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Dt- 14.03.

2024 (Histo)

1. (a) Identify the given slide – Thin skin (1)

(b) Write down any 2 of its features (1)

2. (a) Identify the given slide- Large Artery (1)

(b) Write down any 2 of its features (1)

3. (a) Identify the given slide – Spleen (1)

(b) Write down any 2 of its features (1)

4. (a) Identify the condition given? - Branchial cyst (1)

(b) Write the embryological basis of their condition? - Non
closure of cervical sinus
5. (a) Identify the condition given - Lingual Thyroid (1)
(b) Write the source of development of tongue muscles -
Ans- 3-4 occipital myotomes (1)

6. (a) Identify the arrowed vein - Median cubital vein / anti-

cubital vein (1)
(b)Write its clinical importance- Site for collection of venous blood
& IV injection (1)
7. (a) Mention the clinical condition shown- Mumps (1)
(b) Mention its cause – Viral infection of parotid gland (1)

8. (a) Mention the clinical condition shown – Femoral hernia (1)

(b) Why it is more common in females – Wider pelvis, femoral
ring wider & vessels narrower

9. (a) Name the part of the bone arrowed – Coracoid process (1)
What type of epiphysis is it? - Atavistic epiphysis (1)
10. Write down any two tract affected in anterior spinal artery
syndrome with their clinical manifestations. (1 X 2)
- Corticospinal tract , anterior horn cell, lateral & anterior
spinothalamic tract
- Loss of pain & temperature, LMN & UMN palsy (same side)

Dt- 14.03.2024(DH)

1. (a) Write any two muscle attached to the painted area (1/2 X 2)
(b) Mention nerve supply of those two muscles (1/2 X 2)

Ans. Styloglossus- 12 Cr N., stylohyoid – 7 cr N, Stylo Pharyngeus- 9 cr N

2. (a) Identify the probed structure (1/2)

(b) Write any three structures passing through it (1/2 x3)
Ans. a)Jugular foramen
b) Inferior petrosal sinus, 9,10. 11 cr N, IJV, Emissary vein

3. Name any four structures related to the painted area. (1/2 X 4)

Ans. Clivus – Brain stem except midbrain, basilar A. Basilar plexus of V.,MUA

4. (a) Name the muscle attached to the painted area. (1)

(b) Write two of its actions. (1/2 x2)

Ans. a) Temporalis
b) elevation and retraction

5. (a) Determine the side of the bone (1/2)

(b) Write any three muscles attached to its medial border. (1/2 x3)

Ans. a) Scapula - R
b) L.Scapulae, Rh. Major & Minor, serratus anterior

6. (a) Determine the side of the bone (1)

(b) Write any two structures attached to the painted area. (1/2 X 2)
Ans. a)Hip bone - R
b) Sartorius, inguinal ligament
7. Write the cutaneous nerve supply of the tied structure (1/2 x4)

Ans. Grt auricular N., Auriculo Temporal, Lesser occipital, Vagus , Facial N

8. (a) Identify the structure tied (1)

(b) Write its two actions (1/2 x2)

Ans. a) biceps brachi

b)flexon of elbow & supination

9. (a) Identify the structure tied (1/2)

(b) Mention its root value and two components. (1/2 x3)
Ans. a)sciatic nerve
b) L4 – S3, tibial and common peronial nerve.

10. (a) Write down the name of the tract indicated in the diagram (1)
(b) What function is it associated with (1)
Ans. a) Posterior white column / tract of gall & burdach, fasciculus G & C
b) conscious proprioception, Vibration, fine touch, steriognosis, Two point

11. (a)Write two derivatives of hypobranchial eminence. (1/2 X

(b) Write the nerve carrying general sensation from anterior two third of
the tongue.
Ans. a) posterior 1/3rd of tongue, epiglottis
b)Lingual nerve

12. (a) Write two openings present in anterior wall of middle ear.(1/2 X 2)
(b) Write any two arteries supplying middle ear. (1/2 X 2)

Ans. a) canal for TT, Auditory tube

b) ant. Tympanic, Tympanic branch of ICA, Stylomasteoid branch of
posterior auricular A

13. a) Mention two components of red pulp. (1/2 X 2)

(b) Mention two layers of dermis . (1/2 X 2)

Ans. a) splenic cords, splenic sinusoid,

b)Outer papillary, inner reticular layer

14. a) Write down the artery entering mandibular canal. (1)

(b) Write down the source of this artery. (1)
Ans. a) Inferior alveolar A.
b) 1st Part of maxillary A.

15. a) Mention the sensory innervation of duramater of middle cranial fossa.

(1/2 X 2)
(b) write any two branches of third part of maxillary artery . (1/2 X 2)

Ans. a)Maxillary N., N. spinosum

b ) A. of pterygoid canal, Pharyngeal A, Inf. Orbital A, Gr. Palatine A,
Spheno Palatine A, Post. Sup. Alveolar A

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