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Kindergarten Registeration System


(2022895022 )


Kindergarten Registration System

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 2
1.1 History of Organization 2
1.2 Organizational Chart 3
1.3 SWOT Analysis 4
1.4 Current System Description 7
1.5 Current System Problem 9

2. Proposed Project Overview 10

2.1 Proposed System Process 10
2.2 Proposed System Objectives 12
2.3 Proposed System Scopes 12
2.4 Proposed System Entity and Attributes 13

3. Project Organization 14
3.1 Organizational Structure 14
3.2 Roles and Responsibilities. 15

4. Management Process 17
4.1 Project Plan 17

5. Commercial Values 17

Appendix 18

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Kindergarten Registration System

1. Introduction
1.1 History of Organization

Tabika Kemas is a preschool education program introduced by the Malaysian Government

through the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development in 1973. Its aim is to provide
a quality learning environment for preschool children. The establishment of Tabika Kemas has its
roots in the need to provide quality early education for children from economically disadvantaged

Tabika Kemas was initially established through collaboration between the Ministry of Women,
Family, and Community Development and the Ministry of Education Malaysia. The program aims
to provide early education access to children from various socio-economic backgrounds, including
those from rural or remote areas.

Since its inception, Tabika Kemas has experienced rapid growth. Initially known as Tabika
Perpaduan, it was later renamed Tabika Kemas in 1986. Since then, Tabika Kemas has expanded
its reach with the addition of more preschools across Malaysia.

The Tabika Kemas program focuses on early childhood education, ensuring that children receive
quality care and education before entering formal schooling. This helps in the development of
children's cognitive, social, emotional, and physical foundations before they transition to more
formal school settings.

At its heart, the Tabika Kemas program is all about helping kids grow in every way possible. We're
focused on making sure they learn not just academics, but also how to get along with others,
manage their feelings, and stay healthy and active. Our main goal is to build up their confidence
and independence so they can take on whatever comes their way in life. Align with the Vision,
effort, independence and self-confidence and the mission is to develop children who are active,
fit, and self-confident in doing something.

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1.2 Organizational Chart

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1.3 SWOT Analysis

1. Parental Involvement : In Tabika KEMAS, one of the greatest strengths lies in our strong
emphasis on parental involvement. All of the educators recognize that parents play a
crucial role in child’s education, and the educators also actively engage with then in their
program to ensure its success. By fostering partnership with parents, educators can create
a supportive environment where the children thrive both at home and in the classroom.
2. Unique Learning System : Setting Tabika KEMAS apart from other kindergartens is their
Pra-Tahfiz program. Unlike traditional approaches, Tabika KEMAS introducing the Islamic
education program starting from the age of 4, which includes Quran memorization classes
to cultivate an interest in memorization from a young age. This unique system ensure that
every child receives a well-rounded education tailored to their individual needs.
3. National-Level Children’s Competition : Another strength of our organization is our
commitment to fostering a competitive spirit among children in an annual event called “Hari
Potensi KEMAS”. We organize competitions that culminate at the national level, providing
young learnes with valuable opportunities to showcase their talents and skills. These event
not only encourage healthy competition but also instill a sense of achievement and in
Tabika KEMAS students.

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4. Trained Teachers : Tabika KEMAS educators is another cornerstone of organization’s

strength. All of the teachers will undergo training at the diploma level such as Diploma in
Early Childhood Education so they will be equipped with the know;edge and skills to
deliver high-quality education. Their expertise ensures that children receive the best
possible guidance and support in their early educational journey.

1. Lack of Transparency in Reporting : One of the weakness of the organization is the
administration’s deficiency in providing clear and transparent reporting. The educators
are forced to generate a multitude of reports, many of which they deem as insignificant,
rather than focusing on enriching the children’s activities. It will impact the academic
progress, financial management and overall effectiveness.
2. Limited Involvement of Working Parents : another weakness stems from the limited
participant of working parents in the program. While parental involvement is crucial for a
child’s education journey, the demands of work may hinder their ability to actively engage
with the school. This can be potentially deprive children of valuable support and guidance
from their parents, impacting their overall learning experience and development.
3. Low Fees : The organization’s low fees pose a significant challenge in funding essential
resources and maintaining quality standards. While affordable fees may initially attract
families from diverse socio-economic backgrounds, they may not sufficiently cover the
costs associated with providing a high-quality educational experience. This financial
constraint could lead to resource shortages, outdated facilities or inadequate teacher

1. Increase Activity for Children : This opportunity allows them to broaden the range of
activities offered to children within the program. By introducing new and diverse activities,
Tabika KEMAS can cater to various interests and learning styles, ensuring that each child
has the opportunity to engage in activities that resonate with them. It also provides
opportunities for children to explore new interests, develop skills, and build confidence
through hands-on learning experiences.
2. Services and Facilities from KEMAS : Leveraging the services and facilities provided by
KEMAS presents an opportunity to enhance the quality and scope of our program. Access

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to KEMAS resources allows them to improve learning environments, upgrade facilities,

and offer additional support services for both students and educators. By maximizing
these resources, they can elevate the standard of education they provide and create a
more conducive and enriching learning environment for children.
3. Parental Involvement is Essential : Leveraging the services and facilities provided by
KEMAS presents an opportunity to enhance the quality and scope of our program. Access
to KEMAS resources allows them to improve learning environments, upgrade facilities,
and offer additional support services for both students and educators .By maximizing
these resources, they can elevate the standard of education they provide and create a
more conducive and enriching learning environment for children.
4. Provided with the Technology to be Fully Utilized : Leveraging the services and facilities
provided by KEMAS presents an opportunity to enhance the quality and scope of KEMAS
program. Access to KEMAS resources allows them to improve learning environments,
upgrade facilities, and offer additional support services for both students and educators.
By maximizing these resources, they can elevate the standard of education they provide
and create a more conducive and enriching learning environment for children.

1. Competition from Other Preschools : The presence of rival preschools poses a threat to
KEMAS as it can lead to a decrease in enrollment numbers. Competition may arise from
private preschools or other government-funded programs offering similar services. If
parents opt for competing preschools over KEMAS, it can result in a loss of revenue and
a decline in the program's overall viability. To mitigate this threat, KEMAS needs to
differentiate itself by highlighting its unique offerings, such as quality education,
affordable fees, and government support, to attract and retain students.
2. Health Risks from Sick Children : Sick children attending kindergarten pose a threat to
the health and well-being of other students, teachers, and staff. Illnesses can spread
rapidly in a classroom setting, leading to outbreaks of contagious diseases such as
colds, flu, or even more serious infections. Not only does this jeopardize the health of
those directly affected, but it also disrupts the learning environment and can result in
increased absenteeism among both students and staff. To address this threat, KEMAS
should implement strict health and hygiene protocols, including policies for illness

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management, regular cleaning and disinfection of facilities, and promoting awareness

among parents about the importance of keeping sick children at home.
3. Dependency on Government Economy for Resources : KEMAS's reliance on government
funding exposes it to risks associated with fluctuations in the economy and changes in
government priorities. Economic downturns or budget cuts may lead to reductions in
funding for early childhood education programs, limiting KEMAS's ability to maintain
quality standards and provide essential resources. Additionally, political decisions or shifts
in government policies can impact resource allocation and program sustainability. To
mitigate this threat, KEMAS should explore diversifying its funding sources, seeking
alternative revenue streams, and advocating for continued government support for early
childhood education initiatives. Additionally, efficient resource management and strategic
planning can help minimize the impact of economic uncertainties on the program.

1.4 Current System Description

Kemas Kindergarten Children Registration System is National Child Data Center System. This
system is used for all kindergarten under government in Malaysia . National Child Data Center
(NCDC) is a databased designed by cooperation between National Child Development Research
Centre (NCDRC) and Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI). This database keeps children,
educators and child care center (TASKA) keeps data to facilitates stakeholders (PERMATA,
KEMAS, YPKT and SWD) to plan and implement programs that are structured with National
Children’s Care and Early Childhood care policy which emphasizes development for children,
from birth to 4 years old and the development of potential children based on Malaysia's reference.

Overall, NCDC is a web-based database that :

• Collect data and profiles of children (0-3 + years), nursery and educators / caregivers.
• Monitor the development of children based on the PERMATA development checklist.
• Provide information related to researchers and specialists in Early Childhood Care and
Education (ECCE).
• Provide links to NGOs and associations linked to Child Care and Early Childhood
• Generate reports on children, nurseries and educators for agency use and stakeholders.

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Current System Flowchart

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1.5 Current System Problem

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2. Proposed Project Overview

2.1 Proposed System Process

Proposed System Process Flowchart as Administrator

Proposed System Process Flowchart as User

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2.2 Proposed System Objectives

• To create an easier way for educators and guardians to log in to the system, instead of
entering their name and password, the system will only receive ID numbers.
• To generate a system that allowed staffs and parents to directly access and update any
information about their children, for example, if the house address changed, the parents
can change the information directly in the system, which is faster than inform the staffs
to change the information.
• To prevent data redundancy, for example, when a child is enrolled in another school or
kindergarten, the information will stay in the system, and the information will be added
into their new school or kindergarten.
• To prevent unwanted users from accessing the system, unique ID is generated after
registered users as staff or parents, unregistered users are not able to log in to the

2.3 Proposed System Scopes

1. Parents
Can register their own personal information, register their own child/children and can view
and edit their own and their child’s/children's information.

2. Staff
Can register their own personal information, register new child/children and can view and
edit their own information and child’s/children’s information.

3. Limitation
• Dependency on knowledge in using Internet.
• Dependency on Internet access.

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2.4 Proposed System Entity and Attributes

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3. Project Organization
3.1 Organizational Structure

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3.2 Roles and Responsibilities.

• Monitor project progress, identifying potential issues, and taking
corrective actions as necessary
• Mentor team members, providing guidance on professional
development and skill enhancement
TS. DR. NUR HUDA • Conduct regular meetings with the project team to review
BINTI JAAFAR progress and make adjustments to the project plan
• Facilitate communication and collaboration among team
members, fostering a positive and productive work environment.
Project Manager:
• Define project scope, objectives and deliverables in consultation
with team members
• Assign tasks to team members, establish priorities, and monitor
progress towards project milestones
NUR IMAN • Communicate regularly with team members to provide updates
SYAMILAH BINTI on project status
• Lead project meetings, facilitate discussions and resolve
conflicts or issues that may arise during execution
Database Designer:
• Analyze project requirements to determine the data entities,
relationships, and constraints that need to be represented in the
• Design and create database schemas, table, relations, and
NURHILYATUN other database objects using appropriate database
SOFIA BINTI management tools and techniques.
SHARULANUAR • Conduct thorough testing of the database design to ensure
compatibility, reliability, and scalability.
• Document database design decisions, data dictionaries, and
maintenance procedures for reference and future updates.

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• Translate project specifications and design requirements into
well-structured, efficient, and maintainable code.
• Write clean, readable, and modular code using appropriate
programming language such as Visual Basic.
NUR SYAMIMI • Conduct unit testing and debugging to identify and resolve
HANAN BINTI software defects, performance issues, or compatibility
SOLIHIN problems.
• Stay updated on emerging technologies, programming
languages, and development methodologies to continuously
improve coding skills and practices.
System Analyst
• Gather and document project requirements through interviews
and analysis of existing documentation or systems.
• Analyze business processes, workflows, and data structures to
identify opportunities for improvement or automation.
ZAHRATUL • Define system requirements, including functional and non-
FARIHIN BINTI functional requirements, user interfaces, and system interfaces.
• Provide ongoing support and consultation to stakeholders
throughout the project lifecycle, addressing issues, answering
questions, and managing change requests.

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4. Management Process
4.1 Project Plan

5. Commercial Values

We prioritized user-friendliness from the outset when developing the program. We also guarantee
that our system is straightforward for educators and parents to utilize. Our major goal is to ensure
that consumers get the greatest possible experience while also improving on what we had before.
In addition, we will immediately address any errors that we identify.

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