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Acad. Quest.

(2010) 23:381–385
DOI 10.1007/s12129-010-9173-z

Race, Wrongs, and Remedies: systems that disadvantage them, often

Group Justice in the 21st in subtle ways. According to this view,
Century, by Amy L. Wax. we must toughen anti-discrimination
Rowman & Littlefield laws, revamp systems to eliminate
Publishers, 2009, 190 pp., disparate racial impacts, implement
$29.95 hardbound. bigger, racially targeted social welfare
programs, expand racial preferences,
and perhaps make racial reparations.
A Better Direction
A substantial minority of blacks
George W. Dent Jr. and whites have challenged this
approach, but there has been no
Published online: 2 July 2010
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2010 comprehensive rebuttal. That gap
has now been admirably filled by
For several decades in the Race, Wrongs, and Remedies:
mid-twentieth century the gap Group Justice in the 21st Century
between black and white Americans by Amy Wax, the Robert Mundheim
steadily narrowed by most economic Professor of Law at the University
and social measures. Moreover, in the of Pennsylvania School of Law.
mid-1960s the civil rights movement Wax summarizes the many
seemed to fulfill its legal goals with empirical studies that, taken together,
the passage of several key civil rights reveal current discrimination to be a
laws and President Lyndon Johnson’s minor factor in racial inequality.1 The
imposition of the first federal mandate effect of poverty lingering from past
for racial preferences. discrimination is also a dubious
Sadly, progress toward equality did factor in underperformance by black
not continue but halted. Why? And Americans, because even poorer
can we revive it? Liberals answer that black immigrants often outperform
blacks bear crippling wounds from native-born blacks. Rather, inequality
past mistreatment and face continuing persists because many blacks have
discrimination, if not from racial 1
E.g., Devah Pager, “The Use of Field Experiments
animus, from ostensibly neutral social for Studies of Employment Discrimination:
Contributions, Critiques, and Directions for the
Future,” Annals of the American Academy
George W. Dent, Jr., is the Schott-van den of Political and Social Sciences 609, no. 1
Eynden Professor of Law at Case Western (2007): 104–33; James Heckman, “Detecting
Reserve University School of Law, Cleveland, Discrimination,” Journal of Economic Perspectives
OH 44106-7148; 12, no. 2 (Spring 1998): 101–16.
382 Dent

internalized attitudes and behaviors perform their own rehabilitation. She

that preclude them from capitalizing admits that at some level this is unjust,
on opportunities now available. but it is inevitable. And it is not
This diagnosis, which is “blaming the victim”: encouraging
well-written and convincing but not personal responsibility is not
entirely new, is denounced by liberals inconsistent with admitting past
as “blaming the victim.” As Wax wrongs. As Malcolm X said, “You
notes, this phrase has a talismanic can blame a person for knocking you
power to paralyze discussions of race. down but you can’t blame that same
For blacks it reinforces their sense of person if you refuse to get up....
being victims of injustice. For whites However much slave history taught
it crystallizes feelings of racial guilt. us about the injustice and misery we as
And although whites may not feel a people had suffered, it did not excuse
personally responsible for wrongs us from assuming responsibility for
committed long ago (and by people ourselves and each other by altering its
who are not even ancestors of most course.”2
whites living now), they fear that In Wax’s parable the culprit must
“blaming the victim” compounds pay for the pedestrian’s rehabilitation
the original injustice, making them and compensate him for his lost
accessories after the fact. income, pain, and suffering. In the
It is in exorcizing this hex that racial context, liberals argue that
Race, Wrongs, and Remedies is whites must compensate blacks for
most original and insightful. Wax their pain and suffering and lost
shows that some wrongs simply income, but that whites haven’t
cannot be corrected by the culprit. even paid the costs of rehabilitation.
She presents “The Parable of the The latter charge is evidenced by
Pedestrian” who is crippled by the supposed short-changing of
a reckless motorist. Although predominantly black schools and
blameless, the pedestrian cannot the (resulting) subpar academic
walk again without undertaking an performance of blacks. Compensation
arduous, painful rehabilitation. The is often demanded in the form of
negligent driver must pay for the mammoth reparations.
victim’s medical treatment and
rehabilitation, but cannot personally Malcolm X, quoted in Benjamin Karim, Peter
Skutches, and David Gallen, Remembering
perform the physical therapy. Malcolm: The Story of Malcolm X from Inside
the Muslim Mosque by His Assistant Minister
Wax analogizes black Americans Benjamin Karim (New York: Carroll & Graf,
to the injured pedestrian—they must 1992), 109.
Reviews 383

Wax shows that charges of evidence is consistent with the

“short-changing” are mostly bogus. opposite effect....[B]y lowering
There is little difference in spending barriers to entry, affirmative action
between predominantly black may depress minority precollege
and predominantly white public effort and achievement.”
schools.3 More important, further To follow Wax’s parable again,
spending is unlikely to hasten you can place the injured pedestrian
rehabilitation; it has little effect on one foot from the end of the course
academic performance.4 Reparations and declare him the marathon
would be enjoyed, but “money has winner when he crosses the finish
no proved effect on behavior,” line first, but he still can’t walk
which Wax shows to be the core of properly; everyone knows that, and,
the problem. unless coerced by anti-discrimination
Society has attempted to enforce laws, no one will hire this “marathon
greater equality through racial champion” for a job requiring real
preferences in hiring and in university mobility.
admissions, but Wax argues that these If liberal nostrums cannot close the
preferences have not worked except racial gap, what can? Wax shows that
to assuage white guilt and to spawn cultural factors can significantly
bureaucracies with many well-paid i n f l u e n c e o u t c o me s —v a l u i n g
jobs for minorities to administer marriage, education, and work, and
“diversity” programs. As Wax notes, avoiding crime and drug use.
racial preferences are not even Privately, most liberals probably
designed to help the most needy realize this, but they refuse to “blame
blacks, but rather the least. Some the victim,” and support measures
individuals profit from preferences, they know to be useless, if only to
but they do not lead to better minority parade their own virtue.
performance overall. “Indeed, the Of course, Wax has no miracle
cure to offer. She admits we know
Wax cites Meredith Phillips and Tiffani Chin, little about how to change culture,
“School Inequality: What Do We Know?” in
Social Inequality, ed. Kathryn M. Neckerman especially with government programs,
(New York: Russell Sage Foundation Press, 2004),
510, which finds that the average expenditure is
but insists that cultures can change.
actually lower for white than for black pupils. She cites as evidence the new taboo
One study Wax cites that presents evidence against smoking. In this regard,
against a connection between education spending
and achievement is Michael Heise, “Litigated we might also recall Gertrude
Learning, Law’s Limits, and Urban School
Reform Challenges,” North Carolina Law Review
Himmelfarb’s documentation of
85, no. 5 (June 2007): 1452–64. the dramatic reduction in poverty
384 Dent

accomplished in Victorian England blacks, who are themselves helpless

by reformers committed to changing except to protest their helplessness.
the behavior of the poor.5 But this was Liberals are not merely silent about
a massive private effort motivated but often approve self-defeating
largely by religion. Congress cannot behavior. The “family gap” between
enact a law to duplicate this success. blacks and whites stemming from the
One person cannot transform the breakdown of the black family is now
nation, but anyone can support the biggest cause of racial inequality,
local initiatives, Wax argues, and yet liberals condone single-parent
those with access to public forums, families and paternal irresponsibility
including academics, can promote in order to comfort the afflicted.
changes in cultural attitudes and Many blacks disdain education
behavior. One voice cannot change because working hard in school is
social attitudes, but a critical mass of “acting white.” Blacks who try
committed people could. Government self-improvement “can be viewed as
can do little to improve cultural turning their backs on friends, or as
attitudes, but it can stop hindering ‘selling out.’” Furthermore, “Seeing
progress, as it now does, thereby the surrounding society as alien and
allowing private efforts to flourish. hostile promotes an oppositional
Wax argues that the witch hunt attitude that undermines the will to
for vestigial race discrimination, the succeed.”
stress on welfare programs and “A dramatic transformation in
racial preferences, and the refusal the attitude of black leadership is
to discuss culture for fear of indispensable,” Wax argues, and sees
“blaming the victim,” divert and even as a positive sign President Obama’s
obstruct efforts that might really declaration that government help “will
work. The current approach fosters not make any difference unless we
blacks’ sense that they are victims [i.e., blacks] have a change of heart.”
who can be saved only by whites. My only criticisms of Race,
Ironically, these attitudes breed Wrongs, and Remedies are a couple
fatalistic passivity. Whites are treated of friendly amendments. First,
as the only responsible adults, as the Wax’s call for “[g]iving up on
ones who can solve not only their political solutions” and focusing
own problems but also those of exclusively on self-help will surely
be taken out of context and offered
Gertrude Himmelfarb, Poverty and Compassion:
The Moral Imagination of the Late Victorians
as proof of indifference. Other
(New York: Knopf, 1991). passages in the book show that this
Reviews 385

phrase is not intended too broadly. Americans are not black, it becomes
Government could, inter alia, lower easier to discuss the problem and
taxes on low-income workers, how to solve it. Changing the topic
improve law enforcement in from race to general disadvantage
crime-ridden neighborhoods, lets us escape the blame game and
strengthen support for marriage, makes it easier to discuss remedies.
and reduce the number of illegal Wax tackles the problem of race, so
immigrants who take jobs away she talks about race. But, ironically,
from some Americans and drive to solve the problem of race we
down the wages of others. These need to stop talking about race. In
are “political solutions,” but they are declaring an “end to welfare as we
not social welfare program. And know it,” President Clinton called
they are not racially discriminatory, for reciprocity, i.e., for efforts by the
but they would disproportionately poor in return for help from society.
benefit blacks. He did not tie the demand to
More important, we should stop race. Most Americans reject racial
treating racial differences as the reparations but acknowledge a duty
only inequality in society. All whites to help those in need.
are considered privileged and all Wax recognizes it’s unclear how
blacks, however well-off, are best to help the needy, but we have
deemed victims of injustice and some ideas. Private, local efforts
deserving of racial preferences. But work best. (The Harlem Children’s
inequality in America has many Zone is a fine example.) Much
dimensions other than race. Perhaps of the solution lies in improving
the biggest inequality is between individual behavior, so just shifting
children in intact families and the debate from the blame game to
children in broken or single-parent responsibility and reciprocity could
families. foster major progress. The approach
If we recognize that race is not of the last forty years has failed.
the sole or even primary source of Amy Wax has pointed to a better
disadvantage and that most poor path for needy people of all colors.
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