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assisted audit

CAATs – Where do they come in and

what are they?
So remember as an auditor in computerized environment we still have to:

• Gain an understanding of controls in place – So we need to know what controls are

• Identify Risk – So we need to be aware of the increased and decreased risks
associated with computer systems.
• Test the computer controls – We can now use SYSTEM CAATs to help us.
• Perform Substantive audit work – We can now use DATA CAATs to help us.

A CAAT is a “computer assisted audit technique” that is useful because:

• Can test a computer system is working without relying on source documents,
• Improves efficiency and effectiveness of audit work,
• Processes balances with large volumes of transactions quickly,
• Identify risk area’s (Analytical review) – anomalies, unusual transactions, ratios.

When are CAATs used in the audit


• No
Planning • Yes – Testing controls with test
data (System CAAT)
• Yes – analytical review for risk • Yes – In substantive procedures • Can be used in final analytical
assessment = NB! (Data CAAT) review
• Unusual trends/ movements • Going concern – forecasts and
which indicate risk AR to prior
• Subsequent events – sample
Pre-liminary Gathering • Errors – extrapolation

engagement audit evidence


What is the difference between a

system and data CAAT?
For example:

System CAATs use test data to test that a Purchases over a certain value require the
computerised control is working as it should. It runs test approval of a senior manager. Therefore run
or fake data through a system to compare the expected a system CAAT through the system by
outcome to the actual outcome. Used in the inputting a purchase that exceeds to value to
reperformance of a computerised control. verify another manager is notified + required
to approve it.
DATA CAATs do not use test data. They can perform
analysis of data in different ways that can be useful Extract a sample of all employees who
while performing substantive procedures – both commenced employment in the current year
analytical reviews and tests of detail. These include: so the further detail testing can be
• Extracting information (based on certain instructions) performed.
• Analysing information
• Summarising information Compare the current provision for bad debts
• Selecting samples ratios to actual bad debts for prior 10 years.
• Recalculating

Think of…

System CAATs Data CAATs

So what is the hard part?

• System CAATs:
▪ Understanding where it is appropriate to run a system CAAT
▪ Identifying what controls would be tested and explaining how to test the output by describing
the correct input.
▪ Input XYZ to verify that ABC happens

• Data CAATs:
▪ Being able to think about how/ what information could be analysed and what sort of exceptions/
anomalies/ trends would be interesting to the auditor.
▪ This requires an understanding of what SHOULD be happening but also an awareness of WHAT
CAN GO WRONG or what would INDICATE something has gone wrong.
▪ For example – A debit account with a credit balance, a purchase recorded on a weekend, a sale
over a certain value etc etc


Exam technique
• Do you always give CAATs in a test of control or substantive procedure question?
• In a computerised control system or transaction cycle – if possible then yes.
• If you are specifically asked – then definitely yes.
• Often the audit procedure remains the same but your description now specifically states:
• Get the computer to select a sample, or perform the recalculation or run a system CAAT to verify
• Statements like:
• “Use a system CAAT to verify the control is working” will not gather marks.
• You need to state how – what is the input and expected output.
• “Perform an analytical review of payables using data CAATs”
• You need to expand and give examples of what reviews and why they important.

Thank You

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