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CLASS: _____


Rene Alejandro Castro Ramos

Marcos Dani Gonzales Quispe


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Star: Hello Yeimi, how are you?

Yeimi: hello Estrella, I'm very well, and you? What are you doing this weekend ?

Star: I'm making a roast chicken at my sister's house, then we'll go for a walk in

the park and buy things, what about you?

Yeimi: I'm going to invite some friends over, we'll watch a movie and cook, I'm

not going to leave the house.

Star: Where is your house? Maybe I'll be encouraged to go.

Yeimi: yes of course, I'm sure you would have fun and it would serve to

introduce you to my friends, and then we would all have dinner together.

Estrella: I would love to, can you tell me how your Camila is doing right now?

Yeimi: she is very good, now she is doing her homework in her room, she

doesn't like us to bother her, then she will come to keep us company

Star: Wow, she's a good girl.

Yeimi: yes and how is the preparation of your roast chicken going?

Star: delicious, it comes out very well, I also make mango juice

Yeimi: How delicious, I'll also make a strawberry juice right now and accompany

it with chips, while I prepare everything for the afternoon.

Star: Sounds good to me, I'll let you know so you can go home.

Yeimi: ok Estrella, good luck, I'll call the others, okay?

Star: I think it's perfect, that way you'll have everything under control.

yeimi: everything is under control, don't worry.

star: ok see you later yeimi, I'll write to you okay?

yeimi: yes, and me too, see you later

Estrella: hola yeimi, como estas?

Yeimi: hola Estrella, estoy muy bien y tu? Que haces este fin de semana ?

Estrella: estoy hacienda un pollo asado en la casa de mi hermana, despues de eso

iremos depaseo al parque y a comprar cosas, y tu?

Yeimi: yo voy a invitar a algunos amigos a casa, veremos pelicula y cocinaremos, no

pienso salir de casa

Estrella: por donde queda tu casa, talvez me anime a ir

Yeimi: si, claro que si, estoy Segura de que te divertirias y serviria para presentarte a
mis amigos, y despues hariamos todos juntos la cena

Estrella: me gustaria mucho, cuentame como esta tu camila ahora mismo?

Yeimi: esta muy bien, ahora hace su tarea en su cuarto, no le guste que la
molestemos, despues vendra a hacernos compañia

Estrella: vaya que bien, es una niña Buena

Yeimi: si, y como va la preparacion de tu pollo asado?

Estrella: delicioso, me va saliendo muy bien, Tambien hago un jugo de mango

Yeimi: que Delicia, yo Tambien me hare ahora mismo un jugo de fresas y lo

acompañare con papitas, mientras alisto todo para la tarde

Estrella: me parece bien, te ire avisando, para venir a tu casa

Yeimi: esta bien Estrella, buen provecho, hasta luego

Estrella: hasta luego yeimi

At the end of the lesson,

you and your team talk about the plans and
arrangements you have for the weekend by using "be going to", the
present continuous, and the vocabulary learned during the week.

Work in pairs
 Use the grammar and vocabulary you have studied during the week.
 Practice your pronunciation, intonation, and vocalization
 Avoid reading your conversation.

 Grammar: be going to (plans) and present continuous (arrangements) for the future
 Vocabulary: verbs and collocations to talk about plans and arrangements
 material: Week

Video length: 3 - 4 minutes

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