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Motherhood: Exceptional Job above all

By: Roda Mae Nava

An extraordinary journey that transforms women in ways unimaginable. A fulfilment in

lives of women is stepping in the world of motherhood. The journey of being a mother
doesn't end on giving birth to a child.

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions, a blend of joy, exhaustion, fulfillment, and sacrifice. It

plays a significant role in everyone's life. From the moment her child was born, a
mother’s heart begins to beat in synchrony with theirs.

Motherhood was a lifetime work. Beyond the sleepless nights and endless tasks lies on
their shoulder. A job that has no salary but a life accomplishment.

For instance; waking up as early as birds to prepare children for school, providing
emotional support and guidance, working too much to provide and help the family's
needs. Mothers’ love to their child has no bounds, through laughter and tears, putting
the child's needs first before anything else, selfless time, energy, ensuring child's well-
being, the love remains steadfast.

Mother shapes our identity. From the demand of taking care of a newborn, trials of
adolescents, living independently and creating own families, mother never leaves to
guide. Knowing that these sacrifices is an investment in their child’s future.

As children spread their wings, mothers witness every milestone the child achieves.
Each milestone was the testament of true love, guidance, and support provided by
mothers along the way.

Being a mother is an exceptional job. Women who embraced this role deserves an
honor and love from the world.

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