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Holidays Home Work(2024-25)

Class - 5
Subject - Mathematics

Q.1 Make a research project on Temperature. Explore the topic and try
to collect the maximum information about it.
● Index
● Definition of Temperature and its unit.
● Two types of scale to measure temperature. Paste or draw
pictures of both types of thermometers showing Celsius scale &
Fahrenheit scale.
● Write normal body temperature, boiling point of water, freezing
point of water in both the scales in tabular form.
● Bibliography
Q.2 Make a cutout of bulb and write the answers of following
questions on that:
(A) Write 2-digit odd numbers whose sum of digits is 8.
(B) There are just 4 natural numbers less than 100, which have
exactly three factors. Write those four numbers and also tell
what is common about these numbers?
Topic - ITIHAS (Save Energy)
Please write the number of units of electricity used by your family in
the months from July2023 to December 2023. On the basis of this
collected data, answer the following questions:
(A) Arrange the units in descending order.
(B) Make a pictograph of the collected data.
(C) Tell the month in which your family used maximum units.
(D) Tell the month in which your family used the minimum unit.
(E) What is the reason for the difference between the used units
in both the months?

● Do all the holiday homework on A-4 size sheets and put all the
sheets in a folder.
● Holidays Homework should be neat and colourful.
● Use coloured pens for doing the Homework.
● Make your project presentable by drawing or pasting colourful
pictures relevant to the topic.
● Revise the whole syllabus covered before holidays thoroughly.

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