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[A]- Please follow the undermentioned guidelines for appearing in the

1- Do not be nervous, stay confident.
2- Read the question paper carefully.
3- Decide on answering the best prepared first.
4- Write the correct question number, as per the question paper, in the margin outside the
writing space.
5- Allocate balanced time to each question, avoiding to write too much in one answer
and leaving no time for the last answer.
6- All definitions, examples and headings must be underlined.
7- Try to include diagrammatic presentation of points, to make it stand out and appear
[B]-Case Study
One case study will come in the exam. Read it carefully and answer it as given in the notes. I
have also posted case study method on the group. Please refer to it.
1. Build up the case study as you understand it.
2. Answer in the light of facts given and any assumptions made by you.
3. Answers must never be in first person.
4. Be precise while answering and include Management related concepts, while
analyzing issues given in the case study, rather than making any general
1- Discuss the importance of Management and highlight the Challenges of Managers in
the recent times?
2- Can Coordination be called as an essence of Management? State some principles of
Coordination? What are the various Techniques of achieving Coordination?
3- The Scientific Management School is considered as the pioneer effort by F.W. Tylor.
Why was his work viewed as futuristic and way ahead of its time?
4- Is ‘The Management Science School’, an improvement over the ‘The Scientific
Management thought’? Critically evaluate this statement.
5- Elaborate the Roles of Managers, as given by Mintzberg?
6- Why is Decision Making important to an organization? State Steps in Decision
Making Process? Write different types of decisions?
7- Discuss nature, concept and significance of Planning? State Benefits of Strategic
Planning? How do Micro, Meso AND Macro environments affect planning?
8- Discuss some Techniques of Environmental Analysis? Sate why SWOT analysis must
be carried out for an organization?
9- Why should Delegation be done? Why do superiors not like to delegate authority?
What is the difference between Decentralization and Delegation?
10- Discuss the various Organizational Forms as given by Mintzberg? What are the
various factors which affect Organizational Design?
11- Discuss nature, concept, significance, objectives and Principles of Controlling?
12- What is the Importance of Leadership? State, in brief, any five Leadership Styles?
13- Discuss in detail, the Douglas McGregor - Theory X, Theory Y? What are the
components of ‘Carrot & Stick Approach?
14- What do you understand by the term Motivation? Describe different Types of
Motivation? Compare Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation?
15- Why is control important in our lives as well as organizations? What are the
limitations of controlling? List out some principles for efficient controlling?
16- Discuss the meaning, nature concept and significance of Formal Organization? Are
there any disadvantages of a Formal Organization?

Questions requiring short answers

1- Measures of Controlling and Accountability for Performance.
2- Applications of the PERT and CPM, as Planning & Controlling Techniques.
3- Qualities of good Followers.
4- William Ouchi’s Theory Z, its Features and Limitations.
5- Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.
6- Transformational Style of Leadership
7- Porter’s Five Forces Framework
8- Qualities essential for a Great Leader
9- Qualities of good Followers
10- Project structure
11- Matrix Structure
12- Span of Control
13- Objectives of Controlling
14- Measures of controlling & Accountability for Performance
15- Methods of Rewards & Recognitions
16- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
17- Methods of Defining an Organization's Values and Ethics
18- Issues in Managing Workplace Diversity
19- Governing Principles of Sociocracy
20- Subaltern Management Ideas from India

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