemy.

“What do you think Heather wants the necklace for?” I sit next to her “And does she know about your
father‟s experiments?”
“Heather knows about the experiments but that‟s not what she wants the necklace for – she was just
carrying out a mission.”
“Do you maybe know something I don‟t?” I question. How does she know that Heather was just
completing a mission? She makes me feel dumb she‟s always a step ahead. Just like at Camilla‟s
party – how did she manage to swap the necklaces? We had eyes on Camilla the whole time.

“When our parents separated Heather stayed with my dad but we still kept in touch and we would
meet up once in a while. We joined the sisterhood together. I don‟t know if you've noticed but she
also has a tattoo of a dragon on her leg. The tattoo is a symbol of being part of the sisterhood – we
are professionally trained assassins. I would still be taking orders from the Queen Mother (the
founder of the Sisterhood organization) if Jason hadn‟t taken me out of that group” Quinn explains.
“If Heather wanted me dead she was going to shoot me in the head.”
“What is the sisterhood?”
“A group of women who restore peace in the society” she changes the channel. I know she‟s lying –
it must be a group of killers.
“So they sent Heather because?”
“Heather knows me better than anyone and she knows my weak spots. If there‟s anyone who can
get anything from me it‟s her – but she was holding back at the same time she had to make it seem
like she‟s not on my side meaning she was being supervised.”
“And you got all this information just by how she was throwing her punches?”
She nods “Heather might hate me but there‟s no way she would want to kill me.”
“She shot at you?”
“No she shot at you I was just stupid enough to take a bullet for you” she retorts.
“She tried to burn us alive!”
She nods lightly “True but she had to and she knew I‟d find a way out – I always do!”

I hold Quinn‟s hand “Why did you take a bullet for me? You could have died.”
“I was wearing a bulletproof I knew the bullet wasn‟t going to kill me.”
“Let‟s say you weren‟t wearing a bulletproof would you have taken a bullet for me?” I ask now glaring
into her eyes.
“Do see how skinny I am? The bullet would go through me and still kill you. It would be a waste
because we‟d both die so no I wouldn‟t.”

As if she‟d admit to anything. I exit the room and make my way to the kitchen to make myself
something to eat. I‟m sure my family is worried after seeing me face on the news. I bet Nadia will be
the one to take my case – I doubt she will find us because Quinn seems to have a few tricks up her

I don‟t know what‟s going to become of my life now – am I going to be living in the shadows like
Quinn? Many thoughts are flooding my mind. Do I contact Nadia and tell her everything I know? That
would be putting her life in danger. Must I work with the most wanted woman on the planet which
might also lead to ruining my career and putting my family in danger?

“You‟re not planning on killing me with that knife aren‟t you?” Quinn walks into the kitchen bringing
me back to reality. I am one confused being right now.
“As if I can kill you you‟d probably slit my throat before I even pull out the knife.”
“Randy I‟m not a cold-hearted killer I kill only when necessary” she answers.
“Is there ever a necessity to kill a person? Look I‟m not trying to make you feel bad but I‟m a cop and
I‟m all about following the law.”
“Randy you don‟t have to do what to don‟t want to. If you feel being around me might corrupt you
then you‟re free to go” she utters in a low tone.
“Go where?”
“I can get someone to take you to a safe place. I put you in this mess so I will kill the people who
want you dead then you can go back to your perfect life of following rules” she exits the room.

I‟m not trying to make her feel bad but I don‟t want this kind of life. I don‟t want to live looking over
my shoulder but I don‟t have a choice and Quinn has saved my life twice so I can‟t turn on her
especially now that‟s she thinks her family turned on her.

I look for Quinn and find her sitting outside I sit next to her “I‟m sorry!”
“What are you sorry for?”
“Everything judging you. I‟m sure this is all hard on you too and I‟m sorry Quinn” I utter.
“Why are you calling me Quinn?”
I chuckle

“I don‟t know!”

“I do! You see me as a killer that‟s why and I‟m sure that‟s why you kept checking on me last night
when I was sleeping. You wanted to see if I hadn‟t gone out to kill someone or if I hadn‟t tried to kill
I don‟t respond.

“You don‟t have to be around me just because you‟re scared that I might try to kill someone – I‟m
capable of doing that even with you standing next to me” she adds.
“Catt I‟m not judging you. I‟m just not used to this kind of life – living on the run and having cars blow
up before me.”
“Then take my offer of finding you a safe place while I deal with this mess” she utters.
“I can‟t just sit and do nothing I want to help even if it goes against everything I believe in. And thank
you for saving my life – I‟m forever indebted to you.”
“You can pay me with a pound of flesh” she answers keeping a straight face.
“I know that behind all that craziness and being a straight talker there‟s a sweet and nice person that
cares about other people” I hug her and we stay in each other‟s arms for a while.

“Oh my God what is that feeling in my heart?”

I laugh “It‟s called love – the brotherly kind of love.”
“I hate it!” she stands up and helps me stand. “Let‟s go plan our revenge.”


“You got this!” I murmur staring at myself in the mirror trying to push back the thought of my brother
and husband betraying me. I wish it was a coincidence but they knew that I was going to be in that
I look at myself in the mirror and add more lipstick. I‟m clad in a gold see-through dress that is just
above the knees with gold heels. I let my hair loose – the wig. I never go on missions with my real
“Did you die in there?” Randy knocks on my bedroom door. I put on some cologne grab my bag and
rush out.
“Let‟s go!”
“You look amazing!” Randy complements. “How come I get the baggy t-shirts and sweat pants Catt?
You never visited me dressed so sexy.”
“This Catt is for special occasions only.”
He opens the car door for me “Can I book her? Okay that sounded better in my head!”

Randy and I are on our way to a private party – we don‟t have invitations but no one ever questions
the white girl with an expensive car. The key is keeping busy and being confident – talk money and
tip the bouncer at the door or just flirt with him.

“Looking good!” I hand him a stash of money and naughtily wink at him. Easy as pie! Randy and I
split up when we are inside. I make my way to the bar and order a Cosmopolitan.
“Look at all these important people drinking and spending money like there‟s no tomorrow” Randy
utters we have our earpiece on.
“We have one life after all why not enjoy it while we can.”
“Are you enjoying your life?” he asks.
“Not really but it‟s not like I have a choice.”
“That Cape Town offer is still on you know” he states.
“Hey pretty lady!” some random man sits neck to me.
“I will chop off your ears and make a necklace out of them” I respond wearing a smile and he quickly

“Catt he was just greeting you” Randy laughs on the other end.
“I‟m not in the mood – do you see our guy?”
“Spotted him in the VIP section and I doubt he‟ll be coming out anytime soon” he answers.
“Then I‟ll go to him.”
I gulp down my drink and make my way to the VIP section. I find three girls dancing for Mr Vilakazi. I
clear my throat and request to talk to him and he agrees after I promise him a lap dance. The three
girls give us room to talk although I know they want to punch me in the face for disturbing them.

“How can I help you white girl?” he asks licking his lips.
“Nothing I just wanted to get rid of those girls” I sit on his lap.
I whisper in his ear “Let‟s say I always go for what I like and right now it‟s you.”
“That‟s the first I have never heard a woman admit they like a man before.”
“Maybe it‟s your lucky day” I unbuckle his belt and slip my hand into his pants. He pulls me closer
and plants a kiss on my lips then draws back.
“Do you want to get out of here?”
I bite my lower lip “Sure!”

He settles the bill then leads us to his car. Randy is driving behind us as we drive to Mr Vilakazi‟s
place. “I‟m Brendon!”
“Quinn!” I answer.
“Why me Quinn?”
I shrug “I don‟t know but for some reason I was drawn to you and no don‟t normally do this. It‟s my
first time at that club. I just want to be wild for one night you know what I mean?”
“I understand!”

We get to what I assume is his place when I did my research Brendon works at Krugersdorp
Correctional Centre and stays in Krugersdorp North but his family is in KwaZulu Natal. He kisses me
as soon as we walk into his apartment.
“May I use the bathroom?” I ask and he nods pouring himself some whiskey. I ask to take a sip and
slip a pill before returning it to him. I lock myself in the bathroom for about ten minutes and when I
join Brendon I find him passed out on the couch.

I open the door for Randy – we go through Brendon‟s stuff. We need his work uniform badge and
key card. We then drive to Krugersdorp Correctional Centre – it‟s past midnight so the guards by the
main gate don‟t do much searching they just look at the car and since Mr Vilakazi is one of the head
officers they don‟t ask much.
I‟m also in the car – in cuffs. Randy pulls me out of the car leading me to the front desk. The guards
look all sleepy I‟m sure they were sleeping before we showed up “Throw this one in the cell she
wants to act clever.”
He has a mask and hat on – he‟s the same height as Brendon and why would anyone pretend to be
someone at twelve? Plus we have connections in every corner of the prison.

“Sir we can‟t do that she…” some lady warden attempts to speak but Randy stops her and grabs me
by my arm.
“I‟ll lock her up myself.”
He leads me to the changing room where here I leave my belongings and change into the orange
jumpsuit then get thrown in the cell – this place still looks the same.

“Look who‟s back” a female voice utters. It‟s Abigail!

“I told you I‟ll come back for you!”



It‟s nice seeing Abigail again – I don‟t normally miss people but I missed her smile. I feel like she‟s
that one person I have a lot in common with – yes I only knew her for eighteen months but she
became closer than a sister when I was in prison. I found myself opening up to her more than I ever
did with anyone not even Jason.

Just like me the whole sees a bad person when they look at her. Sometimes we can‟t change our
destinies and we can‟t all be good guys after all. There won‟t be a need for police officers if there
aren‟t any criminals right? Meaning everyone has a role on this earth and some of us were just born
to cause havoc and disorder.

“Girl you look amazing!” Abigail hugs me “I thought you had forgotten about me.”
“Like I‟d forget the woman who tattooed my name to her body.”
“Are you really here for me or you‟re in trouble again?” she asks sitting on the bed.
“You‟re doubting me I‟m hurt!”
“Then how do you plan on getting me out?” she questions. I noticed she‟s not sharing the cell with
“Where‟s Meiki and why are you here alone?”
“She got in trouble with one of the crews and they beat her to a pulp she‟s at the hospital” Abigail
answers taking out a cigarette and lighting it. It‟s easy to sneak them in when you‟re friends with the

So why am I breaking Abigail out of prison? She‟s related to Ghandia more like a distant relative. I
need Ghandia‟s help to get the necklace back and for him to help me he asked me to get Abigail out
of jail. He has been trying to get her out for months now but can‟t since Abigail got life in prison.

Why Ghandia? Well they say the enemy of your enemy is your friend - the Queen Mother and
Ghandia don‟t see eye to eye. If there‟s anyone who can help me go against the sisterhood it‟s him
or Jason but he‟s not an option. I hope the bomb was planted by neither him nor Jason because I
don‟t take betrayal lightly.

“You still haven‟t told me how you plan on taking me out of this place and even if you do will I be a
wanted woman? I don‟t want to live in hiding my whole life – they are treating me good here” says
“As we speak someone is taking your name out of the list of the prisoners and clearing your record.
After today you‟ll be a free woman.”
“You still haven‟t told me how we are going to get out – this place is heavily guarded Catt. I don‟t
want you getting locked up for life because you‟re trying to get me out” she sounds worried – she‟s
always had a soft spot for me.
I cup her face “I wouldn‟t have come here if I knew my plan was going to fail and sweetie you know I
always win.”

Abigail and I catch up while waiting for the guards to switch shifts – they switch at exactly four am
and the warden that will be going on shift is on our team. What about Mr Brendon Vilakazi? He
doesn‟t work weekends and he‟s going to wake up next to a very beautiful brunet that will give him
the time of his life and keep him occupied until we return his badge and car.
“You two come with me!” a male warden announces opening our cell. Abigail and I follow him out the
cameras have been tempered with meaning the security team is watching a recording of the
previous day. The warden leads us to their changing room where we dress up as wardens and clock
out as if our shift just ended.

“Need a lift ladies?” the head officer asks #Randy. Without hesitating we climb into the car. We were
supposed to get searched by the main entrance but they just scan Randy‟s key card and let the car
through. Outside the prison we have a van waiting for us – we change into more decent clothes and
have someone take back Vilakazi‟s car to his place along with his other belongings.

“Am I dreaming? Did you just get me out?” Abigail asks as we drive to my place in Randpark Ridge.
It‟s still dark outside.
“You‟re a free woman!”
We get to the house – I run a bath for her then make something to eat for her.
“I can‟t believe we just broke someone out of prison” Randy stands next to me.
“We make a great team don‟t you think?”
“We do! Is it me or breaking the law feels great” he chuckles "I've never been so happy about doing
the wrong thing before.”
“Don‟t get corrupt detective.”
“I thought you said I stopped being a detective the moment I agreed to this life. This still feels like a
dream – we went in and out of a prison without getting detected. Wow!” he utters. He seems happy
and it scares me. Sin is fun but at the same time it requires control.

“We haven‟t won yet.”

“Well we won this time and that‟s something” he answers.
“No Randy

” he answers.

“No Randy you‟re the good cop. Don‟t let me corrupt you.”
“You‟re not corrupting me white girl” he states.
“Do you want something to eat?”
“Stop being uptight white girl and relax” he replies.
“Call me white girl one more time!”
“I‟m not going to – not because I‟m scared of you but because I don‟t want to.”
“Get a room you two” Abigail walks into the kitchen wearing a gown and drying her hair. She‟s also
mixed as me or should I say coloured as South Africans love to call it.

“Do you want something to eat?” I ask Abigail.

“I recommend you don‟t eat her food – Catt is a bad cook. You‟ll get a stomach ache on your first
day out of prison” Randy mumbles and I pick up the dishcloth and chase his around the house. He
grabs me by my arms and pins me against the wall.
“You might be the Baddest woman on the planet but you can never overpower me” he brings his
face close to mine.
“Randy I will kick you in the private parts.”
He pins my hands above my head and holds them with one hand – how is he this strong. He nuzzles
on my neck and whispers in my ear “At the end of the day you‟re all weak at our touch no matter
how strong you are. God created us first for a reason.”

I take a deep breath and exhale as his deep voice shoots straight to my clitoris. He lets go of my
hands then I feel his hands on my waist – he‟s keeping eye contact. He pulls me closer to him
pressing my body against his I swallow hard waiting for his next move. He kisses me on the
forehead and let go then walks away “That‟s why you‟ll always be the lioness and not the lion!” he
What? What did he just do? Before I can shout back at him Abigail walks into the sitting room.

“Is he your new man?” she makes herself comfortable on the couch.
“He‟s just an annoying somebody.”
“You two seem to be happy together” she points out. To avoid the conversation I take the yellow
envelope on the television stand.
“This is your new identity I‟m moving you to Zimbabwe. It is a very peaceful country and you‟ll be
owning a saloon there – I know how you love doing hair. I bought a house for you in Hillside and
your flight leaves in an hour.”
She smiles looking at her new identity “Quinn Muller! I love that you gave me your name.”
“Well it is tattooed to your body.”
She hugs me “Thanks Quinn I will be forever grateful!
A car honks outside “That‟s your ride!”
She pecks me on the lips “Thanks again!”
I walk her to the car then get back in the house and call Ghandia who also delivers his end of the
deal. He has information on Heather‟s whereabouts. Randy and I get started on how we are going to
approach her – from the information I received on Ghandia she is still in South Africa and at a hotel. I
don‟t know why she hasn‟t left yet because the person who needs the necklace is in New York or
maybe I‟m wrong.

She‟s in Protea Hotel by Marriot Pretoria Loftus Park and she has been there for the past week. It is
as if she‟s waiting for something – maybe she‟s waiting to hear from her handler. Everyone who
goes on missions has a handler someone whom they take orders from.

“Break time!” Randy closes the laptop. It‟s hard to get any work done with Randy. He plays around a
lot – when I was with Jason we switched to work mode and that was strictly for business.
“Randy we have to get this done before dusk.”
“It‟s not even two pm – let‟s go make some lunch” he helps me up and we head to the kitchen.
Randy is a good cook – he makes us lunch then we get back to work.

“Catt where do you see yourself in the next five years?” Randy asks.
“Randy can we please work on this and get it over with?”
“Not after you answer me” he insists.
“I will probably be behind bars – they are going to catch me at some point. I‟m bound to meet my
match sooner or later. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?”
He smiles “I see myself as someone‟s husband and a father. I would love to have a family of my
own. I don‟t know if I‟ll still have my job but I think I‟m ready to settle.”
“Good for you?”
“Don‟t you want to be a mother one day?” he asks.
“If there‟s one thing that scares me it is getting pregnant so no I don‟t see myself being a mother.
Now can we get back to work?”

Around five pm we head to Protea hotel – we manage to hack into the security system looking at the
security cameras and records the day Heather checked in and we get her room number. Heather is
meeting up with some man in the dining hall – they have dinner together and they seem to be having
a blast of a time but the problem I that I can‟t see the man‟s face. They chose the corner table – we
only have a clear view of Heather.
“I‟m going to pass by their table and see the man‟s face” I tell Randy.
“We can‟t risk Heather seeing you we will wait until she goes back to her room.”
“You‟re such a party pooper!” I roll my eyes.

After an hour Heather and her man leave the lounge – we follow them to Heather‟s room and for
some reason then look like they are now mad at each other. They walk into Heather‟s hotel room
and they are arguing -they don‟t even bother clothing the door. Randy and I watch them by the door
– Heather is in the bathroom and I still can‟t see the man. Out of the blue he harshly grabs Heather
by her arm and we hear a gunshot.

Randy holds me back before I can run into the room and pulls me away from the door “Randy that‟s
my sister!” I try to fight him off but he holds on to me and my heart skips a beat when we hear two
more gunshots.




When I heard the two gunshots I broke loose from Randy‟s arms and stormed into Heather‟s room –
the worst mistake of my life. I found Heather standing by the bathroom door Pablo still holding the
gun in his hand and a pillow that he just shot at lying on the floor. I kick the door shut and press the
earpiece in my ear “Randy get out of here!” I murmur.

Heather attempts to leave the room but Pablo stops her “We only want her” he spits out wearing a
huge grin. I take a deep breath trying to brush off my stupidity – this right here is what always got me
in trouble during my training back when I was part of the Sisterhood. When it comes to those I
love/care about – I never hesitate and Pablo always warned me that one day it will be my downfall.
Pablo! Also known as Enrique Pablo Garcia – he was our (Heather and me) mentor back when we
were doing our training. He‟s the one who taught us everything we know – he „made‟ us as he likes
to call it. He‟s the Queen Mother‟s right-hand man and also the co-founder of the Sisterhood

If I had known that Pablo is Heather‟s handler – I wouldn‟t have even thought of walking into this
building. Pablo knows me like the back of his hand – he trained me since I was nineteen. He knows
all my traumas and weak spots – probably one of the reasons why I‟m trapped in this hotel room.
They knew I would take the bait!

“Hey Cathrine!” Pablo walks behind me and pulls out all the knives in my holster handing them all to
Heather “Still hate guns I see.”
“What do you want from me?”
He laughs “Sweetie you know what I want – I want the cure!”
“I don‟t know where it is.”
He shakes his head “You never learn don‟t you? You better tell me where the cure is while I‟m still
asking nicely.”
I spit in his face and Heather charges forward but Pablo stops her “I see you want to go to the
disciplinary mansion!”

He tosses the gun to Heather and exits the room. I shift my focus to Heather who is now pointing the
gun at me “I‟m your sister!”
“Shut up and walk!” she commands.
“Heather come on – we are blood sisters please don‟t make me hurt you.”
She scoff “You mean me hurt you – I have always been the stronger and better Forb. As much as I
would love to kick your ass we are behind time so walk or I drag you out of this room.”

“Does Pablo have anything against you? Why else would you betray me like this – betray our
country Heather!”
She cocks the gun “Don‟t push me!” I don‟t barge so she shoots next to me. I quietly walkout as she
directs me to some car. I sit at the back seat along with Pablo - Heather is driving. I should have
known this was a trap and why didn‟t Ghandia tell me Heather is working with Pablo? But why would
he? I delivered my end of the deal – I‟m sure he‟s also working with Pablo.
I guess I have made a new enemy because I‟m going for his head after Pablo‟s.
“Don‟t think too much – your head will explode.” Pablo touches my chin snapping me out of my
“I don‟t know where the cure is.”
“You will know when I‟m done with you” he leans over bringing his face close to mine “You‟re grown
prettier I guess Jason is taking good care of you.”
Pablo intimidates me – maybe it‟s because he never makes empty threats.

“We are here!” Heather kills the engine and they both get out of the car. Heather opens the door for
me and drags me out. A jet is waiting for us – I don‟t want to go back to New York but it looks like I
don‟t have a choice.

They drag me into the jet and strap me to the chair.

“You know this is kidnapping right?”
Heather sits opposite me “Says the most wanted killer – the world would be glad that we have you.
At least now you won‟t hurt anyone.”
“I can‟t believe you‟re so cold toward me after I almost risked my life for you – I ran into that room
without hesitating.”
She nods lightly “Well you are stupid and we knew you‟d do that.”
“Why are you doing this?”
She shrugs “A girl has to do what a girl has to do to survive.”
“Our father is a billionaire and we both know we don‟t lack any money. Dad made sure of that.”
“I want the cure!” she responds.
“For what? The world is doomed if that cure gets in the wrong hands.”
She yawns “You‟re boring me – I‟m going to Pablo.”
“Are you sleeping with him?”
“And how is that your problem” she stands up from her chair “Or maybe you want to join us – Pablo
has always wanted to have a threesome with the Forbs women.”
“You‟re sick!”

She pushes my head before walking away “You will always be beneath me

little sister!” she shouts.

Hours go by and Pablo shows up to untie me “Eat something!”
“I thought the mission is to starve me to death?”
“We just want the cure” he takes a seat opposite me “I know you‟re tough but please can we not go
there. You know I don‟t enjoy hurting you but if there‟s a necessity I will do it without hesitating” he

I eat use the bathroom then they tie me back to the chair – I don‟t know if they think I‟m going to
jump off the plane. They wake me up when the plane lands – more like pour cold water on me then
dragging me out.


It is twenty-four degrees celsius in Ohio – as usual there‟s traffic due to the snow but that does stop
people from moving around or children from playing in the freezing streets. Cathrine is tied up at the
back of the van – they are taking her to the training mansion. She is still in her wet clothes – even
with the cold weather they did not bother to turn on the heaters for her.

Heather and Pablo are sitting at the front listening to soft music on the radio ignoring Cathrine who is
constantly kicking the car walls.
“What if she doesn‟t know where the cure is?” Heather asks Pablo.
“She knows after all she‟s the one who hid it. We have the necklace all we need is for her to tell us
the location of the cure.”
“You know how stubborn she is I doubt she will break” Heather answers.
Pablo smiles and just squeezes her hand – if he could break her then Cathrine is nothing.

They park the car outside the training mansion. The training mansion is where they get the girls
ready for the missions but Catt is going to the disciplinary section - where the tough and stubborn
ones go. Pablo climbs out first and walks into the mansion while Heather follows behind dragging

She takes her to level four of the disciplinary section.

“Remember the torture table?” Heather asks as they walk into a white room that has a steel table in
the middle and a drum full of water next to it.
“Fuck you Heather! There‟s nothing you can do that will make me talk – I don‟t even know where the
cure is.”

Two buff men walk into the room along with Pablo. They cuff Cathrine‟s legs and arms to the table.
“You can stop this Quinn” Pablo states but Quinn shakes her head. One of the two buff men takes a
cloth and presses it against Cathrine‟s face then they pour water on her for about five minutes until
Pablo orders them to halt.

“Where‟s the cure?” Pablo asks Catt who‟s now coughing and gasping for air. She doesn‟t respond
so they put back the cloth on her face and pour more water on her watching her choke and scream.
They do it for about an hour but still she won‟t tell them where the cure is.

When they get tired they take her to level five where they take off her clothes and hang her upside
down with her legs.
“We wouldn‟t have to do this only if you tell us where the cure is” Heather stands in front of Cathrine.
“I‟d have to die first!”
“Stop acting tough and tell us where the cure is – remember there are twelve levels. Do you want to
die?” Heather mutters sullenly.
“What do you care? I‟m sure you‟ll be happy to be David‟s only child after I die.”
“Where is the cure Cathrine?” Heather punches her hard on the stomach causing her to yelp in
agony. She continuously punches her but still she won‟t breathe out a word. Pablo is sitting by the
corner of the room watching the whole scene. Heather stops to catch her breath watching the blood
drip from her sister‟s mouth. She looks at Pablo waiting to hear her next instruction.

“Leave her like that” Pablo stands up and exits the room and Heather runs after him.
“Must we leave her hanging upside down like that?”
“Yes maybe all the blood will rush to her head and eventually explode” he answers his ringing phone
walking away.

Heather goes out for a walk and also uses the opportunity to bathe and change into warmer clothes.
After three hours she drives to the mansion and finds Pablo talking to the Queen Mother but from the
looks of it the Queen Mother doesn‟t know that Cathrine is in the building.
Heather greets them and makes her way to level five – Cathrine is still hanging from the ceiling
upside down and her face is all red.
“Stop making this hard and tell us where the cure is” Heather stand in front of Cathrine who
responds by spitting on Heather‟s face earning herself a slap “You know what? We are talking you to
level six!”

Just as Heather is about to call in the buff men Pablo walks in with the men and orders them to take
Cathrine down. They rest her on the leather couch that is on the far end of the room.
Pablo kneels next to the couch and lifts Cathrine‟s chin so she can face him “Are you ready to talk?”
She quietly nods Pablo gets a blanket for her and places it over her shoulders. “I‟m listening!”
“You have something in your teeth” Cathrine flashes a smile even though her teeth are stained with
blood and her one eye is brushed.
Pablo slaps her hard “I see you still want to act tough - take her to level seven!”



It has been twenty hours since I watched Cathrine being dragged into a plane and I didn‟t even do
anything. She saved my life twice and I couldn‟t even save her that one time – I could have called
the police but knowing our police they were going to show up hours after their departure. I couldn‟t
let them see me either because they were going to kill me and who will save Cathrine if I die – not
that I have any idea how to save her or where she is.

Now is the time and opportunity to go back to my life and forget about Quinn but for some reason I
feel the need to rescue her. She has been keeping me safe the past few days so I owe it to her. I
managed to take photos of the man that was with Heather – not that I know what to do with the
photos. I cannot involve the police either since Cathrine is a wanted woman.

I tried tracing my steps back to the safe house where Jason and Jacob were – they are my last
option. If Heather is the one that has Cathrine then it means her brother and husband did not betray
her right? I am very confused right now and I have been parked on the side of the road for about two
hours now. I got lost on my way to look for Jacob‟s safe house.

I didn‟t sleep the whole night and I feel like I‟m going to fall asleep anytime. There are no stores
nearby and I could use some coffee. I quickly get out of the car when I see a car driving my way for
the first time since I started looking for the safe house. I wave at the car to stop and sigh relief when
I see one of the ladies who walked in when Jason was discussing how to get the necklace back. I
don‟t know her name but I recognise her face.

“Can I help you?” the lady asks.

“You‟re Quinn‟s friend right?”
She looks at me for a second as if she‟s thinking about whether to respond or not “Who are you?”
“I‟m Randy and Cathrine is in trouble. Heather has her and I know you don‟t trust me but please I
need to talk to Jason or Jacob!”
She exhales “Catt is my friend but Jason and the crew left three days after Cathrine‟s
disappearance. I now stay at the safe house and I don‟t know where they are.”
“I‟m sure you have some sort of communication… please Cathrine is really in trouble.”
She sighs and takes her phone “I‟m with someone named Randy and he wants to talk to you.”

She hands me the phone and drives away – maybe she thinks I might try and use her as bait or
something. On the phone is Jacob – I explain everything to him then listen to him yell at me before
sending me his location. We meet at an eatery I‟m sure he doesn‟t trust anything I said. When he is
convinced that I‟m not lying he drives us to their new place – we find Jason watching soccer.

“Finally they decided to show up” Jason utters as soon as his eyes land on me “I hope you haven‟t
been fucking my wife” he stands up from the couch. I hate him too
“We have bigger problem Jason – Heather has Cathrine and I think they took her back to the States
because Randy says they got on a jet.” Jacob states.
“How do we know he‟s not lying? Maybe he has Cathrine locked up somewhere.” – Jason
“As if I can lock up Cathrine without her putting up a fight. It‟s no secret that she‟s capable of kicking
my ass” I answer – great! Now I sound like a coward.
“I believe him Jason – he showed me some picture of Cathrine with Pablo” Jason mutters.
“Pablo? As in Garcia?”
Jason nods “We have to act fast – I suspect he took her to Ohio!”
“The disciplinary mansion? Do you think she‟ll break?”
Jason sighs heavily “Catt is tough but this is Pablo!”
“What do you suggest?”
“Gabriel is the only one who can save her right now” Jacob answers.
“No one has seen him in years!”

“What are you guys talking about – who is Gabriel and who is Pablo?” I question. They look at each
other and pass a little nod then Jason picks up his phone from the table and exits the room.
Jacob shifts his attention to me “We are going to Ohio – thank you for updating us about Cathrine
but we will take it from here.”
“What do you mean you‟ll take it from here?”
“I‟m saying go back to your life” he answers concentrating on his phone.
“I want to help Catt is my friend.”
“You have already helped by telling us where Cathrine is and trust me if you stick around and Jason
finds out that you have been fucking his wife – you might end up without legs” Jason tells.
“You know about me and Catt?”

Jason walks back into the room “Is the detective coming with us because right now we‟d need all the
help we can get.”
“I thought you hate him?” Jacob asks as if I‟m not in the room.
“I hate him but Cathrine is in danger and no one knows him so he‟ll come in handy.” Jason answers.
Jacob shifts his attention back to me “Are you ready to abandon your life for a woman you met a
couple of months ago? Joining us means breaking rules and you might get on the wanted list.”

I take a deep breath – again I have the opportunity to walk away from all this mess and continue with
my perfect life. At the same time I can‟t abandon Cathrine – I feel the urge to see her again and
hopefully Jason will die eventually then I can be with her. I‟m in love with that woman.
“I want to help even if it means ruining my career!” I answer.
“Welcome to the gang but first lose your cop clothes” Jacob says.
“I don‟t dress like a cop

” Jacob says.

“I don‟t dress like a cop” I say in protect

“You do – the car is ready and I hope you‟ve been to Ohio!” Jason exits the room again Jacob and I
follow behind him.

I request for an untraceable phone and call my mother telling her that I‟m going away for a while and
that she shouldn‟t worry about me. She responds that I bring back a daughter-in-law wherever I‟m
going – I‟m sure she‟s forgotten about me being on the news not so long ago.

I have never been out of the country before and this is not how I pictured my first time leaving the
country. Jacob is making calls nonstop – I didn‟t know that one is allowed to use their phone in a
plane or maybe there‟s a time when one is not allowed.

I couldn‟t sleep the whole flight and Jason seemed a lot relaxed compared to me. I would be losing
my mind if I was him knowing my wife is missing. Hours go by – Ohio is a lot far than I imagined.
“You seem a little too calm” I say to Jason who is sitting behind me.
“What do you want me to do?” he responds.
“Make a few calls – Cathrine is your wife.”
“She is my wife but Jason is the brains of the group – he makes all the calls and I‟m the muscle” he
“What about Catt? Why would you send a woman to do your dirty work - as her husband you should
have been out there doing the killings not her.”
“And how is it any of your business what happens in our missions?” he questions.
“I just care about Cathrine – as a friend.”
“Well then mind your own business and respect her decisions as a friend” he answers.

After a couple of hours the plane lands. For some reason the excitement of being in a foreign land is
not there – maybe I will enjoy being in Ohio when Catt is safe.


It has been seventy-two hours since Cathrine was taken to level seven of the disciplinary mansion.
Level seven in the electric chair – they have been electrocuting her for hours but still she won‟t tell
them where the cure is.
“Shook her again!” Heather orders ignoring her little sister‟s screams “Stop acting tough and tell us
where the cure is?”
“You‟d have to kill me first sister” Cathrine answers breathing heavily – she knows very well that they
can‟t up the volts because they still need her brain so there are careful not to do too much damage.
Heather holds Cathrine by her chin “Only you have the power to stop all this – just tell me where the
cure is.”
“Over my dead body.”
“I can arrange that” Heather takes out her gun but quickly shoves it back in her holster when Pablo
enters the room. “Again!” she orders the men to electrocute Cathrine again and watches her scream
her lungs out. Pablo calls her aside and they both exit the room so they can talk.
“Any progress?” Pablo asks with so much impatience in his tone.
“She won‟t say anything – I doubt she will.”
“You have to make her or must I find someone to do it? Maybe you have a soft spot for her since
she‟s your sister.” he points out.
“If there‟s anyone who can break her it‟s me.”
“Then do it fast because the buyers will be here in forty-eight hours and I need to have the location
of the cure by then” he tells.
“Give a couple of hours to try and get through her.”
“You have four hours!” Pablo walks away.

Heather walks into the room and slaps Cathrine across the face – she‟s losing her cool. Usually
people break after level six “What is your problem? Tell me where the cure is!”
Cathrine laughs with the little energy she has left “Go to hell Heather!”
“Please leave us!” Heather announces to the four men in the room and they leave without hesitating.
Heather pulls out a gun from her holster and sits in front of Cathrine who is still tied up the chair.
“Let‟s play Russian Roulette” Heather empties her gun and puts back only two bullets.
“You won‟t kill me!”
Heather chuckles “True but I can shoot your arms or legs. Where is the cure?”
Cathrine looks aside and Heather pulls the trigger but the slot is empty she cocks the gun and asks
again but Cathrine shakes her head and for the first time since they started torturing her tears fall on
her face.
“Heather why are you doing this?”
“I said tell me where the cure is?” Heather yells this time continuously hitting Cathrine with the gun
until her head starts bleeding.
“Heather that‟s enough!” Pablo stops her “I‟ll take it from here.”
“It‟s no use – she won‟t break” Heather answers.
“She will trust me! There are ways to make a woman feel worthless and empty!”



“What are you going to do to me?” Cathrine asks Pablo as he carries her out of level seven with
Heather following behind them.
“You‟ll find out soon” Pablo answers focused on where he‟s headed. He takes Cathrine to some
room and lays her on the bed “I‟m going to give you an hour to think this through. You can use the
shower and someone will bring you some food. Please don‟t push my hand because you won‟t like
what‟s coming.”

Cathrine chuckles sitting upright and resting her back on the soft and comfortable pillows “You will
never break me Pablo and you better pray that I die in this place because if I don‟t you‟re dead!”
“I‟m looking forward to that day” he says before walking out of the room. Heather follows behind him.

After about ten minutes a man walks into the room where Cathrine is – he is carrying a tray of food.
Without being told to dig in Cathrine helps herself with the food. She hasn‟t eaten anything for the
past seventy-two hours. After eating she lays on her back facing the ceiling ignoring her now aching
tummy – she ate in a hurry.

„Jason where are you?‟ she mutters to herself. At this moment only her husband can help her he‟s
always been there for her. As much as she‟s wants to act tough her body can no longer take the
torture. The only thing that has gotten her through the torture are the happy memories she shared
with the two men in her life – Randy and Jason.

Cathrine drags herself to the bathroom and runs a bath for herself. She takes off her clothes
standing in front of the mirror looking at the bruises all over her body. What hurts her the most is
Heather betraying her – they are blood sisters! She rests herself in the tub letting the bathing oils
massage her weary body.

„Who am I kidding no one is coming for me‟ she lies back getting her head underwater but someone
pulls out. It‟s Heather.
“Don‟t tell me you want to drown yourself in a tub?”
Cathrine rolls her eyes accepting the towel Heather just handed to her. She dries herself and
changes into a flared dress that looks hideous on her. She sits on the bed and starts applying
medicine on her wounds – Heather offers to help and stupid Cathrine lets her. Pablo was right she
never learns.

“I hate hurting you like this” Heather utters.

“Then why are you doing it?”
“I‟m just following orders and you should also stop being stubborn and tell Pablo where the cure is”
she says and Cathrine looks aside. She kneels next to her and cups her face “Tell Pablo where the
cure is and we can go back to how things were. It‟ll be like in the old days.”
“I love you Heather and I wish we can go back to what we were but I‟m not a child anymore and I will
never tell you where the cure is.”
Heather stands up and shakes her head “Then prepare to be tortured more.”
“I will never break!”
“You will” Pablo walks into the room and grabs Cathrine by the arms “I‟m done playing nice with you.
It seems you understand violence so I‟m going to give you exactly what you need and that is to get
you down from your high horse.”

Cathrine spits on his face earning a slap that sends her to the ground “I will never break Pablo – I‟m
not just the Baddest by title.”
“I guess I will be the man who rips that title from you” Pablo grabs her by her hair and drags her to
some room where he throws her inside and locks it. He enters another room that has a glass wall
where he can see Cathrine who is trying to open the door. From where Pablo is he can hear and see
Cathrine but she can‟t.

“What is that room?” Heather asks Pablo who responds by taking a seat and pouring himself
whiskey “Pablo what are you going to do to her?”
“Sit and watch or leave the room because things are about to get nasty.”
“What do you mean?” she asks now curious.
Pablo pulls her next to him and tells her to watch for herself.
Six men walk into the room where Cathrine is and Heather looks at Pablo who smiles at her and
shifts his attention back to Cathrine. He knows this will break her – no woman remains the same
after such an encounter.

Heather gasps covering her mouth when one of the six men tears off Cathrine‟s dress “Pablo come
on… please not that!”
“Do you want to take her place? If you think of it that might motivate her to talk.”

Heather covers her ears as her sister‟s screams fill the room – tears fall on her face as she begs
Pablo to tell them to stop. All six men are forcing themselves on her sister – they are ignoring her
screams and hive fiving as they take turns satisfying themselves. Heather storms out of the room
when she can no longer take but Pablo seems to be doing fine. He is sipping on his whiskey
watching the show – only short with popcorn.

The show goes on for about an hour with the men shoving their manhood in every hole Cathrine has
until she screams “I‟ll talk! Pablo

“I‟ll talk! Pablo I‟ll talk!”

Pablo orders the men to stop and walks into the room where Cathrine is – he covers her nakedness
with a blanket and stands next to her “Where‟s the cure?”
“My father‟s basement – the old house in Rochester!” she answers hugging her shivering body even
though it‟s not cold in the room.
“All this would have been avoided you know.”
He picks her up and carries her to the white room – level twelve where one completes their
disciplinary training. Level twelve is where they destroy one mentally they twist everything to an
extent where you believe anything they say. They had Cathrine standing in a tube for hours wearing
headsets on full blast and there was a voice telling her stuff. They used her past against her to an
extent where she doubted her existence.

She had a voice in her head reminding her of how she killed her blood brother. A voice reminding
her how her mother never loved her a voice reminding her how her husband and brother betrayed
her. They had her on level twelve for fourteen hours normally nine hours is enough but with Cathrine
they had to go an extra mile.


We landed in Ohio about twenty hours ago and we have been on our feet since. We are looking for a
man named Gabriel – according to Jason he‟s the only person that knows where Cathrine hid the
cure. I‟m surprised she didn‟t tell her husband but again I understand her because no one can be

The plan is to find the cure and destroy it – that‟s the only option we have. We have searched
everywhere Jason‟s people told us where to look and still no sign of Gabriel. Gabriel is the first
person the dose was tried on and he was Cathrine‟s best friend when they were growing. I still don‟t
know who Pablo is but I have concluded he‟s the bad guy.

“Why are we looking for Gabriel instead of Cathrine?” I ask Jacob we are at a coffee shop after a
long day of searching the whole city like crazy people. Jason is here too and I think the seriousness
of the situation is starting to kick in because he looks like he‟s carrying the world on his shoulders.

“This is not good” Jacob stands up with his focus on his phone. “The Japanese are on their way
“Fuck!” Jason pushes the cup in front of him off the table drawing people‟s attention “Do you know
what this means? This is all your fault!” he yells at Jacob.
“How is it my fault and if you checked correctly I‟m the one trying to get Cathrine back here” – Jacob.
“What are you two talking about – have you found Cathrine?”
Jacob shakes his head “The Japanese flying in means Pablo knows where the cure is and Cathrine
is no longer on our side.”
“I don‟t understand.”
“How are you even a detective? Can‟t you put two and two” Jason shoves his chair back and exits
the coffee shop pushing everything and everyone that is in his way.
Jacob sighs heavily “Pablo now knows where the cure is and Cathrine probably follows his orders
now. You still have the chance to get out of all this you know.”
“No I want to help.”
“Do you love her that much?” he asks.
“I have never loved a woman the way I love her.”
He gulps down all his ice tea “Don‟t let Jason hear you say that. Let‟s go!”
“Where are we going? We can‟t find Gabriel!”
“No but we can find David – Cathrine‟s father and he might be able to help” we head to the car
where we find Jason waiting for us.



“Need help with that?” Heather asks Cathrine who is struggling to zip her top it has a zipper at the
Without waiting for the response Heather walks into the room and helps her. She stares at her
through the mirror and utters “You‟re so pretty I‟m jealous!”
Catt chuckles and answers “At least you have a killer body.”
“Are you okay though?” it‟s been twelve hours since they took Cathrine out of level twelve and she‟s
a changed woman with revenge on her mind – they broke her!
“I‟m fine Heather that‟s the fifth time you‟re asking.”
“I‟m just worried about you” she answers wearing a smile pushing aside that not so long ago they
wanted to slit each other‟s throats.

“Are you ladies ready?” Pablo asks standing by the door. He looks handsome in his grey trousers
and white shirt that is hugging his muscles. “And Catt you look stunning.”
“You don‟t look bad yourself” Catt winks at him.

Pablo leads the way as they go to the car – they drive to the airport they are on their way to
Rochester to get the cure. It is about an hour fifteen minutes flight from Ohio. Luckily David didn‟t sell
his old house – he left it in his daughters‟ names.
“I hate this place” Heathers utters as they make their way into the house to retrieve the cure.
“Good girl!” Pablo kisses Cathrine on the forehead. The Japanese offered billions for the cure.


“What is the Sisterhood?” I ask Jason – Jacob has been pacing up and down the whole house
making calls on how to get David since we failed to find Gabriel. Jason and I are sitting outside –
getting some air. I still hate his gut but right now we need to stick together to find Cathrine.

I might be a bad detective as Jason said but I can tell something is a little off with him. I still think
he‟s a little relaxed for someone who has a wife that is being tortured somewhere in Ohio – Jacob
told me all about the training mansion. I wonder if Cathrine will break she is a tough nut to crack but
everyone has a weakness – even the Baddest.

“So you‟re just going to ignore me?” I ask Jason who sighs heavily but doesn‟t breathe out a word.
“In case you haven‟t noticed I don‟t like you” finally he speaks.
“What did I do for me you to hate me?” I know what I did but I want to hear it from the horse‟s mouth.
“I know you like my wife.”
“I don‟t like your wife” I answer I love her! I don‟t say that loud of course. And does he have to
mention that she‟s his wife every time we talk about her?

Jason and I go back to our awkward silence – I wonder how they met and how he managed to
change Cathrine‟s second name. Cathrine is a handful and one has to be out of their mind to marry
her. I wonder how Jason managed to tame her – I have noticed how her character changes when
she talks about him. She respects him or maybe it's because she loves him.

“May I ask?” I say to Jason – I‟m sure he wants to punch me in the throat but I can‟t help it.
Investigating is my job.
“Don‟t ask!”
“You were Cathrine‟s handler right… how come you‟re failing to find her? Shouldn‟t you be the one
more hands-on than Jacob since you‟re the one who has been with her these past years? You‟re the
one who took her out of the Sisterhood meaning you know the place and if you could get in back
then – you can do the same now.” I tell.
He stands up “Have anyone told you you‟re annoying” he utters then walks back into the house.
Something is up with this one and I can tell he‟s hiding something.
“Where‟s Jason?” Jacob joins me outside.
“He went inside – any progress?”
He sighs and takes a seat on the step where I‟m sitting “I feel like I‟m going to lose my mind. I can‟t
get any tangible information on Cathrine. All my sources know nothing which is weird. I always get
whatever information I need and this time no one knows anything – I cannot even find David. I have
failed her!”

“Don‟t say that – we are here because of you. You have been doing everything in your power to get
your sister back. The person I don‟t trust is that husband of hers.” I say.
“He also doesn‟t trust you and I‟ll just conclude it is because you‟re both in love with the same
“It has nothing to do with Cathrine” I answer
“So what now that we can‟t find Gabriel or David?” I ask and he shrugs “Why is everything just all
over the place? Something doesn‟t add up – first it was the bomb in the car. We took that car from
the safe house meaning Heather knew nothing about the safe house and why didn‟t you guys look
for Cathrine when she disappeared? You guys just moved to another safe house without looking for
her.” I question – my detective senses are tingling.

“We did not just move on – we tried looking for her and her husband assured me that it‟s her thing.
Sometimes she just disappears and comes back after a couple of days.”
I shake my head “How much do you trust Jason… really how much do you trust him?”
“I have been working with him to find the necklace for more than five years – he‟s not the bad guy.”
“What do you guys need the necklace for anyways? If you look into it – you guys looking for the
necklace is the reason the Japanese know the cure exists” I point out.

“Jason and Cathrine are the ones who started with this mess I just joined in because I care about my
sister and at first I was trying to separate her from Jason.”
I look at him for a second “That doesn‟t make any sense at all. You agreed to help them because
Catt was with Jason?”
“It‟s complicated okay.”
“Jacob what is the real reason you and Jason want the cure?” I question. I feel like Cathrine was the
one being played here. These people also wanted the cure for themselves – five years just to save
the world? I doubt.
“Stop interrogating me!”
“I‟m just asking hey… I think we are past keeping secrets” I say.
“I just wanted to keep an eye on my sister – Catt has been through a lot. Her mother neglecting her
her father hating her for hiding the cure Heather accusing her of ruining her life then there‟s William
who tried to force himself on her.”

“You like her don‟t you? I mean Cathrine.” I question. One would think he‟s the one married to
“Now you‟re getting too comfortable detective – Catt is my sister.”
“I heard you‟re not blood-related and there‟s nothing wrong with having feelings for someone

” I say.

“Again she‟s my sister and no I don‟t like her. I have a wife and children.”
“Okay!” he‟s lying too just like that Asian. “I‟m going to take a walk.”
“Try not to get lost – I wouldn‟t want to be looking for you too.”
“Awww you care about me” I stand up from the stoop.
“Jason was right you are annoying.”

I grab my coat and take a walk – Ohio is very beautiful and I would have loved to walk these streets
with Cathrine. It has never snowed in Johannesburg and may I say I am not a fan of the snow. How
do these people survive so much cold? I make sure I‟m not far away from the house – I wouldn‟t
want to get lost.

“Sorry!” I quickly say when my body collides with some lady. I can tell it‟s a lady by her coat even
though I haven‟t seen her face. She lifts her face and our eyes lock. Those icy blue eyes!
“Watch where you‟re going!” she pushes me out of her way but I pull her back “Don‟t touch me!”
I look at her eyes once more they no longer have that spark they had when she looked at me. They
are dark – not literally.
She frowns and pushes my hands off hers “I think you‟re mistaking me for someone else.”
I pull her back again and she pushes me away this time with more force “Dude stop touching me!”
“Catt it‟s me!”
“I don‟t know who you are so stop touching me” she says and she‟s not joking. Why is she acting like
she doesn‟t know me? Maybe she‟s being watched so I lean over to whisper into her ear and feel
something press on my stomach. It‟s a knife “Touch me again and I will end you!”

I shift back with my arms raised so she can see I mean no harm. She looks at me one more time
and walks away. I follow her for about two blocks. I increase my pace when she takes a sharp right
on some corner and lose her. She must have noticed that I was following her. I start searching for
her and she‟s nowhere to be found.

I feel something grab on my coat and press me against the wall. Its‟ Cathrine and she has a knife to
my throat “Why are you following me and who do you work for?”
I push her arm off my throat “What do you mean who do I work for?”
“Who are you?”
She‟s not joking and she‟s a different Cathrine more like Quinn “What did they do to you?”
“Stay away from me” she walks away.
She hastily turns and without hesitating she throws the knife at me but luckily I duck down just in
time and when I look up she‟s gone.


“Are you okay?” Heather asks when I walk into the house. We are staying at some apartment Pablo
rented for us. The Japanese are arriving in the next hour and we came back from Rochester three
hours ago. Pablo had sent me to a hotel to deliver an envelope.

“Cathrine?” Heather snaps her fingers in my face “Did something happen?”

“No I‟m just not feeling well” I lie. I can‟t get that man I saw out of my head. I feel like I know him from
somewhere yet I can‟t remember him. I feel like I‟m forgetting something.
“Drink some pain killers because Pablo needs us when he delivers the cure.”
“Pablo should just go by himself” I mumble.
“He needs us now go change before he gets here.”
“Do I have a boyfriend?” I ask Heather. “I know it sounds weird but I feel like I‟m forgetting
That‟s not why I‟m asking – it is because of that black guy I ran into.
“You hurt your head during our last mission maybe that‟s why you‟re like this – now go change.”
I groan in annoyance “You and Pablo should loosen up!”

I head to the bathroom and take off my clothes. I also have so many bruises that I don‟t remember
“Call me Red!” that man‟s image flashes in my head.



“Did you die in there?” Heather knocks on the bathroom door. Heather and Pablo are starting to get
on my nerves. They are always hovering over me like a dangerous plague and it is getting annoying.
I am a grown adult that doesn‟t need any supervising. Even the time when Pablo sent me to deliver
the envelope Heather was checking up on me every ten minutes.

I understand that they care about me but I need some space – they are suffocating me. Then there‟s
this weird frustrating feeling I have been having. I feel like I‟m forgetting something and it is messing
with my head. Not forgetting that handsome black man that I ran into. He seemed to know me but for
some reason I don‟t remember ever seeing him in my life.

I would say he‟s some random hookup but I normally go for Asian men – mostly because they look
like Korean men and Korean men are very romantic.
“Catt come on you‟ve been in there for over thirty minutes” Heather continuously bangs the door.

I close the shower tap and wrap a towel on my body “Heather please let me breathe!”
“We are going to be late” she stands by the door as I dry my hair “How are you feeling?”
I roll my eyes “Annoyed! Can you please leave so I can get dressed?”
“Don‟t take too long and here are some painkillers for your sore body and bruises.”
I take the bottle of pills from her hand “Funny I don‟t remember getting these bruises. I feel like I‟m
forgetting something. As if something is missing in my life.”
“You and me little sister.”
I exhale “So how is your relationship with Jerald?”
“I dated Jerald when I was twenty- three Catt.”
“Wait a minute how old are you now – how old am I?” I ask her. When Heather was twenty-three I
was eighteen!
“I am thirty-three and you are twenty-eight.”

I laugh but she‟s not joking – something is not right. Why can‟t I remember anything that happened
before yesterday? I get clad in a long black body-hugging dress it has lacy long sleeves – I cannot
show much skin with the bruises on my body.
“Let‟s go!” Heather calls standing by the door. She‟s starting to become a pain. I tell her that I‟m
following behind her. I put on my earrings and stare at the pain killers Heather gave me. I pick up the
bottle and toss it in the trash can next to the dressing table before heading out.

Pablo is driving as we go to meet the Japanese “How come I haven‟t met the Queen Mother?” I ask
Pablo. Usually he takes orders from the Queen mother but surprisingly he said the „boss‟ will meet
us at the location.
“The Queen Mother is not in town” Heather answers – I wasn‟t talking to her.
After about fifteen minutes the car comes to a halt at some huge house. Pablo gets out first then
offloads the cure to another car. “I thought you said we are taking it to the Japanese?” I whisper to
“We are!”

An Asian man dressed in a grey three-piece suit with two bodyguards walking with him walks
towards us. Now that‟s my type. He looks so good with his hair combed back revealing more of his
handsome face and his beard is neatly cut.
“Hey." Heather secretly pinches my arms. I am staring at the Asian man.
The Asian man smiles and extends his hand to me “You must be Cathrine!”
He must be the boss! I flash and shake his hands “Good evening!”

He chuckles and shakes his head then shifts his focus to Pablo “Do you have the cure?”
“Yes we just loaded it in your car.”
His eyes are fixed on me yet he‟s talking to Pablo and I‟m trying by all means to stop the urge to
stare into his eyes “Did you test the cure?”
“Yes sir!” Humble servant Pablo answers – I didn‟t know he can be so humble.
“Is Quinn coming with me?”
“Uhm” Pablo turns to me and I nod even though I don‟t know why I‟m nodding but who wouldn‟t want
to be around Mr handsome here.

“Okay then” The boss extends his hand to me and leads me to the car. His touch makes my blood
rush and for some reason it doesn‟t feel foreign. He gets into the car and starts driving – I didn‟t even
get the chance to say goodbye to Heather.

“So Quinn how are you feeling?” Mr Asian asks – can everybody stop asking me that?
“I feel fine sir thank you for asking.”
He laughs and I ask if I said something funny and he responds “It is weird hearing you call me sir.”
“What am I supposed to call you?”
“Well for now sir is fine” he reaches for my hand gently squeezes. I don‟t know if I should pull away
or not “It‟s nice seeing this side of you again. The sweet and innocent Cathrine – you were such an
innocent little girl. Maybe that‟s why I fell in love with you.”

“You… you love me?” Why would a man like him love a person like me. I am part of the Sisterhood
and everyone knows that we are assassins. “Why?”
He strokes my chin with his finger “You‟re lovable!”
“Aren‟t you married?” he looks like he‟s in his thirties.
“Since when has that ever stopped you?”
“I don‟t understand!” Why is this man saying things that do not make any sense?
“I am married Cathrine!”
“I‟m sure your wife is very pretty how is she like?” Why am I even asking all this?
“She‟s bold she‟s beautiful and deadly when messed with” he answers.
“She sounds dangerous” I state and he laughs – hard!
“I love the new you.”

We drive to someplace that looks like it hasn‟t been used in years. I expected the Japanese to have
some class – who still meets up with people at an abandoned house. Mr Asian and I wait for about
an hour and still no sign of the Japanese. A whole awkward hour – I keep catching Mr Asian staring
at me. I didn‟t get any orders to please him from Pablo so I‟m not allowed to do anything with him. I
want to though.

“Quinn!” Mr Asian touches my hand snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Yes sir!”
He chuckles again he seemed to get amused by me calling him sir “I don‟t think the Japanese are
coming – I just received a call” he looks a little angry.
“Do you want me to drive us back?”
“You don‟t know how to drive” he answers and goes to open the car do for me.
“How do you know I can‟t drive?”
“Pablo told me.” He goes to the other side and gets into the then starts driving. We drive back in
silence he is angry and trying to hide it. He drops me off at the apartment and drives off without
saying goodbye.

Heather is not around so I change then take a walk.


Jacob kidnapped the Japanese leader – we figured if we can‟t find Cathrine or the cure then why not
kidnap the buyer. We have him and his bodyguards tied up in the basement. I still haven‟t told
anyone that I met Cathrine – I don‟t know if I should.

I went back in hopes to run into her again but didn‟t. I have gone back about five times and I am
planning to go back again. One last time before I call it a day. It is past eight yet it‟s still not yet dark
outside – things are confusing this side. I grab my coat and head out.

“Where are you going?” Jason asks me.

“Where are you coming from?” he doesn‟t answer – he just passes by. I tell Jacob that I‟m going out
and he also has questions on my up and downs but I don‟t answer him.

I go to the same block where I saw Cathrine – I walk around that area for about forty-five minutes
and give up. On my way back to the house I run into a group of men who attempt to rob me but
someone fires a gun at us and they runoff.
“You shouldn‟t be walking around here it‟s not safe” I lady voice utters. Great! I just got saved by a
woman. When I lift my eyes it‟s the one woman I was looking for “You! If I had known it was you I
would have walked off.”
“That‟s sounds a little harsh don‟t you think?”
She scoffs shaking her head “You should be thanking me.”
“Thanks Cathrine!”
“How do you know me?” she questions keeping a straight face.
“We are friends.”
“Define friends?” she starts walking and I follow behind her.
“We are closed and I‟m here to save you.”
She laughs “You look like you needed more saving.”
“Cathrine look…” I try to touch her arm but she shifts backwards “I am not the bad guy why don‟t we
go to Jacob and try to figure things out.”
“You know my brother?” her face softens I‟m sure her black side wants to shoot me in the face.
“Yes like I said we are friends.”
“How come I don‟t remember you?” she asks.
“I don‟t know what they did to you but we will figure it out – please come with me.”

She shifts further away “What‟s your name?”

“Call me Red!”
„Why can‟t I remember you?” now there‟s sadness in her eyes.
“I don‟t know what they did to you but if you lost your memory then you need to be around familiar
people or do things that might trigger your memory.”
She exhales heavily “What can I do that might help me remember you or stop myself from killing you
right now.”
“This!” I shift towards her and kiss her. Surprisingly she doesn‟t push me away or shoot me “Does
that trigger anything?”
She shakes her head.
“Maybe if we try again!” I whisper and she kicks me in the private part.Same old Cathrine!



“You know this is not the first time you kicked me” I say to Cathrine now holding on to the wall. For
someone this tiny she sure knows how to kick – funny I didn‟t see this one coming. I take about five
minutes catching my breath with Cathrine just staring at me – no sorry whatsoever.

“Are you going to apologise?” I ask when another ten minutes goes by. I‟m surprised she hasn‟t left.
“I‟m sorry for kicking you…do you want me to get you an ice pack?”
I chuckle remembering the first time she kicked me “I feel better so there‟s no need.”
“You kissed me does it mean we are that close?”
I nod “We are close but it‟s complicated since you‟re married.”
“I‟m married?”
“What did they do to you” I shift towards her but she shifts backwards “I mean no harm Catt.”
“Look I don‟t know who you are and I don‟t know if I should trust you or not. Yes you claim to know
me but I have no memory of you and until then please keep your distance.”

She has no memory of me – even her eyes don‟t have the spark they usually have. She has also
grown soft – she speaks more politely. The Cathrine I know uses every opportunity she gets to insult
“What‟s the time?” she grabs my wrist checking the time “I have to go Red.”
“Don‟t you want to talk to Jacob first?”
She shakes her head “Not when I don‟t remember anything – I have no memory beyond the past few
“I can help you Catt. Jacob and Jason don‟t even have to know.”
She looks at me “Who is Jason?”
“Jason is your husband.”
“If I‟m married then why are you all over me like a rash?” she pulls out a gun and points it at me
“What if you‟re lying to me?”
I slowly grab the gun from her hands at least she doesn‟t pull the trigger “I didn‟t risk my life and
career to come here just so I can lie to you. It must be frustrating not to remember your life but I
swear I‟m not the bad guy. I am here because I love you Cathrine.”
“You said I‟m married!”
I cup her face “I don‟t care! I would still love you even if you had kids.”
“I don‟t have kids right?”
I chuckle “Not that I know of but I swear on my mother – I love you. And I love my mother so me
swearing on her shows how much you mean to me.”

She exhales heavily and shoves her gun back in the holster “I don‟t know…I don‟t know what to
believe or what is going on.”
“How about I tell you what I know maybe that might help you remember.”
She looks around we are still in the alley where I almost got robbed

“We can‟t do it here.”

“How about we go to where I am staying and I promise I will make sure no one sees you.”
She exhales and doesn‟t respond I cup her face and stare into those beautiful icy blue eyes “I would
never betray you Catt. I owe you my life!”
“Fine but if you try anything funny I will shoot you in the head.”

I lead the way as we head back to the house – luckily Jason and Jacob are nowhere in plain sight.
For someone who lost her memory Cathrine did not lose her stinking behaviour. She‟s the one that
doesn‟t want to be seen yet I‟m the one walking like I‟m walking on eggshells. She‟s not even
keeping her voice down.

We make it safe to the room I‟m using and I lock the door behind me. White girl has already made
herself comfortable on the bed – she didn‟t even remove her shoes. I sit on the far end of the bed
and start narration to her how we met – I‟m surprised she finds it funny. I explain the part where I
was working on catching her and how I fell in love with her not forgetting the part where we almost
died and how we broke Abigail out of prison.

“Man I sound like the Baddest bitch on the planet” she utters with a huge smile pasted on her face.
“You are the Baddest!”
She shakes her head disagreeing “Doesn‟t look like it because right now I‟m somebody‟s property.”
“You‟re not an object and I know you will regain your memory and kick Pablo‟s ass.”
She quickly stands up “Pablo! How do you know Pablo?”
“He‟s the man that kidnapped you.”
“Just when I was starting to believe you – you start lying to me” she walks towards the door but I
block her way “Get out of my way Red!”
“My name is Randy Evans and Catt I‟m not the bad guy.”
“You‟re also a cop – how do I know this is not just a way to lure me into your trap?” she asks –
serious as a heart attack.

“Didn‟t you hear me say I love you!” this time I raise my voice “I should be back in South Africa living
my life and here I am following a woman who has no memory of me. If I want you dead I would have
killed you by now. You might be the Baddest but you can never overpower me!”
“I am a trained assassin!”
I grab her by her arms and pin her body against the closed door. She tries to break loose from my
embrace but I tighten my grip. I pin her arms above her head and hold them with one hand “You
were saying?”
“Randy I will kick you in…” she stops talking and stares at me “Why do I remember saying these
words to you?”
“Because you have said these words and the scenario was almost similar to this one.” I let go of her

She goes to sit on the bed “Why don‟t I remember?”

“I don‟t know what they did to you but as I said I can help you figure it out.”
She stands up from the bed “I need to take a walk and please can we keep this between us. Don‟t
tell anyone that you saw me until I remember everything.”
“Please don‟t disappear – promise you will see me again.”
She nods “I will find you when I need you.”
I kiss her forehead and pull her into my arms “Please remember before the cure gets in the wrong
hands.” I hold her in my arms for a while. It‟s nice having her in my arms and if I could I would freeze
the moment. I can already feel the little guy in my pants twitching.

I pull out of the hug and cup her face – a part of me wants to kiss her but Mrs Keller might kick me
again. Her eyes are warm and I can‟t hold the urge so I take my chance. If I die I die as we South
Africans love to say. I shift my face towards hers and halt. They say the key to getting someone to
kiss you before you do is building tension – lean towards the person seventy percent and if they
want to kiss you they will cover the remaining thirty percent.

Just as I imagined Mrs Keller covers the thirty percent and I suck on her bottom lip – even I don‟t
know how she went from Quinn to Mrs Keller. I place my hand on her waist and pull her closer – her
hands make their way to the back of my neck as our tongues sing a Ballard only our hearts know.

I lift her and she wraps her legs on my waist – I gently lay her on the bed and get in between her
legs. Her eyes and how she doesn‟t want to untangle her legs from my waist permits me to continue
kissing her. Just like the first time I kissed her her lips are sweet and the guy in my pants is
misbehaving. I want to bury myself inside her but doing it while she has no memory of us is like
taking advantage of her.

I try to pull away but she hold on to my coat and unzips it helping me take it off – I also help her out
of hers and go back to sucking on each other‟s lips.
“It‟s okay – I want to!” she takes off her top and throws it on the floor then helps me with my t-shirt.
I‟m trying hard to ignore the bruises on her body – she‟s white so they are very visible. What did
Pablo do to her? I don‟t want her to feel bad about me noticing the bruises so I push it to the back of
my mind and focus my mind on her gorgeous eyes as my lips worship every part of her body. Every
woman deserves to be worshiped!

I spread her legs wide and devour her as if my life depends on it. She grabs onto the pillow and
covers her face to suppress her moans – we wouldn‟t want to wake up husband dearest. She
flinches when I insert my finger so I muff her until her legs trembles and she releases them juices.

I go back to kissing her – damn I don‟t have protection “Do you trust me?” I whisper in her ears.
“I barely know you!”
“True but can you trust my pull out game?” I ask and she promises to take a pill afterwards. I position
myself and she keeps flinching when I try to insert myself “Do you want me to stop?”
“It‟s okay – I‟m fine.”
I kiss her and slowly insert myself and she holds on tight to my shoulders – since when is Catt
sacred of sex? “Are you okay?”
She assures me that she‟s fine and that I should keep going but I can tell she‟s not fine – her eyes
are teary and I think she‟s just doing this to regain her memory and right now something is on her
mind. I get off her and lie on my back facing the ceiling “Are you okay?”
“No!” she burst into tears.
I pull the covers up and cover then hold her in my arms as she cries – I have never seen her this



This is the first time seeing Cathrine cry and it breaks my heart. She‟s always been the toughest but
I guess even the Baddest break. I have been holding her in my arms for some time now and it‟s
already dark outside. I don‟t know what they did to her but her losing her memory ruins everything.
With Heather and Cathrine on Pablo‟s side we stand no chance.

“Feel better?” I ask Cathrine and she nods. It is okay to break down and cry sometimes. No one is
expected to be strong all the time – we all have a breaking point and I am glad that she cried in my
“I have to go Randy!” she gets out of bed and gets dressed – I do the same “I‟m sorry for breaking
down like this – I don‟t normally do this.”
“It‟s okay you can cry all you want as long as you are around me.”
She smiles faintly “Thanks!”
“Do you want to talk about it - whatever was making you cry?”

She chuckles and a teardrops on her face but she quickly wipes it off “It‟s stupid and nothing makes
“You can talk to me Blue!”
“Blue?” she smiles “Is that what you call me?”
“Well you wouldn‟t tell me your name when we first met and you insisted I call you Blue.”
Someone knocks on the door “Randy we need to talk!”
That‟s Jacob! I look at Cathrine who shakes her head. I know she‟s not ready to see her brother and
I respect her decision.
“I‟m coming!” I yell back at Jacob
He tries to open the door but it‟s locked “What are you doing in there?”
“I am getting dressed I…” I turn to Cathrine and she‟s gone. She went out the window. Trained

I open the door and attend to Jacob who leads me to the basement where the Japanese are – they
are threatening to have our heads cut off when they get released. Well we are not planning on
releasing them anytime soon and we just have our fingers crossed that Pablo does not find new

“Why are we here?” I ask Jacob we could have talked outside.

“Look at these men and tell me what you see?”
“A bunch of tied up Japanese men” I answer and he shakes his head. I don‟t know what I am
supposed to be seeing.
“They are Asian and not Japanese.”
“Korean Chinese Japanese Asians all look the same to me so what are you on about?” I question
and he walks out of the basement closing the door and locking it.

“Let‟s take a walk” he grabs his jacket.

“Why are you being weird – you‟re not planning on killing me are you?”
He gives me the annoyed look and I signal he walks out first. These people seem to be enjoying the
cold – who takes a walk in the snow? I don‟t dare complain this is my future brother in law and to
score myself some points I have to respect him.

“I have been thinking about what you said” Jacob states and I don‟t respond. I say a lot of things and
I don‟t know what I said this time. “Something is fishy about Jason – I know he‟s my friend but I don‟t
trust him that much and that‟s why I have been having him tailed.”
“He knows how to move around undetected and my people are failing to know about his
whereabouts” Jacobs walks into some Diner and I follow him in.

He walks to the corner table and takes a seat. The pretty red-haired waitress takes our orders then
disappears to wherever she came from. “I think something is up with Jason. I can‟t quite put my
finger on it but he is hiding something.”
“If you say that then why did you tell him about kidnapping the buyer?”
“Who said I did?” he answers then smiles at the waitress who just came with our orders. He waits
until the waitress leaves “You know I have been thinking about the whole thing. Jason knew that
Cathrine is the only person that knows where the cure is he also knew that the necklace was in
South Africa – he just used Catt for his dirty work.”

He sips on his whiskey “When you mentioned the bomb in your car it got me thinking. Only a few
people knew about the safe house and that was until I discovered that Jason has been sending my
wife money.”
Holy cow! I don‟t respond again – I watch him gulp down his whiskey and frown at the bitter taste. I
still haven‟t touched mine. “That bitch is working for Jason – she accidentally sent me a voice note
meant for him. I guess he forgot about her since he now has the necklace and the cure.”

“I‟m sorry man… I mean you have kids with that woman!” I say.
“They are not my kids they are hers and I just loved her enough to accept her with her kids.”
Honestly I knew something was up with those kids. They are black and their father is white.
Something wasn‟t adding up “So what now?”
“We get my sister and I‟m going to kill that bastard!”
I want to tell him that I met Cathrine but he could be lying to me so I‟m not going to say anything.

“Where is he right now I mean Jason?” I ask.

“He was at the house

I mean Jason?” I ask.

“He was at the house why?”

“Can‟t you put a listening device on him?” I question. “I‟m not saying on his clothes but make him
swallow it. Don‟t you guys have those small devices? Throw it in anything deep-fried. People
swallow anything deep-fried.”
“You know that‟s a great idea! You‟re not useless after all. No offence!”
“Some taken!” I answer.

I‟m not in the mood for drinking so I order something to eat – brother in law is paying. I can‟t get my
mind off Cathrine. I wonder how she got those bruises and her flinching like that shows that she was
sexually harassed. If Jason is really behind this then he‟s inhumane –this is his wife. I guess he
loves money more.

Jacob and I get back to the house around eleven pm and there‟s no sign of Jason. He might have
thought that we are asleep. Jacob and I go our separate ways as we head to our rooms. A part of
me was hoping I could find Cathrine in my room.



“Easy on the punching bad sweetheart!” the boss #Mr Asian walks into the gym. It‟s just me and it‟s
four am. That night with Randy I felt something and I had this weird flashback that I cannot explain. I
haven‟t seen Randy since that day.

Everyone around me has been on a bad mood so I can‟t go out. Turns out someone kidnapped the
buyers and no one can find them. Pablo is always stressed and trying to figure things out – Heather
knows how to hack into the system so she is more handzy than anyone. Then there‟s me – I have
been doing nothing all week. I belong on the battlefield. I know nothing about tracking people and I
have been using that opportunity to try and remember whatever that I seem to be forgetting.

“Quinn!” he snaps his hands in my face.

“Sorry you were saying?”
“What are you doing here all alone?” he checks his wristwatch “Go rest sweetie I need you today!”
“Why do you always call me sweetie sweetheart or babe?”
He smiles “You and I used to fuck!”
Fuck? That‟s a little harsh.
“But you said you‟re married and I don‟t see myself as the type that would go for a married man.”
He shifts closer and whispers “You‟re the type that would go for any breathing thing!”

I exhale as I feel the tears burn my eyes “Well you went for me.”
“You‟re sexy and no man can say no to all this.”
“Okay!” I look down and swallow the lump growing in my throat.
“Come on now I‟m just kidding.”
I smile faintly “Can I go back to punching the bag if you don‟t mind?”
“I need you at ten am – I need you to handle someone for me.”
I nod “Noted boss!”

He shifts towards me and plants a kiss on my forehead “You and would have made a great team but
you just had to ruin things.”
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing!” he walks out of the room.
I get back to punching the bag until I cannot. How can he be so harsh?

Around seven am I take a bath then join Heather who is making breakfast.
“Hey Sis!” she greets me as I take a seat on one of the kitchen chairs.
“Are you good? You‟ve been off lately” she places a plate in front of me and dishes for me.
“Define off?”
“You‟re quiet… I don‟t know how to describe you” she answers.
“I have nothing to say or laugh about.”

Her phone rings and she exits the room. I eat my food then throw the dishes into the dishwasher “I‟m
going out!” I yell. Heather is still on the phone.

I‟m going to see Pablo - his house is about twenty minutes from our apartment. I don‟t know how to
drive a car but I can ride a motorcycle so I use that. I get to Pablo‟s house knock once and let myself
in. He‟s not married and I don‟t care even if he is.

“Jesus you scared me!” Pablo jumps as I walk into his bedroom.
“Hey boss!”
“Catt why are you here? As you can see I‟m getting dressed please go wait in the lounge” he holds
on tight to the towel wrapped around his waist.
“Don‟t mind me!”
“I don‟t want to get in trouble with the boss” he answers.
I walk up to him and stand in front of him. I place my hand on his bare chest and bite my lower lip
“The boss doesn‟t need to know.”
“Please leave!”
“Come on Pablo we are adults” I place my hand at the back of his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He
kisses me back.
“The boss is going to kill me” he presses his body against mine as we kiss.
“It‟ll is worth it don‟t you think?” I push him to the bed and get on top of him. He‟s cute! I stop kissing
him and stare at him.
“Remember when I said I‟d kill you?” I hastily pull out my hairpin and aim for the throat.



“Bitch!” Pablo roars pushing me off him. I roll my eyes and reach for his phone that is on the bed and
shove it in my jean pocket.
“I wouldn‟t pull that out if I were you” I lean on the closed-door watching him groan in pain crawling to
the small table that is next to his bed. I walk towards him and open the drawer taking his gun. It‟s
loaded perfect!

I kick him on the stomach and watch him yelp in agony. He lies on his back holding his stomach with
blood oozing out of the side of his neck – I made sure to miss the veins. “How?” he asks
I sit on the bed and cross my legs “I guess I have a strong mind that doesn‟t just break.”
“That‟s not true!”
I sigh “You forgot Randy – his memories were stashed up somewhere safe in my head.”
“So what now…are you going to kill me?”
I shake my head “Death is too easy don‟t you think?”
“Then what do you want?”

I walk to his bathroom and come back with a towel and methylated spirit. I pour some on his would
and he flinches as it burns his wound. I then slowly pull out the hairpin and toss him the towel.
“Man this is my favourite hairpin” I wipe it clean with his bedspreads. He tries to trip me with his feet
but I move away before he can “Come on Pablo we are getting along fine – don‟t piss me off.”
“You will not get away with…” I don‟t let him finish. I kick him on the ribs – several times.
“Shit!” he curses coughing and groaning as blood voluntarily drips out of his mouth.

I walk out of the room and search for a rope around his house and luckily I find it – I find him
crawling to the door “Pablo you are dirtying the floors – stay in one place” my foot lands on his ribs
I drag him to the side of the bed – lucking he had some undergarments under that towel. I tie both
his hands to the headboard. He‟s still coughing blood and of course putting up a fight but I can tell
he‟s getting weak.

“Sir!” someone knocks on the door “Sir is everything okay I heard noises!”
That must be the helper she might have just come in because I didn‟t see her the time I was looking
for the ropes. I shove the towel in Pablo‟s mouth and take off my coat and top leaving me with jeans
and a bra. I go and open the door.
“Hey!” I only show the upper part of my body.
“Oh! Oh my… I‟m sorry… I heard noises.”
I smile “It‟s okay… we‟ll keep it down. You know what hold on a minute.”

I close the door and start searching around Pablo‟s room. He has to have some cash. I find a couple
of twenty dollars and give the money to the helper “Your boss says to take the rest of the day off.”
“He said that?”
I nod “Yes.”
She thanks me and leaves. I put on my top and wait until I see the front gate opening to make sure
that it‟s just Pablo and me. I search around Pablo‟s house and find the first aid kit then nurse his
neck wound. Death is too easy for him.

“So you stab me then nurse my wound” Pablo utters.

“I need you alive!”
“Might as well kill me while you have the chance because if you fail – I‟m going to kill you.” He
coughs out his response
“Well you‟d have to break loose first.”
“What do you want” he asks.
“Where did Jason hide the cure?”
He laughs which leads to a coughing spree “Do you seriously think I would tell you?”
“When I‟m done with you you will!”
He smiles revealing his blood-stained teeth “Sweetie do you think you can break me? I taught you
everything you know and nothing you can do to me will make me talk.”

I sit on the bed and reach for the knife in my boots “You might be loyal to your boss but at the end of
your day you‟re human and the human body has a limit of how much torture it can endure.”
“Knock yourself out!”
“Gladly!” I stab the knife into his arm and deepen it “Did you know that hot water turns into ice faster
than cold water?”
“Damn it Cathrine!” he tries to kick me but I shift away.
“It seems you have energy” this time I go for the leg and leave the knife in.
“You better pray I don‟t get loose from here” he yelps.
“Who said you are?”

He breaths in and out heavily


“I‟m going to kill you!”

“What are you mourning about? You had six men rape me Pablo! Six men! Do you know how I felt
when those memories came flooding my head? Their sweat them smiling and groaning in pleasure!”
“It was your husband‟s orders – I was just doing my job!”
“Orders or not Pablo that was too much and we both know no such discipline take place. You knew
that would break me” I take a deep breath as the tears cloud my eyes but I don‟t let them fall on my

“Enough with the painful past where is Jason keeping the cure?” I ask this time keeping a straight
face. He looks aside. I sigh and exit the room and bring back a pair of pliers. I kneel in front of him
“I‟m going to pull out one tooth each time you refuse to talk.”


The doorbell rings “Just when I was now enjoying our foreplay!” I say to Pablo before attending to
the door.
“Where is he?” a firm voice asks as soon as I open the door.
“He‟s in his bedroom and may I warn you he looks a little roughed up.”
She shakes her head “What did you do?”
“Nothing! I just gently patted his ribs with my feet several times and maybe pulled out five to twelve
teeth.” I hand her Pablo‟s teeth.
“Go handle Jason and I will take care of Pablo!”
“Thanks Queen mother!” I hug her. When I regained my memory she was the only person I could
trust. She build the Sisterhood for people like me people who do not have homes but Pablo was
doing his dirty work under her nose.

Turns out Jason didn‟t save me from the Sisterhood – it was all part of his plan. He used me and
stupid me fell in love with him. Jason is the first man to make me feel loved or wanted. He is my first
everything! I cannot wait to give him a tight handshake on the neck until his eyes pop out.

I make my way to the training mansion. I‟m supposed to meet up with Jason at ten am. I get there
before him and wait for him – anger builds up inside me as soon as my eyes land on him but I
compose myself.
“Good morning sir!” I smile.
“Where‟s Pablo? His phone is not reachable.”
“I don‟t know – do you want me to find him for you?” I ask and he shakes his head.

He leads me to the car and he drives us to some house – it is a very lovely house a double story.
The inside is more beautiful and I love the wooden floors. He pours himself some whiskey and takes
a seat on the couch – I remain standing.

He sighs heavily “It‟s almost fourteen years now!”

“Excuse me?”
"You started all this mess. If you had not made that virus my brother wouldn‟t have been infected” he
goes on.
“What are you talking about?”
He scoffs “I have been with you for seven years – I know you more than anyone and this morning I
could tell something was up. I see right through you.”
“Sir I…”
He interjects me “Stop pretending! You gained your memory didn‟t you?”

I shake my head “Did I do something wrong? If I did I apologise!”

“Stop what? I don‟t know what you‟re talking about” I answer.
“So you‟re telling me you don‟t remember anything?”
“Is there something I am supposed to be remembering?” I ask him.
“Come here!”
I walk up to him and stand in front of him he pulls me on his lap. He glares into my eyes I blush smile
and look down. He shifts my chin up making me look at him “You know you‟re my wife right?”
“We are married! I guess you don‟t remember that too” he adds.
“I don‟t understand! You said you are married and that she‟s bold beautiful and deadly when messed
He tucks my hair behind my ears “I meant you!”
“I‟m confused right now!”
He places his hand at the back of my neck and pulls my face towards him “My feelings for you
always ruin the plan!”
“What plan?”
“I wasn‟t supposed to fall in love with you” he says with his head pressed against mine.
“Why not?”
“Because you‟re the enemy” he mutters if it wasn‟t for the dose you gave to my brother he would still
be alive. He died today – after taking the cure.”
I swallow hard “I…who is your brother?”
“Gabriel! Ring a bell?”



I take a deep break trying not to sell my emotions Gabriel was my best friend and I gave him the
dose when we were in High School. Only if Jason had asked me – Gabriel would still be alive and
the cure does not work on Gabriel. He did not need the cure – unless they did something to him.
Unless they tried to experiment on him.

“He‟s… Gabriel is dead! The dose worked on him – he did not need the cure” I say to Jason. I‟m still
sitting on his lap and in the perfect position to snap his neck but just like Pablo – death is too easy
and I need to know where the cure is. I also need to know how the hell Gabriel is his brother
because I grew up with Gabriel.
“What happened – how did he die?” I ask again since he decided to ignore my first question.
He exhales heavily and sips on his whiskey “I tried the cure on him and it killed him within six hours.”
“You should have asked me first! Why the hell did you give him the cure for?”

I lose my temper for a second but quickly compose myself “I mean you should have asked me first –
Gabriel was my friend and how are you brothers?”
“What difference would asking you have made?”
I exhale “Because the cure doesn‟t work on him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Gabriel took my dose and not my father‟s – mine did not corrupt his DNA it just made him stronger
and maybe sometimes lose his mind but the cure is for people who took my father‟s dose” I answer.
“It‟s like pain killers – we take different kinds of pain killers for different kinds of reasons but it doesn‟t
mean it works on everyone. I can take a Panado for a headache and someone can take it for
stomach cramps - people respond differently to medicine” I state.
“So the cure was poison to him?”
“Yes and you have killed your brother” I say icily.

He pushes me off his lap and starts pacing up and down the room. I think my statement hit home
and it‟s true. He is to blame for his brother‟s death.
“Why did you and your father create the virus in the first place?” he tosses his glass at the wall
causing it to shatter.
“Look…” I stop myself from using his name “I didn‟t know what I created was going to be a virus and
I am sorry about your brother.”
“You‟re sorry? You‟re sorry Cathrine? Being sorry won‟t bring him back – you corrupted his DNA and
you‟re just going to apologise?”
“But Gabriel was fine!” I say in protest.
“Was he? His semen was poison to every woman he got with and it took five dead women for him to
realise that he was the one killing them. Do you know how many doctors I had to pay for him to be
attended to? He seemed to have a huge sexual appetite that he couldn‟t handle.”

I swallow hard. How did I miss the side effects and how does one‟s semen become poisonous?
What pisses me off is that this Asian son of a b*tch betrayed me and took my cure – now he wants
to pin the blame on me. He killed his brother and it‟s on him – only if he had asked me nicely I would
have gladly made a cure for Gabriel.
“I‟m sorry” I swallow my pride although the black side of me wants to kick him on the mouth.

He sits on the couch grabs another glass and pours himself whiskey. I need to be on his good side
to know where the cure is so I start massaging his shoulders “Is there anything I can do to make you
feel better?”
“Can you bring back my brother?”
“You‟re not being fair right now – it‟s one thing that I cannot remember most of the things now you‟re
going to pin the death of the one person I care about on me” I answer fake sniffling.
“You can start by finding the Japanese for me. Someone kidnapped the buyer.”
“I will find them and I promise I won‟t disappoint!” I take the glass of whiskey from his hand and take
a sip then slip in a pill before handing it back to him.

He gulps down his whiskey “Find Pablo for me and tell him that I want to see him ASAP.”
“Yes sir!” I nod vigorously.
“And stop calling me sir – it is very weird.”
“Should I call you boss?” I ask wearing a smile.
“Stop being weird Cathrine – you‟re creeping me out.”
I sit next to him and hold his hand “Tell me about your relationship with Gabriel.”

“Gabriel and I were never close since I was living in another country. He would try and reach out but
I had always ignored him. When he told me about the side effects I called him crazy. He said he was
hearing voices in his head and that he was super strong but I brushed it off.” He sighs then proceeds
“Our parents thought he was crazy but Gabriel assured me that he wasn‟t. It was either he goes to
the mental institution or I stay with him so I took him in. He would have nightmares and break things
until he found something to help keep his mind occupied – he opted for sexual intercourse.”
I hold his hand and tell him to go on. He exhales heavily “He would sleep with every girl he ran into
but at the end of the day it was like a drug and he was losing his mind. I convinced him to find one
woman he likes and someone who understands him instead of changing women. When he did the
girl died after a month of dating – five more girls later that‟s when we found out his semen was
poisonous. I had to lock him up and keep him him chained in a basement while I looked for the

“For seven years?”

He nods “He was out of control - he was a danger to everyone including himself.
“Why didn‟t you tell me this…” I wanted to say when we were together. "I could have helped. Why
didn‟t you tell me before giving him the cure?”

“Well he‟s dead!” he shakes his head.

“I‟m sorry!” I hug him.
“You‟re making it hard for me to stay mad at you” he kisses me on the forehead and exits the room. I
toss myself on the couch and count to twenty before following Jason. I find him sleeping on the bed.
The Queen mother said the pill kicks in quickly but I didn‟t know it does this quick. I search around
Jason‟s house looking for his study and search into his laptop. He deleted his emails and messages
and nothing is leading me to where the cure is.

He has a secret pantry where he stores his guns. I also know him very well and I know that he used
one password for everything. I plant listening devices around his house – I had them in my little sling
bag that he didn‟t bother asking about since I never carry bags.

I go to his car and put a tracker – he has three cars and a motorbike. I search all the rooms in the
house but still no clue – but again he wouldn‟t leave clues lying around.


I walk out of the bathroom and find Cathrine entering my room through the window. I forgot she has
a loose screw!
“You know normal people use the door?” I say.
“I prefer the window and there‟s nothing normal about me.”
“You look better than when I last saw you – how are you feeling

” he kisses me on the forehead and exits the room. I toss myself on the couch and count to twenty
before following Jason. I find him sleeping on the bed. The Queen mother said the pill kicks in
quickly but I didn‟t know it does this quick. I search around Jason‟s house looking for his study and
search into his laptop. He deleted his emails and messages and nothing is leading me to where the
cure is.

He has a secret pantry where he stores his guns. I also know him very well and I know that he used
one password for everything. I plant listening devices around his house – I had them in my little sling
bag that he didn‟t bother asking about since I never carry bags.

I go to his car and put a tracker – he has three cars and a motorbike. I search all the rooms in the
house but still no clue – but again he wouldn‟t leave clues lying around.


I walk out of the bathroom and find Cathrine entering my room through the window. I forgot she has
a loose screw!
“You know normal people use the door?” I say.
“I prefer the window and there‟s nothing normal about me.”
“You look better than when I last saw you – how are you feeling white girl?”
“I told you I‟m mixed” she walks towards my hugs me resting her head on my chest “Thanks Randy!”
“Does this mean you remember?”
She nods “Thank you!”
“I‟m glad you regained your memory!”
She clears her throat “You said you love me?”
“I was just kidding!”

She laughs breaking loose from my arms “I need your help with something.”
“I see you‟re carrying a bag – that‟s so not you.”
“Don‟t make me kick you again” she hands me a tablet phone “Can you please keep tabs on Jason
for me?”
“Jason your husband?”
“Soon to be former-husband after I slit his throat” she mumbles.
“Did you two fight?”
“He‟s behind all this mess and he‟s been lying to me” she answers.
“I‟m surprised you‟re this calm.”
“I still have to pretend like I don‟t remember anything to find out where the cure is and I have to find
the Japanese” she adds.
“We have the Japanese or should I say Asians!”

Her eyes widen “You guys kidnapped the buyer? How when Jason works with you guys.”
“Let‟s say we have been keeping him in the dark for a while – we also don‟t trust him.”
She shakes her head “I still can‟t believe that he was lying to me all these years. Do you know that
he blames me for Gabriel‟s death?”
“Gabriel! The same Gabriel that we have been looking for? Your husband deserves an Oscar.”
“He deserves a punch in the mouth. I can‟t believe I fell in love with him. He didn‟t need to marry me
for the plan – I would have willingly helped” she looks pissed but I‟m happy Jason is a jerk.
“So how did Gabriel die?”

She sits on the bed “The cure killed him and something about his semen being poisonous.”
She shakes her head “I don‟t know and maybe Jason was lying to me. I don‟t know but I need to be
on Jason‟s side so give me the Japanese.”
“What if you‟re lying?”
“Seriously?” she lightly shakes her head “Why would I be lying?”
“You could be working with your husband looking for your buyers.”
She walks up to me and stands in front of me “Did you not hear the part where I said I regained my

I lean over and kiss her “What was that for?” she asks.
“You haven‟t kicked me?”
She laughs and places her hands at the back of my neck pulling me in for another kiss “How can I
kick the man who flew from South Africa to Ohio for a woman who has no memory of him. And you
said you love me.”
“I do love you Blue!”
“Help me find the cure then maybe… just maybe I will accept that Cape Town offer” she smiles.



“So what‟s the way forward after you find the cure?” I ask Quinn. We are on the bed and it feels
good having her in my arms. I wish to spend a week like this without having to talk about the cure or
worrying about anyone trying to kill us.
“I think destroying the cure is the best option”
“You don‟t sound sure” I tuck her hair behind her ear so I can see her face properly.
“I don‟t know if I‟m making the right decision. The cure could help a lot of people but it is also a
danger if it lands in the wrong hands.”
“You can always make another cure if people happen to need it Miss Genius!” I gently stroke her
chin with my fingers.

“You know something still doesn‟t add up” she sits up and leans on to the headboard “How did
Jason know that I had the cure. I never told Gabriel that I made the cure either. Gabriel was fine –
they must have done something to him.”
“You need to rest that mind.” I pull her back into my arms. “Why don‟t you rest today then you can go
back to being the Baddest tomorrow. How long until Jason‟s pill wears off?”
“I think fourteen hours!”
“We can talk to Jason and have him give you the Japanese to gain Jason‟s trust. Jacob and I will
keep tabs on you. We will all figure out how to get the cure back. Please just for today can you not
think about the cure or killing anyone and just be Cathrine for a couple of hours” I tell.
“You mean can I be normal for a couple of hours?”
I chuckle “Your words not mine.”
“Fine I will get some rest but I have to see Jacob first although I‟m not sure if I can trust him. I don‟t
know if I can trust anyone but I‟m just going to take a leap of faith.”
Cathrine and I go to talk with Jacob – I think we can trust him although one can never know but we
will cross the bridge when we get there. Jacob agrees to let the Japanese go but Cathrine is going to
put up a little show so it seems as if she saved them from us.

Jacob is happy to have his sister back – I still think he feels more for her than he should. He loves
her but again who wouldn‟t love a beautiful and deadly when messed with woman. I wonder how
Jacob and Jason became friends!

After our little chat with brother-in-law he leaves the house to make a few calls. Jacob is always
trying to fix things I admire his drive. He should consider being a detective – many cases will be
solved with his energy.

“So it‟s just us two now!” I hug Cathrine from behind – we are in the kitchen “We have a few hours
until your husband wakes up. What do you want to do?”
“I have never been on a date before.”
“Too bad I‟m broke” I answer.
“Who said anything about money!” she wears her jacket and takes my hand leading me out.

She came with a motorbike she hands me the helmet but I hesitate to take it “Randy I won‟t kill you –
I can drive this in my sleep.”
“For the record if I die I will haunt you.”
“Do I look like I‟m scared of anything?” she roars the bike to life and asks me to hold on. This is
weird but feels great. I feel like I‟m floating – it‟s like we are Jack and Rose (from the movie Titanic)

After some time we reach our destination. I have never been on a bike before and my legs feel weird
so Catt and I sit for a while and catch my breath.
“What is this place?” I ask Cathrine as we walk into some building.
“This is my favourite chill-out spot!”
“The place is beautiful!” I say looking around. I never carried any cash when we flew to Ohio and if
it‟s a date she wants then I‟m in trouble.

Cathrine looks at me and takes my hand smiling. Before I can utter another word a lady wearing a
staff uniform stand in front of us wearing a huge grin “Are my eyes deceiving me?”
Cathrine lets go of my arms and hug her “Hey Julie!”
“You‟re all grown! Seems like yesterday when you were running around these hallways” – Julie.
“I‟m here with a friend…we are not staying the night so just prepare us a table for lunch and a room.
I will greet the rest of the staff then come back.” Cathrine says and takes my hand again.

I have never seen Cathrine smile this widely and everyone in this building seem to know her and
they refer to her as Miss Forbs. I think the reason why she hasn‟t been caught is that on the wanted
list she‟s Quinn Keller yet people know her as Cathrine Forbs. After greeting almost everyone in the
building we return to the reception and Julie leads us to some restaurant that is just a few meters
from the reception.

“Someone will come and take your orders” Julie hands Cathrine a card that has a number on it (34B)
then walks away.
Cathrine picks up the menu “What do you want to eat?”
“Are you paying?”
“No we are going to do the dishes afterwards” she answers wearing a smile.
“Then let‟s order the most expensive dish.”
She laughs “The Forbs sisters own the building order whatever you want.”
I snatch the menu from her hands “You own the building?”
“Just fifty percent.”
“How?” I ask she shrugs.
“My father created a killer virus Randy – the Forbs are very rich.”

I order steak and Mrs Keller goes for a salad. We have lunch while getting to know each other
something we should have done months ago. Cathrine and I have a lot in common – we love the
same genre in music and novels. We love the same TV shows and we both hate guns.

From everything that is going on


something we should have done months ago. Cathrine and I have a lot in common – we love the
same genre in music and novels. We love the same TV shows and we both hate guns.
From everything that is going on I‟m enjoying seeing Cathrine‟s smile. I have never sat down with
her for more than an hour without discussing killing people or the cure. After eating Catt gives me a
tour of the building - It has boutiques and restaurants then other floors are hotel rooms.

“This one is my favourite!” Cathrine drags me into some jewellery store. They have very nice
jewellery “Take anything you want!”
“Is that good for business Miss Forbs?”
“It‟s just this once” she smiles.

“Three hours until Jason wakes up” Cathrine says after checking the time on her wristwatch.
“I was enjoying being with you.”
She takes my hand and walks into the elevator “We still have about two and a half hours left.”
The elevator door yawns open when we reach the sixth floor. Cathrine leads the way and we head to
our room. We get in and close the door behind us.

Cathrine throws herself on the bed and lies on her back facing the ceiling “I don‟t remember the last
time I just sat around and did nothing. It‟s like I have been going on missions my whole life. I don‟t
remember the last time I had a normal life or was a normal person.”
“Don‟t talk like that – you did what you had to do.”
She sighs “I‟m twenty-eight yet my life is a mess.”
“You still have time to figure out your life and you can still do that after finding the cure.”
“If I find the cure” she looks at me I‟m now lying next to her “I would also love to have a family one
“It‟s not too late to do that.”

She stays quiet for some time. She checks the time “Two hours left!”
“I got you something –I took it from the jewellery store.” I sit up and she also does the same “I want
you to wear this and remember that you are amazing!”
“It‟s pretty thank you!”
“Just like you” I mutter.
“What do you see in me?”
I cup her face “I see my wife the mother of my children and the woman I want to spend the rest of
my life with.”
“No one has ever said that to me.”
“No one has ever loved you as I do. Let‟s get that cure then let me love you” I kiss her forehead.
“Let‟s get that cure!”


I wake up with an excruciating headache. I look next to me Cathrine is sitting with her head between
her legs. I sit up and my head feels heavy.
“My head hurts!” Cathrine mourns. I look next to me and there‟s a bottle of water on the side table. I
down it in one go but I still feel thirsty. Cathrine hands me another bottle of water and pills but she
still has her head between her legs.

I take the painkillers and I lie on my back listening to my throbbing headache. After about half an
hour I start to feel better – that‟s when I also notice that I‟m naked and so is Catt.
“Did we sleep together?” I ask Cathrine.
“I don‟t remember but I feel like we did. God my head hurts!”
“Did we drink?” I sit up and look around the room. Our clothes are scattered everywhere and there
are two wine glasses on the floor and a broken bottle on the floor.

Why can‟t I remember anything about drinking or sleeping with Cathrine? The last thing I remember
is me leaving Cathrine in the lounge and I can‟t remember anything from there.
“Before I forget you said I must remind you about your meeting with the Japanese at ten am”
Cathrine utters.
“The Japanese?”
“You told me to find them and I did! The exchange happens today.”
“What time is it now?” she tells me that it‟s past nine am. I get out of bed and head to the shower. My
body is tired as if I have been sleeping for days. I get out of the shower and find Cathrine getting
dressed – she‟s wearing black leather pants a black vest and a black leather jacket with black heels.
“I don‟t think I‟ll be able to drive tell Pablo to organize transport” I say to Cathrine who nods and
leaves the room. I put on glasses before leaving the house – the sun is too bright for my eyes and I
still have this excruciating headache.

I find the car waiting for me outside the gate “Get Pablo and I will get the cure!”
“Pablo said he needs to handle some business – I can call Heather if you want.” Cathrine answers.
“I‟ll just go with you” I enter the car and give the driver the location to where we are going.


I take out my phone and send Randy a text message „We are going to get the cure – track Pablo‟s

We get to the house where the cure is and Jason still has a headache so he stays in the car as me
and the driver who works with me take the cure out of the house and put it in the car boot. It‟s just
three cases that each have fifty doses in them.

After packing the cure in the car – we get in and drive to the location Jason has. The Japanese are
now safe and the deal is still on – nothing changed!
The car comes to a halt and the driver clears his throat looking at me through the rear mirror
Jason looks down holding his head and the driver pops the car boot open. We have Randy and
Jason taking the cure out. When they are done the car starts moving.
“I don‟t need you when the exchange takes place – you can take the day off” Jason instructs the
driver to drop me off. I got what I wanted anyway!

PERFECT STRANGER # LOVING HIM2 PDF is still available at R50 contact : 0814035864



“Are we not there yet?” Jason asks the driver as their trip is taking longer than it should or maybe it
is because his mind is on the money the Asian / Japanese promised.
“Almost there sir!” the driver responds.

Jason takes out his phone and tries calling Pablo but the call takes him straight to voicemail. He
sends Heather a text message instructing her to get Pablo and that they should meet at his house in
the next hour.
“We are here!” the driver announces after killing the engine. He gets out of the car and goes to open
the door for Jason.
“Who are you again?”
The driver clears his throat before uttering “Simon sir!”
“You can also take the rest of the day off Simon. Please leave the car behind.”
Simon nods and hands Jason the car keys. Jason stops him when he‟s walking away. For a second
Simon almost blows his cover but composes himself and answers “Yes sir!”
“Tell Pablo to call me when you see him.”
“I will” Simon answers and continues walking.

Jason waits for about ten minutes then the Japanese show up – they agreed to meet at one of
Jason‟s old houses. He owns many houses around New York and Ohio since he‟s is a very
busy/shady man. Four cars park next to Jason‟s.
“Mr Keller!” A tall man wearing a grey suit walks out of the car and shakes hands with Jason “Nice to
finally meet you and the boss appreciates what your girl did for our men.”
“I thought I was meeting up with your boss?”
“My apologies Mr Keller but the boss is a very busy man. He asked me to take care of business for
him. My name is Wang and I‟m standing in for the boss. Do you have the cure?” the nice gentleman
asks wearing a smile.

“Where is the money?”

Wang snaps his fingers and an Asian woman walks out of the car carrying two huge briefcases “1
billion euros in hundreds as you requested.”
“The cure is in the boot”
The lady who was carrying the briefcases goes to open the boot “There‟s nothing in here!”
“No… it can‟t be” Jason goes to check and there‟s nothing in the boot. “That bitch!”
“Are you trying to trick us Mr Keller?” the Japanese take out their guns and point them at Jason.
“No! There‟s a little misunderstanding I would never screw you guys over.”
“Then how do you explain this? You said you had the cure with you” Wang utters with his gun
pointed at Jason‟s head.

“Look I don‟t know how the cure is not here but I can get it back can you guy please give me a
couple of hours” Jason pleads.
“I‟m afraid time is what we don‟t have Mr Keller and how do we know that you were not trying to trick
us. Maybe you also had something to do with our men being kidnapped” Wang cocks his gun.
“I would never betray you guys I swear!”

Wang‟s phone rings and he tells Jason that it‟s the boss. He answers the call and puts it
on speaker:

(On the phone)

The boss: Mr Keller! I trust you have the cure?

Jason: There‟s been a misunderstanding – please give me a few hours to get the cure.

The boss: You said you have it when we last talked.

Jason: I swear I did… I don‟t know what happened.

The boss: I don‟t like people who waste my time or try to rob me Keller!

Jason: I would never lie or rob you.

The boss: You did it to the woman you love! I know about your wife and how you‟ve been using her.

Jason: How…

The boss: Kill him!

The line goes dead. Wang doesn‟t hesitate he shoots Jason three times in the head. He tosses the
gun at one of the men he came with “Clean this up!” he gets into the car and drives away. He drives
straight to the boss‟s house. Since the security is familiar with him they let him in.

“Sir!” Wang announces his arrival entering the boss‟s house.

“That piece of shit played me!” the boss harshly bangs his fist against the table in front of him.
“What‟s the way forward?”
“I think Cathrine has the cure – find her and get the cure. I want her unharmed!” he specifies.
“May I ask why she must not be harmed?”
“Do you still want to be on this earth?” the boss shoots a stare at Wang.
“I will find the cure and Cathrine.”
“Bring me the girl first – she will tell me where the cure is” he dismisses Wang and goes back to
reading his newspaper.


“I received a call from your mum (Cathrine‟s mother) – my father is not feeling well I have to go see
him” Jacob says to Cathrine as we drive back to the house.
“What is wrong?”
Jacob shrugs

” Jacob says to Cathrine as we drive back to the house.

“What is wrong?”
Jacob shrugs “I‟m not sure yet but I will drive there as soon as I get to the house. I will use the other
car. You guys can decide what you want to do with the cure and keep me updated.”
“I hope it‟s nothing serious. Do you talk to her often I mean my mother?” Cathrine asks and Jacob
nods “Does she asks about me?”
“She asks about you every time I call her and I always send her pictures of you every month and tell
her that you love her too. She‟s just waiting for the day you‟ll come back home” Jacob utters with his
focus on the road. Jacob and Cathrine are sitting in the front seats and I‟m at the back. I just wish
everyone had a brother like Jacob – he cares about his little sister.
We get to the house – Jacob leaves right away and I think his father is sicker than he is telling us he
just doesn‟t want to worry Cathrine. After Jacob‟s departure Catt and I take the cure into the house
and find a secret place to hide it. Putting it in a place one would never think of searching.

“What do you think the Japanese are going to do to Jason?” I sit next to Catt on the couch.
“They are going to kill him!”
“Did you love Jason?” I ask her and she nods.
“With all my heart! After the William saga I never thought I would let a man close to me but with
Jason it was different. He understood me and he loved me in a way I had never been loved.”
I lock hands with her “I want you to know that I would never betray you.”
“I‟d kill you before you do.”
“I‟m not joking Cathrine – I would never hurt you like that” I tell.

She smiles “Thanks Randy.”

“Now that we got the cure and Jason is dead – can you give us a chance? Give me a chance to love
you and treat you like you‟re the only girl in the world” I request.
“I can never be the only girl in the world.”
“In my world you can. All you need to do is give us a chance and you will see for yourself” I hold her
hand tighter.
“I don‟t know don‟t you want to go back home to your family? There‟s nothing left for me in South
Africa – I cannot go back there.”
“For you I‟m willing to stay this side. You‟d have to find me a job of course” I say and she chuckles
with tears falling on her face “Hey what‟s wrong?”

I cup her face and wipe the tears off “Did I say something that upset you?”
“I grew up around a lot of hate. Heather said I stole her spotlight by being born – she thought mum
loved me more. Mum never cared about us – when Dad neglected her she took out her anger on
Heather and me. My stay with Jacob‟s father always made me feel like an outcast and maybe it‟s
because they treated me like David‟s daughter and not their daughter or little sister. Then I meet a
stranger at a supermarket – kick him in the private parts countless times. Tell him to stay away from
me but yet you still want to be with me. You had the opportunity to move on with your life but yet
here you are.”
“Because I love you!” I say sincerely.
“I would be lying if I said I love you too. I don‟t know what love is – I thought I knew but I don‟t think I
I tuck her hair behind her ear “Love is how you took a bullet for me - love is how you ran into that
room without thinking twice to save your sister.”
“Now you‟re making me cry.”
I wipe her tears “I hope these will be the last tears you shed.”
“We can try but do you promise not to hurt me?” she requests.
“No but I will try the best I can to make you happy!”

We hear a car outside parking on the pavement – the house is not fenced. A few minutes later we
hear a knock on the door. Cathrine grabs the gun and we sit behind the couch waiting for whatever
is going to happen next.
“This is a fun way to celebrate our first of dating” Cathrine utters.
“At least we are together!”

We hear a loud bang as if the door has been kicked open.

“At the count of three we open fire” I kiss Cathrine on the lips “One two…” she stands up and fires. I
forgot she never listens to anything I say.



“Goddamnit Cathrine! Don‟t you look before firing?”

“You‟re lucky I didn‟t aim for your head stupid! And normal people do not kick down doors.” I empty
the gun and throw it on the couch. I could have killed his ass – which would have been hilarious. I
haven‟t seen him in eight years yet a part of me still wishes he had died that night. I went through
nightmares yet he was alive and that bastard I called my husband didn‟t bother telling me William is
still alive. Yep William is the person who kicked down the door and almost joined Jason in hell.

“Why are you here?” I ask William.

He sighs and sits on the couch “I was on my way home and I needed I shower so I thought I‟d pass
here. I didn‟t know I‟d find you here – I heard you were in South Africa.”
“As you can see I‟m here now bath and leave!”
“Are you still mad about what happened back then?” he asks and Randy holds me back before I
jump on him.
“You almost rapped me!”
“I was young and stupid. I am sorry little sister” he says. I don‟t forgive him – I will never forgive him.
I wouldn‟t have joined the sisterhood or met Jason if I hadn‟t run away from home. I wouldn‟t have
met Randy either but still I hate William for what he did.

“Bath and leave!” I pick up the gun and shove it on my waist I‟m wearing a waist holster. “If I find you
here when I come back I will shoot you in the head and fix our door before you leave!”
“The house belongs…”
“Say one more word I dare you!” why didn‟t he just bathe at home? His presence annoys or maybe it
is because we are siblings.

“How do you live with her?” William whispers to Randy.

“I can hear you and you better leave before I come back.”
“I‟m not going anywhere until you come back. Father is sick – you should come with me.”
“He‟s your father not mine. Randy shoot him in the head if he refuses to leave” I utter.
“Aren‟t you going introduce me to William or whoever he is?” – Randy.
I exhale heavily “William this is Randy my boyfriend and Randy meet William someone who should
have died eight years ago!”
“You‟re never going to forgive me are you?” William asks.
“Never! I‟m going to see Heather. I‟m sure she‟s worried since she can‟t reach anyone today.”
“Heather is here? I would love to meet her.”
“I would love it if a plane fell from the sky and squashed you” I answer.
“I take this as a sibling argument – I also need a shower” Randy walks to me and plants a kiss on my
lips then tells William to make himself at home before exiting the room.

William walks to me and holds me tight in his arms “I apologise for what I did back then. I was young
and stupid I apologise. I missed you little sister!”
“Let go of me and I don‟t forgive you.”
“I don‟t care but I want you to know that I love you as a sister and I will gain your trust again” he hugs
me tight.
“If you want to earn my trust then keep Randy save until I come back.”
“I will even cook him dinner” he smiles.
“I missed you too brother!”

I head out then send Randy a text message „I don‟t trust anyone anymore so be alert around
A reply pings soon after „I love you too Cathrine Quinn soon to be Evans.‟
I smile and shove my phone in my pocket. I take the motorbike and head over to Jason‟s house. I
know that‟s where I will find Heather – that‟s the emergency meeting up place and I know she
couldn‟t reach Jason or Pablo.

“Finally someone decides to show up – where is everybody?” Heather asks when I walk into Jason‟s
“Hi sister!”
“You disappeared on me yesterday. You‟re not the only one Jason sent me a text message to meet
him here and still no sign of him. I can‟t find Pablo either” she‟s pacing up and down the room.
“Sit down Heather.”
“Do you know something I don‟t?” she sounds worried.

I walk to the table next to the couch where Jason keeps his whiskey and pour some for myself and
Heather. She turns it down – maybe she thinks I poisoned it. I gulp down the whiskey and sit on the
single couch watching her pace up and down like a mad person.
“Heather!” she stops pacing and looks at me “Where you there when those men forced themselves
on me?”
“You remember?”
“Were you there or not?” I pour myself more whiskey.
“I tried to stop him

I swear!”
“Why do you hate me? Not just what happened with Pablo but Heather you‟ve always hated me
since we were kids” I ask her.
“After you were born no one noticed me anymore. Our parents loved you more and I was now
Cathrine‟s older sister.”
“Our parents loved me more?” I chuckle “It took Dad fourteen years to realise that he had two
daughters. He called me by your name until I was fourteen and mum did not love me more. I just
took the blame for you all the time. When you would break something I took the fall for you and her
locking us in her room wasn‟t any mother-daughter bonding session - she would beat the hell out of
me until she couldn‟t. Mum taking me with her wasn‟t because she loved me – she knew I was
capable of making the cure and wanted to hurt Dad that‟s why she took me.” I explain.

“Despite what I went through I still loved and treated you as my sister. Heather I would save you
countless times on your missions and we both know they took you in at the Sisterhood because of
me. I had to beg the Queen mother to let you join us - not one day did I ever think of hurting you.” I
yell “You sided with the enemy and let six men six men force themselves on me. If you my sister
cannot protect me then who can? William tried to rape and you let six men rape me!”
“Catt I‟m sorry!”
“I will never forgive you Heather and the only reason you are still alive is that we are blood sisters
and this better be the last time I see you” I gulp down the whiskey and stand up from the couch.
“Pablo has my daughter Catt – I had no choice but to do what he wants.”
“That is no excuse Heather. I would have helped you get your daughter if you had asked me” I retort.
“He threatened to kill mum – I am so sorry!”

I take a deep breath “Jason is dead and Pablo is with the Queen mother. I will bring your daughter
but starting from now you‟re dead to me.”
“Catt I‟m sorry!”
I shake my head “No Heather – I can‟t let this one pass.”
“What did you want me to do? You were prettier you were effortlessly intelligent and I was just me
plain Heather!”
“Maybe if you had focused on your books and not boys you‟d have been intelligent too” I yelled.
“And I also loved Randy. You just had to come into the picture just like when we were growing up
you always manage to steal the spotlight. When you are in the room I don‟t exist. Even now as we
speak you get all the missions.”
“Do you think I enjoy killing people? I take the missions so that you don‟t have blood on your hands
Heather. Why do you think Pablo kept you indoors yet I was on the battlefield? Killing a person isn‟t
something that you just live with – it haunts you and I didn‟t want you to feel like that. And keep
Randy‟s name out of your mouth because I will forget that you‟re my sister and punch your teeth out.
I don‟t care if you loved him first he loves me. Everyone has been through something - grow up
Heather you never see me whining about being almost raped by my brother or having six men rape
me” I walk towards the door.

I turn around before I walk out “Maybe if you stop being jealous you‟d notice that you are the prettier
and better Forb!”
I leave the house leaving my bike behind I am in the mood for walking.


When Cathrine gets back at the house she finds William and Randy playing cards.
“I was leaving” William stands up as soon as he sees Cathrine.
Ignoring her brother she throws herself in Randy‟s arms. Randy is the only person she trusts and
feels safe around.
“I will give you love birds some space and leave” William utters.
“Please stay!”
“Dad is sick I have to go see him” William answers.

Cathrine and Randy walk William to his car. They hug each other goodbye – a car comes speeding
towards them. Cathrine talks out her gun and fires at the car. She‟s aiming for the car tires but
missing. The car window rolls down and gun shoots follow. William pushes Randy out of the way
causing the bullets to hit him instead.

In the speeding car there‟s Wang and three men. Wang‟s phone rings and it‟s the boss.

(On the phone)

The boss: I told you not to harm anyone!

Wang: She fired first!

“I have a clear shot of the girl permission to fire?” the man carrying a gun asks Wang.

The boss: Don‟t shoot the girl she‟s my daughter!



William is lying in a pool of blood! Cathrine has him on her lap begging him not to leave her.
Everything happened fast – the speeding car is nowhere to be seen. I don‟t do well with blood. I
panic at the sight of blood – weird since a lot of blood gets spilt in the line of work that I chose.

Cathrine‟s screams snap me out of my thoughts “Please don‟t die! William I will never forgive you
leave me.”
She‟s holding him close to her chest begging him not to die as he chokes on his blood. That could
have been me if William hadn‟t pushed me out of the way. I thought everything was back to normal
with Jason dead. I guess someone else wants the cure.

I pick up William‟s phone that is on the ground – he was holding it in his hands before hell broke
loose. I call the ambulance. I‟m sure the police are on the way judging by the people who are
standing outside their houses watching the show instead of helping us. In the world we now live in –
no one offers to help anymore. Instead they take out their phones and take pictures for their
Instagram #I just saw a person get shot. A sad generation we are!

“The ambulance is on the way” I take off my shirt and press it on William‟s stomach “You‟ll be fine
What is taking the ambulance so long? Cathrine pushes my hand off William and gently lifts his shirt
to see how many bullet wounds he has “NOOOOO!!!!!” she screams. Four bullets on his stomach.
Where is the goddamn ambulance?
“Don‟t cry little sister!” William finally speaks as he uses his bloody hand to wipe the tears off
Cathrine‟s face.
“Please hold on a little longer the ambulance is on its way.”
William coughs out blood and utters “I‟m sorry!”
“Please don‟t leave me?” – Catt.
“I‟m sorry and I love you!”

Those are his last words. The stupid ambulance shows up about ten minutes later to pick up the
corpse. Cathrine is in no state to talk so I do all the talking and give out a statement to the police.
Luckily the Queen mother comes to my rescue - she was supposed to meet up with Catt today. The
Queen mother has connections in the police department to they don‟t ask much.

They say no matter how many people you've seen die the death of a loved one always gets to you. It
hurts like a sword to the heart. After everyone has left I find Cathrine in the bathroom aggressively
washing William‟s hands off his hands. Her top is soaked with blood and she‟s in tears.

It breaks my heart to see her in this state. I hate that I never have solutions to her problems – I hate
that there‟s always nothing I can do to help her. Her brother might have hurt her in the past but at the
end of the day blood is thicker than water.
“Hey” I grab her hands and close the tap then pull her into my arms “It‟s okay!”
“He‟s gone Randy! My brother is gone. Why can‟t I just live my life in peace? I always leave a trail of
dead bodies wherever I go and now my brother is dead because of me.”
I gently rub her back “It‟s not your fault. You didn‟t know things were going to turn out like this.”
“It‟s my fault. I shouldn‟t have created the virus in the first place. Now Gabriel and William are dead. I
hadn‟t given Gabriel the dose he‟d still be alive!”

“It‟s not your fault – everything happens for a reason and if you weren‟t the most wanted woman on
the planet you wouldn‟t have met me either. We will figure it out!” I tell.
“It‟s my fault! Why don‟t they just kill me instead?”
“Don‟t say that” I answer.
“Maybe I should just destroy the cure and also kill myself. It would save a lot of lives.”
“I still need you – your death will kill me too.”

I let her cry in my arms until she‟s satisfied. I help her take off her closes and ran a bath for her. I
gently wash off the blood on her arms and neck then take her out of the tub and put her in bed.
She‟s hurting and blames herself.
“I‟m going to give you something that is going to help you sleep” I say to Cathrine and she nods. I
take her arm and inject her with propofol – I don‟t know why they have it but it will put her to sleep.

When I‟m sure that she‟s sleeping I use the opportunity to bathe. I wonder who is after Cathrine now
– that bullet wasn‟t meant for William. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I‟m sure
Cathrine feels bad that his brother died without her forgiving him. A life lesson – life is too short to
hold grudges. The person might wake up dead yet you have spent years hating them.

I make something to eat for Cathrine and put it in the microwave. I still don‟t know what I‟m doing or
how I can help. I don‟t know if I must tell Jacob what happened since William is also his brother. It‟s
dark outside and Cathrine is still asleep. I forgot to read the instructions on the bottle so I don‟t know
how long she‟s supposed to be asleep.

She wakes up around ten pm “Please tell me it was a dream?”

I shake my head “He‟s gone!”
“Maybe I must just give them the cure before I lose more people before I lose you.”
“We are not throwing in the towel and you will not lose me” I retort gently running my fingers in her
“These people are dangerous and they have proved that they would do whatever it takes to get the
cure. They are not afraid to spill blood and if anything was to happen to you I‟d die.”
“Stop speaking like that. Nothing is going to happen to me.”


“I told you not to harm anyone” David / The boss yells. “Why did you shoot I told you I want her
“My apologies sir the girl fired first and we had to protect ourselves” Wang answers.
“Did that kid make it?”
Wang shakes his head

” Wang answers.

“Did that kid make it?”

Wang shakes his head “He died before the ambulance got to him.”
“And Cathrine?”
“She looked fine but I can get my men to find more information on her whereabouts” Wang answers.
“No give her a week to grieve then get me my daughter and I want her unharmed.”
“Does it mean William is your son since he‟s Cathrine‟s brother” Wang questions.

David pours himself some whiskey “I‟m glad that bastard is dead but that doesn‟t mean I enjoy
knowing that my Daughter will be hurt by his death.”
“I hear you!”
“Have you checked on Heather I also want her here?” David asks.
“I will get her by the end of the day.”
He sips on his whiskey “I need Cathrine more – let Heather be.”
“What is the way forward?”
“First get me the head of the man who pulled the trigger then I will tell you the way forward” David
says before dismissing Wang.


The past five days have been hell for Cathrine. She‟s been having nightmares about William. We
called Jacob three days ago and he came to take his brother‟s body. He asked Cathrine to go home
with him but she refused. He promised to come back after the burial.

Cathrine hardly talks or eats she‟s punishing herself for William‟s death although I have told her
countless times that it is not her fault. She had no idea those people were going to shoot to kill. I‟m
watching Cathrine sleep she looks more peaceful when sleeping.
She opens her icy blue eyes and they land on mine. She rubs her eyes sits up and smiles “Good
morning detective!”
This is the first time seeing her smile since William‟s death “Hey cutie!”
“Where‟s my breakfast?” she asks still wearing a smile.
“You never eat it so today I didn‟t bother.”
She pouts sulking “Please make some for me?”
“Since you asked nicely I will!”

She leans over and kisses my lips. I don‟t know if it‟s me but she went from crying all day to her old
self in a split second. She gets out of bed and asks me to make her breakfast while she baths. I
make her something to eat and she joins me in the kitchen wearing a dress. Cathrine doesn‟t wear
dresses. She‟s carrying a bag and has makeup on. I don‟t know what‟s going on but something is

She eats then tell me to change because we are going out. She‟s not showing any signs of sadness
and looks happier than I have ever seen her. We go ice skating and since Miss Forbs knows
everything she was telling me what to do and what not to do. It‟s nice seeing her smile again but I
feel like there‟s more to her smile.

After ice skating we have lunch and then she shows me Ohio. Showing me her favourite spots and
telling me all the naughty things she did growing up. Around five pm we get a taxi home.
“Cathrine!” I pull her back before she walks into the house “Are you okay?”
“Yes why?”
“I‟m just checking are you sure?‟ I ask and she responds by kissing me.

We cuddle on the couch “Before I forget since you got me a necklace. I also got you something to
remember me by.”
“Remember you by?” what does she mean?
“I‟m giving you a present Randy!”
“It‟s nice” she helps me put it on “Not as nice as my present.”
“Thank you!” I peck her on the lips. She shifts to come and sit on my lap “What is it?”
“Nothing I just want to be close to you.”
“You are close!” I kiss her on the lips.
“Closer than this. I want you to make love to me.”
“Okay!” I carry her to the bedroom



It feels great to have her in my arms. Having to lose myself in her warmness. We did not just sleep
together but we connected – she shared a part of herself and so did I. Having to look into her eyes
and seeing her giggle warmed my heart. I wish our lives were this simple – I wish we didn‟t have to
dodge bullets and look over our shoulder everywhere we go.

Our date as she called it was amazing and I love the present she gave me. I don‟t see myself
wearing another watch that is not this one. I open my eyes and the bed is empty. I expected to wake
up with Cathrine in my arms after the mind-blowing lovemaking we had the previous night. I have
been with her before but last night felt like the first.

“Catt!” I sit up and my voice echoes. The house sounds a little too quiet. I get out of bed and check
her in the bathroom but she‟s not there. I get dressed and look for her in other rooms of the house
but she‟s nowhere to be found. I check the cure where we hid it and it‟s not there.

I notice a black bag and white paper on the kitchen table. I take the paper and read it:


I don‟t know why I kept coming back to you. I‟m not the kind of a girl that got with one person twice
but I found myself coming back to you. I have always felt safe around you – even that day at
President Square something just drew me to you. I knew you wouldn‟t hurt me that‟s why I got into
your car even though I had no idea who you were.

God knows I tried to distance myself from you. I didn‟t want you to be part of my messy life and like I
said that day I always leave a trail of dead bodies wherever I go. I wouldn‟t want to lose you and that
is why I left. Please don‟t try to look for me – I know your detective instincts will want to look for me
but please do not.

Instead of looking for me go back home and live your life. Be happy find a wife that will make you
happy and start that family that you‟ve always wanted. I cannot give you that life as long as I‟m still
alive. Even if I were to destroy the cure they know I‟m capable of making it so they will always try to
ruin my life and hurt those around me.

Please don‟t be sad after reading this message I am not. You were annoying me anyway. Please
move on with your life and try getting your old job back you are good in that field. In the bag are your
passport flight ticket and some money. Please make a wise decision and go home. I love you!

Your Blue

I take a deep breath after reading the letter. This girl must be crazy – who tells someone that they
should move on and concludes by telling them that they love them. I take out my phone and call
Heather. I took her number from Cathrine‟s phone on the days when she wasn‟t herself. If she had
continued like that I would have called Heather. She answers on the third ring.


Heather: Hello!

Me: It‟s Randy where are you?

Heather: Hi to you too.

Me: Cathrine is gone and she took the cure I need your help.

Heather: What do you mean? She showed up here at three pm with my daughter and told me she
had to go because you were waiting.

Me: I‟m telling you that she‟s gone and I want you to help me find her.
Heather: I don‟t know where she is.

Me: For once in your life act like her sister – you should know her better than anyone. I‟m sending
you my location. I want you here.

Heather: Don‟t order me around!

Me: Get yourself here Heather or I‟m come and drag you myself.

I hang up and toss the phone on the couch. Move on with my life my left foot. Who does Cathrine
think she is? I didn‟t come all the way here so I can lose her. If we have no happy ending then so be
it. I also send Jacob a text message and he also claims to have received a goodbye message from
his sister.

“You know I have a daughter that I haven‟t seen in years to bond with” Heather barges into the
house. It‟s about time she showed up it has been hours since I called her.
“And you have that daughter because of your sister.”
She sighs “You must be in too deep detective Evans.”
“I love your sister and you will help me find her.”
She shrugs “I don‟t even know where she is or how to find her.”
“How did you find her the last time?”
“Jason was on our side duh!” she retorts.
“Come on Heather this is your blood sister!”

She exhales heavily “Fine when I was nine my Dad put tracking devices on us in case something
happened. Catt was young back then so I don't think she knows probably thinks it's a birthmark. I
can track her with that.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
“Don‟t order me around!” she takes the laptop from my hand and start doing her thing.
“Where is your daughter?”
“Somewhere safe we may never know who gets the bullet next

” she replies not taking her eyes off the computer screen.
“Why did you betray your sister anyway?”
“I had my reasons and I regret it very much” she answers.

The door opens and Jacob walks in “Why is she here?”

“I hate you too sit down!” Heather says. I guess rudeness runs in the blood.
“How is your father?”
“He‟s sick but again he‟s old” Jacob answers then turns to Heather “How do we know the Judas is
not working for the enemy?”
“I will stop helping!” – Heather.
“It‟s not like you‟re doing us a favour” Jacob mumbles

“Can you two stop for a second? You will fight when we get Cathrine” I say.
“Pablo is with the Queen Mother and Jason is dead that only leaves out one person who could want
the cure” Jacob says with his eyes fixed on Heather.
“No you think it‟s him?” – Heather.
“He‟s the only person who has always wanted the cure” Jacob answers.
“What are you two talking about?”
“I think Cathrine took the cure to our father” Heather states.
“Then why did she write goodbye letters? Her father won‟t hurt her!”
“This is David he won‟t be satisfied with what Catt will give him so he will make her make more.” -
“Then why is she giving him the cure?”
“Because of you – she wants you to be safe. As long as you‟re near her your life is at risk. Let me
get a warmer jacket – let‟s visit the Queen Mother.” Jacob exists the room.
“What is wrong with your family?” I ask Heather who just rolls her eyes and continues with clicking
on keys.


Am I going to regret the decision I have made? Definitely! But it is what is best for everyone at the
moment. I cannot afford to lose anyone else although I wouldn‟t mind if Pablo would get struck by
lightning. I am a few houses away from my father‟s house. I know where he lives – he might be
powerful and rich but buying a new house must be the last thing on his mind.

“The house with the black gate” I tell the taxi driver. I also tell him to drive in. I have the cure in the
boot so I cannot get off outside the gate. I tell the man at the gate that I‟m David‟s daughter and it
takes him ten minutes to let us in.

David is waiting outside his house with an Asian man I think I recognise. I see he‟s still licking my
father‟s ass. I get out of the car and lean on it. I can‟t believe I have this man‟s rotten blood flowing in
my veins. He walks up to me and pulls me into his arms.

“My baby!”
“Hey Dad” I answered icily.
“Look at you you‟re all grown and pretty.”
“I brought you the cure. I‟m sure you must have been looking for it” I answer.
“You mean more to me than the cure come inside.”

He leads me into the house and tells the man he was standing with to take the cure inside.




It has been about ten years since I walked into this house. Everything still looks the same – it even
smells the same. The house is nice but hideous. The colours of the walls and furniture do not
coordinate. It needs a woman's touch – it also shows that my father still doesn‟t have a stable
relationship. After my mother he vowed never to remarry.
“Quinn!” David calls me snapping me out of my thoughts. I hate this place – it reminds me of my
childhood and I didn‟t have an exciting one. I remember when my father would ask me to spend
weekends with him in this place. To think he wanted to bond with me we spent hours trying to make
the cure. I had lost my notebook so we had to start everything from scratch. I knew the formula by
heart but I was never going to let him use me.

I close my eyes and try to picture my life without the cure and the guns that have become normal as
breathing in my life. I was a sweet little girl back then before the Sisterhood and before William. I
would have probably married Gabriel – we were very close growing up.

I open my eyes and they land on this white man standing in front of me. I am his daughter no
questions asked. I wish I had my mother‟s heart though. She was a very kind woman until David
pushed her to the limit. My African – American mother ended up finding comfort in another man‟s
arms. I don‟t support what she did but I‟m glad she left David. He doesn‟t care about anyone but

Why am I giving the cure to the man who could ruin mankind? Honestly I‟m tired! I am tired of living
in fear and I am tired of dodging bullets. Seeing William take his last breath in my arms had me
thinking – how many people will I lose because of this cure? My life will never be normal as long as I
have this cure. I would also love to clear my name and maybe change my second name back to
Forbs since my husband is dead. Live a normal life!

I am giving David the cure and yes I am waving the white flag. I am tired of the lies and betrayals
from those I love. Jason hurt me. A part of me wanted to look him in the eyes and ask him why?
Why he toyed with me all those years. Did he love me as much as I loved him? I am terrible at
expressing my feelings but I loved Jason wholeheartedly.

He was my first! He was the first man to make me feel loved. I couldn‟t get love at home so I went
out to look for it and Jason gave me exactly what I needed. I needed love and attention. I needed
someone who would hold my hand and ask me if I was okay. I needed someone who would see
right through me all those times I said „I am fine‟
I am a good pretender but for some reason Jason knew me better than myself. “Cathrine Quinn
Forbs!” David again “What is on your mind little one?”
“A lot is on my mind. I recently lost my brother and please don‟t act as if you care about me. I only
came here because I need something from you and that is protection.”
“I do care about you Catt and you know I will always protect you. It‟s my job as your father‟ he
sounds and looks sincere but I don‟t believe him.
“You don‟t! Pretending will just make me want to leave so please don‟t say things that you don‟t
He walks up to me and sits next to me “I know I am not the perfect father but I do care about you
and your sister.”
“Save me the lecture – can I get some rest please?”
He kisses me on the forehead and exits the room.

This is my old room – I‟m surprised he didn‟t change anything. I still have my single bed and all the
letters Gabriel used to write to me back in High School. I lie on the bed facing the ceiling – I bet
Randy is mad after reading that letter. It is what is best for both of us. As long as I am by David‟s
side people will not get hurt.

I knew instantly that he was the one after the cure after that shootout. Only my father Gabriel and I
knew about the virus. Gabriel must have told Jason about me knowing where the cure is. I still have
questions about Gabriels‟s sudden change of DNA and I think David has the answers to my
questions. Everything was fine for the two years I gave him the dose. Wait a minute David asked to
see Gabriel after I told him that I gave Gabriel the dose.

I get out of bed and look for my father around the house. I find him with that Asian sidekick of his –
whoever he is.
“Can we talk?” I ask with my eyes fixed on the Asian man. He doesn‟t barge. What could I possibly
do to the old man in a house full of armed men? After the Jason saga I don‟t trust Asian men.
David dismisses the Asian man then takes a seat “Is there a problem?”
“Did you give Gabriel anything when you asked to examine him?”
He touches his chin as if he‟s thinking “It‟s been a very long time - I don't remember why?”
“If you didn‟t give him anything then it means that cure doesn‟t work.”
“What do you mean it doesn‟t work?” he yells then quickly composes himself “What do you mean?”
“Jason tried it on Gabriel and it killed him so I want to know if you injected Gabriel with anything.”
He exhales and pours himself some whiskey

“I might have injected him with something but I cannot remember what it was.”

“Well it killed him and if your dose contains that something then that cure is no use to you. Don‟t
worry I can create another cure.”
He looks at me suspiciously “You are offering to make the cure?”
“Why? I really want you to make it but you have been hiding for me for years then the next thing you
show up here and offer to make the cure” he questions.
“Losing William opened my eyes and if I do this for you I want you to clear my name.”
He smiles “I can clear your name even if you don‟t make the cure.”

I don‟t believe him but I will have to trust his word. He calls Wang that‟s the Asian‟s name and tells
him to clear my name and change my surname back to Forbs.


It has been a whole week of drinking coffee and staring at the computer for hours trying to view
every security camera there is to see if we can find Cathrine. Heather tracked her down with their
tracker and turns out she took it off and fed it to a dog. The first two days Heather was tracking down
a dog.

It is clear Miss Forbs doesn‟t want to be found but we are not giving up. The Queen mother offered
to help but she‟s been too quiet for someone who has connections. I‟m starting to think she also has
a hidden agenda. Heather‟s daughter is staying with us now and she‟s like the little version of
Cathrine. She says it unfiltered and sometimes I am tempted to spank her bum but I‟m scared I
might murder her since I have my Cathrine syndrome bothering me. That‟s what Jacob calls it the
Cathrine syndrome.
I am mad at Cathrine. She‟s selfish and only thinks of herself. She knows that I love her yet leaves a
letter telling me to live my life and marry someone I love. I love her!

“I got her!” Heather jumps off the chair. She grabs a paper and pen and writes down the address. I
grab my jacket and we head out. “You take the left and I will take the right. She is on this street and
we need to corner her since she doesn‟t want to be found I know she will run”

Heather hands me the piece of paper and we part ways. Why doesn‟t Cathrine want to be found? I
look for her on the street we saw her pass by.

“Looking for me?” says a female voice and I turn around. It‟s her!
“Catt! Where...”
She interrupts me “I told you not to look for me and I told you to leave.”
“What‟s going on - I thought we agreed to work together?”
“I don‟t do teams Randy and please go home” she utters coldly.
“How do you expect me to just leave? Cathrine I love you!”

She walks closer “I don‟t love you Randy.”

“I don‟t believe you!”
“I don‟t need you to believe me. Leave before things get ugly. I have chosen to side with my father.
That is what is good for everyone” he retorts.
“And who is everyone in this case?”
“It is what‟s good for you my family and our country. As long as I‟m by David‟s side everyone is safe
and I told you that I‟m over you. I‟m just like that – I don‟t get satisfied by one man. I like to keep my
options open and you want commitment so we can never work” she says.
“That doesn‟t even make sense – what is going on with you. This is not you speaking.”
“This has always been me” she walks away.
“Cathrine I love you!”
She turns to face me “Love is a weakness.”
“Love is not a weakness you are just a coward!” I yell. She frustrates me sometimes. We agreed to
do this together!

“Call me what you want but stay away from me you and I are done. If you continue doing this I will
be forced to kill you!” she tells.
“Then you‟d have to kill me.”
“Fine then!” she hastily pulls out a knife and throws it at my chest. I feel the pain sting and the next
thing she‟s gone. I can‟t believe she just did that. I feel lightheaded!

“Randy!” A female voice screams. It is Heather! I feel my eyelids getting heavy and slowly close



“I thought something had happened to you” Wang opens the car door for me.
“I‟m a white girl in America – what could happen to me?” I get into the car and wait for him to close
the door and go to the other side. He gets into the car buckles his seat belt then roars the engine to

Wang is my driver for the day since I can‟t drive. I am scared of driving – I always panic when I get
behind the steering. Wang and I were getting a few paperwork fixed since I am changing my second
name back to Forbs. My father is also working towards clearing my name.
“Is everything okay?” Wang breaks the awkward silence. I don‟t like him – I never did. He‟s the one
who used to pick me up when my father wanted to see me. I feel like I‟m the one growing old
because everyone seems to look the same way they did ten years ago.

“I‟m fine I ran into someone I didn‟t want to see.”

He nods lightly “Ex-boyfriend?”
“Why do you ask as if you were not watching me?”
He clears his throat “What makes you say that?”
“Nothing but I know that there‟s no way you or my father can let me go out without anyone
monitoring my moves.”
“We do not need to do that – we trust you” he answers.
“Can you get me a smoothie?”
“Yes ma‟am” he turns the car around.
We get my smoothie then drive to the house. Am I thinking about Randy? No! I warned him to stay
away from me and leave the country but he didn‟t listen. I cannot have anyone ruin things for me –
not even him. I do love him but I just want to handle this and get it over with meaning I will eliminate
everyone that stands in my way.

We get to the house and this time I don‟t wait for Wang to open the door for me. I make my way into
the house and look for my father. I find him in his study – he‟s on a call so I sit opposite him and wait
for him to finish. His eyes are glued on me the whole time and he has a smile pasted on his face.
He‟s being told good news.

“Hey baby!” he tosses his cellphone on the table “The cure worked! We tried it on some sick people
and they are getting better.”
“I thought the soldiers are the only ones who have the virus?”
“The disease is contagious and they infected their families their families infected their colleagues so
now everyone is getting it” he retorts.
“In other words you want me to make more of the cure?”
“If you want to” he reaches for my hand and gently squeezes it “This could save a lot of lives Catt.”

I exhale heavily “How much are you getting out of this? Don‟t lie to me.”
“Just a billion dollars per hundred doses.”
“So you‟re using me again? We are back to ten years ago when you forced me to make that cure” I
“Baby you don‟t have to do it if you don‟t want to and you know I‟ll never force you to do anything
you don‟t want to. But think of it you‟re gifted and your brains can save our country.”
“Now you‟re emotionally blackmailing me?” I fold my hands.
“Don‟t do the cure if you don‟t want to.”
“I‟ll help you” I answer. It‟s not like I have a choice I started this mess.
“Are you sure? I don‟t want to force you to do something that you don‟t want to do.”
I smile “We can use this time to bond. I want us to make the cure together.”

He stands up from his chair and walks to my side to hug me “Thanks sweetheart and I promise to
make up for all the time we lost.”
“Heather too?”
He kisses my forehead “Heather too!”
“I‟ll get the notes I need to revise them” I pick up his glass of whiskey and hand it to him.
“Rest you will do it tomorrow.”
“I have been doing nothing for the past week and it‟s messing with my head!” I pick up his phone
from the table and shove it in my jacket pockets.

I hug him one more time and head out. I stand by the door and try unlocking his phone but it requires
his fingerprint. I wait outside the door for about thirty minutes then walk back into his study. I find him
dosing off his chair. Yes I spiked his drink. I unlock his phone with his finger and go through his
emails. He‟s planning on selling the dose to the government again. I take out an injection and inject
him on the neck that way when he wakes up he won‟t have any effects of getting drugged it‟ll be like
nothing happened. I drink some of my father‟s whiskey. I need the courage.

I head out and look for Wang around the house. He‟s busy on his phone too. The men in this house
are always on their phones.
“Hey Wang!” I jump onto him.
“Miss Forbs!” he hangs up the call and shoves his phone in his pockets “Are you okay?”
“Yeah why?”
“You look intoxicated

” he shifts away from me and holds my arms for me to stop touching him “Catt you‟ll get me in
trouble with your father.”

“My father is somewhere sleeping and you need to loosen up.”

“Please stop and go to bed if you‟re drunk” he pushes me off him.
“What if I don‟t want to?”
He grabs me by my arms “Listen little girl I don‟t have time for your games. Go to bed!”

I underestimated Wang – he won‟t be easy to fool. I also need his phone. I need to know his every
move just like my father.
“Are you gay?” I ask him.
“No why would you think that?”
“You look gay” I shift away from him “You like men don‟t you?”
“I am not gay! You are drunk go to bed.”
“Prove it – prove that you‟re not gay” I dare him. He looks at me and walks away. He‟s not falling for


Heather and Jacob carry Randy to the car he still has the knife stuck to his chest and is
unconscious. They didn‟t want to remove the knife without checking him first because they are
scared to kill him while trying to save him. They cannot take him to the hospital either since he‟s in
America illegally – they never had the chance to fix his visa.

“What happened?” Jacob asks Heather who has Randy‟s head on her lap. They are on their way
back to the house.
“I think Catt stabbed him.”
“You guys shouldn‟t have followed Catt without telling me” Jacobs scolds her.
“We don‟t answer to you!”
“Cathrine leaving means she has something up her sleeves and you two shouldn‟t have confronted
her” he parks inside the garage of their house because they don‟t want to draw the neighbours‟
attention taking out a man with a knife stuck to his chest.

“Do you know something we don‟t?” Heather questions as they carry Randy into the house “Why is
he so heavy?”
“Let‟s put him on the couch.”
“You know something don‟t you why didn‟t you say something?” – Heather.
“I don‟t trust you and Randy thinks with his heart.”
Heather claps “Just great! We spent the past week looking for Catt yet you have information and
keeping it from us.”
“Well do you blame me for not trusting you?”
“What if Randy had died?” Heather yells.
“Cathrine would never kill Randy and if she wanted him dead she would have aimed for the throat.
Catt doesn‟t throw the knife and look at the choice of a knife she chose.”
Jacob kneels next to Randy and asks Heather to bring scissors to cut his shirt open. He cut Randy‟s
t-shirt open and the knife is stuck on his dog tag necklace. It was blocked by his jacket and the
“Lucky bastard!” Jacob shakes his head and pulls out the knife causing Randy to wake up coughing
and gasping for air. He is bruised but it‟s not something that can kill him.
“Welcome back!” Heather hands him a glass of water “How do you feel?”
“Like someone who got stabbed by a knife” Randy answers sullenly “I cannot believe your sister
tried to kill me!”
“No one survives Cathrine‟s knife you‟re alive because she didn‟t want to kill you.” – Jacob.
“She stabbed me how do you explain that?”
“You are alive and it‟s not because she missed. Cathrine doesn‟t miss. You shouldn‟t have followed
her. She needs to make David believe that she‟s on his side meaning she cannot afford to have
anyone ruin her plan” Jacob answers.
“Your family is very weird!” Randy mumbles
“And you only figuring it now?” Heather laughs.
“What‟s her purpose of almost assassinating me?”
“Cathrine is on a mission to take down David and destroy his research but she needs to help the
people who got infected first” – Jacob.
“And why are we only finding out now?” Randy asks.
“David will suspect something if we just sit and not look for her. We needed your carelessness for
the plan.”
“Who is we?” Heather questions.
“Cathrine the Queen Mother and I. We had everything planned from day one. Nothing is going to
change we keep searching for her.”

Randy sighs heavily “So she trusts you more than me?”
“Cathrine is pregnant and she knew you wouldn't let her do this if you knew. She asked me not to tell
you this because she‟s not sure who the father is.”


I think now I understand why Cathrine wants to handle David and this virus thing. She‟s trying to
build a safe future for her baby. As long as the cure is still around she won‟t have any peace. As for
her being pregnant – it came as a shock to me too. The baby could be mine the baby could be
Jason‟s depending on how far she is but I don‟t care about any of that. I love her and her child is my
child too.

She must be scared wherever she is – she did mention that getting pregnant is one thing that scares
her. I wish she was near and I wish I could hold her in my arms and tell her that I‟ll always have her
back. I want to tell her that I would do anything to make sure nothing happens to her baby.

“So Cathrine is pregnant” Heather says. We are in the sitting room and Jacob is somewhere in the
house making calls. He is always busy with something.
“She could be carrying my child.”
“Or maybe it is Jason‟s or one of the six men” Heather answers “Are you ready to father a child
that‟s not yours?”
“I love your sister and I don‟t care whose child she‟s carrying. Jason is dead and I will step in as the
father of the child whether mine or not.”
“You know you and Catt can never work right?” she says.
“You‟re wrong.”
“Cathrine is not the stay at home type. She‟s used to living on the edge and killing whoever stands in
her way. You know she can‟t stay with one man right? Sooner or later she‟s going to get tired of you.
She‟s not the type to submit to her boyfriend/ husband.” Heather states.
“Your sister has just not been loved right. Trust me when a woman is loved correctly – she willingly
“Your love for her will be her death – don‟t say I didn‟t warn you” she stands up and leaves the room.

I want to believe Heather‟s words but I can‟t. I love Cathrine and God knows I have tried to forget
about her but I find myself thinking about her. I look for Jacob and find him in the kitchen. I wait for
him to finish talking on the phone.
“Jacob can I ask for a huge favour?”
“If I let you see her she‟ll know that I told you about her being pregnant” he answers as if he read my
“Jacob I‟m begging you! What if I never get to see her again?”
He sighs “She made me promise!”
“I am begging you!”
“See why we wanted you to leave the country. Your feelings will always get in the way of the plan
but I will set up a meeting and let you meet her” he exits the room.

An hour later I‟m in the car going to meet Cathrine. I hope she won‟t stab me again. The car drops
me off at the hotel where Cathrine and I went to when she gained her memory. The one she and
Heather owns. Jacob told me the room number where I‟m going to find her.
I walk into the room and find her lying on the bed. She stands up from the bed and walks up to me.
She has her real hair today – it makes her eyes pop.
“Hey Randy.” she stands in front of me. I try to hug her but she shifts backwards. “How‟s your
“Jacob told me everything!”
She shakes her head “He promised.”
“I made him tell me. I was worried about you – how far are you?”
“It doesn‟t matter I‟m aborting it today – do you want to come with me?” she asks.
“You can‟t terminate the baby Cathrine!”
“It‟s my baby and my body. I cannot bring a baby into my messed up life” she answers “I can‟t be a

“I know it‟s a lot but you have me. You have your siblings and we all love you – we will raise this
child together. The baby could be mine you know.”
She shakes her head “I‟m not ready to be a mother.”
“No one is ever ready for that but I promise we will do this together. Please don‟t terminate the baby
even if it‟s not mine.”
“I‟m scared Randy!” she throws herself in my arms.
“It‟s okay we will do this together.”

We end up spending more than an hour today and the next thing I‟m buried in her warmth. She won‟t
let me in on her plan to take down David – she says my feelings for her will ruin everything.
“I have to get going” she gets out of bed and gets dressed “Wang will be here to pick me up in ten
“Take care of yourself for me.”
She kisses me on the lips “I love you!”
“I love you!”

It‟s been two weeks since plan „take David down‟ was in motion. Cathrine managed to hack Wang‟s
phone – she managed to distract him and get his phone. Unlike her father when Wang woke up he
suspected being drugged and checked all the security footage around the house but it was no use
since everything was tampered with.

Cathrine and her father are coming from the President‟s office – they were negotiating the price of
the cure.
“Twenty billion is a lot of money” Cathrine says to her father as they walk out of the white house.
“We could make more you know? We can make more of the cure and sell it to other countries” David
“Let‟s not get ahead of ourselves – let‟s deliver the dose for our country first then we can think about
other countries.”
“You‟re right!”

„We have Wang – you can proceed with the plan.‟ a text message pings into Cathrine‟s phone.

“My feet are killing me” Cathrine says after entering the car.
“You‟ve been on your feet the whole week – I can do the exchange

you can rest.”

“And miss the big part? I will rest after the exchange” she smiles.
“Have you seen Wang today?”
Cathrine shrugs “No and it‟s weird since he‟s all over you like he‟s your wife. I‟m starting to think you
two are seeing each other.”
David laughs “Wang knows how to get the job done that‟s why I always need him by my side.”
“Let the poor man rest Dad how does he handle standing all day like that? You‟re abusing Wang.”
“Maybe I should let him rest today – I promise not to call or bother him today.”
They get to the house “We‟ll leave in thirty minutes – I need to make a few phone calls.” David says
heading to his study.

„Heather where are you?‟ Cathrine sends the text message.

“I‟m right here!” Heather show up behind her “We took down all his men and replaced them with ours
you‟re welcome.”
“You sound proud of yourself!”
“I am we took down Wang – do you know how hard that was? You owe me a trip to Spain” Heather
says as they head to the garage. The security team now works for them so they are not scared to be
caught on the cameras around the house.
“Did you bring the fake cure?” Cathrine asks.
“I wouldn‟t be here if I didn‟t!”
“There‟s no need to be rude I am asking you nicely. And the bombs?” she adds.
“Again I wouldn‟t be here.”
“This is why I prefer working with Jacob – you are annoying!” Cathrine opens the doors to the car
with the fake cure and starts loading it to the car they are going to be using with David.
“You‟re lucky you are pregnant. I would have challenged you to a fight.”
“You know I have always wanted to kick your ass fair and square” Cathrine utters.
“Do you want me to grant you your wish?”

“Cut it out you two” Jacob utters in both their earpieces

“She started it” Catt mumbles before sliding under the car they are going to be using and planting
the bombs.
“What are the bombs for anyways? We have already swapped the cure.” Heather questions.
“I know what I‟m doing!”
“Fine Cathrine Forbs do whatever the hell you want” Heather raises her hands in surrender then
starts packing the original cure in the car she‟s going to drive out in.


“All done I‟m going to drive out before David notices something is off” Heather says and Cathrine
hugs her.
“I know we fight all the time but I love you.”
“Your pregnancy is making you very weird!” Heather pushes her off. She gets into the car and drives

“Who was that?” David walks into the garage.

“That was…that was Wang I told him to take the rest of the day off. You did promise to let him rest.”
David looks at her suspiciously then checks if the cure is still there after all that‟s all he cares about.
“Let‟s go!” David gets into the car and so does Catt. She reaches for her father‟s hand and squeezes
“We make a great team!”
David smiles “We do!”


Heather drives in with the cure and finds Randy Jacob and the Queen mother waiting for her.
“Why are you here?” Jacob asks her as soon as she climbs out of the car.
“Hi to you too Jacob and yes I brought the cure!”
“Heather you‟re not supposed to be here. You‟re supposed to drive Cathrine and David.” – Jacob.
“Drive them where? I brought the cure this side and Catt put bombs in the car they are in – she‟s
going to jump out the car and blow it up along with the fake cure and David” Heather answers.
“Do you realise how stupid you sound? Cathrine is pregnant do you seriously think she‟s going to
jump out of a moving vehicle. She lied to you just she lied to us saying you‟re driving her.” Randy
mutters sullenly “She‟s going to blow herself up along with her father.”
“But why would she do that?” Heather asks which also explains why Cathrine was acting weird and
telling her that‟s she loves her.
“If the cure David and her get destroyed then it means no one will ever mention the cure again” –
“I have a helicopter – we can still talk her out of this” the Queen mother states. Luckily Jacob can fly


“What car are they driving?” Jacob asks Heather as the helicopter takes off. In the helicopter it‟s
Jacob Heather and Randy. The Queen mother and her team are using cars and they are covering all
roads that are leading to the white house and checking all street cameras.
“A grey pickup truck!”
Jacob presses the earpiece in his ear “Search for a grey pickup truck!”

They cannot communicate with Cathrine because she took off her earpiece and her phone is not
reachable. She had everything planned and when she sets her mind on something she doesn‟t back
“I should have known she had something planned!” Jacob shakes her head “If anything happens to
her I won‟t be able to live with myself.”
“I promised to protect her and I have failed. She spent almost her whole life trying to fix the mess our
father created. I wish I had told her that it wasn‟t her fault.” – Heather

“Can you two stop talking about her as if she‟s dead? Plus we all didn‟t know that she plans on killing
herself along with her father.” Randy interrupts them.
“As a detective you are very slow I mean you have been shagging her all this while how did you not
pick that up?” Heather questions.
“You as her sister should know that she‟s stubborn” – Randy.
Jacob sighs heavily “Well one thing for sure she‟s the Baddest. She‟s unpredictable and one can
never know what‟s up with her.”
“But do you seriously think she‟ll kill herself? That‟s a little selfish for someone pregnant” Heather
“Even with her name cleared – there‟s still going to be someone who is going to look for the cure or
her. She will never live a peaceful life. I guess death is her only escape” Jacob answers.
“Your sister is just selfish” – Randy.
“I am also mad at her Randy but put yourself in her shoes. It‟s all too much for her.”
“She has us! Why can‟t she be satisfied with that” Randy mutters sullenly.
“And she‟s also doing this for us!”
“I‟m starting to think you knew her plan after all you‟re the one she trusts” Randy mumbles.

If it was a car Jacob would hit the brakes just so he can yell at Randy “Do you think I‟m happy with
this? Cathrine is my sister and not so long ago I lost William. Do you know what this is going to do to
her mother?”
“I understand that you two are angry but can we focus on finding Catt then maybe we can organise a
ground where you can yell at each other all you want” – Heather. She‟s trying to be strong but she‟s
also scared that she might lose her sister. They had just started getting along. She wishes she had
hugged her back when she had the chance.

“Please try calling her again” Heather says to Randy who gently squeezes her hand.
“Nothing will happen to her – this is Cathrine and she always has something up her sleeves.”
“I pray so – I can‟t lose her

” she answers.


“Are you okay?” I ask David. I think the drug is kicking in. As much as I hate him at the end of the
day he‟s my father. I had planned on making him pay but I just couldn‟t – the drug was easier plus
we get to die together. I know it sounds selfish but I think it‟s fair that I die with him. I wouldn‟t be
able to live with myself knowing that I killed my father.

Jail is too easy – I know he has connections so sending him to jail is just a waste of time. We
created the cure meaning the infected people will be cured and our death will end this whole drama.
“Dad!” I reach for his hand. He‟s sweating “Do you want to stop the car?”
He smiles faintly “I‟m fine.”

The car swerves but he holds it in place. The drug is getting to his head. I don‟t think he can hear me
properly because he‟s not answering any of my questions. I take out my phone and call Randy – I
need to hear his voice one last time. I need to tell him that he will find someone else that will make
him happy. I want to tell Heather that I forgive her and I want Jacob to know that he doesn‟t need to
worry about me anymore.

My phone rings and it‟s Cathrine. I tell Jacob to inform the Queen mother to track Cathrine‟s cell
phone now that it‟s on. I have to keep her on the line until they get her.

(On the phone)

Me: Where are you?

Catt: Hey Red! I wanted to hear your voice one last time.

Me: Please don‟t do this!

Catt: What‟s that noise?

Me: We are in the helicopter looking for you.

Catt: Are you even allowed to make a phone call while there?

Me: Please don‟t kill yourself – think of me! Cathrine think of our baby.

Catt: It could be Jason‟s. I was gang-raped you know and I don‟t know if those men used protection.
I could be infected as we speak. I could have infected you too.

Me: I don‟t care about any of that please don‟t blow up the car. If you love me like you say you do
then do not do this.

Catt: I‟m doing this for you. I want you to live a happy life.

Me: I am begging you!

Catt: My mind is made up Randy – there‟s no happy ending in our story.

Me: We can make one. It‟s not yet too late – please!

Catt: David is almost out and I‟m sure the bomb on the car is about to go off.
Me: Stop the car!

Catt: I can‟t drive remember?

Me: Please! Please don‟t do this…I love you!

Catt: I‟m sorry. Please tell Heather that I was holding back – I can kick her ass with my eyes closed.

Me: Catt!

Catt: Tell Jacob he‟s been the best brother and I‟m glad my mother cheated with his father.
Otherwise I wouldn‟t have met him. I love you Red!

Me: Don‟t do this!

“They have found her!” Jacob yells and turns the helicopter around

Catt: Thank you for talking to me that day at President Square.

Me: Catt do it for me and our baby. Please! I am begging you!

Catt: I just called to say goodbye.

Me: Don‟t bullshit me Cathrine! Stop being selfish how do you think I will feel after your death? Do
you think I will be able to go back to my normal life knowing that you‟re dead and I couldn‟t stop it!
Stop the goddamn car!

I hear a scream!

Catt: David is out but still stepping on the gas it‟s too late!

Me: We can see your car just step on the breaks and the car will stop.
Catt: If the car stops for more than a minute the bomb will go off

Me: We will get you out keep the wheels straight – just hold the steering straight.

Catt: The car is going to crash into other cars.

Me: We will get you out before that. Stay on the phone…

We can see her car and it‟s a mess down there she‟s hitting everything in front of her “Jacob we
need to get her out!”
“I can‟t lower the helicopter any further I will kill everyone on the road.”
“There‟s rope in here. If you can lower me and hold the helicopter steady for two minutes I can get
her out” Heather states.
“But the car is moving?” – Jacob
“Randy tell her to get out using the window and I will pull her up”
“There‟s nothing to support the robe you will die before you get to her” Jacob points out.
“Then I‟ll tie this belt to my waist – it‟s attached to the helicopter and there‟s no way I can pull the
helicopter down” she buckles the belt on her waist and jumps out.

She looks like she does this for a living. I would have vomited by just looking out. I tell Cathrine to
get out of the car using the window. The car that Cathrine is in crashes onto another causing it to
stop meaning we have a minute until the car blows up.

Heather manages to get her out and I pull them back up. Jacob takes the helicopter up. Cathrine
and Heather are still by the door. Heather unbuckles the belt on her waist “I thought you said one
minute until the car blows up.”
“Yeah it‟s…” The helicopter shakes and they both fall off but I only manage to catch Heather‟s hand
and pull her back into the helicopter. I loud explosion follows beneath us.
“Where‟s Catt!” Jacob asks as Heather and I take our seats still in awe.
“She fell off!”


It feels surreal. A part of me cannot accept that she‟s really gone – I mean this is Cathrine. She
cannot die just like that but again no one can escape death – not even the Baddest. It‟s been a
month since the explosion and twenty-seven people lost their lives that day. The deceased were hurt
beyond recognizing – it was hard to tell who is who.

No one wanted to accept that Cathrine was gone so we tried searching for her. We went as far as
checking the deceased‟s bodies ourselves. It was no use because they were badly hurt and the
police started asking too many questions. We didn‟t want to raise any suspicions after all that bomb
was our fault

To give us the closure we needed - the police found the necklace I gave to Cathrine amongst the
dead bodies which confirmed her death. Her death is hard to accept but she was wearing that
necklace – she‟s gone. As much as it is hard to accept her death we have to lay her soul at rest and
give her a proper burial. It‟s funny how everyone wants to care about you when you‟re dead. I didn‟t
know Cathrine had so many friends.

Everyone is saying nice things about her – everyone is talking about how nice and innocent she
was. I doubt they know her as I did. Cathrine and innocent were two different things. She was bold
and lived her life on the edge – she wasn‟t scared of anything.

I‟m brought back from my memory lane by Heather squeezing my hand. My eyes instantly go to the
person standing in front of us – Jacob clears his throat then utters. “Cathrine was a very violent

Everyone breaks into laughter – only if they know that he‟s not joking. “She was very stubborn and
listened to no one. Once she had her mind set on something she didn‟t back down. I first met her
thirteen years ago – I was very excited to have a little sister. She was a very innocent girl sweet and
always smiling. Well that was before she grew into this Baddest woman that punched anyone who
went against her word. Beneath all that craziness she was a nice person who loved hard and would
put her life on the line for those she loves” he takes a deep breath “I promised to take care of her
and I failed. I failed my little sister just like I failed my brother.”
It‟s not every day that you see a grown man cry but I can feel his pain. Jacob loved his little sister.
He looks at Cathrine‟s picture that is next to him. According to Heather that was Cathrine‟s favourite
picture when they were growing up. Jacob adds “I‟m going to miss you little sister and I hope you‟re
at rest.”

Cathrine‟s mother follows she just breaks down they end up taking her off the podium without her
uttering a word. Heather follows – her eyes and nose red. She takes a deep breath “I have always
hated Cathrine!”
That‟s one way to start a speech.
She chuckles and wipes off the tears that just fell on her face “I hated that she was everything I
wanted to be and did it effortlessly. She was the better Forb and what I hate most is that I spent all
those years hating her instead of bonding with her. She was my baby sister and instead of protecting
and loving her I did the opposite. If I could turn back the hands of time I would go back in time and
do everything right. I would hold her tight all those times I pushed her away. I would tell her I love her
all those times I told her I hate her.”

“I‟m going to miss her so much! I wish I had fallen off that chopper and not her. She didn‟t deserve to
die like this – she was a good person” she cries and looks at Cathrine‟s picture “I‟m sorry Catt! I‟m
sorry little sister – I‟m sorry I failed you!”

A few family members follow and everyone has a story to tell. I don‟t say anything – I am mad at her.
How can she be so selfish? How can she die and leave me behind? The burial goes well then Jacob
Heather and I drive back to the house – neither of us is in the mood for the pity party.

It feels like she‟s going to walk into the house and say it was all in her plan but she‟s gone this time.
We are all sitting in silence drowning ourselves in whiskey. The Queen mother promised to take care
of everything for us.
“I can‟t believe she‟s gone” Heather utters.
“Yeah me too” Jacob answers “So Randy what‟s the way forward? Do you want to settle this side – I
can prepare your paperwork?”
I sigh “I‟m going to go back home.”
He nods lightly “Cathrine wouldn‟t have wanted you to be sad.”
“Your sister is selfish!” I stand up and leave the room.
Within 48 hours I‟m on a plane back to South Africa. Jacob assured me that I will get my job back
home and that he has everything fixed but I don‟t want to be a cop anymore. I failed to protect the
woman that I love and I don‟t think I‟m going to be able to live with myself.

They say home is the best and you know you‟re in South Africa the moment you land. South Africa is
the craziest country ever. I take off the watch Cathrine gave to me and throw it away – I‟m done with

My mother is happy that I‟m back – I see she made herself comfortable in my house in Roodeport
Johannesburg. She states that my house bill was being paid the time she was staying there and that
she has been getting a monthly allowance from my workplace. This has Jacob written all over. Just
like his sister he always has something up his sleeves.

“This came in for you! About two months ago” mother hands me a black bag. I excuse myself and go
to my bedroom. Inside the bag there‟s money and a USB. I take my laptop and play the video on the
USB. It‟s Cathrine…
She smiles and clears her throat

“Hey Red! If you‟re seeing this then it means I have succeeded in killing myself. I had to do it Red –
it‟s what‟s best for everyone. Please don‟t be sad – I would be partying and living my life if I were in
your shoes”

I pause the video and chuckle. Crazy woman! I play it again “Please use the money in the bag to
start a new life. Find a woman that loves and appreciates you and marry her. If you ever have a child
please name her Blue – if you don‟t I will haunt you.” Tears fall on her face “I‟m sorry Randy I wish
there was another way but there isn‟t. I love you and the sex was good.” I laugh and wipe the tears
off my face “Please don‟t be sad because of me and I will always love you!”

The video ends and I clutch the laptop close to my chest. Now I regret throwing away that watch.
After about twenty minutes I go for a drive to Florida Lake. I have to let go! She‟s gone!


I am at Florida Lake – it has become my chill-out spot and I get to think clearly when I‟m here. My life
has been a mess but hey I‟m still alive and staying with my mother. I still haven‟t found a woman I
want to marry just random hookups. I have forgotten about Cathrine – who am I kidding? I haven‟t –
I will never love anyone as I loved her. I kept in touch with Jacob and Heather and they seem to be
doing a lot better than I am.

“Will you marry me?” a tiny voice utters and I look next to me. I chuckle looking at the little being next
to me.
She frowns “You‟re supposed to say yes.”
“Says who? You don‟t even know me and you have to ask me out first. You have to buy me dinner
then you can ask me to marry me.” Look at me talking to what looks like a three-year-old “How old
are you?”
She smiles revealing her gap tooth “Turning seven!”
“You are six then.”
“Marry me” she says again.
“Do you even know what that means?”
She nods “You‟ll be my husband!”
“You don‟t even have a ring – how do you want me to marry you?”
“My mum will buy you one – so you‟re my husband now?” she asks.
“Aren‟t you scared of being kidnapped?”
She shakes her head “No.”

I stand up “Where is your mother?”

“At home!”
Some mothers! “Do you want me to drive you home?”
She nods. She must have a very careless mother who lets their kid go about how they want. She
could be kidnapped or raped. The little girl lives just three minutes from the Lake.
“What‟s your name?” I ask the little girl. The security at the gate knows her and I look like a crazy
man accompanying a child I don‟t know.
“My name is Candice!”
She leads me to some apartment and seems to know her way around the building. She even knows
the number to press on the elevator.
“Mum!” she runs into the house and I quietly follow behind her “Come see my husband!” this child is
not playing.
“Please not again Candice! You‟re not allowed to have a…” the person freezes after looking at me.
“Randy!” her voice comes out as a whisper.
“How?” that‟s all I can say.
“I‟ll go change my uniform!” the little girl runs out of the room.
“Please tell me I‟m dreaming?”
She moves towards me “You lost the watch!”
“I thought you were dead!”
She smiles God those icy blue eyes “I am the Baddest after all.”
“I want to know everything – are you married? Who is the father of that child?”
She takes a seat and I do the same. “I‟m not married – I moved here two years ago. I survived the
fall but I broke my neck and arm I was badly injured. I stayed in the hospital for a very long time –
suffered amnesia but the person who saved me took care of me. It was a woman named Beth. I
stayed with her until I had my baby and gained my memory. I didn‟t have any connections since
everyone thought I was dead so I decided to keep it like that and moved here in hopes to…”

I don‟t let her finish I kiss her “It doesn‟t matter – I‟m glad you‟re alive and I still love you.”
“Candice is yours! I‟m sure you noticed that she has your ugly ears.”
I smile “I love you Cathrine!” I kiss her again.
“Mum that‟s my husband!” Candice screams and starts crying rolling herself on the floor. I forgot I‟m
a married man!


Thank you very much for reading it‟s been an amazing journey. I cried I laughed and this book was
amazing to write. Share your review and please buy me a bottle of wine LOL the way I cried writing
this insert.

For more thriller novels get a copy of Zendaya for just R260 including delivery.

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