Reflective Portfolio - Week 6

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During Week 6's lecture, the topic of "Gender" was introduced, which proved enlightening

for me. While I had prior awareness of the diverse spectrum of genders, this lecture provided
a deeper understanding. Coming from India, I've observed that while my generation
acknowledges and accepts the fluidity of gender identity, older generations often view it as
taboo. This perspective, in my opinion, is flawed, as individual choice should be respected
without judgment.
The lecture further acquainted me with terms like "gender neutral" and "gender fluid,"
concepts I found intriguing. As it progressed, we delved into the notion of gender as a social
construct, along with discussions on "patriarchy" and "feminism." Particularly, the pervasive
influence of patriarchy in Indian society struck me deeply. Despite women's equal
contributions to households, the patriarchal structure persists, with men typically assuming
decision-making roles.
I vividly recall a moment from my childhood when, upon my uncle's passing, responsibility
was thrust upon my younger brother solely due to his gender. Even at that young age, I found
this notion absurd; why should gender dictate familial responsibilities? Fortunately, attitudes
are evolving, especially beyond the older generations, bringing me hope for change.
In the assigned reading, "How Women Engineers Do and Undo Gender: Consequences for
Gender Equality," I encountered insights into the challenges women face due to entrenched
stereotypes. Addressing these issues requires not only policy changes within organizations
but also a shift in societal mindsets. True progress begins with acknowledging women as
equals to men.
Additionally, the comic "You Should've Asked" resonated with me, emphasizing the
universality of familial dynamics despite cultural differences. Reflecting on my own family,
where females outnumber males, I appreciate how my aunt has raised my brother to share
household responsibilities. Witnessing his contributions inspires me to instill similar values in
any future sons of mine. Indeed, fostering change in societal norms begins with how we raise
individuals, a responsibility I am committed to fulfilling.

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