Part 2 - Recent Questions

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IELTS Speaking Test

Recent Questions

2020-01-11: Part 2
Describe an incident/situation when someone apologized to you.
You should say:

 when this happened

 what happened
 who apologized to you
 and explain why they apologized to you.

2020-01-11: Part 2
Describe an article you read from internet or magazines about healthy life.
You should say:

 what the article was about

 where you read it (which magazine or website)
 when you read it
 and explain what you learned from the article.
 Do you think articles about fitness are generally useful?

2020-01-11: Part 2
Describe a time when you visited a park or garden.
You should say:

 where the park is

 when you visit it
 what you did there
 And explain why you visited it.

2020-01-11: Part 2
Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet.
You should say:

 who this person is

 how you know him/her
 why he/she is often in the news
 and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

2020-01-11: Part 2
Describe a change that can improve your local area.
You should say:

 what it is
 how the change would work
 what kinds of problems the change will solve
 and describe how it would improve your local area.
2020-01-06: Part 2
Describe a successful small company.
You should say:

 what company it is
 what this company produces
 how you know about this company
 and explain why you think this company is successful.

2020-02-08: Part 2
Describe a place where you can read and write (not your home). You should say:

 where it is
 who you go with to this place
 and explain why it is better place to read and write.

2020-02-08: Part 2
Describe a place you remember well and it was colorful.
You should say:

 where it is
 what it is like
 what it is used for
 and explain why you remember it well.

2020-02-08: Part 2
Describe an interesting conversation you had.
You should say:

 when and where you had it

 whom you were with
 why it was interesting
 And explain how you felt after that.

2020-02-07: Part 2
Describe a time of seeing interesting animals/bird. You should say:

 what it was
 when and where you saw it
 and explain why you think it was interesting.

2020-02-02: Part 2
Describe a person who is good at his/her work. You should say:

 who this person is

 what his or her job is
 How well he/she manages his/her work
 and explain why this person is good at the job.
2020-02-02: Part 2
Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake.
You should say:

 When it happened
 Why you were sleepy
 And explain why you had to stay awake.

2020-02-02: Part 2
Describe an important a text message you received. You should say:

 when you received this message

 who sent it to you
 what was the content of the message
 and explain how you felt after you received it.

2020-02-01: Part 2
Describe a person who is often in the news, and who you would like to meet. You should

 who this person is

 how you know him/her
 why he/she is often in the news
 and explain why you would like to meet him/her.

2020-02-01: Part 2
Describe something which you borrowed was useful. You should say:

 what it is
 when you borrowed
 who you borrowed from
 and explain why it was useful.

2020-02-01: Part 2
Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future.
You should say:

 what it is
 where you noticed it
 And explain why you would not like to do it.
 Do you know anyone performing that sort of work.
2020-02-01: Part 2
Describe a change that can improve your local area.
You should say:

 what it is
 how the change would work
 what kind of problems the change will solve.

and describe how it would improve your local area.

2020-02-01: Part 2
Describe a situation when you helped someone.

 who you helped

 how you helped him/her
 why you helped him/her.
 and explain how you felt about giving help.

2020-01-31: Part 2
Talk about a traditional product (e.g. food, handicraft…) from your local region.

 What it is
 What it is like
 How it is made
 And explain why it is popular.

020-01-30: Part 2
Describe an occasion when you could not use your mobile phone.
You should say:

 When it was
 Where it was
 Why you could not use your mobile phone
 And how you felt about it.

2020-01-28: Part 2
Describe a time you were a member of a team on sport/work.
You should say:

 what the team was

 what your role was in the team
 and explain how you felt about being part of the team.
2020-01-25: Part 2
Describe a time when you first met someone.
You should say:

 where you met him or her

 when you met him or her
 what you talked about
 and explain how you felt about it.

2020-01-23: Part 2
Describe a successful small company.
You should say:

 what company it is
 what this company produces
 how you know about this company
 and explain why you think this company is successful.

2020-01-21: Part 2
Describe a picture or photograph you like in your room.
You should say:

 where it is
 where you got it
 how you got it
 And explain why you like it.

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