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Missing Friend Short Movie


-Muhammad Hasby Ario Triatmojo (224010416) As Robert

-Nandy cahyana (224010403) As Andrew

-Abdurachman fariz al-zain (224010437) As Jhon

-Muhamad hafidzi (224010422) As Asep

Scene 1

Background: Dorm

Hasby: okay guys welcome to my vlog, it’s already 7 in the morning so my plan for todays vlog me and
my friends will do an expedition to the jungle which was said to be haunted. It makes me so pump up
that I wanna go there right now. Later im going to discuss it with the guys for tomorrows plan.

Scene 2

Background: Coffee Shop

Hasby: alright, so… what’s the plan for tomorrow? It’s a go right?

Fariz: of course, I already gathered all the necessary things for tomorrow. And for the ride, it’s good right

Raden: it’s good, one of my dad’s car is sitting dock at the house so we can use it for tomorrow.

Hasby: dy what’s wrong? You’ve been quite since the beginning, you’re coming right? I don’t wanna
know, you have to come with us tomorrow, you’re the expert with this paranormal things (indigo)

Nandy: can we just not go there tomorrow?

Raden: why?

Fariz: what is in there?

Nandy: last night I had a dream, someone came up to me and said “siji tiang bwoteng wilujeng” which
mean one wont survive, I think that message is for our plan tomorrow, you guys already know about
these things and experienced it befor that my dream always right.

Hasby: huh.. just don’t think about it its just a dream, we still need to execute our plan
Fariz: but im starting to get goosebumps because of what he said

Raden: me too bi, because last time I experienced what nandy dreamt

Hasby: shit why it turns out like this? I already record everything from the beginning you dickhead.. and
now all of you back out? This is because of you

*hasby grabs nandy’s collar and about to punch him, but the others hold him. In that moment the
situation start to get heated and out of control.

Hasby: please dy help me

Nandy: okay.. okay, I’ll help you but I’ll only supervise so nothing bad happen

Hasby: okay since now everyone agree TOMORROW WE GO

Everyone: let’s go!!!!

Scene 3

Background: inside the car

Hasby: (vlogging) alright guys, right now we’re on our way to our planned destination THE FOREST and
there we’ll have fun guys

Fariz: that’s right guys because of hasby today we’ll be going there

Raden: turns out it’s quite far

Nandy: if something happen don’t count me in okay? Its your responsibility

Hasby: yeah yeah chatterbox

Scene 4

Background: the jungle

Hasby: (vlogging) okay guys we’ve arrive… im really pump, it’s crazy how beautiful this jungle is

Raden: well this is crazy… holy shit

Fariz: by… are you sure? This is really scary

Nandy: I remind you again don’t do anything stupid here

Hasby: I know chill out, don’t think about it

Nandy: I already remind you okay? You’re the one who force me to come so you have to listen to me so
nothing bad will happen

Raden: calm down you two don’t fight, lets just start the expedition

Fariz: lets goo

Scene 5

Background: the jungle

(in this time everyone walk through the jungle while looking to the trees, and then we speak)

Nandy: guys… I have a bad feeling about this

Fariz: me too, something is off

Raden: seriously, something is not right

Hasby: you’re right nan… the moment we arrive I had goosebumps

Fariz: sstt shut up

Raden: (anxious and a blank stare)

Hasby: (being quite)

Nandy: how about we just go home?

Everyone: yeah lets go

Scene 6

Background: jungle

*at dusk

*on the way home hasby suddenly got tripped by something. That thing looked like a keris but the shape
was scary. Because Hasby was messed up with curiosity, he pulled out objects that should'nt be touched.

Nandy: "Hasby, don't. That thing is dangerous. We don't know what will happen if it's removed".

*but it's too late, Hasby held the object.

Fariz: "Motherfucker".

Raden: "Oh shit, man".

Nandy: "Quickly, put that thing back where it should be".

Hasby was too panicked, Hasby threw the kris.

Suddenly, a strange creature appeared right in front of us and we were suprised. We run as fast as we
can towards the car. Before we even get into the car, Hasby fell because of the road are so slippy and we
can't even see the road. It's dark. Unfortunately, his friends didn't know about this.

While his friends at the car.

Nandy: "Guys, everyone okay?".

Raden: "Wait a minute. Where is hasby?".

Fariz: "I think he get kidnapped by the creature earlier".

Raden: "shit now what? Im really scared right now".

Nandy: "Okay, now you call someone to help us find him. While we wait for help to come, we’ll search
for Hasby until we find him!!".

After realizing Hasby dissapeared, Nandy, Raden, and Fariz kept searching up for Hasby. While searching
up for Hasby, the creature kept bothering them.

Nandy: "Hasby!! Hasby!!".

Fariz: "Hasby!"

Raden: "What the fuck is that?". (Pointing at the top of the tree.)

*They spontaneously saw at the top of the tree, at what Raden pointed at.


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