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Name: Momenul Inlam

TD B-18010 30 11

Topic: reco Perdian War

The erman Wano a eruen k wary Aouht

he Peionn and he Gireeks in Sth hunched
aentur B.. The ferrian Enpine wan the langent

omd mont powen/su| empine in the wornld fhat time.

The Controlkd land haf rrneehed krom Eaupd all
to Inda. The Greeks were made up ok a
numben ok eity-tofe sueh an Sparta and Ahen».

TTypiealy thene eity tafen koqghd eaeh othern, but

hey united to tight qgain the Peruion.
Lonuo The tonuan) were Gneek that ived

alonA he coant ak Tunkey. They wete Conquened

bPeruiom). When he Ioniann decided to revolf he
an ked
anked Ahe and ofhen Ganeek citien korr help. The
othern nneek atien ent shipp and e a p o , but wPRE

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