Operating Instructions by MAN - D - 1110412 - en

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Technical Documentation

Operating Instructions B1

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD

Works No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 110 412

Plant No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 10275

6721-- 1
MAN B&W Diesel AG : D-86224 Augsburg : Postfach 10 00 80 : Telefon (0821) 3 22-0

10275 B1--01 E 05.06 101/ 02

. 2006 MAN B&W Diesel AG

All copyrights reserved for reprinting, photomechanical reproduction (photocoying/microcopying) and translation of
this documents or part of it.

10275 B1--01 E 05.06 102/ 02

Table of contents

N 1 Introduction

: : : N 1.1 Preface
: : : N 1.2 Product Liability
: : N 1.3 How the Operating Instruction Manual is organized, and how to use it
: : N 1.4 Addresses/Telephone numbers

N 2 Technical details

N 2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

: : N 2.1.1 MAN B&W Diesel AG’s Scope of Supply/Technical Specification
N 2.2 Engine
: : N 2.2.1 Characteristics
: : N 2.2.2 Photos/Drawings
N 2.3 Components/Subassemblies
: : N 2.3.1 Standard engine design Crankcase to cylinder head
: : N 2.3.2 Standard engine design Camshaft drive to injection valve
: : N 2.3.3 Standard engine design Supercharger system through engine controls
: : N 2.3.4 Special engine designs
: : N 2.3.5 Engine accessories
N 2.4 Systems
: : N 2.4.1 Fresh air/Charge air/ Exhaust gas systems
: : N 2.4.2 Compressed air and starting system
: : N 2.4.3 Fuel oil system
: : N 2.4.4 Control of Speed and Output
: : N 2.4.5 Injection timing adjusting device
: : N 2.4.6 Lube oil system
: : N 2.4.7 Cooling water system
N 2.5 Technical data
: : N 2.5.1 Ratings and consumption data
: : N 2.5.2 Temperatures and pressures
: : N 2.5.3 Weights
: : N 2.5.4 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 1

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /03

: : N 2.5.5 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 2
: : N 2.5.6 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 3

N 3 Operation/Operating media

N 3.1 Prerequisites
: : N 3.1.1 Prerequisites/Warranty
N 3.2 Safety regulations
: : N 3.2.1 General remarks
: : : N 3.2.2 Destination/suitability of the engine
: : : N 3.2.3 Risks/dangers
: : : N 3.2.4 Safety instructions
: : : N 3.2.5 Safety regulations
N 3.3 Operating media
: : N 3.3.1 Quality requirements on gas oil/diesel fuel (MGO)
: : N 3.3.2 Quality requirements for Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO)
: : N 3.3.3 Quality requirements for heavy fuel oil (HFO)
: : N 3.3.4 Viscosity/Temperature diagram for fuel oils
: : N 3.3.5 Quality requirements for lube oil
: : N 3.3.6 Quality requirements for lube oil
: : N 3.3.7 Quality requirements for engine cooling water
: N 3.3.8 Analyses of operating media
: : N 3.3.11 Quality requirements for intake air (combustion air)
N 3.4 Engine operation I -- Starting the engine
: : N 3.4.1 Preparations for start/ Engine starting and stopping
: : N 3.4.2 Change--over from Diesel fuel oil to heavy fuel oil and vice versa
: : N 3.4.3 Admissible outputs and speeds
: : : N 3.4.4 Engine Running--in
N 3.5 Engine operation II -- Control the operating media
: : N 3.5.1 Monitoring the engine/ performing routine jobs
: : N 3.5.2 Engine log book/ Engine diagnosis/Engine management
: : N 3.5.3 Load curve during acceleration/manoeuvring
: : N 3.5.4 Part--load operation
: N 3.5.5 Determine the engine output and design point
: : N 3.5.6 Engine operation at reduced speed
: : N 3.5.7 Equipment for adapting the engine to special operating conditions
: N 3.5.8 Bypassing of charge air
: N 3.5.9 Condensed water in charge air pipes and pressure vessels
: : N 3.5.10 Load application
: N 3.5.11 Exhaust gas blow--off
N 3.6 Engine operation III -- Operating faults
: : N 3.6.1 Faults/Deficiencies and their causes (Trouble Shooting)
: : N 3.6.2 Emergency operation with one cylinder failing
: : N 3.6.3 Emergency operation on failure of one turbocharger

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 102 / 03

: : N 3.6.4 Failure of the electrical mains supply (Black out)
: N 3.6.5 Failure of the cylinder lubrication
: : : N 3.6.7 Behaviour in case operating values are exceeded/ alarms are released
: : : N 3.6.8 Procedures in case a splash--oil alarm is triggered
N 3.7 Engine operation IV -- Engine shut--down
: N 3.7.1 Shut down/Preserve the engine

N 4 Maintenance/Repair

: : : N 4.1 General remarks

: : : N 4.2 Maintenance schedule (explanations)
: : N 4.3 Tools/Special tools
: : N 4.4 Spare Parts
: : N 4.5 Replacement of components by the New--for--old Principle
: : N 4.6 Special services/Repair work
: : N 4.7 Maintenance schedule (signs/symbols)
: : N 4.7.1 Maintenance Schedule (Systems)
: : N 4.7.2 Maintenance Schedule (Engine)

N 5 Annex

: : N 5.1 Designations/Terms
: : N 5.2 Formulae
: : N 5.3 Units of measure/ Conversion of units of measure
: : N 5.4 Symbols and codes
: : N 5.5 Brochures

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 103 /03


1 Introduction

2 Technical details

3 Operation/
Operating media

4 Maintenance/Repair

5 Annex

6680 1--02 E 02.02 101/ 01

Table of contents

N 1 Introduction

: : : N 1.1 Preface
: : : N 1.2 Product Liability
: : N 1.3 How the Operating Instruction Manual is organized, and how to use it
: : N 1.4 Addresses/Telephone numbers

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /01

Preface 1.1

Engines -- characteristics, Engines produced by MAN B&W Diesel AG have evolved from decades of
justified expectations, continuous, successful research and development work. They satisfy high
prerequisites standards and have ample redundancy of withstanding adverse or detri-
mental influences. However, to meet such expectations, they have to be
used to purpose and serviced properly. Only if these prerequisites are ful-
filled, unrestricted efficiency and long service life can be expected.

Purpose of the operating and The operating instructions as well as the working instructions (work cards)
working instructions are thought to assist you in becoming familiar with the engine. They are
also thought to provide answers to questions that may turn up later on,
and to serve as a guidance in your activities of engine operation and when
carrying out maintenance work. Furthermore, we attach equal importance
to familiarising you with the methods of operation, causes and conse-
quences, and to conveying the empirical knowledge we have. Not least, in
providing the operating and working instructions, we comply with our legal
duty of warning the user of the hazards which can be caused by the en-
gine or its components - in spite of a high level of development and much
constructive efforts - or which an inappropriate or wrong use of our prod-
ucts involve.

Condition 1 The technical management and also the persons carrying out mainten-
ance and overhaul work have to be familiar with the operating instructions
and working instructions (work cards). These have to be available for con-
sultation at all times.

▲▲ Caution! Lack of information and disregard of information may

cause severe injury to persons, damage to property and the environ-
Therefore: Please observe the operating and working instructions!

Condition 2 Maintenance and overhaul of modern four-stroke engines requires a previ-

ous and thorough training of the personnel. The level of knowledge that is
acquired during such training is a prerequisite to using the operating in-
structions and working instructions (work cards). No warranty claims can
be derived from the fact that a corresponding note is missing in these.

▲▲ Caution! Untrained persons can cause severe injury to per-

sons, damage to property and the environment! Never give orders
which may exceed the level of knowledge and experience! Access
must be denied to unauthorised personnel!

Condition 3 The technical documentation is tailored to the specific plant. There may be
considerable differences to other plants. Informations valid in one case
may, therefore, lead to problems in others.

▲ Attention! Technical documents are valid for one specific plant!

Using information provided for another plant or from outside
sources may, therefore, result in disturbances/damages! Only use
pertinent information, never use information from outside sources!

To be observed as well ... Please also observe the notes on product liability given in the following
section and the safety regulations in Section 3.

6680 1.1--01 E 10.02 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Product Liability 1.2

The reliable and economically efficient operation of the engine system re-
quires that the operator has a comprehensive knowledge. Similarly, proper
performance can only then be maintained or restored by maintenance or
repair work if such work is done by qualified specialists with the adequate
expertise and skill. Rules of good workmanship have to be observed,
negligence is to be avoided.

This Technical Documentation complements these faculties by specific

information, and draws the attention to existing dangers and to the safety
regulations in force. MAN B&W Diesel AG asks you to observe the follow-

▲▲ Caution! Neglecting the Technical Documentation, and es-

pecially of the Operating/Working Instructions and Safety Regula-
tions, the use of the system for a purpose other than intended by the
supplier, or any other misuse or negligent application may involve
considerable damage to property, pecuniary damage and/or personal
injury, for which the supplier rejects any liability whatsoever.

The scope of parts delivered by MAN B&W Diesel AG is to be set up and

fastened in accordance with well proven engineering principles. In this
connection, the relevant stipulations contained in the below-mentioned
documents have to be taken into consideration, observing the order in
which they are listed.
- Engineering documentation supplied by MAN B&W Diesel AG for the
respective order
- Documentation our subsuppliers delivered for the installation of the ac-
- Operating instructions for engines, turbochargers and accessories
- Project guides of MAN B&W Diesel AG.
Deviations from the principles specified in the above-mentioned docu-
ments require our previous consent. It is not permitted to attach fixations
and/or supports not shown or mentioned in the aforementioned documents
on the scope of parts delivered by us, without prior coordination with us.
We cannot assume any responsibility for damage resulting from non-ob-
servance of the above.

6680 1.2--01 E 08.05 32/40 upw 101/ 01

How the Operating Instruction Manual
is organized, and how to use it 1.3

Instructions for use

The operating manual contains written and illustrated information. Some

of it is generally useful, some of it really must be observed. This informa-
tion is thought to supplement the knowledge and faculties which the per-
sons have who are entrusted with
- the operation,
- the control and supervision,
- the maintenance and repair
of the engines. The conventional knowledge and practical experience
alone will not be adequate.

The operating instructions have to be be made available to these persons.

The people in charge have the task to familiarise themselves with the
composition of the operating manual so that they are able to find the
necessary information without lengthy searching.

We attempt to render assistance by a clearly organised composition and

by a clear diction of the texts.

Structure and special features

The operating instruction manual consists of five sections:

1 Introduction
2 Technical details
3 Operation/Operating media
4 Maintenance/Repair
5 Annex

It mainly focuses on:

- Understanding the functions/coherences
- Starting and stopping the engine
- Planning engine operation, controlling it according to operating results
and economic criteria
- Maintaining the operability of the engine,
carrying out preventive or scheduled maintenance work
The manual does not deal with:
- Transport, erection, and dismantling of the engine or major components
of it
- Steps and checks when putting the engine into operation for the first
- Repair work requiring special tools, facilities and experience
- Behaviour in case of/after fire, inrush of water, severe damage and

6680 1.3--01 E 11.02 32/40 upw 101/ 02

What is also of importance

Engine design The operating manual will be continually updated, and matched to the de-
sign of the engine as ordered. There may nevertheless be deviations be-
tween the sheets of a primarily describing/illustrating content and the defi-
nite design.

Usually a thematic differentiation is made between marine propulsion en-

gines, marine auxiliary engines and engines for stationary plants. Where
the factual differences are but slight, the subject is dealt with in a general
manner. Such passages are to be read selectively, with the appropriate

Technical details For technical details of your engine, please refer to:
- Section 2, “Technical Details”
- Volume A1, to the publication “..... Continuous Development”
- Volume B2, Work Card 000.30
- Volume B5, test run record and commissioning record
- Volume D1, list of measuring, control and regulating instruments
- Volume E1, installation drawing
With the exception of the above-mentioned publication, all documents
have been specifically matched to the respective engine.

Maintenance schedule/ The maintenance schedule is closely related to the work cards of Volume
work cards B2. The work cards describe how a job is to be done, and which tools and
facilities are required for doing it. The maintenance schedule, on the other
hand, gives the periodical intervals and the average requirements in per-
sonnel and time.

6680 1.3--01 E 11.02 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Addresses/Telephone numbers 1.4

Addresses Table 1 contains the addresses of Works of the MBD and of the Technical
Branch Office in Hamburg. The addresses of MAN B&W service centers,
agencies and authorised repair workshops can be looked up in the
brochure “Diesel and Turbocharger Service Worldwide” in Volume A1.

Company Address
Work Augsburg MAN B&W Diesel AG
D--86224 Augsburg
Phone +49 (0)821 322 0
Fax +49 (0)821 322 3382
Work Hamburg MAN B&W Diesel AG
Service Center, Werk Hamburg
Rossweg 6
D--20457 Hamburg
Phone +49 (0)40 7409 0
Fax +49 (0)40 7409 104
Technical Branch Office Hamburg MAN B&W Diesel AG
Vertriebsbüro Hamburg
Admiralitätstraße 56
D--20459 Hamburg
Phone +49 (0)40 378515 0
Fax +49 (0)40 378515 10
MAN B&W Service Center, Please look up in the brochure
agencies and authorised repair “Diesel and Turbocharger Service
workshops Worldwide”
Table 1. Companies and addresses of the MAN B&W Diesel AG

Contact Table 2 contains the names, telephone and fax numbers of the competent
persons who can give advise and render assistance to you if required.

Your contact
Work Augsburg Work Hamburg MAN B&W Service
Service Center Center, agencies,
Phone: Phone: authorised repair
+49 (0)821 322 ..... +49 (0)40 7409 ..... workshops
Fax: Fax:
+49 (0)821 322 ..... +49 (0)40 7409 .....
Service Engines Waschezek MST Taucke MST4 Look up in the brochure
Phone ..... 3930 Phone ..... 149 “Diesel and Turbochar-
Fax ..... 3838 Fax ..... 249 ger Service Worldwide”
Service Turcharger Nickel TS i Volume
in V l A1
Phone ..... 3994
Fax ..... 3998
Service Spare parts Stadler MSC
Phone ..... 3580
Fax ..... 3720
Table 2. Persons to be contacted, telepone and fax numbers

6680 1.4--01 E 10.02 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Technical details

1 Introduction

2 Technical details

3 Operation/
Operating media

4 Maintenance/Repair

5 Annex

6680 2--02 E 07.97 101/ 01

Table of contents

N 2 Technical details

N 2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

: : N 2.1.1 MAN B&W Diesel AG’s Scope of Supply/Technical Specification
N 2.2 Engine
: : N 2.2.1 Characteristics
: : N 2.2.2 Photos/Drawings
N 2.3 Components/Subassemblies
: : N 2.3.1 Standard engine design Crankcase to cylinder head
: : N 2.3.2 Standard engine design Camshaft drive to injection valve
: : N 2.3.3 Standard engine design Supercharger system through engine controls
: : N 2.3.4 Special engine designs
: : N 2.3.5 Engine accessories
N 2.4 Systems
: : N 2.4.1 Fresh air/Charge air/ Exhaust gas systems
: : N 2.4.2 Compressed air and starting system
: : N 2.4.3 Fuel oil system
: : N 2.4.4 Control of Speed and Output
: : N 2.4.5 Injection timing adjusting device
: : N 2.4.6 Lube oil system
: : N 2.4.7 Cooling water system
N 2.5 Technical data
: : N 2.5.1 Ratings and consumption data
: : N 2.5.2 Temperatures and pressures
: : N 2.5.3 Weights
: : N 2.5.4 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 1
: : N 2.5.5 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 2
: : N 2.5.6 Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances--Part 3

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /01

Scope of supply/Technical specification 2.1

2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

2.2 Engine
2.3 Components/Subassemblies
2.4 Systems
2.5 Technical data

6682 2.1--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

MAN B&W Diesel AG’s
Scope of Supply/Technical Specification 2.1.1

Items supplied The next page is a list of the items we have supplied. We are giving you
this list to ensure that you contact the right partner for obtaining

For all items supplied by us ... For all questions you have on items supplied by us, please contact
- MAN B&W Diesel AG in Augsburg,
and for typical service questions,
- MAN B&W service centers,
- agencies and
- authorised repair workshops all over the world.
For all items not supplied by us ... For all items not supplied by us, please directly contact the subsuppliers,
except the components/systems supplied by MAN B&W Diesel AG are
concerned to a major extent or similar, obvious reasons apply.

Technical Specification The order confirmation, technical specification related to order

confirmation and technical specification of the engine contain
supplementary information.

6628 2.1.1--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Engine 2.2

2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

2.2 Engine
2.3 Components/Subassemblies
2.4 Systems
2.5 Technical data

6682 2.2--01 E 12.97 101/ 01

Characteristics 2.2.1

L 58/64 CD engine -- an impor- Engines with the designation L 58/64 CD are supercharged four-stroke
tant member of the medium- engines in in-line design with a cylinder bore of 580 mm and a piston
speed engine family stroke of 640 mm. They are used for power generation in ships and in
stationary power plants.

Characteristics in key words When viewing onto the coupling, the exhaust gas pipe is located on the
right (exhaust side, AS) and the charge air pipe on the left (exhaust
counter side, AGS).

The camshaft lies in a trough on the exhaust counter side. It serves for
actuating the inlet and exhaust valves and for driving the injection pumps.
The injection timing can be changed by means of an adjusting device.

Turbocharger and charge-air cooler are located on the coupling end on

most propeller propulsion engines, and on the free engine end on engines
driving generators. Cooling water and lube oil pumps can be driven via a
drive unit on the free engine end.

The engine is suitable for fuels up to 700 mm2/s at 50ƒ C up to, and includ-
ing CIMAC H/K 55. On demand, the engine can be adapted for operation
on MDO.

Engines of this series have a large stroke/bore ratio and a high compres-
sion ratio. These characteristics facilitate an optimisation of the combus-
tion chamber design and contribute to a good part-load behaviour and a
high efficiency.

The engines are equipped with MAN B&W turbochargers of the TCA

6721 2.2.1--01 E 12.05 L 58/64 CD 101/ 01

Photos/Drawings 2.2.2

Figure 1. 6--cylinder engine L 58/64 CD, viewed from the exhaust counter side

6721 2.2.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 03

Figure 2. Engine 6L 58/64 CD, viewed from the exhaust side

6721 2.2.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 03

Figure 3. Engine cross section, viewed from the coupling side

6721 2.2.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 03

Components/Subassemblies 2.3

2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

2.2 Engine
2.3 Components/Subassemblies
2.4 Systems
2.5 Technical data

6682 2.3--01 E 12.97 101/ 01

Standard engine design
Crankcase to cylinder head 2.3.1


Figure 1. Cylinder crankcase, viewed from the coupling end

Crankcase/ The crankcase (4) of the engine is made of one piece and has large open-
main bearings/ ings towards the crank chamber. The tie rods (3) extend from the lower
tie rods edge of the suspended main bearings to the upper edge of the crankcase,
and from the upper edge of the cylinder head (1) to the intermediate bot-

1 Cylinder head
2 Backing ring
3 Tie rod
4 Crankcase
5 Crankshaft
6 Main bearing cap
7 Cross tierods

Figure 2. Main components

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 06

The main bearing caps (6) of the main bearings are, in addition, fastened
to the casing by means of cross tierods (7).

Oil sump / foundation frame

The oil sump or the foundation frame collects the oil dripping from the run-
ning gear components and routes it to the lube oil tank arranged at a lower
level. In the case of rigidly or semi-resiliently supported engines, an oil
sump of standard design is used, while in the case of resiliently supported
engines, a reinforced oil sump is used. If the engine is set up on a founda-
tion frame, the latter serves as a lube oil tank at the same time.

Main bearing / locating bearing

Bearing cap/tie rod The main bearings consist of one upper and one lower bearing shell each,
as well as the main bearing cap (6, refer to Figure 3 ). The main bearing
cap, which is arranged in suspended position, is fastened to the crankcase
by means of tie rods (3) and cross tierods (7).

3Tie rod
6Main bearing cap
7Bore hole for the cross
8 Lower bearing shell
21 Drive wheel

Figure 3. Crankshaft with main bearing (locating bearing)

Locating bearing The locating bearing, which determines the axial position of the crankshaft,
is arranged on the coupling end. It consists of a two-part drive wheel (21)
located on the crankshaft, and of butting rings that are supported by the
first bearing pedestals (refer to Figure 3 ).


Crankshaft/balance weights/ The forged crankshaft is arranged in suspended position and has two bal-
drive wheel ance weights per cylinder, which serve for balancing the oscillating
masses (refer to Figure 4 ). The drive wheel for the camshaft drive con-
sists of two sections, and is mounted to the crankshaft by means of tan-
gentially arranged bolts.
Flywheel The flywheel is arranged on the coupling flange of the crankshaft. When
doing maintenance work, the running gear can be turned by the gear rim
of the flywheel using a turning gear.

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 06

Figure 4. Crankshaft with balance weights attached

Torsional vibration damper

Torsional vibrations of the crankshaft are reduced by means of a torsional

vibration damper (refer to Figure 5 ).
The torsional vibration damper, which is arranged on the free engine end,
transmits unwanted torsional vibrations from the interior to radially ar-
ranged flat-spring assemblies, where they are damped by the displace-
ment of oil. The design of the inner part permits cooling water and lube oil
pumps to be driven via a screwed on gear rim (not shown in the figure).

Figure 5. Torsional vibration damper with flat-spring assemblies

Connecting rod

Connecting rod with parting line The parting line of the connecting rod is located underneath the connect-
ing rod small end (refer to Figure 6 ). It is, therefore, not necessary to
open the big end bearing when the piston is pulled. Moreover, this design

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 06

reduces the piston removal height. Bearing cap and connecting rod small
end respectively are bolted together using undercut bolts (studs). The pis-
ton pin bush is forced in.

Figure 6. Connecting rod


9 Piston crown
10 Undercut bolt
11 Compression ring
12 Oil control ring
20 Piston pin bore

Figure 7. Piston, two-part, oil-cooled

Design characteristics Basically, the piston consists of two parts (refer to Figure 7 ), the piston
crown (9) and the piston skirt. In the piston crown, the ring grooves for the
compression rings are located; in the piston skirt, the connecting rod is
inserted by means of the piston pin (20). The piston pin is supported in
the piston in a floating manner and axially fixed in place by means of re-
taining rings. Piston crown and piston skirt are connected by means of
undercut bolts (10).

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 06

Piston rings Three compression rings (11) and one oil control ring (12) serve for sealing
the piston against the cylinder liner.
Cooling Lubricating oil is used for cooling the piston crown. The lubricating oil is
supplied to the piston crown through the connecting rod and by means of a
flexibly supported funnel.
“Stepped piston” The piston crown (9) has a somewhat smaller diameter than the remaining
running surface. Pistons of this type are called stepped pistons.

Cylinder liner

2 Backing ring
14 Top land ring
15 Cylinder liner

Figure 8. Cylinder liner with backing ring and top land ring

Cylinder liner/backing ring/ In the upper range, the cylinder liner (15) is centred by the backing ring. In
top land ring the lower range, the cylinder liner is guided by the crankcase. The top
land ring (14) is located on the collar of the cylinder liner.
Combined effect of The top land ring (14), which projects over the cylinder liner bore, together
stepped piston/top land ring with the set-back piston crown (9) of the stepped piston prevent the coke
deposits adhering to the piston crown from coming into contact with the
running surface of the cylinder liner (15).
Cooling The cooling water reaches the cylinder liner via the backing ring, from
where the upper part of the cylinder liner is cooled. Afterwards, the cool-
ing water flows through the top land ring and then through bore holes in
the backing ring to the cooling spaces of the cylinder head. Cylinder head,
backing ring and top land ring can be drained together.
The inspection bores in the backing ring permit checking the top land ring,
cylinder liner and cylinder head for gas tightness and cooling water leak-

Cylinder head/rocker arm casing

The cylinder heads are forced onto the top land ring by means of eight
studs each.

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 105/ 06

Valves in the cylinder head The cylinder head has two inlet and exhaust valves each. Beside them,
there are one starting valve, as well as one indicator valve and (in the case
of marine engines) one safety valve. The fuel injection valve is located
between the inlet and exhaust valves in central position (refer to Fig-
ure 9 ).

Figure 9. Cylinder head with inlet and exhaust valves

Rocker arm casing/valve drive At the top, the cylinder head is closed by the rocker arm casing and by a
cover, through which the inlet and exhaust valves, as well as the injection
valve are easily accessible (refer to Figure 10 ).

Figure 10. Cylinder head with rocker arm casing and valve drive

6721 2.3.1--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 106/ 06

Standard engine design
Camshaft drive to injection valve 2.3.2

Control drive/camshaft drive

1 Crankshaft
2 Camshaft

Figure 1. Camshaft drive

Arrangement of the camshaft The camshaft drive is integrated in the crankcase (refer to Figure 1 ).
drive and the intermediate It is arranged on the coupling end between the first main bearings. The
wheels drive of the camshaft (2) is effected by intermediate wheels over a gear
rim on the crankshaft (1).
Lubricating oil supply The lubricating oil supply to the bearing bushes of the intermediate wheels
is effected through the axles, while the supply to the meshing is ensured
by spray nozzles.


Figure 2. Camshaft
Camshaft The engine has a multisectional camshaft, which actuates the inlet and
exhaust valves as well as the injection pumps (refer to Figure 2 ).

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 06

3 Injection cam
4 Inlet cam
5 Exhaust cam
6 Starting cam
8 Cam follower
9 Eccentric shaft
Figure 3. Camshaft with cam followers
The camshaft together with the cam followers is located in a shaped
trough. The bearing caps of the camshaft are arranged in vertical position.
The support is effected in bearing shells. There are one injection (3), one
inlet (4), one exhaust (5), and one starting cam (6) per cylinder (refer to
Figure 3 ).
Thrust bearing For positioning the camshaft, one thrust bearing is provided on the free
engine end. It is integrated in the torsional vibration damper of the cam-

Valve drive

Figure 4. Rocker arm casing

Camshaft - cam followers - The drive of the push rods for the inlet and exhaust valves is effected by
push rods the camshaft via the inlet and exhaust cam followers. The cam elevation

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 06

is picked up by the cam follower roller. The cam follower then transmits
the movement to the push rod via the ball cups.
Valve actuation The movement of the push rods is transmitted to the valves by means of
rocker arms. The rocker arms are also supported in ball cups (refer to
Figure 4 ).


Valves/valve guides Per cylinder head, there are two inlet (11) and exhaust valves (12) each.
They are guided by pressed-in valve guides (15) - refer to Figure 5 .

10 Cylinder head
11 Inlet valve
12 Exhaust valve
15 Valve guide
Figure 5. Cylinder head

Valves/seat rings The exhaust valve cone and the appertaining seat ring are provided with
an armouring. In addition, the seat ring of the exhaust valve is of water-
cooled design. As regards the inlet valve, only the valve cone has an ar-
mouring (refer to Figure 5 ).
Rotators The inlet valves (11) are turned by valve rotators. The exhaust valves (12)
have propeller blades above the valve plate, which cause the valves to
rotate by the effect of the passing gas current. The rotators counteract
high thermal stresses, which individual spots are subjected to, and ensure
that the valve seats are gas tight.

Speed governor

Depending on the field of application and the operating mode of the en-
gine, a mechanical-hydraulic, a mechanical-electronic or a fully electronic
speed governor is used.
System components of the ... The mechanical-hydraulic speed and performance control system consists
... mechanical-hydraulic of the mechanical speed governor with the hydraulic actuator, the remote
speed control system speed control system and the shut-off device. The speed pick-ups are
required for emergency shut-off.
... electronic-hydraulic In the case of the electronic-hydraulic speed and performance control sys-
speed control system tem, an electro-hydraulic converter, an electronic speed governor and an
oil cooler are added to the above.

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 06

... electronic The electronic speed and performance control system consists of an elec-
speed control system tronic governor, an electro-mechanical actuator, a remote speed control
system and speed pick-ups, which record the actual speed of the engine.
Method of operation of ... The difference between the desired speed and the actual speed is evalu-
... mechanical-hydraulic ated by means of the mechanical speed governor or the electronic gov-
speed control system and ernor. In case the two values deviate from each other, the connection rod
... the electronic-hydraulic is hydraulically adjusted and, consequently, the control shaft and the con-
speed control system trol rods of the injection pumps are moved, i.e., the amount of fuel injected
into the cylinders is changed.
... the electronic In the electronic governor, the difference between the desired speed and
speed control system the actual speed is evaluated. In case the two values deviate from each
other, a correction signal is generated. The control rods of the injection
pumps are then moved via the actuator and thus the amount of fuel in-
jected into the cylinders is changed.

Injection timing adjustment

Using the injection timing adjusting device, the injection timing can be
adapted to different fuel qualities. For this purpose, the cam followers of
the injection pumps are moved by eccentric shafts.

1 Driving motor
2 Worm gear
3 Limit switch
4 Hydraulic brake

Figure 6. Injection timing adjusting device

Fuel injection pump

Arrangement/drive The fuel injection pumps are arranged on the camshaft trough. The drive
is effected by the fuel cams, via the cam followers (8). The lifting move-
ment of the cam follower is transmitted to the pump plunger of the fuel in-
jection pump via a tappet with roller.
Method of operation The fuel is supplied to the pump cylinder of the fuel injection pump via an
annulus, where the baffle screws are also arranged. The pump cylinder is,
on top, closed by the valve body. On the inside, constant-pressure relief
valves are arranged, which prevent cavitation and pressure fluctuations
within the fuel system to a very large extent.
Admission setting The delivery rate in accordance with the required performance-speed com-
bination is reached by turning the pump plunger and the control edges.
Each injection pump is equipped with an emergency stop piston.

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 06

4 Camshaft
8 Cam follower
19 Pump cylinder
20 Baffle screw
21 Constant-pressure relief
22 Pump plunger
Figure 7. Fuel injection pump

Fuel rack/control linkage

18 Control shaft
23 Control rod
24 Buckling lever
30 Injection pump
Figure 8. Control shaft with buckling lever

The actuator actuates the con- The fuel rack is actuated by the speed governor or the appertaining actua-
trol shaft tor, whose lever movement is transmitted to the control shaft (18), which
is located in bearing blocks that are screwed to the crankcase in front of
the injection pumps. By the rotating movement, the control rods (23) of
the injection pumps (30) are shifted.
Buckling lever Due to their spring-loaded tripping mechanism, the buckling levers (24)
permit both stopping and starting the engine in case the control rod of a
cylinder is blocked.

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 105/ 06

Injection pipes

The fuel is supplied to the injection valves through the fuel injection pipes
(25) and via the lances.

23 Control shaft
24 Buckling lever
25 Fuel injection pipe
Figure 9. Injection pump with fuel injection pipe

Injection valve

26 Lance
27 Cylinder head
28 Nozzle body
29 Combustion chamber
32 Injection nozzle
Figure 10. Fuel injection valve

Fuel admission The fuel injection valve is arranged centrally in the cylinder head. The fuel
supply is effected via the lance (26), which is lead through the cylinder
head (27) and screwed to the nozzle body (28). The fuel is by the injec-
tion valve directly injected into the combustion chamber (29).
Cooling The injection valves are cooled by a separate nozzle cooling water sys-
tem. Coolant inlet and outlet are located in the centre area of the valve.

6721 2.3.2--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 106/ 06

Standard engine design
Supercharger system
through engine controls 2.3.3

Supercharged system/turbocharger

Constant-pressure process Supercharging occurs according to the so-called constant-pressure pro-

cess, whereby the exhaust gases from all cylinders flow to the turbo-
charger through a common exhaust pipe. The fresh air, which is com-
pressed by the turbocharger, is supplied to the cylinders via the charge air
cooler and the charge air pipe.

1 Turbocharger
2 Diffuser
3 Charge air cooler
4 Charge air pipe
5 Exhaust pipe

A Fresh air
B Exhaust gas
Figure 1. Turbocharger with charge-air cooler

Turbocharger The turbocharger is mounted to the engine in longitudinal direction. Turbo-

chargers of the TCA series are used, i.e. turbochargers with radial-flow
compressors and axial-flow turbines (refer to Figure 2 ).

Fresh air is drawn in through a silencer or an intake socket. The rotor of

the turbocharger runs on both sides in rotating plain bearing bushes, which
are connected to the lubricating oil system of the engine.

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 07

6 Radial-flow compressor
7 Axial-flow turbine
8 Silencer
9 Plain bearing
19 Comressor casing
20 Turbine casing

Figure 2. Turbocharger of the TCA series

Charge air pipe/charge air cooler

The fresh air drawn in and compressed by the turbocharger is passed

through the double diffuser and supplied to the charge air cooler (refer to
Figure 1 ). In the charge air cooler, the compressed fresh air is recooled
and routed to the cylinders through the charge air pipe. The charge air
cooler is of two-stage design.

The charge air pipe consists of sections, which are connected to one
another by means of special clamps. Charge air pipe section and rocker
arm casing form a unit.

Figure 3. Charge air pipe

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 07

Exhaust gas pipe

There is a common exhaust pipe that is connected to the cylinder heads

by means of pipe clamps. The exhaust pipe is equipped with compensa-
tors between the cylinders and before the turbocharger.

Figure 4. Exhaust pipe with compensators

The exhaust pipe covering consists of elements extending of one cylinder

each. The metal sheets are provided with insulating mats on their inside
and can be removed after loosening a few bolts.

Lubricating oil supply/cylinder lubrication

Lube oil pipe/ All lubricating points of the engine are supplied with pressurised oil by a
route of the lubricating oil lube oil pipe located on the control side. The lube oil inlet flange is ar-
ranged on the free engine end. The lubricating oil is supplied to the main
bearings and through the crankshaft to the torsional vibration damper and
to the big-end bearings via stub lines. The connecting rod then routes the
lubricating oil to the piston crown, from where the oil runs back into the oil

Further stub lines supply oil to the camshaft bearings, the cam followers,
the injection pumps and the rocker arms.

The spray nozzles for the camshaft drive gears, the turbocharger and the
speed governor are supplied with lubricating oil from a distributing pipe on
the coupling end.

Cylinder liner lubrication The lubrication of the cylinder liner running surfaces is effected by means
of splash oil and oil mist. The piston ring package is supplied with oil via
bore holes in the cylinder liner. The engine is equipped with one cylinder
lube oil pump, which routes the lubricating oil to the individual cylinder
liners via a hydraulically controlled block distributor. The pump distributor
unit is located on the free engine end.

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 07

Figure 5. Cylinder lube oil pump with block distributor

Valve seat lubrication Another pump distributor unit is arranged on the coupling end. It serves
for inlet valve seat lubrication.

Fuel pipes

Fuel supply/fuel return The fuel is supplied to the injection pumps via a common supply pipe. Ex-
cessive fuel is carried off via the return pipe running in parallel. The con-
nections of both pipes are arranged on the free engine end. The buffer
pistons of both pipes serve for reducing the pressure surges within the fuel

Cooling water pipes

First of all, the charge air cooler, stage 1 (HT), is supplied with fresh water.
With the emerging water, the cylinder liners and the cylinder heads are
then cooled via the backing rings. Fresh water, raw water or sea water
can be admitted to the charge air cooler stage 2 (LT). The fuel injection
nozzles are cooled by a separate fresh water system.

Figure 6. Cooling water pipes

Venting/drainage On the uppermost points of the cylinder heads and the charge air cooler,
permanent venting pipes are connected.

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 07

Condensed water pipes

The water accumulating downstream of the charge air cooler and in the
charge air pipe due to the compression and cooling of the air, is dis-
charged via a drain valve.

Crankcase venting

Venting valve The crankcase venting connection is located on the free engine end and
serves for pressure compensation as against the atmosphere.

Figure 7. Crankcase venting

Relief valves Further relief valves are arranged in the casing covers of the crankcase.
They permit quick pressure reduction in case of an explosion in the crank-

Starting device

The engine is started by means of compressed air.

Main starting valve The connection from the air bottles to the starting valves in the cylinder
heads is opened and closed respectively by the interconnected main start-
ing valve. The main starting valve is arranged on the free end of the
crankcase. The starting air pipe is directly mounted to the backing rings.

Figure 8. Main starting valve

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 105/ 07

Starting valve The starting air is routed from the starting air pipe via the backing ring to
the starting valves in the cylinder heads. Opening and closing of the start-
ing valves is effected by control pistons, which are actuated by the starting
air pilot valves.

Starting air pilot valve The starting air pilot valves are arranged next to the injection pumps and
basically consist of a pipe with control piston, as well as a starting cam on
the camshaft.

Operating and monitoring devices

Figure 9. Interior view of the standardised switch cabinets

In the case of marine engines: Control and monitoring of marine engines takes place by means of pre-
standardised control cabinet fabricated system components, installed in a switch cabinet. Depending
on the definition of the scope of supply, it consists of the following el-
- The remote control system with equipment for manual remote start/re-
mote stop including start blocking/start release and coupling control,
- the safety system which includes, among other things, equipment for
manual/automatic emergency stop, automatic output reduction and
override command,
- the alarm system with limiting-value, wire-break and device-failure
- the system for indicating operating data and operating conditions,
- various controls for auxiliaries, e.g., for the charge-air bypass, cylinder
lubrication, temperature control ...,
- serial interfaces to the ship’s alarm system (record printer, common
alarm, hooter, etc.) and to the MAN B&W engine diagnosis system

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 106/ 07

Figure 10. Indicating unit (PGA-EG speed governor )

Tableau for control and Data processing for these input and output signals takes place in the pro-
monitoring grammable control elements. By means of a tableau (control station), in-
stalled in the door of the switch cabinet, the engine can be controlled and
monitored, and the listed functions can be controlled. For this purpose,
two keyboards and one display are available. In the display, the operating
data as well as operating and control conditions are indicated.

Figure 11. Tableau (control station) with keyboards and display

In the case of engines for sta- In the case of stationary plants, this prefabricated system, which can partly
tionary applications ... be tested together with the engine, is used in exceptional cases only. For
such plants, it is reasonable to combine the control and monitoring scope
of the engine with that of the complete plant. As a rule, only one terminal
box with the controls desired for the auxiliary equipment is, therefore, de-
livered for the engine.

6721 2.3.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 107/ 07

Special engine designs 2.3.4

Acceleration system “Jet Assist”

This system supports quick acceleration of marine propulsion engines in

part-load operation. In this connection, compressed air is blown onto the
compressor wheel of the turbocharger, which results in an increase of the
charge air pressure.

Turbocharger fitted on the free engine end

The turbocharger is on engines used for propeller propulsion fitted at the

free engine end rather than at the coupling end. Likewise, for generator
service, the turbocharger is fitted at the coupling end rather than at the
free engine end.

Charge air blow-off device

The charge air blow-off device withdraws charge air downstream of the
charge air cooler and blows it off into the engine room. This is necessary
in certain situations in order to limit the firing pressure at full load or over-

Figure 1. Charge air blow-off device

6721 2.3.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 03

Charge air bypass device

The charge air bypass device serves for increasing the charge air pres-
sure of marine propulsion engines in part-load operation. It basically con-
sists of a connecting pipe between the charge air pipe and the exhaust
pipe, which can be controlled by an electro-pneumatic flap.

Figure 2. Charge air by-pass device

Exhaust gas blow-off device

The exhaust gas blow-off device serves for protection from turbocharger
overspeed, especially in the part-load range. It basically consists of a con-
necting pipe between the exhaust pipe upstream of the turbocharger and
the exhaust pipe downstream of the turbocharger, an electro-pneumatic
flap and its control

Figure 3. Exhaust gas blow-off device

6721 2.3.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 03

Adjusting system for injection timing

Using the adjusting system for injection timing, the firing pressure can be
adjusted to varying fuel qualities. In this connection, the position of the
eccentric shafts of the injection pump cam followers is changed by an
electric drive. This adjustment exerts an influence on the injection timing
and thus also the firing pressure.

Figure 4. Adjusting system for injection timing

Slow-turn device

This device permits turning the engine slowly, by approx. two revolutions,
with the aim of verifying whether all cylinder spaces are free of liquid
media for the subsequent starting process. The equipment is based on
the available starting system and works with a reduced starting air pres-
sure of approx. 8 bars.

Engine certification according to IMO

The engine certification according to IMO covers a set of engine-related

measures for ensuring that the IMO requirements with regard to pollutant
emission are met.

CoCoS Products

The term CoCoS covers software products, order-related data sets and, in
the case of CoCoS-EDS, also sensors and hardware components.

CoCoS-EDS Engine Diagnostics System

CoCoS-SPS Spare Parts Catalogue
CoCoS-MPS Maintenance Planning System
CoCoS-SPO Spare Parts Ordering System

See brochure in Section 5.

6721 2.3.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 03

Engine accessories 2.3.5


Galleries on the engine are necessary in order that maintenance work can
be carried out safely. For this reason, engine-mounted galleries are avail-
able for marine engines, while free-standing galleries are available for en-
gines installed in stationary plants.

Engine support

Figure 1. Direct resilient engine support

Rigid support The most simple solution for mounting the engine on the foundation is a
rigid connection for both stationary plants and ship installations. With this
solution, free forces due to gravity and moments of inertia, as well as
structure-borne noise are transferred to the foundation.

Indirect resilient support Where stationary plants are concerned, the engine/generator unit is, in the
case of indirect resilient support, often set up on a resiliently supported
foundation block, reducing the excitation of vibrations and the transmission
of structure-borne noise to the periphery in this way.

Semi-resilient support Where marine propulsion plants are concerned, the engine is, in the case
of semi-resilient support, connected with the foundation by means of steel

Direct resilient support Direct resilient support is the most expensive solution separating the en-
gine, with regard to vibrations, from the foundation and, by means of a
highly flexible coupling, also from the elements to be driven.

6721 2.3.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 05

Crankshaft extension

Figure 2. Crankshaft extension

The crankshaft extension permits a power output on the free end. It is

realised using the free shaft end and supporting bearings.

Auxiliaries drive

Figure 3. Auxiliaries drive for engine-mounted pumps

The auxiliaries drive, arranged on the free engine end, is required for driv-
ing cooling water and/or lube oil pumps. It consists of a gear wheel, which
is attached in front of the torsional vibration damper, on the free end of the

6721 2.3.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 05

Engine-mounted pumps

Figure 4. Engine-mounted pumps (cooling water on top, lube oil at the bottom)

Two cooling water pumps and lube oil pumps each can be driven by the
auxiliaries drive. The pumps are attached on the covering on the free en-
gine end. The lube oil pumps are fitted at the bottom, the cooling water
pumps on top.

Monitoring of the main bearing temperature

Figure 5. Monitoring of the main bearing temperature

The temperatures of the main bearings are measured just underneath the
bearing shells in the bearing caps. This is done by means of resistance
temperature sensors (Pt 100), which are fitted in an oil-tight manner (refer
to Figure 5 ).

6721 2.3.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 05

Oil mist detector

Figure 6. Arrangement of the oil mist detector

Damage to bearings, piston seizures and blow-by from the combustion

chamber cause increased oil mist formation. Using the oil mist detector,
the oil mist concentration in the crankcase is monitored.

Splash-oil monitoring system

Figure 7. Arrangement of the splash-oil monitoring system

The splash-oil monitoring system is part of the safety system. Using sen-
sors, the temperatures of each individual running gear (or running gear
pair in the case of V-type engines) are indirectly monitored by means of
the splash oil.

6721 2.3.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 05

Monitoring the exhaust-gas-temperature average

Figure 8. Temperature sensor, picture was taken with the cylinder head dis-

The exhaust-gas-temperature-average monitor consists of thermocouples

in the exhaust pipe (refer to Figure 8 ) and a monitoring and display unit.


In addition to the set of tools, which belongs to the standard scope of the
engine, a series of further important tools is available on request. Among
these are a valve cone grinder, a valve seat lathe, a set of grinders and
milling cutters for the seats in the cylinder head, a grinder for the sealing
faces in the cylinder head/top land ring and a pneumatic honing device for
the cylinder liners. These tools are necessary for, or can facilitate main-
tenance work.

6721 2.3.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 105/ 05

Systems 2.4

2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

2.2 Engine
2.3 Components/Subassemblies
2.4 Systems
2.5 Technical data

6682 2.4--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

Fresh air/Charge air/
Exhaust gas systems 2.4.1

1 Intake casing 17 Overflow pipe E Charge air to com-

2 Intake silencer (if fitted) 18 Exhaust pipe pressor cleaning (Vari-
ant 1)
3 Turbocharger 19 Cleaning nozzles
G Fresh air
4 Compressor
H Charge air
5 Turbine A Compressor cleaning
J Exhaust gas
6 Double diffuser B Lubricating oil to the
turbocharger K Cooling water
7 Deflector casing
C Turbine cleaning L Condensed water drain
8 Charge air cooler
D Dirt water from turbine N Charge air/sealing air to
9 Charge air pipe
cleaning the turbocharger (NA
16 Float valve series)

Figure 1. Fresh air/charge air/exhaust gas system. Variants in Figure 1a -- Silencer, 1b -- Intake casing (diagramm analo-
gously also valid for V-type engines)

6640 2.4.1--02 E 12.00 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 101/ 03

The route of the air The air required for combustion of the fuel in the cylinder is drawn in ax-
ially by the compressor wheel (4) of the turbocharger (3) (see Figure 1 ).
This is done either by the intake silencer (2) with dry air filters or by the
intake casing (1). Using the energy transmitted by the exhaust gas flow
onto the turbine wheel (5) of the turbocharger, the air is compressed and
thus heated. The air of high energy (charge air) is fed over a sliding sleeve
and the double diffuser (6) into the deflector casing (7). The diffuser re-
duces the flow speed to the benefit of pressure. The air is cooled in the
two stage charge air cooler (8) fitted in the casing. In this way, the cylinder
is filled with the greatest possible mass of air. This is effected by means of
the charge air pipe (9), which consists of elements connected elastically
with each other.

The route of the exhaust gases The exhaust gases leave the cylinder head on the side facing the charge
air pipe. They are collected in the exhaust manifold (18) and routed to the
turbine side of the turbocharger. Thermo couples in the cylinder heads
both before and after the turbocharger are used for monitoring the tem-
perature. The exhaust manifold consists of cylinder-length elements. The
connection to the cylinder head is made using a clamping connection. For
interconnection and for the connection to the turbocharger, corrugated
tube compensators are used. The exhaust gases flow radially away from
the turbine wheel.

Condensed water On the casing of the charge air cooler and at the start of the charge air
pipe, condensed water pipes are connected. Any water accumulating is
removed by the float valve (16). The blockable overflow pipe (17) must be
monitored by the plant system itself.

Cleaning the charge air coolers On the air side charge air coolers can be cleaned with cleaning fluids with-
out dismantling. For this purpose, blind disks are to be inserted down-
stream of the turbocharger and upstream of the charge air pipe. They are
part of the special tools.

Cleaning the turbocharger: There are nozzles (19) fitted in the intake casing and/or in the silencer for
the compressor side using water the regular cleaning of the compressor wheel and compressor casing.
Water is injected through the nozzles. The cleaning effect results from the
high impact speed of the water drops compared to the rotating wheel.

21 Tank A Compressor cleaning

22 Pressure sprayer E Charge air to
23 Air pipe Compressor cleaning
F Fresh water/potable

Figure 2. Compressor cleaning by means of charge air (on the left) or pressure
sprayer (on the right))

The water is either filled into the tank (21) and blown out to connection A
using the charge air pressure (variant 1 in Fig. 2 ) or filled into a pressure
sprayer (22), where it is pressurised by means of an air pump (23) and
displaced by a cushion of air (variant 2).

6640 2.4.1--02 E 12.00 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 102/ 03

Cleaning the turbocharger: Cleaning the turbine side is preferably carried out using water (see Figure
the turbine side using water 3 ). The water is sprayed into the exhaust manifold in front of the turbo-

charger, either by means of a nozzle or a lance (see also Operating in-

structions for turbocharger in Volume C1).

or using solid matter Alternatively or additionally, cleaning can take place using granulated, soft
solid matter. The cleaning agent is blown into the exhaust manifold at the
same point (C), using compressed air.

3 Turbocharger

C Turbine cleaning
J Exhaust gas from the
D Dirt water

Figure 3. Turbine cleaning by means of water or granulated solid matter

Charge air blow-off device Use of the charge air blow-off device (refer to Figure 4 ) is limited to oper-
ation with overload. The device serves the purpose of limiting the charge
air pressure and the ignition pressure. By means of a blow-off flap in the
charge air pipe, the excessive charge air is blown into the enring room.

3 Turbocharger
40 Shut-off flap
43 Blow-off pipe

J Exhaust gas from the

G Fresh air
H Charge air to the en-

Figure 4. Charge air blow-off device

Tip! For explanations regarding the used symbols and abbreviations,

refer to Section 5.

6640 2.4.1--02 E 12.00 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 103/ 03

Compressed air and starting system 2.4.2

Compressed air is required for starting the engine and for a number of
pneumatic controls. For starting, $ 30 bar is required. For the controls, 30
bar, 8 bar or lower pressures are required.

1 Pipe 10 Pipe 19 Emergency stop valve

2 M462 air filter 11 Safety valve M329/2
3 Pipe 12 Starter pipe 20 Pipe
5 Venting valve 13 Starting valve 21 Starting air valve
6 Feed pipe 14 Branch conduit 22 Fuel injection pump
7 Main starter valve 15 Control pipe 23 Stop piston
8 Pipe 16 M388 operator station 25 M306 blocking valve
9 M317 control valve 17 Booster servomotor (turning gear)
26 Pilot valve M329/1

Figure 1. Starting diagram

6640 2.4.2--01 E 09.99 58/64 101/ 04

Compressed air route Compressed air, which is preferably taken from two independent air
cylinders, flows over a main starter valve (see Fig. 1 and 2 ) and
pneumatically controlled starting valves (13) to the cylinders (7). One part
of the air is fed through the air filter (2) and the pilot valve (26) to the
starting air valves (21) and from there through the control pipe (15) to the
starting valves (13).

Figure 2. Main starter valve

When the shut--off valve on the compressed air cylinder is opened,

compressed air flows to the main starter valve (7) and through the pipe (8)
to the control valve (9). At the same time, compressed air flows through
the air air filter (2) and the pipe (1) to the pilot valve (26), the emergency
stop valve (19) and the blocking valve (turning gear) (25).

13 Starting valve
30 Cylinder head
31 Inlet valve
32 Exhaust valve

A Control air from the

starting air valve
B Compressed air from
the main starter valve

Figure 3. Starting valve

6640 2.4.2--01 E 09.99 58/64 102/ 04

When the blocking valve (25) is open, i.e. the turning gear is out of gear
and there is no starting block from the safety control (only for stationary
engines), the air flows on to the pilot valve (26). As soon as it receives a
start command from the automatic device or from the operator station (16)
it can switch to passage and leaves the way open to the starting air valves
(21), to the control valve (9) and to the booster servomotor (17) . In cases
of emergency, the pilot valve (26) can also be operated manually. The
control valve (9) now opens the main starter valve (7) and closes the
venting valve (5), so that compressed air flows through the starter pipe
(12) to the starting valves (13) (see Fig. 3 ).

Starting air valve According to the setting of the camshaft (28), the starter control damper
(21) air vent on one cylinder is covered by the starter cam (27) (see Fig.
4 ). Thus a piston in the starting air valve opens the passage, and air

flows over the control pipe (15) to the starting valve affected and opens it.
The compressed air present flows into the cylinder and presses the piston
down, i.e. the crankshaft starts to turn. When the starter cam runs out of
the area of the pulse pipe, the starting air valve (21) closes, the air feed is
interrupted and the pipe (15) is vented. The start periods of individual
cylinders overlap in order to guarantee a secure starting at each
crankshaft setting.

21 Starting air valve with

pulse pipe
27 Starter cam
28 Camshaft
29 Eccentric shaft

Figure 4. Starting air valve/camshaft

Fill limit The fill limit during the start procedure and shortly after the start is carried
out in normal mode through control by the controller from the automatic
device and in emergency mode manually directly on the controller.

Firestop A firestop is built in to each branch conduit (14) and prevents a blowback
of flame in the case of a damaged starting valve (see Fig. 1 ).

Drainage There is a drain tap in the connection pipe between the compressed air
cylinder and the feed pipe (6) at the lowest point. This tap must be opened
at regular intervals in order to release any condensed water from the
pipes. It is also used for venting the pipes before assembly work. The
relief tap on the main starter valve serves the same purpose and is
arranged parallel to the relief pipe of the venting valve.

Relieving the pipe Before starting maintenance work, the relief tap must be opened. This
before assembly work prevents pressure building up in front of the main starter valve through
leaks in the compressed air blockers.

6640 2.4.2--01 E 09.99 58/64 103/ 04

▲ Attention! The pressure is sufficient to inadvertently start the

Emergency stop There is an emergency stop device for the fastest possible halt to the
engine in the case of emergency. On activating it, the emergency stop
valve (19) is opened electrically and air flows over the pipe (20) to the stop
pistons (23) on the fuel injection pumps (22) and sets the control rods to
zero fill. Switching off the engine therefore depends on the setting of the
controlling rod assembly and the speed governor.

Blow through Before starting the engine, the combustion chambers must be blown
through using compressed air. This is done by starting up the start
procedure with open indicator valves. In doing so, the fill of the fuel pumps
must be at zero/the emergency stop button must be depressed.

Turning with slow-turn device With engines which are started in automatic mode, the opening of the
indicator valves is not assured. Before starting, the slow-turn device is

The device allows the engine to be slowly turned over through approx.
2 1/2 revolutions with the aim of checking whether all cylinders chambers
are free of liquid for the subsequent start. The device is based on the
existing starter system. It works with a reduced starter presure of approx.
8 bar.

6640 2.4.2--01 E 09.99 58/64 104/ 04

Fuel oil system 2.4.3

1 Manifold 7 Leakage collector pipe 13 Return pipe

2 Heat pipe 8 Leakage collector pipe 14 Stop cock
3 Distributor pipe 9 Leakage collector pipe 15 Fuel injection pump
4 Leakage collector pipe 10 Stop cock 16 Buffer pistons
5 Injection valve 11 Supply pipe 17 Pressure control valve
6 Venting pipe 12 Injection pipe

Figure 1. Fuel diagram (figure shows engine L58/64 -- applies also to L+V 48/60)

The fuel is fed from a free-standing pump through a filter into the
distributor pipe (3) (see Fig. 1 ). From here, an supply pipe (11) branches
to each fuel injection pump (15) with a stop cock (10) (see also Fig. 2 ).
The return of excess fuel is carried out through the manifold (1) which is
also connected through return pipes (13) with stop cocks (14) to the
injection pumps. In this way, each individual pump can be blocked from the
fuel inlet and removed without the whole pipe system having to be drained.

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 101/ 06

10 Stop cock
11 Supply pipe
12 Injection pipe
13 Return pipe
14 Stop cock

Figure 2. Fuel injection pump with pipes (example L 58/64)

Buffer piston A small venting pipe (6) is connected to the manifold (1) so that no air
cushions can form. The buffer pistons (16) attached to the pipes (1 and 3)
dampen the shock pressures which occur in the pipes (see Fig. 3 ).

Figure 3. Buffer pistons (example L 58/64)

Pressure control valve The excess fuel flows back over the pressure control valve (17) at the end
of the manifold to the mix container (see diagram, Fig. 1 ). This
arrangement means that pre-heated fuel can be pumped around to warm
the pipe system and the fuel injection pumps before starting the engine.

Heat pipe The heat pipe (2) for the heavy oil mode arranged between the distributor
and the manifold is also used for compensating heat losses. The heat
return pipes serve the purpose to heat the leakage fuel pipe.

Fuel injection pipe/ The fuel injection pumps (15) feed the fuel in the injection pipes (12) to the
Leakage fuel pipe injection valves (5) (see Fig. 4 ). The leakage fuel (B) running from the
injection valves and fuel injection pumps is collected in the leakage
collector pipe (4) and fed to the manifold (8) at the foot of the fuel injection
pumps (see diagram, Fig. 1 ).

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 102/ 06

5 Injection valve
18 Cylinder head

A Fuel from the fuel

injection pump
B Leakage fuel

Figure 4. Fuel injection valve

With automatic installations, the injection pipes (12) are monitored for
leaking fuel. For this purpose, the injection pipes are encased. The leaking
fuel resulting from untight screw fittings or damaged pipes runs into the
sleeve pipes to the leakage collector pipes (9) and on to the leakage
collector pipe (7). It is possible to attach to this pipe a container with level
monitoring to trigger an alarm.

System on the side of the installation

Engines operated using heavy oil must be equipped with a few

accessories (mix containers, heaters, viscosimeter, etc.). The schematic
arrangement and pipe layout can be seen in Fig. 5 or 6 . The exact
arrangement of the individual devices is shown in the fuel diagram of the
respective installation.

Pressure system The higher end temperature required of high viscosity heavy oils needs a
(for ships’ engines) pressure system to prevent de-gasing problems in which the system
pressure is 1 bar above the evaporation pressure of water. All components
between the feed pump (23) and the pressure control valve (31) as well as
the mix container (29) are under this pressure (see Fig. 5 ).

Heavy oil route One pipe leads to the three-way cock (33) from each of the operating
containers for heavy oil (19) and diesel oil (20). From there, the fuel flows
through the double filter (21) to the feed pumps (23) and through the
automatic filter (25) or the reserve filter (26) to the mix container (29). It
flows on through the booster pump (30), the final pre-heater (32), the
viscosity measuring and control device (36) and the double filter (37) to the
distributor pipe on the engine.

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 103/ 06

19 Service tank (heavy oil) 27 Flush pipe 35 Return pipe
20 Service tank (diesel oil) 28 De-gasing valve 36 Viscosity measuring
21 Double filter 29 Mix container device and
22 Cooler 30 Booster pump control device
23 Feed pump 31 Pressure regulating valve 37 Double filter
24 Pressure regulating valve 32 Final pre-heater 38 Return pipe
25 Automatic filter 33 Three-way cock 39 Shut-off valve
26 Reserve filter 34 Three-way cock 40 Shut-off valve

Figure 5. Fuel system, installation side (pressure system for ships’ engines)

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 104/ 06

Filters, pumps and final pre-heaters are generally installed in duplicate or
designed as exchangeable double filters so that one device is always
present as a reserve.

Switching over from diesel to Using the three-way cock (33), it is possible to switch from diesel to heavy
heavy oil mode and vice versa oil modes and back again. The return pipe (35) and both shut-off valves
(39 and 40) allow the return of diesel oil to the diesel oil service tank (20).
The required system pressure is set and maintained at the pressure
regulating valves (24 and 31). When the feed pumps are running with the
engine out of operation, the whole delivery is fed through the pressure
regulating valve (24) back to the inlet side of the pumps. In this way, the
cooler (22) built into the return pipe prevents excessive heating of the fuel.

In normal cases, the automatic filter (25) is used as the operational filter.
The reserve filter (26), which has to be cleaned manually, should only be
used if the automatic filter should fail (maintenance, repair). In the mix
container (29), the diesel oil located in the tank after converting from diesel
oil to heavy oil is mixed with the subsequent heavy oil until only heavy oil
is present in the system. The reverse happens on switching from heavy oil
to diesel oil. In this way the transfer from one type of fuel to the other and
the associated temperature change is achieved slowly. In addition, during
commissioning the gas-air mixture present in the system collects in the
mix container (29). The necessity for manual degasing is indicated by
means of a float switch which triggers an alarm in good time. The final
pre-heater (32) and viscosity measurement and control device (36) are
used in heavy oil operation to maintain the fuel temperature required for
the prescribed injection viscosity.

Excess fuel Only part of the fuel supplied is used by the engine. The excess is fed
back to the mix container (29) through the return pipe (35). In the case of
prolonged diesel operation, the shut-off valves (39 and 40) must be
switched so that excess diesel oil flows back through the pressure
regulating valve (31) and the return pipe (38) to the diesel oil service tank
(20). In this way the diesel oil can be heated reliably (see also sheet

Flushing the systems The three-way cock (34) and the flush pipe (27) allow the heavy oil present
in the system to be flushed out using diesel oil. For this purpose, the
three-way cock (33) is set to diesel mode and the three-way cock (34) set
to flush and 1 pump for each (23 and 30) are maintained in operation until
the system is filled with diesel oil. The fuel flowing out is led to the service
tank for heavy oil (19).

Open system With stationary engines, the demands on the system reservoir are not
(for stationary engines) quite so great as in ship installations. Here a so-called open system is
generally used. All components between the feed pump (44) and the
pressure control valve (17) are under the required system pressure (see
Fig. 6 ). The mix container (42) is depressurized.

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 105/ 06

1 Manifold 17 Pressure control valve 46 Filter combination
3 Distributor pipe 41 Service tank (heavy oil) 47 Viscosity measurement
5 Fuel injection valve 42 Mix container and control device
7/8 Leakage collector pipe 43 Service tank (diesel oil) 55 Three-way cock
15 Fuel injection pump 44 Feed pump 56 Three-way cock
16 Buffer pistons 45 Final pre-heater 57 Drainage cock

Figure 6. Fuel system, on the installation side (open system for stationary engines)

6640 2.4.3--01 E 04.99 48/60, 58/64 106/ 06

Control of Speed and Output 2.4.4


The most important tasks The following tasks have to be carried out in the context of engine power
and engine speed:
- parameters have to be changed or
- kept constant,
- there must be certain reactions to disturbances,
- values must be limited and
- if there are several engines in an installation, then these have to be
balanced to one another.
Systems involved These tasks cannot be managed by one element/one system alone.
Depending on the design of the installation, the following are required in
different levels of completeness:
- a speed and power limitation system,
- a speed and power control system, possibly
- a synchronization system,
- a load distribution system and
- a frequency control system.
Everything is carried out through It is only possible to actively influence the engine speed and the engine
the filling setting. power through the capacity setting of the fuel pumps. This is done using
the control rod assembly and the speed governor. Certain capacity
settings (filling settings) produce,
- in engines which drive generators, a certain power point on the
(constant) nominal speed line -
f A Pvar / nconst;
- in the case of engines which drive fixed propellers, a point on the
propeller curve and
- in the case of engines which drive adjustable pitch propellers, a point
on the combiner curve/in the propeller characteristic diagram.
In these two cases, the following applies:
f A Pvar / nvar.

Speed and power control system The speed and power control system compares the actual speed to the
target speed. To do so, an actual value must be recorded and a target
value or, under certain circumstances, a selected target value, must be
stated. The controller determines the required correction signal. In
addition, through its setting it establishes the reaction ratios of the control
and it limits speeds and thus power.

Synchronization device A synchronization device is required in engines which drive rotary current
generators. Rotary current systems may only be interconnected if
frequencies (speeds), voltages and phase position agree and if the energy
producing engines have the same power efficiency. The first conditions
must be created by influencing the generator (voltage) and the engine
(frequency/speed and phase position). The second condition must be
fulfilled by conscientious setting of the speed governor.

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 101/ 06

Effective load-distribution Generally, with multi-engine installations, you must avoid units with
system different percentual loads working in parallel. For this, the effective load
distribution system is used. It compares the power signals of
interconnected units and supplies adjustment pulses over the remote
speed adjustment device to the speed governor until a balance is

Frequency control system The load distribution system is usually combined with a frequency control
system in generator units. In this, the busbar frequency must be compared
to the pre-stated frequency (e.g. 50 Hz or 60 Hz) and, in the event of
discrepancies, compensated through pulses on the speed controls.

1 Camshaft drive 13Operating device B Target value of speed

2 Pulse detector 14Booster servomotor a Pulse “higher/lower”
b Pulse “Stop”
3 Speed governor 15Tacho machine
(electronic part) C Fill limit dependent on
16Electronic control
charge air
4 Speed governor with (only in electronic speed
final positioning device governors) E Actual value of fill
5 Rods KS Coupling end F Compressed air for
emergency shut-down
6 Control shaft KGS Free end
G Control air
7 Fuel injection pump
H Fuel
8 Control rod A1 Mechanical actual speed
a Feed
9 Emergency stop piston controller
b Injection
10 Articulated lever c Return
A2 Electronic actual speed
11 Emergency stop valve P Charge air pressure
12 Inductive position pick-up

Figure 1. Speed and power control system

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 102/ 06

Speed and power control system (mechanical-hydraulic)

Components The hydraulic speed and power control system -- or, more simply named,
the speed controller -- is used mainly in stationary installations and
consists in a restricted sense of the remote speed adjuster (setpoint
generator), the mechanical speed governor (4) with the hydraulic final
positioning device and the stop device (see Fig. 1 and 2 ). When used
in main ship’s engine, this list also includes the fill limits.

2 Pulse detector
4 Speed governor with
final positioning device
5 Rods
6 Control shaft
12 Inductive position pick-up
14 Booster servomotor
15 Tacho machine

Figure 2. Mechanical-hydraulic speed governor, made by Woodward type

PGA 200 (example L 58/64)

Arrangement The speed governor is located on the coupling end. It is driven by the
control shaft drive and is mechanically connected via the rods (5) to the
control shaft (6) of the fuel injection pumps (see Fig. 2 ). The actual
speed governor is located on the hydraulic final positioning device (4). The
booster servomotor (14) supports the final positioning device. It assures
the oil pressure necessary for starting the engine. The remote adjustment
and stopping device is installed either on the engine or remote from it, as

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 103/ 06

Method of operation The speed target value requirement (fill requirement) is carried out in the
simplest way using a lever on the operator station. The target value is
converted into spring resistance in the speed governor. This is done using
a slide valve, which pre-tensions a speed spring (17) using oil. The
resistance to the spring is formed by governor weights (18) (see Fig. 3 ).

17 Speed spring
18 Governor weights

J Oil from the slide valve

Figure 3. Diagram of mechanical speed governor

The force of the governor weights attempts to lift the slide valve whilst the
force of the speed spring works against this. When the engine is running
at a constant speed, the forces are counterbalanced and the governor
weights are vertical. Any change in the balance of forces leads to a
movement in the slide valve. This movement is converted into a rotation
and thus moves the control rods of the fuel pumps. This changes the
amount of fuel injected into the combustion chambers.

Articulated lever The control rods of the fuel pumps are connected to the control shaft using
articulated levers. The articulated lever is designed so that it can bend in
either direction of movement if a certain controlling torque is exceeded
(see Fig. 4 ). This means that a jammed control rod or a control rod pump
piston unable to rotate cannot block the other fuel injection pumps.
Normally, the divided lever is held in its bearings by an extension spring.

1 Control shaft
2 Articulated lever
3 Tension spring
4 Adjustable joint rod
5 Control rod
(shown in rotated

Figure 4. Effect of the articulated lever (a Starting position, b Control rod blocked in ZERO position, c Control rod blocked in
FULL position)

Starting and accelerating On starting and accelerating the engine, certain amounts of fill must not be
(fill limit) exceeded, e.g. to guarantee an accelerating which is as free as possible of
smoke, or manoevring without overstraining. To do this, the charge air
pressure is fed directly into the limiting device in the speed governor.

Stopping the engine Normally, the engine is stopped on setting the charge back to ”Zero”. This
can be done using the remote control device or at the operator’s stand.

Emergency shut-down In cases of emergency, the engine can be stopped by feeding control air to
the emergency stop piston of the fuel injection pumps (see section 2.4.2).

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 104/ 06

A speed pick-up is necessary for the emergency shut-down. This is carried
out through the tacho machine (15), which is located on the main drive
pinion for the speed governor (4) (see Fig. 2 ). Redundant to this, a pulse
detector (2) is attached radially to the camshaft drive (see Fig. 6 ,
showing three pulse detectors). The pulse detector records the actual
speed of the engine by sampling the contour of the cog. Whenever a tooth
moves past the pick-up, a voltage is created which then collapses in the
space between the teeth. The frequency of the voltage signals is
proportional to the engine speed. The tacho machine detects mechanically
the speed.

Charge display/charge sensor At the end of the control shaft, its deflection is transfered to an inductive
position pick-up (12) (see Fig. 2 ). In this way, 4-20 mA signals are
created, which permit a remote display or another type of processing. At
the control rods of the fuel injection pumps, the charge can be read off the
impressed scale.

Speed and power control system (electronic-hydraulic)

The electronic speed governor is mainly used in multiengine ship

installations or suction dredgers. Basically, both an electronic and a
mechanical speed control are possible. The mechanical control, however,
is only used in emergencies, e.g. in the case of the elecronic control
failing. The switch-over takes place at the operator station.

Components The electronic-hydraulic controller consists of the same components as

the mechanical-hydraulic speed governor, plus an electro-hydraulic
converter, an electronic speed governor and an oil cooler (22) (see
Fig. 5 ). The oil cooler cools the hydraulic oil which is heated by the larger
oil pump.

22 Oil cooler
23 Switch-over device
(mechanical --

Figure 5. Electronic-hydraulic speed governor made by Woodward type

PGG-EG 200 (example L 48/60)

Arrangement/Mode of operation Three pulse detectors are arranged radially to the camshaft drive, two of
which supply the actual speed value to the electronic control device (see
Fig. 6 ). The third is used to check the engine speed for the emergency

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 105/ 06

1 Camshaft drive
2 Pulse detector

Figure 6. Arrangement of the pulse detector on the camshaft drive

An analogue current signal of 4-20 mA is required as a speed target value

for the controller. In the simplest case, the target value can be stated using
”higher/lower” keys, for example arranged on the operator station by the

In the electronic control device, the difference between the actual and
target speeds is evaluated. In this, the amount and the direction of the
deviation, the duration and the speed of change is taken into
consideration. As a result, a correction signal is transferred in the form of
an electric variable to the final positioning device and there converted,
using an electro-hydraulic converter, into the force required to adjust the
filling rods.

Through a corresponding adjustment in the controller, the operating

behaviour of the engine can be adjusted to the prevailing conditions or the
operating aims. See print script in section D of the Technical

Starting and accelearting (fill The limit curves can be freely programmed in the controller. This is done
limit) using a small programming device or at the generator itself.

Stopping the engine On stopping, electronic impulses are fed to the control electrics. In cases
of emergency, the engine can be stopped by feeding control air to the
emergency stop piston of the fuel injection pumps (see section 2.4.2).

6640 2.4.4--01 E 05.99 48/60, 58/64 106/ 06

Injection time adjusting device 2.4.5

Mechanical injection timing

Functional description The cam follower (6) for driving the injection pump is supported on the
eccentric shaft (7) -- refer to Figure 2 . This shaft can be turned by
means of lever (1) and threaded rod (2), which is supported in the counter
bearing (3) -- refer to Figure 1 . Thereby, the position of the cam follower
to the camshaft (7) is changed.

Injection time adjustment Depending on the direction of shifting, start of injection can be advanced
or deferred. This way, injection timing can easily be adjusted to different
fuel oil qualities. By adjustment in the direction of “Early” (max. +3ƒ ), an
increase of the ignition pressure to the design point is possible within the
scope of service work. On the other hand, adjustment in the “Later”
direction (max. --2ƒ ), leads to a considerable reduction of nitrogen oxide
emission, in connection with a drop in ignition pressure. The respective
adjustment is indicated by pointer (4) on scale (5).

Injection timing is in general to be adjusted in such a way that combustion

is completed shortly after TDC. This can be gathered from the ignition

1 Lever
2 Threaded rod
3 Counter bearing
4 Pointer
5 Scale
6 Cam follower
7 Eccentric shaft
9 Injection pump

Figure 1. Injection timing

6640 2.4.5--01 E 01.00 L 58/64 101/ 02

6 Cam follower
7 Eccentric shaft
8 Camshaft

Figure 2. Camshaft with eccentric shaft

Electrical injection timing

Electrical injection timing works the same way as mechanical injection

timing with the exception that the eccentric shaft is adjusted electrically.

Functional description A three-phase geared motor (9) drives the eccentric shaft via a worm gear
(10) -- refer to Figure 3 . In order to comply with the IMO requirements,
two positions can be selected. They can be defined via two infinitely
variable limit switches (11) which are attached to the casing.

Brake On the coupling side and on the free engine end (depending on the
number of cylinders) of the eccentric shaft, hydraulic brakes are mounted
which keep the shaft in its position. On the coupling side, the hydraulic
brake is located in the gear casing (12). On the free engine end, it is
separately fastened to the eccentric shaft.

Before an adjustment is made, the hydr. brake/brakes as well as a spring

brake is/are released on the three-phase motor. Releasing and actuating
the hydraulic brakes is always effected by means of pressure oil which is
applied to the piston(s).

9 Three-phase geared
10 Worm gear
11 Limit switch
12 Hydraulic brake

Figure 3. Electrical injection timing

6640 2.4.5--01 E 01.00 L 58/64 102/ 02

Lube oil system 2.4.6

Lubricating the engine and the turbocharger

1 Distributing pipe 15 Branch pipe 24 Main bearing

2 Branch pipe (intermediate wheel 25 Main bearing bolt
3 Drain pipe bearing) 26 Big-end bearing
4 Injection pump 16 Branch pipe 27 Piston-pin bush
5 Rocker arm (external crankshaft 28 Branch pipe (injection
6 Piston bearing) pump drive)
7 Branch pipe (main 17 Branch pipe 29 Camshaft bearing
bearing bolt) (intermediate wheel 30 Branch pipe, rocker arm
8 Supply pipe bearing) 31 Eccentric shaft bearing
(injection pumps) 18 Branch pipe 32 Eccentric shaft
9 Spray nozzle (governor drive) 33 Cam follower
10 Supply pipe (turbocharger) 19 Spray nozzle 34 Distributing pipe
12 Supply pipe 20 Branch pipe
14 Branch pipe (external (load control pilot valve)
camshaft bearing) 21 Drain pipe
22 Speed governor
23 Supply pipe

Figure 1. Lubricating oil diagram

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 101/ 07

The route of the lubricating oil A lubricating oil pump (attached to the engine or independently driven)
sucks the lubricating oil from the service tank and presses it through
cooler, pressure regulating valve and filter to the distributing pipe (1) ar-
ranged on the exhaust side of the engine (see Fig. 1 ). The oil routed
away by the pressure regulating valve runs back to the service tank in an
overflow pipe. A supply pipe (23) leads from the distributing pipe (1) to
each main bearing (24) from which branch pipes (7) lead to the bore holes
for the main bearing bolts (25) in the crankcase. The inflowing oil damps
oscillations of the long bearing bolts. In the upper area of the crankcase,
the oil emerges through overflow bore holes and runs freely off into the

Oil flows through bore holes in the crankshaft from the main bearings (24)
to the big-end bearings (26) and from there through bore holes in the con-
necting rods to the piston-pin bushes (27) and on to the cooling spaces of
the pistons (6). From the pistons, it runs freely off into the crankcase
through bore holes. The first main bearing between the coupling flange
and the camshaft drive is supplied with oil by the supply pipe (12), the
short branch pipe (16) and a duct in the crankcase. Branch pipes lead
from the supply pipe (12) to the external camshaft bearing (14), to the in-
termediate wheel bearings (15 and 17), to the different bearing points in
the governor drive (18) and the spray nozzle (19) at the bottom. The three
upper spray nozzles (9) for the meshing in the camshaft drive are also
connected to the supply pipe (12) by short branch pipes.

Lubricating the camshaft and in- The distributing pipe (34), which branches off the distributing pipe (1) on
jection pump the free engine end, is arranged in the camshaft trough. Branch pipes
(30) lead from the distributing pipe to the camshaft bearings (29), the ec-
centric shaft bearings (31) and to the bearings of the rocker arms (5) in the
cylinder heads. The oil flows from the eccentric shaft bearing (31) through
bore holes in the eccentric shaft (32) to the cam followers (33) for the
valve and injection pump drives. The drive tappets of the injection pumps
(4) are also lubricated through short branch pipes (28) from the distributing
pipe (34), whilst the injection pumps (4) themselves are supplied with oil
via the supply pipe (8) and short branch pipes (2).

Return to the crankcase The oil running off the rocker arm bearings collects on the respective cylin-
der head and runs through the pipe (3) and the protective tube of the push
rod into the camshaft trough and from there back into the crankcase.

Oil sump The oil sump is used as a collecting tank for the lubricating oil dripping
from all the bearing points. On the coupling side and the free end, drain
pipes are connected to the front end, in which the oil can be returned to
the service tank.

Speed governor The speed governor (22) has its own lubricating oil circuit and is thus not
connected to the lubricating oil circuit of the engine. In the case of marine
engines, the branch pipe (20) leads to the load control pilot valve in the
speed governor, and the drain pipe (21) leads back to the crankcase.

Turbocharger The turbocharger is supplied via supply pipe (10). For a description,
please refer to the Operating instructions of the turbocharger in Vol-
ume C1.

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 102/ 07

Cylinder lubrication

35 Cylinder liner
36 Lubrication bore hole
37 Cylinder crankcase
38 Lubrication bore hole
39 Connection pipe
40 Connection pipe
41 Supply pipe
42 Drain pipe
43 Oil pump
44 Supply pipe
45 Drain pipe
46 Block distributor
47 Proximity switch
48 Drain pipe

Figure 2. Cylinder lubricating oil diagram

The running surfaces of the pistons are supplied with oil through lubrica-
tion bore holes in each cylinder liner by an oil pump and a block distributor.
The oil pump (43) and the block distributor (46) are fitted on the exhaust
side (see Figures 2 and 3 ). Circulating oil from the distributing pipe is
sucked in by the oil pump through the supply pipe (44) and fed to the block
distributor through the supply pipe (41). Connection pipes (39 and 40) lead
from there to the lubrication bore holes (36 and 38) in each cylinder liner
(35). The movements of the main piston of the block distributor are moni-
tored by a proximity switch (47) and a pulse evaluation device. The ex-
cessive oil delivered is routed through the drain pipes (45 and 48) back to
the oil pump and/or through the drain pipe (42) into the cylinder crankcase.

Figure 3. Block distributor with oil pump

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 103/ 07

Valve seat lubrication

1 Distributing pipe 66 Lube oil pump 70 Charge air pipe

37 Cylinder crankcase 67 Supply pipe to the block 71 Block distributor
64 Supply pipe to the pump distributor 72 Supply pipe to the indivi-
65 Drain pipe 68 Lubricating oil nozzle dual cylinders
69 Connection socket 73 Drain pipe

Figure 4. Valve seat lubricating oil diagram*

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 104/ 07

The valve seats of the inlet valves are supplied with lubricating oil via lubri-
cating oil nozzles (68) in the charge air pipe (70) - refer to Figure 4 . For
this purpose, one nozzle (68) each is installed in the connection socket
(69) of the charge air pipe. An electrically driven radial piston pump (66)
draws the required lubricating oil from the lubricating oil distributing pipe
(1) and conveys it to the block distributor (71) on the control side of the
engine. From the block distributor, the lubricating oil is routed to the
nozzles (68) of the individual cylinders. The intake air stream carries the
oil emerging at the nozzles to the valve seat.
The excessively delivered oil is, at the lube oil pump (66) as well as at the
block distributor (71), routed back to the cylinder crankcase through the
drain pipes (65 and 73 respectively).

Important! The delivery rate of the pump is set in the manufacturing

works. The setting is not to be changed!

* The number of supply and drain pipes connected to the block distributor depends on the number of cylinders of the engine and may deviate
from the diagram!

Monitoring of the main bearing temperature

The temperatures of the main bearings are measured by temperature sen-

sors in the main bearing caps (24) - refer to Figure 5 . For this purpose,
the Pt 100 resistance temperature sensors (50), which are attached in an
oil-tight manner, are used. The measuring cables run in the crankcase up
to the cable duct level on the exhaust side, and are there led to the out-
side, to the terminal box.

24 Main bearing cap

49 Crankshaft
50 Resistance tempera-
ture sensor

Figure 5. Monitoring of the main bearing temperature

Splash oil monitoring system

The temperatures of the running gears and big-end bearings are moni-
tored by temperature sensors in the crankcase covers. For this purpose,
one Pt 100 resistance temperature sensor is installed in one crankcase
cover (74) per running gear. This resistance temperature sensor determi-
nes the temperatures of the splash oil (see Figure 6 ). The splash oil is
collected in an oil collector tray (75) on the inside of the respective crank-
case cover. Via measuring cables (80), the ascertained temperatures are

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 105/ 07

transmitted to an operating and control unit which is attached to the engine
or mounted in its vicinity.

37 Cylinder crankcase 77 Resistance temperature 79 Balance weight crankshaft

74 Crankcase cover sensor 80 Measuring cable
75 Oil collecting tray 78 Connecting rod 81 Protecting tube

Figure 6. Splash oil monitoring system

The control unit evaluates each measured temperature in order to deter-

mine if a defined maximum value and/or a permissible maximum deviation
from the mean value has been exceeded.

The operating unit is equipped with a display panel, where all measured
temperatures as well as their deviations from the mean value can be read
off. On the operating panel of the control, the present system conditions -
plant in operation/pre-alarm/alarm - are indicated.

In case of an emergency, when a permissible maximum temperature is

exceeded, the monitoring equipment shuts the engine off via the safety
system of the engine plant.

Oil mist detector

Incipient damage to the bearings, piston seizure or blow-through from the

combustion chamber cause an increased formation of oil mist. This can
be diagnosed using an oil mist detector (see Figure 8 ) before serious
damage is caused. By means of the oil mist detector, the oil mist con-
centration or the opacity of the air in the crankcase is monitored. For this
purpose, air is sucked in continuously from all crankcase sections by

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 106/ 07

means of a jet pump, cleaned from larger oil droplets and fed to a measur-
ing section (60) with infrared filters (58) - see Figure 7 .

51 Collection chamber
52 Separator
53 Detector
54 Transmitting LED
55 Flow control
56 Temperature sensor
57 Air filter
58 Infrared filter
59 Receiving diode
60 Measuring section
61 Air jet pump
62 Control and monitoring
C from the crankcase to
the collection chamber
D from the separator to
the detector
E to the air jet pump
F Air stream

Figure 7. Crankcase monitoring by means of oil mist detector

The receiving diode (59) located at the outlet supplies an electrical signal
to the monitoring unit (62), according to the amount of light received.

Figure 8. Oil mist detector

See brochure in Volume D1.

6640 2.4.6--01 E 01.01 L 58/64 107/ 07

Cooling water system 2.4.7

2 Cylinder head C Cooling water downstream of cylinder

4 backing ring D Cooling water for charge-air cooler, stage II
30 Charge-air cooler E Charge air
F Cooling water for injection nozzles
HT High-temperature circuit (stage I) (admission)
NT Low-temperature circuit (stage II) G Cooling water for injection nozzles (drain)
H Water drain (manifold)
A Cooling water for charge-air cooler and K Vent for cylinder cooling and charge-air
cylinder cooler (manifold)
B Cooling water for downstream of charge-air
cooler/upstream cylinder AGS Exhaust counter side
KS Coupling end

Figure 1. Cylinder/nozzle cooling water system (drawn up for two-stage charge-air cooler)


Circulation/coolant To guarantee the lowest possible thermal stresses, the following must be
- the components which form the combustion chambers and
(through a separate system)
- the fuel injection valves.
The charge air heated in the turbo supercharger is cooled down using the
supercharger intercooler. This is done in the interest of increasing the air
mass available for combustion.

6640 2.4.7--01 E 09.99 L 58/64 101/ 05

Prepared fresh water is used for cooling. The supercharger intercoolers
are also cooled using fresh water, and in a few cases using sea water or
untreated water. With two-stage supercharger intercoolers, the first stage
has engine cooling water flow through (high temperature circulation), and
the second stage has fresh water from the low temperature circulation
(see Fig. 3 ).

Cylinder cooling

The cooling water distributor pipe (9) is attached to the exhaust side of the
engine. From here, inlet pipes (6) lead to the backing rings (4) of the
cylinder (see Fig. 1 ). In the backing ring, the water is fed upwards
around the upper part of the cylinder liner (5). The water flows through
bore holes from the backing ring into the cooling chamber of the cylinder
head (2), rinses around the lower part of the injection valve (3) and
emerges at the top at the cylinder head.

1 Exhaust valve 8 Drainage pipe 13 Inlet bore hole

2 Cylinder head 9 Distributor pipe (exhaust valve
3 Injection valve 10 Distribution pipe 14 Drainage bore hole
4 Backing ring 11 Thermometer (exhaust valve)
5 Cylinder liner 12 Shut-off tap 15 Drainage pipe
6 Inlet pipe (exhaust valve) 16 Venting pipe
7 Drainage tap

Figure 1. Cooling water pipe -- high temperature circulation

6640 2.4.7--01 E 09.99 L 58/64 102/ 05

In each drainage pipe (15), the water flows to the distribution pipe (10),
which is arranged parallel to the distributor pipe. The venting pipe (16)
leads from the individual cylinder heads to the compensator reservoir. In
the event of maintenance work, the engine cooling chambers can be
emptied using the drainage pipe (8).

Part of the cooling water flows out of the cooling chamber in the cylinder
head to the valve cages of the exhaust valves (1) and then also flows into
drainage pipe (15). To dismantle the exhaust valve, the feed and drainage
bore holes (13 and 14) can be blocked off using a tap (12).

Nozzle cooling

The fuel injection valves are cooled in their own fresh water circulation.
The distributor pipe (22) lies on the exhaust side (see Fig. 2 ). It flows
through the inlet pipe (23) into the cooling chamber of the injection valve
(3) and from here through the drainage pipe (20) to the distribution pipe
(18) on the control side.

Draining To disassemble an injection valve, the pipes to the engine can be drained.
To do this, the shut-off valves (19) must be closed and the drainage valve
opened (21).

3 Injection valve
18 Distribution pipe
19 Shut-off valve
20 Drainage pipe
21 Drainage valve
22 Distributor pipe
23 Inlet pipe

Figure 2. Cooling water diagram of the injection valve

6640 2.4.7--01 E 09.99 L 58/64 103/ 05

Cooling the charge air and turbo supercharger

Supercharger intercooler Water from two cooling water circulations flows through the supercharger
- stage I, high temperature water coming from the engine,
- stage II, low temperature water.
The inlet and outlet of water is carried out in the HT circulation using pipes
(33 and 32) (see Fig. 3 ). To vent and drain, there are sealing plugs (31
and 29). Condensed water which can occur in considerable amounts in
intercoolers and charge pipes under certain circumstances is fed to the
condensed water discharge (28) through a float valve. Above the float
valve there is an overspill pipe branch which leads to a tank with level
monitoring. The additional condensed water discharge (34) at the other
end of the charge pipe must be opened by hand if required.

24 Drainage pipe
25 Turbo supercharger
26 Inlet pipe
27 Waste water drain
28 Condensed water
29 Drainage screw
30 Charge air cooler
31 Drainage screw
32 Drainage pipe
33 Inlet pipe
34 Condensed water

I High temperature
II Low temperature

Figure 3. Cooling water diagram of the supercharger intercooler and the turbo supercharger

Turbocharger The turbo supercharger is connected to the cooling water circulation of the
engine. The inlet pipe (26) branches away from the distributor pipe on the
engine and from below leads to the bearing housing of the turbo
supercharger. The drainage pipe (24) is connected to the bearing housing

6640 2.4.7--01 E 09.99 L 58/64 104/ 05

In addition, there is a waste water drain (27) on both the turbine housing
below and on the face side, which are used for draining water from the gas
chamber. The connections must be opened when the turbines are

Charge air temperature control

CHATCO The engines must be controlled in use in the tropics in order to avoid
condensed water in the charge pipe and also with regard to the charge air
temperature. This is carried out using the CHATCO temperature control
(see Fig. 4 ), where the following physical boundary conditions apply: In
compressing and cooling the charge air, water is precipitated. Under
unfavourable conditions up to 1000 kg/h with larger engines. The amount
- with an increase in inlet air temperature,
- with an increase in inlet air humidity,
- if the charge air pressure increases and
- if the charge air temperature falls.
The amount of condensed water must be reduced as much as is possible.
Water must not enter the engine. This is guaranteed through constructive
measures and can be supported by controlled charge air temperatures.
CHATCO covers a 3-way temperature control valve in the low temperature
branch of the supercharger intercooler, an electronic temperature control-
ler and two temperatur gauges -- one in the charge pipe and one in the
inlet area of the turbo supercharger (e.g. in the inlet air flue).

1 Supercharger
2 Temperature control
3 CHATCO cabinet

A Charge air
B Cooling water
c inlet air temperature
d Charge air temperature

ST Engine speed
GT Fuel pump fill
TE1 inlet air temperature
TE2 Charge air temperature
TC Temperature controller

Figure 4. CHATCO -- control diagram

The charge air temperature is increased continually from a certain inlet air
temperature. The control is active in all operational modes in which no
charge air pre-heating takes place.

6640 2.4.7--01 E 09.99 L 58/64 105/ 05

Technical data 2.5

2.1 Scope of supply/Technical specification

2.2 Engine
2.3 Components/Subassemblies
2.4 Systems
2.5 Technical data

6682 2.5--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

Ratings and consumption data 2.5.1

Designations/work numbers

Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD
Works number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 110 412
Turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TCA 66
Works number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 151 074
Turbocharging method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . constant pressure

Accetance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GL

Mode of operation and drive

Case of application Correct

Stationary engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Marine main engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... x .....
Marine auxiliary engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............

Drive configuration Correct

Fixed-pitch propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Controllable-pitch propeller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... x .....
Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............

Fuel oil Correct

Diesel fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Heavy fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 mm2/s ....... x .....

Operation/monitoring Correct
Automatic remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............
Remote control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... x .....
Central control/unmanned operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... x .....
Standard monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............

10275 2.5.1--01 E 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 03

Ratings and consumption data

Continuous rating/reference MCR to ISO 3046/I to ISO3046/I

condition (reference cond.) (on site)
Output . . . . . . . . . 9730 ................ ............... kW
Ambient air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ................ ............... ƒC
Charge-air cooling water temp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ................ ............... ƒC
Barometric pressure ............. 1 ................ ............... bar
Site altitude ............. 0 ................ ............... m above
sea level

Speed of engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 rpm

Sense of rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clockwise --
Speed of turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see test run
Mean effective piston pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.0 bar
Ignition pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 bar
Compression pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 bar
Mean piston speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1 m/s
Compression ratio e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.2 --

Fuel oil consumption MCR to ISO 3046/I to ISO 3046/I

(reference cond.) (on site)
Heavy fuel oil . . . . . . . . . . 176 ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g/kWh
Diesel fue oil/MDF .............. ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g/kWh

Lube oil consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8 g/kWh

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kg/h
Cylinder lube oil used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . see test run

Technical data

Main dimensions Cylinder diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580 mm

Stroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640 mm
Swept volume of one cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169.09 dm3
Cylinder distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 mm

Ignition sequence Cyl. Rotating clockwise* . . . . . . . . anti clockwise correct

6 A 1-3-5-6-4-2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2-4-6-5-3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 C 1-2-4-6-7-5-3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3-5-7-6-4-2-1 . . . . . . . x . . . . . .
8 B 1-4-7-6-8-5-2-3-1 . . . . . . . 1-3-2-5-8-6-7-4-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 A 1-3-5-7-9-8-6-4-2-1 . . . . 1-2-4-6-8-9-7-5-3-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 B 1-6-3-2-8-7-4-9-5-1 . . . . 1-5-9-4-7-8-2-3-6-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10275 2.5.1--01 E 05.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 03

Timing Inlet valve opens . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Crank angle deg.
before TDC
closes . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Crank angle deg. after
Exhaust valve opens . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Crank angle deg.
before BDC
closes . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Crank angle deg. after
Overlap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Crank angle deg.
Starting valve opens . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Crank angle deg. after
on 6-cyl. Crank angle deg. after
engines . . . . . 132á2 TDC
on 7-cyl. to 9-cyl. Crank angle deg. after
engines . . . . . . 116á2 TDC
Starting slide valve opens/closes see test run record
Start of delivery/end of delivery of injection see test run record

Barred speed ranges and emissions


Please also refer to Sections 3.4.3 and 3.6.2

Emissions Noise (barometric pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dB(A)

acc. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
Noise (structure-borne noise) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
acc. to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................
Harmful substances in the exhaust gas
NOx .............................................. ....................
acc. to IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI (NOx) . ....................
* Sense of rotation viewed from the coupling side

10275 2.5.1--01 E 05.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 03

Temperatures and pressures 2.5.2

Service temperatures*

Air Air upstream of compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45ƒ C 1)

Charge air Charge air upstream of cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (45 ... 58 ƒ C) 2)

Exhaust gas Exhaust gas downstream of cylinder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max. 510 ƒ C

Admissible deviation on individual cylinders from the average . . . . . “50 K
Exhaust gas upstream of turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max. 570 ƒ C

Cooling water Engine cooling water downstream of engine . . . . . . . . . . . . 90, max. 95 ƒ C

Preheating of engine cooling water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 ... 90 ƒ C
Cooling water upstream of injection valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 ... 60 ƒ C
Cooling water upstream of the LT stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (max. 38 ƒ C) 1)

Lubricating oil Lube oil upstream of engine/upstream of turbocharger . . . 55, max. 60 ƒ C

Lube oil downstream of turbocharger (at full load) . . max. 5K above 110%
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . test run value
Preheating of lube oil prior to starting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 ƒ C

Fuel oil Fuel oil (MDF) upstream of engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max 50 ƒ C

Fuel oil (HFO) upstream of engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (max. 155 ƒ C) 4)

Service pressures (overpressures)*

Air Air upstream of turbocharger (low pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . max. --20 mbar

Starting air/control air Starting air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . min. approx. 15, max. 30 bar
Control air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8, min. 5.5 bar

Charge air Charge air upstream/downstream of charge air cooler

(pressure differential) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max. 60 mbar

Cylinder Nominal firing pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 bar

Individual cylinders, admissible deviation from average . . . . . . . . . . “ 5 bar
Safety valve (opening pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 “ 5 bar

Crankcase Crankcase pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max. 5 mbar

Safety valve (opening pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 mbar

Exhaust gas Exhaust gas downstream of turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . max. 30 mbar

Cooling water Engine cooling water and charge air cooler HT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ... 4 bar
Injection valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ... 5 bar
Charge air cooler LT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 ... 3 bar

Lubricating oil Lubricating oil upstream of the engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ... 5 bar

Lubricating oil upstream of the turbocharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 ... 1.7 bar

6721 2.5.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 02

Fuel oil Fuel oil upstream of the engine (pressurised system) . . . . . . . . . 6 ... 8 bar
Fuel injection valve (opening pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 + 20 bar
(ditto, with new spring) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 + 20 bar

Fuel viscosity Injection viscosity Temperature after Evaporation Required

preheater pressure system
(mm2/s at 50 ƒ C (mm2/s) (ƒ C) (bar) (bar)
180 12 124 1.4 2.4
320 12 137 2.4 3.4
380 12 140 2.7 3.7
420 12 142 2.9 3.9
500 14 140 2.7 3.7
700 14 146 3.2 4.2
Table 1. Pressure required in the fuel oil system as a function of fuel oil viscosity and injection viscosity

Test pressure (overpressure)

Control air Control air pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 bar

Cooling spaces/water side Cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 bar

Cylinder liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 bar
Charge air cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 bar
Injection valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 bar
Cooling system, cylinder cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 bar
Cooling system, injection valve cooling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 bar

Fuel oil spaces Fuel supply pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 bar

Lubricating oil Lube oil pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 bar

* Applicable at rated outputs and speeds. For conclusive reference values, see test run or commissioning record in Volume B5 and “List of
measuring and control units” in Volume D.

1) In compliance with rating definition. At higher temperatures/lower pressures, a derating is necessary.

2) Higher value to be aimed at in case of higher air humidity (water condensing).
4) Depending on the fuel viscosity and injection viscosity. See Section 3 - operating media.

80 Controlled temperature

6721 2.5.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 02


Weights of principal components

Components from top down- Rocker arm casing with rockers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141 kg
wards Rocker arm casing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 756 kg
Cylinder head with valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2000 kg
Cylinder head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1826 kg
Inlet valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 kg
Exhaust valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 kg
Cylinder liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1066 kg
Backing ring of the cylinder liner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 kg
Top land ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 kg
Piston with connecting rod small end and piston pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 kg
Piston without piston pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391 kg
Piston pin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 kg
Connecting rod (connecting rod shank, connecting rod small end,
big-end bearing cap) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950 kg
Connecting rod small end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 kg
Connecting rod shank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396 kg
Big-end bearing cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 kg
Main bearing cap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 kg
Main bearing shell (shell half) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 kg
Crankshaft with balance weights . . . . . . 6L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . 20700 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . 23650 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . 26650 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . 29600 kg
Balance weight of the crankshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 kg
Crankshaft gear wheel (two-part) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 kg
Torsional vibration damper (crankshaft) 6L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . 2785 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . 3686 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . 3686 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . 3850 kg

Crankcase/tierod Crankcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6L 58/64 CD . . approx. 40000 kg

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD . . approx. 45400 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8L 58/64 CD . . approx. 50700 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9L 58/64 CD . . approx. 56000 kg
Tierod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 kg
Tierod (outer bearing) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 kg
Cross tierod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 kg
Cylinder head bolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 kg

Injection system Camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6L 58/64 CD . . . approx. 3150 kg

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7L 58/64 CD . . . approx. 3500 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8L 58/64 CD . . . approx. 3950 kg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9L 58/64 CD . . . approx. 4300 kg
Torsional vibration damper camshaft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 727 kg
Fuel injection pump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 kg
Fuel injection valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 kg

6721 2.5.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 02

Charge-air and exhaust gas Turbocharger TCA 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 3300 kg
system Turbocharger TCA 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 5500 kg
Charge air cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 2550 kg
Exhaust gas pipe (section) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 117 kg

Others Oil pump for cylinder lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 kg

Block-type distributor for cylinder lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 kg
Oil pump for valve seat lubrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 220 kg
Injection timing adjusting device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 220 kg
Speed governor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 180 kg

Weights of complete engines

6L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 154 t

7L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 177 t
8L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 198 t
9L 58/64 CD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 217 t

6721 2.5.3--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 02

Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances-- Part 1 2.5.4

Erläuterungen Explanations

Die nachstehende Tabelle ist geordnet nach dem The table below has been organised by the MAN
MAN--Baugruppensystem, d.h. nach den fett subassembly group system, i.e. by the subassembly
gedruckten, in den Zwischentiteln rechts angeordneten group numbers in bold face entred at the right of the
Baugruppennummern. intermediate titles.

Maße und Spiele werden nach folgendem Schema angegeben:

X Durchmesser der Bohrung
Y Spiel
Z Durchmesser der Welle

Dimensions clearances have been given by the following systematic

X Diameter of the bore
Y Clearance
Z Diameter of the shaft

Toleranzangaben werden aus drucktechnischen For convenience of printing, tolerances are not given
Gründen nicht wie üblich like

+0,080 +0.080
200 200
+0,055 +0.055

sondern 200 +0,080/+0,055 geschrieben. but rather as 200 +0.080/+0.055

6721 2.5.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 04

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Zuganker/Queranker Tie rod/Cross tie rod 012

A 2690 +1,0/-1,0 Zuganker

B/C M100x6 Tie rod

A 890 +1,0/-1,0 Zuganker (Aussenlager)

B/C M64x4 Tie rod (external bearing)

A 665 +1,0/-1,0 Queranker

B/C M72x4 Cross tie rod

Kurbelwelle Crankshaft 020

A * -- **

A Wangenatmung A Crank web deflection

* Siehe Abnahmeprotokoll * See acceptance record
** Siehe Arbeitskarte 000.10 ** See work card 000.10

Kurbelwellenlager/Paßlager Main bearing/Location bearing 021

A 440 -0,040 -- --
B -- 0,366 ... 0,495 *
C 344 -0,100 -- --
D -- 0,500 ... 0,760 0,95

* Grenzwert für Lagerschalendicke im Haupt- * Limiting value for thickness of bearing shells in the
belastungsbereich. Austauschkriterien siehe zone of maximum loading. For criterias of
Arbeitskarte 000.11. replacement see work card 000.11

6721 2.5.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 04

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Drehschwingungsdämpfer (Kurbelwelle) Torsional vibration damper (crankshaft) 027

A 1360 ... 1500* Durchmesser

B 430* Breite (gesamt)
Width (complete)

* Je nach Auslegung * Depend on design

Pleuellager/Kolbenbolzenlager Crank bearing/Piston pin bearing 030

A 420 -0,040 -- --
B -- 0,360 ... 0,480 *
C 250 +0,300/+0,230 -- --
D -- 0,250 ... 0,310 0,500
E 250 -0,020 -- --
F -- 0,600 ... 1,200 --
G 220 -- --
H 1450 -- --
J 666 -- --
K 2025 -- --

* Grenzwert für Lagerschalendicke im Haupt- * Limiting value for thickness of bearing shells in the
belastungsbereich. Austauschkriterien siehe zone of maximum loading. For criterias of
Arbeitskarte 000.11. replacement see work card 000.11

6721 2.5.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 04

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Kolben Piston 034

A 250 +0,040/+0,020 -- --
B -- 0,025 ... 0,074 0,120
C 250 -0,005/-0,034 -- --
D 495 -- --
E 919 -- --
F 580* -- --
G ** -- --

* Die Außendurchmesser sind infolge der ballig-- * Checking the outer dimensions of the piston is
ovalen Form nur schwer zu kontrollieren. Auf die rather difficult due to its crowned, oval form. Exact
Angabe genauer Maße wurde verzichtet, da die dimensions are not listed because normaly the life
Lebensdauer des Kolbens normalerweise durch of the piston is, in any case, determined by the
den Verschleiß der Ringnuten bestimmt wird. wear of the ring grooves.
** Kompressionsabstand - siehe Abnahmeprotokoll ** Compression clearance - see acceptance record

Kolbenringe Piston rings 034

A 10 +0,300/+0,280 -- --
B -- 0330 ... 0,390 0,800
C 10 -0,050/-0,090 -- --
D -- 0,296 ... 0,350 0,500
E 10 -0,016/+0,050 -- --
F 10 +0,180/+0,150 -- --
G -- 0,166 ... 0,230 0,300
H 12 +0,080/+0,060 -- --
J -- 0,076 ... 0,130 0,250
K 12 -0,016/-0,050 -- --
L* -- 1,000 ... 1,400 ****
L** -- 1,400 ... 2,000 ****
L*** -- 2,200 ... 2,600 ****

* Stoßspiel Ring 1, 2, 3, 4 * Ring gap: Ring 1, 2, 3, 4

** Stoßspiel Ring 1, bei gasdichten ** Ring gap: Ring 1, gas-tight
(überlappten) Ringen Sachnummer: -1366 (overlapped) rings Part number: -1366
*** Stoßspiel Ring 1, bei gasdichten *** Ring gap: Ring 1, gas-tight
(überlappten) Ringen Sachnummer: -1384 (overlapped) rings Part number: -1384
**** siehe Arbeitskarte 034.05 **** see work card 034.05

6721 2.5.4--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 04

Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances-- Part 2 2.5.5

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)

Dimension/Measuring point Nominal Dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Zylinderbuchse Cylinder liner 050

A 580 +0,070 -- --
B2* -- -- 1,740
B4* -- -- 0,464
B5* -- -- 0,174
C** -- -- 0,600
D 780 -- --
E 670 -- --
F 1452 -- --
G 996 -- --
H 652 -- --
K 108 -- --

* maximal zulässiger Verschleiß an Meßstelle * Maximum permitted wear at measuring point

der Lehrschiene (siehe Arbeitskarte 050.02) of gauge bar (see work card 050.02)
** Ovalität, C (A1 -- A2) ** Ovality, C (A1 -- A2 )

Maße A, B, C gültig für Zylinderbuchse, nicht für Dimensions A, B, C apply to cylinder liner, not to top
Feuerstegring. land ring.
Das Maß A wird im oberen Umkehrpunkt des ersten The dimension A is measured at the point of reversal
Kolbenringes quer und längs zur Motorlängsachse of the top ring parallel with and at right angles to the
gemessen. longitudinal engine axis.

6721 2.5.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 03

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal Dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Zylinderkopf/Zylinderkopfschraube Cylinder head/Cylinder head bolt 055

A 774 -- --
B 996 -- --
C 1315 -- --
D 791,6 -- --
E 2113 -- --
F/G M64x4 -- --

Steuerungsantrieb Camshaft drive 100

A* -- 0,200 ... 0,381 0,460

B* -- 0,175 ... 0,349 0,420
C* -- 0,200 ... 0,377 0,450

* Zahnspiel * Gear backlash

6721 2.5.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 03

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal Dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Steuerungsantrieb Camshaft drive 100

D 180 +0,182/+0,123 -- --
E -- 0,143 ... 0,227 0,280*
F 180 -0,020/-0,045 -- --
G -- 0,650... 1,050 1,200
H -- 0,700... 1,200 1,300

* Spielvergrößerung in der Regel gering. * As a rule, only minimal increase of clearance.

Austauschkriterien siehe Arbeitskarte 000.11. For criterias of replacement see work card 000.11

Nockenwellenlager Camshaft bearing 102

A 200 +0,235/+0,204 -- --
B -- 0,204 ... 0,264 *
C 200 -0,029 -- --
D -- 0,300 ... 0,500 1,200

* Grenzwert für Lagerschalendicke im Haupt- * Limiting value for thickness of bearing shells in the
belastungsbereich. Austauschkriterien siehe zone of maximum loading. For criterias of
Arbeitskarte 000.11. replacement see work card 000.11

6721 2.5.5--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 03

Dimensions/Clearances/Tolerances-- Part 3 2.5.6

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)

Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Kipphebellager/Einlaßventil/Auslaßventil Rocker arm bearing/Inlet valve/Exhaust valve 111/113/114

A1) -- 0,500 +0,100 --

B2) -- 1,300 +0,100 --
C** 40 +0,050 -- --
D** -- 0,160 ... 0,250 0,38
E** 39,82 +0,020/-0,020 -- --
K 185 -- --
L*** 43 -- --
M 932 +0,300/-0,300 -- --

1) Ventilspiel für Einlaßventile* 1) Valve clearance for inlet valves*

2) Ventilspiel für Auslaßventile* 2) Valve clearance for exhaust valves*
* gemessen bei kaltem oder warmem Motor * measurement taken with cold or warm engine
** Ein- und Auslaßventil, gemessen auf halber ** Inlet and exhaust valve, measurement taken in
Höhe der Ventilführung the middle of the valve guide
*** Ventilhub *** Ventilhub

Ein- und Auslaßschwinghebel Inlet and exhaust cam follower 112

A 110 +0,154/+0,026 -- --
B -- 0,066 ... 0,214 0,260
C 110 -0,040/-0,060 -- --
D 60 +0,240/+0,210 -- --
E -- 0,117 ... 0,220 0,300
F 60 +0,033/+0,020 -- --
G -- 0,300 ... 1,300 --
H -- 0,400 ... 0,600 --

6721 2.5.6--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 101/ 05

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Reglerantrieb Governor drive 140

A 45 +0,039 -- --
B -- 0,050 ... 0,105 0,150
C 45 -0,050/-0,066 -- --
D 75 +0,046 -- --
E -- 0,030 ... 0,106 0,150
F 75 -0,030/-0,060 -- --
G -- 0,030 ... 0,400 0,600
H -- 0,150 ... 0,390 0,600
J* -- 0,156 ... 0,308 0,350
K* -- 0,150 ... 0,372 0,450

* Zahnspiel * Gear backlash

Anlaßsteuerschieber Starting air pilot valve 160

A -- 0,30 ... 0,40 --

6721 2.5.6--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 102/ 05

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Kraftstoffeinspritzpumpe Fuel injection pump 200

A 15 +0,120/+0,100 -- --
B -- 0,100 ... 0,150 0,200
C 15 -0,030 -- --
D 55+0,074 -- --
E -- 0,026 ... 0,150 --
F (55,15 -0150) -- --
G 95 +0,046/+0,120 -- --
H -- 0,120 ... 0,209 0,250
J 95 -0,035 -- --
N1) 45 -- --

1) Stempelhub 1) Plunger stroke

Antrieb der Kraftstoffeinspritzpumpe Drive of fuel injection pump 201

A 110 +0,155/+0,002 -- --
B -- 0,065 ... 0,225 0,300
C 110 -0,036/-0,070 -- --
D 75 +0,100/+0,070 -- --
E -- 0,080 ... 0,129 0,200
F 75 -0,010/-0,029 -- --
G 75 +0,090/+0,060 -- --
H -- 0,070 ... 0,119 0,100
J 75,15 +0,030 -- --
K -- 0,150 ... 0,199 0,270
L 75 -0,019 -- --
M -- 0,050 ... 0,142 0,250
N 205 -0,050/-0,096 -- --
O 205 +0,046 -- --

6721 2.5.6--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 103/ 05

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Kraftstoffeinspritzventil Fuel injection valve 221

A* -- 1,3 +0,050 --
B** -- -- --
C 543 -- --
D 100 -- --

* Nadelhub * Needle lift

** Düsenspezifikation - siehe Abnahmeprotokoll ** Injector specification - see acceptance record

Antrieb für am Motor angebaute Pumpen Drive for engine-mounted pumps 300/350

A* -- 0,400 ... 0,650 0,800

B* -- 0,350 ... 0,600 0,750

* Zahnspiel * Gear backlash

6721 2.5.6--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 104/ 05

Maß/Meßstelle Nennmaß (mm) Spiel neu (mm) Spiel max. (mm)
Dimension/Measuring point Nominal dimension Clearance when Max. clearance
(mm) new (mm) (mm)

Drehzahlaufnehmer Speed sensor 400

A -- 2,0 ... 3,0 --

Pufferkolben Buffer piston 434

A 90 +0,035 -- --
B -- 0,036 ... 0,106 0,110
C 90 -0,036/-0,071 -- --

6721 2.5.6--01 E 01.06 L 58/64 CD 105/ 05

Operation/Operating media

1 Introduction

2 Technical details

3 Operation/
Operating media

4 Maintenance/Repair

5 Annex

6680 3--02 E 07.97 101/ 01

Table of contents

N 3 Operation/Operating media

N 3.1 Prerequisites
: : N 3.1.1 Prerequisites/Warranty
N 3.2 Safety regulations
: : N 3.2.1 General remarks
: : : N 3.2.2 Destination/suitability of the engine
: : : N 3.2.3 Risks/dangers
: : : N 3.2.4 Safety instructions
: : : N 3.2.5 Safety regulations
N 3.3 Operating media
: : N 3.3.1 Quality requirements on gas oil/diesel fuel (MGO)
: : N 3.3.2 Quality requirements for Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO)
: : N 3.3.3 Quality requirements for heavy fuel oil (HFO)
: : N 3.3.4 Viscosity/Temperature diagram for fuel oils
: : N 3.3.5 Quality requirements for lube oil
: : N 3.3.6 Quality requirements for lube oil
: : N 3.3.7 Quality requirements for engine cooling water
: N 3.3.8 Analyses of operating media
: : N 3.3.11 Quality requirements for intake air (combustion air)
N 3.4 Engine operation I -- Starting the engine
: : N 3.4.1 Preparations for start/ Engine starting and stopping
: : N 3.4.2 Change--over from Diesel fuel oil to heavy fuel oil and vice versa
: : N 3.4.3 Admissible outputs and speeds
: : : N 3.4.4 Engine Running--in
N 3.5 Engine operation II -- Control the operating media
: : N 3.5.1 Monitoring the engine/ performing routine jobs
: : N 3.5.2 Engine log book/ Engine diagnosis/Engine management
: : N 3.5.3 Load curve during acceleration/manoeuvring
: : N 3.5.4 Part--load operation
: N 3.5.5 Determine the engine output and design point
: : N 3.5.6 Engine operation at reduced speed
: : N 3.5.7 Equipment for adapting the engine to special operating conditions
: N 3.5.8 Bypassing of charge air
: N 3.5.9 Condensed water in charge air pipes and pressure vessels

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /02

: : N 3.5.10 Load application
: N 3.5.11 Exhaust gas blow--off
N 3.6 Engine operation III -- Operating faults
: : N 3.6.1 Faults/Deficiencies and their causes (Trouble Shooting)
: : N 3.6.2 Emergency operation with one cylinder failing
: : N 3.6.3 Emergency operation on failure of one turbocharger
: : N 3.6.4 Failure of the electrical mains supply (Black out)
: N 3.6.5 Failure of the cylinder lubrication
: : : N 3.6.7 Behaviour in case operating values are exceeded/ alarms are released
: : : N 3.6.8 Procedures in case a splash--oil alarm is triggered
N 3.7 Engine operation IV -- Engine shut--down
: N 3.7.1 Shut down/Preserve the engine

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 102 / 02

Prerequisites 3.1

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.1--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

Prerequisites/Warranty 3.1.1

Prerequisites dating back into the past

Some of the prerequisites for successful operation of the engine/engine

plant are already dating back into the past when the phase of day-to-day
operation commences. Other prerequisites can, or have to be directly

The factors that are no longer accessible to direct influence, are

- the source of the engine,
- qualified manufacture including careful controlling under the eyes of
control boards/classification societies,
- reliable assembly of the engine and its exact tuning during the trials.
The factors dating back into the past and having effects on future
performance also include
- the care invested in the planning, layout and construction of the
- the level of cooperation of the buyer with the projecting firm and the
supplier, and
- the consistent, purpose activities during the commissioning, testing and
breaking-in phases.

Day-to-day prerequisites

The prerequisites directly required for day-to-day operation and to be

provided for again and again are, for example
- the selection of appropriate personnel and its instruction and training,
- the availability of technical documentation for the system, and of
operating instructions and safety regulation in particular,
- ensuring operational availability and reliability, in due consideration of
operational purposes and results,
- the organisation of controlling, servicing and repair work,
- the putting into operation of systems, ancillaries and engines in
accordance with a chronologically organised checklist, and
- definition of the operating purposes, compromising between expense
and benefit.
Detailed information on the above items is given in the following.


Questions of warranty will be treated in compliance with the “General

Conditions of Delivery” of MAN B&W Diesel AG. In the following, we have
quoted some decisive passages, as a guideline how to orientate yourself
in your every-day decisions and/or actions by these principles. The
complete written texts and/or agreements reached in each case shall be

6680 3.1.1--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 101/ 02

“MAN B&W Diesel AG shall warrant expressly assured properties as well
as faultless design, manufacture and material. Parts which by reason of
defects have become unserviceable or the serviceability of which has
been substantially impaired shall, at the option of MAN B&W Diesel AG,
be reconditioned free of charge or MAN B&W DIesel AG shall supply new
parts at the cost and risk of MAN B&W Diesel AG.”

Item 4
“The warranty shall not cover normal wear and parts which, owing to their
inherent material properties or the use they are intended for, are subject to
premature wear; damage caused by improper storage, handling or
treatment, overloading, the use of unsuitable fuels, oils etc., faulty
construction work or foundations, unsuitable building ground, chemical,
electrochemical or electrical influences.”

Item 5
“The Purchaser may only claim the warranty of MAN B&W Diesel AG if
- the equipment was installed and put into operation by personnel of
MAN B&W Diesel AG,
- MAN B&W Diesel AG have been advised in writing of the claimed
defect immediately, but not later than two months after expiry of the
warranty period,
- the Purchaser has observed the instructions issued by MAN B&W
Diesel AG in respect of the handling and maintenance of the equipment
and, in particular, has duly carried out any specified checks,
- no subsequent adustments have been carried out without the approval
of MAN B&W Diesel AG,
- no spare parts of outside make have been used.”

6680 3.1.1--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Safety regulations 3.2

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.2--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

General remarks 3.2.1

Safety-related principles/compliance with the same

Safe use German laws and standards as well as guidelines of the European Com-
munity (EC) require that technical products ensure the necessary safety
for the users and that they are in conformity with the generally accepted
technical rules. In this connection, it is emphasised that the safe use and
the safety of machines is to be guaranteed by proper planning and design
and that this cannot be reached by means of restrictive rules of conduct.

Intended use The technical documentation must contain statements regarding the “in-
tended use” and concerning restrictions in the use.

Remaining risks Remaining risks must be disclosed, sources of danger/critical situations

must be marked/named. These remarks serve the purpose of enabling
the operating personnel to act in accordance with danger precautions/
safety requirements.

As communication elements which bring such sources of danger/critical

situations to the attention of the operating personnel, signals, symbols,
texts or illustrations are to be used. Their use on the product and in the
technical documentation is to be co-ordinated. For safety requirements, a
multi-stage system is to be used.

MAN B&W Diesel AG’s These requirements are adhered to by MAN B&W Diesel AG by special
contribution efforts in development, design and execution and by drawing up the
technical documentation accordingly, especially by the remarks contained
in this section. The compilation (partially in key words) does, however, not
release the operating personnel from observing the respective sections of
the technical documentation. Please also note that incorrect behaviour
might result in the loss of warranty claims.

6680 3.2.1--02 E 06.04 32/40 upw 101/ 04

Warning sign, danger spots on the engine

Bild 1. Warning sign

This warning sign is to be posted on the engine as well as at all entrances

to the engine room and engine house respectively in a clearly visible

Persons who have to proceed to the danger area within a radius of 2.5 m
of the engine for operational reasons are to be instructed with regard to
the prevailing dangers. Admittance to the danger area is permitted on
condition that the engine is in proper operating condition and only if a suit-
able safety outfit is worn. An unnecessary stay within the danger area is

6680 3.2.1--02 E 06.04 32/40 upw 102/ 04

Explanations with regard to the warning sign, meaning of the symbols Warning notices

Beware of a danger spot!

Inflammable material!

Beware of hand injuries

Danger of bruising!

Hot surface!

Explanations with regard to the warning sign, meaning of the symbols Prohibitions

Fire, open light and smoking are forbidden!

No admittance for unauthorised persons!

6680 3.2.1--02 E 06.04 32/40 upw 103/ 04

Explanations with regard to the warning sign, meaning of the symbols Imperative

Use ear protection!

Wear a hard hat!

Use eye protection!

Wear protective clothing!

Wear safety shoes!

Wear protective gloves!

Observe the operating instructions/

working instructions!

6680 3.2.1--02 E 06.04 32/40 upw 104/ 04

Destination/suitability of the engine 3.2.2

Use in accordance with the destination

The four-stroke Diesel engine delivered is destined for (firstly) operation

under the marginal conditions stipulated
- under Technical Data, Section 2.5.1,
- in the technical specification, Section 2.1 and
- in the order confirmation.
Furthermore destined for (secondly)
- operation using the specified operating media,
- taking into consideration the design/layout of the supply, measuring,
control and regulating systems as well as laying down of the marginal
conditions (e.g. removal space/crane capacities) in accordance with the
recommendations of MAN B &W Diesel AG or according to the state of
the art.
Furthermore destined for (thirdly)
- start, operation and stopping in accordance with the usual
organisational rules, exclusively by authorised, qualified, trained
persons who are familiar with the plant.
Furthermore destined for (fourthly)

Situation/characteristic on condition of
(Marine engine) for operation at full load in arctic waters or Charge-air blow-off device
(stationary engines) operated temporarily at overload
Part-load operation with improved acceleration ability Charge-air blow-by device
Safe operation in the upper load range with part-load optimised Charge-air blow-off device
Fast and to a large extent soot-free acceleration Jet-assist device
Part-load operation with improved combustion and reduced Two-stage charge-air cooler
formation of residues
Operation with optimised part-load operating values by means of Timing adjustment device
timing adjustment (only engine 32/40)
Operation with optimised injection timing Injection timer
Slow turning prior to starting (in case of automatic operation) Slow-turn device
Low-vibration and low-noise (structure-borne) operation Semi-elastic/elastic support
Output on the free engine end Crankshaft extension
Cleaning of the turbocharger/s (during operation) Cleaning device/s
Cleaning of the charge-air cooler/s Cleaning device

6680 3.2.2--01 E 11.02 All D Eng 101/ 02

With restrictions destined/suitable for

The engine is with restrictions destined/suitable for:

- operation at operating values resulting in an alarm situation,
- operation at reduced speed (marine main engines),
- passing through barred speed ranges,
- black-out test,
- idling or low-load operation,
- operation with generator in “reverse power”
(during parallel operation with the grid),
- operation at reduced maintenance expenditures,
- speeded-up acceleration/abrupt loading/unloading to a moderate
- operation without cylinder lubrication,
- operation after failure of the speed governor
(only marine main engines 32/40),
- operation in case of failure of the elctronic-hydraulic speed control
system after switching over to mech.-hydraulic speed governor
(40/45 ... 58/64)
- emergency operation with one or two blocked/partly disassembled
......... shut-off fuel pumps,
......... removed running gear/s,
......... dismounted rocker arms/push-rods.

Not destined/suitable for

The engine is not destined/suitable for:

- operation at operating values due to which engine stop or load
reduction was effected,
- putting into operation of the engine/of parts without running in,
- operation in case of black-out,
- operation in case of failure of supply equipment (air, compressed air,
water, ..., electric voltage supply, power take-off),
- operation within barred speed ranges,
- operation after failure of the mech.-hydraulic speed governor,
- operation without appropriate surveillance/supervision,
- operation without maintenance expenditures or if they have been
reduced to a great extent,
- unauthorised modifications,
- use of other than original spare parts,
- long-term shut-down without taking preservation measures.

6680 3.2.2--01 E 11.02 All D Eng 102/ 02

Risks/dangers 3.2.3

Dangers due to deficiencies concerning personnel/level of training

Expectations in case of vessel Propeller operation/generator operation (normal operation/operation in

plants road stead):
Chief engineer on board. Operational control by technical officer.

Maintenance work/repair work in the port:

To be carried out by engine operator, technical assistants or technicians
and helpers. For instructions and in difficult cases: technical officer or chief

Generator operation (in port):

Operational control by technical officer.

Maintenance work/repair work in port:

As mentioned above.

Supplementary, the following Persons responsible for the operational control must be in possession of a
applies qualification certificate/patent which is in accordance with the national
requirements and international agreements (STCW). The number of
required persons and their minimum qualification are, as a rule, specified
by national requirements, otherwise by international agreements (STCW).

Expectations in case of During operation:

stationary plants (power plants) Plant manager (engineer) available. Operational control/supervision of the
engine and the belonging supply systems by trained and specially
instructed engine operator or technical assistant.

Maintenance work/repair work:

Execution by engine operator, technical assistants or technicians and
helpers. For instructions and in difficult cases: engineer or chief engineer.

Supplementary, the following For persons responsible for the operational control and for persons
applies carrying out/supervising maintenance and repair work, proof must be
furnished in Germany in accordance with the power economy law
(Energiewirtschaftsgesetz = EnWG) that, among other things, the
technical operation is ensured by a sufficient number of qualified
personnel. In other countries, comparable laws/guidelines are to be
observed. Deficiencies regarding personnel/level of training cannot be
compensated by other efforts.

Dangers due to components/systems

Certain dangers do of course originate from technical products and from

certain operating conditions or actions taken. This also applies to engines
and turbochargers in spite of all efforts in development, design and
manufacturing. They can be safely operated in normal operation and also
under some unfavourable conditions. Nevertheless, some dangers
remain, which cannot be avoided completely. Some of them are only
potential risks and some do only occur under certain conditions or in case
of unforeseen actions. Others do absolutely exist.

6640 3.2.3--01 E 07.04 L 58/64 101/ 08

Table 2, Figures 1 and 2 Please refer to Table 2, Figures 1 and 2. These sheets are meant to draw
the attention to such danger zones.

Figure 1. Danger zones on the engine according to the EC Machine Guideline

(part 1)

6640 3.2.3--01 E 07.04 L 58/64 102/ 08

Figure 2. Danger zones on the engine according to EC Machine Guideline (part 2)

Danger due to operational control/due to inappropriate use

Tables 3 and 4 Dangers do not only result from components and systems but also from
certain operating conditions or actions taken. Dangers of this type are
listed in the Tables 3 and 4, which contain additional instructions to the
listing in key--words in Section 3.2.2.

Dangers due to emissions

Emission Danger Preventive/protective measure

Treated cooling water, lube oil, Harmful to skin and noxious, Use/dispose in accordance with the
hydraulic oil, fuel polluts water instructions of the
Cleaning agents and auxiliary According to the manufacturers’ Use/dispose in accordance with the
materials specification instructions of the
Exhaust gas with the dangerous Noxious1), has a negative effect on Carry out maintenance work
constituents NOx, SO2, CO, HC, soot the the environment in case the according to the maintenance
limit values are exceeded schedule, maintain danger--oriented
operational control, critically
observe operating results
Sound (air--borne) Noxious, has a negative effect on Wear ear protection, restrict
the environment in case the limit exposure to the necessary
values are exceeded minimum

6640 3.2.3--01 E 07.04 L 58/64 103/ 08

Emission Danger Preventive/protective measure
Sound (structure--borne) Noxious, has a negative effect on Restrict exposure to the necessary
the environment in case the limit minimum
values are exceeded
Vibrations Noxious, for the maximum Avoid intensification of
admissible limit value, please refer process--induced vibrations by
to Volume B1, Section 2.5.1 additional sources of interference

1) Information for customers in California

Proposition 65 Warning
Diesel engine exhaust and some of its constituents are known to
the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, and other
reproductive harm.

Table 1. Dangers caused by emissions, originating from engine and turbocharger

Planned working places

Engines are usually operated under remote control. Regular rounds

according to the rules of “observation--free operation” are required. In this
connection, measurement, control and regulating devices as well as other
areas of the plant, which require special attention, are preferably checked.
A continuous stay in the immediate vicinity of the running engine/
turbocharger is not planned.

Maintenance and repair work are, if possible, not to be carried out in the
vicinity of the danger zones listed in Table 1 or in Figures 1 and 2.

Personal protective measures

The regulations for prevention of accidents (Unfallverhütungsvorschriften =

UVV) and other regulations of the proper trade association or other
comparable institutions are to be observed without restriction.

This includes wearing of protective working clothing and safety shoes, the
use of a safety helmet, safety goggles, ear protection and gloves.

The relevant sections of the technical documentation must be read and


6640 3.2.3--01 E 07.04 L 58/64 104/ 08

Danger zone Source of hazard Possible consequences

Danger to ship and crew or emergency situation due to lack of

Engine, complete (1) Absence of/impaired operational reliability
Toothed rim/locating bolts Body/limbs may get caught, squeezed, beaten
Flywheel (2)

Turning gear (3) Toothed rim//area of gear meshing Body/limbs may get caught, squeezed

Space upstream of the running Danger of explosion/danger of running gear parts

3.2.3--01 E

gear on the longitudinal sides of Parts may be pushed out/come off

being pushed out
the engine (4)
Turbocharger, especially space Parts under internal pressure, parts turning at high
Parts may break, come off
radially to the rotor (5) speeds
Pipes/pressure vessels/,
Squirting out/escape of media, danger of injuries, danger of
parts/systems to which pressure is Parts under internal pressure, which are filled with
fire, loss of operating media, contamination, or causing
applied, or parts/systems filled with liquids/gases
damage to the environment, noxious
liquid or gas (6)
In case of bearing or piston seizures, there is danger of
Crankcase cover (7) Moving parts, hot/swirled oil explosion, danger of fire and accidents due to squirting out of
oil, danger to persons

Covering of camshaft, rocker arms Meshing cams/camshaft, movement of rocker arms

Clothes/limbs may get caught/squeezed, escape of oil
and push rods (8) and push rods

Insulation and jacketing of fuel and Hot surfaces, inflammable medium, parts under high Burning, squirting out of fuel, under certain circumstances in
injection pipes (9) internal pressure piercing jets

Exhaust pipe and jacketing of the Hot surfaces, parts under internal pressure, filled with
Burning, escape of hot gases, danger of fire
exhaust pipe (10) hot gas
Measuring, control and regulating Electric shock, burning, risk of lightning; in case of incorrect
Under voltage behaviour, the function is adversely affected
L 58/64

devices/systems (electric) (11)

Measuring, control and regulating Danger of injuries due to squirting out/escape of media, due to
Parts under internal pressure, which are filled with
devices/systems release of pressure; in case of incorrect behaviour, the
(hydraulic/pneumatic) (12) function is adversely affected
Regulation linkage of the fuel
Moving, spring--tensioned parts Squeezing, injury due to released spring tension
pump (13)
Screw connections (14) Parts under high compression stress/tensile stress Danger due to tearing off/coming loose of screws/nuts
105/ 08
Danger zones Source of hazard Possible consequences

Safety valves, pressure adjusting

valves (cylinder head, crankcase, Malfunction/functional inability and consequential Injuries due to bursting, coming off parts, due to escaping
measuring, control and regulating failures media
systems) (16)

Depending on the cases of application, differing, partly

Special tools (17) Damage to persons/damage to property
high potential of danger
3.2.3--01 E

Hydraulic tensioning tools, Parts under high internal pressure may tear, break,
Injuries due to coming off/coming loose parts, due to escaping
high--pressure hoses, become untight; escape of hydraulic oil in piercing jets
hydraulic oil
high--pressure pump (18) is possible, hydraulic oil is noxious

Table 2. Danger zones on the engine (w

when being used appropriately)
L 58/64
106/ 08
Danger zone Source of hazard Possible consequences

Operation at reduced speed Increase in torque, negative influence on operating Contamination, wear, overloading of components,
(marine main engines) values turbocharger surging
Idling operation or low--load Operation beyond the operating range, deterioration
Incomplete combustion, residues in the combustion chamber
operation of the operating values

Operation with generator in Generator is operated as engine, combustion engine

“reverse power” (in case of parallel is being driven Unplanned operating condition
3.2.3--01 E

operation with the grid)

Speeded--up acceleration/load Increased thermal and mechanical stresses, exhaust
reduction Unplanned operating condition
discoloration, overloading of turbocharger
Operation without cylinder Deterioration of the lubricating conditions, engine operation
Lack of lube oil
lubrication can be continued for a short period (app. 250 h)

Operation in case the speed Remote--controlled manoeuvring is not possible in

case of marine main engines (communication Manoeuvrability impaired
governor fails
Emergency operation with
Conductivity of the engine is impaired, imminent
blocked/partly dismounted

Emergency operation with shut--off Reduction in output is necessary, operating values
fuel pump may be exceeded
Reduction in output is necessary, operating values
Emergency operation with may be exceeded, imminent starting difficulties, Increased attention required
removed running gear critical vibrations may occur
Emergency operation after
Reduction in output is necessary, operating values
dismounting of rocker arms/push Increased attention required
may be exceeded
Table 3. Danger situations in case of pa
artially inappropriate use
L 58/64
107/ 08
Danger zone Source of hazard Possible consequences

Taking into operation of the Initial damage on components, negative influence on Increased wear, permanent damage, influence on the oil
engine/of parts without running in running faces consumption, in the extreme case piston seizure
Operation with impaired operating
Overheating due to lack of cooling and air, seizure due to lack
media/voltage supply (including Failure of operating media or voltage supply

of lube oil
black--out and black--out test)
Operation within restricted speed Increasecd, under certain conditions resonance--like
Endangering of components and screw connections
3.2.3--01 E

ranges intensifying vibrations and mechanical stress

Operation without appropriate
Reaction on occurrances not ensured Diverse
Deterioration of operational reliability, spontaneous
Operation with strongly reduced
failures must be apprehended, coercion to improvise, Cumulative effects, loss of warranty claims
special actions at unfavourable points of time
Danger of deterioration of the operational reliability Failure of parts leading to consequential damage, loss of
Unauthorised modifications
due to unreasonable solutions warranty claims
Interaction with other parts is not ensured,
Failure of parts leading to consequential damage, loss of
Use of non--original spare parts deterioration of operational reliability and spontaneous
warranty claims

failures must be apprehended

Taking out of operation for an Corrosion damage, accumulation of corrosive products,
extended period of time without Corrosion, getting stuck of parts
starting and operating difficulties
Table 4. Danger situations in case of ina
appropriate use
L 58/64
108/ 08
Safety instructions 3.2.4

Characterisation/danger scale

Characterisation According to the relevant laws, guidelines and standards, attention must
be drawn to dangers by means of safety instructions. This applies to the
marking used on the product and in the technical documentation. In this
connection, the following information is to be provided:

- type and source of danger,

- imminence/extent of danger,
- possible consequences,
- preventive measures.

The statements and tables in Section 3.2.3 follow this regulation, just as
the other safety instructions in the technical documentation do.
Danger scale The imminence/extent of danger is characterised by a five--step scale as

▲▲▲ Danger! Imminent danger

Possible consequences: Death or most severe injuries, total damage
to property

▲▲ Caution! Potentially dangerous situation

Possible consequences: Severe injuries

▲ Attention! Possibly dangerous situation

Possible consequences: Slight injuries, possible damage to property

Important! For calling attention to error sources/handling errors

Tip! For tips regarding use and supplementary information


▲▲▲ Danger! The flywheel can catch body/limbs so that they are
squashed or hit.
Do not remove the flywheel enclosure. Keep your hands out of the
operating area.

▲ Attention! Taking the engine/components into operation without

prior running in can lead to damage on components.
Proceed according to instructions, also run in again after an extended
period of low--load operation.

6680 3.2.4--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Safety regulations 3.2.5


Personnel The engine and its system may only be started, operated and stopped by
authorised personnel. The personnel has to be trained for this purpose,
possess complete understanding of the plant and should be aware of the
existing potential dangers.

Technical documentation The personnel must be familiar with the technical documentation of the
plant, in particular the operating manual of the engine and the accessories
required for engine operation. Particular attention must be paid to the re-
spective safety regulations.

Service log book It is advisable resp. required by supervisory authorities to keep a service
log book into which all the essential jobs and deadlines for their perform-
ance, the operating results and special events are entered. The purpose of
this log book is that in the event of a change in personnel the successors
are in a position to duly continue operation using this data log. Moreover,
the log book permits to derive a certain trend analysis and to trace back
faults in operation.

Regulations for accident pre- The regulations for accident prevention valid for the plant should be ob-
vention served during engine operation as well as during maintenance and over-
haul work. It is advisable to post those regulations conspicuously in the
engine room and to stress the danger of accidents over and over again.

Following advice The following advice covers the measures against moving of running gear
parts and general precautions for work/occurrences on the engine, its
neighbouring systems and in the engine room. It does not claim to be
complete. Safety requirements mentioned in other passages of the techni-
cal documentation are valid supplementarily and are to be observed in the
same way.

Secure the crankshaft and components connected to it against moving

Before starting work in the crankcase or on components that move when

the crankshaft is turning, it must be ensured that the crankshaft cannot be
rotated/the engine cannot be started.

▲▲▲ Danger! Ignoring this means danger to life!

Causes Unintentional turning of the crankshaft and thus movement of the con-
nected components may be caused:
- in marine propulsion plants by the vessel in operation or when the
vessel is at standstill due to the flow of water against the propeller,
- in gensets by maloperation when the mains voltage is applied,
- by unintentional or negligent starting of the engine,
- by unintentional or negligent actuation of the engine turning device
(turning gear).
Precautions The following protective measures are to be taken:

6680 3.2.5--01 E 10.05 General 101/ 04

- Close the shut-off valves of the starting and control air vessels/secure
them against opening. Open the drain cocks in the air pipes/at the
filters. Open the relief cock at the main starting valve,
- Engage the engine turning device, secure against actuation.
▲ Attention! In double and multi-engine plants the engine turning
device must no be used as locking brake when the second engine is

The resistance of the engine turning device is not sufficient to reliably pre-
vent the crankshaft from turning. When the turning device is engaged, only
the start-up is electrically blocked and the control air supply to the main
starting valve is interrupted.
- Mount a warning sign to the operating devices permitting a start-up of
the engine.
- For gensets and shaft generators: Secure the generator switch (es-
pecially of asynchronous generators) against switching-on. Mount a
warning sign. As far as possible the safeguards/safeguarding elements
are to be opened in additon.
- For main marine engines with variable-pitch propeller:
Pitch of the engine at standstill to be set to zero-thrust, not to zero.
- For single-engine plants with fixed-pitch or variable-pitch propeller:
The above-mentioned measures are to be carried out. Further precau-
tions are not required.
- For multi-engine plants with reduction gearbox/es, when work is carried
out on one engine while the other engine is running:
J When using flexible couplings their rubber elements have to be re-
J When using flexible couplings with intermediate rings the latter have to
be removed; the resulting free space must by no means be bridged.
Coupling parts becoming loose as a result have to be supported if re-
J When using clutch-type couplings between the engine and the gearbox
these have to be removed completely. Switching off/opening of the
coupling, as well as shutting off the switching medium compressed air/
oil is not sufficient.
J When using clutch-type couplings in the gearbox the flexible couplings
have to be partly disassembled in accordance with the first two points.
- For engines with mechanical dredger pump drive on which work at the
dredger pump gearbox or at the dredger pump is carried out during en-
gine operation, measures have to be taken which are in accordance
with the above-mentioned points.

Precautions in case other work is being done on the engine

Opening of crankcase doors Crankcase doors must not be opened prior to ten minutes after an alarm/
engine stop, due to excessive bearing temperatures or oil vapour con-

▲ Attention! Danger of explosion due to atmospheric oxygen enter-

ing, because overheated components and operating media in their
environment may be at ignition temperatures.

Opening of pipes/pressure Before opening pipes, flanges, screwed connections or fittings, check if
vessels the system is depressurized/emptied.

▲ Attention! Disregarding this means: risk of burns when hot

fluids are involved, fire hazard in case fuel escapes, injuries caused
by flung-out screw plugs or similar objects when loosening same
under pressure.

6680 3.2.5--01 E 10.05 General 102/ 04

Disassembling/assembling In case of disassembly, all pipes to be reinstalled, especially those for fuel
pipelines oil, lube oil and air, are to be carefully closed. New pipes to be fitted are to
be checked whether clean, and flushed if necessary. It must be avoided by
any means that any foreign matter gets into the system. In case of pro-
longed storage, all parts involved have to be subjected to preservation

Use of hydraulic tensioning When using hydraulic tensioning tools, observe the particular safety re-
tools gulations in work card 000.33.

▲ Attention! Disregarding this means: danger of injuries by needle-

like or razor-edged jets of hydraulic oil (which may perforate the
hand), or by tool fragments flung about in case of fractured bolts.

Removing/detaching heavy When removing or detaching heavy engine components it is imperative to

engine components ensure that the transportation equipment is in perfect condition and has
the adequate capacity of carrying the load. The place selected for deposit-
ing must also have the appropriate carrying capacity. This is not always
the case with platforms, staircase landings or gratings.

Releasing compression springs For releasing compression springs, use the devices provided (refer to the
work cards that apply).

▲ Attention! Disregarding this means: danger of injuries by

suddenly released spring forces/components.

Coverings Following assembly work, check whether all the coverings over moving
parts and laggings over hot parts have been mounted in place again. En-
gine operation with coverings removed is only permissible in special
cases, e.g. if the valve rotator is to be checked for proper performance.

▲ Attention! Disregardig this means: risk of fire. Loose clothing

and long hair might get entangled. Spontaneous supporting against
moving parts when loosing ones balance may result in serious in-

Use of self-locking hexagon nuts Self-locking hexagon nuts are to be used once only.
After they have been used for assembly, they must be replaced by new
self-locking hexagon nuts.

Use of cleaning agents When using cleaning agents, the suppliers instructions with respect to use,
potential risks and disposal are to be observed.

▲ Attention! Disregarding this means: danger of caustic skin and

eye injury, and also of the respiratory tract if vapours are produced.

▲ Attention! Using Diesel fuel for cleaning purposes involves the

risk of fire or even explosion. Otto fuel (petrol) or chlorinated hydro-
carbons must not be used for cleaning purposes.

Use of anti-corrosion agents ▲ Attention! Anti-corrosion agents may contain inflammable sol-
vents which, in closed spaces, may form explosive mixtures (see
work card 000.14).

Use of high-pressure cleaning When using high-pressure cleaning equipment, be careful to apply it
equipment properly. Shaft ends including ones with lip seal rings, controllers, splash
water protected monitoring equipment, cable entries and sound/heat insu-
lating parts covered by water-permeable materials have to be appropri-
ately covered or excluded from high-pressure cleaning.

6680 3.2.5--01 E 10.05 General 103/ 04

Other precautions

Failure of the speed governor/ In case of speed governor or overspeed governor failure, the engine has
overspeed governor to be stopped immediately. Engine operation with the speed governor
and/or overspeed governor failing can only be tolerated in emergency situ-
ations and is the operator’s responsibility.

▲▲▲ Danger! If the speed governor/overspeed governor is defec-

tive, a sudden drop in engine loading upon separation of the drive
connection or de-excitation of the generator will result in inadmis-
sible engine overspeed causing the rupturing of running gear com-
ponents or destruction of the driven machine.

Maintenance and repair work on Work on the alarm and safety system (electric/pneumatic/hydraulic) may
the alarm and safety system only be done by certified, qualified personnel. Moreover, it is imperative to
subject the alarm and safety system to a comprehensive, complete oper-
ational test after this work has been carried out, particularly if overhauled
or new spare parts were installed. This operational test must ensure
that the entire signal path has been checked! Particular attention is
to be paid to the emergency-stop functions of the engine!

Fire hazard The use of fuel and lube oils involves an inherent fire hazard in the engine
room. Fuel and lube oil pipes must not be installed in the vicinity of un-
lagged, hot engine components (exhaust pipe, turbocharger). After carry-
ing out overhaul work on exhaust gas pipes and turbochargers, all insula-
tions and coverings must be carefully refitted completely. The tightness of
all fuel oil and oil pipes should be checked regularly. Leaks are to be elim-
inated immediately.

Fire extinguishing equipment must be available and is to be inspected peri-


In case of fire, the supply of fuel and lube oil must be stopped immediately
(stop the engine, stop the delivery pumps, shut the valves), and the fire
must be attempted to be extinguished using the portable fire-fighting
equipment. Should these attempts be without success, or if the engine
room is no longer accessible, all openings are to be locked, thus cutting off
the admission of air to quench the fire. It is a prerequisite for success that
all openings are efficiently sealed (doors, skylights, ventilators, chimney as
far as possible). Fuel oil requires much oxygen for combustion, and iso-
lating the source of fire from air is one of the most effective measures of
fighting the fire.

▲▲▲ Danger! Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing equipment must

not be used until it has been definitely ensured that no one is left in
the engine room. Ignoring this means danger of life!

Temperature in the engine room The engine room temperatures should not drop below +5ƒ C. Should the
temperature drop below this value, the cooling water spaces must be emp-
tied unless anti-freeze has been added to the cooling water. Otherwise,
material cracks/damage to components might occur due to freezing.

6680 3.2.5--01 E 10.05 General 104/ 04

Operating media 3.3

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.3--01 E 07.97 101/ 01

Quality requirements
on gas oil/diesel fuel (MGO) 3.3.1

Diesel fuel

Other designations Gas oil, Marine Gas Oil (MGO), High Speed Diesel Oil, Huile de Diesel

Diesel fuel is a medium class distillate of crude oil which therefore must
not contain any residual components.


Suitability of the fuel depends on the conformity with the characteristic va-
lues as specified hereunder, pertaining to the condition on delivery.

When establishing the characteristic values, the standards of DIN EN 590

and ISO 8217--1996 (Class DMA), as well as CIMAC--2003 were taken
into consideration to a large extent. The characteristic values refer to the
testing methods specified.

Properties/feature Unit Test method Characteristic

Density at 15ƒ & min. kg/m3 ISO 3675 820.0
max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 890.0
Cinematic viscosity/40 ƒ C min. mm2/s ISO 3104 1.5
max. mm2/s ISO 3104 6.0
Filterability* in summer max. ƒC DIN EN 116 0
in winter max. ƒC DIN EN 116 -12
Flash point Abel-Pensky min. ƒC ISO 1523 60
in closed crucible
Boiling curve up to 350ƒ C min. % by volume ISO 3405 85
Content of sediment max. % by weight ISO 3735 0.01
(Extraction method)
Water content max. % by volume ISO 3733 0.05
Sulphur content max. % by weight ISO 8754 1.5
Ash max. % by weight ISO 6245 0.01
Coke residue (MCR) max. % by weight ISO CD 10370 0.10
Cetane number min. -- ISO 5165 40**
Copper-strip test max. -- ISO 2160 1
Other specifications:
British Standard BS MA 100--1987 M1
ASTM D 975 1D/2D
* Determination of filterability to DIN EN 116 is comparable to Cloud Point as per ISO 3015.
** L/V 20/27 engines require a cetane number of at least 45
Table 1. Diesel fuel oil (MGO) - characteristic values to be adhered to

6680 3.3.1--01 E 03.04 General 101/ 02

Supplementary information

Using fuel oil If, in case of stationary engines a distillate intended for oil firing (for in-
stance Fuel Oil EL to DIN 51603 or Fuel Oil No 1 or No 2 according to
ASTM D--396, resp.), is used instead of Diesel fuel, adequate ignition qual-
ity and resistance to cold must be ensured, i.e. the requirements as to
characteristic values concerning filterability and cetane number must be


Fuel analyses are carried out in our chemical laboratory for our customers
at cost price. For examination a sample of approx. 1 dm3 is required.

6680 3.3.1--01 E 03.04 General 102/ 02

Quality requirements
for Marine Diesel Fuel (MDO) 3.3.2

Marine Diesel Oil

Other designations Diesel Fuel Oil, Diesel Oil, Bunker Diesel Oil, Marine Diesel Fuel.

Origine Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) is offered as heavy distillate (designation ISO-F-
DMB) or as a blend of distillate and small amounts of residual oil (designa-
tion ISO-F-DMC) exclusively for marine applications. The commonly used
term for the blend, which is of dark brown to black colour, is Blended
MDO. MDO is produced from crude oil and must be free from organic


The usability of a fuel depends upon the engine design and available
cleaning facilities as well as on the conformity of the characteristic values
with those listed in the table below which refer to the condition on delivery.

The characteristic values have been established on the basis of

ISO 8217-1996 and CIMAC-2003. The characteristic values are based on
the test methods specified.

Properties/feature Unit Test method Characteristic value

Specification ISO-F DMB DMC
Density at 15ƒ C kg/m3 ISO 3675 900 920
Cinematic viscosity at 40ƒ C mm2/scSt ISO 3104 >2.5 >4
<11 <14
Pour Point winter quality ƒC ISO 3016 <0 <0
summer quality ƒC <6 <6
Flash point Pensky Martens ƒC ISO 2719 >60 >60
Total content of sediments % by weight ISO CD 10307 0.10 0.10
Water content % by volume ISO 3733 <0.3 <0.3
Sulphur content % by weight ISO 8754 <2.0 <2.0
Ash content % by weight ISO 6245 <0.01 <0.03
Coke residue (MCR) % by weight ISO CD 10370 <0.30 <2.5
Cetane number - ISO 5165 >35 >35
Copper-strip test - ISO 2160 <1 <1
Vanadium content mg/kg DIN 51790T2 0 <100
Content of aluminium and silicon mg/kg ISO CD 10478 0 <25
Visual inspection - * -

6680 3.3.2--01 E 03.04 General 101/ 02

Properties/feature Unit Test method Characteristic value
Other specifications:
British Standard BS MA 100 -1987 Class M2 Class M3
ASTM D 975 2D 4D
ASTM D 396 No. 2 No. 4
* With good illumination and at room temperature, appearance of the fuel should be clear and transparent.
Table 1. Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) - characteristic values to be adhered to

Supplementary information

At transshipment facilities and in transit MDO is handled like residual oil.

Thus, there is the possibility of oil being mixed with high-viscosity fuel oil or
Interfuel, for example with remainders of such fuels in the bunkering boat,
which may have a considerable adverse effect on the quality.

The fuel shall be free of used lubricating oil (ULO). A fuel shall be con-
sidered to be free of ULO if one or more of the elements Zn, P and Ca are
below the specified limits (Zn: 15 ppm, P: 15 ppm, Ca: 30 ppm).

The Pour Point indicates the temperature at which the oil will refuse to
flow. The lowest temperature the fuel oil may assume in the system, must
be approx. 10•C above the pour point so as to ensure it can still be

The recommended fuel viscosity at the inlet of the injection pump is

10 ... 14 mm2/s.

If Blended MDOs (ISO-F DMC) of differing bunkerings are being mixed,

incompatibility may result in sludge formation in the fuel system, a large
amount of sludge in the separator, clogging of filters, insufficient atomiz-
ation and a large amount of combustion residues. We would therefore rec-
ommend to run the respective fuel storage tank dry, as far as possible,
before bunkering new fuel.

Sea water, in particular, tends to increase corrosion in the fuel oil system
and hot corrosion of exhaust valves and in the turbocharger. It is also the
cause of insufficient atomization and thus poor mixture formation and com-
bustion with a high proportion of combustion residues.

Solid foreign matter increase the mechanical wear and formation of ash in
the cylinder space.

If the engine is mainly run on Blended MDO i.e. ISO-F-DMC, we recom-

mend to provide a centrifugal separator upstream of the fuel oil filter. Sep-
arator throughput 65% with relation to the rated throughput. Separating
temperature 40 to 50ƒ C. Solid particles (sand, rust, catalyst fines) and
water can thus largely be removed and the intervals between cleaning of
the filter elements considerably extended.


Fuel analyses are carried out in our chemical laboratory for our customers
at cost price. For examination a sample of approx. 1 dm3 is required.

6680 3.3.2--01 E 03.04 General 102/ 02

Quality requirements
for heavy fuel oil (HFO) 3.3.3


MAN B&W four-stroke engines can be operated on any crude-oil based

heavy fuel oil meeting the requirements listed in Table 2 , provided the
engine and the fuel treatment plant are designed accordingly. In order to
ensure a well-balanced relation between the costs for fuel, spare parts and
maintenance and repair work, we recommend bearing in mind the follow-
ing points.

Heavy fuel oil (HFO)

Provenance/refining process The quality of the heavy fuel oil is largely determined by the crude oil
grade (provenance) and the refining process applied. This is the reason
why heavy fuel oils of the same viscosity may differ considerably, depend-
ing on the bunker places. Heavy fuel oil normally is a mixture of residue
oil and distillates. The components of the mixture usually come from state-
of-the-art refining processes such as visbreaker or catalytic cracking
plants. These processes may have a negative effect on the stability of the
fuel and on its ignition and combustion properties. In the essence, these
factors also influence the heavy fuel oil treatment and the operating results
of the engine.

Bunker places where heavy fuel oil grades of standardised quality are of-
fered should be given preference. If fuels are supplied by independent
traders, it is to be made sure that these, too, keep to the international
specifications. The responsibility for the choice of appropriate fuels rests
with the engine operator.

Specifications Mineral oil companies have internally established specifications for heavy
fuel oils, and experience shows that these specifications are observed
world-wide and are within the limits of international specifications (e.g. ISO
8217, CIMAC, British Standards MA-100). As a rule, the engine builders
expect that fuels satisfying these specifications are being used.

The fuel specifications (see Table 2 ) are categorized by viscosity and

grade, and make allowance for the lowest-grade crude oil offered world-
wide and for the most unfavourable refining processes. The specifications
have been coordinated between the International Standard Organisation
(ISO), the British Standards Institute (BSI), the association of engine
builders (CIMAC) and the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS).

Blends The admixing of engine oils (used oils), of non-mineral oil constituents
(such as coal oil) and of residual products from refining or other processes
(such as solvents) is prohibited. The reasons are, for example: the
abrasive and corrosive effects, the adverse combustion properties, a poor
compatibility with mineral oils and, last but not least, the negative
environmental effects. The order letter for the fuel should expressly
mention what is prohibited, as this constraint has not yet been
incorporated in the commonly applied fuel specifications.

The admixing of engine oil (used oil) to the fuel involves a substantial
danger because the lube oil additives have an emulsifying effect and keep

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 101/ 09

dirt, water and catfines finely suspended. Therefore, they impede or pre-
clude the necessary cleaning of the fuel. We ourselves and others have
made the experience that severe damage induced by wear may occur to
the engine and turbocharger components as a result.
A fuel shall be considered to be free of used lubricating oil if one or more
of the elements Zn, P and Ca are below the specified limits (Zn: 15 ppm,
P: 15 ppm, Ca: 30 ppm).
The admixing of chemical waste materials (such as solvents) to the fuel is
for reasons of environmental protection prohibited by resolution of the IMO
Marine Environment Protection Committee of 1 Jan. 92.

Leaked oil tanks Leaked oil tanks in which leaked oil and residue pipes as well as overflow
pipes of the lube oil system, in particular, end must not have any connec-
tion to fuel tanks. Leaked oil tanks are to be emptied into sludge tanks.


For the usability of fuels of certain specifications, Table 1 is valid. In

Table 2 , the limit values to be complied with in each case are stated.

Fuel oil specification

CIMAC 2003 A30 B30/C10 D80 E/F180 G/H/K380 -- H/K700
BS MA-100 M4 M5 M7 8/9 M8/-- M9/--
ISO F-RM A10 B/C10 D15 E/F25 G/H/K35 H/K45 H/K55
Usability for engine types
Engine type 20/27 23/30 25/30 28/32
Marine main engines and stationary
Marine auxiliary engines
Engine type 16/24 21/31 27/38 32/36 32/40 40/45 40/54 48/60 52/55 58/64
All engines
Table 1. Usability of fuels with respect to engine types

Legend for Table 1 Fuel can be used without consultation

Fuel can be used after consulting MAN B&W Diesel AG.

Consultation is necessary if the fuel exceeds the specified limit

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 102/ 09

Fuel specification

CIMAC 2003 A30 B30 D80 E/F180 G/H/K350 -- H/K700

BS MA-100 M4 M5 M7 8/9 M8/-- M9/-- item
ISO F-RM A10 B/C10 D15 E/F25 G/H/K35 H/K45 H/K55
Fuel-system related characteristic values
Viscosity (at 50EC) mm2/s max 40 40 80 180 380 500 700 2
Viscosity (at 100EC) ( St)
(cSt) max 10 10 15 25 35 45 55 2
Density (at 15EC) g/ml max 0.975 0.981 0.985 0.991/1.010 3
Flash point EC min 60 4
Pour point (summer) EC max 6 24 30 30 5/6
Pour point (winter) max 0 24 30 30 5/6
Engine-related characteristic values
Carbon residues (Conrad- % wt. max 10 10/14 14 15/20 18/22 22 22 7
Sulphur % wt. max 3.5 3.5 4 5 5 9
Ash % wt. max 0.10 0.15 0.20 3
Vanadium mg/kg max 150 150/ 350 200/ 300/ 600 3
300 500 600
Water % vol. max 0.5 0.5
0.8 1 1 1 1 3
Sediment (potential) % wt. max 0.1
Supplementary characteristic values
Aluminium + Silizium mg/kg max 80 3
Asphaltenes % wt. max 2/3 of the carbon residues (Conradson) 7
Sodium mg/kg Sodium 1/3 vanadium, sodium 100 3
Cetane number of low-viscosity constituent min. 35 8
Fuel free of admixtures not based on mineral oil, such as coal oils or vegetable oils;
Free of tar oil and lubricating oil (used oil).
Table 2. Fuel oil specifications and associated characteristic values

Legend to Table 2  Refer to supplementary remarks in Section ...

The heavy fuel oils ISO F-RMK 35/45/55, with a maximum density of
1010 kg/m, can only be used if appropriate modern separators are available.

In the fuel ordering form, the limit values as per Table 2 , which have an
influence on the engine operation, should be specified, for example in the
bunkering or charter clause. Please note the entries in the last column of
Table 2 , because they provide important background information.

Important! The characteristic data of the fuel oil as stated in analy-

sis results is not sufficient for estimating the combustion properties of the
fuel oil. This means that service results depend on oil properties which
cannot be known beforehand. This especially applies to the tendency of
the oil to form deposits in the combustion chamber, exhaust gas pipes and
turbines. It may, therefore, be necessary to rule out some oils that cause

Supplementary remarks

The following remarks are thought to outline the relations between heavy
fuel oil grade, heavy fuel oil treatment, engine operation and operating re-

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 103/ 09

1. Selection of heavy fuel oil
Economic operation on heavy fuel oil with the limit values specified in
Table 2 is possible under normal operating conditions, with properly
working systems and regular maintenance. Otherwise, if these require-
ments are not met, shorter TBO’s (times between overhaul), higher wear
rates and a higher demand in spare parts must be expected. Alternatively,
the necessary maintenance intervals and the operating results expected
determine the decision as to which heavy fuel oil grade should be used.
It is known that as viscosity increases, the price advantage decreases
more and more. It is therefore not always economical to use the highest
viscosity heavy fuel oil, which in numerous cases means the lower quality

Heavy fuel oils ISO-RMB/C 10 or CIMAC B10 ensure reliable operation of

older engines, which were not designed for the heavy fuel oils that are cur-
rently available on the market. ISO-RMA 10 or CIMAC A30 with a low pour
point should be preferred in cases where the bunker system cannot be

2. Viscosity/injection viscosity
Heavy fuel oils if having a higher viscosity may be of lower quality. The
maximum permissible viscosity depends on the existing preheating equip-
ment and the separator rating (throughput).

The specified injection viscosity and/or fuel oil temperature upstream of

the engine should be adhered to. Only then will an appropriate atomisation
and proper mixing, and hence a low-residue combustion be possible. Be-
sides, mechanical overloading of the injection system will be prevented.
The specified injection viscosity and/or the necessary fuel oil temperature
upstream of the engine can be seen from the viscosity/temperature dia-
3. Heavy fuel oil treatment

Trouble-free engine operation depends, to a large extent, on the care

which is given to heavy fuel oil treatment. Particular care should be taken
that inorganic, foreign particles with their strong abrasive effect (catalyst
residues, rust, sand) are effectively separated. It has shown in practice
that with the aluminium content > 10 mg/kg abrasive wear in the engine
strongly increases.
The higher the viscosity of the heavy fuel oil, the higher will the density
and the foreign matter concentration be, according to our experience. The
viscosity and density will influence the cleaning effect, which has to be
taken into consideration when designing and setting the the cleaning

Settling tank The heavy fuel oil is precleaned in the settling tank. This precleaning is all
the more effective the longer the fuel remains in the tank and the lower the
viscosity of the heavy fuel oil is (maximum preheating temperature 75•C to
prevent formation of asphalt in the heavy fuel oil). One settling tank will
generally be sufficient for heavy fuel oil viscosities below 380 mm2/s at
50•C. If the concentration of foreign matter in the heavy fuel oil is excess-
ive, or if a grade according to ISO-F-RM G/H/K35, H/K45 or H/K55 is pre-
ferred, two settling tanks will be required, each of which must be ad-
equately rated to ensure trouble-free settling within a period of not less
than 24 hours. Prior to separating the content into the service tank, the
water and sludge have to be drained from the settling tank.

Separators A centrifugal separator is a suitable device for extracting material of higher

specific gravity, such as water, foreign particles and sludge. The
separators must be of the self-cleaning type (i.e. with automatically
induced cleaning intervals).

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 104/ 09

Separators of the new generation are to be used exclusively; they are fully
efficient over a large density range without requiring any switchover, and
are capable of separating water up to a heavy fuel oil density of 1.01 g/ml
at 15•C.

Table 3 shows the demands made on the separator. These are limit va-
lues which the manufacturers of these separators take as a basis and
which they also guarantee.

The manufacturers’ specifications have to be adhered to in order to

achieve an optimum cleaning effect.

Marine and stationary appli-

Connected in parallel

1 separator for
100% throughput
1 separator (standby) for
100% throughput

Figure 1. Heavy fuel oil cleaning/separator arrangement

Layout of the separators is to be in accordance with the latest recommen-

dations of the separator manufacturers, Alfa Laval and Westfalia. In par-
ticular, the density and viscosity of the heavy fuel oil are to be taken into
consideration. Consulting MAN B&W Diesel AG is required if other makes
of separators come up for discussion.

If the cleaning treatment prescribed by MAN B&W Diesel AG is applied,

and if the correct separators are selected, it can be expected that the re-
sults given in Table 3 below for water and inorganic, foreign particles in
the heavy fuel oil are reached at the entry into the engine.

The results obtained in practical operation reveal that adherence to the

above values helps to particularly keep abrasive wear in the injection sys-
tem and in the engine within acceptable limits. Besides, optimal lube oil
treatment must be ensured.

Definition Particle size Quantity

Inorganic foreign particles
(incl. catalyst residues) < 5 ³m < 20 mg/kg (Al+Si content < 15 mg/kg)
Water ---- < 0.2% by volume
Table 3. Obtainable contents of foreign matter and water (after separation)

Water Attention is to be paid to very thorough water separation, since the water
is not a finely distributed emulsion but in the form of adversely large
droplets. Water in this form promotes corrosion and sludge formation also
in the fuel system, which has an adverse effect on the delivery and atom-
isation and thus also on the combustion of the heavy fuel oil. If the water
involved is sea water, harmful sodium chloride and other salts dissolved in
the water will enter the engine.

The water-containing sludge must be removed from the settling tank prior
to each separating process, and at regular intervals from the service tank.
The venting system of the tanks must be designed in such a way that con-
densate cannot flow back into the tanks.

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 105/ 09

Vanadium/sodium Should the vanadium/sodium ratio be unfavourable, the melting tempera-
ture of the heavy fuel oil ash may drop into the range of the exhaust valve
temperature which will result in high-temperature corrosion. By precleaning
the heavy fuel oil in the settling tank and in the centrifugal separators, the
water, and with it the water-soluble sodium compounds can be largely re-

If the sodium content is lower than 30% of the vanadium content, the risk
of high-temperature corrosion will be small. It must also be prevented that
sodium in the form of sea water enters the engine together with the intake
If the sodium content is higher than 100 mg/kg, an increase of salt de-
posits is to be expected in the combustion chamber and in the exhaust
system. This condition will have an adverse effect on engine operation
(among others, due to surging of the turbocharger). In the case of engines
with PTO, the content of sodium has to be limited to 50 mg/kg.
Under certain conditions, high-temperature corrosion may be prevented by
a fuel additive that raises the melting temperature of the heavy fuel oil ash
(also refer to item 12).

Ash Heavy fuel oils with a high ash content in the form of foreign particles such
as sand, corrosion and catalyst residues, promote the mechanical wear in
the engine. There may be catalyst fines (catfines) in heavy fuel oils coming
from catalytic cracking processes. In most cases, these catfines will be
aluminium silicate, which causes high wear in the injection system and in
the engine. The aluminium content found multiplied by 5-8 (depending on
the catalyst composition) will approximately correspond to the content of
catalyst materials in the heavy fuel oil.

Homogenizer If a homogenizer is used, it must not be installed between the settling tank
and the separator on any account, since in that case, harmful contam-
inants, and in particular seawater, cannot be separated out sufficiently.

4. Flash point (ASTMD-93)

National and international regulations for transport, storage and application

of fuels must be adhered to in respect of the flash point. Generally, a flash
point of above 60•C is specified for fuels used in Diesel engines.
5. Low temperature behaviour (ASTM D-97)

Pourpoint The pour point is the temperature at which the fuel is no longer fluid
(pumpable). Since many of the low-viscosity heavy fuel oils have a pour
point greater than 0•C, too, the bunkering system has to be preheated un-
less fuel in accordance with CIMAC A30 is used. The entire bunkering
system should be designed so as to permit preheating of the heavy fuel oil
Cloudpoint to approx. 10•C above the pour point. For filter clogging, the cloud point is
of interest.

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 106/ 09

6. Pumpability
Difficulties will be experienced with pumping if the fuel oil has a viscosity
higher than 1000 mm2/s (cSt) or a temperature less than approx. 10•C
above the pour point. Please also refer to item 5.
7. Combustion properties
An asphalt content higher than 2/3 of the carbon residue (Conradson) may
lead to delayed combustion, which results in increased residue formation,
such as deposits on and in the injection nozzles, increased smoke forma-
tion, reduced power and increased fuel consumption, as well as a rapid
rise of the ignition pressure and combustion close to the cylinder wall
(thermal overloading of the lube oil film). If the ratio of asphaltenes to car-
bon residues reaches the limit value of 0.66, and the asphaltene content
also exceeds 8%, additional analyses of the heavy fuel oil concerned by
means of thermagravimetric analysis (TGA) must be performed by MAN
B&W to evaluate the usability. This tendency will also be promoted by the
blend constituents of the heavy fuel oil being incompatible, or by different
and incompatible bunkerings being mixed together. As a result, there is an
increased separation of asphalt (see also item 10).

8. Ignition quality
Cracked products which nowadays are preferred as low-viscosity blend
constituents of the heavy fuel oil in order to achieve the specified refer-
ence viscosity may have poor ignition qualities. The cetane number of
these constituents has to be higher than 35. An increased aromatics con-
tent (above 35%) also leads to a decrease in ignition quality.

Fuel oils of insufficient ignition qualities will show extended ignition lag and
delayed combustion, which may lead to thermal overloading of the oil film
on the cylinder liner and excessive pressures in the cylinder. Ignition lag
and the resultant pressure rise in the cylinder are also influenced by the
final temperature and pressure of compression, i.e. by the compression
ratio, the charge-air pressure and charge-air temperature.
Preheating of the charge-air in the part-load range and output reduction for
a limited period of time are possible measures to reduce detrimental in-
fluences of fuel of poor ignition qualities. More effective, however, are a
high compression ratio and the in-service matching of the injection system
to the ignition qualities of the fuel oil used, as is the case in MAN B&W
trunk piston engines.
The ignition quality is an essential characteristic of the fuel. The reason
why it does not appear in the international specifications is the absence of
a standardised testing method. Therefore, parameters such as the Calcu-
lated Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI) are resorted to as an aid, which are
derived from determinable fuel characteristics. We have found this to be
an appropriate method of roughly assessing the ignition quality of the
heavy fuel oil used.

A test instrument utilising a constant-volume combustion technology (FIA

fuel ignition analyser) has been developed and is currently being evaluated
at a number of testing laboratories.
The ignition quality of a fuel is determined as an ignition delay in the instru-
ment that is converted to an instrument-related cetan number (FIA-CN).
It has been observed that fuels with a low FIA cetan number could, in
some cases, lead to operational problems.
As the fluid constituent in the heavy fuel oil is the determining factor for its
ignition quality and the viscous constituent is decisive for the combustion
quality, it is the responsibility of the bunkering company to supply a heavy
fuel oil grade of quality matched to the Diesel engine. Please refer to Fig-
ure 2 .

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 107/ 09

V Viscosity, mm 2/s (cSt)
at 50ƒ C
D Density, kg/m 3
at 15ƒ C
CCAI Calculated Carbon
Aromaticity Index

A Normal operating
B Difficulties may be
C Problems encountered
may increase up to
engine damage after a
short time of operation

1 Engine type
2 The combining straight
line across density and
viscosity of a heavy
fuel oil results in CCAI.

Figure 2. Nomogram for the determination of CCAI -

Assignment of CCAI ranges to engine types

CCAI can also be calculated with the aid of the following formula:
CCAI = D -- 141 log log (V+0.85) -- 81.
9. Sulphuric acid corrosion

The engine should be operated at the cooling water temperatures speci-

fied in the operating manual for the respective load. If the temperature of
the component surface exposed to the acidic combustion gases is below
the acid dew point, acid corrosion can no longer be sufficiently prevented
even by an alcaline lubricating oil.
If the lube oil quality and engine cooling meet the respective requirements,
the BN values given in Sheet 3.3.6 will be adequate, depending on the
sulphur content of the heavy fuel oil.
10. Compatibility
The supplier has to guarantee that the heavy fuel oil remains homogenous
and stable even after the usual period of storage. If different bunker oils
are mixed, separation may occur which results in sludge formation in the
fuel system, large quantities of sludge in the separator, clogging of filters,
insufficient atomisation and high-residue combustion.
In such cases, one refers to incompatibility or instability. The heavy fuel oil
storage tanks should therefore be emptied as far as possible prior to re-
bunkering in order to preclude incompatibility.

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 108/ 09

11. Blending heavy fuel oil
If, for instance, heavy fuel for the main engine and gas oil (MGO) are
blended to achieve the heavy fuel oil quality or viscosity specified for the
auxiliary engines, it is essential that the constituents are compatible (refer
to item 10).

12. Additives to heavy fuel oils

MAN B&W Diesel engines can be economically operated without addi-
tives. It is up to the customer to decide whether or not the use of an addi-
tive would be advantageous. The additive supplier must warrant that the
product used will have no harmful effects on engine operation.

The use of fuel additives during the guarantee period is rejected as a

matter of principle.
Additives currently in use for Diesel engines are listed below together with
their effect on engine operation:

Pre-combustion : Dispersants/stabilizers
: Emulsion breakers
: Biocides
Combustion : Combustion catalysts
(fuel economy, emissions)
Post-combustion : Ash modifier (hot corrosion)
: Carbon remover (exhaust system)
Table 4. Additives to heavy fuel oils - Classification/effects


Sampling To be able to check, if required, as to whether the specification indicated

and/or the stipulated delivery conditions have been complied with, we rec-
ommend a minimum of one sample of each bunker fuel to be retained, at
least during the guarantee period for the engine. In order to ensure that
the sample is representative for the oil bunkered, a sample should be
drawn from the transfer pipe at the start, at half the time and at the end of
the bunkering period. “Sample Tec”, supplied by Messrs Mar-Tec, Ham-
burg is a suitable instrument for taking samples continuously during the

Analysing samples The samples received from the bunkering company are frequently not
identical with the heavy fuel oil bunkered. It is also appropriate to verify the
characteristic values stated in the bunker papers for the heavy fuel oil
such as, e.g., with regard to density, viscosity, pour point. If these values
should deviate from those of the heavy fuel oil bunkered, one runs the risk
that the heavy fuel oil separator and the preheating temperature are not
set correctly for the given injection viscosity. The characteristic values of
heavy fuel oil and lubricating oil which are relevant for an economic engine
operation can be determined by means of the “MAN B&W Fuel and Lub
Analysis set”.

Our department for fuels and lube oils (Augsburg Works, Department QC)
will be glad to furnish further information if required.

6680 3.3.3--01 E 11.05 General 109/ 09

Viscosity/Temperature diagram
for fuel oils 3.3.4

Figure 1. Viscosity/temperature diagram for fuel oils

6680 3.3.4--01 E 11.05 All Eng 101/ 03

Explanations to the viscosity/temperature diagram

The diagram (Figure 1 ) shows the fuel temperatures on the horizontal

and the viscosities on the vertical scales. The diagonal lines correspond to
the viscosity-temperature curve of fuels with different reference viscosity.
The vertical viscosity scales in mm2/s = cSt apply to 40•C, 50•C or 100•C.

Determination of the viscosity-temperature curve and the preheating temperature required

Example: Heavy fuel oil of A vertical line is drawn starting from a reference temperature of 50•C and
180 mm2/s at 50ƒ C a horizontal line (a) starting from a viscosity of 180 mm2/s. From the point
of intersection of both these lines, a line is drawn parallel to the diagonals
entered in the diagram (b). This line represents the viscosity-temperature
line of a heavy fuel oil with 180 mm2/s at 50•C.

This permits the preheating temperature to be determined for the specified

injection viscosity. Keeping to the example chosen, the values below refer
to a heavy fuel oil of 180 mm2/s at 50•C.

Specified injection viscosity Required heavy fuel oil

mm 2/s temperature before engine inlet*
minimum 12 126 (line c)
maximum 14 119 (line d)
* The temperature drop after the preheater up to the fuel injection pump is not covered by
these figures (max. admissible 4ƒ C).
Table 1. Determination of the heavy fuel oil temperature as a function of viscosity

A heavy fuel oil of 180 mm2/s at 50•C reaches a viscosity of 1000 mm2/s
at 24•C (line e) which is the max. permissible viscosity with respect to the
pumpability of the fuel.

Fuel oil preheating/pumpability

HFO temperature Using a state-of-the-art final preheater a heavy fuel oil outlet temperature
of 152 •C will be obtained at 8 bar saturated steam. Higher temperatures
involve the risk of increased residue formation in the preheater, resulting in
a reduction of the heating power and thermal overloading of the heavy fuel
oil. This causes new asphalt to form, i.e. a deterioration of quality.

Injection viscosity The fuel pipes from the final preheater outlet up to the injection valve must
be insulated adequately ensuring that a temperature drop will be limited to
max. 4 •C. Only then can the prescribed injection viscosity of max.
14 mm2/s be achieved with a heavy fuel oil of a reference viscosity of 700
mm2/s = cSt/50 •C (representing the maximum viscosity of international
specifications such as ISO, CIMAC or British Standard). If a heavy fuel oil
of a lower reference viscosity is used, an injection viscosity of 12 mm2/s
should be aimed at, ensuring improved heavy fuel oil atomisation, and
consequently a heavy fuel oil combustion in the engine with less residues.

The transfer pump is to be rated for a heavy fuel oil viscosity of up to

1000 mm2/s. The pumpability of the heavy fuel oil also depends on the
pour point. The design of the bunkering system must permit heating up of
the fuel oil to approx. 10 •C above its pour point.

6680 3.3.4--01 E 11.05 All Eng 102/ 03

Temperatures/viscosity for operation on gas oil (MGO) or Diesel fuel oil (MDO)

Gas oil or Diesel oil (Marine Diesel fuel) must neither show a too low
viscosity or a higher viscosity than that specified for the fuel oil as entering
the injection pump. With a too low viscosity, insufficient lubricity may cause
the seizure of the pump plungers or the nozzle needles. This can be
avoided if the fuel temperature is kept to
- max. 60 •C for Marine Diesel Fuel operation and
- max. 50 •C for gas oil operation and
- the viscosity before engine  1,5 cSt.

6680 3.3.4--01 E 11.05 All Eng 103/ 03

Quality requirements
for lube oil 3.3.5

Lube oil for operation on gas oil and Diesel oil (MGO/MDO)

The specific power output offered by today’s Diesel engines and the use of
fuels, which more and more often approach the limit in quality, increase
the requirements placed on the lube oil and make it imperative that the
lube oil is chosen carefully. Doped lube oils (HD oils) have proven to be
suitable for lubricating the running gear, the cylinders, the turbochargers
and for cooling the pistons. Doped lube oils contain additives which,
amongst other things, provide them with sludge carrying, cleaning and
neutralization capabilities.

Only lube oils, which have been released by MAN B&W, are to be used.
These are listed in Table 3 .


Base oil The base oil (doped lube oil = base oil + additives) must be a narrow dis-
tillation cut and must be refined in accordance with modern procedures.
Brightstocks, if contained, must neither adversely affect the thermal nor
the oxidation stability. The base oil must meet the limit values as specified
below, particularly as concerns its aging stability.

Properties/characteristics Unit Test method Characteristic value

Structure -- -- preferably paraffin-basic
Behaviour in cold, still flowing ƒC ASTM-D2500 -15
Flash point (as per Cleveland) ƒC ASTM-D92 > 200
Ash content (oxide ash) Weight % ASTM-D482 < 0.02
Coke residue (as per Conradson) Weight % ASTM-D189 < 0.50
Aging tendency after being heated up to 135ƒ C -- MAN-aging cabi- --
for 100 hrs net
n-heptane insolubles Weight% ASTM-D4055 t< 0.2
or DIN 51592
evaporation loss Weight% -- <2
drop test (filter paper) -- MAN-test must not allow to recognize
precipitation of resin or as-
phalt-like aging products
Table 1. Lube oil (operation on MGO/MDO) - characteristic values to be observed

Doped lube oils (HD-oils) The base oil, which has been mixed with additives (doped lube oil) must
have the following properties:

Additives The additives must be dissolved in the oil and must be of such a composi-
tion that an absolute minimum of ash remains as residue after combustion.
The ash must be soft. If this prerequisite is not complied with, increased
deposits are to be expected in the combustion chamber, especially at the
outlet valves and in the inlet housing of the turbochargers. Hard additive
ash promotes pitting on the valves seats, as well as valve blow-by and
increased mechanical wear.

6680 3.3.5--01 E 01.05 General 101/ 04

Additives must not facilitate clogging of the filter elements, neither in their
active nor in their exhausted state.

Detergency The detergency must be so high that the build-up of coke and tar-like resi-
dues forming during the combustion of fuel is precluded.

Dispersancy The dispersancy must be selected such that commercially available lube-
oil cleaning equipment can remove the detrimental contaminations from
the used oil.

Neutralisation capacity The neutralisation capacity (ASTM-D2896) must be so high that the acidic
products which result during combustion are neutralized. The reaction time
of the additives must be matched to the process in the cylinder crankcase.

Evaporation tendency The tendency to evaporate must be as low as possible, otherwise the oil
consumption is adversely affected.

Further conditions The lube oil must not form a stable emulsion with water. Less than 40 ml
emulsion are acceptable in the ASTM-D1401 test after one hour.

The foaming behaviour (ASTM-D892) must meet the following conditions:

after 10 minutes < 20 ml. The lube oil must not contain agents to improve
viscosity index. The fresh oil must not contain any water or other conta-

Lube oil selection

Engine SAE-Class Viscosity mm 2/s at 40 ƒ C or

100 ƒ C
20/27*, 23/30, 28/32 30** preferably in the upper range
25/30 40 of the SAE-class
32/36 through 58/64 40 applicable to the engine
* Applies to engines with year of manufacture from 1985 on. For engines delivered before 01 Jan.
1985, lube oil viscosity as per SAE 40 continues to be valid.
** If the lube oil is heated to approx. 40ƒ C before the engine is started, SAE class 40 can also be
used if necessary (e.g. on account of simplified lube-oil storage).

Table 2. Viscosity (SAE class) of lube oils

Doped grade Doped lube oils (HD oils) corresponding to international specifications
MIL-L 2104 D or API-CD, and having a base number (BN) of 12-15 mg
KOH/g are recommended by us.
(Designation for armed forces of Germany: O-278)

The content of additves included in the lube oil depends upon the condi-
tions under which the engine is operated, and the quality of fuel used. If
marine Diesel fuel is used, which has a sulphur content of up to 2.0 weight
% as per ISO-F DMC, and coke residues of up to 2.5 weight % as per
Conradson, a BN of approx. 20 is of advantage. Ultimately, the operating
results are the decisive criterion as to which content of additives ensures
the most economic engine operation.

Cylinder lube oil In the case of engines with separate cylinder lubrication, the pistons and
the cylinder liner are supplied with lube oil by means of a separate oil
pump. The oil supply rate is factory-set to conform to both the quality of
the fuel to be used in service and to the anticipated operating conditions.

A lube oil as specified above is to be used for the cylinder lubrication and
the lubricating circuit.

6680 3.3.5--01 E 01.05 General 102/ 04

Speed governor In case of mechanic-hydraulic governors with separate oil sump, multi-
grade oil 5W--40 is preferably used. If this oil is not available for top-
ping-up, an oil 15W--40 may exceptionally be used. In this context it
makes no difference whether multigrade oils based on synthetic or mineral
oil are used. According to the mineral oil companies they can be mixed in
any case.
(Designation for armed forces of Germany: O-236)

The oil quality specified by the manufacturer is to be used for the remain-
ing equipment fitted to the engine.

Lube-oil additives We strongly advise against subsequently adding additives to the lube oil,
or mixing the different makes (brands) of the lube oil, as the performance
of the carefully matched package of additives which is suiting itself and
adapted to the base oil, may be upset. Also, the lube oil company (oil
supplier) is no longer responsible for the oil.

Selection of lube oils/ Most of the mineral oil companies are in close and permanent consultation
warranty with the engine manufacturers and are therefore in a the position to quote
the oil from their own product line that has been approved by the engine
manufacturer for the given application. Independent of this release, the
lube oil producers are in any case responsible for quality and performance
of their products. In case of doubt, we are more than willing to provide you
with further information.


We carry out the examinations on lube oil in our laboratories for our cus-
tomers who need only pay the self-costs (net-costs). A representative
sample of about 1 dm3 is required for the examination.

6680 3.3.5--01 E 01.05 General 103/ 04

Base Number ( mgKOH/g )
f t (10) 12 - 16 1)
ADNOC Marine Engine Oil X412
AGIP Cladium 120 - SAE 40
Sigma S SAE 40 2)
BP Energol DS 3-154
Vanellus C3 2)
CASTROL Castrol MLC 40
Castrol MHP 154
Castrol MXD 154
Rivermax SX 40
Seamax Extra 40
CHEVRON Texaco Taro 16 XD 40
(FAMM, Caltex) Delo 1000 Marine SAE 40
DELEK Delmar 40-12
ENGEN Genmarine EO 4015
ERTOIL Koral 15
ESSO / EXXON Exxmar 12 TP 40
IRVING Marine MTX 1240
MOBIL Mobilgard 412 / SHC 120
Mobilgard ADL 40 / Delvac 1340 2)
REPSOL Neptuno NT 1540
SHELL Gadinia 40
Gadinia AL 40
Sirius 40 2)
Rimula X 40 2)
STATOIL MarWay 1040 2)
TEBOIL Ward S 10 T
1) If Marine Diesel fuel of poor quality (ISO-F-DMC) is used, a base number (BN) of approx. 20 is
of advantage.
2) If the sulphur content of the fuel is < 1%.

Table 3. Lubricating oils which have been released for the use in MAN B&W Diesel
four-stroke engines running on gas oil and Diesel oil

6680 3.3.5--01 E 01.05 General 104/ 04

Quality requirements
for lube oil 3.3.6

Lube oil for heavy fuel oil operation (HFO)

The specific power output offered by today’s Diesel engines and the use of
fuels which more and more often approach the acceptable limit in quality
increase the requirements placed on the lube oil and make it imperative
that the lube oil is chosen carefully. Medium-alkaline lube oils have proven
to be suitable for lubricating the running gear, the cylinders, the turbo-
charger and for cooling of the pistons. Medium-alkaline oils contain addi-
tives which, amongst other things, provide them with a higher neutralisa-
tion capacity than doped (HD) engine oils have.

No international specifications exist for medium-alkaline lube oils. An ad-

equately long trial operation in compliance with the manufacturer’s instruc-
tions is therefore necessary before a general release is possible.

Only lube oils, which have been released by MAN B&W, are to be used.
These are listed in Table 4 .


Base oil The base oil (medium-alkaline lube oil = base oil + additives) must be a
narrow distillation cut and must be refined in accordance with modern pro-
cedures. Brightstocks, if contained, must neither adversely affect the ther-
mal nor the oxidation stability.

The base oil must meet the limit values of the following Table, particularly
as concerns its aging stability.

Properties/characteristics Unit Test method Characteristic values

Structure -- -- preferably paraffin-basic
Behaviour in cold, still flowing ƒC ASTM-D2500 -15
Flash point (as per Cleveland) ƒC ASTM-D92 > 200
Ash content (oxide ash) Weight % ASTM-D482 < 0.02
Coke residue (as per Conradson) Weight % ASTM-D189 < 0.50
Aging tendency after being heated up to 135ƒ C -- MAN-aging --
for 100 hrs cabinet
n-heptane insolubles Weight % ASTM-D4055 < 0.2
or DIN 51592
evaporation loss Weight % -- <2
drop test (filter paper) -- MAN-test must not allow to recognize
precipitation of resinous or
asphalt-like aging products
Table 1. Lube oil (HFO operation) - characteristic values to be observed

Medium-alkaline lube oil The base oil (medium-alkaline lube oil) with which additives have been
mixed must demonstrate the following properties:

Additives The additives must be dissolved in the oil and must be of such a composi-
tion that an absolute minimum of ash remains as residue after combustion,

6680 3.3.6--01 E 04.05 General 101/ 04

even if the engine is run on distillate fuel temporarily. The ash must be
soft. If this prerequisite is not complied with, increased deposits are to be
expected in the combustion chamber, especially on the exhaust valves
and in the inlet housing of the turbochargers. Hard additive ash promotes
pitting on the valve seats, as well as valve blow-by and increased mechan-
ical wear in the cylinder crankcase.

Additives must not promote clogging of the filter elements, neither in their
active nor in their exhausted state.

Detergency The detergency must be so high that the build-up of coke and tar-like resi-
dues forming during the combustion of heavy fuel oil is precluded.

Dispersancy The dispersancy must be selected such that commercially available lube-
oil cleaning equipment can remove the detremental contaminations from
the used oil, i.e., the used oil must have good separating and filtering prop-

Diesel-Performance The Diesel performance (without taking the neutralisation capacity into
consideration) must, at least, comply with MIL-L-2104 D resp. API-CD.

Neutralisation capacity The neutralisation capacity (ASTM-D2896) must be so high that the acidic
products resulting from combustion are neutralised at the lube oil con-
sumption rate that is specific for the engine. The reaction time of the addi-
tives must be matched to the processes in the cylinder crankcase. Hints
concerning the selection of the BN are given in Table 3 .

Evaporation tendency The tendency to evaporate must be as low as possible, otherwise the oil
consumption is adversely affected.

Further conditions The lube oil must not form a stable emulsion with water. Less than 40 ml
emulsion are acceptable in the ASTM-D 1410 test after one hour. The
foaming behaviour (ASTM-D 892) must meet the following conditions:
after 10 minutes < 20 ml. The lube oil must not contain agents to improve
the viscosity index. Fresh oil must not contain any water or other conta-

Lube oil selection

Engine SAE class Viscosity

mm 2/s at 40ƒ C or 100ƒ C
20/27*, 23/30, 28/32 30** preferably in the upper range
25/30 40 of the SAE class
32/36 through 58/64 40 applicable to the engine
* Applies to engines with year of manufacture from 1985. For engines delivered before 01 Jan.
1985, lube oil viscosity as per SAE 40 continues to be valid.
** If the lube oil is heated to approx. 40ƒ C before the engine is started, SAE class 40 can also be
used if necessary (e.g. on account of simplified lube-oil storage).
Table 2. Viscosity (SAE class) of lube oils

Neutralisation capacity (BN) Medium-alkaline lube oils having differently high levels of neutralisation
capacity (BN) are available on the market. According to the present-day
state of knowledge, operating conditions to be expected and BN can be
correlated as follows (refer to Table 3 ). The operating results will in the
essence be the decisive criterion as to which BN will ensure the most
economic engine operation.

6680 3.3.6--01 E 04.05 General 102/ 04

BN (mg KOH/g oil) Operating conditions
20 -- 25 Marine Diesel Oil (MDO) of poor quality (ISO-F-DMC) or heavy fuel oils
with a low fuel sulphur content ($ 0.5 % by weight).
30 For 32/40, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64 engines only if the sulphur content of
the fuel is < 1.5 %
For older engines with higher lube oil consumption also if the fuel has a
higher sulphur content.
40 For 32/40, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64 engines generally if the sulphur con-
tent of the fuel is > 1.5 %
For older engine types if BN 30 is demonstrably inadequate in terms of
wear, residue formation and time between renewal of the oil charge, or if
the sulphur concentration is > 4.0 % by weight.
50 For 32/40, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64 engines if BN 40 is inadequate in
terms of time between renewal of oil charge (high sulphur content of the
fuel, very low oil consumption).
Table 3. Determining the BN appropriate for operating conditions

Cylinder lube oil In the case of engines with separate cylinder lubrication, the pistons and
the cylinder liner are supplied with lube oil by means of a separate oil
pump. The lube oil supply rate is factory-set to conform to both the quality
of the fuel to be used in service and to the anticipated operating condi-
A lube oil as specified above is to be used for the cylinder lubrication and
the lubricating circuit.

Speed governor In case of mechanic-hydraulic governors with separate oil sump, multi-
grade oil 5W-40 is preferably used. If this oil is not available as refill, an oil
15W-40 can be used for once. In this context it is not important, if multi-
grade oils based on synthetic or mineral oil are used. According to the
mineral oil companies they can be mixed in all cases.

The oil quality specified by the manufacturer is to be used for the remain-
ing equipment fitted to the engine.

Lube-oil additives We strongly advise against subsequently adding additives to the lube oil,
or mixing the different makes (brands) of the lube oil, as the performance
of the carefully matched package of additives, which is suiting itself and
adapted to the base oil, may be upset. Also, the lube oil company (oil
supplier) is no longer responsible for the oil.

Selection of lube oils/ Most of the mineral oil companies are in close and permanent consultation
warranty with the engine manufacturers and are, therefore, in a the position to
quote the oil from their own product line that has been approved by the
engine manufacturer for the given application. Independent of this release,
the lube oil manufacturers are in any case responsible for quality and per-
formance of their products. In case of doubt, we are more than willing to
provide you with further information.


We carry out the lube oil examinations in our laboratories for our cus-
tomers who need only pay the self-costs (net-costs). A representative
sample of about 1 dm3 is required for the examination.

6680 3.3.6--01 E 04.05 General 103/ 04

Base Number ( mgKOH/g )
f t 20 - 25 30 40 50 - 55
ADNOC Marine Engine Oil Marine Engine Oil Marine Engine Oil --
X424 X430 X440
AGIP -- Cladium 300 Cladium 400 --
BP Energol IC-HFX 204 Energol IC-HFX 304 Energol IC-HFX 404 Energol IC-HFX 504
CASTROL TLX 204 TLX 304 TLX 404 TLX 504
TLX Plus 204 TLX Plus 304 TLX Plus 404 TLX Plus 504
CEPSA -- Troncoil 3040 Plus Troncoil 4040 Plus Troncoil 5040 Plus
CHEVRON Texaco Taro 20DP40 Taro 30DP40 Taro 40XL40 Taro 50XL40
(FAMM, Caltex) Delo 2000 Marine Delo 3000 Marine Delo 3400 Marine
Oil SAE 40 Oil SAE 40 Oil SAE 40
DELEK Delmar 40-24 Delmar 40-30 Delmar 40-40 --
ENGEN -- Genmarine EO 4030 Genmarine EO 4040 --
ERTOIL -- Koral 3040 SHF Koral 4040 SHF Koral 5040 SHF
ESSO / EXXON Exxmar 24 TP 40 Exxmar 30 TP 40 Exxmar 40 TP 40 --
-- Exxmar 30 TP 40 Exxmar 40 TP 40 --
Plus Plus
IRVING Marine MTX 2040 Marine MXD 3040 Marine MXD 4040 --
MAO MING -- MMDL 4030 -- --
MOBIL -- Mobilgard 430 Mobilgard 440 --
-- Mobilgard M430 Mobilgard M440 Mobilgard M50
PETROBRAS Marbrax CCD-420 Marbrax CCD-430 Marbrax CCD-440 --
REPSOL Neptuno NT 2040 Neptuno NT 3040 Neptuno NT 4040 --
SHELL Argina S 40 Argina T 40 Argina X 40 Argina XL 40
TEBOIL -- Ward S 30 T Ward S 40 T --
TOTAL LUBMARINE Aurelia XL 4025 Aurelia XL 4030 Aurelia XL 4040 Aurelia XL 4055
Table 4. Lubricating oils, which have been released for the use in MAN B&W Diesel four-stroke engines running on heavy fuel

6680 3.3.6--01 E 04.05 General 104/ 04

Quality requirements
for engine cooling water 3.3.7


The engine cooling water, like the fuel and lubricating oil, is a medium
which must be carefully selected, treated and controlled. Otherwise, corro-
sion, erosion and cavitation may occur on the walls of the cooling system
in contact with water and deposits may form. Deposits impair the heat
transfer and may result in thermal overload on the components to be
cooled. The treatment with an anti-corrosion agent has to be effected be-
fore the first commissioning of the plant. During subsequent operations the
concentration specified by the engine manufacturer must always be en-
sured. In particular, this applies if a chemical additive is used.


Limiting values The characteristics of the untreated cooling water must be within the fol-
lowing limits:

Properties/feature Characteristics Unit

Type of water Distillate or freshwater, free from foreign --
The use of the following is prohibited: sea
water, brackish water, river water, brines,
industrial waste water and rain water
Total hardness max 10 •dH*
pH-value 6.5 -- 8 --
Chloride ion content max. 50 mg/l**

*) 1•dH (German hardness) 10 mg CaO in 1 litre water 17.9 mg CaCO3/litre

0.357 mval/litre 0.179 mmol/litre
**) 1 mg/l 1 ppm

Table 1. Cooling water -- characteristics to be adhered to

Test device The MAN B&W water test kit includes devices permitting, i.a., to determine
the above-mentioned water characteristics in a simple manner. Moreover,
the manufacturer of anti-corrosion agents are offering test devices that are
easy to operate. For further information regarding checking the cooling
water condition, please refer to work card 000.07.

Supplementary information

Distillate If a distillate (e.g. from the freshwater generator) or fully desalinated water
(ion exchanger) is available, this should preferably be used as engine cool-
ing water. These waters are free from lime and metal salts, i.e. major de-
posits affecting the heat transfer to the cooling water and worsening the
cooling effect cannot form. These waters, however, are more corrosive
than normal hard water since they do not form a thin film of lime on the
walls which provides a temporary protection against corrosion. This is the

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 101/ 07

reason why water distillates must be treated with special care and the con-
centration of the additive is to be periodically checked.

Hardness The total hardness of the water is composed of temporary and permanent
hardness. It is largely determined by calcium and magnesium salts. The
temporary hardness is determined by the hydrogencarbon content of the
calcium and magnesium salts. The permanent hardness can be deter-
mined from the remaining calcium and magnesium salts (sulphates). The
decisive factor for the formation of calcareous deposits in the cooling sys-
tem is the temporary (carbonate) hardness.

Water with more than 10 dH (German total hardness) must be mixed with
distillate or be softened. A rehardening of excessively soft water is only
necessary to suppress foaming if an emulsifiable anti-corrosion oil is used.

Damage in the cooling water system

Corrosion Corrosion is an electro-chemical process which can largely be avoided if

the correct water quality is selected and the water in the engine cooling
system is treated carefully.

Flow cavitation Flow cavitation may occur in regions of high flow velocity and turbulence.
If the pressure falls below the evaporation pressure, steam bubbles will
form which then collapse in regions of high pressure, thus producing mate-
rial destruction in closely limited regions.

Erosion Erosion is a mechanical process involving material abrasion and destruc-

tion of protective films by entrapped solids, especially in regions of exces-
sive flow velocities or pronounced turbulences.

Corrosion fatigue Corrosion fatigue is a damage caused by simultaneous dynamic and cor-
rosive stresses. It may induce crack formation and fast crack propagation
in water-cooled, mechanically stressed components if the cooling water is
not treated correctly.

Treatment of the engine cooling water

Formation of a protective film The purpose of engine cooling water treatment is to produce a coherent
protective film on the walls of the cooling spaces by the use of anti-corro-
sion agents so as to prevent the above-mentioned damage. A significant
prerequisite for the anti-corrosion agent to develop its full effectivity is that
the untreated water which is used satisfies the requirements mentioned
under point 2.

Protective films can be produced by treating the cooling water with a

chemical anti-corrosion agent or emulsifiable anti-corrosion oil.
Emulsifiable anti-corrosion oils are more and more losing importance
since, on the one hand, their use is heavily restricted by environmental
protection legislation and, on the other hand, the suppliers have, for these
and other reasons, commenced to take these products out of the market.

Treatment before operating the Treatment with an anti-corrosion agent should be done before the engine
engine for the first time is operated for the first time so as to prevent irreparable initial damage.

▲ Attention! Operating the engine without cooling water treatment

is prohibited.

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 102/ 07

Cooling water additives

Permission required Only the additives approved by MAN B&W and listed in the Tables 2 to
5 are permitted to be used. The suppliers are to warrant the effectivity of

the cooling water additive.

A cooling water additive can be approved for use if it has been tested ac-
cording to the latest rules of the Forschungsvereinigung Verbrennungs-
kraftmaschinen (FVV), ”Testing the suitability of coolant additives for cool-
ing liquids of internal combustion engines” (FVV publication R 443/1986).
The test report is to be presented if required. The necessary testing is car-
ried out by Staatliche Materialprüfanstalt, Department Oberflächentechnik,
Grafenstraße 2, 64283 Darmstadt on request.

To be used only in closed circuits Additives can only be used in closed circuits where no appreciable con-
sumption occurs except leakage and evaporation losses.

1. Chemical additives

Additives based on sodium nitrite and sodium borate, etc. have given good
results. Galvanised iron pipes or zinc anodes providing cathodic protection
in the cooling systems must not be used. Please note that this kind of cor-
rosion protection, on the one hand, is not required since cooling water
treatment is specified and, on the other hand, considering the cooling wa-
ter temperatures commonly practiced nowadays, it may lead to potential
inversion. If necessary, the pipes must be dezinced.

2. Anti-corrosion oil

This additive is an emulsifiable mineral oil mixed with corrosion inhibitors.

A thin protective oil film which prevents corrosion without obstructing the
transfer of heat and yet preventing calcareous deposits forms on the walls
of the cooling system.

Emulsifiable anti-corrosion oils have nowadays lost importance. For rea-

sons of environmental protection legislation and because of occasionally
occurring emulsion stability problems, they are hardly used any more.

The manufacturer must guarantee the stability of the emulsion with the
water available or has to prove this stability by presenting empirical values
from practical operation. If a completely softened water is used, the possi-
bility of preparing a stable, non-foaming emulsion must be checked in
cooperation with the supplier of the anti-corrosion oil or by the engine user
himself. Where required, adding an anti-foam agent or hardening (see
work card 000.07) is recommended.

Anti-corrosion oil is not suitable if the cooling water may reach tempera-
tures below 0ƒ C or above 90ƒ C . If so, an anti-freeze or chemical additive
is to be used.

3. Anti-freeze agent

If temperatures below the freezing point of water may be reached in the

engine, in the cooling system or in parts of it, an anti-freeze agent simulta-
neously acting as a corrosion inhibitor must be added to the cooling water.
Otherwise the entire system must be heated.
(Designation for armed forces of Germany: Sy-7025).

Sufficient corrosion protection can be achieved by admixing the products

listed in Table 5 taking care that the specified concentration is observed.
This concentration will prevent freezing down to a temperature of approx.

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 103/ 07

--22•C. The quantity of anti-freeze actually required, however, also de-
pends on the lowest temperature expected at the site.

Anti-freeze agents are generally based on ethylene glycol. A suitable

chemical additive must be admixed if the concentration of the anti-freeze
specified by the manufacturer for a certain application does not suffice to
afford adequate corrosion protection or if, due to less stringent require-
ments with regard to protection from freezing, a lower concentration of
anti-freeze agent is used than would be required to achieve sufficient cor-
rosion protection. The manufacturer must be contacted for information on
the compatibility of the additive with the anti-freeze and the concentration
required. The compatibility of the chemical additives stated in Table 2
with anti-freeze agents based on ethylene glycol is confirmed. Anti-freeze
agents may only be mixed with each other with the supplier’s or manufac-
turer’s consent, even if the composition of these agents is the same.

Prior to the use of an anti-freeze agent, the cooling system is to be

cleaned thoroughly.

If the cooling water is treated with an emulsifiable anti-corrosion oil, no

anti-freeze may be admixed, as otherwise the emulsion is broken and oil
sludge is formed in the cooling system.

For the disposal of cooling water treated with additives, observe the envi-
ronmental protection legislation. For information, contact the suppliers of
the additives.

4. Biocides

If the use of a biocide is inevitable because the cooling water has been
contaminated by bacteria, the following has to be observed:
- It has to be ensured that the biocide suitable for the particular applica-
tion is used.
- The biocide must be compatible with the sealing materials used in the
cooling water system; it must not attack them.
- Neither the biocide nor its decomposition products contain corrosion-
stimulating constituents. Biocides whose decomposition results in
chloride or sulphate ions are not permissible.
- Biocides due to the use of which the cooling water tends to foam are
not permissible.

Prerequisites for efficient use of an anti-corrosion agent

1. Clean cooling system

Before starting the engine for the first time and after repairs to the piping
system, it must be ensured that the pipes, tanks, coolers and other equip-
ment outside the engine are free from rust and other deposits because dirt
will considerably reduce the efficiency of the additive. The entire system
has therefore to be flushed using an appropriate cleaning agent with the
engine shut down (refer to work cards 000.03 and 000.08).

Loose solid particles, in particular, have to be removed from the circuit by

intense flushing because otherwise erosion may occur at points of high
flow velocities.

The agent used for cleaning must not attack the materials and the seal-
ants in the cooling system. This work is in many cases done by the sup-
plier of the cooling water additive, at least the supplier can make available
the suitable products for this purpose. If this work is done by the engine
user it is advisable to make use of the services of an expert of the cleaning

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 104/ 07

agent supplier. The cooling system is to be flushed thoroughly after clean-
ing. The engine cooling water is to be treated with an anti-corrosion agent
immediately afterwards. After restarting the engine, the cleaned system
has to be checked for any leakages.

2. Periodical checks of the condition of the cooling water and

cooling system

Treated cooling water may become contaminated in service and the addi-
tive will loose some of its effectivity as a result. It is therefore necessary to
check the cooling system and the condition of the cooling water at regular

The additive concentration is to be checked at least once a week, using

the test kit prescribed by the supplier. The results are to be recorded.

Important! The concentrations of chemical additives must not be

less than the minimum concentrations stated in Table 2 .

Concentrations that are too low may promote corrosive effects and have
therefore to be avoided. Concentrations that are too high do not cause
damages. However, concentrations more than double as high should be
avoided for economical reasons.

A cooling water sample is to be sent to an independent laboratory or to the

engine supplier for making a complete analysis every 3 - 6 months.

For emulsifiable anti-corrosion oils and anti-freeze agents, the supplier

generally prescribes renewal of the water after approx. 12 months. On
such renewal, the entire cooling system is to be flushed, or if required to
be cleaned (please also refer to work card 000.08). The fresh charge of
water is to be submitted to treatment immediately.

If chemical additives or anti-freeze agents are used, the water should be

changed after three years at the latest.

If excessive concentrations of solids (rust) are found, the water charge has
to be renewed completely, and the entire system has to be thoroughly

The causes of deposits in the cooling system may be leakages entering

the cooling water, breaking of the emulsion, corrosion in the system and
calcareous deposits due to excessive water hardness. An increase in the
chloride ion content generally indicates sea water leakage. The specified
maximum of 50 mg/kg of chloride ions must not be exceeded, since other-
wise the danger of corrosion will increase. Exhaust gas leakage into the
cooling water may account for a sudden drop in the pH value or an in-
crease of the sulphate content.

Water losses are to be made up for by adding untreated water which

meets the quality requirements according to item 2. The concentration of
the anti-corrosion agent has subsequently to be checked and corrected if
Checks of the cooling water are especially necessary whenever repair and
servicing work has been done in connection with which the cooling water
was drained.

Protective measures

Anti-corrosion agents contain chemical compounds which may cause

health injuries if wrongly handled. The indications in the safety data sheets
of the manufacturers are to be observed.

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 105/ 07

Prolonged, direct contact with the skin should be avoided. Thoroughly
wash your hands after use. Also, if a larger amount has been splashed
onto the clothing and / or wetted it, the clothing should be changed and
washed before being worn again.

If chemicals have splashed into the eyes, immediately wash with plenty of
water and consult a doctor.

Anti-corrosion agents are hazardous to waters in general. Cooling water

must therefore not be disposed off by pouring it into the sewage system
without prior consultation with the competent local authorities. The respec-
tive legal regulations have to be observed.

Permissible cooling water additives

1. Chemical additives (chemicals) - containing nitrite

Minimum concentration ppm

f t P d t designation
Product d i ti IInitial
iti l dose
d Product Nitrite Na-Nitrite
per 1000 litre (NO2) (NaNO2)
Drew Ameroid Int. Liquidewt 15 l 15000* 700 1050
Stenzelring 8 Maxigard 40 l 40000 1330 2000
21107 Hamburg DEWT-NC 4.5 kg 4500 2250 3375
Unitor Chemicals Rocor NB Liquid 21.5 l 21500 2400 3600
KJEMI-Service A.S. Dieselguard 4.8 kg 4800 2400 3600
P.O.Box 49
3140 Borgheim
Nalfleet Marine Nalfleet EWT Liq 3l 3000 1000 1500
Chemicals (9-108)
P.O.Box 11 Nalfleet EWT 9-111 10 l 10000 1000 1500
Northwich Nalcool 2000 30 l 30000 1000 1500
Cheshire CW8DX, UK
Maritech AB Marisol CW 12 l 12000 2000 3000
P.O.Box 143
29122 Kristianstad
Uniservice N.C.L.T. 12 l 12000 2000 3000
Via al Santuario di N.S.
della Guardia 58/A Colorcooling 24 l 24000 2000 3000
16162 Genova, Italy
* The values in the marked areas can be determined with the test kit of the chemical manufacturer.
Table 2. Chemical additives -- containing nitrite

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 106/ 07

2. Chemical additives (chemicals) - free from nitrite

Manufacturer Product designation Initial dose Minimum concentration

per 1000 l
Technologiepark Havoline
Zwijnaarde 2 XLI 75 l 7.5 %
B-9052 Gent, Belgium

Total Lubricants WT Supra 75 l 7.5 %

Paris, France
Table 3. Chemical additives -- free from nitrite

3. Emulsifiable anti-corrosion oils

Manufacturer Product
BP Marine, Breakspear Way, Hemel Hempstead, Diatsol M
Herts HP2 4UL, UK Fedaro M
Castrol Int., Pipers Way, Swindon SN3 1RE, UK Solvex WT 3
Deutsche Shell AG, Überseering 35, Oil 9156
22284 Hamburg, Germany
Table 4. Emulsifiable anti-corrosion oils

4. Anti-freeze agents with corrosion inhibiting effect

Manufacturer Product designation Minimum

BASF Glysantin G 48
Carl-Bosch-Str. Glysantin 9313
67063 Ludwigshafen, Rhein Glysantin G 05
Castrol Int. Antifreeze NF, SF
Pipers Way
Swindon SN3 1RE, UK
BP, Britannic Tower anti-frost X2270A
Moor Lane,
London EC2Y 9B, UK 35%
Deutsche Shell AG Glycoshell
Überseering 35
22284 Hamburg
Höchst AG, Werk Gendorf, Genatin extra (8021 S)
84508 Burgkirchen
Mobil Oil AG Frostschutz 500
Steinstraße 5
20095 Hamburg
Arteco, Technologiepark Havoline XLC
Zwijnaarde 2
B-9052 Gent, Belgium 50%
Total Lubricants Glacelf Auto Supra
Paris, France Total Organifreeze
Table 5. Anti-freeze agents with corrosion inhibiting effect

6680 3.3.7--01 E 03.06 32/40 upw 107/ 07

Analyses of operating media 3.3.8

Checking is important

The engine oil and cooling water require checking during engine operation
because contamination and acidification set limits to the useful life of the
lube oil, and inadequate water quality or insufficient concentrations of the
corrosion inhibitor in the cooling water may cause damage to the engine.

On engines operated on heavy fuel oil, it is also essential that certain

heavy fuel oil properties are checked for optimum heavy fuel oil treatment.
It cannot always be taken for granted that the data entered on the
bunkering documents is correct for the oil as supplied.

Test kit

We recommend the following MAN B&W test kits for comprehensive

chemical and physical analysis of fuel/lube oils:

Medium Type Designation

Heavy fuel oil and lube oil A Fuel and Lube Analysis Set
Cooling water B Cooling Water Test Kit
Table 1. Test kit for operating media analysis

Figure 1. Test kit A for fuel and lube oil analysis

6680 3.3.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 upw 101/ 04

Figure 2. Test kit B for cooling water analysis

of interest for
t Fuel Water Lubricati P
Property t is
i indicative
i di ti off Testt
on oil or decisive for kit
Density x x Separator setting A
Viscosity x x Separating temperature, injection A*
viscosity, lube oil dilution
Ignition performance x Ignition and combustion behaviour, A
CCAI/CII ignition pressure, pressure increase
rate, starting behaviour
Water content x x Fuel oil supply
pp y and atomisation,, A
Checking for sea water x x corrosion
i tendency
t d A
Total Base Number (TBN) x Remaining neutralisation capacity A
pH value x B
Pour point x x Storing capacity/pumpability A
Water hardness x Cooling water treatment B
Chloride ion concentration x Salt deposits in the cooling system B
Concentration of corrosion x Corrosion protection in the cooling **
inhibiting oil system
in the cooling water
Drop test x Total contamination of lube oil A
Spot Test (ASTM-D2781) x Compatibility of HFO blending A
* Test kit A contains the Viscomar unit that allows the viscosity to be measured at various reference temperatures. In combination with the
Calcumar processing unit, the viscosity/temperature interdependence can be determined (e.g. injection and pumping temperatures).

** Not included. Provided by the supplier of the corrosion inhibitor.

Table 2. Properties that can be tested using the test kits

Refills of the chemicals that are used are available. Each test kit includes
a comprehensive User’s Guide containing everything you need to know
about its use.

6680 3.3.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 upw 102/ 04

Other testing equipment

Lube Oil Tec To determine the water content, the Total Base Number (TBN) and the
viscosity of lube oils (scaled down alternative to test kit A)

Figure 3. Lube Oil Tec

port-A-lab For testing lube oil. Tests comparable to those performed by Lube Oil Tec.

Refractometer For monitoring how much anti-freeze is dispensed (in stationary systems).


Product Item number Source

A Fuel and Lube Analysis Set 09.11999-9005 1, 2
Chemical refills for A 09.11999-9002 1, 2
B Cooling Water Test Kit 09.11999-9003 1, 2
Chemical refills for B 09.11999-9004 1, 2, 3
Lube Oil Tec 2
port-A-lab 3
Measuring instrument for determining the 4
concentration of corrosion inhibitors containing
Refractometer for determining the concentration of 5

6680 3.3.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 upw 103/ 04


Source Address
1 MAN B&W Diesel AG, Augsburg, Dept. SK
2 Drew Marine Mar-Tec GmbH, Stenzelring 8, 21107 Hamburg
3 Martechnic GmbH, Schnackenbergallee 13, 22525 Hamburg
4 Supplier of corrosion inhibitor
5 Müller Gerätebau GmbH, Rangerdinger Straße 35, 72414 Höfendorf

6680 3.3.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 upw 104/ 04

Quality requirements for
intake air (combustion air) 3.3.11


The quality and the condition of the intake air (combustion air) exert great
influence on the engine output. In this connection, not only the atmos-
pherical condition is of great importance but also the pollution by solid and
gaseous matter.

Mineral dust particles in the intake air will result in increased wear. Chemi-
cal/gaseous constituents, however, will stimulate corrosion.

For this reason, effective cleaning of the intake air (combustion air) and
regular maintenance/cleaning of the air filter are required.


Limiting values The concentrations after the air filter and/or before the turbocharger inlet
must not exceed the following limiting values:

Properties/feature Character- Unit *

istic value
Particle size max. 5 ³m
Dust (sand, cement, CaO, Al2O3 etc.) max. 5 mg/m3 (STP)
Chlorine max. 1.5 mg/m3 (STP)
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) max. 1.25 mg/m3 (STP)
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) max. 15 mg/m3 (STP)

* m3 (STP) Cubic metre at standard temperature and pressure

Table 1. Intake air (combustion air) -- characteristic values to be observed

When designing the intake air system, it has to be kept in mind that the
total pressure drop (filter, silencer, piping) must not exceed 20 mbar.

6680 3.3.11--01 E 04.01 General 101/ 01

Engine operation I -
Starting the engine 3.4

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.4--01 E 11.97 101/ 01

Preparations for start/
Engine starting and stopping 3.4.1

Preparations for start after short downtimes

Activate/check the systems In the case of short downtimes, the fuel pumps should remain in operation;
put them into operation if necessary. Switch on pumps for lubricating oil
and cooling water unless mounted on the engine. Prime the engine. After
downtimes exceeding 12 hours, additionally open the indicator valves and
turn the running gear by approx. three revolutions using the turning gear.
On engines which are started automatically, activate the slow-turn instead.
Check whether the cooling water and lubricating oil have been preheated
(if possible). Set the shut-off elements of all systems to in-service position.
The engine is then ready to be started.

Check the fuel viscosity On engines operated on heavy fuel oil, check whether the viscosity of the
fuel corresponds to the operating viscosity (see Section 3.3).
Engine start is initiated by a pulse transmitted through valve M 388/1 to
valve M 329/1 in the engine-mounted operating device. In case of an
emergency, the valve M 329/1 can also be actuated manually.
Additionally, please observe the requirements applicable for remote control
of marine engines.

Preparations for engine start on heavy fuel oil

The engine can also be started on heavy fuel oil provided the necessary
heating equipment is available. In this connection, the conditions appli-
cable for pier-to-pier operation are to be observed:

Pier-to-pier operation In the case of pier-to-pier operation, landing and departure of the ship
takes place in heavy-fuel-oil operation, without switching over to Diesel oil

Starting the engine For starting the engine on heavy fuel oil, proceed as follows:
on heavy fuel oil
in the case of
- According to the conditions for pier-to-pier operation, the tank heaters,
fuel delivery pump, final preheater and, if necessary, the tracing type
pier-to-pier operation
heating, as well as the preheating pumps in the fuel system are already
in operation.
- Switch on the pump for cylinder cooling water and subsequently, if
necessary, the preheater. Temperature required: approx. 60•C.
- Switch on the pump for nozzle cooling water and subsequently the pre-
heater. Temperature required: approx. 55•C.
- Switch on the preheater for lubricating oil (heating coil in the service
tank), or preheat the lubricating oil in the by-pass (separator circuit).
Temperature required: approx. 40•C.
Important! The lube oil service pump and/or stand-by pump must
not be switched on until approx. 10 minutes prior to engine start in order to
avoid that the turbocharger(s) is/are overlubricated because of the ab-
sence of sealing air at standstill.

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 101/ 07

- According to the conditions for pier-to-pier operation, the fuel delivery
pump, the heating equipment for the mixing tank (if available), the
heavy-fuel oil pipes and the final preheater are already in operation.
Required heavy fuel oil temperature in the service tank: approx. 75 •C.
- When the required temperatures have been reached and the viscosity
of the heavy fuel oil upstream of the injection pumps corresponds to the
specification (see Section 3.3), the engine can be started.

Preparations for starting after prolonged downtimes or after overhaul work

After overhaul work or after prolonged downtimes (several weeks) the fol-
lowing work has to be done before the engine is started:
Fuel oil system - Dewater and top up the settling tank and service tank.
- Drain the filters and clean the inserts.
- Set all the shut-off elements to in-service position.
For starting HFO-operated engines on Diesel fuel:
Switch the three-way cock so that Diesel fuel flows from the service
tank to the mixing tank (see the system-specific fuel oil diagram in Vol-
ume E1).
- Switch on the delivery pump and evacuate air from the injection pumps,
pipes and filters.
- Check the zero admission on the control rod of each injection pump
and verify that the linkage moves easily.
- For HFO operation: Start the heating equipment (unless permanently
on) and check it.
- Switch the delivery pump and the heating for the final preheater off
again (danger of overheating).

Cooling water system - Remove sludge from cooling water tank, coolers, pumps and pipes (en-
gine, injection valves, charge-air cooler).
- Top up the cooling water, check the concentration of the anti-corrosion
- Switch on the cooling water pumps or stand-by pumps (engine and in-
jection valves).
- Evacuate air from the cooling water spaces and check all connections
for tightness.
- Check, i.e. open the leaked water drain from the cylinder liner sealing in
the backing ring and from the charge-air cooler casing to verify that
they are tight.
- Check the cooling water pressure and the water volume in the compen-
sating tank.
- Check the compensating tank for separations of anti-corrosion oil (cyl-
inder cooling) and fuel oil (injection valve cooling).
- Switch off the cooling water pumps.

Lube oil system - Pump the lubricating oil out of (oil sump and) storage tank and clean
the oil spaces (make sure not to forget the exhaust gas turbocharger).
- Clean the oil filters, separators and oil coolers.
Top up new lubricating oil, or separate the oil charge in use.
- Set all the cocks to in-service position and switch on the electrically
driven lube oil pump or stand-by pump.
- Check the running gear as well as the injection pump drive and the
valve gear to verify that oil is supplied to all bearing points.
- Check the pipe connections and pipes for leakages.
- Check the lube oil pressure upstream of the engine and upstream of
the exhaust gas turbocharger.
- With the indicator valves opened, move the running gear by two
revolutions using the turning gear. Watch the indicator valves to see

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 102/ 07

whether any liquid is issuing.
- Disengage the turning gear again and switch off the lube oil pump.

Starting system - Dewater the compressed air tank and check the pressure, top up if
- Check the shut-off valves for ease of movement.
- Check the starting valves in the cylinder heads for tightness
(see Work Card in Volume B2).
Clearances Check the valve clearance.

Test run If possible, make a short test run as follows:

- Start the heating equipment for lubricating oil and cooling water, where
available. When preheating temperatures have been reached, set the
shut-off elements to in-service position, switch on the fuel, lube oil and
cooling water pumps, unless these are mounted on the engine, and
start the engine. Operate the engine at low speed for approx. 10 min-
- Watch the indicating instruments during operation.
- If the engine operates properly, load should be applied or the engine
should be shut down. Prolonged idle operation is to be avoided. The
engine should reach the service temperature as quickly as possible
because it suffers higher wear while cold.

Start the engine (with PGG speed governor)

1 Indication
2 Admission lever
3 Push-button
4 Actuating lever

Figure 1. Operating equipment (PGG speed governor)

Steps - Set the actuating lever (4) to “LOCAL” .

- Adjust the nominal speed to the lowest value possible (if possible).
- Verify that the indication (1) “DON’T START” is not glowing (if the in-
dication is glowing, the engine cannot be started.)
- Shift the admission lever (2) to 50% ... 60%.
- Press push-button (3) “START” until the engine starts running.
- By means of the admission lever (2), adjust the admission limitation to
the desired value (e.g. 100%, as shown in Figure 1 ).
- Change the nominal speed towards the upper range.
▲ Attention! Observe remarks in Sections 3.4 to 3.7 (Operational
control I - IV)!

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 103/ 07

Start the engine (with PGG-EG speed governor)

1 Indication
3 Push-button
4 Actuating lever

Figure 2. Operating equipment (PGG-EG speed governor)

Steps - Set the actuating lever (4) to “NORMAL OPERATION WITH ELECTRI-
- Prior to starting, adjust the nominal speed to approx. 30% using the
adjusting knob provided for this purpose.
- Verify that the indication (1) “DON’T START” is not glowing (if the in-
dication is glowing, the engine cannot be started.)
- Press push-button (3) “START” until the engine starts running.
- Adjust the nominal speed by means of the adjusting knob provided.
▲ Attention! Observe remarks in Sections 3.4 to 3.7 (Operational
control I - IV)!

Start the engine (with PGA speed governor)

1 Indication
2 Admission lever
3 Push-button
4 Actuating lever
5 Fine regulating valve

Figure 3. Operating equipment (PGA speed governor)

Steps - Set the actuating lever (4) to “LOCAL”.

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 104/ 07

- Prior to starting, adjust the nominal speed to approx. 30% using the
fine regulating valve (5).
- Verify that the indication (1) “DON’T START” is not glowing (if the in-
dication is glowing, the engine cannot be started.)
- Shift the admission lever (2) to 50%.
- Press the push-button (3) “START” until the engine starts running.
- Set the admission limitation to the desired value using the admission
lever (2).
- Adjust the nominal speed on the fine regulating valve (5).
▲ Attention! Observe the remarks in Sections 3.4 to 3.7 (Operational
control I - IV)!

Start the engine (with PGA-EG speed governor)

1 Indication
3 Push-button
4 Actuating lever
5 Fine regulating valve

Figure 4. Operating equipment (PGA-EG speed governor)

Steps - Set the actuating lever (4) to “NORMAL OPERATION WITH ELECTRI-
- Prior to starting, adjust the nominal speed to approx. 30% using the
fine regulating valve (5).
- Verify that the indication (1) “DON’T START” is not glowing (if the in-
dication is glowing, the engine cannot be started.)
- Press the push-button (3) “START” until the engine starts running.
- Adjust the nominal speed on the fine regulating valve (5).
▲ Attention! Observe the remarks in Sections 3.4 to 3.7 (Operational
control I - IV) !

Shut down the engine

In case a prolonged engine standstill is planned, the engine should be op-

erated on part load in the Diesel mode for a sufficient period of time before
it is shut down from operation on heavy fuel oil, until fuel temperatures and
viscosities that are typical for Diesel oil operation have been reached.
Steps - Check whether a sufficient amount of compressed air is available in the
compressed air tanks.
- Remove load from engine and operate it at low load.
- Shut down the engine.
- If it is desired to maintain the operability of the engine for short-term

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 105/ 07

restarting, the fuel pumps are to be kept operating, and the cooling
water, lubricating oil, and in case of HFO operation the fuel oil, too, are
to be kept at service temperatures. Recooling should be terminated.
- Otherwise, switch off the fuel oil delivery pump.
- The pumps for cooling water and lubricating oil should continue operat-
ing, and cooling of the engine should be continued for approx. 10 min-
utes after shut down (in case of electrically driven pumps).
- Close all the shut-off valves, especially those on the compressed air
tanks. Check the pressure gauges!
- Open all the indicator valves in the cylinder heads.
- Engage the turning gear and attach a warning sign on the control
- Clean the engine on the outside and carry out the necessary checks.
Deficiencies, if any, should be remedied immediately even if appearing
▲ Attention! If there is a danger of freezing, drain the cooling water
completely unless anti-freeze has been added; otherwise, cracks
might form in cooling spaces due to frozen water!

Engine shut down from HFO operation

Engine shut-down from opera- After shutting the engine down from HFO operation, the following is to be
tion on HFO in case of pier-to- observed:
pier operation
- The cooling circuits of the engine remain in operation until the engine
has cooled down.
J HT cooling water pump shut off, while the preheating pump remains in
J Nozzle cooling water pump shut off.
J Lube oil pump shut off.
- LT cooling water pump remains in operation. Engine preheating is ef-
fected by a servomotor.
- Tank heating equipment, fuel delivery pump, final preheater and tracing
type heating in the fuel system (where available) remain in operation.
Required HFO temperature in the service tank: approx. 75•C.

Emergency stop

Engine after emergency stop In order to permit quick engine shut-down in case a disturbance occurs, a
pneumatic shut-off piston has been fitted in every injection pump which,
when operated by compressed air, sets the injection pump to zero admis-
At the same time, the speed governor is induced to move the control link-
age of the governor also to zero admission.

This emergency stop system is activated in two ways as described below:

1. Automatically, by a monitoring device (oil pressure controller, cooling
water temperature controller, speed governor etc. - differing from en-
gine to engine).
2. Manually, by pressing an emergency stop pushbutton in the control
stand or engine control centre of the remote control.
In both cases, emergency stop is indicated by a lamp in the control stand
glowing, and possibly also by an audible signal.

▲ Attention! In emergency cases, where the manoeuvrability of the

vessel is of greater importance than the engine damage prevention,
an emergency stop impulse can be suppressed by pressing a corre-

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 106/ 07

sponding override pushbutton in the switch cabinet or engine con-
trol centre.

Engine in HFO operation In case the engine has to be shut down directly from HFO operation, the
Engine start after emergency following is to be observed (see system-related fuel diagram in Section 2):
stop - If the engine is to be restarted after a few minutes, it is sufficient to
keep the heating equipment and one delivery pump operating.
- In case of longer engine downtime, switch the three-way cock (15) to
Diesel fuel operation and the three-way cock (16) to flushing. The deliv-
ery pump is to be kept operating until the heavy fuel oil has been re-
pumped into the HFO service tank and the piping system has been
filled with Diesel fuel oil. Subsequently, reswitch the three-way cock
(16) to normal operation and switch the delivery pump off.
Important! If cock (16) is left in the flushing position, Diesel fuel oil
is pumped into the HFO service tank on engine restart.
- The injection pipes from the injection pumps to the injection valves, and
the injection nozzles proper, cannot be flushed. The remainders of
heavy fuel oil congeal sooner or later, depending on the viscosity of the
fuel used. Prior to restarting, it may become necessary to dismantle,
heat and empty these components unless special heating equipment
for engine starting on heavy fuel oil is available.

6640 3.4.1--03 E 11.03 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 107/ 07

Change-- over from Diesel fuel oil
to heavy fuel oil and vice versa 3.4.2

Change-over from Diesel fuel operation to operation on heavy fuel oil

Preliminary remarks In the case of engines equipped with a pressurised fuel oil system for HFO
operation, there exists the risk that on prolonged operation on Diesel fuel
oil the maximum admissible Diesel fuel temperature is exceeded due to
hot Diesel fuel being recirculated into the mixing tank. Excessive
temperatures imply low viscosity and lubricity involving corresponding
danger for the injection pumps. Therefore, the shut-off valves in the return
pipe have in this case to be switched so that the Diesel fuel oil is returned
to the service tank instead of the mixing tank (refer to Section 2.4 or the
system-specific fuel oil diagram).

Important! On switch-over to heavy fuel oil operation, recirculation

has also to be switched back to mixing tank; otherwise, heavy fuel oil will
enter the Diesel fuel oil service tank.
Prerequisites - The engine is operated on Diesel fuel oil, the components are at
service temperatures.
- The heating equipment is in operation, the HFO temperature in the
service tank being permanently maintained at approx. 75•C.

Steps - Switch on the heaters for the mixing tank and heavy fuel oil pipes, if
- Switch the three-way cock to HFO operation (refer to system-specific
fuel oil diagram).
- For engine systems equipped with viscosity measuring system and
manual control of preheating temperature: Adjust the heating capacity
of the final preheater in accordance with the viscosimeter data so that
the viscosity shown in the viscosity/temperature diagram is obtained at
the injection pumps (depending on the heavy fuel oil used).
- In case of engine systems with automatic heavy fuel oil viscosity
control: The viscosity control system is adjusted on initial putting into
operation of the engine, and should not be changed normally.
- The temperature of the cooling water as leaving the cylinder is to be
maintained at approx. 80•C. In the case of heavy fuel oils with a high
sulphur concentration, in particular, make sure that the temperature
does not drop below this value.

6628 3.4.2--01 E 07.97 32/40 upw 101/ 02

Change-over from HFO operation to operation on Diesel fuel oil

Steps - Switch the three-way cock (please refer to system-specific fuel oil
diagram) to Diesel fuel oil approx. 30 minutes prior to engine
- Final preheaters controlled by hand have to be switched off.
- When the heavy fuel oil carried in the piping system has been used up
and replaced by Diesel fuel oil, the engine may be shut down.
- Switch off all heating equipment (as far as required).
Important! A change-over to Diesel fuel oil offers the advantage
that the engine is ready to be started at any time without previous system
heating for several hours being required. Maintenance and overhaul work
is substantially facilitated if the piping and injection system is filled with
Diesel fuel oil.

6628 3.4.2--01 E 07.97 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Admissible outputs and speeds 3.4.3


Power, speed ... The following relationships exist between engine power, speed, torque and
mean effective pressure:

1200 ô P e
pe and
VH ô n ô z

9550 ô P e
Md n


pe Mean effective pressure [bar],

Pe Effective engine power [kW],
VH Cubic capacity [dm3],
n Speed [rpm],
Z Number of cylinders and
Md Torque [Nm].

Mean pressure The mean effective pressure is the mean value of the cylinder pressure
over the whole four-stroke cycle. It is proportional to the power and the
torque and inversely proportional to the speed. If the mechanical efficiency
hmech is known, it can be calculated from the mean value of the indicated

pe pi ô ®mech

Synchronous speeds Three-phase generators are connected to the synchronous speeds:

n 60 ô f


n Rated engine speed [rpm],

f Mains frequency [Hz] and
p Number of generator pole pairs.

Operating points/characteristic Stable engine operating points are only obtained when there is a balance
curves between output, speed and the feed rate setting of the fuel pumps (filling).
The energy supply must correspond to the energy requirements.

In hydraulic drive units, such as propellers or pumps, the power required

increases by roughly the speed to the power of three Pn3). This means
that increases in speed are relatively difficult to achieve towards the top of
the power curve. This also applies to speed gains as the ship’s speed is a
direct function of engine speed (nv). The gradient of the power-speed
curve (in the case of fixed-pitch propellers) or the location of the operating
point (with variable-pitch propellers) is determined by the pitch of the
propeller and the resistance of the ship or, in the case of pumps, by the
blade setting.

6680 3.4.3--01 E 07.05 32/40 upw 101/ 04

Changes in pump filling only bring about a change in power in the case of
generator systems; in marine propulsion systems, however, they lead to
different power-speed combinations.

Permitted power and speed

In service, the maximum speed and torque have to be limited in the first
approximation to 100 %, the continuous output in diesel operation to
between 0 and 100 %, and in HFO mode to between 151) and 100 %. This
is to some extent achieved through design measures but must be
supplemented by operational techniques.

Operation in a power range below 15 or 20 % is only permitted for short

periods. Operation in the range between
60 - 90 % of rated power is recommended.

The permitted operating ranges for marine engines are shown in Figure
1 and 2 .

Figure 1. Permitted output-speed ranges for single-engine systems with fixed-pitch


1) 15 % not applicable for L/V 20/27 and 25/30, for which 20 % is the lower limit for continuous part-load operation.

6680 3.4.3--01 E 07.05 32/40 upw 102/ 04

Figure 2. Permitted output-speed ranges for single-engine systems with variable-
pitch propellers without shaft generator

Term Explanation Term Explanation

Rating Effective engine power (Pe) I Operating range for continuous operation
Speed Speed (n) II Operating range permitted temporarily,
e.g. acceleration/manoeuvring
bmep Mean effective pressure (pe) 1 Load Limit
2 Recommended combinator curve
3 Zero thrust curve
Torque Torque (Md) FP Design range for fixed-pitch propeller unit
MCR Maximum continuous power P Design range for variable-pitch propeller unit
(blocked power) with combinator
Table 1. Legend for Figure 1 and 2 (abridged texts - not suitable for propeller design or for checking same)

6680 3.4.3--01 E 07.05 32/40 upw 103/ 04

Other limitations

- Engines that are being used as the main source of propulsion for
fixed-pitch or variable-pitch propellers are blocked at 100 % output.
They may be operated with a maximum of 10 % reduction in speed.
- Engines being used as the diesel-electric source of propulsion for
fixed-pitch or variable-pitch propellers are blocked at 110 % output.
Output 100 % may be applied temporarily for acceleration purposes.
- Engines being used for dredging operation are blocked at between 100
and 90 % output depending on engine size and may be operated with a
maximum of 30 % reduction in speed.
- Engines used in fishing boots or tugs are blocked at 100 % output and
may be operated with a 20 % reduction in speed.2)
The above information is for guidance purposes only. The procedures to
be used under operational conditions will be agreed between the
purchaser, shipyard/planning office and engine manufacturer.

▲ Attention! Blocking/limitations must not be lifted without first

consulting MAN B&W Diesel AG.

2) Only applies to engines 20/27 to 32/40

6680 3.4.3--01 E 07.05 32/40 upw 104/ 04

Running-- in 3.4.4


Engines must be run in

- during commissioning at site if, after the test run, pistons or bearings
were removed for inspection and/or if the engine was partly or com-
pletely disassembled for transport,
- on installation of new running gear components, e.g. cylinder liners,
pistons, piston rings, main bearings, big-end bearings and piston pin
- on installation of used bearing shells,
- after an extended low-load operation (> 500 operating hours).

Supplementary information

Adjustment required Surface irregularities on the piston rings and the cylinder liner running sur-
face are smoothed out during the running-in process. The process is
ended when the first piston ring forms a perfect seal towards the combus-
tion chamber, i.e. the first piston ring exhibits an even running surface
around its entire circumference. If the engine is subjected to a higher load
before this occurs, the hot exhaust gases will escape between the piston
rings and the cylinder liner running surface. The film of oil will be destroyed
at these locations. The consequence will be material destruction (e.g.
scald marks) on the running surface of the rings and the cylinder liner and
increased wear and high oil consumption during subsequent operation.

The duration of the running-in period is influenced by a number of factors,

including the condition of the surface of the piston rings and the cylinder
liner, the quality of the fuel and lubricating oil and the loading and speed of
the engine. The running-in periods shown in Figure 1 and 2
respectively are, therefore, for guidance only.

Operating media

Fuel Diesel oil or heavy fuel oil can be used for the running-in process. The fuel
used must satisfy the quality requirements (Section 3.3) and be appropri-
ate for the fuel system layout.
The gas that is to be later used under operational conditions is best used
when running-in spark-ignited gas engines. Dual-fuel engines are run in in
diesel mode using the fuel that will later be used as pilot oil.

Lubricating oil The lubricating oil to be used while running-in the engine must satisfy the
quality requirements (Section 3.3) relating to the relevant fuel quality.

▲ Attention! The entire lube oil system is to be rinsed thoroughly

before taking the engine into operation for the first time (see work
card 000.03).

6680 3.4.4--03 E 04.03 32/40 upw 101/ 03

Running-in the engine

Cylinder lubrication During the entire running-in process, the cylinder lubrication is to be
switched to the “Running-in” mode. This is done at the control cabinet
and/or the operator’s panel (under “Manual Operation”) and causes the
cylinder lubrication to be activated over the entire load range already when
the engine is started. The increased oil supply has a favourable effect on
the running-in of the piston rings and pistons. After completion of the run-
ning-in process, the cylinder lubrication is to be switched back to “Normal

Checks During running-in, the bearing temperature and crankcase are to be

- for the first time after 10 minutes of operation at minimum speed,
- after operational output levels have been reached.
The bearing temperatures (camshaft bearings, big-end and main bearings)
are to be measured and compared with those of the neighbouring bear-
ings. For this purpose, an electric tracer-type thermometer can be used
as measuring device.

At 85% load and on reaching operational output levels, the operating data
(firing pressures, exhaust gas temperatures, charge air pressure, etc.) are
to be checked and compared with the acceptance record.

Standard running-in programme Marine engines for propeller plants (operation at variable speed)
Running-in can be carried out with a fixed-pitch, controllable-pitch, or zero-
thrust-pitch propeller. During the entire running-in period, the engine out-
put is to remain within the output range that has been marked in Figure 1
and 2 respectively, i.e. below the theoretical propeller curve. Critical
speed ranges are to be avoided.

Running-in during commissioning Four-stroke engines are, with a few exceptions, always subjected to a test
at site run in the manufacturer’s works, so that the engine has been run in, as a
rule. Nevertheless, repeated running is required after assembly at the final
place of installation if pistons or bearings were removed for inspection
after the test run or if the engine was partly or completely disassembled for

Running-in after installation of In case cylinder liners, pistons and/or piston rings are replaced on the oc-
new running gear components casion of overhaul work, the engine has to be run in again. Running-in is
also required if the rings have been replaced on one piston only. Run-
ning-in is to be carried out according to Figures 1 and 2 and/or the
pertinent explanations.

The cylinder liner requires rehoning according to work card 050.05 unless
it is replaced. A portable honing device can be obtained from one of our
service bases.

Running-in after refitting used If used bearing shells were refitted or new bearing shells installed, the
or installing new bearing respective bearings have to be run in. The running-in period should be
shells (main bearing, big-end three to five hours, applying load in stages. The remarks in the previous
and piston pin bearing) paragraphs, especially under “Checks”, as well as Figure 1 and 2
respectively are to be observed.
Idling at high speed over an extended period is to be avoided, wherever

Running-in after low-load ope- Continuous operation in the low-load range may result in heavy internal
ration contamination of the engine. Combustion residues from the fuel and lubri-
cating oil may deposit on the top-land ring of the piston, in the ring grooves
and possibly also in the inlet ducts. Besides, the charge-air and exhaust

6680 3.4.4--03 E 04.03 32/40 upw 102/ 03

piping, the charge-air cooler, the turbocharger and the exhaust gas boiler
may become oily.

As also the piston rings will have adapted themselves to the cylinder liner
according to the loads they have been subjected to, accelerating the en-
gine too quickly will result in increased wear and possibly cause other
types of engine damage (piston ring blow-by, piston seizure).

After prolonged low-load operation (500 operating hours), the engine

should therefore be run in again, starting from the output level, at which it
has been operated, in accordance with the Figures 1 and 2 .
Please also refer to the notes in Section 3.5.4 ”Low-load operation”.

Tip! For additional information, the after-sales service department of

MAN B&W Diesel AG or of the licensee will be at your disposal.

A Controllable-pitch propeller
B Fixed-pitch propeller
C Engine output
(specified range)
D Running-in period in [h]
E Engine speed and output
in [%]

Figure 1. Standard running-in programme for marine propulsion engines (variable

speed) of the 32/40 engine type

A Controllable-pitch propeller
B Fixed-pitch propeller
C Engine output
(specified range)
D Running-in period in [h]
E Engine speed and output
in [%]

Figure 2. Standard running-in programme for marine propulsion engines (variable

speed) of the 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 engine types

6680 3.4.4--03 E 04.03 32/40 upw 103/ 03

Engine operation II -
Control the operating media 3.5

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.5--01 E 11.97 101/ 01

Monitoring the engine/
performing routine jobs 3.5.1

Monitoring the engine/routine checks

State-of-the-art engine systems normally run automatically using intelligent

control and monitoring systems. Hazards and damage are precluded to a
large extent by internal testing routines and monitoring equipment. Regular
checks are nevertheless necessary to identify potential problems at an
early stage and to implement the appropriate preventive measures. More-
over, the necessary maintenance work should be done as and when re-

It is the operator’s duty to carry out the checks listed below, at least during
the warranty period. However, they should be continued after the warranty
term expires. The expense in time and costs is low compared to that in-
curred for remedying faults or damage that was not recognised in time.
Results, observations and actions taken in connection with such checks
are to be entered in an engine log book. Reference values should be de-
fined to make an objective assessment of findings possible.

Regular checks The regular checks should include the following measures:
(every hour/daily)
- Assess the operating status of the propulsion system, check for alarms
and shut-downs,
- visual and audible assessment of the systems,
- checking performance and consumption data,
- checking the contents of all tanks containing operating media,
- checking the most essential engine operating data and ambient condi-
- checking the engine, turbocharger, generator/propeller for smooth run-
Periodic checks In addition to the regular checks, further checks should be made at some-
(daily/every week) what longer intervals for the following purposes:
- Determine the operating hours logged, and verify the balancing of oper-
ating times in case of multi-engine systems,
- evaluate the number of starting events,
- check the printers or recording instruments,
- check all the relevant engine operating data,
- evaluate the stability of the governor and control linkage,
- check the engine systems for unusual vibrations and extraordinary
- check all the systems, units and main components for proper perform-
- check the condition of operating media.

6680 3.5.1--03 E 10.02 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 101/ 04

Routine jobs

The following routine jobs are to be carried out at appropriate intervals with
due regard to their importance:
Fuel oil system - Check the service tanks (diesel fuel and heavy fuel oil) and top up in
time. Prior to changeover to another tank, drain the water from the
- Never run the service tank completely dry. This would permit air to
enter the piping so that the injection system would have to be vented.
- Regularly drain or exhaust water and sludge from the service tanks.
Otherwise sediments could rise up to the outlet connection level.
- Clean the filters and separators at regular intervals.
- Ensure cleanliness during fuel pumping. Perform a spot test of the fuel
on every bunkering (see work card 000.05) and keep these together
with the engine operating data logs. The fuel has to meet the quality
Engines operated on heavy fuel oil:
- Heat the heavy oil to a temperature at which the prescribed viscosity
will be attained at the entry into the injection pumps. Refer to Figure 1.
Supplementary information is given in the viscosity/temperature dia-
gram, Section 3.3.4

Figure 1. Viscosity/temperature diagram (reduced version)

- Do not mix heavy oils of different viscosities, and do not blend heavy oil
with distillate as instability may occur and cause engine operating
- Submit the heavy fuel oil to one-stage or two-stage separation, de-
pending on the system layout.

Lube oil system - Check the lube oil level in the service tank and top up if necessary.
- Check the lube oil temperatures upstream and downstream of the
- Monitor the lube oil pressure at the control console and, if necessary,
adjust to the specified service pressure. If the oil pressure rises above
normal when starting the cold engine, this is of no significance as the
oil pressure will drop to the specified service pressure as the oil heats
▲ Attention! The engine must be shut down immediately if the oil
pressure drops!

6680 3.5.1--03 E 10.02 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 102/ 04

- Check the water content of the lube oil at the specified intervals (see
maintenance schedule, Section 4).
- Use lube oil grades that meet the quality requirements
(see Section 3.3).
- Clean the filters and separators at regular intervals.
Cooling water system - Check the cooling water level in the expansion tanks (cylinder and in-
jection valve cooling) and top up if necessary. Check the concentration
of the corrosion inhibitor (see quality requirements, sheet 3.3.7 and
work card 000.07).
- Check the cooling water outlet temperatures. Should the temperature
rise above the specified maximum, and if corrective regulation is not
possible, reduce the engine load and take remedial measures. Reduce
the temperature slowly to avoid thermal stresses in the engine.
- Adjust the cooling water outlet temperature to the specified value (refer
to Section 2.5). If the engine operating temperature is too low, excess-
ive cylinder liner wear will occur, and the sulphur contained in the heavy
fuel oil will induce corrosion. Fuel oil consumption will also rise.
- If marine engines are operated on heavy fuel oil during manoeuvring
(pier-to-pier operation), care should be taken that the cooling water
temperatures are maintained at as high a level as possible.
▲ Attention! In case of faults in the engine cooling water circuit,
especially if the cooling water pump fails, the engine must be shut
down immediately!
Starting air - Refill the compressed air tanks immediately upon engine starting so
system that sufficient compressed air is available whenever required.
- The pipes from the distributing pipe to the starting valves are to be
checked after starting to ensure that they do not become too hot. If this
is the case, the corresponding valve is not tight. This valve should be
overhauled or replaced as soon as possible because otherwise the
valve seat and the valve cone will be destroyed.
Charge air system - High air humidity may cause large amounts of condensed water to
accumulate in the charge air pipe (refer to Section 3.5). Discharge of
the condensed water is to be checked through the leaked water pipe
that runs along each cylinder bank. Where the condensed water is
drained via a float valve, this valve is to be checked for proper oper-
ation. To minimise the accumulation of condensed water, the charge air
temperature should be kept as high as possible over the entire operat-
ing range, however, with due allowance being made for other operating
- The charge-air pressure should be looked up in the test run record and
compared with that measured on the engine. This comparison permits
conclusions to be drawn regarding the condition of the exhaust gas
turbocharger and charge-air cooler. The charge air pressure measured
by a differential pressure gauge upstream and downstream of the
charge air cooler will serve as a measure for the degree of fouling of
the air side of the cooler.
Refer to the Technical Documentation, Volume B2 / work card 000.40.

Supplementary jobs/notes

Operating values - Although the cylinders develop the same output, the exhaust gas tem-
peratures may vary slightly. It is not admissible to adjust the cylinders
to the same exhaust gas temperatures.
- The cylinders should be loaded as evenly as possible. This can be veri-
fied by comparison of the ignition pressures and the control linkage
position of the injection pumps.
- The exhaust gas temperatures have to be checked and compared with
the previously measured temperatures (acceptance certificate).
If larger differences should be found, the cause is to be traced and the
fault eliminated.

6680 3.5.1--03 E 10.02 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 103/ 04

- The exhaust discoloration is to be checked. Oil in the combustion
chamber will give the exhaust gases a bluish colour, poor combustion
or overloading will give the exhaust gases a darker resp. black colour.
- The engine output has to be reduced if the intake air temperatures or
air pressures deviate from the values which were taken as a basis for
output definition.
Indicator diagrams - Indicator diagrams have to be taken from all cylinders at the specified
(not applicable to dual-fuel intervals (refer to the maintenance schedule, Section 4). For taking
engines) indicator diagrams at ignigion pressures $160 bar, a mechanical in-
strument (such as, for example, an indicator, Maihak make), or, es-
pecially at higher ignition pressures, an electronic measuring unit can
be used. Pressure/volume diagrams can be taken by means of an
electronic ignition pressure measuring device, e.g. of Messrs Baewert,
Meerane (see complementary sheet 3.5.2). The shape of the com-
pression/expansion line permits the ignition point and the ignition pres-
sures to be determined, providing a useful comparison of the loading of
the individual cylinders. The ignition pressures should only slightly devi-
ate from the average ( 5 %) and should not exceed the specified
level. Higher pressures are indicative of premature injection or an ex-
cessive injection volume, lower pressures suggest delayed injection or
an insufficient injection volume. A comparison of diagrams with those
taken from the new engine permits potential irregularities to be recog-
nised. The following values should be entered in each diagram to per-
mit comparison at a later date should this be necessary: turbine speed,
charge air pressure, exhaust gas temperature downstream of the cylin-
der, engine speed, injection pump setting, spring calibration, and
possibly the fuel consumption during taking of diagrams.
Determination of output - Marine engines can be rated using the engine operating data and the
injection pump setting. In the case of Diesel generator sets, the engine
output can be determined from the generator output. Please refer to
Section 3.5.
Running gear bearings - In order to detect bearing damage in time and to avoid consequential
damage, various safety equipment is fitted to the engine. The following
systems are used:
The oil mist detector controls the oil vapour concentration in the crank-
case of each cylinder (or cylinder pair in the case of V-type engines)
and releases an audible and visible alarm or shuts the engine down
automatically when smoke develops from evaporating lube oil, when
the bearing temperatures are too high, or in case of incipient piston fail-

The bearing temperature monitoring system uses resistance thermom-

eters fitted in the bearing bodies of the main bearings. These thermom-
eters pass corresponding pulses to the safety system, thereby releas-
ing audible and visible alarms or shutting down the engine

The splash-oil monitoring system indirectly determines the tempera-

tures of each individual running gear (or running gear pair in the case of
V-type engines) by means of the splash oil. In case a defined maxi-
mum value or the admissible deviation from the mean value is ex-
ceeded, the safety system initiates an engine shut-down. With this
equipment, it is possible to recognise incipient damage on running gear
components and bearings at a very early stage.

6680 3.5.1--03 E 10.02 L 40/54, 48/60, L 58/64 104/ 04

Engine log book/
Engine diagnosis/Engine management 3.5.2

Engine log book

Classification societies and some supervisory authorities require keeping

an engine log book. Despite any printers and plotters your plant my have,
we also recommend to enter the results of your checks in an engine log
book, in which also additional observations and actions can be noted and
jobs that are due can be entered. Advantageously,
- measuring and test results,
- renewal and topping up of operating media,
- empirical information/conclusions drawn from maintenance and repair
should also be entered in this engine log book. It is up to the plant
manager/chief engineer to develop the engine log book to a basic tool to
work with or an essential instrument of engine operation.

Since the opinions on what should be contained in the engine log book
differ widely, we have abstained from making proposals. However, we
would gladly assist you if desired, especially in fixing the reference values.
The information sources of reference should be the test run and
commissioning records as well as the “List of measuring and control units”.

Still more valuable empirical facts/decision-taking fundamentals are

obtained if essential operating data, times between overhaul or activities
are not only noted down but represented chronologically. Diagrams similar
to that shown in Figure 1 can be used for this purpose. This is an
uncomplicated method for obtaining an informative trend analysis.

Figure 1. Diagrams for trend analyses

6680 3.5.2--02 E 07.99 32/40 up D 101/ 05

Engine diagnosis using electronic ignition pressure measuring units

Visual and audible checks of the engine plant, entries in the engine log
book and evaluations on the basis of the operating time serve for the
conventional way of determining the present and/or future condition.
Information at a higher level can be obtained by using a portable ignition
pressure and injection pressure measuring unit, e.g. the Baewert HLV-94.
Using this device, the pressure (if required, of several engines) at the
indicator connection is recorded and indicated on an LC display in form of
a diagram over the crank angle or in form of a table. The appertaining
mean indicated pressures are also calculated. Via a connection cable, the
measuring results can also be printed or made accessible to computer
evaluation via a COM1 or COM2 interface. In a similar way, the injection
pressure is recorded and delivered. For this purpose, however, DMS
sensors are required which are to be attached to the injection pipes.

Electronic ignition pressure measuring units allow to draw reliable

conclusions on the load distribution from cylinder to cylinder and on
deviations from normal combustion and injection pressure trends, using
the measured values, pressure curves and diagrams obtained. Depending
on the power spectrum, they provide decision-taking fundamentals for
correction measures and maintenance or repair work, which in turn
contribute to reducing operating costs and downtimes.

Figure 2. Electronic injection pressure measuring device, make Baewert

6680 3.5.2--02 E 07.99 32/40 up D 102/ 05

System Company
Indicator system Baewert GmbH
HLV 94 Postfach 177
D-08393 Meerane
Digital pressure indicator Leutert GmbH & Co.
DPI Schillerstraße 14
D-21365 Adenhofen
Peak pressure indicator Lehmann & Michels GmbH
LEMAG-PREMET LS Marlowring 4
D-22525 Hamburg
Table 1. Electronic indicator systems

Engine diagnosis using CoCoS-EDS

CoCoS-EDS is an engine diagnosis and trend analysis system, which

evaluates the latest measuring data of the Diesel engine, on line on a PC.
It was developed by MAN B&W Diesel AG and is a component of the
CoCoS engine management system. The diagnosis system, which
furnishes the knowledge of excellent specialists, permits a permanent
diagnosis in respect of
- tubocharging, combustion and injection,
- the temperatures and pressures of air, gas, oil and water systems,
- the temperatures of components, and
- the condition of air filter, compressor, charge air cooler, turbine and
exhaust gas boiler.
EDS offers three operating levels, which are available at any time:
- monitoring,
- trend, and
- diagnosis.
Monitoring EDS uses the values of the normal alarm system and, in addition, the
measuring values of the EDS sensor box. These additional measuring
values are required for making more exact calculations and diagnoses.
They are recorded every 20 seconds and memorised every half hour. In
case of an engine stop, all data recorded during the last half an hour is
available. This is essential for analysing emergency stops.

Figure 3. CoCoS-EDS monitoring - visualising measuring data on a turbocharger

6680 3.5.2--02 E 07.99 32/40 up D 103/ 05

Taking physical and thermo-dynamic processes into consideration, EDS
converts the measuring values in such a way that the displayed values
represent the actual condition of the engine. The measuring records can
be requested in various forms of representation.

Trend The trend analysis graphically represents the registered and memorised
changes in condition. It is a very helpful method for early diagnosis of
irregularities in an engine’s operating condition.

In case of short-trend analyses, all engine operating values are memorised

in the data base at five-minute intervals. The memory depth is two weeks.
In the long-term data base, the operating data of the short-trend data base
are accumulated to daily values. The memory depth here is two years.

Figure 4. CoCoS-EDS trend - operating values are displayed over a certain period
of time

Diagnosis Every five minutes, the so-called tentative diagnosis is made, enabling
recognition and display of deviations of an operating value from its normal
value, independent from the present load point and from external

Since presently measuring sensors with long-term stability are not

available for high-pressure values, the diagnosis system provides an
indication once a week or, if necessary, at shorter intervals that an ignition
and injection pressure measurement is to be carried out. After these
values are entered, the EDS is able to make a complete diagnosis.

On request, the user is provided with the following information:

- date and time of the first striking and of the last occurrance of the
- the type of disturbance, and
- the cause of the disturbance.

6680 3.5.2--02 E 07.99 32/40 up D 104/ 05

Figure 5. CoCoS-EDS diagnosis

The three modules provide the user with the necessary information on the
actual condition of the engine, and all the experience gained by the MAN
B&W engine developers and service engineers.

6680 3.5.2--02 E 07.99 32/40 up D 105/ 05

Load curve
during acceleration/manoeuvring 3.5.3

Power-increasing-times for diesel engines in marine applications

It is not permitted to apply load to and withdraw load from Diesel engines
as quickly as desired. Instead, allowance is to be made for
- thermal and mechanical loads,
- exhaust gas colouration, and
- the turbocharger capacity.
The shortest possible load application and load reduction for marine
propulsion engines is shown in Figure 1.

Zeit (Min.) bei vorgewärmtem Motor (Öltemperatur  40ƒ C, Frischwassertemperatur  60ƒ C)

Time (min) with engine at preheating temperature (oil temperature  40ƒ C, F.W. temperature  60ƒ C)

Figure 1. Load application curve during manoeuvring

Acceleration In the AHEAD direction, 60% of the engine output are permitted to be
applied only after 15 seconds have elapsed under emergency
manoeuvring conditions or 30 seconds resp. under normal manoeuvring
conditions. 100% engine output is not allowed to be reached earlier than
after 30 seconds or 3 minutes resp. Diagram, part 3.

6680 3.5.3--01 E 11.98 All D Eng 101/ 02

In the ASTERN direction, 15 seconds or 40 seconds resp. must elapse
before 70% of the output are reached. Higher outputs are not available
due to the propeller properties. Diagram, part 2.

Load reduction At least 15 seconds must elapse during load reduction from FULL AHEAD
to STOP, at least 10 seconds during load reduction from FULL ASTERN to
STOP. Diagram, part 1/4. In case of faster load reduction, the
turbocharger may start surging

Besides, please note ... Marine main engines in preheated condition should be operated at a
speed not exceeding approx 75% or a load not exceeding approx. 40%, if
possible. Operation at full load is admissible after the service temperatures
have been reached.

In fixing the load application and load reduction times it should be noted
that the time constants for the dynamic behaviour of the engine relative to
the prime mover and/or the vessel may be wide apart. Ratios of 1:100 are
encountered in the case of marine propulsion engines. This means that
the engine responds much faster than the ship does. Faster load
application and load reduction rates will therefore have but a minor effect
on the ship’s behaviour during manoeuvring (except, e.g. tug boats and

Under normal manoeuvring conditions, we therefore strongly recommend

that the normal rates should be adhered to, and emergency manoeuvring
should be restricted to exceptional situations. This will decisively contribute
to trouble-free long-term operation.

In case of manned engine operation, the engine room staff is responsible

for the observation of load application requirements. For remotely
controlled engines, the loading programs for normal and emergency
manoeuvring have to be integrated in the remote control scope. Such
integration has to be agreed between the buyer, the shipyard and the
engine manufacturer.

6680 3.5.3--01 E 11.98 All D Eng 102/ 02

Part-- load operation 3.5.4

Definition Generally the following load conditiones are differentiated:

- Over-load: > 100 % of full load output
- Full-load: 100 % of full load output
- Part-Load: < 100 % of full load output
J Low-load: < 25 % of full load output
Correlations The ideal operating conditions for the engine prevail under even loading at
60 % to 90 % of the full-load output. Engine control and rating of all
systems are based on the full-load output.
In the idling mode or during low-load engine operation, combustion in the
cylinders is not ideal. Deposits may form in the combustion chamber,
which result in a higher soot emission and an increase of cylinder
Moreover, in low-load operation and during manoeuvring of ships, the
cooling water temperatures cannot be regulated optimally high for all load
conditions which, however, is of particular importance during operation on
heavy fuel oil.

Better conditions Engines are genuinely better equipped for low-load operation
- if they have a two-stage charge-air cooler, the second stage of which
can be switched off in order to improve the operating data or
- if they have a two-stage charge-air cooler and switch-over from HT to
LT has been provided for, permitting the admission of HT water to the
LT stage.

HT: high temperature LT: low temperature

Operation on heavy fuel oil Because of the aforementioned reasons, low-load operation < 20 % of full
load output on heavy fuel oil is subjected to certain limitations. According
to Figure 1 , the engine must, after a phase of part-load operation, either
be switched over to Diesel oil operation or be operated at high load (>70 %
of full load output) for a certain period of time in order to reduce the de-
posits in the cylinder and exhaust gas turbocharger again.
In case the engine is to be operated at low-load for a period exceeding
that shown in Figure 1 , the engine is to be switched over to Diesel oil
operation beforehand.

For continuous heavy-fuel oil operation at part loads in the range below
25 % of the full engine output, co-ordination with MAN B&W Diesel AG is
absolutely necessary.

Operation on Diesel fuel oil For low-load operation on Diesel fuel oil, the following rules apply:
- A continuous operation below 15 % of the full load output is to be
avoided, if possible.
Should this be absolutely necessary, MAN B&W Diesel AG has to be
consulted for special arrangements (e.g. the use of part-load injection
- A no-load operation, especially at nominal speed (generator operation)
is only permitted for a maximum period of 1 ... 2 hours.
No limitations are required for loads above 15 % of full load, as long as the
spezified operating data of the engine will not be exceeded.

6680 3.5.4--01 E 04.03 All D Eng 101/ 02

P full load output in % t Operating period in hours (h)

Figure 1. Time limits for part-load operation on heavy fuel oil (on the left), duration of “Relieving operation” (on the right)

Explanations Figure on the left: Time limits for part-load operation on heavy fuel oil.
Right-hand figure: Necessary operating time at > 70 % of full-load output
after part-load operation on heavy fuel oil. Acceleration time from present
output to 70 % of full-load output not less than 15 minutes.

Example Line a At 10 % of full-load output, HFO operation is permissible for

max. 19 hours, then switch over to Diesel fuel oil, or
Line b operate the engine for approx. 1.2 hours at not less than 70 %
of full-load output to burn away the deposits that have formed.
Subsequently, low-load operation on heavy fuel oil can be

6680 3.5.4--01 E 04.03 All D Eng 102/ 02

Determine the engine output and
design point 3.5.5

Preliminary remarks

The engine output is one of the most important operating parameters. It

serves as a standard for assessing the economic efficiency and reliability
of the engine but also as a reference value for judging other operating
values. Combinations of outputs and associated speeds or speeds and
associated fuel pump admission settings provide design points. The
position of such design points permits conclusions to be drawn on
- alterations in resistance (of the ship),
- losses, leakages, damage, and
- the efficiency of the injection system, turbocharging system and charge
renewal system.
In the case of older engines (> 30 000 hours of operation), reliable con-
clusions are only possible at design points for which all three above-men-
tioned parameters are known. Further relevant operating values may have
to be taken into consideration to guarantee a correct judgement.

How to proceed

In the case of marine The effective engine output Pe cannot be easily measured on marine pro-
propulsion engines pulsion engines. For this purpose, it would be necessary to measure the
torque. In the case of medium-speed four-stroke Diesel engines, the indi-
cated output Pi cannot be determined from indicator diagrams either.

Alternatively, the design point of interest can be determined from the

speed and the mean value of the pump admission settings. From this,
conclusions can be drawn on the corresponding effective output. A pre-
requisite, however, is that the same fuel is used and that the fuel tempera-
ture is the same.

In the case of Diesel generator The effective engine output for generator sets can be determined relatively
sets precisely from the effective generator output Pw, which is measured con-
tinually, and from the generator efficiency ®gen, which varies but slightly
within the usual operating range. This method, however, does not permit
any judgement to be made of changes that may occur on the engine or
generator. As an alternative or additional method, design points can be
determined as outlined above, and the results obtained can be compared.

Preparatory work

The mean value of pump admission settings plotted over the output is re-
corded during the engine works trials and included in the acceptance cer-
tificate in the form of a curve, both for marine and stationary engines. In
the case of marine engines, this data is also entered on an additional
sheet together with three propeller curves. The diagram corresponds to
Figure 1 . For determining the design point and the engine output, the
diagram of the acceptance certificate relating to the respective plant is,
therefore, to be used.

6680 3.5.5--01 E 06.05 32/40 upw 101/ 04

This information permits the engine output to be determined and an
assessment to be made of the design points. It is necessary for this
purpose that in the case of marine propulsion engines the engine speeds
and fuel pump admission settings are recorded simultaneously and exactly
during sea trials and immediately afterwards with the ship loaded. This
should be done at varying engine outputs, under normal operating and
weather conditions, and with the fuel intended to be used for continuous
operation. In the case of ships equipped with a controllable-pitch propeller,
it must be ensured that the propeller pitch is the same. The design points
determined this way are also to be entered in the form. They serve as
reference values for assessing parameters determined later on.
Intermediate values have to be interpolated in accordance with the
diagram contained in the acceptance certificate.

For stationary engines, only the pump admission settings of the

acceptance certificate are to be copied into the form sheet.

Important! Diesel fuel oil (MDO) or gas oil (MGO) is used for the
engine trials as a rule. In heavy fuel oil (HFO) operation, pump admission
settings are approximately the same.

Determining the design point and the engine output

Example (marine propulsion Determining the design point and the engine output are to be carried out
engine) analogously using the example shown in Figure 1 , where:

Engine type XY,

Rated output 6200 kW,
Rated speed 450 rpm.

Steps Steps required:

- Measure the speed and the fuel pump admission setting. The following
have been determined:
Speed 432 rpm,
Pump setting 59 mm.
- Convert the measured speed value into a percentage of the rated
speed, which in this case will be 96%.
- Look up the speed point (96%) on the speed coordinate and project it
vertically upwards.
- Determine the admission value (59 mm) on the fuel admission scale,
and project it parallel to the closest admission line (arrow) up to the
speed line. Point of intersection = design point.
- Draw a horizontal through the intersection up to the output coordinate
and determine the value, which in this case will be 86%.
- Determine the corresponding engine output.
86% x 6200 kW
5330 kW

1 Limiting curve for output 5 100s%-torque and 7 Range of open blow-by

2 Recommended combinator 100%-mean-effective- flap
curve pressure line 8 Range, in which the
4 Range of open blow-off flap 6 Constant-fuel-admission charge air is preheated

Table 1. Legend of Figure 1

6680 3.5.5--01 E 06.05 32/40 upw 102/ 04

Figure 1. Diagram for determining the design point and engine output (example)

Prerequisites Diagram prepared as required, characteristic design points added,

matched to the usual fuel oil.

6680 3.5.5--01 E 06.05 32/40 upw 103/ 04

Generator sets In the case of generator sets, the method can be applied analogously.
Design points are in this case only found on the 100%-speed line, or close
to it.

Evaluation of results

The design point that has been determined has to be within the admissible
service range. For marine propulsion engines, at least with a new vessel
and new engine, therefore, it has to be to the right of the theoretical pro-
peller curve.

The design of the propulsion system is in order if admission settings are

as follows, with the system new and at rated speed:

Fixed-pitch propeller 85 -- 90%,

Controllable-pitch propeller 85 -- 100%,
Diesel generator sets 100%.

Refer to Section 3.4 - Permissible outputs and speeds.

The shifting of design points towards the left, with the other basic condi-
tions being the same, is attributable to the increased resistance of the
ship’s hull, propeller modifications (larger diameter, increased pitch) or pro-
peller defects.

Shifting of design points in an upward direction (higher admission settings)

is attributable to lighter fuels, higher preheating temperatures, functional
inadequacies or wear in the injection system, or functional inadequacies in
the turbocharging/charge renewal systems. Provided normal fuels are
used and the heating and cleaning equipment is in order, the wear on in-
jection pump plungers and guides will only take effect after prolonged
times of operation ( 30.000 operating hours).

Since there are numerous potential influencing factors, whose effects can-
not be easily determined, we recommend that in case of doubt you contact
the nearest service center or the service head office of MAN B&W Diesel
AG, Augsburg.

Economically efficient outputs and speeds

The usual test run/commissioning programme of marine main engines not

only includes the determination of engine speeds and fuel pump admission
settings as described under “Preparatory work”, but also the speeds that
are reached and the corresponding fuel consumption rates. The set of
- engine speed/admission setting,
- ship’s speed, and
- fuel oil consumption
is necessary for taking operational/economic decisions. Based on this
data, reliable answers can be given to questions such as
- what amount of fuel is needed if the distance A is desired to be
travelled at the speed B, or
- at what speed (economic speed) will the greatest cruising range be
covered for a given amount of fuel.

6680 3.5.5--01 E 06.05 32/40 upw 104/ 04

Engine operation at reduced speed 3.5.6

Changing operating conditions

Marine propulsion systems are subjected to external influences that may

lead to a shifting of operating points. Causes for a shifting of operating
points and/or of the propeller curve/propeller map towards the left, in the
direction of lower speeds, include
- increased drive resistances, or
- increased ship’s resistances,
due to marine growth and increasing roughness, inappropriate propeller
layout, propeller modifications (larger diameter/increased pitch) or
propeller defects.

Limits of operation at reduced speed under full torque

Under these conditions, the engine will still reach the full torque but no
longer the full speed -- at least not with the admissible rated output.
Operation of the engine under these conditions of reduced speed/
fuel-limited speed is limited as follows:

Admissible speed Corresponding

Application reduction 1) rated output
Marine main engine driving ---- 100%
a controllable-pitch propeller
Marine main engine driving $ 10% 100%
a fixed-pitch propeller
Suction dredger equipped
with $ 30% 90%
engines 20/27, 25/30 $ 30% 100%
engines 32/40 - 58/64
Fishing boats/tugs with
engines 20/27 - 32/40
$ 20% 100%
1) These values only serve for guidance. Conclusive for engine operation are the values fixed
by agreement between the buyer, the shipyard/projecting office and the engine supplier.
Table 1. Maximum admissible speed reduction at full torque

Operations with an even higher reduction of speed at full torque is not

- because of the decreasing excess combustion air ratio (tendency of
contamination/coking of components contacted by gas),
- because of the rising component temperatures endangering vital
components (exhaust valves, cylinder heads, piston etc.), and
- because of the danger that the surging limit of the compressor is
reached as a result of turbocharger fouling.
With due regard to the fact that continuous operation at reduced speed
under full torque is not only unfavourable for the engine but also results in

6680 3.5.6--01 E 06.99 32/40 up D 101/ 02

reduced ship’s speeds, it must by all means be attempted to eliminate or
reduce avoidable resistances. Most promising are counter measures
against the above-mentioned resistances.

6680 3.5.6--01 E 06.99 32/40 up D 102/ 02

Equipment for adapting the engine
to special operating conditions 3.5.7


MAN B&W four-stroke engines and turbochargers have been designed

specifically to yield optimum results, e.g. in terms of fuel oil consumption
and emission behaviour at normal service output. Nevertheless, certain
operating situations can better be coped with using supplementary or
alternative equipment.

Table 1 lists the equipment for adapting the engine to special operating
conditions/for optimising the operating performance. It also lists the
preferred fields of application. This table is intended to provide you with a
summary of the existing possibilities and their object.

Equipment/measure Object/load Ship Stationary

Blow off charge air Full load x x
Bypass charge air Part load x
Raise charge air temperature Part load x
(two-stage charge air cooler)
Control the charge air Part load/ x x
temperature Full load
Blow off exhaust gas Full load x
(waste gate)
Accelerate turbocharger Manoeuvring x x
(jet assist) Load
Adjust the valve timing Part load x x
(32/40 engine only)
Adjust injection timing Part load x x
Table 1. Equipment for optimising the operating performance.
x = availability

Brief descriptions

Charge air blow-off device When engines are operated at full load at low intake temperature, the high
air density involves the danger of excessive charge air pressure leading to
an inadmissibly high ignition pressure. In order to avoid such conditions,
the excessive charge air is withdrawn upstream or downstream of the
charge air cooler and blown off into the engine room. This is achieved by
means of an electro-pneumatically controlled or spring-loaded throttle flap.
See Section 2.4.1 and 3.5.12.

Charge air bypass device The charge air pipe is connected to the exhaust pipe via a reduced
diameter pipe and a bypass flap. The flap is closed in normal operation.
During propeller operation between 25 and 60% load, the volume of air
which is available for the engine is relatively small and the charge air
pressure is relatively low. To increase the air volume that is available for
the engine under these conditions, charge air is blown into the exhaust

6680 3.5.7--02 E 02.06 32/40 up D 101/ 02

pipe. For this purpose, the bypass flap is opened. The resultant pressure
increase in the exhaust pipe leads to a higher turbine output and,
consequently, to a higher charge air pressure.

The throttle flap is controlled by a pneumatic actuator cylinder, as a

function of the engine speed and fuel pump admission setting. Please
refer to Sections 2.4.1 and 3.5.8.

Device for raising the High air temperatures during part-load operation contribute to improved
charge air temperature combustion and, consequently, reduced exhaust gas discoloration. This
(two-stage charge air cooler) condition can be achieved if a two-stage charge air cooler is used and the
charge air is heated by means of the low-temperature (LT) stage during
part-load operation (20 to 60% load).

Control of the charge air The charge air temperature control CHATCO reduces the amount of
temperature (CHATCO) condensed water that accumulates during engine operation under tropical
conditions. In this connection, the charge air temperature is kept constant
up to a certain intake temperature. If this value is exceeded, the charge air
temperature is constantly raised. Please refer to Section 2.4.7.

Device for accelerating the This equipment is used where special demands exist regarding fast
turbocharger (jet assist) acceleration and/or load application. In such cases, compressed air is
drawn from the starting air vessels and reduced to a pressure of max.
4 bar (relative) before being passed into the compressor casing of the
turbocharger to be admitted to the compressor wheel via inclined bored
passages. In this way, additional air is supplied to the compressor which in
turn is accelerated, thereby increasing the charge air pressure. Operation
of the accelerating system is initiated by a control, and limited to a fixed
load range. Please refer to the figure in Section 2.4.1.

Device for blowing off the By blowing off exhaust gas upstream of the turbine and returning it to the
exhaust gas (waste gate) exhaust pipe downstream of the turbine, an exhaust gas pressure
reduction on the turbocharger and/or a drop in turbine speed at full load is
effected. This measure is necessary if the turbocharger has been
designed for optimised part load operation. See section 3.5.11.

Device for adjusting the valve Two twin cams per cylinder are arranged on the camshaft. In each case,
timing (for 32/40 engines only) the cam track on the coupling side is in mesh under full-load conditions.
During operation, the camshaft is shifted by a hydro-pneumatic control
system (similar to reversible engines).

This equipment permits the timing, i.e. the valve overlap, to be adapted to
the prevailing load. As a result, the charge renewal is optimised and the
engine operating data is improved during part-load operation. For details,
please refer to Section 2.4.5.

Device for adjusting the injection Adjustment on the 32/40 engine is achieved by means of a camshaft that
timing permits adjustment relative to the direction of rotation using a turning,
axially moving and helically toothed bushing which is in mesh with the
toothing provided on the camshaft. A shifting of the bush causes the
camshaft to be turned, whereby the injection timing is changed. For
details, please refer to Section 2.4.5.

On the engine types 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64, adjustment if effected by

shifting the cam followers provided between the cam track and the fuel
pump cylinder, or by turning the eccentric shaft carrying these cam
followers. For details, please refer to Section 2.4.5. The above-described
facilities allow the ignition pressure and the fuel consumption to be
influenced by effecting a shifting in the direction of “advanced ignition”.
Shifting in the direction of “retarded ignition” helps reduce NOX emissions.

6680 3.5.7--02 E 02.06 32/40 up D 102/ 02

Bypassing of charge air 3.5.8

Technical layout

This equipment for the bypassing of charge air essentially consists of the
connection between the charge air pipe (1) and the exhaust pipe (8), the
throttle flap (4) and the associated electropneumatic control.

1 Charge air pipe

2 Diaphragm
3 Interconnecting pipe
4 Throttle flap,
pneumatically operated
5 Lift limiting screw
6 Electro-pneumatic
4/2-way valve (M392)
7 Compensator
8 Exhaust pipe
9 Lever for manual
10 Shaft end, slotted
(emergency operation)

Figure 1. Equipment for charge air bypassing (schematic representation)

The rate of air flow through the interconnecting pipe can be limited by a
diaphragm (2). The throttle flap is pneumatically operated. The end
positions of the power cylinders can be fixed by adjusting screws (5). The
compensator (7) serves to absorb deformations/displacements in the
interconnecting pipe.

Functional description

The supply of air to the pneumatic drive is controlled by the 4/2-way valve
(6) and its solenoid valve. The passage 1 - 2 to open the flap is cleared
when the solenoid valve is energised. The valve is switched over to
passage 1 - 3 for closing the flap when the valve is de-energised. The
switching condition of the solenoid valve (energised) is determined by the
following conditions:
- engine speed > 60 ... < 85%*,
- pump rack setting > 25 ... < 65%*,
- engine is not started/engine is not connected (stable load condition).

* The upper limit depends on the engine size and number of cylinders (up to 95 or 75% respectively)

6680 3.5.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 up D 101/ 03

To ensure these conditions and for the electric control of the solenoid
valve, there is a speed transmitter/speed relay and a split cam in the
control stand. This cam effects the pump rack setting (40/54 to 58/64
engines). On the 32/40 engine, pump rack settings are generated by a unit
evaluating the analog signals of the remotely operating admission
transmitter. This equipment restricts bypassing to an output/speed range
as shown in Figure 2.

1 Range for bypassing of 3 Theoretical propeller

charge air curve
2 Limit of maximum
admissible operating

Figure 2. Output/speed range for the bypassing of charge air (example, valid for
fixed-pitch propeller drive)

The bypassing of charge air into the exhaust pipe causes the charge air
pressure and specific air/exhaust gas volume to be increased, and the
exhaust gas temperature upstream and downstream of the turbine to be


The settings of all elements are fixed during the engine test run and/or
during sea trials/commissioning. They must not be changed during the
warranty period without the approval of MAN B&W Diesel AG.

6680 3.5.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 up D 102/ 03

Emergency operation

If necessary, the 4/2-way valve can be switched over by hand using the
lever (9) on the underside of the valve. The throttle flap can be turned
through the slot provided in the shaft end (10). See Figure 3.

9 Lever for
4/2-way valve
10 Slotted shaft end

Figure 3. Actuation of the 4/2-way valve and the throttle flap in case of emergency

6680 3.5.8--01 E 06.99 32/40 up D 103/ 03

Condensed water in charge air pipes
and pressure vessels 3.5.9


Air contains finely dispersed water in the form of steam. Some of this
water condenses out as the air is compressed and cooled by the
turbocharger and charge air cooler, and this also happens with the
compressed air in air vessels. Condensation increases as
- the air temperature rises,
- the air humidity rises,
- the charge air pressure rises, and
- the charge air temperature drops.
Up to 1000 kg of water per hour can accumulate under certain conditions,
and on large engines, in the charge air pipe downstream of the charge air
cooler. This is due to the large volume of air and the relatively high charge
air pressures.

The amount of water accumulating in air vessels is much less, hardly in

excess of 5 kg per charge.

The amount of condensed water should be reduced as far as possible.

Water must not enter the engine.

▲ Attention! Water draining of the charge air pipe must work

properly. Water should be drained from the air vessels after filling
and before the air is used.

Nomogram to determine the amount of condensed water

Using the nomogram in Figure 1, the amount of water can be determined

which condenses in the air pipe or in a pressure vessel as the air is
compressed and cooled. The principle of this method is described by two
examples which follow.

6680 3.5.9--01 E 11.98 32/40 upw 101/ 03

Figure 1. Nomogram for determining the amount of condensed water in charge air pipes and pressure vessels

Example 1 -- Determine the amount of water accumulating in the charge air pipe

1st step Ambient air temperature 35ƒ C,

Relative air humidity 90%.

The corresponding point of intersection in the diagram is the point I, i.e.

the original water concentration is 0.033 kg of water/kg of air.

2nd step Charge air temperature

downstream of cooler 50ƒ C,
Charge air pressure (overpressure) 2.6 bar.

The resultant point of intersection in the diagram is point II, i.e.

the reduced water content 0.021 kg of water/kg of air.

3rd step The difference between I and II is the condensed water amount A.

A I  II 0.033  0.021 0.012 kg of water/kg of air.

6680 3.5.9--01 E 11.98 32/40 upw 102/ 03

4th step Multiplied by the engine output and the specific rate of air flow, the amount
of water accumulating in one hour, QA is obtained.

Engine output P 12,400 kW,

specific air flow rate le* 7.1 kg/kWh.

QA A ô P ô le 0.012 ô 12, 400 ô 7.1 1.055 kg water/h 

1 t water/h.

Example 2 -- Determine the amount of water condensing in the compressed air vessel

1st step Ambient air temperature 35ƒ C,

Relative air humidity 90%.

The resultant point of intersection in the diagram is point I, i.e.

the original water content 0.033 kg of water/kg of air.

2nd step Temperature T of the air in the vessel 40ƒ C = 313 K,

Pressure in the vessel (overpressure) pü 30 bar, entsprechend
absolute pressure Pabs 31 bar or 31 ô 10 5 Nm2.

The resultant point of intersection in the diagram is point III, i.e.

the reduced water content is 0.0015 kg of water/kg of air.

3rd step The difference between I and III is the condensed water amount B.

B I  III 0.033  0.0015 0.0315 kg of water/kg of air.

4th step Multiplied by the air volume m in the vessel, the amount of water, QB, is
obtained which accumulates as the pressure vessel is filled.

QB B ô m.

m is calculated as follows:

m .

Absolute pressure in the vessel, pabs 31 ô 10 5 Nm2,
volume V of the pressure vessel 4000 dm3 = 4 m3,
gas constant R for air 287 Nm/kgôK,
temperature T of the air in the vessel 40ƒ C = 313 K.

m 31 ô 105 ô 4 138 kg of air.

287 ô 313

Final result

QB Bôm 0.0315 ô 138 kg 4.35 kg of water.

* The specific air flow rate depends on the engine type and engine loading. To obtain a rough estimate of the condensed water volume, the
following approximate values can be used:

Four-stroke engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 7.0 ... 7.5 kg/kWh,

Two-stroke engines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . approx. 9.5 kg/kWh.

6680 3.5.9--01 E 11.98 32/40 upw 103/ 03

Load application 3.5.10

Isolated operation

Application of load dependent Large applications of load, such as occur in a ship’s auxiliary engine in the
on medium pressure ship network or in stationary engines in isolated operation, cannot be dealt
with in one step. According to the International Association of
Classification Societies (IACS) and the internationally valid standard ISO
8528-5, applications of load must be carried out in stages. See Figure 1.
The number of stages and their level depend on the effective medium
pressure of the engine.

1 1. Stage
2 2. Stage
3 3. Stage

Pe Application of load as a
% of continuous power
pe medium effective
pressure in continuous

Figure 1. Application of load in stages according to IACS and ISO 8528-5

For the 32/40, 40/54, 48/60 and 58/64 engines with medium pressures
between 21.9 ... 24.9 bar, the following load stages apply:

1. Stage 33%,
2. Stage 23%,
3. Stage 18%,
4. Stage 26%.

Larger load stages can possibly be achieved using special layouts. These
will require the written agreement of MAN B&W Diesel AG.

Application of load dependent The diagram in Figure 2 applies for applications of load based on the
on the actual power current value.

6680 3.5.10--01 E 01.98 32/40 upw 101/ 02

1 Maximum application
of load
2 Usable in short term
3 Not usable
(control reserve)

Pe C Application of load
Pe Constant load

Reference pressure pe =
24.8 bar

Figure 2. Application of load dependent on the current power

In keeping to this maximum load connection rate, the demands of the

classification associations can be safely fulfilled. These are (at 11/97):

the dynamic speed onset as a % of the nominal speed $ 10%,

the remaining speed change as a % of the nominal speed $ 5%,
the settling time until intake to tolerance band +/-- 1%
of the nominal speed $ 5 sec.

Load shedding Even at load shedding of up to 100% of the nominal power, the following
can be guaranteed:

Dynamic speed change as a % of the nominal speed $ 10%,

remaining speed change as a % of the nominal speed $ 5%.

Details of the connecting of load and load shedding must be agreed with
MAN B&W Diesel AG in the planning stage. They require approval.

Parallel network mode

In parallel mode with engines using other high power current generators,
basic jumps in load do not occur. The course of engine loading is not
determined here through external influences but through its own
measurements. The loading/unloading of the engine are controlled by the
regulations in section 3.5.3.

6680 3.5.10--01 E 01.98 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Exhaust gas blow-- off 3.5.11

Technical layout

The device for blowing off the exhaust gas essentially consists of the con-
nection between the exhaust pipe upstream of the turbocharger (11) and
the exhaust pipe downstream of the turbocharger (9), the blow-off flap (1)
and its electro-pneumatic control.

1 Blow-off flap with 8 Blow-off pipe C Control air 8 bar

pneumatic drive 9 Exhaust pipe G Fresh air
2 Intake silencer downstream of H Charge air
3 Turbocharger turbocharger J Exhaust gas downstream
4 Compressor 10 Compensator of engine
5 Turbine 11 Exhaust pipe upstream of P Exhaust gas downstream
6 Double diffuser turbocharger of turbocharger
7 Deflection casing M367 Electro-pneumatic
5/2-way valve

Figure 1. Device for blowing off exhaust gas (schematic representation)

6680 3.5.11--01 E 11.02 32/40 upw 101/ 03

Brief description

Depending on the turbocharger design, especially in case of part-load

oriented use, turbocharger overspeed may occur in the upper load range.
In order to prevent this, exhaust gas is taken from the exhaust pipe up-
stream of the turbocharger and led via a bypass pipe directly into the
chimney or to the exhaust gas boiler plant. This way, an exhaust gas
pressure reduction is reached and thus a turbine speed decrease during
full load. If required, the by--pass pipe (blow-off pipe) is opened and/or
closed by means of an electro-pneumatically controlled flap.

1 Blow-off flap with

pneumatic drive
8 Blow-off pipe
9 Exhaust pipe
downstream of
12 Exhaust pipe with
(upstream of

Figure 2. Arrangement of the exhaust gas blow-off pipe (figure shows the V 48/60
engine type - the design of the pipe fitted may differ from that shown in the figure)

1 Blow-off flap with

pneumatic drive
8 Blow-off pipe

Figure 3. Arrangement of the exhaust gas blow-off pipe (figure shows the V 48/60
engine type - the design of the pipe fitted may differ from that shown in the figure)

6680 3.5.11--01 E 11.02 32/40 upw 102/ 03

Operating principle

The air supply to the pneumatic drive of the flap is controlled by the
5/2-way solenoid valve (M367). The way 1 - 4 for opening the flap is clear
when the solenoid valve is excited. In de-excited condition, the way 1 - 2
for closing the flap is clear.

The turbocharger speed serves as a criterion for the activation of the blow-
off flap. In case the speed transmitter fails, the activation is effected as a
function of the fuel admission. If the turbocharger speed or the fuel admis-
sion are in the critical range, the active flap position is maintained in order
to prevent constant switching-over (hysteresis) of the blow-off flap. In
case the actual value in turn exceeds and/or falls below the limit value, the
flap control causes switching over of the blow-off flap.

6680 3.5.11--01 E 11.02 32/40 upw 103/ 03

Engine operation III -
Operating faults 3.6

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.6--01 E 11.97 101/ 01

and their causes (Trouble Shooting) 3.6.1

Preliminary remarks

Trouble shooting with the aid of Tables 1-3 contain a number of potential operating faults and their possible
Tables 1-3 causes. They are intended to contribute to reliable fault diagnosis and effi-
cient elimination of their causes.

Break-down The faults were subdivided into three categories:

- Engine start/engine operation,
- operating data, and
- other problems.
In most cases, the sources/causes of faults cannot be definitely traced in
the first step. There will be several possible causes as a rule. The most
probable one is to be found, making due allowance for
- the appearance,
- the temporal and physical facts, and
- the personal, empirical know-how.
“Info” and “Code” columns The “info” column contains references to text passages of the operating
instruction manual and to work cards. The code numbers given in the
“code” column permit the table to be also used under the motto “What
happens if ...”.

Example The code number 15, for example, appears at three different points in the
tables (marked by -). The meaning behind it: Supposed the injection tim-
ing is too far in the “late” direction, the following possible effects must be
- The engine does not reach the full output/speed,
- the exhaust gas temperatures are excessive, and
- the exhaust plume is visible, of dark colour.
Trouble shooting on the To be noted: The operating instruction manual for the turbocharger con-
turbocharger tains its own table for trouble shooting.

Order of entries The order of entries does not permit to draw conclusions on the probability
of causes. The order rather follows the principle: Causes related to en-
gine operating media and operating media systems in the first place, fol-
lowed by engine, turbocharger, and possibly ship.

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 101/ 09

Trouble shooting “Engine start/engine operation”

Fault/system Causes Info Code

Crankshaft does not turn on start, turns too slowly, or swings back
Compressed air system Pressure in the compressed air tank too low 01
Main starting valve defective 162.xx 02
Starting valve defective 161.xx 03
Starting air pilot valve defective 160.xx 05
Control and monitoring Fault in the pneumatic or electronic control system 63
Remote starting interlocked 83
Turning gear Turning gear not completely disengaged 79

Engine reaches ignition speed, but there is no ignition

Fuel Fuel quality inadequate 3.3 09
Fuel oil system Fuel tank empty 06
Fuel system not vented 07
Injection pumps do not deliver fuel 2.4, 200.xx 08
Fuel pressure at entry into injection pump too low, de- 2.4, 2.5 12
livery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13
Injection pump/IP drive Excessive clearance between injection pump plunger 2.5, 200.xx 16
and barrel
Speed governing system Speed governor/booster defective/faulty/misadjusted 140.xx 56
Pick-up defective (32/40 engine) 140.xx, 400.xx 78
Control and monitoring Fuel admission release missing/too low 65
Fault in the pneumatic or electronic control system 63

Cylinders firing irregularly

Fuel Fuel quality inadequate 3.3 09
Water in the fuel 3.3, 000.05 10
Fuel system Fuel system not vented 07
Fuel pressure at entry into injection pump too low, de- 2.4, 2.5 12
livery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13
Injection valve Injection valves defective 221.xx 20
Inlet/exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valves not tight

Engine does not reach full output or speed

Fuel Fuel quality inadequate 3.3 09
Water in the fuel 3.3, 000.05 10
Fuel oil viscosity too low, fuel overheated 3.3 66
Fuel system Fuel system not vented 07
Fuel pressure at entry into injection pump too low, de- 2.4, 2.5 12
livery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 102/ 09

Fault/system Causes Info Code
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too late (only engines with 2.4, 200.xx, 15 -
automatic injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Injection pump/IP drive Excessive clearance between injection pump plunger 2.5, 200.xx 16
and barrel
Injection pump plunger sticking, spring broken 200.xx 17
Control rod, regulating sleeve or pump element got 200.xx 18
Pressure valve in the injection pump not tight 200.xx 19
Injection valves Injection valves defective 221.xx 20
Nozzle orifices or injection pipes clogged 221.xx 21
Governor/control linkage Governor/booster defective/faulty/misadjusted 140.xx 56
Governor or control linkage setting spoiled 2.4, 140.xx 22
Control linkage sluggish or stuck 203.xx 23
Inlet and exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valves not tight
Control and monitoring Fuel admission release missing/too low 65
Speed release too low 89
Turbocharger Turbocharger fouled or defective 500.xx 49
Ship Marine propulsion engines: Propeller damaged, or 45
marine growth on hull

Irregular engine operation, knocking

Fuel system Fuel system not vented 07
Fuel pressure at entry into injection pumps too low, 2.4, 2.5 12
delivery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13
Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too early (only engines with automatic 2.4, 200.xx, 14
injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Injection pump/IP drive Injection pump plunger sticking, spring broken 200.xx 17
Injection valves Injection valves defective 221.xx 20
Inlet and exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valves not tight
Excessive valve clearance 111.xx 90

Engine speed fluctuates

Fuel Air in the fuel 75
Fuel system Fuel pressure at entry into injection pump too low, de- 2.4, 2.5 12
livery pump defective
Governor/control linkage Governor setting spoiled, control linkage worn out 2.4, 140.xx 22
Governor/booster defective/faulty/misadjusted 140.xx 56
Control linkage sluggish or stuck 203.xx 23
Pick-up defective (32/40 engine) 140.xx, 400.xx 78
Injection pump/IP drive Control rod, regulating sleeve or pump element got 200.xx 18
Control and monitoring Reference value for speed instable (air leakage/elec- 58
system trical signal)

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 103/ 09

Fault/system Causes Info Code

Engine speed drops, engine stops

Fuel Water in the fuel 3.3, 000.05 10
Fuel system Fuel tank empty 06
Fuel pressure at entry into injection pump too low, de- 2.4, 2.5 12
livery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13
Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Governor/control linkage Reference value for speed missing 59
Control linkage sluggish or stuck 203.xx 23
Control and monitoring Shut-down initiated 2.4 24

Overspeed protection tripped

Governor/control linkage Governor/booster defective/faulty/misadjusted 140.xx 56
Governor - “Dynamics” incorrectly adjusted 140.xx 57
Control linkage sluggish or stuck 203.xx 23
Control and monitoring Overspeed relay defective 85

Exhaust plume contains soot, dark smoke

Fuel Fuel quality inadequate 3.3 09
Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Charge-air system Charge air too cold 2.5 73
Charge-air cooler fouled (excessive differential 2.5, 322.xx 53
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too late (only engines with automatic 2.4, 200.xx, 15 -
injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Injection pump/IP drive Fuel injection pump, baffle screws worn 200.xx 69
Injection valves Injection valve defective 221.xx 20
Inlet and exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valves not tight
Control and monitoring Fuel admission setting too high (marine main engines 64
system - in manoeuvring mode only)
Turbocharger Turbocharger fouled or defective 500.xx 49
Air intake filter clogged (air starvation) 91

Exhaust plume is blue smoke

Fuel Water in the fuel 3.3, 000.05 10
Lube oil system Oil level in the oil sump too high (wet oil sump) 34
Piston/piston rings Piston ring clearance or gap excessive 2.5, 034.xx 28
Piston rings stuck or broken 034.xx 32
Turbocharger Turbocharger overlubricated 500.xx 92

Noise coming from the valve or injection pump drive (noise depending on speed)
Injection pump/IP drive Injection pump plunger sticking, spring broken 200.xx 17
Drive roller defective, or spring broken 200.xx (32/40, 46
40/45), 201.xx
(40/54 ... 58/64)
Inlet and exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valve not tight

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 104/ 09

Fault/system Causes Info Code
Excessive valve clearance 111.xx 90

Smoke issuing from crankcase/crankcase venting, hollow-sounding noise coming from the crankcase
Lubricating oil Oil contains too much water 3.3, 000.05 81
Engine Crankcase venting blocked 93
Piston/piston rings Piston rings stuck or broken 034.xx 32
Running gear/crankshaft Piston or bearing runs hot or starts seizing 2.4, 3.5 31

Oil mist detector tripped

Oil mist detector Sensitivity wrongly set 76
Condensed water in the measuring unit (if engine 77
room ventilators blow cold air against the detector)
Lubricating oil Lubricating oil contains too much water 3.3, 000.05 81
Piston/piston rings Piston ring clearance or gap excessive 2.5, 034.xx 28
Running gear/crankshaft Piston or bearing runs hot or starts seizing 2.4, 3.5 31

Splash-oil monitoring system tripped

Lubricating oil Lube oil temperature too high 104
Lube oil temperature - deviation from mean value ex- 105
Running gear/crankshaft Piston or bearing runs hot or starts seizing 2.4, 3.5 31
Table 1. Faults and their causes/trouble shooting -- Part 1 -- “Engine start/engine operation”

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 105/ 09

Trouble shooting “Operating data”

Fault Causes Info Code

Cooling water temperature too high

Cooling water system Lack of cooling water, or air in the cooling water 42
(HT system) system
Cooling water spaces and/or coolers fouled 000.08 43
Cooling water pump defective 44
Temperature controller defective 47
Preheating system operating 87
Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39

Cooling water pressure too low

Cooling water system Cooling water level in the storage tank too low 70
(HT system)
Leakage in the system 71
Pipes clogged, fittings blocked 74
Cooling water pump defective 44
Stand-by pump not started 82
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39
Pressure switch/transducer defective 61

Lube oil temperature too high

Cooling water system Lack of cooling water or air in the CW system 42
(recooling system)
Cooling water spaces and/or coolers fouled 000.08 43
Cooling water pump defective 44
Temperature controller defective 47
Preheating system operating 87
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39

Lube oil pressure too low

Lube oil system Lack of oil in the service tank 35
Overpressure valve of lube oil pump, spring broken 36
Pressure control valve defective 60
Lube oil pipes not tight 37
Lube oil pipe clogged 80
Lube oil filter clogged 38
Lube oil pump defective 41
Stand-by pump not started 82
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39
Pressure switch/transducer defective 61

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 106/ 09

Fault Causes Info Code

Exhaust gas temperature (deviation from level or change of mean value)

Fuel system Fuel oil pressure at entry into injection pump too low, 2.4, 2.5 12
delivery pump defective
Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Charge-air system Charge-air temperature too high, charge-air pressure 2.5 48
too low
Fault in the bypassing system 62
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too late (only engines with automatic 2.4, 200.xx, 15 -
injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Injection valves Injection valves defective 221.xx 20
Injection pump Fuel injection pump - incorrect setting 200.xx 67
Fuel injection pump defective 200.xx 68
Cylinder head Cylinder head - inlet duct fouled 055.xx 88
Inlet and exhaust valves Inlet or exhaust valves sticking, valve spring broken, 113.xx, 114.xx 26
valves not tight
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39
Temperature sensor defective 84
Cabling/connections defective/inadequate 86
Turbocharger Turbocharger fouled or defective 500.xx 49
Ship Marine propulsion engines: propeller damaged, or 45
marine growth on hull

Charge-air temperature too high

Air intake system/charge-air Temperature of air taken in too high 2.5 50
Cooling water system Lack of cooling water, or air in the CW system 42
(LT system)
Cooling water spaces and/or coolers fouled 000.08 43
Cooling water pump defective 44
Temperature controller defective 47
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39
Temperature sensor defective 84
Cabling/connections defective/inadequate 86

Charge-air pressure too low

Air intake system/charge-air Temperature of air taken in too high 2.5 50
Charge-air cooler fouled (excessive differential 2.5, 322.xx 53
Leakage on the air and exhaust gas sides 52
Exhaust gas system Exhaust gas back pressure too high (exhaust gas 2.5 54
boiler fouled)
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too early (only engines with automatic 2.4, 200.xx, 14
injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Control and monitoring Indicating instrument or connecting line defective 39
Turbocharger Air filter, compressor/turbine side of turbocharger fou- 500.xx 51

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 107/ 09

Fault Causes Info Code

Main bearings - Temperature too high

Main bearing Bearing damaged, lubrication faulty 021.xx 72
Engine Alignment/foundation faulty 000.09, 012.xx 95
Control and monitoring Temperature sensor defective 84
Cabling/connections defective/inadequate 86
Table 2. Faults and their causes/trouble shooting -- Part 2 -- “Operating data”

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 108/ 09

Trouble shooting “Other problems”

Fault Causes Info Code

Control linkage of injection pumps sluggish/blocked

Governor/control linkage Governor or control linkage setting spoiled 2.4, 140.xx 22
Control linkage sluggish or stuck 203.xx 23
Control and monitoring Shut-down device triggered 2.4 24

Injection pump delivery erratic

Fuel Fuel viscosity too low, fuel overheated 3.3 66
Fuel system Fuel system not vented 07
Fuel too cold, solidified in the pipes (HFO) 3.3 11
Fuel oil pressure at entry into injection pump too low, 2.4, 2.5 12
delivery pump defective
Fuel oil filter clogged 13
Injection pump/IP drive Injection pump plunger sticking, spring broken 200.xx 17
Pressure valve in the injection pump not tight 200.xx 19
Control rod, regulating sleeve or pump element 200.xx 18

Starting-air pipe before cylinder head becoming hot

Cylinder head Starting air valve not tight 161.xx 04

Safety valve in the cylinder head blowing off

Engine Engine or some of the cylinders severely overloaded 2.5, 3.5 25
Cylinder head Safety valve, spring broken 057.xx 27
Injection timing adjustment Injection timing too early (only engines with automatic 2.4, 200.xx, 14
injection timing adjustment) 120.xx (32/40),
(40/45 ... 58/64)
Tabelle 3. Faults and their causes/trouble shooting -- Part 3 -- “Other problems”

6680 3.6.1--02 E 11.02 32/40 up D 109/ 09

Emergency operation
with one cylinder failing 3.6.2

Emergency operation with one Even if the engine is operated with adequate care, serious faults occuring
or two cylinders failing
- on the injection system or injection pump drive,
- on the inlet or exhaust valves or the gear of these,
- on the cylinder head, or
- on the connecting rod, piston or cylinder liner
cannot be completely ecxluded. If such a fault occurs, the engine has to
be stopped and the damage has to be remedied. If this is not possible, the
possibilities of emergency operation are to be checked and the necessary
provisions are to be made, if any. The engine can then be further operated
under certain conditions, and at reduced output in most cases. If for some
important reason the engine cannot be stopped, it should at least be at-
tempted to take all appropriate measures for avoiding consequential dam-

Table 1 lists such emergency cases, the relevant conditions and counter
measures. The texts following after the table describe the exemplary
cases of emergency in more details and give supplementary hints.

Operation possible/ Conditions/

Fault not possible Measures/
Engine type
L40/54 L48/60 L58/64 Code number
Case 1
Injection pump ✔ ✔ ✔ 1 6--8,
1, 6 8 10
Legend: switched off
Case 2
✔ Operation possible Rocker arms and
☎ Consultation with push rods dis-
MAN B&W Diesel AG mantled, injection ✔ ✔ ✔ 1, 2, 6--8, 10
q pump switched off
Case 3 ✔ ✔ 1-3, 5-11
Piston and 1-4, 6--11
connecting rod ✔
Case 4 12
Two pistons and
connecting rods ☎ ☎ ☎
Table 1. Emergency operation with one or two cylinders failing on semi-resiliently mounted engines

6680 3.6.2--02 E 12.00 L 40/54, L 48/60, L 58/64 101/ 04

Explanations -- Type of fault

Case 1 Operating faults which necessitate the switching off of the injection pump
(fuel admission = zero) but permit operation of the cylinder/piston involved
against the normal compression resistance (the compression), such as
- fault in the injection system due to a defective nozzle,
- fault on the cylinder head due to a defective valve, due to gas leaking
at the cylinder head, due to a broken cylinder head bolt.
Case 2 Operating faults which necessitate the removing of rocker arms and push
rods and the switching off of the injection pump (fuel admission = zero) but
permit operation of the respective cylinder/piston to be continued against
compression (valves closed), such as
- fault in the valve timing gear,
- fault on the cylinder head due to gas leaking on the sealing rings, due
to max. two broken cylinder head bolts.
Important! Cases 1 and 2 are less problematic from the vibrations
point of view than case 3 is, because the running gear components remain
in place.

In case of operating faults which do not permit operation of the piston

against compression, case 3 should be attempted, or the engine should be
shut down.

Case 3 Operating faults making the removal of a complete running gear (piston,
connecting rod, push rods) necessary.

Important! Cases 1 ... 3 are made allowance for in the torsional

vibration calculation. Limitations in operation which may become
necessary are given as barred ranges on warning plates attached to the
operating equipment.

Case 4 Operating faults making the removing of two complete running gears (pis-
ton, connecting rod, push rods) necessary.

Conditions/measures -- What is to be done?

Code number Conditions/measures/dangers

1 Switch off the injection pump as described in work card 200.02 (L40/54
and L48/60 engine types) or work card 200.01 (L58/64 engine type).
2 - Remove the rocker arm as described in work card 111.01.
- Remove both push rods as described in work card 112.01, swing up the
cam follower and secure it in this position using a wire rope and clamp-
ing screw from the basic tools stock3). Plug the lube oil bores.
- Plug the oil pipe for rocker arm lubrication.
3 - Remove the piston and connecting rod.
- Plug the lube oil bores in the crank pin as described in work
card 020.04.
- Plug the starting air pipe leading to the silenced cylinder.
4 For adequate balancing of the rotating mass moments, remove a balance
weight at the throw of the defective cylinder as described in
work card 020.01 (only L58/64 engine type).

3) Cams and rollers must have no contact as the camshaft is turning.

6680 3.6.2--02 E 12.00 L 40/54, L 48/60, L 58/64 102/ 04

Code number Conditions/measures/dangers

5 For adequate balancing of the rotating mass moments, remove two bal-
ance weights at the throw of the defective cylinder as described in
work card 020.01 (L40/54 and L48/60 engine types).

6 Reduce the engine output (and speed) in accordance with the instruction
plate attached to the control console. Theoretically available output and/or
speed in accordance with the conditions which are explained below.

7 Observe the operating data. The exhaust gas temperatures and turbo-
charger speeds must not exceed the admissible limits.

8 Take note of the danger of turbocharger “surging”.

9 Due to one piston being removed, problems in engine starting may occur
at certain crankshaft positions.

10 Permanently observe the engine. As a matter of precaution, engine oper-

ation/manoeuvring should be performed from the engine room. Limit oper-
ation to emergency cases/a limited period of time.

11 Mass balancing upset. Critical vibrations may occur on the engine or in the
ship’s hull (natural hull frequencies) also outside the speed ranges which
have been barred as a result of the torsional vibration calculation. Such
ranges should be avoided/passed quickly. The engine output is to be re-
duced to 50%.

12 Mass balancing severely upset. Engine operation only permitted on con-

sultation with MAN B&W Diesel AG.

Reduction of output and speed

To avoid that the unaffected/remaining cylinders are overloaded, the en-

gine output, and possibly also the engine speed, have to be reduced. The
following theoretical conditions apply:

Controllable-pitch propeller or Maximum admissible output P max PN ô Z--1.

generator drive (n = const.)

Fixed-pitch propeller drive Maximum admissible speed n max nN ô ¯Z--1


PN Rated output nN Rated speed Z Number of

The value for radicand can be looked up in Table 2.

Z 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18

0.89 0.91 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.97 0.97

Table 2. Factors to determine the speed reduction required when a cylinder fails

As a matter of basic principle, the maximum admissible exhaust gas tem-

perature must not be exceeded, and the turbocharger must not be “surg-

6680 3.6.2--02 E 12.00 L 40/54, L 48/60, L 58/64 103/ 04

Instructions concerning vibrations

Barred ranges/ Switching off the injection pump on one cylinder may result in critical
Torsional vibrations speeds requiring further restrictions of the operating speed range. The
barred ranges to be observed under these abnormal operating conditions
are given on the instruction plates.

If it should be necessary to remove the running gear components of the

cylinder affected (case 3), the engine output has to be reduced to 50%.
Moreover, the mass balance is seriously upset. Free mass forces and mo-
ments may occur, which in turn may result in anomalous vibrations on the
engine or in the ship’s hull. In this case, further speed ranges have to be
barred as required.

Removal of balance weights to compensate the rotating mass portion of

the removed connecting rod will restore the upset mass balance to some
extent only.

Should it become necessary to suppress the ignition of more than one cyl-
inder, make sure to consult MAN B&W Diesel AG, Werk Augsburg.

6680 3.6.2--02 E 12.00 L 40/54, L 48/60, L 58/64 104/ 04

Emergency operation on failure
of one turbocharger 3.6.3

Preliminary remarks

General Turbochargers are turbo jet engines subjected to high stresses. They op-
erate at very high speeds and relatively high temperatures and pressures.
In spite of careful system operation, disturbances may occur, which re-
quire emergency operation.

Failure of one turbocharger The following criteria may be an indication of turbocharger damage/failure:
- Sudden drop in turbocharger speed
- Severe vibrations or noise caused by the turbocharger
- High exhaust gas temperatures, which are unusual for the engine’s
load conditions
▲▲ Caution! In these cases, an immediate examination/elimination
of the disturbance is required!

If it is, due to an emergency, necessary to continue operation of the engine

with this defective turbocharger, which is then only possible at reduced
engine output, special measures for emergency operation of the engine
are to be taken.

Available facilities Turbocharger (see working instructions in Volume C2):

- End cover for closing the rear of compressor and turbine, with the rotor
- Holding device for blocking the rotor from the compressor side (suction
port cross section remains open).
All facilities are so designed that the flow is not obstructed on the air and
exhaust side of the turbocharger.

Engine (see working instructions in Volume B2):

- Screen/s (interceptor grid) for that side of the charge air pipe/s not
facing the turbocharger (the screen/s is/are intended to facilitate engine
operation in the naturally aspirated mode.)
- Blind flange/s for closing the partly disassembled charge-air by-pass
pipe (if fitted).

Emergency operation of the engine with the turbocharger failing

Engine must not be stopped for ▲▲▲ Danger! Attention is drawn to the fact that, in spite of taking
imperative reasons the below-mentioned measures, there is a risk of turbocharger de-
struction! In this case, there is imminent danger of persons being
injured and property being damaged! Such emergency operation of
the engine is only permissible for the period required for warding off
the emergency situation!

Measures to be taken:
- Reduce the output of the engine so that
-- the maximum exhaust gas temperature after cylinder

6680 3.6.3--02 E 01.06 General 101/ 02

is not exceeded,
-- the maximum exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger
is not exceeded,
-- an increased exhaust gas discoloration is minimised.
- DANGER! Do not stay in the vicinity of the turbocharger!
- Take the necessary precautions for possibly required fire-extinguishing
- At the next opportunity, initiate checking the damage and fault
Engine may be stopped for a ▲▲▲ Danger! The duration of an engine emergency operation is to
short period be limited to the absolutely necessary minimum!

Measures to be taken:
- Stop the engine
- Carry out the necessary work on the turbocharger
-- Remove the turbine rotor (see working instructions in Volume C2)
(recommended by the turbocharger manufacturer)
-- block the turbine rotor (see working instructions in Volume C2)
(only if the turbine rotor cannot be removed for reasons of time)
- Adjust the engine (see working instructions in Volume B2)
- After restarting the engine, limit the maximum output so as to ensure
-- the maximum exhaust gas temperature after cylinder is not
-- the maximum exhaust gas temperatrure before turbocharger
is not exceeded,
-- an increased exhaust gas discoloration is minimised.
- DANGER! Do not stay in the vicinity of the turbocharger!
- Take the necessary precautions for possibly required fire-extinguishing
- At the next opportunity, initiate checking the damage and fault

Achievable outputs

The following criteria limit the engine load achievable in emergency oper-
-- maximum exhaust gas temperature after cylinder,
-- maximum exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger,
-- exhaust gas discoloration.

The following outputs are to be regarded as reference values only.

Turbocharger failed In-line engine V-type engine

Engine operation with 15% of the rated 15% of the rated
variable speed ouput output
Engine operation with 20% of the rated 20% of the rated
constant speed output output

6680 3.6.3--02 E 01.06 General 102/ 02

Failure of the electrical mains supply
(Black out) 3.6.4

The term “black out” designates the sudden failure of the electrical mains
supply. As a result, the cooling water, lube oil and fuel oil supply pumps
will fail, too, unless they are driven by the engine proper. However, other
vital supply equipment and measuring, control and regulating units are
affected, too.

If black out occurs at high engine output, the cooling water which now is
no longer circulating is heated by engine components that are subject to
high thermal loading, and steam bubbles may form locally. Therefore, be
careful with venting and discharge pipes!

Stop the engine immediately ▲ Attention! No matter whether automatically controlled or

manually operated engines are concerned, it must be ensured that
the engine is stopped immediately on black out.

This applies to all cases, where the pumps cannot start operation again
within a few seconds, which is possible if a spare unit automatically takes
over the electric power supply. This emergency stop process can, in the
case of marine main engines, be cancelled for a limited period of time, at
the worst, according to the requirement “ship takes precedence over
engine”. On engines with disengaging coupling, the engines are to be
disconnected. On ships equipped with a controllable--pitch propeller, the
pitch is to be set to zero immediately in order to prevent propeller reverse
power. These processes must automatically be triggered in case of
decreasing lube oil pressure.

Emergency lubrication equip- The oil supply of engines equipped with a directly connected,
ment engine-driven lube oil pump (and an electrically driven stand-by pump) is
maintained by this pump on black out.

Marine engines, which are equipped with two electrically driven lube oil
pumps, involving the potential risk that the engine is operated on reverse
power while the ship is gradually run down, are to be equipped with an
emergency lubrication oil tank. From this elevated tank, the oil supply is to
be ensured (temporarily) during this phase.

Stationary engines equipped with two electrically driven pumps are set to
“Zero” admission on black out. Emergency lubrication of the engine during
the relatively short (1 ... 3 minutes) coasting without load is dispensed with
as a rule.

The turbocharger(s) is/are supplied with oil for some time during the
run-down period from an attached oil tank on rigidly mounted engines, or
from a separate oil tank is case of resiliently mounted engines, irrespective
of the lube oil system layout.

Automatically operated systems After the normal supply of electrical power has been restored, the pumps
and ventilators have to be started automatically and in the order as stated:
1. Lube oil pump and fuel oil supply pump,
2. cooling water pump,
3. engine room ventilation system,
4. sea water pump.
▲ Attention! Under no circumstances must the engine be allowed
to start up automatically after black out.

6680 3.6.4--01 E 01.98 32/40 upw 101/ 02

The blocked fuel supply pumps are reset as soon as the cooling water
pump and the lube oil pump have started. The control lever of the
automatic control system is to be set to STOP and only then is the engine
allowed to be restarted and load to be applied gradually in accordance with
the automatic acceleration programme.

Manually operated engine plants Manually operated engines have to be immediately stopped after black out
so as to avoid severe damage as a result of lubrication failure or thermal
overloading. After the electrical power supply has been restored, proceed
as in the case of automatic operation. It is essential in this case, too, that
the engine is restarted and load is applied gradually.

Black-out-Test In the course of engine commssioning, black out is frequently caused on

purpose to test the behaviour of the engine and the reaction of the
shut--down device. In order not to overstrain the engine, this testing is only
allowed to be made at an engine speed below approx. 50 % and/or an
output below approx. 15 %.

Putting into operation of the Depending on the load at which the engine was being operated prior to the
engine after black out sudden shut-down, the cooling water which then is no longer circulating is
heated to high temperatures by the hot engine components, possibly
leading to the accumulation of steam in the cooling spaces of the cylinder

Preferably, engine restarting should therefore be postponed until the

engine has cooled down. Since this will be possible in exceptional cases
only, proceed with the restarting as follows, so as to preclude damage by
thermal shocks:
1. Interrupt recooling by bypassing the freshwater cooler.
2. Temporarily switch on the cooling water pump initially to ensure that
water at relatively low temperatures from the pipelines slowly mixes
with the hot water in the engine.
3. Switch on the cooling water and lube oil pumps.
4. Start the engine.
5. Switch the recooling system on again.

6680 3.6.4--01 E 01.98 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Failure of the cylinder lubrication 3.6.5

Emergency operation with Supply of lube oil to the piston running surfaces, piston rings and cylinder
cylinder lubrication failing liners is ensured by splash oil in the crankcase and by the additional
cylinder lubrication. If the cylinder lubrication system should fail in part or
completely, engine operation can be continued for a short period
(app. 250 h).

The lubrication system should be repaired or replaced as soon as


6680 3.6.5--01 E 03.02 General 101/ 01

Behaviour in case
operating values are exceeded/
alarms are released 3.6.7

General remarks

Operating values/limit values Operating values, e.g. temperatures, pressures, flow resistances and all
other safety--relevant values/characteristics, must be kept within the range
of nominal values. Limit values must not be exceeded. Binding reference
values are contained in the test run and commissioning records (in
Volume B5) and in the “List of measuring and control devices” (in
Volume D).

Alarms, reduction and stop Depending on the extent to which values are exceeded and on the
signals potential risks, alarms, reduction or stop signals are released for the more
important operating values. This is effected by means of the alarm system
and the safety controls. Reduction signals cause a reduction of the engine
output on vessel plants. This is effected by reducing the pitch of
controllable--pitch propeller plants. Stop signals cause an engine stop.

Behaviour in emergency cases -- Acoustic or visual warnings can be acknowledged. The displays remain
technical possibilities active until the malfunction is eliminated. Reduction or stop signals can in
the case of vessel plants be suppressed by means of the override function
of the valuation “ship takes precedence over engine”. For stationary
plants, this possibility is not provided.

Fixing alarm and limit values For fixing the alarm and the safety--relevant limit values, the requirements
of the classification societies and the own assessment are decisive.

Examples Stop criteria are, e.g., overspeed, too low lube oil pressure and too high
temperatures of the main bearing. In case the oil mist detector reacts, a
stop is usually effected as well. The occurrence of too high cooling water
temperatures causes a reduction in output of vessel plants.

Legal situation

Alarm, reduction and safety signals serve the purpose of warning against
dangers or of avoiding them. Their causes are to be traced with the
necessary care. The sources of malfunctions are to be eliminated
consistently. They must not be ignored or suppressed, except on
instructions from the management or in cases of a more severe danger.

▲▲ Caution! Ignoring or suppressing of alarms, the cancellation of

reduction and stop signals is highly dangerous, both for persons
and for the technical equipment.

Liability claims for damages due to exceeded nominal values and

supressed or ignored alarm and safety signals respectively, can in no case
be accepted.

6680 3.6.7--01 E 04.01 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Procedures in case
a splash-- oil alarm is triggered 3.6.8


Monitoring of the running gear The temperatures of the running gear in the crankcase are transmitted to
temperature the surrounding lubricating oil. Big-end bearing damage, piston seizures
and blow-bys from the combustion chamber cause a change in lube oil
temperature. For the splash-oil monitoring system, part of the splash oil
from each crank pin is collected. The temperature of the splash oil from
each individual crank pin is monitored and compared with that of the other
pins. In case a defined maximum temperature is exceeded or if the
difference between the temperatures of the individual running gears is too
large, an alarm is first triggered and, if necessary, the engine is then shut
off automatically.

Risk of personal injuries and da- ▲▲▲ Danger! Bearing damage, piston seizures and blow-bys pro-
mage to property! mote the formation of oil mist, which includes an acute risk of per-
sonal injuries and damage to property. An explosion may occur in
the crankcase, and engine, crankshaft, as well as running-gear com-
ponents may suffer severe damage.

If the splash-oil monitoring system does not work properly, the engine is
not monitored. In this case, incipient damage cannot be recognised, at
least not in time.

Checks to be carried out after a splash-oil alarm/an engine stop

Checking the alarms After an alarm occurred, the splash-oil temperatures are to be observed
further. Should the temperature which caused the alarm to be triggered
not decrease to the normal value again after a short while, the engine is to
be stopped, and the running gear concerned is to be checked. Following
an automatic engine stop, the running gear must be checked.

Checking the running gear After waiting for 10 minutes - which is required because of the possible
explosion hazard on entry of air (see the safety regulations) - all crankcase
covers are to be removed. The further checks include the following:
- measuring all bearing temperatures,
- visual inspection of the running gear components as well as the oil
sump for chips, discolouration and warping of material,
- visual inspection of all piston skirts and cylinder liners.
Pistons from aluminium alloy suffer contact damage already at an early
stage, skirts from grey cast iron are less easily damaged.
If no damage is ascertained, the search for damage is to be extended to
those items of the trouble-shooting list which have not been checked so
far. If necessary, the nearest service base should be contacted.

Important! The engine may only be restarted after it has been es-
tablished that no damage occurred or after the damage causing the alarm
has been eliminated.

6680 3.6.8--02 E 05.02 General 101/ 01

Engine operation IV -
Engine shut-- down 3.7

3.1 Prerequisites
3.2 Safety regulations
3.3 Operating media
3.4 Engine operation I - Starting the engine
3.5 Engine operation II - Control the operating data
3.6 Engine operation III - Operating faults
3.7 Engine operation IV - Engine shut- down

6682 3.7--01 E 11.97 101/ 01

Shut down/Preserve the engine 3.7.1

If an engine is to be shut down for more than 1 week it has to be turned

once a week for approx. 10 minutes. For this purpose, the lube oil pumps
for the lubrication of the running gear and the cylinder have to be
commissioned (oil temperature approx. 40ƒ C).

For longer periods of engine shut down (e.g. when the engine is put in
stock) it must be emptied, cleaned and preserved. The relevant
information is given in work card 000.14 “Corrosion inhibitors/preservation
of Diesel engines”. The necessary preliminaries, preservation proper and
the appropriate preservation agents are described.

6680 3.7.1--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 101/ 01


1 Introduction

2 Technical details

3 Operation/
Operating media

4 Maintenance/Repair

5 Annex

6680 4--02 E 11.97 101/ 01

Table of contents

N 4 Maintenance/Repair

: : : N 4.1 General remarks

: : : N 4.2 Maintenance schedule (explanations)
: : N 4.3 Tools/Special tools
: : N 4.4 Spare Parts
: : N 4.5 Replacement of components by the New--for--old Principle
: : N 4.6 Special services/Repair work
: : N 4.7 Maintenance schedule (signs/symbols)
: : N 4.7.1 Maintenance Schedule (Systems)
: : N 4.7.2 Maintenance Schedule (Engine)

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /01

General remarks 4.1
Purpose of maintenance work/ Similarly to regular checks, maintenance work belongs to the user’s
prerequisites duties. Both serve the purpose of maintaining the reliable and safe
serviceability of the system. Maintenance work should be done by qualified
personnel and at the times defined by the maintenance schedule.
Maintenance work is of support to the engine operators in their
endeavours to recognise future failures at an early stage. It provides
useful notes on overhaul or repair becoming due, and is of influence on
the planning of downtimes.
Maintenance and repair work can only be carried out properly if the
necessary spare parts are available. It is advisable besides these spare
parts to keep an inventory of parts in reserve for unforeseen failures.
Please request MAN B&W Diesel AG to submit a quotation whenever

Maintenance schedule/ The jobs to be done are shown in the maintenance schedule, which
maintenance intervals/ contains
personnel and time required
- a brief description of the job,
- the intervals of repetition,
- the personnel and time required, and it makes reference to
- the corresponding work cards/instructions.

Table 1. Maintenance schedule/extract

6680 4.1--03 E 06.99 32/40 upw 101/ 02

Work cards in Volume B2 and C2 The work cards, comprised in Parts B2 and C2 of the technical
respectively documentation, contain brief descriptions of
- the purpose of jobs to be done.
They contain
- information on the tools/appliances required, and
- detailed descriptions and drawings of the operating sequences and
steps required.
There is one copy on paper and one foil-sealed copy of each work card
available. The latter are dirt-proof and can be appropriately used for
information while the job is being done.

Maintenance schedule of Volume C1 contains the maintenance schedule of the turbocharger/s.


Figure 1. Work card -- example

6680 4.1--03 E 06.99 32/40 upw 102/ 02

Maintenance schedule (explanations) 4.2

Preliminary remarks

Maintenance schedules: The maintenance schedule of the engine comprises work to be done on
Systems 4.7.1 components of peripherical systems and components/subassemblies of
Engine 4.7.2 the engine itself (refer to Section 4.7). The maintenance schedule for the
Turbocharger 4.7.3 turbocharger is part of Volume C1 of the Technical Documentation.

Binding character and adaptabilities

Validity of the maintenance The maintenance schedules 4.7.1 and 4.7.2 are valid in combination and
schedule comprise jobs to be done at regular intervals and/or within regular interval

After 30,000 or 36,000 operating hours a thorough inspection of the main

components is to be carried out. During this process the cylinder head and
valves, the cylinder liners and pistons as well as the running gear compo-
nents and bearings, in particular, should be checked for wear and replaced
if necessary. It is recommended to entrust one of our service bases with
this comprehensive scope of work or a general overhaul.

Adaption of the maintenance The maintenance schedules have been drawn up for standard operating
schedule conditions. The stipulations contained therein are non committal recom-
mendations and approximative values. In order to gain emprical values, it
is recomended to observe the lower interval ranges first, as approximate
values. After a critical evaluation of the operating results and conditions,
shorter intervals may become necessary provided external operating
conditions (timetable of ships/inspection time of power plants) allow it. In
case of favourable operating results and conditions, an extension of the
intervals is possible.

Favourable operating conditions are:

- constant load within the range of 60% to 90% nominal load,
- observing the specified temperatures and pressures of the operating
- using the specified lube oil and fuel quality,
- as well as a proper separation of the fuel and lube oil.
Adverse operating conditions are:
- long-term operation at peak load or low load; prolonged idling times;
frequent, drastic load changes,
- frequent engine starting and repeated warming-up phases without ad-
equate preheating,
- high loading of the engine before the operating media have reached the
specified temperatures,
- lube oil, cooling water and charge air temperatures that are too low,
- using inappropriate fuel qualities and insufficient separation,
- inadequate intake air filtering (particularly on stationary engines).

6628 4.2--02 E 07.02 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Tools/Special tools 4.3

Preliminary remarks

Standard tools The following comprehensive standard set of tools comes supplied with
the engine:
- basic tools,
- hydraulic tensioning tools, and
- special tools.
This set of tools permits normal maintenance work to be carried out. A list
specifying the extent and designations of these tools is contained in
Volume B6 of the technical documentation. The tools set intended for the
turbocharger(s) is contained in one case, and a table of contents is also

Tools are also available

- for jobs that are generally more difficult to perform or that are only
seldom necessary,
- which facilitate the work, or
- which help to overcome plant-specific obstructions.
Tools on customer’s request Such tools are supplied on request. MAN B&W Diesel AG will gladly
submit an offer, if desired. The table below shows which tools are available
to supplement the standard set of tools for the engine.
Special tools Certain jobs, which are rather repair jobs than maintenance jobs, require
special expert knowledge, experience and supplementary
equipment/accessories. Further special tools, e.g. for the milling of seats
in the valve cages of cylinder heads (from 40/54 engine upwards), are
made available to our service bases, and possibly also our authorised
workshops, for such purposes. We therefore recommend that you consult
these partners, or entrust them to do jobs for you whenever your own
capacities in terms of time, qualification or personnel are inadequate.

Tools supplied on customer’s request

Tools Explanations
Device for removing/fitting the For maintenance work such as checking the main bearing or replacing the
main bearing cap bearing shells, the main bearing cap has only to be lowered; it need not be
Item no. 10310 removed. This is only necessary in special cases. This tool is provided for
this purpose.
Device for removing/fitting the Maintenance jobs such as the checking of spring assemblies can be done
torsional vibration damper without the complete vibration damper having to be disassembled. This is
(on the crankshaft) only necessary in special cases. This tool is provided for this purpose.
Item no. 10305

Pneumatic honing tool for the Cylinder liners require rehoning when piston rings are replaced or when
cylinder liner the roughness of the running surface has become insufficient. This job can
Item no. 10115 be contracted to a service base or done by the user himself using the
honing tool.

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 101/ 07

Figure 1. GERUS pneumatic honing tool, fitted

Tool for regrinding the sealing Regrinding of the sealing groove in the top land ring or the cylinder head
groove in the top land ring becomes necessary when the sealing ring is no longer able to provide
Item no. 10110 adequate compensation for deformation/material loss.
Suspension device for the If the engine room is high enough, the cylinder head is dismantled
cylinder head, without rocker completely. If the overhead space is inadequate, the rocker arm casing
arm casing has to be dismantled, and the cylinder head has to be lifted off using this
Item no. ... device.
Assembly/turnover stand Included in the standard set of tools. The turnover stand enables cylinder
for the cylinder head heads to be turned into the positions most favourable for carrying out the
necessary work, e.g. on the top and on valves/valve seats.

Figure 2. Assembly/turnover stand for cylinder heads

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 102/ 07

Electric valve seat grinder Valve seats requiring a minimum of correction can be treated by hand,
Item no. 10104 using grinding paste. If this method fails to produce a satisfactory result,
mechanical remachining is necessary.

Figure 3. Hunger valve seat grinder

Electric valve cone grinder Similarly to valve seats, valve cones showing minimum deficiencies can be
Item no. 10102 corrected by hand using grinding paste. Where no satisfactory result can
be achieved by this method, mechanical remachining is necessary.

Figure 4. Hunger valve cone grinder

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 103/ 07

Tool for grinding/milling of seats Rough or damaged seats can be remachined by hand using this tool with
in the cylinder head (valve cage, grinding discs or wheel-type milling cutters. A dial gauge is provided for
injection valve, starting valve) checking the required residual gap.

Bild 5. Tool for milling/grinding of seats in the cylinder head

Tool for grinding the seats on the A grinding ring is supplied to allow manual regrinding of the seats on the
valve cage shroud valve cage shroud. Adhesive grinding discs provide an effective way of
reworking the seats.
Device for checking start The start and end of delivery of fuel pumps are significant operating values
and end of fuel delivery on for the individual cylinders and the reciprocal load distribution. Although
fuel injection pumps changes due to wear or the installation of spare parts are negligible as a
(pneumatically operating) rule, it is advisable to make a check in such cases.
Item no. 10225

Figure 6. Device for checking the start and end of delivery

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 104/ 07

Testing device for injection Included in the standard tools set. The testing of injection valves for
valves (pneumatic/hydraulic) correct timing and injection is carried out with the pressure testing set
(from GERUS) which ensures reproducible injection conditions and a more
comfortable working environment.

Figure 7. Testing device for injection valves

Device for pulling the drive Pumps driven by the Diesel engine directly require no regular
gear of directly driven lube maintenance. If it becomes necessary to disassemble a pump, the drive
oil or cooling water pumps gear has to be pulled. This tool is provided for this purpose.
Item no. 10320
Device for removing and For cleaning the air side, charge air coolers may be flooded in the
installing the pipe bundles as-installed condition. The dummy flanges needed for this purpose are
of the charge air cooler included in the standard set of tools. Should this method of cleaning not
Item no. 10325 yield a satisfactory result, the cooler insert is to be removed, using this
device, and to be cleaned by a more appropriate method.

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 105/ 07

Baewert indicator to measure The accurate measuring and evaluating of ignition (and injection)
and evaluate ignition and pressures using the Baewert indicator which consists of a quarz crystal
injection pressures sensor and an instrument for evaluation furnishes useful information on
Item no. 10210 the condition of the engine and potential areas for improvement. A serial
interface and a PC program permit computer-aided evaluation. This device
cannot be used for gas engines. For devices from other manufacturers,
see section 3.5.2.

Figure 8. Baewert indicator

Grinding device for delivery This device is used for regrinding the seat of the injection pipe in case of
pipe sealing problems.
Item no. 10112

Figure 9. Grinding device for delivery pipe

Endoscope with or without video For inspecting all types of internal areas and for checking cams and rollers
camera of the valve camshaft of Vee-type engines, the Olympus endoscope may
Item no. 10230/235 be used. It consists of an eyepiece unit, a jacketed photoconductor and
interchangeable lenses. These permit a direct view onto the illuminated
object or a look to the sides.

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 106/ 07

Figure 10. Industrial endoscope with flexible photoconductor and interchangeable

Digital pressure gauge for Using the SI digital pressure gauge, differential pressure measurements
measuring the pressure and on the charge air cooler and in the crankcase can be carried out safely
differential pressure and comfortably. Special connections are available. The device can also
Item no. 10215 be used at other measuring points.

Figure 11. SI digital pressure gauge

Tools for engine and systems accessories

Information on tools required for engine accessories such as the oil mist
detector and for systems accessories such as filters, separators, fuel and
lube oil treating modules, water softening equipment, etc. can be gathered
from the documents contained in Volumes E1 to E... of the technical

6628 4.3--02 E 07.99 32/40 upw 107/ 07

Spare Parts 4.4

Since it is so important, we are repeating below a sentence which we have

used already:

Tip! Maintenance and repair work can only be carried out properly if
the necessary spare parts are available.

The information given below is thought to assist you in quickly and reliably
finding the correct information source in case of need.

Spare parts for engines and turbochargers

Spare parts for engines and turbochargers can be identified using the
spare parts catalogues in Volumes B3 and C3 or the technical
documentation. The illustration sheets enclosed are provided with item
numbers permit to identify the ordering number.

Figure 1. Spare parts catalogue for engine components - illustration sheet

6680 4.4--01 E 08.98 32/40 upw 101/ 03

Figure 2. Spare parts catalogue for engine components - text sheet

Spare parts for tools/ordering of tools (engine and turbocharger)

Complete tools can be ordered using the tools list in Volume B6 of the
technical documentation, or the index included in the tools case for
turbochargers. The ordering numbers are also given on the respective
work cards in Volumes B2 and C2. In this way, it is also possible to order
components of tools alone.

When ordering tools, the engine type, the engine works number and the
six-digit tool number which simultaneously serves as ordering number
should be indicated as usual. The first three digits of the tool number stand
for the subassembly for which the tool is used. Tools which are suited for
general use have a figure below 010 instead of the subassembly group

To avoid querying, please provide information 1, 2 and 5 as shown on the

following page:

Explanations 1 Piece number

2 Denomination
3, 4 Subassembly group
5 Tool number = order number

6680 4.4--01 E 08.98 32/40 upw 102/ 03

Figure 3. Information required for ordering tools/parts of these. Figure shows work card belonging to subassembly group 030

Spare parts for measuring, control and regulating systems, and for engine and systems accessories

Information on spare parts

- for measuring, control and regulating equipment such as temperature
sensors, relays, transducers (unless contained in the spare parts
catalogue of the engine),
- for engine accessories such as oil mist detector, and
- for system accessories such as filters, separators, water softening
equipment and the like
are contained in Volumes D1 to D... and Volumes E1 to E...

6680 4.4--01 E 08.98 32/40 upw 103/ 03

Replacement of components
by the New-- for-- old Principle 4.5

Components of high value which have become defective or worn and the
reconditioning or repair of which requires special know-how or facilities can
be replaced by the “Reconditioned-for-old” principle. These include
- piston crowns,
- valve cages and valves,
- fuel injection nozzles and injection pumps,
- governors,
- compressed-air starters, and
- completely assembled rotors of turbochargers (cartridges).
Such components are available from stock as a rule. If not, they will be
reconditioned/repaired and returned to your address. If need arises,
please enquire a corresponding offer from MAN B&W Diesel AG or the
nearest Service Center.

6680 4.5--01 E 11.97 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Special services/Repair work 4.6

No matter whether routine cases or really intricate problems are

- MAN B&W Diesel AG, Augsburg works,
- MAN B&W Diesel AG, Service Center Hamburg,
- MAN B&W Diesel Pte. Ltd., Service Center Singapore,
- service bases and authorised repair workshops
are readily available to offer you a wide spectrum of services and expert
advice, ranging from spare parts supplies, consultation and assistance in
operating, maintenance and repair questions, ascertaining and settling
cases of damage through to the assignment of fitters and engineers all
over the world. Some of these services are doubtless the standard offered
by suppliers, shipyards, repair workshops or specialist firms. Some of this
whole range of services, however, can only be rendered by someone who
can rely on decades of experience in Diesel engine systems. The latter are
considered as a part of the expert commitment towards the users of our
engines and for our products.

Please note the supplementary information contained in the printed

publications of Volume A1 of the Technical Documentation. In these, you
will also find the addresses and telephone numbers of the nearest service
bases which you can approach whenever required.

6680 4.6--01 E 12.97 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Maintenance schedule (signs/symbols) 4.7

Explanation of signs and symbols

The heading of the maintenance schedule shows symbols instead of

entries in two languages. They have the following meaning:

Serial number of the maintenance work.

1, 2, 3 The series shows gaps for changes/up-dates which could become

Brief description of the job

Related work cards.

The work cards listed contain detailed information on the work steps
___.xx These work cards comprise a group of work cards
A No Work card required/available
B See maintenance instructions of manufacturer (volume E1)
C These jobs are to be carried out by a MAN B&W Diesel
Service Center or by a special company
D See respective maintenance work
Relation between working cards.
x These notes are of particular significance within the maintenance
system CoCoS. They give you information on the jobs with a temporal
y connection to the work in question.

Required personnel

Time required in hours per person

per Relational term to indicate the time required

24 ... 36000 Repetition intervals given in operating hours
Signs used in the columns of intervals.
Their meaning is repeated in each sheet.
x, 1 ... 4
We assume that the signs and symbols used in the head are sufficiently
pictorial and that it is not necessary to repeat them constantly.
Table 1. Explanation of signs and symbols of the maintenance schedule

Groups of maintenance works In case of the maintenance schedule (systems) the maintenance works
are grouped according to systems/functional groups whereas in the main-
tenance schedule (engine) they are grouped according to subassemblies.

6628 4.7--03 E 06.99 32/40 upw 101/ 01

Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

1, x





Kraftstoffsystem œ Fuel oil system

004 Systembauteile auf Dichtheit Check system components for A 005 1 0.2 Motor X
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) tightness (visually) 006 Engine
005 Tagestank: Kraftstoffstand Check fuel oil level in day tank. Drain A 004 1 0.2 Motor X
kontrollieren; Tagestank und day tank and settling tank 006 Engine
Absetztank entwässern
006 Viskosimat kontrollieren Check viscosimat (carry out B 004 1 0.1 Einheit X
(Temperatur--Vergleichsmessung comparative temperature 005 Unit
durchführen) measurement)
007 Kraftstoffilter reinigen (abhängig vom Clean fuel oil filter (depending on B 1 3 Filter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Differenzdruck) differential pressure) Filter
008 Kraftstofförderpumpe überholen Overhaul fuel delivery pump B 1 1 Pumpe 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
009 Pufferkolben kontrollieren/überholen Check/overhaul buffer pistons 434.04 1 1 Einheit X

Schmierölsystem œ Lube oil system

011 Systembauteile auf Dichtheit Check system components for A 012 1 0.2 Motor X
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) tightness (visually) 262 Engine
012 Betriebsbehälter für Motor-- und Check lube oil level in service tanks for A 011 1 0.1 Motor X
Zylinderschmierung: Ölstand engine and cylinder lubrication 262 Engine

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6640 4.7.1--01 E 12.02 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 101 /07

Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

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014 Ölprobe untersuchen (Tropfenprobe) Examine oil sample (spot test) 000.05 1 0.15 Motor X
015 Ölprobe analysieren lassen Take oil sample to be analysed 000.04 1 0.25 Motor X
016 Ölfüllung wechseln (entsprechend Change oil filling (depending on results 000.04 015 -- 0 Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Analyse), Behälter reinigen of analysis), clean the tank Engine
017 Ölablauf kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) Check oil drainage of piston, big--end A 018 1 0.2 Zyl./ X
bei Kolben, Pleuel-- und and main bearings, on the gear box 112 Einheit
Kurbelwellenlagern, am Rädertrieb und and the turbocharger (visually) -- refer Cyl./unit
am Turbolader -- siehe auch 401 to 401
018 Ölablauf kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) Check oil drainage of camshaft A 017 1 2 Motor X
bei Nockenwellenlagern, bearings, injection pumps and valve Engine
Einspritzpumpen und am Ventilantrieb gear in the rocker arm casing (visually)
(im Kipphebelgehäuse) -- siehe auch -- refer to 401
020 Schmierölpumpe überholen Overhaul the lube oil pump 300.01 2 10 Pumpe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
022 Zylinderschmierölaggregat bzw. Check the cylinder lube oil unit or 302.01 1 4 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
--pumpe, Blockverteiler und pump, the block distributor and the Unit
Überwachungsgeräte überholen monitoring systems
023 Schmieröl--Automatikfilter reinigen Clean the lube oil service filter B 024 1 3 Filter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(abhängig von Spülintervallen) (depending on scavenging intervals) Filter
024 Schmieröl--Indikatorfilter reinigen Clean the lube oil indicating filter B 023 1 2 Filter 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(abhängig vom Differenzdruck) (depending on differential pressure) Filter

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

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025 Schmieröl--Vorwärmer reinigen Clean the lube oil preheater (depending B 1 4 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(abhängig von der Separiertemperatur on separating temperature at the flow Unit
bei erforderlichem Durchsatz). rate required).
Reinigung evtl. durch Spezialfirma Cleaning should be carried out by a
special company if possible
026 Schmieröl--Separator Check, clean and overhaul the lube oil B 1 4 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
(selbstaustragend) kontrollieren, separator (residue--selfdischarging) Unit
reinigen, überholen
027 Schmieröl--Kühler reinigen, evtl. durch Clean the lube oil cooler. C -- 0 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Spezialfirma Cleaning should be carried out by a Unit
special company if possible

Kühlwassersystem (Zylinder- und Düsenkühlung) œ Cooling water system (Cylinder an injection valve cooling)
031 Ausgleichsbehälter: Kühlwasserstand Compensating tank: Check the cooling A 032 1 0.2 Motor X
kontrollieren water level Engine
032 Düsenkühlwasserablauf kontrollieren Check the injection valve cooling water A 031 1 0.1 Motor X
(auf freien Ablauf und eventuelle system for free drainage and fuel Engine
Kraftstoffspuren) leckages
033 Kühlwasser: Korrosionsschutz Check the corrosion protection of the 000.07 1 0.5 Motor X
kontrollieren -- siehe auch 401 cooling water -- refer to 401 Engine
035 Kühlräume kontrollieren, System Check the cooling water spaces, clean 000.08 -- 0 Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
chemisch reinigen (Zylinder-- und the system chemically (cylinder and Engine
Düsenkühlung). injection valve cooling system).
Reinigung evtl. durch Spezialfirma Cleaning should be carried out by a
special company if possible

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

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036 Kühlwasser--Rückkühler: Kühlräume Heat exchanger: Clean the cooling C -- 0 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
reinigen, evtl. durch Spezialfirma spaces. Unit
Cleaning should be carried out by a
special company if possible

Druckluft- und Steuerluftsystem œ Compressed air and control air system

042 Druckluftbehälter nach jedem Füllen Compressed--air tank: Drain water after A 1 0.1 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
entwässern (wenn keine automatische every filling (in case there is no Unit
Entwässerung erfolgt) automatic drainage)
043 Druckluftbehälter innen reinigen, Compressed--air tank: Clean the inside, B 2 10 Einheit 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ventile (nach Vorschrift der overhaul valves (according to Unit
Klassifikationsgesellschaft) überholen specifications of the classification
044 Steuerluftsystem: Wasserabscheider Control air system: Drain the water 125.xx 1 0.1 Motor X
und Luftfilter entwässern separator and the air filter Engine
045 Steuerluftsystem: Wasserabscheider Control air system: Clean the water 125.xx 1 0.5 Motor X
und Luftfilter reinigen separator and the air filter Engine

Ladeluftsystem œ Charge air system

052 Ladeluftkühler/Ladeluftleitung: Charge air cooler/pipe: Check A 1 0.1 Leitung X
Kondenswasserablauf auf Menge/ condensation water drainage for Pipe
Durchgängigkeit kontrollieren quantity/free pass--through
053 Ladeluftkühler auf Wasser-- und Clean charge air cooler on both water 322.01 2 15 Kühler 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Luftseite reinigen, evtl. durch and air side. 322.02 Cooler
Spezialfirma Cleaning should be carried out by a
special company if possible
X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary
1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

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054 Ladeluftumblase--/Ladeluftabblaseein-- Charge air bypass/blow--off device: A 062 1 0.5 Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
richtung: Systembauteile auf Dichtheit Check system components for Engine
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung). Steuer-- tightness (visually). Check control and
und Überwachungselemente auf monitoring elements
Funktionstüchtigkeit prüfen

Abgassystem œ Exhaust gas system

062 Abgasabblaseeinrichtung: Exhaust gas blow--off device: Check A 054 1 0.5 Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Systembauteile auf Dichtheit system components for tightness Engine
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung). Steuer-- (visually). Check control and monitoring
und Überwachungselemente auf elements for proper functioning.
Funktionstüchtigkeit kontrollieren
063 Abgasleitung: Flanschverbindungen Exhaust gas pipe: check flange 289.01 086 1 0.2 Leitung 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
und Kompensatoren auf Dichtheit connections and compensators for Pipe
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) leaks (visually)

Meß- , Steuer- und Regeleinrichtungen œ Measurement and control systems

072 Schalt-- und Abstelleinrichtungen: Monitor and control equipment: Check A 2 6 Motor X
Funktionsfähigkeit und Schaltpunkte switch points and proper function -- Engine
kontrollieren -- siehe auch 402 refer to 402
073 Schaltventile im 10-- und 30 Dismantle control valves of the 10 and 125.xx 1 24 Motor X
bar--System zerlegen, Verschleißteile 30 bar system, replace wearing parts Engine
074 Batterie: Ladezustand und Säurestand Accumulator: Check charge state and A 1 0.5 Motor 4
kontrollieren electrolyte level Engine

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

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075 Ölnebeldetektor kontrollieren/überholen Check/overhaul oil mist detector B 1 1 Motor 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
076 Abgastemperatur--Meßanlage Check measuring system for exhaust A 1 6 Motor 3
kontrollieren gas temperatures Engine

Motorfundament/Rohranschlüsse œ Engine foundation/Pipe connections

082 Fundamentschrauben: Vorspannung Foundation: Check tension of bolts. 012.01 083 2 8 Motor X
kontrollieren. Check stoppers, brackets and resilient Engine
Stopper, Konsolen und elastische elements for tight fit (in case of ships
Elemente auf festen Sitz kontrollieren also after collision or ground contact) --
(bei Schiffen auch nach Kollision oder refer to 402
083 Elastische Lagerung: Setzbetrag der Resilient mount: Check amount of 012.01 082 2 3 Motor 4
elastischen Elemente feststellen settling of resilient elements 092 Engine
084 Elastische Rohrverbindungen: Alle Flexible tubes: Check all hoses A 1 1 Motor 4
Schläuche kontrollieren Engine
085 Elastische Rohrverbindungen: Flexible tubes: Replace hoses for fuel A 2 14 Motor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Schläuche für Kraftstoff, Schmieröl, oil, lube oil, cooling water, steam and Engine
Kühlwasser, Dampf und Druckluft compressed air
086 Schraubverbindungen (z.B. an Abgas-- Bolted connections: Check for tight 000.30 063 2 10 Motor X
und Ladeluftleitung, Ladeluftkühler und fit/proper preload (e.g. on exhaust gas Engine
Turbolader) auf festen Sitz/korrekte and charge air pipe, charge--air cooler
Vorspannung kontrollieren -- siehe auch and turbocharger) -- refer to 402

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Systeme)
Maintenance Schedule (Systems) 4.7.1

1, x





Elastische Kupplung/Törngetriebe œ Flexible coupling/Turning gear

092 Elastische Kupplung: Ausrichtung und Flexible coupling: Check alignment and 000.09 083 2 8 Motor 4
Gummielemente kontrollieren rubber elements 093 Engine
093 Kupplungsschrauben auf festen Coupling bolts: Check for tight 020.02 047 1 1 Motor X
Sitz/korrekte Vorspannung kontrollieren fit/proper preload -- refer to 402 Engine
-- siehe auch 402
094 Törngetriebe kontrollieren/überholen Check/overhaul turning gear B 1 1 Einheit 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Außerdem erforderlich œ Additionally required

401 Neu oder in überholtem Zustand Check parts installed in new or D -- 0 Einheit X
eingebaute Teile/neu eingesetzte reconditioned condition and operating Unit
Betriebsstoffe einmal nach der media applied in new or improved
angegebenen Zeit kontrollieren -- gilt condition once after the time given --
für 017, 018, 033 applies to 017, 018, 033
402 Neu oder in überholtem Zustand Check parts installed in new or D -- 0 Einheit X
eingebaute Teile/neu eingesetzte reconditioned condition and operating Unit
Betriebsstoffe einmal nach der media applied in new or improved
angegebenen Zeit kontrollieren -- gilt condition once after the time given --
für 072, 082, 086, 093 applies to 072, 082, 086, 093

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

1 Nach Bedarf/Zustand 1 As required/depending on condition
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6640 4.7.1--01 E 12.02 40/54, 48/60, 58/64 107 /07

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

Betriebswerte œ Operating data 000

104 Betriebswerte erfassen Take the operating data 000.40 1 0.1 Motor X
103 Zünddrücke kontrollieren Check ignition pressures 000.25 1 0.1 Zyl. X
102 Abgastrübung kontrollieren Check smoke number of exhaust gas A 1 0.1 Motor X

Triebwerk/Kurbelwelle œ Running gear/Crankshaft 020

112 Triebwerk kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) Check the running gear (visually) A 017 2 0.2 Zyl. 2 X
113 Kurbelwelle: Wangenatmung messen Crankshaft: Measure crankweb 000.10 122 2 0.15 Zyl. 2 X
(bei Schiffsmotoren auch nach Kollision deflection (in case of marine engines 202 Cyl.
oder Grundberührung) also after collision or ground contact)

Kurbelwellenlager œ Main bearing 021

122 Paßlager: Axialspiel kontrollieren Locating bearing: Check axial 021.03 113 2 0.5 Lager 2 X
clearance 202 Bearing
123 1 Lagerdeckel absenken und untere Lower one bearing cap and inspect 000.11 142 2 3 Lager X
Lagerschale kontrollieren. Lösedruck bearing shell. Check pressure for 012.02 Bearing
der Lagerschrauben kontrollieren loosening bearing bolts 012.03

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /09

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

124 Alle Lagerschalen erneuern Replace all bearing shells. 021.01 2 3 Lager X
021.02 Bearing

Drehschwingungsdämpfer œ Torsional vibration damper 027

132 Schwingungsdämpfer der Kurbelwelle: Vibration damper of crankshaft: 027.03 2 30 Motor X
austauschen replace Engine
133 Schwingungsdämpfer der Nockenwelle: Vibration damper of camshaft: Check 027.02 132 2 6 Motor 4
Hülsenfedern kontrollieren sleeve springs Engine

Pleuellager œ Big- end bearing 030

142 1 Lagerschale ausbauen und Remove and check one bearing shell. 000.11 123 2 7 Lager X
kontrollieren. Lösedruck der Check pressure for loosening bearing 030.02 Bearing
Lagerschrauben kontrollieren bolts 030.03
143 Alle Lagerschalen erneuern Replace all bearing shells. 030.03 124 2 7 Lager X
030.04 Bearing

Kolben/Kolbenbolzen œ Piston/Piston pin 034

152 1 Kolben ausbauen, reinigen und Remove, clean and check one piston. 030.01 155 3 2 Zyl. X
kontrollieren. Kolbenringe und Measure piston rings and ring 034.01 162 Cyl.
Ringnuten vermessen. Lösedruck der grooves. Check pressure for loosening 034.02 172
Pleuelschaftschrauben kontrollieren. bolts of connecting rod shank. 034.05

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 102 /09

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

153 Alle Kolben ausbauen, reinigen und Remove, clean and check all pistons. 034.01 154 3 2 Zyl. X
kontrollieren. Ringnuten vermessen. Measure ring grooves. Replace all 034.02 155 Cyl.
Alle Kolbenringe erneuern. piston rings. 050.05 163
Achtung: Wenn Kolbenringe erneuert Caution: If piston rings are replaced the 173
werden, ist die Zylinderbuchse cylinder liner is to be rehoned!
154 1 Kolbenbolzen ausbauen, Remove one piston pin. Check piston 034.03 152 2 0.25 Zyl. X
Kolbenbolzenbuchse kontrollieren, pin bush, measure the clearance. 155 Cyl.
Spiel messen.
155 1 Kolben zerlegen. Bauteile reinigen. Disassemble one piston. Clean 034.02 152 3 2 Zyl. X
Kühlräume und Kühlbohrungen auf components. Check cooling spaces 034.03 154 Cyl.
Koksansatz kontrollieren. Bei and cooling passages for coke 034.04
Schichtdicken über 1 mm alle Kolben deposits. If thickness of layer exceeds
zerlegen. 1 mm, disassemble all pistons.
157 Alle Kolben zerlegen. Bauteile reinigen. Disassemble all pistons. Clean 034.02 153 3 2 Zyl. X
Neue oder regenerierte Kolbenoberteile components. Install new or 034.03 Cyl.
einbauen. reconditioned piston crowns. 034.04
158 Alle Kolben zerlegen. Bauteile reinigen. Disassemble all pistons. Clean 034.02 153 3 2 Zyl. X
Kolbenbolzenlager erneuern. components. Replace piston pin 034.03 Cyl.
bearings. 034.04

Zylinderbuchse œ Cylinder liner 050

162 1 Zylinderbuchse vermessen Measure one cylinder liner 050.02 152 2 0.25 Zyl. X
172 Cyl.
163 Alle Zylinderbuchsen vermessen und Measure and rehone all cylinder liners. 050.02 153 2 3 Zyl. X
nachhonen 050.05 173 Cyl.

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

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3 y

164 Alle Zylinderbuchsen ausbauen, Remove, clean and check all cylinder 050.01 157 3 4.5 Zyl. X
reinigen und kontrollieren. Dichtringe liners. Replace sealing rings. 050.04 Cyl.
165 Alle Zylinderbuchsen mit Dichtringen Replace all cylinder liners and sealing 050.01 3 4.5 Zyl. X
erneuern. rings. 050.04 Cyl.

Zylinderkopf œ Cylinder head 055

172 1 Zylinderkopf abbauen, reinigen und Remove, clean and check one cylinder 055.01 152 3 3 Zyl. X
kontrollieren. Lösedruck der head. Check pressure for loosening the 055.02 162 Cyl.
Zylinderkopfschrauben kontrollieren cylinder head bolts
173 Alle Zylinderköpfe abbauen, reinigen Remove, clean and check all cylinder 055.01 153 3 3 Zyl. X
und kontrollieren heads. 055.02 163 Cyl.

Sicherheitsventile œ Safety valves 057/073

182 Sicherheitsventile in Triebraumdeckeln: Safety valves in crankcase covers: 073.01 1 0.1 Ventil X
Alle Ventile auf Leichtgängigkeit Check all valves for easy movement Valve
183 Sicherheitsventil an Zylinderköpfen: Safety valve on cylinder heads: A 1 2 Ventil X
Alle Ventile abbauen, Öffnungsdruck Remove all valves, check opening Valve
kontrollieren pressure

Steuerungsantrieb œ Camshaft drive 100

202 Zahnräder kontrollieren, Zahnspiele Check gearwheels, measure the 100.01 017 2 1 Motor 2 X
messen backlash 113 Engine

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

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3 y

Nockenwelle/Nockenwellenlager/Schwinghebel œ Camshaft/Camshaft bearing/Cam follower 101/102/112

216 Nocken, Rollen und Schwinghebel Check cams, rollers and cam followers 112.02 018 1 0.5 Zyl. 2 X
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) (visually) 209.01 213 Cyl.
217 Schwinghebelbuchsen an 1 Zylinder Check bushes of cam follower on one 112.02 216 2 2.5 Zyl. X
kontrollieren cylinder 303 Cyl.
218 2 Nockenwellenlager ausbauen, Remove two camshaft bearings, check 000.11 2 1.5 Lager X
Lauffläche kontrollieren. Lösedruck der running surface. Check pressure for 102.01 Bearing
Lagerschrauben kontrollieren loosening bearing bolts
219 Alle Nockenwellenlager ausbauen und Remove and replace all camshaft 102.01 2 1.5 Lager X
erneuern bearings. Bearing

Kipphebel œ Rocker arm 111

222 Kipphebel und zugehörige Check rocker arm and relevant bolted 111.02 233 1 0.1 Zyl. X
Schraubverbindungen kontrollieren connections (visually) Cyl.

Ein- und Auslaßventile œ Inlet and exhaust valves 113/114

232 Ein-- und Auslaßventile: Drehbewegung Inlet and exhaust valves: Check proper 113.01 222 1 0.1 Zyl. 2 X
während des Betriebes kontrollieren rotation during operation 233 Cyl.
233 Ventilspiel kontrollieren Check valve clearance 111.01 222 2 0.2 Zyl. 2 X
232 Cyl.

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

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Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

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3 y

234 2 Einlaßventile ausbauen. Ventilsitze Remove two inlet valves. Check valve 113.01 172 2 1.5 Ventil X
kontrollieren. Ventildrehvorrichtungen seats. Check valve rotators, replace 113.02 242 Valve
kontrollieren, verschlissene Teile wearing parts 113.03
235 Alle Einlaßventile ausbauen. Ventilsitze Remove all inlet valves. Check and 113.01 173 2 2.5 Ventil X
kontrollieren und nacharbeiten. overhaul valve seats. Check valve 113.02 243 Valve
Ventildrehvorrichtungen kontrollieren, rotators, replace worn parts. Check 113.03
verschlissene Teile austauschen. valve guides. 113.04
Ventilführungen kontrollieren 113.05
236 Alle Einlaßventile ausbauen. Remove all inlet valves. Replace valve 055.04 173 2 2.5 Ventil X
Ventilkegel, Ventilsitze und cones, valve seats and valve guides. 113.01 244 Valve
Ventilführungen austauschen. 113.06
242 2 Auslaßventile ausbauen. Ventilsitze Remove two exhaust valves. Check 113.01 172 2 2.5 Ventil X
kontrollieren valve seats 113.03 234 Valve
243 Alle Auslaßventile ausbauen. Remove all exhaust valves. Check and 113.01 173 2 4.5 Ventil X
Ventilsitze kontrollieren und regrind valve seats. Check valve 113.02 235 Valve
nachschleifen. Ventilführungen guides. 113.03
kontrollieren 113.04
244 Alle Auslaßventile ausbauen. Remove all exhaust valves. Replace 055.04 173 2 2.5 Ventil X
Ventilkegel, Ventilsitze und valve cones, valve seats and valve 113.01 236 Valve
Ventilführungen austauschen. guides. 113.06

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 106 /09

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

Drehzahlregler œ Speed governor 140

262 Mechanischer Regler: Ölstand Mechanical governor: Check oil level 140.01 011 1 0.1 Motor 4
kontrollieren 012 Engine
263 Mechanischer Regler und Mechanical governor and booster 140.01 1 1 Motor 4
Booster--Servomotor: Öl und Ölfilter servo--motor: Replace oil and oil filter 140.02 Engine
264 Mechanischer Regler: Reglerantrieb, Mechanical governor: Check governor 140.01 202 1 1 Einheit 2 4
d.h. Antriebswelle und Zahnräder drive, i.e. drive shaft and gearwheels. Unit
265 Mechanischer Regler: Regler durch Mechanical governor: Have the C 1 2 Motor 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Spezialwerkstatt überholen lassen governor overhauled by a special Engine
266 Elektronischer Regler: Impulsgeber auf Electronic governor: Check pulse A 1 0.2 Einheit 4
Verschmutzung und korrekten Abstand transmitter for dirt and verify that Unit
kontrollieren spacing is correct

Anlaßsteuerschieber/Anlaßventil/Hauptanlaßventil œ Starting air pilot valve/Starting valve/Main starting valve 160/161/162

272 Alle Anlaßsteuerschieber ausbauen Remove and overhaul all starting air 160.01 1 1 Ventil X
und überholen pilot valves 160.02 Valve
273 Anlaßventile auf Dichtheit kontrollieren Check starting valves for tightness 161.01 1 0.2 Ventil X
274 Alle Anlaßventile ausbauen und Remove and overhaul all starting 161.01 1 2 Ventil X
überholen valves 161.02 Valve

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 107 /09

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

275 Hauptanlaßventil ausbauen und Remove and overhaul main starting 162.01 1 2.5 Ventil X
überholen valve Valve

Kraftstoffeinspritzpumpe œ Fuel injection pump 200

302 Alle Prallschrauben ausbauen und Remove and check all baffle screws 200.01 305 1 0.25 Pumpe X
kontrollieren (Sichtprüfung) (visually). 200.05 Pump
305 Alle Prallschrauben ausbauen und Remove and replace all baffle screws. 200.01 302 1 0.25 Pumpe X
erneuern 200.05 Pump
303 1 Einspritzpumpe mit Antrieb und Detach, disassemble and check one 200.03 302 2 4 Einheit X
Schwinghebel demontieren, zerlegen injection pump together with drive and 200.04 Unit
und kontrollieren cam follower 201.01
304 Alle Einspritzpumpen mit Antrieb und Detach, disassemble and check all 200.03 217 2 4 Pumpe X
Schwinghebel demontieren, zerlegen injection pumps together with drives 200.04 302 Pump
und kontrollieren. Pumpenelemente and cam followers. Replace pump 201.01
erneuern elements. 201.02

Kraftstoffregelgestänge œ Control linkage 203

312 Alle Lagerstellen und Gelenke Lubricate all bearing points and joints. 203.01 2 1 Motor X
schmieren, Funktionsprüfung Check for proper functioning. Engine

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 108 /09

Wartungsplan (Motor)
Maintenance Schedule (Engine) 4.7.2

1, x


3 y

Kraftstoffeinspritzventil œ Fuel injection valve 221

322 Einspritzventile ausbauen, Remove injection valves, check nozzle 221.01 2 3.5 Ventil X
Düsenelemente prüfen und ggf. durch elements or replace them by new or 221.02 Valve
neue bzw. regenerierte Düsenelemente reconditioned nozzle elements if 221.03
ersetzen necessary 221.04

X Wartungsarbeit fällig X Maintenance work is necessary

* x 1000 h * x 1000 h
2 Kontrolle neuer oder überholter Teile erforderlich (einmal nach der angegebenen Zeit) 2 Check new or overhauled parts once after the time given in the column
3 Nach Vorschrift des Herstellers 3 According to specifications of manufacturer
4 Falls Bauteil/System vorhanden 4 If component/system is installed

6721 4.7.2--01 E 03.06 L 58/64 CD 109 /09


1 Introduction

2 Technical details

3 Operation/
Operating media

4 Maintenance/Repair

5 Annex

6680 5--02 E 07.97 101/ 01

Table of contents

N 5 Annex

: : N 5.1 Designations/Terms
: : N 5.2 Formulae
: : N 5.3 Units of measure/ Conversion of units of measure
: : N 5.4 Symbols and codes
: : N 5.5 Brochures

Categories of information
Intended for ...
Middle management
Upper management

6721 05.06 L 58/64 CD 101 /01

Designations/Terms 5.1

Standards The terms commonly used in the field of engine building have been
defined in the standard DIN 6265, and in the International Standards ISO
1205--1972 and ISO 2276--1972, and in MAN Quality Specification
Q10.09211--3050. A selection of these terms appearing in the technical
documentation for our Diesel engines is explained in more detail below.


Turbocharged engines Turbocharged engines feature one or several turbochargers (consisting of

a turbine and compressor) that are exhaust-gas driven and used to
compress the air required for combustion.

Dual-fuel engines Dual-fuel engines can be either operated on liquid fuels, or on gaseous
ones (natural gas, town gas, sewage gas etc.), a small amount of fuel
called pilot fuel being injected for ignition.

Otto gas engines Otto gas engines are operated on gas (natural gas, town gas, sewage gas
etc.) and have electric spark ignition.

Design and sense of rotation

Left-hand engine/ The terms left-hand (LH) engine and right-hand engine are determined by
Right-hand the exhaust side of the engine. Viewing onto the coupling end, a left-hand
engine engine has the exhaust side at the left, and a right-hand engine at the
right. Figure 1 . This definition can normally only be applied to in-lines

Left-hand engine Right-hand engine

Figure 1. Design (left-hand engine/right-hand engine)

Sense of rotation Viewing onto the coupling end, right-hand (RH) engines are rotating
clockwise, and left-hand (LH) ones counter-clockwise.

6680 5.1--01 E 04.00 General 101/ 03

Designation of cylinders and bearings

Designation of cylinders The cylinders are consecutively numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. if viewing from the
coupling end. On V-type engines, the cylinder bank which is the left as
viewed from the coupling end is designated A, and the right one B
(A1--A2--A3 or B1, B2, B3 etc.), Figure 2 .

In-line engine V-type engine

Figure 2. Designation of cylinders

Designation of crank pins, The crank pins and big end bearings are designated (starting from the
journals and bearings coupling end) 1, 2, 3 etc., and the journals and crankshaft bearings 1, 2, 3
etc. Where an additional bearing is provided between the coupling flange
and the toothed gear for the camshaft drive, this bearing and the
associated journal are designated 01 (see Figure 3 ). For this
designation, it is irrelevant which of the bearings is a locating bearing.

On V-type engines where two connecting rods are associated with one
crank pin, the big end bearings and the cylinders are termed A1, B1, A2

01,1,2... Journal A Coupling flange

1... Crank pin B Spur gear

Figure 3. Designation of crank pins and bearings

6680 5.1--01 E 04.00 General 102/ 03

Designation of the engine sides/ends

Coupling end KS The coupling end is the principal power take-off of the engine, to which the
propeller, the generator or any other machine is connected.

Free engine end KGS The free engine end is opposite the coupling end of the engine.

Left-hand side The left-hand side is the exhaust side on the left-hand engine, and the
cylinder bank A side on the V-type engine.

Right-hand side The right-hand side is the exhaust side on the right-hand engine, and the
cylinder bank B side on the V-type engine.

Camshaft side SS The camshaft side is the longitudinal side of the engine on which the
injection pumps and the camshaft are mounted (opposite the exhaust gas

Exhaust gas side AS The exhaust gas side is the longitudinal side of the engine on which the
exhaust gas pipe is mounted (opposite the camshaft side). The
designations camshaft side and exhaust side are in common use for in-line
engines only.

Exhaust gas counterside AGS On engines having two camshafts, one on the exhaust side and one on
the opposite side, the term camshaft side would not be unambiguous. The
term exhaust gas counterside is used in such a case, together with the
term exhaust gas side.

6680 5.1--01 E 04.00 General 103/ 03

Formulae 5.2

The following is a selection of essential formulae of the engine building

and plant engineering sector. These formulae illustrate basic coherences.


pe ô V H ô n ô z
Effective engine output Pe Pe

1200 ô P e
Mean effective pressure pe pe
VH ô n ô z

Swept volume VH VH D2 ô ¶ ô s

Mean piston speed cm cm sôn


9550 ô P e
Torque Md Md n

Overall efficiency ®e ®e 3600

Hu ô be


P1 n1 3
Propeller law
P2 n2 3

M d1 n1 2
M d2 n2 2


Synchronous speed n 60 ô f


be Specified fuel consumption kg/kWh

cm Mean piston speed m/s

D Cylinder diameter dm

f Frequency Hz

Hu Net calorific value of the fuel kJ/kg

6680 5.2--01 E 01.98 General 101/ 02

Md Torque Nm

n Speed rpm

P Rating kW

Pe Effective engine output kW

p Number of pole pairs /

pe Mean effective pressure bar

s Stroke dm

VH Swept volume dm3/cyl.

z Number of cylinders /

®e Overall efficiency /

Swept volume

Engine type Swept volume

20/27 8,48
25/30 14,73
32/40 32,15
40/45 56,52
40/54 67,82
48/60 108,50
52/55 116,74
58/64 169,01
Table 1. Swept volume of MAN B&W engines

6680 5.2--01 E 01.98 General 102/ 02

Units of measure/
Conversion of units of measure 5.3

Useful information on units of measure is contained in the brochure

“SI units” in Section 5.5. It contains explanations on the ISO system of
units of measure, factors of conversion of units of measure, and physical
parameters commonly used in engine building.

6680 5.3--01 E 12.97 General 101/ 01

Symbols and codes 5.4


To provide for clearness in the representation of process-related

coherences, standardized symbols and codes are used. The list below
contains a selection of such symbols and codes specifically used in engine
and power generation plant engineering. The symbols and codes are
mainly used in Section 2 and 3 of the operating manual.

Symbols for functional/piping diagrams

6680 5.4--01 E 12.97 General 101/ 05

6680 5.4--01 E 12.97 General 102/ 05
6680 5.4--01 E 12.97 General 103/ 05
Table 1. Symbols used in functional and piping diagrams

Codes for measuring, control and regulating units

Measuring, control and regulating units are marked by character

combinations in system diagrams. The individual characters have the
following meanings:

6680 5.4--01 E 12.97 General 104/ 05

Letter Letter ... designating at Letter ... designating at Letter ... designating
point 1 the measured point 2 the measured at point 2 ... n
quantity/input quantity ... quantity/input quantity ... the processing in form of ...
A ---- ---- Alarm/limit value signal
C ---- ---- Automatic regulation/automatic
continous control
D Density Difference ----
E Electrical quantity ---- Pick-up/sensor
F Flow rate/throughput Ratio ----
G Distance/length/position ---- ----
H Manual input/manual ---- ----
I ---- ---- Indication
J ---- ---- Scanning
K Time ---- ----
L Level ---- ----
M Humidity ---- ----
N Freely assignable ---- Freely assignable
O Freely assignable ---- Optical display/Yes or No info
P Pressure ---- ----
Q Other quality standards Integral/sum ----
(analysis/material property)
except D, M, V
R Nuclear radiation quantity ---- Registration/storage
S Speed/frequency ---- Switch-over/intermittent
T Temperature ---- Transducer
U Composite quantities ---- ----
V Viscosity ---- Actuator/valve/operating
W Weight/mass ---- ----
X Other quantities ---- Other processing functions
Y Freely assignable ---- Computing operation
Z ---- ---- Emergency intervention/
safeguarding by activating/
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Table 2. Codes for measuring, control and regulating units in functional diagrams/piping diagrams

Explanation The letter entered at point 1 represents a quantity of the second column of
the table. It can be supplemented by D, F or Q, in which case the meaning
corresponds to the entry in the third column of the table. Second or third in
the combination are letters of the fourth column, if required. Multiple
nominations are possible in this case. The order of use is Q, I, R, C, S, Z,
A. A supplementation by + (upper limit/on/open) or -- is possible; however,
only after O, S, Z and A.

Example T Temperature measuring point (without sensor)

TE Temperature sensor
TZA+ Temperature cutout/alarm (when the upper limit is reached)
PO Pressure visual indication
PDSA Pressure difference/switch over/alarm

6680 5.4--01 E 12.97 General 105/ 05

Brochures 5.5

In addition to the brochures in Volume A1 and D there are available:

SI units



6680 5.5--01 E 12.97 32/40 up D 101/ 01

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