Alg-Iat-1 (2023)

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B.E./B.Tech. –Internal Assessment Test - 1
Department: CSE Year: II Semester: IV
Sub Code: CS3401 Subject Name: Algorithms Regulation: 2021
Date: 27.03.23 Session: AN Time: 1½ hours Max. Marks: 50

(Answer ALL the questions)

PART - A (7 x 2 = 14 Marks)

1. Define Algorithms.
2. How will you measure the efficiency of an Algorithm.
3. Define space & time complexity.
4. What is Recurrence relation & mention its solving methods.
5. What is minimum spanning tree..
6. Draw the graph for Adjacency matrix containing 5 vertex & 11 edges.
7. Give one example for following i) connected Graph ii)weighted graph iii) complete Graph.

PART-B (2 x 12 = 24 Marks)

8. Discuss in detail all the asymptotic notations with examples (6)

9. Explain about the Recurrence Relations T(n)=T(n-1)+1 using forward & backward Substitution method. (6)
10.Write algorithm & solve the graph using Prim’s & Kruskal’s Algorithm (8)

11. Explain the Knuth Morris Algorithm method for the text “ABAABABAY” & the pattern “BAY” (4)
12.Solve the problem using BFS & DFS (7)

13.Explain the heap sort with the following elements 78,32,56,8,23,45 (5)

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