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Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.

Honorable ones; the juries, the participants of English speech contests and all audiences.
Before I begin to deliver this speech, I would like to invite you to thank Allah the Almighty who
has given us mercy and blessing, so we can meet together in this blessing place.
And also let’s deliver sholawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us
from the darkness to the brightness.
Ladies and gentlemen, before we come into deeper on “ the role pesantren in protecting
Radicalism and terrorism” firstly, I would like to define,
what are pesantren and roles and what are taught here ?
ok, we come to defition !
pesantren is the cottage was taken from funduq word (‫)فندق‬. It refers to a building where the
boarding school became a dormitory for students who live and carry out daily activities outside
their daily learning activities. While the “pesantren” comes from the word “santri” given to-and -
an additional words that became the word “pesantren”, or place for the santri or schools. In
English, pondok pesantren called Islamic boarding school.
Islamic boarding school or pesantren is a unique educational institution in Indonesia, because
pesantren has some characteristics
Let see the characteristics.
Number :
1. The students or santri stay in the dormitory or cottage. They will stay up to they complete
their studies. They will leave their families and focus on their studies here,day and night.
2. The teachers or kyai. Kyai are the tittles are popular in Pesantren. Kyai are so importan
persons, because they will be good models for their students or santri
3. The recitation and memorization Alquran are obligatory activities. Every day, the
students will read and try to memorizes them up to 30 chapters or juz.
4. The yellow book or kitab kuning. This is classical and special book,written in Arabic and
this is an obligatory book for students to study.
These uniqueness or typical forms make pesantren are different with other educational
Now, we come the roles.
What are the roles pesantren ?
The pesantren play important roles of many Indonesian communities. It disseminates
ideology, both religious and political, through the key community services it provides such as
education for the community’s youth and the administration of important religious rites.
Pesantern not only serve education for societies and even pesantren donate and help the
surrounding societies. Through the provision of these services, pesantrens provide the
ideological underpinning for societal stability. In return, Pesantren receive benefits such as
prestige, government assistance in helping to spread their particular ideology, and finding jobs
for their graduates. In short, Pesantren maintain a symbiotic relationship with national and
local governments
Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters,
Let’s see what are taught at Pesantren!
Pesantren teach the students to practice religion teachings and do good deeds,
Among others :
- Students must respect and love each others, because in the holy book quran said, inna
ikramakum, ‘indallahi atqokum’ “indeed, the best ones among you, are the most
obedient” So students will always respect their brothers and sisters although they come
from different background or even different in ethnical groups and outside, they will
respect the people in different religions. Because, they know, all from God, Allah SWT.
- To share each others. The rich or the wealth must help the poor or the needs. Because,
prophet Muhammad taugh, khairunna, yanfa’unnas. The best people are the most
beneficial for other people
- The students may not bully, intimidate, humilitate or even hurt others. Because, islam
forbids those things.
- The students must keep the cleanlines and environtment. They may not litter and break
their environments
The juries and brothers and sisters
Now, we come to radicalism and terrorism.
Radicalism or Radicalisation is defined as the process by which people come to support terrorism
and extremism and, in some cases, to then participate in terrorist groups.
Menwhile, terrorism is is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political or social objectives.
From two defenitions we can conclude that are actions to hurt, terrify, and even kill someones
Why radicalism and terrorism are recently connected to Pesantren in certain and islam in general,
because there some people the actors of the radicalism and terrorism are moslem.
Whereas, according to Armstrong (2013:113), radicalism always exists in every religion with
many followers in the world, not only Christian and Islam, radicalism is also found in Hindu,
Buddha, Jew, and Confucianism. Even, according to Graudy (Ismail, 2001:10), radicalism is not
only limited on faith, but also in politics, social, and culture. Therefore, radicalism is views
which are upheld based on beliefs, religion, politics and culture.
So, If we come to the roles and teaching of pesantern. Those two things are contrarary. Because,
pesantren never teach hardness and humiliate others and futhermore, to kill people.
Ladies and gentlemen. Now, it’s time for us to show that pesantren is the best place to live and
study, and prove that pesantren is not the headquarters of radicalism and terrorism.
But Islam as a peaceful religion, and pesantren is one the part of islam. Pesantren will allways be
the most peaceful, comfortable, tolerant place
That;s all and Thanks for your aattention !
Assalamu’alaikum. Wr, wb.

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