Digital Literacy

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Digital Literacy is essentially the ability to understand and make use of digital technologies.
In the modern world, this is increasingly important, as the Internet and digital technology is
slowly becoming an essential component of many people’s lives. As time goes on, more and
more people are getting online, and utilizing these technologies in their everyday lives,
whether for work, or in the home.
Ref: case study on people of kampung literacy (Indonesia)
Indonesian people’s reading index was considered
poor. In this fast-changing information era, efforts to ➢ Digital literacy is essential to be possessed by
address this issue have to be in accordance with the the community as abundant information is
underlying principles of 21st century that are regarded
now available in digital forms. Hence, a lack
as digital literacy.As a response, this study seeks to
enhance the digital literacy skills of the people in the
of understanding in the digital world can lead
Kampung Literasi by focusing on the implementation to the emergence of various digital media
and media targeting digital literacy skill improvement.A abuses occurring at the personal, social and
community focusing on literacy empowerment national levels
program named Kampung Literasi was selected to be
the participant considering its concern toward literacy
development in their area, The action results revealed
that the established programs done in Kampung Literasi ➢ To date, the development of communication
has improved community’s digital literacy skills in technology affects the forms of interaction and
utilising e-library and managing e resources.In every aspect of human life. Social interaction
specific CARE model could serve as an alternative can easily occur with the utilization of the
solution to address literacy issues in the Kampung internet. Telecommunications companies
Literasi to make its program succeed. Considering create many features or applications to
this positive outcome, this study contributes to the facilitate communication with social media.
development of literacy movement in Indonesia.
Considering this issue, continual information
Therefore, this ICA RE model is recommended to be
implemented by more Kampung Literasi in other and technological development should be
villages in Indonesia, or by other literacy improvement addressed wisely
Belshaw in his thesis, What is 'Digital Literacy? This indicates that the existence of a Kampung
(2012), stated that there are eight essential Literasi is an appropriate means that has
elements to develop digital literacy, as follows: considerable opportunities in developing
digital literacy skills for the community.
1. Cultural, which is understanding the various contexts
of users of the digital world;
We understand Digital Literacy is a life skill
2. Cognitive, which is the power of thought in in the present era of growing and global
evaluating content; educational society. Digital literacy is playing a
vital role in our life. In the digital age, there are
3. Constructive, which is the creation of expert and
actual aspects; types of literacy which are essential to living in
the present society. It is a need of the time to
4. Communicative, which is understanding network and be digital literate to every person. Principles of
communication performance in the digital world digital literacy are very much helpful for the
whole society. In such a world, youth need
5.Responsible confidence; skills for working within social networks, for
pooling knowledge within a collective
6. Creative in doing new things in new ways;
intelligence, for negotiating across cultural
7. Critical in responding to content; and digital literacy differences that shape the governing
as a life skill; and assumptions in different communities and for
reconciling conflicting bits of data to form a
8. Socially responsible. These aforementioned coherent picture of the world around them
elements are the basic elements to develop digital

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