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The Occupational Safety and Health Standards Policy and Program, governed by Republic Act

11058 and implemented through Department Order No. 198, Series of 2018 (DO 198-18)

The policy aims to strengthen compliance with occupational safety and health standards in the
workplace. By setting clear guidelines and requirements, it seeks to ensure the safety and well-being of
workers. The effectiveness of this policy can be measured by its impact on reducing workplace accidents,
injuries, and illnesses. Regular inspections and monitoring can help assess the implementation and
effectiveness of safety measures in various industries.

It provides clear and accessible information to employers, employees, and the public regarding
occupational safety and health standards. This includes disseminating guidelines, regulations, and updates
on safety practices. Transparent reporting mechanisms, such as incident reporting and investigation
processes, can enhance transparency and accountability in addressing workplace safety concerns.

In addition this policy establish mechanisms to hold employers accountable for ensuring
compliance with occupational safety and health standards. This can include penalties for violations,
enforcement actions, and regular audits or assessments of workplaces. Employers should be responsible
for providing a safe working environment and addressing any identified hazards or risks promptly.
Additionally, the policy should outline the rights and responsibilities of employees in reporting safety
concerns and seeking redress for violations.


Republic Act 11058: This law governs the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Policy and Program
in the Philippines.

Department Order No. 198, Series of 2018 (DO 198-18): This order, issued by the Department of Labor
and Employment (DOLE)

The National Security Policy 2011-2016: Securing the Gains of Democracy can be evaluated in
terms of effectiveness, transparency, and accountability based on the following considerations:
The policy ensure the stability of the state and the security of the nation, with a focus on the
safety and well-being of the people. The effectiveness of the policy can be assessed by evaluating its
impact on maintaining peace and security, protecting democratic institutions, and addressing emerging
threats. Monitoring indicators such as crime rates, terrorism incidents, and social stability can provide
insights into the effectiveness of the policy.

The National Security Policy should provide clear and accessible information regarding its
objectives, strategies, and implementation. Transparency can be demonstrated through the public
dissemination of the policy document, regular updates on the progress and achievements, and
mechanisms for public consultation and feedback. Openness and transparency in decision-making
processes related to national security can enhance public trust and understanding.

The policy should establish mechanisms for accountability in the implementation and oversight
of national security measures. This includes clear roles and responsibilities for government agencies
involved in national security, adherence to legal frameworks and human rights standards, and mechanisms
for monitoring and addressing abuses or misconduct. Regular reporting and evaluation of the policy’s
outcomes and impact can contribute to accountability.


Official Gazette of the Philippines (National Security Policy 2011-2016)

National Security Council Philippines (National Security Policy 2011-2016)

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